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Messages posté(e)s par Dahrkan

  1. Bonjour à tous!

    Le tournoi format ITC a du mal à se remplir. Aussi, nous voulons proposer pour ceux qui le souhaitent un tournoi 2000 pts au format GW, scénarios ETC, en parallèle du format ITC. 
    Nous utiliserons pour l'occasion la version test des scénarios ETC sortis en début de semaine que vous pouvez trouver ici:
    Pensez à bien indiquer le format de votre liste dans le titre afin de faciliter les corrections. 
    Afin que la correction et l'acceptation des listes se fassent rapidement et parce que les corriger toutes nous-même nous prendrait beaucoup trop de temps, nous voulons essayer un nouveau système: 
    - les participants peuvent poster leurs listes sur MHQ jusque Vendredi soir 22h.
    - Vendredi soir, nous diffuserons les listes, comme d'habitude. 
    - Une fois les listes diffusée, chaque joueur doit corriger la liste avant la sienne et après la sienne.
    - S'il trouve une erreur, il la signale sur ce sujet. S'il n'en trouve pas, il peut signaler qu'il a corrigé mais rien trouvé. 
    - S'il est découvert qu'une liste est fausse dans le tournoi, le joueur subira une pénalité forfaitaire au goal average en plus de toute autre pénalité qu'il pourrait encourir si cette erreur lui a fourni un avantage certain durant les parties. Les correcteurs, s'ils n'ont rien posté sur le forum, recevront aux aussi cette pénalité de goal average (on estimera que le rôle de correcteur n'a pas été tenu). 
    Bien sûr, les joueurs s'étant inscrits au format ITC peuvent librement passer au format ETC s'ils le souhaitent. 
    Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas!
  2. Bonjour à tous!


    Je repasse pour clarifier deux trois petites choses que j'ai vu passer!


    Premièrement concernant les candidatures que nous aurions reçu et pas dérivé: il n'y en a pas eu. En effet, nous avons prospecté pour des salles, afin de postuler comme candidats à l'organisation. Rien de plus, rien de moins. Il n'a jamais été question d'intervenir directement dans le choix de l'organisateur et, à ma connaissance, personne ne nous a contacté en nous déclarant vouloir postuler pour l'organisation de l'IR (et encore heureux, puisque le choix ne reposait pas sur nous). 

    Pas d'ingérence de ce côté là, donc. 



    Concernant la communication et la transparence, il est évident qu'il y a un gros loupé de notre part concernant l'annonce tardive. Ceci a été mal géré et nous nous en excusons. Je tiens toutefois à rassurer l'équipe du Sud: il n'était pas question de couper l'herbe sous le pied de qui que ce soit, nous n'avions juste pas les moyens de réaliser notre projet et une possibilité s'est offerte à nous que très tardivement. La non transparence avait une bonne raison: nous ne voulions pas annoncer un projet incertain. Pour ne pas faire monter la hype inutilement, pour ne pas mettre fin à des projets qui auraient pu être meilleurs ou tout simplement pour ne pas que l'IR disparaisse si notre projet n'est pas réalisable en fin de compte. Nous avions retenu une deadline au 30 septembre, on s'était donné jusque là pour monter la chose. Pas de double jeu, juste une prudence dans l'annonce (parce qu'annoncer qu'on a un projet dans les cartons alors qu'on n'a même pas fini de construire le carton, c'est un peu compliqué). 


    Au sujet du rôle de l'association (puisque le sujet a, apparemment, dévié là dessus): FEQ cela veut effectivement dire French ETC Qualifier. L'association a été créé dans le but d'organiser le qualif ETC. C'est un fait établi. 

    Toutefois, cela fait maintenant 4 ans que le soutien et la promotion du milieu compétitif de 40k en France ont été ajouté dans les missions principales de l'association. Cela fait d'ailleurs environ autant de temps que ceci a été ajouté aux statuts déposés en préfecture. Et vu que cela fait donc 4 ans qu'on travaille aussi pour proposer de plus en plus de choses aux organisateurs - que pratiquement tout le bureau est par ailleurs - il serait bon de ne pas l'oublier. 

    Par contre, il y a une chose que la FEQ ne fait pas et n'a pas prévu de faire car elle ne veut pas le faire, c'est imposer sa volonté aux organisateurs de tournoi. Un orga est, reste et doit rester maître en son domaine. La FEQ peut apporter son aide pour l'organisation, l'arbitrage ou quoique ce soit d'autre s'il le souhaite, mais ne lui imposera jamais rien. D'autant plus qu'aujourd'hui, nous n'avons aucune légitimité officielle pour le faire. 


    Mais globalement si vous avez des questions, des plaintes, des remarques vis à vis de la FEQ, je vous invite plutôt à nous les faire directement par MP ou autre, nous sommes ouverts au dialogue et ce n'est pas vraiment le sujet ici.

  3. Alors, on va tous se détendre ?


    Les propos de Kontere n’avaient qu’un seul objectif: prévenir que la FEQ avait peut être une salle pour reprendre l’IR, il nous fallait juste quelques jours de plus pour valider ou non. 


    Si la candidature se précise, alors nous serions un candidat comme les autres qui en aucun cas ne bénéficierait de quelconque passe droit. Il n’est pas question de reprendre l’évent de façon despotique. 


    La FEQ est une association qui a pour but certes d’organiser les qualif ETC mais aussi de soutenir le milieu compétitif et le développement du hobby en France. L’IR a, depuis sa création, été un jalon important de la scène Hobbyistique française. 

    Cela signifie que dans tous les cas, que nous soyons candidat à part entière ou non faute de temps/salle/moyen, nous apporterons tout le soutien possible à l’IR, comme nous le faisons depuis deux ans. Nous continuerons donc à proposer notre aide et nos moyens en matière d’arbitrage ou de quoique ce soit d’autre qui pourrait être utile aux organisateurs de l’événement. Ceci afin que tout se passe dans les meilleures conditions et que l’IR reste ce qu’il a toujours été: la messe du Hobby, un grand moment de rassemblement entre tous les hobbyistes de France. 


    C’est le seul objectif!

  4. Bonjour à tous!

    Voici donc la liste des équipes ainsi que la région d'origine! 

    Semi Croustillants
    Fuseurs Lorrains
    Normandie Stand or Die
    Paris United Alpha
    Paris Unites Omega
    Fils du Warp
    Les Joueurs du Garage
    Anvil Dragoon - Team CFVE
    From Nowhere PLayers
    OSS 77: Terra ne répond plus
    Arcadia 404
    Instant Strastégique
    Les Gardiens de la Galaxie
    Anvil Dragoon - Team Devastation
    Anvil Dragoon - Team Groot
    Bisounours 2
    Paris United Delta
    Licornes Truquées
    Anvil Dragoon - Team Tableraze
    Rillettes Unleashed
    Cartel de Trolls
    Nephael Team
    Nice Wargame Association
    Manants des sources
    Les Zinzins de l'Espace
    Unicorn Rex
    Pop Pop
    Les Boyz de la Rade
    Wargame Spirit Crew
    NWA de Cajou
    Joueurs du Garage 2
    Mouans Raiders

    On a donc 39 équipes française cette année, et on va sans doute compléter avec nos amis Suisse, comme chaque année (sous réserve qu'ils soient d'accord, bien entendu!)

    Concernant les régions d'origine, nous avons: 
    3 équipes venant d'Alsace Lorraine Grand Est
    7 équipes venant d'Auvergne Rhônes Alpes
    4 équipes de Bretagne Normandie
    1 équipe de Franche Comté
    1 équipe de l'Hérault
    5 équipes de Nouvelle Aquitaine
    1 équipe des Pays de la Loire
    8 équipes de PACA
    9 équipes d'Ile de France 



    Les dates et lieux du D3 arrivent dans peu de temps ?

  5. @Cedp C'est bizarre que tu ne puisses pas m'envoyer de MP, ma mémoire doit être saturée... Mais peu importe, je vais répondre à tes questions ici, ça servira à tout le monde. 


    il y a 20 minutes, Cedp a dit :

    - Nous sommes 8 joueurs et 2 coachs, nous devrions donc payer pour l'inscription 8x25 (D3 joueur)+ 2 x15 (D3 coach) + 10x10 (cotisation FEQ) = 330 € est ce bien cela ?

    C'est exactement ça!


    il y a 20 minutes, Cedp a dit :

    - Y a t il une autre démarche que remplir la fiche d’inscription pour valider notre équipe et donc notre appartenance à l'association de la FEQ ?

    Il faut payer la cotisation aussi pour indiquer l'appartenance à l'association. Mais sans ça, rien d'autre. 


    il y a 21 minutes, Cedp a dit :

    - Je suppose qu'il faut vous faire un unique versement pour l'inscription de l'équipe + cotisation ? Pouvez vous nous donner le compte paypal de la FEQ ?

    Un seul virement est mieux oui, pour nous c'est plus pratique à gérer. Pour le paiement, plusieurs solutions: paypal, virement ou chèque. Je t'envoie les informations en MP (on veut éviter de les rendre totalement publiques). 


    il y a 26 minutes, Cedp a dit :

    - Si jamais un de nos joueurs est absent au dernier moment lors du D3, un des coachs peut-il le remplacer au pieds levé ? (je suppose que le coach jouera la même liste que celle validé par le joueur absent)

    Plusieurs éléments :

    - la liste des joueurs que vous transmettez avant le 15 septembre est indicative. Elle sert à prouver que vous avez bien au moins 8 joueurs. Toutefois, si pour des raisons X vous deviez la changer, aucun souci, c'est possible jusqu'au rendu des listes du D3. 

    - Si après le rendu des listes du D3 (normalement 15 jours avant) un imprévu empêche un des joueurs de participer, le coach est censé le remplacer (c'est un de leurs rôles). Si jamais cela ne pouvait pas se faire, il est possible de recruter un autre joueur, pour peu qu'il ne joue pas déjà dans une autre équipe. Et bien sûr, les listes ne changent plus à ce stade (on parle ici de cas de force majeure). 

    - j'anticipe une question récurrente: pour l'instant les coach ne peuvent pas jouer dans une autre équipe, mais nous ne sommes pas sûr de maintenir ce point. Cela sera sans doute voté par les capitaines des équipes participantes. 


    Il y a 3 heures, Cedp a dit :

    - Je n'ai pas compris la tolérance concernant la peinture des figurines pour les qualificatifs, figurines WYSIWYG, taille de socle conforme avec votre tableau, peinture obligatoire ? je n'ai pas l'impression.

    Globalement on ne sera pas trop relou sur la peinture et le wysiwyg (pour des raisons de changement de méta) même si on préférerait avoir le maximum d'armées peintes (personnellement je m'arrange toujours pour être peint au maximum, même si c'est du rainbow warrior car je dois emprunter des figurines). En revanche, pour des raisons de règles et d'équité, les socles devront être conformes au document de synthèse, et le gabarit des figurines doit s'approcher de la figurine officielle (l'idéal en cas de conversion étant d'avoir un exemplaire de la figurine officielle servant à checker les lignes de vue). 


    En espérant avoir répondu à tout!

  6. Avis à tous les tournoyeurs de France!


    Chaque année les tournois du qualif ETC rassemblent la communauté autour de tournois de haute volée permettant de désigner l’équipe qui ira représenter la France à l’ETC! Et cette année ne fera pas exception, la lutte sera intense pour aller représenter notre nation au Luxembourg en 2020. 


    Vos bolters vous démangent? Vous n’attendez qu’une chose, vous frotter aux meilleurs joueurs et leur montrer de quel bois vous êtes fait? Alors n’attendez plus: l’inscription des équipes pour le qualif ETC est officiellement ouverte à compter de ce jour et jusqu’au 15 septembre minuit !



    Modalités d’inscriptions:

    • Constituer une équipe de 8 joueurs ou plus. 
    • Remplir la fiche d’inscription et l’autorisation d’utilisation de l’image disponible ici:
    • La transmettre au bureau de la FEQ en l’envoyant par mail à l’adresse
    • régler l’inscription de l’équipe au D3 (25€ par joueur, 15€ pour les coach) et leur adhésion à la FEQ (10€ par personne), par chèque ou par Paypal. 
    • s’inscrire au D3 de votre équipe lorsqu’il sera annoncé. 


    Eléments de calendrier:

    Du 3 novembre 2019 au 15 décembre 2019 : Première phase (D3)

    Du 12 janvier 2020 au 2 février 2020 : Deuxième phase (D2)

    Du 16 février 2020 au 1 mars 2020 : Phase finale (D1)


    Eléments de géographie:

    Les D3 seront réparties un peu partout en France. Si vous êtes organisateur de tournoi et que vous souhaitez proposer votre salle pour accueillir un des tournois du qualif, n’hésitez pas à contacter la FEQ qui peut fournir autant d’aide que possible. 


    Répartition des équipes:

    La répartition au sein des D3 se fera en fonction de la répartition géographique des équipes et de leur classement au qualif de l’année dernière. 

    La répartition au sein des D2 se fait prioritairement en fonction du Big Ranking mis à jour avec les résultats des D3. 


    Déroulement de la saison:

    La saison se déroulera sur le même modèle que celle de l’année dernière:

    des D3 à 4 équipes qui s’affrontent toutes. 

    une équipe qualifiée d’office par D3, celle qui termine à la première place

    des repêchés parmi les meilleurs deuxième

    des D2 à 4 équipes qui s’affrontent toutes.

    une équipe qualifiée par D2, comme pour les D3. 

    le meilleur deuxième repêché. 


    A noter toutefois que le nombre de D3, le nombre de repêchés et le nombre de D2 dépendent du nombre d’équipes inscrites. La forme précise du qualif sera diffusée à la fin des inscriptions. 


    Au sujet des effectifs des équipes:

    A ce stade, les effectifs des équipes peuvent être modifiées. Les fiches d’inscriptions avec les effectifs de l’équipe seront mises à jour lors du rendu des listes du D3. 

    Les effectifs définitifs de l’équipe sont donc déterminés lors du rendu des listes du D3. Notamment vis à vis du mercenariat. 

    Toutefois, pour valider l’inscription de l’équipe, il est nécessaire de payer l’inscription au D3 et l’adhésion à la FEQ des 8 joueurs au D3. Ceci car nous avons besoin du nombre d’équipe pour fixer l’organisation du circuit. 

    N’inscrivez votre équipe que si vous êtes certains d’avoir au moins 8 joueurs disponibles.


    Au sujet du droit à l’image:

    L'autorisation du droit à l’image est demandée à tous les joueurs afin de s’assurer que l’association ne diffusera pas d’image sans votre consentement. Nous renvoyer le document signé signifie que vous donnez votre accord pour apparaître dans les films et photos des qualif que nous diffuserons sur Facebook et/ou les chaînes Youtube partenaires. 

    Pour manifester votre refus d'apparaître dans ces publications, vous pouvez soit ne pas renvoyer le document soit nous signifier ce refus directement par mail. 

    Vous disposez de plus d’un droit de rétractation: si vous nous envoyez l’autorisation mais que par la suite vous ne souhaitez plus apparaître dans les publications, il suffit de nous le signifier par mail afin que nous en prenions acte. 


    Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter!

  7. il y a 11 minutes, axma78550 a dit :

    @Le Gob

    Je suis d'accord qu'on ne vise pas 20 à tous les coups en jeu par équipe, mais là en l'occurrence le joueur fait :

    • 9 vs. Thousand sons / Démons
    • 16 vs. Drukhari
    • 8 vs. Tyranids / Genestealer Cult
    • 0 vs. Orks
    • 1 vs. T'au
    • 0 vs. AdMech

    En comparaison Dletch qui joue une liste chaos plus classique, mais avec 3 Discordants fait

    • 20 vs. Craftworlds
    • 20 vs. Chaos Daemons, Thousand Sons
    • 20 vs. Craftworlds 
    • 20 vs. Imperial Knight
    • 3 vs. Orks
    • 0 vs.  Chaos Daemons, Thousand sons

    Donc bon, je trouve que rétrospectivement la liste "full daemon engines" fait pas des miracles, elle gère le Drukhari qui galère sur les véhicules et le reste c'est pas fou. Personnellement je suis pas convaincu mais chacun tire ses propres conclusions.



    Je pense que la raison est assez simple: il manque cruellement de super opé et de façon de scorer efficacement, en plus d'avoir affronté des MU difficile. AdMech, Orks et T'au c'est un peu la merde pour ce genre de liste qui compte sur la résilience et l'arrivée au close: ces trois armées ont la puissance de feu adéquate pour le tuer en 3 tours. Le Tyranide a de quoi Out Scorer les machines démons facilement aussi, idem pour le démon, mais sans avoir de moyen de le tuer facilement. Le drukhari, sans savoir ce qui était joué, impossible de faire une interprétation, et j'ai la flemme d'aller voir ^^. 

    Après, le mec était chez les Russes, qui ont fait 2e. Ils se sont peut-être gardé une liste anti élite/gros pour les roster qui en contiendrait plusieurs, tout en ayant la possibilité de le sacrifier sur une grosse liste pour aider les appariements des copains. 

  8. il y a 19 minutes, Le Gob a dit :

    Si je dis pas de connerie, sont aussi compté comme joueur d'un pays les personnes y ayant leur residence principale. 


    Dahrkan je m'engage à te coller un 20/0 si tu rencontres la Suisse cette année ?

    Tu sais que je crois qu'on n'a jamais joué l'un contre l'autre? 

  9. il y a 33 minutes, Alezya a dit :

    Et c'est même pas une question de nationalité, mais d'être né et/ou d'avoir des parents directs du-dit pays.

    Alors ça a ptetr changé mais pour moi c'était nationalité sur le passeport qui faisait foi. Enfin bref c'est un détail ^^

  10. Je n'ai pas vu, mais après c'est possible qu'un Américain rejoigne des Anglais. Les règles des équipes sont assez simples: pour qu'une équipe puisse représenter un pays, il faut que la moitié de son effectif ait la nationalité du pays. 


    Du coup, un seul américain parmi les anglais, ça marche dans les règles. 

  11. Normalement toutes les pénalités induites par des erreurs sont indiquées dans le Rulepack ETC, disponible sur le site de la FEQ (donc ici:


    Les erreurs de formatage ou qui ne rendent pas la liste illégale n'enlèvent pas de point. Genre l'oubli de préciser les pouvoirs psy, payer un équipement en trop sans que cela excède les 2000 pts, etc...

    Les erreurs qui rendent la liste Illégale ou injouable sont sanctionnées de 10 pts de Goal Average. Par exemple dépasser les 2000 pts, donner à un personnage un équipement/une relique qu'il n'a pas le droit de prendre, jouer trop de choix de soutien dans un bataillon, etc... 


    Et oublier de corriger les listes coute 50 pts de goal average ^^

  12. Il y a 20 heures, Shooter a dit :

    Mais quid de la FEQ ( @Manwe314 ; @Dahrkan ) qui avaient annoncés sur CTV la possibilité de s’emparer de l’event pour l'année prochaine, avec un bis repetita mais en plus gros ?

    C'est toujours dans les tuyaux mais on ne se présentera qu'avec la certitude absolue d'avoir une salle. C'est en très bonne voie, mais pas encore acté. 

    La candidature est en tout cas toujours d'actualité ?


    Concernant la dureté du tournoi, sans nécessairement vouloir remettre une pièce dans la machine (ce que je vais faire quand même ^^), personnellement je retiens deux éléments importants de cette édition d'un point de vue ambiance:

    - un niveau de peinture élevé et un effort manifeste pour être full peint et aligner une jolie armée, y compris chez des joueurs qui n'en avaient jamais eu l'habitude. 

    - des parties disputées dans leur ensemble avec très peu de match prenant fin en moins de 2h sur les 3 imparties (ce qui, il y a encore un an, était monnaie courante). Sur 360 parties, je pense que ça doit bien représenté le fait que le jeu a cessé de se décider uniquement au moment de l'écriture de la liste. 


    Bref, nous avons deux pas qui ont été fait vers les joueurs orientés peinture et les joueurs orientés plus mou: le format tiré de l'ITC (qui permet outre atlantique et outre manche des compo plutôt originales) et la note de peinture. Les joueurs opti ont volontiers fait ce pas (en témoigne le niveau de peinture et les retours des juges à ce sujet). Les peintres l'ont fait aussi (en témoigne l'arrivée des PACApables). N'est-ce pas l'occasion pour les joueurs orientés mou de faire ce pas vers la dureté, pour changer un peu de style de jeu et pour comprendre leurs homologues durs? 

    Cela me semble en tout cas plus intéressant que l'organisation d'un side évent qui contribuerait encore plus à scinder une communauté qui a, pourtant, tout en commun. 

  13. il y a 12 minutes, Loki2704 a dit :

    Respect d'avoir corrigé et vérifié toutes ces listes !

    Alors moi je n'ai rien fait du tout à ce stade xD. Je vais corriger les 3 pays que l'ETC assignera à mon équipe, mais c'est tout ^^. Je me contente de diffuser!

  14. Bonjour à tous!


    Comme chaque année, je vous mets ici les listes de l'ETC! Pour l'instant je vous mets juste le lien, je vous ferez une petite répartition par pays au fur et à mesure de la semaine!


    On commence l'édition avec les premières équipes!










    ARMY POINTS: 2000




    ==<Chaos Daemons- Chaos Allegiance: Chaos Undivided> Battalion Detachment ==+5CP, 350pts

    HQ1: Changecaster [4 PL, 65pts] Powers: Gaze of Fate, Infernal Gateway

    HQ2: Herald of Slaanesh [4 PL, 60pts]: Powers: Symphony of Pain

    TR1: Bloodletters [8 PL, 165pts]: 19x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos

    TR2: Horrors [4 PL, 30pts]: 10x Pair of Brimstone Horrors

    TR3: Horrors [4 PL, 30pts]: 10x Pair of Brimstone Horrors


    ==< Chaos Space Marine-Legion: Alpha Legion> Spearhead Detachment +1Cp, 1,171pts ==

    < Specialist Detachment: Devastation Battery>== -1Cp ===< Stratagem: Field Commander>== -1Cp

    HQ3: Chaos Lord with Jump Pack [6 PL, 114pts]: Bolt pistol, Mark of Khorne, Thunder hammer [ Fiel Commander: Armour Bane]

    EL1: Chaos Terminators [20 PL, 304pts]: Mark of Slaanesh (1x Chaos Terminator Champion: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma, (7x Terminator: Chainaxe, Combi-plasma)

    FA1: Bikers [11 PL, 209pts]: Mark of Slaanesh. (1xBiker Champion: Combi-bolter, Combi-bolter, 8x Biker: Bolt pistol, Combi-bolter)

    HS1: Havocs [7 PL, 150pts]: Mark of Slaanesh (1x Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Chainsword, 4x Havoc w/ reaper chaincannon)

    HS2: Havocs [7 PL, 170pts]: Mark of Slaanesh (Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Chainsword, 4x Havoc w/ lascannon)

    HS3: Havocs [7 PL, 150pts]: Mark of Slaanesh (1x Aspiring Champion: Boltgun, Chainsword, 4x Havoc w/ reaper chaincannon)

    DT1: Chaos Rhino [4 PL, 74pts]: Combi-bolter, Combi-bolter, No Chaos Mark


    ==<Thousand Sons > Battalion Detachment ==+5CP, 479pts

    HQ4: Ahriman [7 PL, 131pts]: Powers: Death Hex, Doombolt, Prescience

    HQ5: Sorcerer [6 PL, 98pts]: <WARLORD><Warlord trait: High Magister]> Relic: Dark Matter Crystal, Force stave, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Powers: Infernal Gaze, Warptime.

    TR4: Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts] (9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, 1x Cultist Champion: Autogun)

    TR5: Chaos Cultists [3 PL, 50pts] (9x Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun, 1x Cultist Champion: Autogun)

    TR6: Tzaangors [7 PL, 150pts]: Brayhorn, 1x Twistbray - Tzaangor blades, 19x Tzaangor w/ Tzaangor Blades

    Refined Strategy: Discard 41, 46, 55, 61, 64, 66







    +SPECIALIST DETACHMENT: WINDRIDER HOST +COMMAND POINTS: 9 (5 Battalion, 1 airwing, 1 Spearhead, 3 Battleforged, -1 SPECIALIST DETACHMENT)

    +ARMY POINTS: 1999 PTS

    +KILL POINTS: 16



    ++ Battalion Detachment (Aeldari - Alaitoc) [52 PL, 877pts, 5CP] ++

    +++Specialist Detachment: Windrider Host+++

    HQ1: Farseer Skyrunner [7 PL, 137pts]: Shuriken Pistol, Twin Shuriken Catapult, Singing Spear. Powers: Guide, Doom.

    HQ2: Autarch Skyrunner [6 PL, 105pts]: <WARLORD> (An Eye on Distant Events), Laser Lance, Twin Shuriken Catapult. Relic: Shimmerplume of Achillrial.

    TR1: Rangers [3 PL, 60pts] 5x rangers (ranger long rifle).

    TR2: Storm Guardians [3 PL, 48pts] 8x Storm Guardians (Shuriken Pistol & Chainsword).

    TR3: Storm Guardians [3 PL, 48pts] 8x Storm Guardians (Shuriken Pistol & Chainsword).

    FA1: Windriders [12 PL, 161pts]: 7x Windrider (7 Scatter Laser).

    DT1: Wave Serpent [9 PL, 159pts]: Crystal Targeting Matrix, Shuriken Cannon, Twin Starcannon

    DT2: Wave Serpent [9 PL, 159pts]: Crystal Targeting Matrix, Shuriken Cannon, Twin Starcannon


    ++ Air Wing Detachment +1CP (Aeldari - Alaitoc) [37 PL, 693pts, 1CP] ++

    FL1: Crimson Hunter Exarch [9 PL, 161pts]: Two Starcannons, Pulse Laser.

    FL2: Crimson Hunter Exarch [9 PL, 161pts]: Two Starcannons, Pulse Laser.

    FL3: Crimson Hunter Exarch [9 PL, 161pts]: Two Starcannons, Pulse Laser.

    FL4: Hemlock Wraithfighter [10 PL, 210pts]: Two D-scythes, Spirit Stones. Powers: Protect/Jinx.


    ++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Aeldari - Alaitoc) [31 PL, 429pts, 1CP] ++

    HQ2: Warlock Skyrunner [4 PL, 67pts]: Shuriken Pistol, Twin Shuriken Catapult, Witchblade. Powers: Conceal/Reveal

    HS1: Support Weapons [9 PL, 120pts] (3xSupport Weapon: Vibro Cannon)

    HS2: Support Weapons [6 PL, 80pts] (2xSupport Weapon: Vibro Cannon)

    HS3: War Walkers [12 PL, 162pts] (3x War Walker: 2 Scatter Laser each).

    Refined Strategy: discard 41, 46, 55, 61, 62, 66.





    PROFILE NR: 6204




    ARMY POINTS: 2.000





    == < Genestealers Cult; Battalion Detachment +5CP, 30 PL, -1CP, 467pts == < Cult Creed: None (Mixed Detachment)

    HQ1: Magus (Cult of the four-armed emperor) [5 PL, 92pts]: Familiar, Powers: Mass Hypnosis, Power: Might From Beyond, Mind Control (familiar’s power), Relic: The Crouchling, Warlord Trait Broodcoven: Inscrutable Cunning

    HQ2: Patriarch (Cult of the four-armed emperor) [7 PL, 125pts]: Powers: Mental Onslaught, Power: Mind Control, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Shadow Stalker

    TR1: Acolyte Hybrids (Cult of the four-armed emperor) [3 PL, 35pts], 4x Acolyte Hybrid (Cultist Knife, Rending Claw, Blasting Chargues and Autopistol), Acolyte Leader (Cultist Knife, Rending Claw, Blasting Chargues and Autopistol)

    TR2: Brood Brothers Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: Brood Brothers Leader (Laspistol, Chainsword, Frag Grenades), 9x Brood Brother (Frag Granades, Lasgun)

    TR3: Brood Brothers Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: Brood Brothers Leader (Laspistol, Chainsword, Frag Grenades), 9x Brood Brother (Frag Granades, Lasgun)

    EL1: Kelermorph (Cult of the four-armed emperor) (Cultist knife and 3 liberator Autostub) [3 PL, 60pts]

    FA1: Atalan Jackals (Rusted Claw) [6 PL, 75pts], Atalan Jackal (Demolition Charge, Shotgun, Autopistol, Blasting Chargues), Atalan Jackal (Demolition Charge, Shotgun, Autopistol, Blasting Chargues), Atalan Jackal (Demolition Charge, Shotgun, Autopistol, Blasting Chargues), Atalan Jackal (Demolition Charge, Shotgun, Autopistol, Blasting Chargues), Atalan Leader (Demolition Charge, Shotgun, Autopistol, Blasting Chargues)


    == < Genestealers Cult; Battalion Detachment +5CP, 47 PL, 766pts == < Specialist Detachment: Deliverance Broodsurge == < Cult Creed: Cult of the four-armed emperor

    HQ3: Acolyte Iconward (Deliverance Broodsurge) [3 PL, 53pts]: Autopistol, Blasting Chargues, Rending Claw, Stratagem Field Commander, Warlord Trait: Augur of the Insurgent

    HQ4: Primus [4 PL, 75pts]: Bonesword, Needle Pistol, Toxin Injector Claw, Blasting Chargues, Warlord Trait: Alien Majesty

    TR4: Acolyte Hybrids (Deliverance Broodsurge) [9 PL, 120pts], 14x Acolyte Hybrid (Cultist Knife, Rending Claw, Blasting Chargues and Hand Flamer), Acolyte Leader (Cultist Knife, Rending Claw, Blasting Chargues and Hand Flamer)

    TR5: Acolyte Hybrids (Deliverance Broodsurge) [11 PL, 143 pts], 18x Acolyte Hybrid (Autopistol, Cultist Knife, Rending Claw, Blasting Chargues), Acolyte Leader (Autopistol, Cultist Knife, Rending Claw, Blasting Chargues), Cult Icon [10pts]

    TR6: Acolyte Hybrids (Deliverance Broodsurge) [11 PL, 210 pts], 13x Acolyte Hybrid (Autopistol, Cultist Knife, Rending Claw, Blasting Chargues), 6x Acolyte Hybrid Heavy Weapon (Heavy Rock Saw, Autopistol, Blasting Chargues), Acolyte Leader (Autopistol, Cultist Knife, Rending Claw, Blasting Chargues), Cult Icon [10pts]

    EL2: Kelermorph (Cultist knife and 3 liberator Autostub) [3 PL, 60pts]

    EL3: Clamavus (Autopistol) [3 PL, 55pts]

    EL4: Nexos (Autopistol) [3 PL, 50pts]


    == < Tyranids; Battalion Detachment +5CP, 40 PL, 760pts == < Hive Fleet: Leviathan

    HQ5: Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 218pts]: Wings, Prehensile Pincer Tail, 2x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Powers: Catalyst, The Horror

    HQ6: Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 218pts]: Wings, Prehensile Pincer Tail, 2x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Powers: Catalyst, Psychic Scream

    HQ7: Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 218pts]: Wings, Prehensile Pincer Tail, 2x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Powers: Paroxysm, Psychic Scream

    TR7: Ripper Swarms [2 PL, 33pts]: 3x Ripper Swarm

    TR8: Termagants [3 PL, 40pts], 10x Termagant (Fleshborer)

    TR9: Termagants [3 PL, 40pts], 10x Termagant (Fleshborer)


    Refined Strategy: discard 41, 46, 55, 61, 62, 66.




    PROFILE NR: 5305



    COMMAND POINTS: 14 (3 Battleforged, 5 batallion, 6 Superheavy detachment)

    ARMY POINTS: 2000




    == <Adeptus Mechanicus - Forge World: Graia > Batallion Detachment == +5cp, 228 pts==

    HQ1: Tech-Priest Enginseer [3 PL, 30pts]

    HQ2: Tech-Priest Enginseer [3 PL, 30pts]

    TR1: Skitarii Rangers [7 PL, 42pts]: Ranger Alpha: Galvanic Rifle, 6x Skitarii Ranger

    TR2: Skitarii Rangers [7 PL, 42pts]: Ranger Alpha: Galvanic Rifle, 4x Skitarii Ranger

    TR3: Skitarii Rangers [7 PL, 42pts]: Ranger Alpha: Galvanic Rifle, 4x Skitarii Ranger

    TR4: Skitarii Rangers [7 PL, 42pts]: Ranger Alpha: Galvanic Rifle, 4x Skitarii Ranger


    == <Imperial Knights - House Tanaris : Questor Mechanicus> Super Heavy Detachment == +6cp, 1772pts

    LOW1: Knight Crusader [25 PL, 468pts]: Character (Knight Lance), Heavy Stubber, Ironstorm Missile Pod(16), Thermal Cannon, Avenger Gatling Cannon w/ Heavy Flamer,
    Heirloom: Endless Fury, Warlord Trait: Ion Bulwark [WARLORD]

    LOW2: Knight Crusader [25 PL, 468pts]: Heavy Stubber, Ironstorm Missile Pod(16), Thermal Cannon. Avenger Gatling Cannon w/ Heavy Flamer

    LOW3: Knight Errant [22 PL, 409pts]: Heavy Stubber, Ironstorm Missile Pod(16), Reaper Chainsword, Thermal Cannon

    LOW4: Knight Warden [23 PL, 427pts]: Heavy Stubber, Ironstorm Missile Pod(16), Thunderstrike gauntlet . Avenger Gatling Cannon w/ Heavy Flamer


    Refined Strategy: discard 41, 46, 55, 61, 62, 66.




    PROFILE NR: 1286





    ARMY POINTS: 1998 (122 PL)




    == <Drukhari – Kabal of the Black Heart> Battalion Detachment == +5 cp, 621pts

    HQ1: Archon [4 PL, 72pts] (WARLORD), Trait: Labyrinthine Cunning, Artefact of cruelty: Writ of the living muse, venom blade, splinter pistol, shadowfield.

    HQ2: Archon [4 PL, 72pts] venom blade, splinter pistol, shadowfield.

    TR1: Kabalite Warriors [4 PL, 36pts]: Sybarite, Splinter Rifle, 5x Kabalite Warrior Splinter Rifle

    TR2: Kabalite Warriors [4 PL, 36pts]: Sybarite, Splinter Rifle, 5x Kabalite Warrior Splinter Rifle

    TR3: Kabalite Warriors [4 PL, 30pts]: Sybarite, Splinter Rifle, 4x Kabalite Warrior Splinter Rifle

    HS1: Ravager [7 PL, 125pts]: 3X Disintegrator Cannon, Bladevanes, Night Shield

    HS2: Ravager [7 PL, 125pts]: 3X Disintegrator Cannon, Bladevanes, Night Shield

    HS3: Ravager [7 PL, 125pts]: 3X Disintegrator Cannon, Bladevanes, Night Shield


    == <Drukhari – Kabal of the Black Heart> Airwing Detachment-: == +1cp 405pts

    FL1: Razorwing Jetfighter [8 PL, 135pts] 2X disintedrator Cannons, Twin splinter Rifle, Razorwing Missiles.

    FL2: Razorwing Jetfighter [8 PL, 135pts] 2X disintedrator Cannons, Twin splinter Rifle, Razorwing Missiles.

    FL3: Razorwing Jetfighter [8 PL, 135pts] 2X disintedrator Cannons, Twin splinter Rifle, Razorwing Missiles.


    == <Drukhari – Prophets of Flesh> Spearhead Detachment-: == +1cp 972pts

    HQ4: Urien Rakarth [5 PL, 90pts] Ichor injector, Casket of, flensing, Haemonculus tools

    HS1: 3x Talos [18 PL, 294 pts] 3x chain-flails, 3x Macro scalpel, 3x two haywire blasters

    HS2: 3x Talos [18 PL, 294 pts] 3x chain-flails, 3x Macro scalpel, 3x two haywire blasters

    HS3: 3x Talos [18 PL, 294 pts] 3x chain-flails, 3x Macro scalpel, 3x two haywire blasters


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41,46,55,56, 62, 66




    PROFILE NR: 1272





    ARMY POINTS: 2000 (111 PL)




    == <Tau Empire – T´au Empire Sept Choice: Tau Sept> Battalion Detachment == +5 cp, 1,500pts

    HQ1: Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42pts] (WARLORD), Trait: Through Unity: Devastation, Signature System (Puretide engram neurochip), Markerlight, Pulse Rifle

    HQ2: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [8 PL, 150pts]: 4x Missile Pod

    TR1: Strike Team [2 PL, 35pts]: Ranger Alpha: Shas´ui Pulse Rifle, 4x Fire Warrior Pulse Rifle

    TR2: Strike Team [2 PL, 35pts]: Ranger Alpha: Shas´ui Pulse Rifle, 4x Fire Warrior Pulse Rifle

    TR3: Strike Team [2 PL, 35pts]: Ranger Alpha: Shas´ui Pulse Rifle, 4x Fire Warrior Pulse Rifle

    EL1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [14 PL, 280pts]: Heavy Burst Cannon, 2X Smart Missile System, Advanced Targeting System, Target Lock.

    EL2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [14 PL, 280pts]: Heavy Burst Cannon, 2X Smart Missile System, Advanced Targeting System, Target Lock.

    EL3: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [14 PL, 280pts]: Heavy Burst Cannon, 2X Smart Missile System, Advanced Targeting System, Target Lock.

    HS1: 3X Broadside Battlesuit [21 PL, 363pts]: (2X Shas,ui, Shas´vre), 3X (2x High-Yield Missile), 3X (2x Smart Missile System), 3X Advanced Targeting System


    == <Tau Empire --T´au Empire Sept Choice: Tau Sept> Outrider Detachment-: == +1cp 380pts

    HQ3: Commander Shadowsun [9 PL, 110pts]: 2X Fusion Blaster

    FA1: Tactical Drones [6 PL, 90pts] 9x MV4 Shield Drone

    FA2: Tactical Drones [6 PL, 90pts] 9x MV4 Shield Drone

    FA3: Tactical Drones [6 PL, 90pts] 9x MV4 Shield Drone


    == <Tau Empire --T´au Empire Sept Choice: Sa´Cea Sept> Vanguard Detachment-: == +1cp 120pts

    HQ4: Ethereal [2 PL, 45pts]: Honour Blade

    EL4: Firesight Marksman [1 PL, 25pts], Markerlight, Pulse pistol.

    EL5: Firesight Marksman [1 PL, 25pts], Markerlight, Pulse pistol.

    EL6: Firesight Marksman [1 PL, 25pts], Markerlight, Pulse pistol.


    Refined Strategy: Discard:41,52,46,66, 62,61.



    + PROFILE: 5024




    + COMMAND POINTS: 12 = [(3 + 5 + 5 + 1 ) -(1 <DREAD WAAAAGH!> + 1 EXTRA SHINY GUBBINZ)].


    + ARMY POINTS: 199

    + KILL POINTS:28



    == <Ork - Clan Kultur: Evil Sunz > Batallion Detachment == +5CP 1196pts

    HQ1: Big Mek in Mega Armour [6 PL, 112pts]: Kustom Force Field, Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw

    HQ2: Warboss [4 PL, 80pts]: Attack Squig, Da Killa Klaw, Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw. Shiny Gubbinz: Da Killa Klaw

    TR1: Ork Boy [11 PL, 223pts]: 29x Ork Boy W/ Shoota, Stikkbombs, 3x Tankbusta Bombs, 1xBoss Nob w/Choppa, Power Klaw, Stikkbombs

    TR2: Ork Boy [11 PL, 223pts]: 29x Ork Boy W/ Shoota, Stikkbombs, 3x Tankbusta Bombs, 1xBoss Nob w/Choppa, Power Klaw, Stikkbombs

    TR3: Ork Boy [11 PL, 210pts]: 29x Ork Boy W/ Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs, 3x Tankbusta Bombs, 1xBoss Nob w/Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs

    EL1: Painboy [3 PL, 65pts]: 'Urty Syringe, Power Klaw

    FA1: Stormboy [14 PL, 283pts]: 29xStormboy W/ Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs, 1xBoss Nob w/Choppa, Power Klaw, Stikkbombs


    == <Ork - Clan Kultur: Bad Moons > Batallion Detachment == +5CP 254pts

    HQ3: Weirdboy [3 PL, 62pts]: Weirdboy Staff

    HQ4: Weirdboy [3 PL, 62pts]: Weirdboy Staff

    TR4: Ork Boy [4 PL, 70pts]: 9x Ork Boy W/ Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs, 1x Tankbusta Bombs, 1xBoss Nob w/Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs

    TR5: Gretchin [1 PL, 30pts]: 10xGretchin, Grot Blaster

    TR6: Gretchin [1 PL, 30pts]: 10xGretchin, Grot Blaster


    == <Ork - Clan Kultur: Evil Sunz > Spearhead Detachment == +1CP 549pts == <Specialist Detachment: Dread Waaaagh!> -- -1cp

    HQ5: Big Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun [4 PL, 84pts]: Shokk Attack Gun, Shokk Attack Gun, Stikkbombs, Grot Oiler. Shiny Gubbinz: Da Souped-up Shokka -1CP [Warlord: Big Killa Boss]

    HS1: Mek Gunz [10 PL, 155pts]: 5xMek Gunz, 5xSmasha Gun

    HS2: Mek Gunz [10 PL, 155pts]: 5xMek Gunz, 5xSmasha Gun

    HS3: Mek Gunz [10 PL, 155pts]: 5xMek Gunz, 5xSmasha Gun


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41, 44, 54, 55, 65, 66.



    + PROFILE: 5317





    + ARMY POINTS: 2.000

    + KILL POINTS: 28



    == Batallion Detachment == Blood Angels [431 Points] +5 CP

    HQ1: Captain (74), Jump Pack (19), Storm Shield (10), Thunder Hammer (21), Death Visions of Sanguinius (-1 CP) - [124pts] - WARLORD: Artisan of War

    HQ2: Librarian Dreadnought (110), Furioso Fists (30), Furioso Force Halberd (0), Storm Bolter (2) - [142pts] - Psychic Powers: Smite, Quickening, Wings of Sanguinius

    TR1: 5 Scouts (55), Combat knife and bolt pistol (0) - [4pls] [55pts]

    TR2: 5 Scouts (55), Combat knife and bolt pistol (0) - [4pls] [55pts]

    TR3: 5 Scouts (55), Combat knife and bolt pistol (0) - [4pls] [55pts]


    == Brigade Detachment == Astra Militarum [32 Power Points] [1000 Points] +12 CP Regimental Doctrine: Catachan

    HQ1: Coronel 'Iron Hand' Straken (75) - [4pls] [75pts]

    HQ2: Company Commander (30), Chainsword (0), Boltgun (1), Kurov's Aquila (-1 CP) - [31pts]

    HQ3: Company Commander (30), Chainsword (0), Laspistol (0) - [30pts]

    TR1: Infantry Squad, 9 Guardmans with Lasguns (36), Sergeant with Chainsword and Laspistol (4) - [40pts]

    TR2: Infantry Squad, 9 Guardmans with Lasguns (36), Sergeant with Chainsword and Laspistol (4) - [40pts]

    TR3: Infantry Squad, 9 Guardmans with Lasguns (36), Sergeant with Chainsword and Laspistol (4) - [40pts]

    TR4: Infantry Squad, 9 Guardmans with Lasguns (36), Sergeant with Chainsword and Laspistol (4) - [40pts]

    TR5: Infantry Squad, 9 Guardmans with Lasguns (36), Sergeant with Chainsword and Laspistol (4) - [40pts]

    TR6: Infantry Squad, 9 Guardmans with Lasguns (36), Sergeant with Chainsword and Laspistol (4) - [40pts]

    TR7: Infantry Squad, 9 Guardmans with Lasguns (36), Sergeant with Chainsword and Laspistol (4) - [40pts]

    EL1: Ministorum Priest (35), Chainsword and Laspistol (0) - [35pts]

    EL2: Astropath (26), Telepathica Stave (6) - [32pts]

    EL3: Bullgryns, 6 Bullgryns (210), 4 with Granadier Gauntlet and Slabshield (20), 2 with Bullgryn Maul and Brute Shield (14), Bullgryn Bone'ead with Bullgryn Maul and Brute Shield (42) - [286pts]

    HS1: Heavy Weapon Squad, 3 Heavy Weapon Team with Mortar (3x6+3x5=33) - [33pts]

    HS2: Heavy Weapon Squad, 3 Heavy Weapon Team with Mortar (3x6+3x5=33) - [33pts]

    HS3: Heavy Weapon Squad, 3 Heavy Weapon Team with Mortar (3x6+3x5=33) - [33pts]

    FA1: Scout Sentinel (30), Heavy Flamer (14) - [44pts]

    FA2: Scout Sentinel (30), Heavy Flamer (14) - [44pts]

    FA3: Scout Sentinel (30), Heavy Flamer (14) - [44pts]


    == Supreme Command Detachament == Adeptus Custodes [27 Power Points] [484 Points] +1 CP

    HQ1: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150), Interceptor Lance (0), Misericordia (4), Hurricane Bolter (10), Auric Aquilis (-1 CP) - [164pts]

    HQ2: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150), Interceptor Lance (0), Hurricane Bolter (10), Eagle's Eye (-2 CP) - [160pts]

    HQ3: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150), Interceptor Lance (0), Hurricane Bolter (10) - [160pts]


    == Operative Requisition Sanctioned == [85 pts] -2 CP

    Refined Strategy: discard 41, 46, 55, 61, 62, 66.






    Player: Peter “Captain Redbeard” Platell, CAPTAIN

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Peter Platell, 5283

    Factions used: Astra Militarum

    Command Points: 12

    Army Points: 2000

    Army Power Level: 107

    Kill Points: 12

    Reinforcement Points: 0


    == Detachment 1 <Astra Militarum - Cadian> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 255pts

    HQ: Commissar Yarrick [7PL, 100pts]

    HQ: Company Commander (30) w/Chainsword (0), Shotgun (0) [2PL, 30pts] Relic (Cadia): Relic of Lost Cadia [WARLORD: Grand Strategist]

    TR: Infantry Squad: Sergeant (4) w/Chainsword (0), Laspistol (0); 7 Guardsman (28); Heavy Weapon Team (8) w/Mortar (5) [3PL, 45pts]

    TR: Infantry Squad: Sergeant (4) w/Chainsword (0), Laspistol (0); 9 Guardsman (36) [3PL, 40pts]

    TR: Infantry Squad: Sergeant (4) w/Chainsword (0), Laspistol (0); 9 Guardsman (36) [3PL, 40pts]


    == Detachment 2 <Astra Militarum - Valhallan> Spearhead Detachment == +1cp, 129pts

    HQ: Company Commander (30) w/Chainsword (0), Shotgun (0) [2PL, 30pts]

    HS: Heavy Weapons Squad (18) w/3 Mortars (15) [3PL, 33pts]

    HS: Heavy Weapons Squad (18) w/3 Mortars (15) [3PL, 33pts]

    HS: Heavy Weapons Squad (18) w/3 Mortars (15) [3PL, 33pts]


    == Detachment 3 <Astra Militarum - Mixed> Super-Heavy Detachment Battalion == +3cp, 1616pts

    LOW: Shadowsword <Vostroyan> (424) w/4 Sponson, each with a Lascannon & Twin Heavy Bolter (136), Heavy Stubber (2) [26PL, 562pts]

    LOW: Shadowsword <Cadian> (424) w/4 Sponson, each with a Lascannon & Twin Heavy Bolter (136) [26PL, 560pts]

    LOW: Shadowsword <Cadian> (424) w/2 Sponson, each with a Lascannon & Twin Heavy Bolter (68), Heavy Stubber (2) [26PL, 494pts]


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41, 42, 46, 52, 55, 66


    Name: Adam “Execute Order” Camilleri

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Adam Camilleri, 5263

    Faction(s): Tau

    Command points: 6

    Army points: 2000

    Army Power Level: 107

    Kill points: 13

    Reinforcement points: 0


    == Detachment 1: <T’au> Outrider Detachment == +1cp, 813pts

    HQ: Commander in XV85 Coldstar Battlesuit (90) w/4 missile pods (60) [8PL 150pts] [WARLORD: Through Unity, Devastation]

    Fast Attack: 8 Tactical Drones, 6 MV4 Shield Drones (60), 2 MV7 Marker Drone (20) [4PL 80pts]

    Fast Attack: 8 Tactical Drones, 6 MV4 Shield Drones (60), 2 MV7 Marker Drone (20) [4PL 80pts]

    Fast Attack: 8 Tactical Drones, 6 MV4 Shield Drones (60), 2 MV7 Marker Drone (20) [4PL 80pts]

    Heavy Support: 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits , 6 High Yield Missile Pod (150), 6 Smart Missile System (90), 3 Advanced Targeting System (18), 6 MV4 Shield Drones (60) [24PL 423pts]


    == Detachment 2: <T’au> Supreme Command Detachment == +1cp, 237pts

    HQ: Commander in XV85 Coldstar Battlesuit (90) w/4 missile pods (60) [8PL 150pts]

    HQ: Ethereal (45) w/Honour blade (0) [2PL 45pts]

    HQ: Cadre Fireblade (39) w/Markerlight (3) [2PL 42pts]


    == Detachment 3 <T’au> Vanguard Detachment == +1cp, 950pts

    HQ: Commander Shadowsun [9PL 110pts]

    Elites: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185) w/Heavy burst cannon (35), 2 Smart missile systems (30), Advanced targeting system (18), Target lock (12) [14 PL 280pts]

    Elites: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185) w/Heavy burst cannon (35), 2 Smart missile systems (30), Advanced targeting system (18), Target lock (12) [14 PL 280pts]

    lites: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185) w/Heavy burst cannon (35), 2 Smart missile systems (30), Advanced targeting system (18), Target lock (12) [14 PL 280pts]


    Refined Strategy: Removed 41, 42, 44, 46, 52, 55



    Player: Matt “Morosoli #4” Morosoli

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: MattMorosoli, 6985

    Factions used: Chaos Daemons, Thousand Sons

    Command Points: 18

    Army Points: 1995

    Army Power Level: 109

    Kill Points: 16

    Reinforcement Points: 5


    == Detachment 1 <Chaos Daemons, Undivided> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 779pts

    HQ: Daemon Prince of Chaos (146) Khorne (0) Wings (24) Daemonic Axe (10) [9PL, 180pts]

    HQ: Poxbringer [4PL, 70pts] Psychic Power - Miasma Of Pestilence

    TR: 20 Bloodletters: Bloodreaper (7) 19 Bloodletters (133) Daemonic Icon (15) Instrument Of Chaos (10) [8PL, 165pts]

    TR: 20 Bloodletters: Bloodreaper (7) 19 Bloodletters (133) Daemonic Icon (15) Instrument Of Chaos (10) [8PL, 165pts]

    TR: 27 Plaguebearers: Plagueridden (7), 26 Plaguebearers (182) Instrument of Chaos (10) [12PL, 199pts]


    == Detachment 2 <Chaos Daemons, Undivided> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 440pts

    HQ: Changecaster (65) Staff of Change (5) [4PL, 70pts] Psychic Powers - Flickering Flames, Gaze Of Fate

    HQ: Herald of Slaanesh [4PL, 60pts] Psychic Power - Symphony Of Pain

    TR: 20 Pink Horrors (140) [8PL, 140pts]

    TR: 10 Pairs Of Brimstone Horrors (30) [4PL, 30pts]

    TR: 20 Plaguebearers: Plagueridden (7) 19 Plaguebearers (133) [8PL, 140pts]


    == Detachment 3 <Thousand Sons> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 776pts

    HQ: Ahriman on Disc Of Tzeentch [9PL, 166pts] Psychic Powers - Doombolt, Death Hex, Warptime

    HQ: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch (146) Wings (24) Malefic Talon (10), Malefic Talon (0) [9PL, 180pts] [WARLORD: High Magister] Psychic Powers - Infernal Gaze, Weaver Of Fates

    HQ: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch (146) Wings (24) Malefic Talon (10), Malefic Talon (0) [9PL, 180pts ] Psychic Powers - Tzeentch’s Firestorm, Glamour of Tzeentch [RELIC] Helm Of The Third Eye

    TR: 10 Cultists: Cultist Champion (5), 9 Cultists (45) Autoguns (0) [3PL, 50pts]

    TR: 10 Cultists: Cultist Champion (5), 9 Cultists (45) Autoguns (0) [3PL, 50pts]

    TR: 20 Tzangors: Twistbray (7), 19 Tzaangors (133) Tzaangor Blades (0) Brayhorn (10) [7PL, 150pts]


    Refined Strategy: Discard 46, 41, 55, 61



    Player: Jake “Bias” O’Grady

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Jake O’Grady, 7007

    Factions used: Sisters of Battle, Imperial Knights

    Command Points: 14

    Army Points: 1999

    Army Power Level: 112

    Kill Points: 9

    Reinforcement Points: 1


    == Detachment 1 <Sister of Battle - Order of the Bloody Rose> Battalion Detachment== +5cp, 243pts

    HQ: Canoness (35) w/Power sword (4) and Storm Bolter (2) [3PL, 51pts]

    HQ: Missionary [2PL, 35pts]

    TR: Battle Sister Squad: Sister Superior (9) w/Power sword (4); 2 Battle Sisters (18) w/Storm bolters (4); 2 Battle Sisters (18) [4PL, 53pts]

    TR: Battle Sister Squad: Sister Superior (9) w/Power sword (4); 2 Battle Sisters (18) w/Storm bolters (4); 2 Battle Sisters (18) [4PL, 53pts]

    TR: Battle Sister Squad: Sister Superior (9) w/Storm bolter (2); 2 Battle Sisters (18) w/Storm bolters (4); 2 Battle Sisters (18) [4PL, 51pts]

    == Detachment 2 <Imperial Knights - House Taranis> Super-Heavy Detachment (Knight Lance) == +6cp, 1288pts

    LOW: Knight Crusader (285) w/Ironstorm Missile Pods (16), Avenger Gatling Cannon w/Heavy Flamer (89), Thermal Cannon (76), Heavy Stubber (2), Titanic Feet (0) [25PL, 468pts] [WARLORD: Ion Bulwark]

    LOW: Knight Crusader (285) w/Ironstorm Missile Pods (16), Avenger Gatling Cannon w/Heavy Flamer (89), Thermal Cannon (76), Heavy Stubber (2), Titanic Feet (0) [25PL, 468pts]

    LOW: Knight Gallant (285), Reaper Chainsword (30),Thunderstrike Gauntlet (35), Heavy Stubber (2), Titanic Feet (0) [20PL, 352pts]


    == Detachment 3 <Imperial Knights - House Krast> Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == +0cp, 468pts

    LOW: Knight Crusader (285) w/Ironstorm Missile Pods (16), Avenger Gatling Cannon w/Heavy Flamer (89), Thermal Cannon (76), Heavy Stubber (2), Titanic Feet (0) [25PL, 468pts]


    Refined Strategy: Discard 46, 55, 56, 62



    Name: Erik “Atlas” Lathouras

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Erik Lathouras, 7010

    Faction(s): Tyranids / Genestealer cults

    Command points: 14

    Army points: 1892

    Army Power Level: 129PL

    Kill points: 18

    Reinforcement points: 108


    == Detachment 1: < Tyranids Leviathan> Battalion Detachment == + 5cp, 967pts

    HQ: Broodlord (115) Monstrous Rending Claws (0) [8PL, 115pts] - Psychic Powers: Smite, The Horror

    HQ: Old One Eye (200) Monstrous Crushing Claws (0), Monstrous Scything Talons (0), Thresher Scythe (0) [10PL, 200pts]

    Troops: 27x Termagants (4) 27x Fleshborers (0) [9PL, 108pts]

    Troops: 27x Termagants (4) 27x Fleshborers (0) [9PL, 108pts]

    Troops: 27x Termagants (4) 27x Fleshborers (0) [9PL, 108pts]

    Troops: 27x Termagants (4) 27x Fleshborers (0) [9PL, 108pts]

    Elites: 4x Venomthrope (30) 4x toxic lashes (0) [9PL, 120pts]

    Heavy Support: 2x Biovores (50) 2x sporemine launcher (0) [4PL,100pts]


    == Detachment 2: < Tyranids, Leviathan > Battalion Detachment == +5 cp, 500pts

    HQ: Neurothrope (90) claws and teeth (0) [4PL 90pts] Psychic Powers: Smite, Psychic Scream

    HQ: Neurothrope (90) claws and teeth (0) [4PL 90pts] Psychic Powers: Smite, Onslaught

    Troops: 27x Termagants (4) 27x Fleshborers (0) [9PL, 108pts]

    Troops: 27x Termagants (4) 27x Fleshborers (0) [9PL, 108pts]
    Troops: 26x Termagants (4) 26x Fleshborers (0) [9PL, 104pts]


    == Detachment 3: < Genestealer Cults, Mixed Detachment> Vanguard Detachment == +1cp, 425 pts

    HQ: Patriarch (125) Monstrous Rending Claws (0) 1x Familiar (12) [8PL, 137pts] - Bladed Cog - Psychic Powers: Smite, Mass Hypnosis, Mental Onslaught [WARLORD: Single-minded Obsession]

    Troops: 16 Acolyte Hybrid: 15 Acolyte Hybrids (105) w/15x Hand Flamer (15), Acolyte Leader (7) w/Hand Flamer (1), Cultist Knife (0), 16 Rending Claws (0) [11PL, 128pts] - Bladed Cog

    Elite: Kelermorph (60) 3x Liberator Autostub (0), Cultist Knife (0) [3PL 60pts] - Four-armed Emperor

    Elite: Locus (40) Hypermorph Tail (0), Locus Blades (0) [2PL 40pts] - Bladed Cog

    ELite: Sanctus (55) Familiar Claws (0), Silencer Sniper Rifle (5) (3PL 60pts) - Four-armed Emperor


    Refined Strategy: Discard 43 Hold the line, 55 psychological warfare, 46 Domination, 61 Kingslayer, 63 Scour the skies, 41 Advance



    Player: Hayden “Duck” Walduck

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Hayden Walduck, 1621

    Factions used: Craftworld Eldar

    Command points: 7

    Army points: 2000

    Army Power Level: 103PL

    Kill points: 14


    == Detachment 1 <Craftworld Eldar – Alaitoc> Battalion Detachment== +5CP 1933pts]

    HQ: Farseer (110) w/Shuriken Pistol (0), Witchblade (0) [6PL, 110pts] Powers: Guide, Doom

    HQ: Warlock Conclave (2 Warlocks, 90) w/ 2 Witchblades (0) [3PL, 90pts] Powers: Conceal/Reveal, Protect/Jinx

    HQ: Autarch Skyrunner (95) w/Laser Lance (8), Shuriken Pistol (0), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2) [6PL, 105pts] [WARLORD: Fate’s Messenger]

    TR: Dire Avengers:4x Dire Avengers (44), Dire Avenger Exarch (8) w/2 Avenger Shuriken Catapults (6) [3PL, 58pts]

    TR: Guardian Defenders: 10x Guardian Defenders (80), Heavy Weapons Platform (5) w/Scatter Laser (7) [5PL, 92pts]

    TR: Guardian Defenders: 10x Guardian Defenders (80), Heavy Weapons Platform (5) w/Scatter Laser (7) [5PL, 92pts]

    HS: Dark Reapers: 7x Dark Reapers (238), Dark Reaper Exarch (12) w/Tempest Launcher (27) [13PL, 277pts]

    HS: Dark Reapers: 7x Dark Reapers (238), Dark Reaper Exarch (12) w/Tempest Launcher (27) [13PL, 277pts]

    DT: Wave Serpent (120) w/Twin Starcannon (24), Shuriken Cannon (10), Crystal Targeting Matrix (5), Spirit Stones (10) [9PL, 169pts]

    DT: Wave Serpent (120) w/Twin Starcannon (24), Shuriken Cannon (10), Crystal Targeting Matrix (5), Spirit Stones (10) [9PL, 169pts]

    DT: Wave Serpent (120) w/Twin Starcannon (24), Shuriken Cannon (10), Crystal Targeting Matrix (5), Spirit Stones (10) [9PL, 169pts]

    DT: Wave Serpent (120) w/Twin Starcannon (24), Shuriken Cannon (10), Crystal Targeting Matrix (5), Spirit Stones (10) [9PL, 169pts]
    DT: Wave Serpent (120) w/Twin Starcannon (24), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Spirit Stones (10) [9PL, 156pts]


    == Detachment 2 <Craftworld Eldar – Biel-Tan> Auxiliary Support Detachment == -1cp, 67pts

    HQ: Warlock Skyrunner (65) w/Shuriken Pistol (0), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2), Witchblade (0) [4PL, 67pts] Powers: Protect/Jinx Relic (Biel-Tan): The Spirit Stone of Anath’lan


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41, 52, 55, 64



    Player: Jeremy “Martino” Martino

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Jeremy Martino, 7020

    Factions used: Blood Angels, Death Watch, Assassins

    Command Points: 11 (13-2 for Death Visions x2)

    Army Points: 1999

    Army Power Level: 150

    Kill Points: 15

    Reinforcement Points: 0


    == Detachment 1 <Deathwatch> Battalion Detachment== +5cp [102 pl, 1190 pts]

    HQ: Librarian with Jump Pack [7pl, 120 pts], Bolt Pistol (0) and Force Stave (8) and the beacon angelis (free relic) Psychic Powers: Veil of Time, Null Zone

    HQ: Watch Master [7pl, 130 pts] [WARLORD: Lord of Hidden Knowledge]

    Troops: 10 Veterans [23 pl, 248 pts]: 4 Terminators (92), 3 Power Mauls (12), 1 Power Fist (9), 4 Storm Bolters (16); 4 Veterans (56), 4 Storm Bolter (16), 4 Storm Shields (8); 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Bolt Pistol (0); 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2).

    Troops: 10 Veterans [23 pl, 243 pts]: 4 Terminators (92), 4 Power Mauls (16), 4 Storm Bolters (16); 4 Veterans (56), 4 Storm Bolter (16), 4 Storm Shields (8); 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Bolt Pistol (0); 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2).

    Troops: 10 Veterans [20 pl, 212 pts]: 3 Terminators (69), 3 Power Mauls (12), 3 Storm Bolters (12); 4 Veterans (56), 4 Storm Bolter (16), 4 Storm Shields (8); 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Bolt Pistol (0); 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2).

    Troops: 10 Veterans [22 pl, 237 pts]: 3 Terminators (69), 3 Power Mauls (12), 3 Storm Bolters (12); 4 Veterans (56), 4 Storm Bolter (16), 4 Storm Shields (8); 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Bolt Pistol (0); 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2); 1 Biker (21), Twin Boltgun (4).

    == Detachment 2 <Blood Angels> Battalion Detachment== +5cp [33 pl, 555 pts]

    HQ: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder Hammer (21), Storm Shield (10) [6 pl, 124 pts] Death Visions of Sanguinius (-1CP)

    HQ: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder Hammer (21), Storm Shield (10) [6 pl, 124 pts] Death Visions of Sanguinius (-1CP)

    HQ: Librarian Dreadnought (110), Furioso Fist (30), Furioso Force Halberd (0), Storm Bolter (2) [9 pl, 142 pts] Psychic Powers: Quickening, Wings of Sanguinius

    Troops: 4 Scouts (44) with boltguns (0); 1 Scout Sergean00t (11) with boltgun (0) [4pl, 55 pts]

    Troops: 4 Scouts (44) with boltguns (0); 1 Scout Sergeant (11) with boltgun (0) [4pl, 55 pts]

    Troops: 4 Scouts (44) with boltguns (0); 1 Scout Sergeant (11) with boltgun (0) [4pl, 55 pts]


    == Detachment 3 <Officio Assassinorum> Vanguard Detachment== +0cp [15 pl, 255 pts]

    Elites: Vindicare Assassin [5 pl, 85 pts]

    Elites: Vindicare Assassin [5 pl, 85 pts]

    Elites: Vindicare Assassin [5 pl, 85 pts]


    Refined Strategy: Discard 44 Mission Critical Objective, 55 Psychological Warfare, 46 Domination, 61 Kingslayer, 63 Scour the skies, 41 Advance




    Player: Liam “Damocles” Hackett

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Liam Hackett 7006

    Factions used: Orks

    Command points: 18, (17 due to stratagem pre game)

    Army points: 1999 points

    ArmyPower Level: 97

    Kill points: 19

    Reinforcement Points: 1


    == Detachment 1 <Orks – Evil Suns> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 939pts

    HQ: Warboss (65) w/Attack Squig (0), Big Choppa (5), Kombi-Skorcha (17) [4 PL, 87pts]

    HQ: Weirdboy (62), Weirdboy staff (0) [3 PL, 62pts]: Psychic Power: Da Jump

    Troops: 10x Gretchin (30), 10 Grot Blasters (0) [1 PL, 30pts]

    Troops: 10x Gretchin (30), 10 Grot Blasters (0) [1 PL, 30pts]

    Troops: 10x Gretchin (30), 10 Grot Blasters (0) [1 PL, 30pts]

    Elites: 10 Meganobz: 9x Meganob (180), 1x Boss Meganob (20), 10x Power Klaw (130), 10x Kustom Shoota (20) [20 PL, 350pts]

    Elites: 10 Meganobz: 9x Meganob (180), 1x Boss Meganob (20), 10x Power Klaw (130), 10x Kustom Shoota (20) [20 PL, 350pts]


    == Detachment 2 <Orks – Bad Moonz> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 802pts

    HQ: Big Mek w/Shokk Attack Gun (55), Shokk Attack Gun (25) [4 PL, 80pts]

    HQ: Weirdboy (62), weirdboy staff (0) [3 PL, 62pts]: Psychic Power: Warpath

    Troops: 10x Gretchin (30), 10 Grot Blasters (0) [1 PL, 30pts]

    Troops: 10x Gretchin (30), 10 Grot Blasters (0) [1 PL, 30pts]

    Troops: 10x Gretchin (30), 10 Grot Blasters (0) [1 PL, 30pts]

    Elites: 15 Tankbustas: 14 Tankbustas (70), 1 Boss Nob (5), 15x Rokkit Launcha (180) 6x bomb squig (60) [13 PL, 315pts]:

    Heavy Support: 15x Lootas (255) 15x Deffguns (0) [13 PL, 255pts]


    == Detachment 3 <Orks – Deathskulls> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 258pts Specialist Detachment [-1CP]: Dread Waaaagh!

    HQ: Big Mek w/Shokk Attack Gun (55), Shokk Attack Gun (25), Grot Oiler (4) [4 PL, 84pts] Relic: Da Souped-up Shokka, [WARLORD: Opportunist]

    HQ: Big Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun (55), Shokk Attack Gun (25), Grot Oiler (4), [4 PL, 84pts]:

    Troops: 10x Gretchin (30), 10 Grot Blasters (0) [1 PL, 30pts]

    Troops: 10x Gretchin (30), 10 Grot Blasters (0) [1 PL, 30pts]

    Troops: 10x Gretchin (30), 10 Grot Blasters (0) [1 PL, 30pts]


    Refined Strategy: Removed 41, 42, 46, 54, 55






    Country: Austria

    Player: Dominik “Avang” Tavernaro (Captain)

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 3687

    Factions used: Chaos Space Marines, Thousand Sons

    Command Points: 15

    Army Points: 2000

    Kill Points: 15

    Reinforcement Points: Not applicable


    == <Thousand Sons> Battalion== +5cp, 952pts

    HQ: Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch [9 PL, 166pts] Powers: Doombolt, Weaver of Fates, Infernal Gaze

    HQ: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch [9 PL, 180pts]: 2x Set of malefic talons, Wings, Powers: Gaze of Fate, Warptime

    HQ: Sorcerer [6 PL, 98pts]: Force stave, Powers: Tzeentch’s Firestorm, Glamour of Tzeentch

    TR: Chaos Cultists [12 PL, 208pts]: 36x Autogun, 4x Heavy stubber, 39x Chaos cultists, Cultist champion

    TR: Tzaangors [7 PL, 150pts]: Brayhorn, 20x Tzaangor blade, 19x Tzaangor, Twistbray

    TR: Tzaangors [7 PL, 150pts]: Brayhorn, 20x Tzaangor blade, 19x Tzaangor, Twistbray


    == <Chaos Space Marines - Black Legion> Battalion== +7cp, 948pts

    HQ: Abbadon the Despoiler [12 PL, 240pts] [WARLORD: First Amongst Traitors]

    HQ: Dark Apostle [5 PL, 100pts]: Tzeentch, Illusiory Supplication

    HQ: Exalted Champion [5 PL, 70pts]: Khorne, Relic: Ghorisvex’s Teeth

    TR: Chaos Cultists [9 PL, 156pts]: Khorne, 27x Brutal assault weapon, 3x Heavy stubber, 29x Chaos Cultist, Cultist champion

    TR: Chaos Cultists [9 PL, 156pts]: Slaanesh, 27x Autogun, 3x Heavy stubber, 29x Chaos Cultists, Cultist Champion

    TR: Chaos Cultists [9 PL, 156pts]: Slaanesh, 27x Autogun, 3x Heavy stubber, 29x Chaos Cultists, Cultist Champion

    TR: Chaos Cultists [6 PL, 60pts]: Khorne, 12x Close combat weapon, 11x Chaos Cultists, Cultist Champion

    EL: Dark Disciples [1 PL, 10pts] Tzeentch


    == <Chaos Space Marines> Fortification Network== +0cp, 100pts

    FORT: Noctilith Crown [5 PL, 100pts]


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41,51,55,61,62,66



    Country: Austria

    Player: Andreas “Kelscho” Geretschläger

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 2026

    Factions used: Craftworlds

    Command Points: 10

    Army Points: 1998

    Kill Points: 16

    Reinforcement Points: Not applicable


    == <Craftworlds -Alaitoc> Battalion== +5cp, 752pts

    HQ: Autarch with Swooping Hawk Wings [5PL, 102pts]: Power sword, Fusion pistol, Force shield, [WARLORD: Falcons`s Swiftness]

    HQ: Farseer [6PL, 110pts]: Witchblade, Powers: Guide, Doom, Relic: Falchu`s Wing

    TR: Rangers [3PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger

    TR: Rangers [3PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger

    TR: Rangers [3PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger

    HS: Support Battery [9PL, 120pts]: 3x Support Weapons, 3x Vibro cannon

    HS: Support Battery [9PL, 120pts]: 3x Support Weapons, 3x Vibro cannon

    HS: Support Battery [9PL, 120pts]: 3x Support Weapons, 3x Vibro cannon


    == <Craftworlds - Alaitoc> Spearhead== +1cp, 561pts

    HQ: Warlock Conclave [6PL, 90pts]: 2x Witchblade, 2x Warlock, Powers: Jinx, Restrain

    HS: Fire Prism [9pl, 157pts]: Twin shuriken catapult

    HS: Fire Prism [9pl, 157pts]: Twin shuriken catapult

    HS: Fire Prism [9pl, 157pts]: Twin shuriken catapult


    == <Craftworlds - Alaitoc> Air Wing== +1cp, 685pts Detachment:

    FLYER: Crimson Hunter [8PL, 160pts]

    FLYER: Crimson Hunter Exarch [9PL, 175pts]: 2x Bright lances

    FLYER: Crimson Hunter Exarch [9PL, 175pts]: 2x Bright lances
    FLYER: Crimson Hunter Exarch [9PL, 175pts]: 2x Bright lances


    Refined Strategy: Discard 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36



    Country: Austria

    Player: Marc-Kevin “Drunkenmole” Michael

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 4888

    Factions used: Drukhari, Harlequin

    Command Points: 9

    Army Points: 1998

    Kill Points: 15

    Reinforcement Points: Not applicable


    == <Drukhari - Kabal of the Black Heart> Battalion== +5cp, 908pts

    HQ: Archon [4PL, 76pts]: Splinter Pistol, Huskblade

    HQ: Archon [4PL, 76pts]: Splinter Pistol, Huskblade

    TR: Kabalite Warriors [4PL, 36pts]: 6x Splinter rifle, 5x Kabalite Warrior, Sybarite

    TR: Kabalite Warriors [4PL, 36pts]: 6x Splinter rifle, 5x Kabalite Warrior, Sybarite

    TR: Kabalite Warriors [4PL, 36pts]: 6x Splinter rifle, 5x Kabalite Warrior, Sybarite

    HS: Ravager [7PL, 126pts]: 3x Disintegrator cannon, Shock prow

    HS: Ravager [7PL, 126pts]: 3x Disintegrator cannon, Shock prow

    HS: Ravager [7PL, 126pts]: 3x Disintegrator cannon, Shock prow

    FLYER: Razorwing Jetfighter [8PL, 135pts]: 2x Disintegrator cannon, Twin splinter rifle

    FLYER: Razorwing Jetfighter [8PL, 135pts]: 2x Disintegrator cannon, Twin splinter rifle


    == <Harlequins - Soaring Spite--> Outrider Detachment==+1cp, 1090pts

    HQ: Shadowseer [7PL, 125pts]: Shuriken Pistol, Powers: Webway Dance, Twilight Pathways, [WARLORD: Player of Twilight]

    EL: Solitaire [5PL, 98pts] Relic: Starmist Raiment

    FA: Skyweavers [13PL, 306pts]: 6x Haywire cannon, 6x Zephyrglaive

    FA: Skyweavers [13PL, 306pts]: 6x Haywire cannon, 6x Zephyrglaive

    FA: Skyweavers [13PL, 255pts]: 5x Haywire cannon, 5x Zephyrglaive


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41,46,55,62,65,66



    Country: Austria

    Player: Stefan "Double_O" Pazderka

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 5502

    Factions used: Adeptus Custodes, Officio Assassinorum, Adeptus Mechanicus

    Command Points: 8

    Army Points: 1997

    Kill Points: 11

    Reinforcement Points: Not applicable


    == <Adeptus Custodes> Outrider== +1cp, 1747pts

    HQ: Captain-General Trajann Valoris [10 PL, 185pts]

    Elite: Vexillus Praetor [6 PL, 114pts]: Vexilla Magnifica, Misericordia, [WARLORD: Radiant Mantle], Relic: Eagle’s Eye

    FA: Vertus Praetors [20 PL, 360pts]: 4x Hurricane bolter, 4x Vertus Praetor

    FA: Vertus Praetors [20 PL, 360pts]: 4x Hurricane bolter, 4x Vertus Praetor

    FA: Vertus Praetors [40 PL, 728pts]: 8x Hurricane bolter, 8x Vertus Praetor, 2x Misericordia


    == <Officio Assassinorum> Auxiliary Support== -1cp, 85pts

    EL: Eversor Assassin [5 PL, 85pts] == <Adeptus Mechanicus - Forgeworld Graia> Battalion== +5cp, 165pts

    HQ: Tech-Priest Enginseer [3 PL, 30pts]

    HQ: Tech-Priest Enginseer [3 PL, 30pts]

    TR: Skitarii Rangers [4 PL, 35pts] 4x Skitarii Ranger, 1x Ranger Alpha

    TR: Skitarii Rangers [4 PL, 35pts] 4x Skitarii Ranger, 1x Ranger Alpha

    TR: Skitarii Rangers [4 PL, 35pts] 4x Skitarii Ranger, 1x Ranger Alpha


    Refined Strategy: Discard 43,46,55,62,65,66



    Country: Austria

    Player: Alexander “Alandro” Pittl

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 3540

    Factions used: Chaos Daemons

    Command Points: 13

    Army Points: 1765

    Kill Points: 11

    Reinforcement Points: 235


    == <Chaos Daemons - Nurgle> Battalion== +5cp, 930pts

    HQ: Poxbringer [4 PL, 70pts] Power: Miasma of Pestilence

    HQ: Sloppity Bilepiper [3 PL, 60pts]

    HQ: Spoilpox Scrivener [4 PL, 95pts]

    TR: Plaguebearers [12 PL, 235pts]: Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos, 29x Plaguebearer, Plagueridden

    TR: Plaguebearers [12 PL, 235pts]: Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos, 29x Plaguebearer, Plagueridden

    TR: Plaguebearers [12 PL, 235pts]: Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos, 29x Plaguebearer, Plagueridden


    == <Chaos Daemons - Chaos Undivided> Battalion== +5cp, 750pts,

    HQ: Changecaster [4 PL, 65pts]: Ritual Dagger [WARLORD: Born of Sorcery], Powers: Bolt of Change, Gaze of Fate

    HQ: Daemon Prince of Chaos [9 PL, 180pts]: Khorne, Daemonic axe, Set of malefic talons, Wings, Relic: Scullreaver

    TR: Plaguebearers [12 PL, 235pts]: Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos, 29x Plaguebearer, Plagueridden

    TR: Bloodletters [12 PL, 235pts]: Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos, 29x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper

    TR: Horrors [8 PL, 35pts]: 1x Blue Horror, 10x Pair of Brimstone Horrors

    == <Chaos Daemons> Fortification Network== +0cp, 85pts

    FORT: Feculent Gnarlmaw [3 PL, 85pts]


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41, 46, 51, 61, 62, 66



    Country: Austria

    Player: Peter “Oachkatzlschwoaf” Steiner

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 6313

    Factions used: T’au Empire

    Command Points: 6

    Army Points: 1997

    Kill Points: 13

    Reinforcement Points: Not applicable


    == <T’au Empire - T’au Sept> Spearhead Detachment== +1cp, 1235pts

    HQ: Commander Shadowsun [9PL, 110pts]

    HS: XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [24PL, 423pts]: 2x Shas’ui, Shas’vre, 6x High-yield missile pod, 6x Smart missile system, 3x Advanced targeting system, 3x MV4 Shield Drone, 3x MV7 Marker Drone

    HS: XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [21PL, 351pts]: 2x Shas’ui, Shas’vre, 6x High-yield missile pod, 6x Smart missile system, 3x Velocity tracker

    HS: XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [21PL, 351pts]: 2x Shas’ui, Shas’vre, 6x High-yield missile pod, 6x Smart missile system, 3x Velocity tracker


    == <T’au Empire - T’au Sept> Outrider Detachment== +1cp, 510pts

    HQ: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [8PL, 150pts]: 4x Missile pod

    FA: Tactical Drones [6PL, 120pts]: 6x MV4 Shield Drone, 6x MV7 Marker Drone

    FA: Tactical Drones [6PL, 120pts]: 6x MV4 Shield Drone, 6x MV7 Marker Drone

    FA: Tactical Drones [6PL, 120pts]: 6x MV4 Shield Drone, 6x MV7 Marker Drone


    == <T’au Empire - T’au Sept> Supreme Command Detachment== +1cp, 252pts

    HQ: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [8PL, 140pts]: 3x Missile pod, Drone controller

    HQ: Ethereal [3PL, 50pts] [WARLORD: Through Unity, Devastation]: Hover drone, Honour blade

    HQ: Cadre Fireblade [2PL, 42pts] Relic: Puretide engram neurochip

    E: Dahyak Grekh [2PL, 20pts]


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41,42,46,52,55,56



    Country: Austria

    Player: Raphael “Gabryel” Kubiak

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 5505

    Factions used: Necrons

    Command Points: 10

    Army Points: 1989

    Kill Points: 11

    Reinforcement Points: Not applicable


    == <Necrons - Sauthek> Battalion== +6cp, 1539 pts

    HQ: Imotekh the Stormlord [10 PL, 160pts] [WARLORD: Hyperlogical Strategist]

    HQ: Cryptek [5 PL, 95pts]: Staff of Light, Chronometron, Relic: The Veil of Darkness

    TR: Immortals [8 PL, 150 Pts]: Tesla carbines, 10x Immortal

    TR: Immortals [8 PL, 150 Pts]: Tesla carbines, 10x Immortal

    TR: Immortals [8 PL, 90 Pts]: Tesla carbines, 6x Immortal

    FA: Destroyers [18 PL, 300 Pts]: 6x Destroyers, 6x Gauss cannon

    FA: Tomb Blades [14PL, 297 Pts]: 9x Nebuloscope, 9x Shieldvane, 18x Tesla carbine, 9x Tomb Blade

    FA: Tomb Blades [14PL, 297 Pts]: 9x Nebuloscope, 9x Shieldvane, 18x Tesla carbine, 9x Tomb Blade


    == <Necrons - Sauthek> Air Wing Detachment== +1cp, 450pts

    FLYER: Doom Scythe [11 PL, 150 Pts]

    FLYER: Doom Scythe [11 PL, 150 Pts]

    FLYER: Doom Scythe [11 PL, 150 Pts]


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41,46,52,55,56,66



    Country: Austria

    Player: Andreas Wippel

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 5504

    Factions used: Astra Militarum

    Command Points: 16

    Army Points: 2000

    Kill Points: 29

    Reinforcement Points: Not applicable


    == <Astra Militarum - Vostroyan> Auxiliary Support Detachment== -1cp, 166pts

    HS: Leman Russ Battle Tank [10 PL, 166pts]: 3x Heavy bolter, 1x Punisher gatling cannon


    == <Astra Militarum - Catachan> Battalion== +5cp, 306pts

    HQ: Colonel ‘Iron Hand’ Straken [4 PL, 75pts]

    HQ: Company Commander [2 PL, 31pts]: Boltgun, Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Chainsword


    == <Astra Militarum - Cadian> Brigade== +12cp, 1528pts ==

    <Specialist Detachment: Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company>== -1cp == <Stratagem: Field Commander> == -1cp == <Stratagem: Imperial Commander ́s Armoury> == -1cp

    HQ: Company Commander [2 PL, 34pts]: Power sword, Field commander: Lord of Ordnance, Relic: Agripinaa-Class Orbital Tracker

    HQ: Knight Commander Pask [13 PL, 239pts]: Battle cannon, Lascannon, 2x Plasma cannon

    HQ: Tank Commander [12 PL, 204pts]: Battle cannon, Lascannon, 2x Plasma cannon

    HQ: Tank Commander [12 PL, 204pts]: Battle cannon, Lascannon, 2x Plasma cannon

    HQ: Tank Commander [12 PL, 204pts]: Battle cannon, Lascannon, 2x Plasma cannon

    TR: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 45pts]: 7x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Heavy weapon team, 1x Mortar, 1x Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 45pts]: 7x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Heavy weapon team, 1x Mortar, 1x Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 45pts]: 7x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Heavy weapon team, 1x Mortar, 1x Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Chainsword

    E: Astropath [1PL, 26pts]: Laspistol, Power: Nightshroud

    E: Ministorum Priest [2PL, 35pts]: Laspistol, Chainsword

    E: Platoon Commander [2 PL, 20pts]: Chainsword, Free Relic: Relic of Lost Cadia, [WARLORD: Old Grudges]

    FA: Armoured Sentinel [3PL, 35pts]: Multilaser

    FA: Armoured Sentinel [3PL, 35pts]: Multilaser

    FA: Armoured Sentinel [3PL, 35pts]: Multilaser

    HS: Heavy Weapons Squad [3PL, 33pts]: 3x Heavy weapons team, 3x Mortar

    HS: Heavy Weapons Squad [3PL, 33pts]: 3x Heavy weapons team, 3x Mortar

    HS: Heavy Weapons Squad [3PL, 33pts]: 3x Heavy weapons team, 3x Mortar

    HS: Wyvern [6 PL, 103]: Heavy bolter


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41,46,52,55,64,66





    Team: BELARUS

    Player: Andrey "Talisman" Ivanov

    Player Tourneykeeper profile: nr: Andrey Ivanov, 1588

    Factions used: Orks

    Comand points: 15 - 1 (specialist detachment)

    Army points: 2000

    Kill points: 25

    Reinforcement points: 0


    == Brigade Detachment == <Orks : Evil Sunz Clan Kultur> [1575 pts] +12 CP

    HQ: Warboss [90 pts] : Kombi-Rokkit, Power Klaw, Attack Squig

    HQ: Big Mek in Mega Armour [116pts]: Grot Oiler, Kustom Shoota, KFF, Power Klaw

    HQ: Weirdboy [62pts] : Psychic Powers: Da Jump

    HQ: Weirdboy [62pts] : Psychic Powers: Da Jump

    HQ: Weirdboy [62pts] : Psychic Powers: Warpath

    TR: Boyz [215 pts] : 29 Boyz: Slugga, Choppa, 3x Tankbusta Bombs, Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Choppa

    TR: Boyz [215 pts] : 29 Boyz: Slugga, Choppa, 3x Tankbusta Bombs, Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Choppa

    TR: Boyz [215 pts] : 29 Boyz: Slugga, Choppa, 3x Tankbusta Bombs, Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Choppa

    TR: Gretchin [30pts] : 10 Gretchin

    TR: Gretchin [30pts] : 10 Gretchin

    TR: Gretchin [30pts] : 10 Gretchin

    EL: Painboy [65pts]

    EL: Komandos [40pts]: 5 Komandos, 1 Tankbusta Bombs

    EL: Komandos [40pts]: 5 Komandos, 1 Tankbusta Bombs

    FA: Deff Kopta [40pts]

    FA: Deff Kopta [40pts]

    FA: Deff Kopta [40pts]

    HS: Mek Gunz[31pts]: 1 Smasha Gun

    HS: Mek Gunz[76pts]: 1 Smasha Gun, 1 Traktor Kannon

    HS: Mek Gunz[76pts]: 1 Smasha Gun, 1 Traktor Kannon


    == Patrol Detachment == <Orks : Death Skullz Clan Kultur> [425 pts] Dread Waaagh! Specialist Detachment -1 CP

    HQ: Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun [84pts]: Grot Oiler, Da Souped-Up Shokka(Shiney Gubbinz, free) - WARLORD (Bigkilla Boss)

    Troops: Gretchin [30pts] : 10 Gretchin

    HS: Gorkanaut [311pts]


    Refined strategy: 41, 46, 55, 61, 64, 66



    Team: BELARUS

    Player: Aliaksandr "Erle" Ivanou

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Aliaksandr "Erle" Ivanou, 5562

    Factions used: Genestealer Cults

    Command Points: 25 + D3 (warlord trait) - 1 (specialist detachment) -1 (broodcoven stratagem) - 3 (Grandsire's gifts stratagem)

    Army Points: 2000

    Kill Points: 28

    Reinforcement Points: 0


    == <Genestealer Cults> Battalion == +5 CP [320 pts]

    HQ: Patriarch [125 pts]: Psy-Powers: Mental Onslaught, Might from Beyond - Warlord (Inscrutable cunning) <Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor> + D3 CP

    HQ: Primus [75 pts]: Broodcoven stratagem (-1 CP, Warlord trait: Alien Majesty) <The Bladed Cog>

    TR: Brood brothers infantry squad [40 pts]: 9 brood brothers, brood brothers leader

    TR: Brood brothers infantry squad [40 pts]: 9 brood brothers, brood brothers leader

    TR: Brood brothers infantry squad [40 pts]: 9 brood brothers, brood brothers leader


    == <Genestealer Cults - The Rusted Claw> Brigade == +12 CP [1081 pts]

    HQ: Patriarch [125 pts]: Psy-Powers: Mass Hypnosis, Mental Onslaught

    HQ: Acolyte Iconward [53 pts]

    HQ: Jackal Alpha [70 pts]

    EL: Sanctus [60 pts]: silencer sniper rifle, Sacred relic of the cult (the gift from beyond, free)
    EL: Nexos [50 pts]

    EL: Kelemorph [60 pts]

    TR: Neophyte Hybrids [56 pts]: 9 neophyte hybrids, 2 webber, 2 heavy stubber, neophyte leader

    TR: Neophyte Hybrids [56 pts]: 9 neophyte hybrids, 2 webber, 2 heavy stubber, neophyte leader

    TR: Neophyte Hybrids [56 pts]: 9 neophyte hybrids, 2 webber, 2 heavy stubber, neophyte leader

    TR: Neophyte Hybrids [56 pts]: 9 neophyte hybrids, 2 webber, 2 heavy stubber, neophyte leader

    TR: Neophyte Hybrids [56 pts]: 9 neophyte hybrids, 2 webber, 2 heavy stubber, neophyte leader

    TR: Neophyte Hybrids [56 pts]: 9 neophyte hybrids, 2 webber, 2 heavy stubber, neophyte leader

    FA: Atalan Jackals [60 pts]: 5 atalan jackals with shotgun & cultist knife, atalan jackal leader with shotgun & autogun

    FA: Atalan Jackals [75 pts]: 4 atalan jackals, atalan jackal leader, 5 shotgun & demolition charge

    FA: Atalan Jackals [75 pts]: 4 atalan jackals, atalan jackal leader, 5 shotgun & demolition charge

    HS: Brood brothers heavy weapons squad [39 pts]: 3 brood brothers weapons team, 3 x Mortar

    HS: Brood brothers heavy weapons squad [39 pts]: 3 brood brothers weapons team, 3 x Mortar

    HS: Brood brothers heavy weapons squad [39 pts]: 3 brood brothers weapons team, 3 x Mortar


    == <Genestealer Cults - The Bladed Cog> Battalion == +5CP, Deliverance Broodsurge specialist detachment (-1 CP) [599 pts]

    HQ: Patriarch [137 pts]: familiar, sacred relic of the cult (crouchling, -1 CP), Psy-Powers: Mass Hypnosis, Might from Beyond, Mind control

    HQ: Abominant [105 pts]: Sacred relic of the cult (Mark of the Clawed Omnissiah, -2 CP)

    TR: Acolyte hybrids [150 pts]: 20 Acolyte Hybrids, cult icon

    TR: Acolyte hybrids [150 pts]: 20 Acolyte Hybrids, cult icon

    TR: Neophyte Hybrids [57 pts]: 9 neophyte hybrids, 2 webber, 2 Heavy stubber, neophyte leader with cultist knife and web pistol


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41,46,55,66



    Team: BELARUS

    Player: Artsiom "Kirtanus" Abakumov

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile: Artyom "Kirtanus" Abakumov, 4853

    Factions used: Adeptus Mechanicus, Astra Militarum, Imperial Knights, Officio Assassinorum

    Command Points: 20 - 1 (specialist detachment) -1 (heirlooms of household) -1 (exalted court)

    Army Points: 1915

    Kill Points: 27

    Reinforcement Points: 85


    == Battalion Detachment == Adeptus Mechanicus [Graia] (210pts) +5CP

    HQ: Tech-Priest Enginseer [30pts, 3PL]

    HQ: Tech-Priest Enginseer [30pts, 3PL]

    TR: Skitarii Rangers [65pts, 4PL]: Ranger Alpha, 4x Rangers, 2x Transuranic Arquebus

    TR: Skitarii Rangers [50pts, 4PL]: Ranger Alpha, 4x Rangers, 1x Transuranic Arquebus

    TR: Skitarii Rangers [35pts, 4PL]: Ranger Alpha, 4x Rangers


    == Brigade Detachment == Astra Militarum [Catachan] (1122pts) +12CP Vigilus Defiant - Emperor's Fist Tank Company (-1CP)

    HQ: Company Commander with Chainsword and Boltgun [31pts, 2PL] WARLORD: Implacable Determination, Relic: Kurov's Aquila

    HQ: Primaris Psyker [46pts, 2PL] Powers: Nightshroud, Psychic Barrier

    HQ: Tank Commander [206pts, 12PL]: Battle Cannon, Lascannon, 2x Plasma Cannon, Heavy Stubber

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts, 3PL]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant with Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts, 3PL]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant with Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts, 3PL]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant with Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts, 3PL]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant with Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts, 3PL]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant with Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts, 3PL]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant with Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [41pts, 3PL]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant with Chainsword and Boltgun

    FA: Armoured Sentinel with Plasma Cannon [40pts, 3PL]

    FA: Armoured Sentinel with Plasma Cannon [40pts, 3PL]

    FA: Armoured Sentinel with Plasma Cannon [40pts, 3PL]

    HS: Heavy Weapons Squad [33pts, 3PL]: 3x Heavy Weapon Team with Mortar

    HS: Heavy Weapons Squad [33pts, 3PL]: 3x Heavy Weapon Team with Mortar

    HS: Heavy Weapons Squad [33pts, 3PL]: 3x Heavy Weapon Team with Mortar

    EL: Astropath [26pts, 1PL]: Powers: Psychic Barrier

    EL: Astropath [26pts, 1PL]: Powers: Psychic Maelstrom

    EL: Ministorum Priest [35pts, 2PL]: Autogun, Chainsword

    EL: Bullgryns [252pts, 13PL]: 5x Bullgryn, Bullgryn Bone'ead, 6x Bullgryn Maul, 4x Slabshield, 2x Bruteshield


    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == Imperial Knights [Hawkshroud] (583pts) 0CP

    LOW: Knight Valiant [583pts, 30PL]: Siegebreaker Cannon, 4x Shieldbreaker Missiles, Ion Bulwark (-1CP), Armour of the Sainted Ion (-1CP)


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41,46,66



    Team: BELARUS

    Player: Iurii "Grave" Velichkovskii

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Iurii Velichkovskii, 1563

    Factions Used: Craftworlds

    Command Points: 14

    Army Points: 1998

    Kill Points: 18

    Reinforcement Points: 2


    == <Craftworlds - Alaitoc> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 1032pts

    HQ: Farseer [110pts]: Relic: Faolchu's Wing, Powers: Doom, Executioner

    HQ: Warlock Skyrunner [67pts]: Power: Protect/Jinx

    TR: Storm Guardians [48pts]: 8 x Guardian, 8 x Chainsword

    TR: Rangers [60pts]: 5 x Ranger

    TR: Rangers [60pts]: 5 x Ranger

    FA: Windriders [207pts]: 9 x Windrider, 9 x Scatter Laser

    FL: Crimson Hunter [160pts]

    FL: Crimson Hunter Exarch [161pts]: 2 x Starcannon

    DT: Wave Serpent [159pts]: Spirit Stones, Vectored Engines


    == <Craftworlds - Ulthwe> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 504pts

    HQ: Eldrad Ulthran [135pts]: Powers: Guide, Fortune, Will of Asuryan

    HQ: Spiritseer [65pts]: Powers: Conceal/Reveal

    TR: Guardian Defenders [184pts]: 20 x Guardian, 2 x Heavy Weapon Platform, 2 x Scatter Laser

    TR: Rangers [60pts]: 5 x Ranger

    TR: Rangers [60pts]: 5 x Ranger


    == <Craftworlds - Alaitoc> Spearhead Detachment == +1cp, 462pts

    HQ: Autarch [77pts]: [WARLORD: Fate's Messenger]

    HS: Support Weapon [37pts] HS: Support Weapon [37pts]

    HS: Dark Reapers [311pts]: 8 x Dark Reaper, Exarch, Tempest Launcher


    Refind Strategy: Discard 41, 46, 52, 66



    Team: BELARUS

    Player: Stephan "Word Bearer" Smirnov

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Stepan Smirnov, 1566

    Factions Used: Chaos Daemons, Thousand sons

    Command Points: 14

    Army Points: 2000

    Kill Points: 14

    Reinforcement Points: 0


    == <Thousand Sons> Supreme Command Detachment == +1cp, 837pts

    HQ: Ahriman [131pts]: Powers: Prescience, Doombolt, Tzeentch Firestorm

    HQ: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch [180pts]: Wings, Malefic Talons, Powers: Glamour of Tzeentch, Infernal Gaze

    HQ: Sorcerer in Terminator Armour [122pts]: Familiar, Powers: Temporal Manipulations, Warptime

    EL: Scarab Occult Terminators [404pts]: 9 x Scarab Occult Terminator, Scarab Occult Sorcerer, 2 x Hellfyre Missile Rack, Scarab Occult Sorcerer Power: Weaver of Fates


    == <Chaos Daemons> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 545pts

    HQ: Lord of Change [270pts]: Relic: Impossible Robe, Powers: Infernal Gateway, Bolt of Tzeentch, Treason of Tzeentch, [WARLORD: Incorporeal Form]

    HQ: Changecaster [65pts]: Powers: Gaze of Fate, Flickering Flames

    TR: Horrors [150pts]: 20 x Pink Horror, Instrument of Chaos

    TR: Horrors [30pts]: 10 x Pair of Brimstone Horrors

    TR: Horrors [30pts]: 10 x Pair of Brimstone Horrors


    == <Chaos Daemons> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 615pts

    HQ: Herald of Slaanesh [60pts]: Power: Pavane of Slaanesh

    HQ: Poxbringer [70pts]: Power: Miasma of Pestilence

    TR: Bloodletters [235pts]: 29 x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos

    TR: Plaguebearers [220pts]: 29 x Plaguebearer, Plagueridden, Instrument of Chaos

    TR: Horrors [33pts]: 11 x Pair of Brimstone Horrors


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41, 44, 46


    Team: BELARUS

    Player: Aliaksandr «Santan» Filippov

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Alexandr «Santan» Filippov, 5589

    Factions used: Chaos Space Marines, Death Guard

    Command Points: 11

    Army Points: 2000 pts

    Kill Points: 17

    Reinforcement Points: 0


    == Battalion Detachment == <Black Legion> +5cp, 1085pts

    HQ: Warpsmith [62pts] Melta, Flamer, Power Axe, Combi-bolter <Mark of Slaanesh>

    HQ: Abbadon the Despoiler [240 pts] Warlord: First Amongst Traitors +2 CP

    TR: Chaos Space Marines [171pts] 10*Chaos Space Marines, 8 Bolters, 2*Reaper Chaincannon, chain-axe <Mark of Slaanesh>

    TR: Chaos Cultists [50pts] 10*Chaos Cultists,10*Autogun <Slaanesh>

    TR: Chaos Cultists [50pts] 10*Chaos Cultists,10*Autogun <Slaanesh>

    HS: Defiler [144pts] Reaper Autocannon, Defiler Scourge, Combi-bolter <Mark of Slaanesh>

    HS: Defiler [144pts] Reaper Autocannon, Defiler Scourge, Combi-bolter <Mark of Slaanesh>

    HS: Havocs [152pts] 5*Havocs, 4*Reaper Chaincannon, Combi-bolter, <Mark of Slaanesh>

    DT: Chaos Rhino [72pts] <Mark of Slaanesh>


    == Patrol Detachment == <Crimson Slaughters> +0cp, 315pts

    HQ: Sorcerer [98pts] Force Sword, <Mark of Slaanesh> Powers: Smite, Delightful Agonies, Prescience.

    TR: Chaos Cultists [50pts] 10*Chaos Cultists,10*Autogun <Slaanesh>

    FL: Helldrake [167pts] Helldrake claws, Baleflamer <Slaanesh>


    == Spearhead Detachment == <Heretic Astartes> +1cp, 600pts

    HQ: Master of Possession [98pts] Force Staff, <Mark of Tzeentch> <Black Legion> Powers:Sacrifice, Smite, Cursed Earth

    FA: Raptors [86pts] 5 Raptors, Icon of Wrath, Сhain-axe <Mark of Khorne> <World Eaters>

    HS: Plagueburst Crawler [136pts] Plagueburst Mortar, Heavy slugger, 2 Entropy cannon

    HS: Plagueburst Crawler [136pts] Plagueburst Mortar, Heavy slugger, 2 Entropy cannon

    HS: Defiler [144pts] Reaper Autocannon, Defiler Scourge, Combi-bolter <Black Legion> <Mark of Slaanesh>


    Refined strategy: discard 41, 46, 55, 66



    Team: BELARUS

    Player: Iurii "Wartrack" Blokhin

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Iurii Blokhin, 2095

    Factions used: Harlequins, Drukhari

    Command Points: 10

    Army Points: 2000 pts

    Reinforcement Points: Not Applicable


    ==<Harlequins - The Soaring Spite> Outrider Detachment== +1cp, 986pts

    HQ: Shadowseer [7PL, 125pts]: POWERS: Twilight Pathways, Webway Dance

    FA: Skyweavers [13PL, 306pts]: 6 Skyweaver, 6 Haywire Cannons, 6 Zepherglaves

    FA: Skyweavers [13PL, 306pts]: 6 Skyweaver, 6 Haywire Cannons, 6 Zepherglaves

    FA: Skyweavers [13PL, 249pts]: 5 Skyweaver, 5 Haywire Cannons, 4 Zepherglaves


    ==<Drukhari - Black Heart> Battalion== +5cp, 609pts

    HQ: Archon [4PL, 72pts]: Venom Blade

    HQ: Archon [4PL, 72pts]: Venom Blade [WARLORD: Labyrinthine Cunning], RELIC: Writ of the Living Muse

    TR: Kabalite Warriors [2PL, 30pts]: 4x Kabalite Warriors, 1 Sybarite

    TR: Kabalite Warriors [2PL, 30pts]: 4x Kabalite Warriors, 1 Sybarite

    TR: Kabalite Warriors [2PL, 30pts]: 4x Kabalite Warriors, 1 Sybarite

    HS: Ravager [7PL, 125pts]: 3 Disintegrator Cannons

    HS: Ravager [7PL, 125pts]: 3 Disintegrator Cannons

    HS: Ravager [7PL, 125pts]: 3 Disintegrator Cannons


    ==<Drukhari - Black Heart> Air Wing Detachment== +1cp, 405pts

    FL: Razorwing Jetfighter [8PL, 135pts]: 2 Disintegrator Cannons

    FL: Razorwing Jetfighter [8PL, 135pts]: 2 Disintegrator Cannons

    FL: Razorwing Jetfighter [8PL, 135pts]: 2 Disintegrator Cannons


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41, 46, 66



    Team: BELARUS

    Player: Aliaksandr “Mindovg” Shkoda

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: Mindovg, 5571

    Factions used: Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Custodes, Blood Angels

    Command Points: 16 - 1 (death visions) - 1 (armoury of baal)

    Army Points: 2000

    Kill Points: 26

    Reinforcement Points: 0


    ==<Adepta Sororitas - Order – Bloody Rose> Brigade, +12 CP, 1345pts

    HQ: Canoness [3 PL, 45pts]: Chainsword [WARLORD: Indomitable belief]

    HQ: Canoness [3 PL, 49pts]: Power sword, Relic: Blade of Admonition

    HQ: Missionary [2 PL, 35pts] EL: Dialogus [2 PL, 30pts]

    EL: Preacher [2 PL, 25pts] EL: Hospitaller [2 PL, 30pts]

    TR: Battle Sister Squad [4 PL, 51pts]: 4 Sister Squad, Sister Superior, 3 Storm bolter

    TR: Battle Sister Squad [4 PL, 51pts]: 4 Sister Squad, Sister Superior, 3 Storm bolter

    TR: Battle Sister Squad [4 PL, 51pts]: 4 Sister Squad, Sister Superior, 3 Storm bolter

    TR: Battle Sister Squad [4 PL, 51pts]: 4 Sister Squad, Sister Superior, 3 Storm bolter

    TR: Battle Sister Squad [4 PL, 51pts]: 4 Sister Squad, Sister Superior, 3 Storm bolter

    TR: Battle Sister Squad [4 PL, 51pts]: 4 Sister Squad, Sister Superior, 3 Storm bolter

    FA: Dominion Squad [6 PL, 60pts]: 4 Dominions, Dominion Superior,5 Storm bolter

    FA: Dominion Squad [6 PL, 60pts]: 4 Dominions, Dominion Superior,5 Storm bolter

    FA: Dominion Squad [6 PL, 60pts]: 4 Dominions, Dominion Superior,5 Storm bolter

    HS: Exorcist [7 PL, 131pts]: Hunter killer missile

    HS: Exorcist [7 PL, 131pts]: Hunter killer missile

    HS: Exorcist [7 PL, 131pts]: Hunter killer missile

    DT: Immolator [5 PL, 98pts]

    DT: Sororitas Rhino [4 PL, 77pts]: Storm bolter

    DT: Sororitas Rhino [4 PL, 77pts]: Storm bolter


    == Adeptus Custodes== Supreme Command, +1CP, 466pts

    HQ: Shield Captain in Allarus Terminator Armor [8 PL, 128pts]: Castellan Axe, Misericordia

    HQ: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [9 PL, 169pts]: Misericordia, Salvo Launcher

    HQ: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [9 PL, 169pts]: Misericordia, Salvo Launcher


    == Blood Angels == Patrol detachment, 0 CP, 189pts

    HQ: Captain with Jump Pack [6 PL, 124pts]: Storm shield, Thunder Hammer, Death Visions of Sanguinius (-1CP), Relic: The Angel's Wings (-1CP)

    TR: Scout Squad [4 PL, 65pts]: 4 Scouts, Scout Sergeant, 5x Sniper rifles


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41,46,61,62,66







    + PLAYER 1: Tom Adriany


    + ARMY FACTION: Orks


    + Specialist Detachment: Dread Waaaagh! -1CP


    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1998 pts

    + KILL POINTS: 21


    == Battalion Detachment == DeathSkullz <Vigilus Defiant Dreadwaaagh Detachment -1CP> [884pts] + 5CP

    HQ: Ork warboss (65) Power Klaw (13) Attack Squig (0) Kustom Shoota (2) - [80pts]

    HQ: Big Mek with Shockattack Gun (80) Grot Oiler (4) <RELIC> Da Souped-up Shocker <WARLORD> Bigkilla Boss - [84pts]

    TR: 10 gretchin - [30pts]

    TR: 10 gretchin - [30pts]

    TR: 10 gretchin - [30pts]

    EL: 9 Meganobz (180) 9 Power Klaw (117) 9 Kustom Shoota (18) - [315pts]

    EL: 9 Meganobz (180) 9 Power Klaw (117) 9 Kustom Shoota (18) - [315pts]


    == Battalion Detachment == Bad Moonz - [788ts] + 5CP

    HQ: Weirdboy (62) power: Da Jump - [62pts]

    HQ: Ork Warboss (65) Power Klaw (13) Attack Squig (0) Kustom Shoota (2) - [80pts]

    TR: 11 Gretchin - [33pts]

    TR: 10 Gretchin - [30pts]

    TR: 10 Gretchin - [30pts]

    HS: 14 Lootas (238) Deffgun (0) - [238pts]

    EL: 15 Tankbustaz (75) 15 Rokkit Launchers (180) 6 Bomb Squigs (60) - [315pts]


    == Battalion Detachment == DeathSkullz - [326pts] + 5CP

    HQ: Weirdboy (62) power: Fists Of Gork - [62pts]

    HQ: Weirdboy (62) power: Warpath - [62pts]

    TR: 10 Gretchin - [30pts]

    TR: 10 Gretchin - [30pts]

    TR: 10 Gretchin - [30pts]

    EL: Runtherd (35) Grot Prod (0) Squig Hound (0) - [35pts]

    EL: Nob With Waaagh Banner (75) Kustom Shoota (2) - [77pts]


    Refined Strategies: 41 (Advance), 43 (Hold The Line), 46 (Domination), 52 (Blood & Guts), 55 (Psychological Warfare), 66 (Priority Orders)





    + PLAYER 2: Tom Dewilde


    + ARMY FACTION: Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Custodes


    + Specialist Detachment: NONE


    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1994 pts

    + KILL POINTS: 17


    ==Battalion Detachment== Adeptus Mechanicus, (Mars) [1300 PTS, 114PL] +5CP

    HQ: Belisarius Cawl (190), Arc Scourge (0), Omnissian Axe (0), Solar Atomiser (0), Mechadendrite Hive (0) = [190 PTS] ++ WARLORD ++ Warlord Trait: Static Psalm-code

    HQ: Techpriest Manipulus (90), Omnissian Staff (0), Transonic Cannon (0), = [90 PTS] Free Relic: Raiment Of The Technomartyr

    TR: 6 Kataphron Breachers (6x20), Arc Claw (6x4), Heavy Arc Rifle (6x6) = [180 PTS]

    TR: 6 Kataphron Breachers (6x20), Arc Claw (6x4), Heavy Arc Rifle (6x6) = [180 PTS]

    TR: 6 Kataphron Breachers (6x20), Arc Claw (6x4), Heavy Arc Rifle (6x6) = [180 PTS]

    TR: 6 Kataphron Breachers (6x20), Arc Claw (6x4), Heavy Arc Rifle (6x6) = [180 PTS]

    TR: 5 Kataphron Breachers (5x20), Arc Claw (5x4), Heavy Arc Rifle (5x6) = [150 PTS]

    TR: 5 Kataphron Breachers (5x20), Arc Claw (5x4), Heavy Arc Rifle (5x6) = [150 PTS]


    ==Battalion Detachment== Adeptus Mechanicus, (Lucius)[214PTS] +5CP

    HQ: Techpriest Enginseer (30),Servo-arm (0) Omnissian axe (0) Laspistol (0) = [30 PTS]

    HQ: Techpriest Enginseer (30),Servo-arm (0) Omnissian axe (0) Laspistol (0) = [30 PTS]

    TR: 4x Skitarii Rangers (28) 1 Skitarii Alpha (7),Galvanic Rifle (0) = [35 PTS]

    TR: 4x Skitarii Rangers (28) 1 Skitarii Alpha (7),Galvanic Rifle (0) = [35 PTS]

    TR: 5x Skitarii Rangers (35) 1 Skitarii Alpha (7),Galvanic Rifle (0) = [42 PTS]

    TR:5x Skitarii Rangers (35) 1 Skitarii Alpha (7),Galvanic Rifle (0) = [42 PTS]


    ==Supreme Command Detachment== Adeptus Custodes [480 PTS] +1CP

    HQ: Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150), HurRicane Bolter (10), Interceptor lance (0) [160 PTS]

    HQ: Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150), Hurricane Bolter (10), Interceptor lance (0) [160 PTS]

    HQ: Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150), Hurricane Bolter (10), Interceptor lance (0) [160 PTS]


    Refined Strategies: 41 Advance 44 Mission Cricital Objective 45 Domination 52 Blood and Guts 55 Psycological Warfare 66 Priority Order Received





    + PLAYER 3: Martijn Versteeg


    + ARMY FACTION: Drukhari


    + Specialist Detachment: NONE


    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1999 pts

    + KILL POINTS: 24 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

     == Detachment 1: Spearhead (Drukhari, Kabal of the Black Heart) +1CP – 777pts 43PL==

    HQ: Archon (70), Splinter Pistol (0), Venom Blade (2) [72] [Warlord] [Labyrinthine Cunning] [Relic: Writ of the living muse]

    HS: Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (45) [125]

    HS: Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (45) [125]

    HS: Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (45) [125]

    FL: Voidraven Bomber (155), Voidraven Missiles (10), 2 Dark Scythes (0) [165]

    FL: Voidraven Bomber (155), Voidraven Missiles (10), 2 Dark Scythes (0) [165]


    == Detachment 2: Battalion (faction: Drukhari <Kabal of the Flayed Skull>) +5CP - 699pts 42PL==

    HQ: Archon (70), Splinter Pistol (0), Venom Blade (2) - [ 72]

    HQ: Archon (70), Splinter Pistol (0), Venom Blade (2) – [72]

    TR: 4 Kabalite Warriors (24), Sybarite (6), 5x Splinter Rifles (0) – [30]

    TR: 4 Kabalite Warriors (24), Sybarite (6), 5x Splinter Rifles (0) – [30]

    TR: 4 Kabalite Warriors (24), Sybarite (6), 5x Splinter Rifles (0) – [30]

    FL: Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 Disintegrator Cannon (30), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) – [135]

    FL: Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 Disintegrator Cannon (30), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) – [135]

    DT: Venom (55), 1 Splinter Cannon (10), Blade Vanes (0), Twin Splinter Rifle (0) – [65]

    DT: Venom (55), 1 Splinter Cannon (10), Blade Vanes (0), Twin Splinter Rifle (0) – [65]

    DT: Venom (55), 1 Splinter Cannon (10), Blade Vanes (0), Twin Splinter Rifle (0) – [65]


    == Detachment 3: Battalion (faction: Drukhari <Cult of the Red Grief >) +5 CP – 523pts 31PL==

    HQ: Succubus (50), Shardnet and Impaler (5) [Drugs: Hypex] –[ 55]

    HQ: Succubus (50), Archite Glaive (0), Splinter Pistol (0) [Drugs: Serpentin] –[50]

    TR: 4 Wyches (32), Hekatrix (8), Shardnet and Impaler (5), 4 Splinter Pistol (0), 4 Hekatarii Blade (0) [Drugs: Painbringer] – [45]

    TR: 4 Wyches (32), Hekatrix (8), Shardnet and Impaler (5), 4 Splinter Pistol (0), 4 Hekatarii Blade (0) [Drugs: Grave Lotus] – [45]

    TR: 4 Wyches (32), Hekatrix (8), Shardnet and Impaler (5), 4 Splinter Pistol (0), 4 Hekatarii Blade (0) [Drugs: Adrenalight] – [45]

    FL: Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 Disintegrator Cannon (30), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) – [135]

    DT: Venom (55), 1 Splinter Cannon (10), Blade Vanes (0), Twin-Linked Splinter Rifle (0) – [65] [4PL]

    DT: Raider (65), Disintegrator cannon (15), Phantasm Grenade Launcher (3) [83]


    Refined Strategies: 41 Advance, 43 Hold the Line, 46 Domination, 55 Psychological Warfare, 61 Kingslayer, 66 Priority order received







    + ARMY FACTION: Craftworlds


    + Specialist Detachment: NONE


     + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts

    + KILL POINTS: 17


    == < Craftworlds ulwathe> Battalion == +5 cp [749pts]

    HQ: Eldrad Ulthran [135pts] Fortune, Doom, Guide

    HQ: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [67pts][WARLORD - Seer of the Shifting Vector] Quicken/Restrain

    HQ: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [67pts] Protect/Jinx

    TR: Storm Guardians x24 (144), Chainswords x24 (0) [144pts]

    TR: Storm Guardians x24 (144), Chainswords x24 (0) [144pts]

    TR: Storm Guardians x24 (144), Chainswords x24 (0) [144pts]

    TR: Storm Guardians x23 (138), Chainswords x23 (0) [138pts]


    == < Craftworlds alitoc> Spearhead == +1 cp [468 pts]

    HQ: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [67pts] Conceal/Reveal

    HQ: Spiritseer FREE RELIC - Faolchus Wing [65pts] Empower/Enervate

    HS: Night Spinner (110), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [112pts]

    HS: Night Spinner (110), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [112pts]

    HS: Night Spinner (110), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [112pts]


     == < Craftworlds alitoc> Air wing == +1 cp [693pts]

    FL: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), Starcannons (26) [161pts]

    FL: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), Starcannons (26) [161pts]

    FL: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), Starcannons (26) [161pts]

    FL: Hemlock Wraithfighter (200), Starcannons (10) [210pts] Jinx


    Refined Strategies: 41 Advance, 43 Hold the line, 46 Domination, 54 Area Denial, 55 Psycological Warfare, 66 Priority Orders received





    + PLAYER 5: Vincent Koopmans


    + ARMY FACTION: Officio Assassinorum, Imperial Knights


    + Specialist Detachment: None



    + KILL POINTS: 10


    ++ Super-Heavy Detachment +6CP (Imperium - Imperial Knights - House Krast) [1,404pts] ++

    LoW: Knight Crusader (285pts), Heavy Stubber (2pts), Ironstorm Missile Pod (16pts), Thermal Cannon(76pts), Avenger Gatling Cannon(75pts), Heavy Flamer(14pts) [468pts] Warlord, Character (Knight Lance) Warlord Trait: Ion Bulwark Heirloom: Endless Fury

    LoW: Knight Crusader (285pts), Heavy Stubber (2pts), Ironstorm Missile Pod (16pts), Thermal Cannon(76pts), Avenger Gatling Cannon(75pts), Heavy Flamer(14pts) [468pts]

    LoW: Knight Crusader (285pts), Heavy Stubber (2pts), Ironstorm Missile Pod (16pts), Thermal Cannon(76pts), Avenger Gatling Cannon(75pts), Heavy Flamer(14pts) [468pts]


    ++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Officio Assassinorum) [340pts] ++

    El: Callidus Assassin(85pts) [85pts]

    El: Culexus Assassin (85pts) [85pts]

    El: Eversor Assassin (85pts) [85pts]

    El: Vindicare Assassin (85pts) [85pts]


    ++ Vanguard Detachment (Imperium - Officio Assassinorum) [255pts] ++

    El: Eversor Assassin (85pts) [85pts]

    El: Eversor Assassin (85pts) [85pts]

    El: Vindicare Assassin (85pts) [85pts]


    Refined strategies: (41): Advance (43): Hold the line (44): Mission critical objective (46): Domination (55): Psychological warfare (66): priority orders received





    + PLAYER 6: Davy Sabo CAPTAIN


    + ARMY FACTION: Astra Militarum, Blood Angels


    + Specialist Detachment: Emperor's Fist Tank Detachment -1CP, Emperor's Wrath Artillery Detachment - 1CP



    + KILL POINTS: 21


     == Battalion Detachment == catachan AM +5CP 504 emperors fist tank detachment -1 cp

    HQ: Tank Commander (142) battle cannon (22) 2x plasma cannon(20) heavy bolter(8) [192]

    HQ: Tank Commander (142) battle cannon (22) 2xplasma cannon(20)heavy bolter(8)[192]

    TR: 10 Infantry Squad(40)chainsword (0)[40]

    TR: 10 Infantry Squad(40)chainsword (0)[40]

    TR: 10 Infantry Squad(40)chainsword (0)[40]


    == Battalion Detachment == catachan AM +5CP emperor's wrath artilery detachment -1 cp 1105

    HQ: Tank Commander (142) battle cannon (22) 2xplasma cannon(20)heavy bolter(8)[192]

    HQ:Company commander (30)chainsword (0)[30]

    TR : 10 Infantry Squad(40)chainsword (0)[40]

    TR : 10 Infantry Squad(40)chainsword (0)[40]

    TR : 10 Infantry Squad(40)chainsword (0)[40]

    FA: 1 Hellhound (73) Inferno Cannons (20) 1 x Heavy Flamer (14) Track Guards (10)[107]

    FA: 1 Hellhound (73) Inferno Cannons (20) 1 x Heavy Flamer (14) Track Guards (10)[107]

    FA: 1 Hellhound (73) Inferno Cannons (20) 1 x Heavy Flamer (14) Track Guards (10)[107]

    El: master of ordenance [30] warlord lord of ordenance RELIC : agripinaa class orbital tracker

    HS: wyvern (95) wyvern quad stormshard mortar (0) heavy bolter (8) [103]

    HS: wyvern (95) wyvern quad stormshard mortar (0) heavy bolter (8) [103]

    HS: wyvern (95) wyvern quad stormshard mortar (0) heavy bolter (8) (103) +wyvern (95) wyvern quad stormshard mortar (0) heavy bolter (8) [206]


    == Supreme command. Detachment +1 cp blood angels 390p ==

    HQ: captain jumppack (93) thunderhammer (21) Stormshield (10)[124]

    HQ: captain jumppack (93) thunderhammer (21) Stormshield (10)[124]

    HQ: Librarian dreadnaught (110) stormbolter (2) furioso force halberd (0) dreadnougt fist (30)[142] powers: Quickening, Wings of Sanguinius


    Refined strategies: (41): Advance (43): Hold the line (44): Mission critical objective (46): Domination (55): Psychological warfare (66): priority orders received





    + PLAYER 7: Hugo Bourgeois


    + ARMY FACTION: Heretic Astartes ; Thousand Sons ; Chaos Deamons


    + Specialist Detachment: Soulforged Pack -1CP



    + KILL POINTS: 14



    == Battalion Detachment +5CP (Heretic Astartes - Thousand Sons), 888 pts == Legion: Thousand Sons Mark: Mark Of Tzeentch

    HQ: Ahriman on Disc – [166] (Warptime, Diabolic Strenght, Prescience, Smite) <Tzeentch>

    HQ: Daemon of Tzeentch with wings (170), pair of malefic talons (10) [180] (Weaver of Fate, Infernal Gateway, Smite) <Tzeentch>

    HQ: Sorcerer in Terminator Armour, Inferno combi-bolter, Force stave, Familiar [122] (Glamour of Tzeentch, Flickering Flames, Smite) <Tzeentch>

    TR: 25 Tzaangors (25*7) Brayhorn (10), Tzaangor Blades, Twistbray [185]

    TR: 25 Tzaangors (25*7) Brayhorn (10), Tzaangor Blades, Twistbray [185]

    TR: 10 Cultists (3PL, 50pts] Autogun, Cultist Champion


    ==Battalion detachment + 5CP (Deamons), 579 pts==

    HQ: Poxbringer [70] (Miasma of Pestilence) <Nurgle>

     HQ: Herald of Slaanesh [60] (Delightful Agonies, smite) <Slaanesh>

    TR: 10 Brimstone Horrors [30] <Tzeentch>

    TR: 28 Pink Horrors (28*7) , Instrument of choas (10) [206] <Tzeentch>

    TR: 29 Plaguebearers (29*7), Instrument of choas (10) [213] <Nurgle>


     ==Supreme Detachment +1CP (Heretic Astartes - Chaos Space Marines), 480pts Soulforged Pack -1 CP== Legion: Flawless Host Mark: Mark Of Slaanesh

    HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker [160pts] Autocannon, Techno Virus Injector, Bolt Pistol, Impaler Chainglaive, Mechatendrils WARLORD : ULTIMATE CONFIDENCE

    HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker [160pts] Autocannon, Techno Virus Injector, Bolt Pistol, Impaler Chainglaive, Mechatendrils

    HQ: Lord Discordant on Helstalker [160pts] Autocannon, Techno Virus Injector, Bolt Pistol, Impaler Chainglaive, Mechatendrils


    Refined Strategies card discarded : 41 – Advance, 46 – Domination, 55 – Psychological Warfare, 61 – Kingslayer, 62 – Witch Hunter, 64 - Assassinate





    + PLAYER 8: Karsten Henriksen




    + Specialist Detachment: None



    + KILL POINTS: 18


    == Battalion Detachment == T'au Empire - T'au Sept [1560points][83PL] +5 CP

    HQ1: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90) 4x Missile Pod (4x15=60) - [150pts]]

    HQ2: Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3) [42pts][PL2] (WL: Through unity, Devestation) SIGNITURE SYSTEM: Puretide Engram Neurochip

    TR1: Strike Team (5x7=35) Shas?ui (0) Pulse Rifles (5x0=0) - [35pts]

    TR2: Strike Team (5x7=35) Shas?ui (0) Pulse Rifles (5x0=0) - [35pts]

    TR3: Strike Team (5x7=35) Shas?ui (0) Pulse Rifles (5x0=0) - [35pts]

    EL1: 1x XV104 RiptideBattlesuit (185), 2x Smart missilesystem (30), 1x Heavy burstcannon (35), 1x Target lock (12), 1x Advancedtargetingsystem (18) - [280pts]

    EL2: 1x XV104 RiptideBattlesuit (185), 2x Smart missilesystem (30), 1x Heavy burstcannon (35), 1x Target lock (12), 1x Advancedtargetingsystem (18) - [280pts]

    EL3: 1x XV104 RiptideBattlesuit (185), 2x Smart missilesystem (30), 1x Heavy burstcannon (35), 1x Target lock (12), 1x Advancedtargetingsystem (18) - [280pts]

    HS1: 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (3*35=105), Shas'vre(0), 6x High Yield Missiles (6*25=150), 6x Smart Missile System (6*15=90), 3x ATS (3*6=18), 6 Shield Drones(6*10=60) [423 pts]


    == Outrider Detachment == T'au Empire - T'au Sept [320pts] +1CP

    HQ3: Shadowsun(110), 2x Fusion Blaster (0) [110]

    FA1: Tactical Drones - 6 Shield Drones, 1 Marker Drone (7x10=70) - [70pts]

    FA2: Tactical Drones - 6 Shield Drones, 1 Marker Drone (7x10=40) - [70pts]

    FA3: Tactical Drones - 6 Shield Drones, 1 Marker Drone (7x10=40) - [70pts]


    == Vanguard Detachment == T'au Empire, Sa?cea Sept [120pts] +1CP

    HQ4: Ethereal(45) Honour blade(0) [45]

    EL3: Firesight Marksman (21) Markerlight (3) Pulse Pistol(1) - [25pts]

    EL4: Firesight Marksman (21) Markerlight (3) Pulse Pistol(1) - [25pts]

    EL5: Firesight Marksman (21) Markerlight (3) Pulse Pistol(1) - [25pts]


    Refined Strategies: 41 Advance, 46 Domination, 53 Blood'n'Guts, 55 Psychological warfare, 64, Assassinate, 66 Priority Orders received






    + PLAYER NAME: Chris Hanes - Captain


    + COUNTRY: Canada

    + ARMY FACTION: Orks

    + COMMAND POINTS: 18-1=17



    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Evil Sunz, Bad Moons


    + COACH: Devin Swann


    ==Battalion Detachment== (Orks – Evil Sunz) [40PL, 787pts] + 5cp

    HQ1: Warboss (65) Attack Squiq(0) Kustom Shoota (2), Power Klaw (13), <Evil Sunz> – [4PL, 80pts] - WARLORD: ‘Ard as Nails

    HQ2: Weirdboy (62) Weirdboy Staff(0), <Evil Sunz> – [3PL, 62pts] - Da Jump

    Troops1: 29 Boyz (203), 29 Shootas (0), Boyz Nob (7), Big Choppa(5), 3 Tankbusta bombs (0), <Evil Sunz> [11PL, 215pts]

    Troops2: 29 Boyz (203), 29 Shootas (0), Boyz Nob (7), Big Choppa(5), 3 Tankbusta bombs (0), <Evil Sunz> [11PL, 215pts]

    Troops3: 29 Boyz (203), 29 Shootas (0), Boyz Nob (7), Big Choppa(5), 3 Tankbusta bombs (0), <Evil Sunz> [11PL, 215pts]


    ==Battalion Detachment== (Orks – Evil Sunz) [23PL, 476pts] + 5cp

    HQ3: Weirdboy (62) Weirdboy Staff(0), <Evil Sunz> – [3PL, 62pts] - Da Jump

    HQ4: Weirdboy (62) Weirdboy Staff(0), <Evil Sunz> – [3PL, 62pts] - Da Jump

    Troops4: 29 Boyz (203), 29 Sluggas and Choppas (0), Boyz Nob (7), Big Choppa(5), 3 Tankbusta bombs (0), <Evil Sunz> [11PL, 215pts]

    Troops5: 10 Gretchin (30), <Evil Sunz> [1PL, 30pts]

    Troops6: 10 Gretchin (30), <Evil Sunz> [1PL, 30pts]

    EL 1: Nob with Waaagh! Banner, Waaagh Banner(0), Kustom Shoota <Evil Sunz> – [4PL, 77pts]


    ==Battalion Detachment== (Orks – Bad Moons, Dread Waaagh! -1cp) [23PL, 476pts] + 5cp-1cp (Dread Waaagh!)

    HQ5: Big Mek with Shokk attack gun (80) grot Oiler(0), <Bad Moons> – [4PL, 84pts] - RELIC: Da Souped-up Shokka

    HQ6: Big Mek with Shokk attack gun (80) grot Oiler(0), <Bad Moons> – [4PL, 84pts]

    Troops7: 11 Gretchin (33), <Bad Moons> [2PL, 33pts]

    Troops8: 11 Gretchin (33), <Bad Moons> [2PL, 33pts]

    Troops9: 10 Gretchin (30), <Bad Moons> [1PL, 30pts]

    Hvy1: 15 Lootas (255), <Bad Moons> [13PL, 255pts]

    Hvy2: 4 Mek Gunz (60) 4 Smasha Gun (64), <Bad Moons> [8PL, 124pts]

    Hvy3: 3 Mek Gunz (45) 3 Smasha Gun (48), <Bad Moons> [6PL, 93pts]


    CARDS REMOVED FROM THE DECK: -Priority orders received (66) -Psychological warfare (55) -Kingslayer (61) -Advance (41) -Domination (46) -Assassinate (64)




    + PLAYER 2: Ridvan Martinez


    + COUNTRY: Canada

    + ARMY FACTION: Drukhari




    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Drukhari


    + COACH: Devin Swann


    ==Battalion Detachment== (Drukhari – Kabal of the Flayed Skull) [76PL, 1327pts] + 5cp

    HQ1: Archon (70) Venom Blade (2) Splinter Pistol (0) <Flayed Skull> [4PL, 72pts]

    DT1: Venom (55) Bladevanes, 1 x Splinter Cannon (10), Twin Splinter Rifles <Flayed Skull> [4PL, 65pts]

    HQ2: Archon (70) Venom Blade (2) Splinter Pistol (0) <Flayed Skull> [4PL, 72pts]

    DT2: Venom (55) Bladevanes (0), Splinter Cannon (10), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) <Flayed Skull>[4PL, 65pts]

    TR1: 4 Kabalite Warriors (24), Sybarite (6), 4 Splinter Rifles, Shredder (8) <Flayed Skull> [2PL, 38pts]

    DT3: Venom (55), Bladevanes (0), Splinter Cannon (10), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) <Flayed Skull> [4PL, 65pts]

    TR2: 4 Kabalite Warriors (24), Sybarite (6), 4 Splinter Rifles, Shredder (8) <Flayed Skull> [2PL, 38pts]

    DT4: Venom (55) Bladevanes (0), Splinter Cannon (10), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) <Flayed Skull> [4PL, 65pts]

    TR3: 4 Kabalite Warriors (24), Sybarite (6), 4 Splinter Rifles, Shredder (8) <Flayed Skull> [2PL, 38pts]

    DT5: Venom (55) Bladevanes (0), Splinter Cannon (10), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) <Flayed Skull> [4PL, 65pts]

    TR4: 4 Kabalite Warriors (24), Sybarite (6), 4 Splinter Rifles, Shredder (8) <Flayed Skull> [2PL, 38pts]

    DT6: Venom (55) Bladevanes (0), Splinter Cannon (10), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) <Flayed Skull> [4PL, 65pts]

    TR5: 4 Kabalite Warriors (24), Sybarite (6), 4 Splinter Rifles, Shredder (8) <Flayed Skull> [2PL, 38pts]

    DT7: Venom (55) Bladevanes (0), Splinter Cannon (10), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) <Flayed Skull> [4PL, 65pts]

    TR6: 4 Kabalite Warriors (24), Sybarite (6) 4 Splinter Rifles, Shredder (8) <Flayed Skull> [2PL, 38pts]

    DT8: Venom (55) Bladevanes (0), Splinter Cannon (10), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) <Flayed Skull> [4PL, 65pts]

    EL1: 4 Mandrakes (64), NightFiend (16), 5 Baleblast (0), 5 Glimmersteel Blade (0) [4PL, 80pts)

    DT9: Venom (55) Bladevanes, Splinter Cannon (10), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) <Flayed Skull> [4PL, 65pts]

    EL2: 4 Mandrakes (64), NightFiend (16), 5 Baleblast (0), 5 Glimmersteel Blade (0) [4PL, 80pts)

    DT10: Venom (55), Bladevanes (0), Splinter Cannon (10), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) <Flayed Skull> [4PL, 65pts]

    EL3: 4 Mandrakes (64), NightFiend (16), 5 Baleblast (0), 5 Glimmersteel Blade (0) [4PL, 80pts)

    DT11: Venom (55) Bladevanes (0), Splinter Cannon (10), Twin Splinter Rifles (0) <Flayed Skull> [4PL, 65pts]


    ==Battalion Detachment== (Drukhari – Cult of the Cursed Blade) [14PL, 225pts] + 5cp

    HQ3: Succubus (50) Shardnet and Impaler (5) <Cursed Blade> [4PL,55pts] - Combat Drug: Hypex

    HQ4: Succubus (50) Splinter Pistol(0), Archite Glaive (0) <Cursed Blade> [4PL,50pts] – Combat Drug: SplinterMind

    TR7 : 4 Wyches (32), Hekatrix (8), 5 Plasma Grenades(0), 5 Splinter Pistol, 5 Hekitarii blade <Cursed Blade> [2PL, 40pts] - Combat Drug: Adrenalight

    TR8 : 4 Wyches (32), Hekatrix (8), 5 Plasma Grenades(0), 5 Splinter Pistol, 5 Hekitarii Blade <Cursed Blade> [2PL, 40pts] - Combat Drug: Painbringer

    TR9 : 4 Wyches (32), Hekatrix (8), 5 Plasma Grenades(0), 5 Splinter Pistol, 5 Hekitarii Blade <Cursed Blade> [2PL, 40pts] - Combat Drug: Grave Lotus


    == Spearhead Detachment== ( Drukhari – Kabal of the Black Heart) [25PL, 248pts] +1 CP

    HQ5: Archon (70) Venom Blade (2) Splinter Pistol (0)– <Black Heart>[4PL, 72pts] WARLORD: Labyrinthine Cunning, RELIC: Writ of the Living Muse

    HS : Ravager (80), Bladevanes(0), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (15) – <Black Heart> [7PL, 125pts]

    HS : Ravager (80), Bladevanes(0), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (15) Shock Prow (1) – <Black Heart> [7PL, 126pts]

    HS : Ravager (80), Bladevanes(0), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (15) – <Black Heart> [7PL, 125pts]


    CARDS REMOVED FROM THE DECK: -Priority orders received (66) -Psychological warfare (55) -Kingslayer (61) -Advance (41) -Domination (46) -Assassinate (64)




    + PLAYER 3: Jeff Brown


    + COUNTRY: Canada

    + ARMY FACTION: Space Marines



     + TOTAL ARMY POWER: 120

    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Space Marine Ultramarines, Black Templars



    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == Space Marines - Ultramarines [18PL, 400pts] LOW1: Roboute Guilliman [18PL, 400pts] WARLORD: Adept of the Codex


    == Vanguard Detachment == Space Marines - Ultramarines, Black Templars [102PL, 1599pts] 1CP

    HQ1: Techmarine (45), Chainsword (0), Servo-Harness, 2 servo-arm (0), Flamer (6), Plasma cutter (5) <Ultramarines> [4 PL, 56pts] RELIC - Primarch’s Wrath

    ELITES1: 4 Servitor (20), 4 Servo arm (0) <Black Templars> [3PL, 20pts]

    ELITES2: 4 Servitor (20), 4 Servo arm (0) <Black Templars> [3PL, 20pts]

    ELITES3: 3 Cenobyte Servitor (6), Close Combat weapon (0) <Black Templars> [1PL, 6pts]

    FA1: 3 Scout Bikers (69), Storm Bolter (2), 3 Twin Boltgun (0), 3 Astartes Shotgun (0) <Black Templars> [4PL, 71pts] <Black Templars>

    HEAVY1: Thunderfire Cannon (55), Techmarine Gunner (26), Servo-Harness, 2 servo-arm (0), Flamer (6), Plasma cutter (5) <Ultramarines> [6PL, 92pts]

    DT1: Repulsor (185), Auto launchers (0), 3 Storm Bolters (6), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (30), Ironhail Heavy Stubber (6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launcher (8), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (16), Twin heavy bolter (17) <Ultramarines> [16PL, 268pts]

    DT2: Repulsor (185), Auto launchers (0), 3 Storm Bolters (6), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (30), Ironhail Heavy Stubber (6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launcher (8), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (16), Twin heavy bolter (17) <Ultramarines> [16PL, 268pts]

    DT3: Repulsor (185), Auto launchers (0), 3 Storm Bolters (6), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (30), Ironhail Heavy Stubber (6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launcher (8), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (16), Twin heavy bolter (17) <Ultramarines> [16PL, 268pts]

    DT4: Repulsor (185), Auto launchers (0), 3 Storm Bolters (6), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (30), Ironhail Heavy Stubber (6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launcher (8), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (16), Twin heavy bolter (17) <Ultramarines> [16PL, 268pts]

    DT5: Repulsor (185), Auto launchers (0), 3 Storm Bolters (6), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (30), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launcher (8), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (16), Twin heavy bolter (17) <Ultramarines> [16PL, 262pts]


    CARDS REMOVED FROM THE DECK: -Priority orders received (66) -Psychological warfare (55) -Kingslayer (61) -Advance (41) -Domination (46) -Assassinate (64)




    + TEAM: Canada

     + PLAYER 4: Dustin Henshaw


    + ARMY FACTION: Forces of the Hive Mind

    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 18(-3 for pre-game strats)



    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Genestealer Cult/Tyranids



    == Batallion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) - [28 PL, 478pts] ==

    == Cult Creed: Four Armed Emperor ==

    == Deliverance Broodsurge (-1 CP) ==

    == Brood Coven (-1 CP) ==

    == Field Commander (-1 CP) ==

    HQ1: Acolyte Iconward <Four Armed Emperor> [3 PL, 53pts], Field Commander: Augur of the Insurgents, RELIC: Icon of the Cult Ascendant

    HQ2: Primus (72), Bonesword (3pts) <Four Armed Emperor> [4 PL, 75pts] BROOD COVEN: Inscrutable Cunning

    TR1: 15 Acolyte Hybrids (105), 4 Heavy Rock Saw(40), Cult Icon(10) <Four Armed Emperor> [9 PL, 155pts]

    TR2: 15 Acolyte Hybrids (105), 4 Heavy Rock Saw(40), Cult Icon(10) <Four Armed Emperor> [9 PL, 155pts]

    TR3: 10 Brood Brothers Infantry (40), 10 Lasguns (0) [3 PL, 40pts] <Brood Brothers>


    == Batallion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids - Genestealer Cults) - [47 PL, 738pts] ==

    == Cult Creed: Mixed ==

    HQ3: Patriarch <Bladed Cog>[8 PL, 125pts]: Psychic Powers: Mental Onslaught, Might From Beyond, WARLORD: Single-Minded Obsession

    HQ4: Jackal Alphus <Rusted Claw> [4 PL, 70pts]

    TR4: 20 Acolyte Hybrids (140), 19 Hand Flamer(19) <Bladed Cog> [11 PL, 159pts]

    TR5: 10 Brood Brothers Infantry (40), 10 Lasguns (0) <Brood Brothers> [3 PL, 40pts]

    TR6: 10 Brood Brothers Infantry (40), 10 Lasguns (0) <Brood Brothers> [3 PL, 40pts]

    EL1: Kelemorph <Bladed Cog> [3 PL, 60pts]

    FA1: 12 Atalan Jackals (120), 3 Atalan Wolfquads (45), 3 Atalan Incinerator (42), 9 Shotguns (0), 12 Cultist Knife (0), 5 Demo Charges(25), Autogun (0) <Rusted Claw> [15 PL, 232pts]


    == Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids) [42 PL, 784pts] ==

    == Hive Fleet: Kraken ==

    HQ5: Neurothrope <Kraken> [4 PL, 70pts]: Power: Psychic Scream

    HQ6: Broodlord <Kraken> [8 PL, 115pts]: Power: The Horror

    TR7: 3 Ripper Swarms <Kraken> [2 PL, 33pts]

    TR8: 3 Ripper Swarms <Kraken> [2 PL, 33pts]

    TR9: 3 Ripper Swarms <Kraken> [2 PL, 33pts]

    EL2: 4 Zoanthropes <Kraken> [8 PL, 160pts]: Power: Catalyst

    EL3: 4 Zoanthropes <Kraken> [8 PL, 160pts]: Power: Onslaught

    EL4: 4 Zoanthropes <Kraken> [8 PL, 160pts]: Power: Psychic Scream


    CARDS REMOVED FROM THE DECK: -Priority orders received (66) -Psychological warfare (55) -Kingslayer (61) -Advance (41) -Domination (46) -Assassinate(64)




    + PLAYER 5:TJ


    + COUNTRY: Canada

    + ARMY FACTION: Chaos




    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Chaos Demons


    + COACH: Devin Swann


    == Battalion Detachment == Chaos Daemons (Nurgle) [47 PL, 837pts] +5 CP

    HQ1: Poxbringer <nurgle> [4PL,70] Psychic Power- Miasma of Pestilence

    HQ2: Sloppity Bilepiper <nurgle> [3PL,60]

    HQ3: Changecaster <Tzeench> [4PL,65] Psychic Power- Flickering Flames

    TR1: 28 Plaguebearer(196), 1 Plagueridden (7), Daemonic Icon (15) <Nurgle> [12PL,218]

    TR2: 28 Plaguebearers 196), 1 Plagueridden (7), Daemonic Icon (15) <Nurgle> [12PL,218]

    TR3: 28 Pink Horrors (196) Instrument of Chaos (10) <Tzeench> [12PL,206]


    == Vanguard Detachment == Chaos Death Guard [44PL 665 Points] +1 CP Extra Relic (-1CP)

    HQ4: Daemon Price (146), Wings (24) Malefic Talon(10) <Death Guard> [9PL,180] Psychic Power - Blades of Putrefaction, Extra Relic- Surpurating Plate

    Elite 1: Foul Blightspawn <Death Guard> [4PL,77]

    Elite 2: Foul Blightspawn <Death Guard> [4PL,77]

    Elite 3: 7 Blightlord Terminators (238) Blightlord Terminator champion (34) ,7 Combi-Bolters(14) 7 Bubotic Axes(35) ,1 Flail of corruption (10) <Death Guard> [27PL, 331pts]


    ==Supreme Command Detachment== Thousand Sons [25PL 491] +1CP

    HQ 5: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch(146), 1 Malefic Talon (10), Wings (24) <Thousand Sons> [10PL,180] WARLORD: High Magister, RELIC: Helm of the Third Eye, Psychic- Bolt of Change, Warptime

    HQ 6: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch(146), 1 Malefic Talon (10), Wings (24) <Thousand Sons>[10PL,180] Psychic Powers- Infernal Gaze, Gaze of Fate

    HQ 7: Ahriman (131) <Thousand Sons> [7PL,131] Psychic Powers- Prescience, Doombolt, Tzeentch’s Firestorm


    CARDS REMOVED FROM THE DECK: -Priority orders received (66) -Psychological warfare (55) -Kingslayer (61) -Advance (41) -Domination (46) -Area Denial(54)




    + PLAYER 6: Eric Marcoux


    + COUNTRY: Canada

    + ARMY FACTION: Imperial Knights




    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Imperial Knights, Astra Militarum, Officio Assassinorum


    + COACH: Devin Swann


    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum, Regimental Doctrine: Regiment: Tallarn) [32 PL, 462pts] ++

    HQ1: Company Commander (30), Las Pistol (0), Chainsword (0) <Tallarn> - [2PL,30pts]

    HQ2: Company Commander (30), Las Pistol (0), Chainsword (0) <Tallarn> - [2PL,30pts]

    Troop1: Infantry Squad (40), 9 Lasguns (0), 1 Las Pistol on Sergeant (0), 1 Chainsword on Sergeant (0) < Tallarn> - [3PL,40pts]

    Troop2: Infantry Squad (40), 9 Lasguns (0), 1 Las Pistol on Sergeant (0), 1 Chainsword on Sergeant (0) < Tallarn> - [3PL,40pts]

    Troop3: Infantry Squad (40), 9 Lasguns (0), 1 Las Pistol on Sergeant (0), 1 Chainsword on Sergeant (0) < Tallarn> - [3PL,40pts]

    HS1: 2 Basilisks (200), 2 Heavy bolter (16) < Tallarn> - [14 PL,216pts]

    HS2: Heavy Weapons Squad (18), Mortar (15) < Tallarn> - [3 PL,33pts]

    HS3: Heavy Weapons Squad (18), Mortar (15) < Tallarn> - [3 PL,33pts]


    ++ Super-Heavy Detachment +6CP (Imperium - Imperial Knights, Household Choice: Questor Mechanicus. House Krast) [75 PL, 1,450pts] ++

    LoW1: Imperial Knight Crusader (285) Avenger Gatling Cannon (75) Heavy Flamer (14) Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon (100) 2 Heavy Stubber (4) Ironstorm Missile Pod (16) <House Krast>[27 PL,494pts] – WARLORD: First Knight, RELIC: Endless fury

    LoW2: Imperial Knight Crusader (285) Avenger Gatling Cannon (75) Heavy Flamer (14) Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon (100) 2 Heavy Stubber (4) <House Krast> [27 PL,478pts]

    LoW3: Imperial Knight Crusader (285) Avenger Gatling Cannon (75) Heavy Flamer (14) Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon (100) 2 Heavy Stubber (4) <House Krast> [27 PL,478pts]

    ++ Total: [107 PL, 1912pts] ++


    ++ Operative Requisition Sanctioned (-2CP) ++


    CARDS REMOVED FROM THE DECK: -Priority orders received (66) -Psychological warfare (55) -Kingslayer (61) -Advance (41) -Domination (46) -Assassinate (64)




    + PLAYER 7:Konrad Motyka


    + COUNTRY: Canada





    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Tau Empire


    + COACH: Devin Swann


     == Battalion Detatchment == Tau Empire, Sa’cea Sept [17PL, 338pts] +5CP

    HQ1: Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3), Photon Grenade (0) <Sa’cea> [2PL,42Pts]

    HQ2: Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3), Photon Grenade (0) <Sa’cea> [2PL,42Pts]

    HQ3: Ethereal (45), Honour Blade(0) <Sa’cea> [2PL,45Pts]

    TR1: 5 Strike Team (28), Shas’ui (0), Markerlight (3) <Sa’cea> [2PL,38Pts]

    TR2: 5 Strike Team (28), Shas’ui (0), Markerlight (3) <Sa’cea> [2PL,38Pts]

    TR2: 5 Strike Team (28), Shas’ui (0), Markerlight (3) <Sa’cea> [2PL,38Pts]

    EL1: Dahyak Grekh (20), Kroot Rifle(0), Kroot Pistol(0) <Kroot> [2PL,20Pts]

    EL2: Firesight Marksman (21), Pulse Pistol (1), Markerlight (3) <Sa’cea> [1PL,25Pts]

    EL3: Firesight Marksman (21), Pulse Pistol (1), Markerlight (3) <Sa’cea> [1PL,25Pts]

    EL4: Firesight Marksman (21), Pulse Pistol (1), Markerlight (3) <Sa’cea> [1PL,25Pts]


    == Vanguard Detatchment == Tau Empire, T’au Sept [44PL,876Pts] +1CP

    HQ4: Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3), Photon Grenade (0) <T’au> [2PL,42Pts] WARLORD: Through Unity, Devastation, Relic: Puretide Engram Neurochip

    EL5: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2 Smart Missile System(30), Heavy Burst Cannon(35), Advanced Targeting System(18), Velocity Tracker(10) <T’au> [14PL,278Pts]

    EL6: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2 Smart Missile System(30), Heavy Burst Cannon(35), Advanced Targeting System(18), Velocity Tracker(10) <T’au> [14PL,278Pts]

    EL7: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2 Smart Missile System(30), Heavy Burst Cannon(35), Advanced Targeting System(18), Velocity Tracker(10) <T’au> [14PL,278Pts]


    == Outrider Detachment == Tau Empire, T’au Sept [49PL,786Pts] +1CP

    HQ5: Commander Shadowsun <T’au> [9PL,110Pts]

    FA1: 9 MV4 Shield Drones (90) <T’au> [4PL,90Pts]

    FA2: 9 MV4 Shield Drones (90) <T’au> [4PL,90Pts]

    FA3: 7 MV4 Shield Drones (70) <T’au> [4PL,70Pts]

    HS1: 3 XV88 Broadside (105), Shas’vre (0), 3 Seeker Missile(15), 6 High-Yield Missile Pod (150), 6 Smart Missile System (90), 3 Velocity Tracker (6), 6 MV4 Drone(60) <T’au> [24PL, 426Pts]


    CARDS REMOVED FROM THE DECK: -Advance (41) -Domination (46) -Blood and Guts (52) -Area Denial (54) -Kingslayer (61) -Priority Orders Received (66)




    + PLAYER 8: Tim Deetlefs


    + COUNTRY: Canada

    + ARMY FACTION: Eldar




    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Asuryani


    + COACH: Devin Swann



    == Battalion Detachment == Craftworlds, Alaitoc [39PL, 654pts] +5 CP

    HQ1: Autarch Skyrunner (95) Laser Lance (8pts) Fusion pistol (7) Twin shuriken catapult (2) <Alaitoc>[112pts,6PL] WARLORD, Warlord Trait: An Eye on Distant Events

    HQ2: Farseer (110), Witchblade (0), Shuriken Pistol (0) <Alaitoc> - [6PL,110Pts] - Psychic RELIC-Faolchu’s Wing Powers: Executioner, Doom

    Tr1: 8 Storm Guardians (48), 8 Chainsword (0) <Alaitoc> - [3PL, 48pts]

    Tr2: 8 Storm Guardians (48), 8 Chainsword (0) <Alaitoc> - [3PL, 48pts]

    Tr3: 8 Storm Guardians (48), 8 Chainsword (0) <Alaitoc> - [3PL, 48pts]

    DT1: Wave Serpent (120), Twin Scatter Laser (12), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2),Spirit stones(10) <Alaitoc> - [9 PL, 144pts]

    DT2: Wave Serpent (120), Twin Scatter Laser (12), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2),Spirit stones(10) <Alaitoc> - [9 PL, 144pts]


    == Spearhead Detachment == Craftworlds - Alaitoc [53PL 862pts] +1CP

    HQ3: Warlock (shuriken pistol) <Alaitoc> - [2pl,55pts] - Psychic Powers: Protect/Jinx

    HS1: Fire Prism (155), Shuriken Catapult (2), Prism Cannon (0) <Alaitoc> - [9PL 157pts]

    HS2: Fire Prism (155), Shuriken Catapult (2), Prism Cannon (0) <Alaitoc> - [9PL 157pts]

    HS3: Fire Prism (155), Shuriken Catapult (2), Prism Cannon (0) <Alaitoc> - [9PL 157pts]

    HS4: Nightspinner (110), Shuriken Catapult (2), Doomweaver (0) <Alaitoc> - [8PL 112pts]

    HS5: Nightspinner (110), Shuriken Catapult (2), Doomweaver (0) <Alaitoc> - [8PL 112pts]

    HS6: Nightspinner (110), Shuriken Catapult (2), Doomweaver (0) <Alaitoc> - [8PL 112pts]


    ===Air wing Detachment== Craftworlds-Alaitoc (27PL, 483pts)

    Flyer1: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), 2 Starcannons (26), Pulse Laser (0) <Alaitoc> - [9PL, 161 pts]

    Flyer2: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), 2 Starcannons (26) Pulse Laser (0) - [9PL, 161 pts]

    Flyer3: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), 2 Starcannons (26) Pulse Laser (0) - [9PL, 161 pts]


    CARDS REMOVED FROM THE DECK: -Advance (41) -Domination (46) -Blood and Guts (52) -Area Denial (54) -Kingslayer (61) -Priority Orders Received (66)






    PLAYER: Sirus Chappell


    COUNTRY: Croatia

    ARMY FACTION: Drukhari







    CARDS REMOVED: 66 Priority Order Received +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    ==Battalion Detachment== Drukhari, Kabal of the Black Heart [1125 pts] [63 PL] [5 CP]

    HQ1: Archon (70), Splinter pistol (0), Venom Blade (2) [4 PL, 72pts]

    HQ2: Archon (70), Splinter pistol (0), Venom Blade (2), Writ of the Living Muse (0) WARLORD: Labyrinthine Cunning [4 PL, 72pts]

     Troop1: 5 Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30), 4 Splinter Rifles (0), 1 Blaster (17) [2 PL, 47pts]

    Troop2: 5 Kabalite Warriors (5x6=3030), 4 Splinter Rifles (0), 1 Blaster (17) [2 PL, 47pts]

    Troop3: 5 Kabalite Warriors (5x6=3030), 4 Splinter Rifles (0), 1 Blaster (17) [2 PL, 47pts]

    Heavy1: Ravager (80), Disintegrator cannon x3 (3x15=45) [7 PL, 125pts]

    Heavy2: Ravager (80), Disintegrator cannon x3 (3x15=45) [7 PL, 125pts]

     Heavy3: Ravager (80), Disintegrator cannon x3 (3x15=45) [7 PL, 125pts]

    Flyer1: Razorwing Jetfighter (105), Twin splinter rifle (0), Razorwing Missiles (0), Disintegrator cannons x2 (2x15=30) [8 PL, 135pts]

    Flyer2: Razorwing Jetfighter (105), Twin splinter rifle (0), Razorwing Missiles (0), Disintegrator cannons x2 (2x15=30) [8 PL, 135pts]

    Transport1: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10), Twin splinter rifle (0) [4 PL, 65pts]

     Transport2: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10), Twin splinter rifle (0) [4 PL, 65pts]

    Transport3: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10), Twin splinter rifle (0) [4 PL, 65pts]


    ==Battalion Detachment== Drukhari, Prophets of Flesh [874 pts] [53 PL] [5 CP]

    HQ3: Haemonculus (70) Haemonculus tools (0), Stinger Pistol (5) [5 PL, 75pts]

    HQ4: Urien Rakarth (90) [5 PL, 90pts] Troop4: 5 Wracks (5x9=45) [3 PL, 45pts]

    Troop5: 5 Wracks (5x9=45) [3 PL, 45pts]

    Troop6: 5 Wracks (5x9=45) [3 PL, 45pts]

    Elite1: 8 Grotesques (8x32=256), Monstrous Cleaver (0), Flesh Gauntlet (8x3=24) [16 PL, 280pts]

    Heavy4: 3 Talos (3x75=225), Chain-Flail (3x3=9), Macro-Scalpel (3x4=12), Haywire Blasters x2 (6x8=48) [18 PL, 294pts]





     + PLAYER: Mirko Krecar


    + ARMY FACTION: Craftworlds Eldar


    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1996 pts

    + POWER LEVELS: 105 pls

    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Aeldari/Asuryani


    + CARDS REMOVED: 46 Domination, 52 Blood and Guts, 55 Psychological Warfare, 62 Witch Hunter, 63 Scour the Skies, 66 Priority Orders Received


    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Craftworlds) [56 PL, 1033pts] ++ Craftworld Attribute: Alaitoc

    HQ 1: 1x Autarch Skyrunner (95),1x Laser Lance (8), 1x Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Warlord (An Eye on Distant Events), Relic: Shimmerplume of Achillrial TOTAL: [6 PL, 105pts]:

    HQ 2: 1x Farseer Skyrunner (130), 1x Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), 1x Singing Spear (5), Psychic Powers: Smite, Guide, Doom TOTAL: [7Pl, 137pts]

    HQ 3: 1x Warlock Skyrunner (65), 1x Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), 1x Witchblade (0), Psychic Powers: Smite, Protect/Jinx TOTAL: [4Pl, 67pts]

    TROOP 1: 5x Rangers, 5x Ranger Longrifle (0) TOTAL: [3PL, 60pts]

     TROOP 2: 5x Rangers, 5x Ranger Longrifle (0) TOTAL: [3PL, 60pts]

     TROOP 3: 20x Guardian Defenders (160) 2x Guardian Heavy Weapons Platform (10), 2x Shuriken cannon (20) TOTAL: [9PL, 190pts]

    FAST ATTACK 1: 9x Windrider (144) 9x Scatter laser (63) TOTAL: [12PL, 207pts]

    FAST ATTACK 2: 9x Windrider (144) 9x Scatter laser (63) TOTAL: [12PL, 207pts]


    ++ Air Wing Detachment +1CP (Craftworlds) [24PL,480 pts] ++ Craftworld Attribute: Alaitoc

    FLYER 1: 1x Crimson Hunter (120) 1x Pulse Laser (0), 2x Bright Lance (40) TOTAL: [PL 8, 160pts]

    FLYER 2: 1x Crimson Hunter (120) 1x Pulse Laser (0), 2x Bright Lance (40) TOTAL: [PL 8, 160pts]

    FLYER 3: 1x Crimson Hunter (120) 1x Pulse Laser (0), 2x Bright Lance (40) TOTAL: [PL 8, 160pts]


    ++ Air Wing Detachment +1CP (Craftworlds) [27PL,483 pts] ++ Craftworld Attribute: Alaitoc

    FLYER 1: 1x Crimson Hunter Exarch (135) 1x Pulse Laser (0), 2x Starcannon (26) TOTAL: [PL 9, 161pts]

    FLYER 2: 1x Crimson Hunter Exarch (135) 1x Pulse Laser (0), 2x Starcannon (26) TOTAL: [PL 9, 161pts]

    FLYER 3: 1x Crimson Hunter Exarch (135) 1x Pulse Laser (0), 2x Starcannon (26) TOTAL: [PL 9, 161pts]




    + PLAYER: Edouard Siméon


    + ARMY FACTION: Orks (Deathskulls, Bad Moons)


    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts




    + CARDS REMOVED: 46 Domination, 66 Priority Orders Received ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP – Orks – dread waaaagh (-1CP) [40 PL, 977pts] ++ Ork klan : Deathskulls

    HQ 1 : Big Mek with shokk attack gun (55+25) grot oiler (4) Warlord: big killa boss, relic: da souped-up shokka TOTAL: [4 PL, 84pts]

    HQ 2 : Warboss (65) attack squig (0) power klaw (13) kustom shoota (2) TOTAL: [4 PL, 80pts]

    TROOP 1 : 30 Ork Boys with shoota (210) 3 tankbusta bombs (0) Boss Nob with slugga & power klaw (13) TOTAL: [11 PL, 223pts]

    TROOP 2 : 30 Ork Boys with shoota (210) 3 tankbusta bombs (0) Boss Nob with slugga & power klaw (13) TOTAL: [11 PL, 223pts]

    TROOP 3 : 30 Ork Boys with shoota (210) 3 tankbusta bombs (0) Boss Nob with slugga & power klaw (13) TOTAL: [11 PL, 223pts]

    ELITE 1 : Mad Dok Grotsnik TOTAL: [5 PL, 86pts]

    HEAVY 1 : 1 Mek Gunz (15) smasha gun (16) TOTAL: [2 PL, 31pts]

    HEAVY 2 : 1 Mek Gunz (15) smasha gun (16) TOTAL: [2 PL, 31pts]


    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP – Orks [35 PL, 707pts] ++ Ork klan : Bad Moons

    HQ 3 : Weirdboy (62) psychic power : warpath TOTAL: [3 PL, 62pts]

    HQ 4 : Weirdboy (62) psychic power : da jump TOTAL: [3 PL, 62pts]

    TROOP 4 : 10 Gretchins TOTAL: [1 PL, 30pts]

    TROOP 5 : 10 Gretchins TOTAL: [1 PL, 30pts]

    TROOP 6 : 10 Gretchins TOTAL: [1 PL, 30pts]

    ELITE 2 : 15 Tankbustas (75) 14 rokkit launcha (168) Boss Nob with rokkit launcha (12) TOTAL: [13 PL, 255pts]

    HEAVY 2 : 14 Lootas TOTAL: [13 PL, 238pts]


    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP – Orks [15 PL, 312pts] ++ Ork klan : Deathskulls

    HQ5 : Big Mek with shokk attack gun (55+25) TOTAL: [4 PL, 80pts]

    HQ6 : Big Mek with shokk attack gun (55+25) TOTAL: [4 PL, 80pts]

    TROOP 7 : 10 Gretchins TOTAL: [1 PL, 30pts]

    TROOP 8 : 10 Gretchins TOTAL: [1 PL, 30pts]

    TROOP 9 : 10 Gretchins TOTAL: [1 PL, 30pts]

    HEAVY 4 : 2 Mek Gunz (2x15) 2 smasha gun (2x16) TOTAL: [4 PL, 62pts]




    Team Croatia Player : Raphaël « Bizuthor » Jaffre

    Tourneykeeper ID : 4425

    Factions : Chaos Daemons / Thousand Sons / Chaos Space Marine

    Total Army Points : 1775

    Total Reinforcement points: 225

    Total Command Points : 8


    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) : 1247 points <Chaos Deamon> <Undivided> ==

    HQ1 : Spoilpox Scrivener <Nurgle>- 95

    HQ2 : Winged Daemon Prince of Chaos, Daemonic axe : Relic Skullreaver <Khorne> - 180

    HQ3 : Sloppity bilepiper <Nurgle>- 60

    Troop1 : 29 Plaguebearers (29x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 228 <Nurgle>

    Troop2 : 29 Plaguebearers (29x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 228 <Nurgle>

    Troop3 : 29 Pink horrors (29x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 228 <Tzeentch>

    Troop4 : 29 Bloodletters (29x7) Daemonic Icon (15) Instruments of Chaos (10) - 228 <Khorne>


    == Supreme Command Detachment : Thousand Sons (+ 1 command point) (430) <Thousand Sons> ==

    HQ4 : Ahriman (Tzeentch firestorm, Weaver of fate,Warptime) (131)

    HQ5 : Winged Daemon Prince of Tzeentch, (Bolt of Change, Infernal Gaze) (180)

    HQ6 : Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (110) Familiar (9)(Doombolt, Death Hex) (119) WARLORD : High Magister


    == Auxilary Detachment (-1command point) (98) < Chaos Space Marine > ==

    HQ7 : Master of Possession (Incursion, Sacrifice) <Tzeentch>


    Refined Strategies: 61; 66; 46; 51; 63; 62




    + PLAYER: Aldo Šuran


    + ARMY FACTION: T’au Empire


    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1999 pts

    + POWER LEVELS: 109 pts

    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: T’au Empire


    + CARDS REMOVED: 41, 46, 52, 55, 66


    == <T'au Empire - T'au Sept> Battalion Detachment == +5CP [38 PL, 691pts]

    HQ 1: Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42pts]: Markerlight. Relic: Puretide Engram Neurochip.

    HQ 2: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [8 PL, 162pts]: 4x Fusion blaster

    Troops 1: Strike Team [2 PL, 35pts] - Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle - 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    Troops 2: Strike Team [2 PL, 35pts] - Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle - 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    Troops 3: Strike Team [2 PL, 35pts] - Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle - 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    Elites 1: XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit [10 PL, 152pts]: Fusion Collifer, 2x Flamer, Shield Generator, Target Lock

    Fast Attack 1: Tactical Drones [4 PL, 80pts]: 8x MV4 Shield Drone

    Fast Attack 2: Tactical Drones [4 PL, 80pts]: 8x MV4 Shield Drone

    Fast Attack 3: Tactical Drones [4 PL, 70pts]: 7x MV4 Shield Drone


    == <T'au Empire - T'au Sept> Battalion Detachment == +5CP [66 PL, 1191pts]

    HQ 1: Commander Shadowsun [9 PL, 110pts]: 2x Fusion blaster

    HQ 2: Ethereal [2 PL, 45pts]: Honour blade. Warlord: Through unity, devastation

    Troops 1: Strike Team [2 PL, 35pts] - Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle - 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    Troops 2: Strike Team [2 PL, 35pts] - Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle - 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    Troops 3: Strike Team [2 PL, 35pts] - Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle - 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle

    Elites 1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [14 PL, 278pts]: 2x Smart missile system, Advanced targeting system, Heavy burst cannon, Counterfire Defence System

    Elites 2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [14 PL, 280pts]: 2x Smart missile system, Advanced targeting system, Heavy burst cannon, Target lock

    Heavy Support 1: 3x XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [21 PL, 373pts] - Broadside Shas'vre: 2x High-yield missile pod, 2x Smart missile system, Advanced Targeting System, Seeker Missile - Broadside Shas'ui: 2x High-yield missile pod, 2x Smart missile system, Advanced Targeting System, Seeker Missile - Broadside Shas'ui: 2x High-yield missile pod, 2x Smart missile system, Advanced Targeting System


    == <T'au Empire – Sa'cea Sept Vanguard Detachment == +1CP [5 PL, 117pts]

    HQ 1: Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42pts]: Markerlight

    Elites 1: Firesight Marksman [1 PL, 25pts]: Markerlight, Pulse pistol

    Elites 2: Firesight Marksman [1 PL, 25pts]: Markerlight, Pulse pistol

    Elites 3: Firesight Marksman [1 PL, 25pts]: Markerlight, Pulse pistol




    Player: Tomislav Brdar

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 3419

    Factions used: Imperial Knights, Astra Militarum

    Command Points: 14

    Army Points: 1999

    Kill Points: 14

    Reinforcement Points: 0


    == <Imperial Knights– Krast> Super heavy detachment== +6cp, 1210 pts

    LOW: Knight Crusader [25 PL, 494pts]: Avenger gatling cannon w/ heavy flamer, Rapid fire battle cannon w/heavy stubber, Heavy stubber, Ironstorm missile pod, [WARLORD: First Knight], Relic: The Headsman's Mark

    LOW: Knight Gallant [20 PL, 364pts]: Reaper chainsword, Thunderstrike Gauntlet, Meltagun

    LOW: Knight Gallant [20 PL, 352pts]: Reaper chainsword, Thunderstrike Gauntlet, Heavy Stubber


    == <Astra Militarum- Cadia> Battalion== +5cp, 789 pts

    HQ : Tank Commander [12 PL, 172pts] Command battle tank, Heavy bolter

    HQ : Tank Commander [12 PL, 172pts] Command battle tank, Heavy bolter

    TR: Infantry squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant, Laspistol, Chainsword

    TR: Infantry squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant, Laspistol, Chainsword

    TR: Infantry squad [3 PL, 40pts]: 9x Guardsman, Sergeant, Laspistol,

    Elite: Platoon Commander [2 PL, 20pts]: Laspistol, Chainsword, Frag Grenades

    HS: Heavy Weapons Team [3 PL, 33 pts]: 3x Mortar

    HS: Heavy Weapons Team [3 PL, 33 pts]: 3x Mortar

    HS: Heavy Weapons Team [3 PL, 33 pts]: 3x Mortar

    HS: Wyverns [6PL, 103 PTS]: Wyvern, Heavy Bolter

    HS: Wyverns [6PL, 103 PTS]: Wyvern, Heavy Bolter

    Refined Strategy: Discard 11,41,42,46,56,66



    + PLAYER: Igor Krulik


    + ARMY FACTION: Genestealer Cults/Tyranids


     + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts

    + POWER LEVELS: 127 pls

    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Tyranids/Genestealer Cults


    + CARDS REMOVED: Advance, Domination, Terrify


    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids) [74 PL, 1183pts] ++ Hive Fleet: Kronos

    HQ 1: Warrior Prime (70),Scything Talons (0), Scything Talons (0), Adrenal Glands (1), Bonesword and Lashwip (2) TOTAL: [6 PL, 73pts]:

    HQ 2: Broodlord (115), Monstrous Rending Claws (0), TOTAL: [8Pl, 115 pts], Psychic Powers: Catalyst

    ELITE 1: Hive Guard 6x Hive Guard [108pts]: Impaler Cannon [180pts] TOTAL: [13 PL, 288pts]

    HEAVY 1: Exocrine (216), Bio-plasmic Cannon(0), Powerful Limbs(0) TOTAL: [11 PL, 170pts]:

    HEAVY 2: Tyrannofex (151) Rupture Cannon [49pts], Powerful Limbs, Stinger Salvo [8pts] TOTAL: [11 PL, 208pts]

    HEAVY 3: : Tyrannofex (151) Rupture Cannon [49pts], Powerful Limbs, Stinger Salvo [8pts] TOTAL: [11 PL, 208pts]

    TROOP 1: Termagants. 11x Termagant (Fleshborer) [44pts]: 11x Fleshborer(0) TOTAL: [6PL, 44pts]

    TROOP 2: Ripper Swarms . 3x Ripper Swarm [33pts]: 3x Claws and Teeth (0) TOTAL: [2 PL, 33pts]

    TROOP 3: Termagants. 11x Termagant (Fleshborer) [44pts]: 11x Fleshborer(0) TOTAL: [6PL, 44pts]


    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Genestealer Cults) [53PL,817 pts] ++ Cult Creed: Twisted Helix

    HQ 1: Patriarch (125), Monstrous Rending Claws(0), Familiar (12) TOTAL: [12 PL, 137 pts] Psychic Power: Might From Beyond, Relic: Crouchling , WARLORD: Bio-alchemist

    HQ 2: Primus (72), Blasting Charges (0), Bonesword (3), Injector Claw (0), Needle Pistol (0) TOTAL: [4 PL, 75 pts]

    HQ 3: Acolyte Iconward (53), Autopistol(0), Blasting Charges (0), Rending Claws (0) TOTAL: [3 PL, 53 pts]

    ELITES 1: Abberants 8x Abberants (136) 2x Hypermorph (34), Power Pick x8 (64), Improvised Heavy Weapon x2 (18) TOTAL: [14 PL, 252 pts]

    ELITES 2: Kelermorph (60), 3x Liberator Autostub (0), Cultis Knife (0)TOTAL :[3 PL, 60pts]

    TROOPS 1: Acolyte Hybrids 19x Acolyte Hybrids (133),1x Acolyte Hybrid Leader(7), 20x Hand Flamer (20),20x Blasting Charges(0), 20x Rending Claws (0),20x Cultis Knife (0) TOTAL: [11PL, 160 pts]

    TROOPS 2: Brood Brothers 9x Brood Brothers (36), 1 Brood Brother Leader (4), 9xLasgun (0), 10x Frag Grenade (0), 1x Las Pistol (0), 1x Chainsword (0) TOTAL: [PL 3, 40pts]

    TROOPS 3: Brood Brothers 9x Brood Brothers (36), 1 Brood Brother Leader (4), 9xLasgun (0), 10x Frag Grenade (0), 1x Las Pistol (0), 1x Chainsword (0) TOTAL: [PL 3, 40pts]



    + PLAYER: Ivan Katic


    + ARMY FACTION:Deathwatch


    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts

    + POWER LEVELS: 145 pls

    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Blood angels, dethwatch, assasins


    + CARDS REMOVED: Advance, Domination, Terrify


    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Deathwatch) [91 PL, 1,077pts, 8CP] ++

    + HQ1 + Watch Captain [7 PL, 124pts]: Jump Pack(19pts), Storm shield(10pts), Thunder hammer(21pt) [7 PL, 124pts] Hq2 Watch Master [7 PL, 130pts] relic :Beacon angelis


    + Troops1 + Veterans [22 PL, 232pts] . Black Shield(16pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (22pts) . Terminator(23 pts), Power Maul and Stormbolter(8pts): Power maul, Storm Bolter(31pts) . Terminator(23 pts), Power Maul and Stormbolter(8pts): Power maul, Storm Bolter(31pts) . Terminator(23 pts), Power Maul and Stormbolter(8pts): Power maul, Storm Bolter(31pts). Vanguard Veteran(17pts), Bolt Pistol And Bolt Pistol(17pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts)

    + Troops2 + Veterans [22 PL, 232pts] . Black Shield(16pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (22pts) . Terminator(23 pts), Power Maul and Stormbolter(8pts): Power maul, Storm Bolter(31pts) . Terminator(23 pts), Power Maul and Stormbolter(8pts): Power maul, Storm Bolter(31pts) . Terminator(23 pts), Power Maul and Stormbolter(8pts): Power maul, Storm Bolter(31pts). Vanguard Veteran(17pts), Bolt Pistol And Bolt Pistol(17pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts)

    + Troops3+ Veterans [22 PL, 232pts] . Black Shield(16pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (22pts) . Terminator(23 pts), Power Maul and Stormbolter(8pts): Power maul, Storm Bolter(31pts) . Terminator(23 pts), Power Maul and Stormbolter(8pts): Power maul, Storm Bolter(31pts) . Terminator(23 pts), Power Maul and Stormbolter(8pts): Power maul, Storm Bolter(31pts). Vanguard Veteran(17pts), Bolt Pistol And Bolt Pistol(17pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts)

    + Troops4 + Veterans [11 PL, 127pts] . Biker(22pts): Twin boltgun,Chainsword, Teleport homer(22pts) . Black Shield(16pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (22pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts) . Veteran(14pts): Storm Bolter(4pts), Storm shield(2pts) (20pts)


    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [24 PL, 413pts, 5CP] ++

    + HQ 3+ Captain [6 PL, 124pts]: trait: Artisan of War, Jump Pack(19pts), Storm shield(10pts), The Angel's Wing (replaces jump pack), Thunder hammer(21pts), Warlord[6 PL, 124pts] blood vision of sanguinus -1cp

    + HQ 4+ Captain [6 PL, 124pts]: Jump Pack(19pts), Storm shield(10pts), 2nd relic:The Veritas Vitae, Thunder hammer(21pts), [6 PL, 124pts] blood vision of sanguinus -1cp

    + Troops 5+ Scout Squad [4 PL, 55pts] . Scout: Boltgun(11pts). Scout: Boltgun(11pts). Scout: Boltgun(11pts). Scout: Boltgun(11pts) . Scout Sergeant: Boltgun, Chainsword(11pts), [4 PL, 55pts]

    + Troops 6+ . Scout: Boltgun(11pts). Scout: Boltgun(11pts). Scout: Boltgun(11pts). Scout: Boltgun(11pts) . Scout Sergeant: Boltgun, Chainsword(11pts), [4 PL, 55pts]

    + Troops 7+ . Scout: Boltgun(11pts). Scout: Boltgun(11pts). Scout: Boltgun(11pts). Scout: Boltgun(11pts) . Scout Sergeant: Boltgun, Chainsword(11pts), [4 PL, 55pts]


    ++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Officio Assassinorum) [30 PL, 510pts] ++

    + Elites 1+ Callidus Assassin [5 PL, 85pts]

    + Elites 2+ Culexus Assassin [5 PL, 85pts]

    + Elites 3+ Eversor Assassin [5 PL, 85pts]

    + Elites 4+ Eversor Assassin [5 PL, 85pts]

    + Elites 5+ Vindicare Assassin [5 PL, 85pts]

    + Elites 6+ Vindicare Assassin [5 PL, 85pts]


    ++ Total: [145 PL, 2,000pts, 13CP] ++



    République Tchèque:



    +Player 1 Player: Stepan Jura

    Profile nr: 5295

    Country: Czech Republic

    Factions used: Chaos Daemons, Chaos Space Marines,

    Command Points: 10

    Army Points: 1997

    Kill Points: 14

    Reinforcement Points: 0


    == <Chaos - Daemons - Chaos Allegiance: Nurgle> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 819pts

    HQ: Poxbringer [4 PL, 70pts], Psychic Power: Miasma of Pestilence,

    HQ: Sloppity Bilepiper [3 PL, 60pts]

    TR: Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]: 3x Nurgling Swarms

    TR: Plaguebearers [8 PL, 165pts]: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos, 19x Plaguebearer, Plagueridden

    TR: Plaguebearers [12 PL, 235pts]: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos, 29x Plaguebearer, Plagueridden

    TR: Plaguebearers [12 PL, 235pts]: Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos, 29x Plaguebearer, Plagueridden


    == <Chaos - Death Guard> Spearhead Detachment == +1cp, 677pts

    HQ: Daemon Prince of Nurgle [9 PL, 180pts]: Malefic talon, Wings, Psychic Power: Blades of Putrefaction, Relic: The Suppurating Plate, [Warlord: Arch-Contaminator]

    EL: Foul Blightspawn [4 PL, 77pts]

    HS: Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 140pts]: 2x Plaguespitter, Heavy slugger

    HS: Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 140pts]: 2x Plaguespitter, Heavy slugger

    HS: Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 140pts]: 2x Plaguespitter, Heavy slugger


    == <Chaos - Chaos Space Marines> Air Wing Detachment == +1cp, 501pts

    FL: Heldrake [9 PL, 167pts]: Baleflamer, Heldrake claws, Mark of Khorne, Crimson Slaughter

    FL: Heldrake [9 PL, 167pts]: Baleflamer, Heldrake claws, Mark of Khorne, Crimson Slaughter

    FL: Heldrake [9 PL, 167pts]: Baleflamer, Heldrake claws, Mark of Khorne, World Eaters


    Refined Strategy: Discard 11, 14, 41,46, 61, 66




    +Player 2

    +Team: Czech Republic

    +Player: Zdeněk "Tellsek" Rajtr

    +TourneyKeeper profile: Zdenek Rajtr 6343

    +Country: CZ

    +Points: 2000

    +Kill Points: 8

    +Total CP: 14 (3+ 5(battalion)

    +6 (SH deatch)

    +Army keyword: Chaos

    +Army Factions: Questor traitoris, Thousand Sons.


    =Questor Traitoris Super-Heavy Detachment +6CP (Chaos - Questor Traitoris) [75 PL, 1404pts] =

    Low1: Renegade Knight (285) Character, Heavy stubber (2), Ironstorm Missile Pod(16), Thermal cannon (76) Avenger gatling cannon(75) and heavy flamer(14), [468]

    Low2: Renegade Knight (285) Heavy stubber (2), Ironstorm Missile Pod(16), Thermal cannon (76) Avenger gatling cannon(75) and heavy flamer(14), [468]

    Low3: Renegade Knight (285) Heavy stubber (2), Ironstorm Missile Pod(16), Thermal cannon (76) Avenger gatling cannon(75) and heavy flamer(14), [468]


    =Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Thousand Sons) [596pts, 33 PL] =

    HQ1: Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch, Black staff of Ahriman, F/K grenades, inferno bolt pistol, Psychic powers: Doombolt, Glamour of Tzeentch, Warptime[166]

    HQ2: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with wings (170)Malefic talon (10), WT High Magister, Relic: Helm of the Third Eye, Psychic powers: Death Hex, Gaze of Fate, (warlord) [180]

    Troop1:10x Chaos Cultists(10x5=50) 10x autogun (0) [50]

    Troop2: 10x Chaos Cultists(10x5=50) 10x autogun (0) [50]

    Troop3: 20x Tzaangors [7 PL, 150pts] Tzaangor blades, Brayhorn, 19x Tzaangors, Twistbray


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41,46,66, 14, 15, 55




    +Player 3

    + TEAM: Czech Republic

    + PLAYER: Tomas 'Torapu' Kulic


    + ARMY FACTION: Aeldari

    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 7 (14-1(Alliance of Agony) –3 (Prizes from the Dark City) -3 (Enigmas of the Black Library))

    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts

    + KILL POINTS: 25

    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Harlequins, Drukhari



    == Battalion Detachement== Drukhari – Kabal of the Black Heart [1318pts] +5 CP == Alliance of Agony== -1cp == Prizes from the Dark City== -3 cp

    HQ1: Archon (70) Venomblade (2) Splinter pistol (0) [72pts] [4PL] Warlord: Labyrinthine Cunning, Relic: Writ of the Living Muse

    HQ2: Archon (70) Huskblade (6) Blast Pistol (10) [86pts][4PL] Relic:Djin Blade

    TR1: Kabalite Warriors (6x6=36) Blaster (17) [53pts] [4PL]

    TR2: Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30) Blaster (17) [47pts] [2PL]

    TR3: Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30) Blaster (17) [47pts] [2PL]

    TR4: Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30) Blaster (17) [47pts] [2PL]

    HS1: Ravager (80) 3x Disintegrator Cannon (45) [125pts] [7PL]

    HS2: Ravager (80) 3x Disintegrator Cannon (45) [125pts] [7PL]

    HS3: Ravager (80) 3x Disintegrator Cannon (45) Shock Prow (1) [126pts] [7PL]

    Flyer1: Razorwing Jetfighter (105) 2x Disintegrator Cannon (30) [135pts] [8PL]

    Flyer2: Razorwing Jetfighter (105) 2x Disintegrator Cannon (30) [135pts] [8PL]

    DT1: Raider (65) Disintegrator Cannon (15) [80pts] [5PL]

    DT2: Raider (65) Disintegrator Cannon (15) [80pts] [5PL]

    DT3: Raider (65) Disintegrator Cannon (15) [80pts] [5PL]

    DT4: Raider (65) Disintegrator Cannon (15) [80pts] [5PL]


    == Battalion Detachement== Drukhari – mixed [285pts] +5 CP

    HQ3: Haemonculus (70) Electrocorrosive Whip (6) Hexrifle (5) [81pts][5PL]<Prophets of Flesh> Relic: the

    Vexator Mask, Alliance of Agony: Diabolical Soothsayer

    HQ4: Lelith Hesperax (80) Impaler (0) Penetrating Blade (0) [81pts] [4PL] <Cult of Strife> Alliance of Agony:

    Blood Dancer

    TR5: Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30) Blaster (17) [47pts] [2PL] <Kabal of the Black Heart>

    TR6: Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30) Blaster (17) [47pts][2PL] <Kabal of the Black Heart>

    TR7: Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30) [30pts] [2PL] <Kabal of the Black Heart>


    == Vanguard Detachement== Harlequins – The Midnight Sorrow [397pts] +1 CP

    == Enigmas of the Black Library == -3cp

    HQ5: Shadowseer (125) [Psy: Shards of Light, Twilight Pathways] [125pts] [7PL]

    HQ6: Troupe Master (70) Fusion Gun (7) Harlequin's Caress (7) [84pts] [4PL] Relic: The Starmist Raiment

    Elite1: Solitaire (85) Harlequin's Caress (7) Harlequin's Kiss (7)[98pts][5PL] Relic:Cegorach's Rose

    Elite2: Death Jester (45) [45pts] [3PL]

    Elite3: Death Jester (45) [45pts] [3PL]


    Refined Strategy: Discard 14,15,16,41,46,66




    +Player 4

    Player: Lukáš „Katcher“ Kačinetz

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 4869

    Factions used: Tau

    Command Points: 13 (3 BF + 12 Brigade + 0 Patrol -1 Aux Detach – 1 Additional Relic)

    Army Points: 1998

    Kill Points: 22

    Reinforcement Points: 2


    == <Tau>Auxiliary DETACHMENT <SEPT:T´AU> == -1 CP, - 1 CP (Additional Relic), 119 pts

    HQ1 : Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [8 PL, 119pts]. RELIC : Supernova launcher.

    2 x Airburst fragmentation projector, Drone controller, Shield Projector


    == <Tau>Brigade DETACHMENT <SEPT:T´AU> == + 12 CP, 1774 pts

    HQ1 : Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42 pts] WARLORD. TRAIT : Through Unity, Devastation

    HQ2 : Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42 pts] RELIC : Puretide Neurochip

    HQ3: Cmd. Shadowsun [9 PL, 110 pts] 2x Fusion blaster

    HQ4: Darkstrider [ 3PL, 45 pts]

    TR1 : Strike team [ 4 PL, 42 pts] 5x FW w/Pulse rife, Shas´ui with Pulse rifle

    TR2 : Strike team [ 4 PL, 42 pts] 5x FW w/Pulse rife, Shas´ui with Pulse rifle

    TR3 : Strike team [ 4 PL, 45 pts] 5x FW w/Pulse rife, Shas´ui with Pulse rifle and Markerlight

    TR4 : Strike team [ 4 PL, 45 pts] 5x FW w/Pulse rife, Shas´ui with Pulse rifle and Markerlight

    TR5 : Strike team [ 5 PL, 80 pts] 10x FW w/Pulse rife, Shas´ui with Pulse rifle and Markerlight

    TR6 : Strike team [ 5 PL, 87 pts] 11x FW w/Pulse rife, Shas´ui with Pulse rifle and Markerlight

    EL1: Dahyak Gregh [ 2 PL, 20 pts] Kroot pistol, kroot rifle

    EL2: Firesight Marksman [ 1 PL, 25 pts] Markerlight, Pulse rifle

    EL3: Firesight Marksman [ 1 PL, 25 pts] Markerlight, Pulse rifle

    EL4: Riptide Battlesuit [ 14 PL, 278 pts] Heavy burst cannon, 2xSmart Missile System, Counterfire

    defense systém, Advanced Targeting System

    FA1 : Tactical Drones [ 6 PL, 120 pts] 5x MV1 Gun drone, 7x MV4 Shield drone

    FA1 : Tactical Drones [ 6 PL, 120 pts] 5x MV1 Gun drone, 7x MV4 Shield drone

    FA1 : Tactical Drones [ 6 PL, 120 pts] 5x MV1 Gun drone, 7x MV4 Shield drone

    HV1: Sniper drones [ 8 PL, 162 pts] 9x Sniper drone with Longshot Pulse Rifle

    HV1: Sniper drones [ 8 PL, 162 pts] 9x Sniper drone with Longshot Pulse Rifle

    HV1: Sniper drones [ 8 PL, 162 pts] 9x Sniper drone with Longshot Pulse Rifle


    == <Tau>Patrol DETACHMENT <SEPT:SAE´CA> == 0 CP, 105 pts

    HQ1: Etheral [ 2 PL, 45 pts] Honour blade

    TR1 : Strike team [ 2 PL, 35 pts] 5x FW w/Pulse rifle

    EL2: Firesight Marksman [ 1 PL, 25 pts] Markerlight, Pulse rifle


    Refined Strategy: Discard 11, 14, 41, 46, 66, 56,




    +Player 5

    + TEAM: Czech Republic

    + PLAYER: Adam „Binos“ Binar


    + ARMY FACTION: Imperium




    + POWER LEVELS: 120

    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Astra Militarum, Blood Angels



    == Detachment 1: Brigade (Faction: Astra Militarum, Regiment: Catachan) – 1175pts==

    Emperor´s Concalve Infantry Company (-1CP)

    Field Commander (-1CP)

    HQ1: 1x Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken [75pts]

    HQ2: 1x Company Commander (30), 1x Power fist (8), 1x Boltgun (1) [39pts] Emperor´s Concalve

    HQ3: 1x Company Commander (30), 1x Power fist (8), 1x Boltgun (1) [39pts] Emperor´s Concalve

    HQ4: 1x Primaris Psyker (38), 1x Force stave (8) [46pts] [4. Nightshroud, 5. Mental Fortitude, Smite]

    Troop1: 1x Infantry Squad (40), 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant: 1x Boltgun (1) [41pts] Emperor´s Concalve

    Troop2: 1x Infantry Squad (40), 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant [40pts] Emperor´s Concalve

    Troop3: 1x Infantry Squad (40), 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant [40pts] Emperor´s Concalve

    Troop4: 1x Infantry Squad (40), 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant [40pts] Emperor´s Concalve

    Troop5: 1x Infantry Squad (40), 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant [40pts] Emperor´s Concalve

    Troop6: 30x Conscripts (120) [120pts] Emperor´s Concalve

    Elite1: 1x Ogryn Bodyguard (45) [45pts]

    Elite2: 7x Bullgryns (245), 7x Bullgryn Mauls (49), 2x Slab Shields (0), 5x Brute Shields (0) [294pts]

    Elite3: 1x Ministorum Priest (35), 1x autogun (0), 1x Laspistol (0), 1x chainsword (0) [35pts] Field

    Commander, Emperor´s Concalve

    Elite4: 1x Astropath (26), 1x Laspistol (0) [26pts] [4.Nightshroud, Smite]

    Elite5: 1x Astropath (26), 1x Laspistol (0) [26pts] [3.Psychic Barrier, Smite]

    Fast1: 1x Scout Sentinel (30), 1x Heavy Flamer (15) [45pts]

    Fast2: 1x Scout Sentinel (30), 1x Heavy Flamer (15) [45pts]

    Fast3: 1x Scout Sentinel (30), 1x Multilaser (10) [40pts]

    HS1: 3x Heavy Weapons Squads (18), 3x Mortar (15) [33pts]

    HS2: 3x Heavy Weapons Squads (18), 3x Mortar (15) [33pts]

    HS3: 3x Heavy Weapons Squads (18), 3x Mortar (15) [33pts]


    == Detachment 2: Battalion (Faction: Astra Militarum, Regiment: Cadia) – 417pts==

    Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company (-1CP)

    HQ5: 1x Primaris Psyker (38), 1x Force stave (8) [46pts] [3. Psychic barrier, 5. Mental Fortitude, Smite]

    HQ6: 1x Company Commander (30) [30pts] Emperor's Wrath

    Troop7: 1x Infantry Squad (40), 8x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Mortar (5) [45pts]

    Troop8: 1x Infantry Squad (40), 8x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, 1x Mortar (5) [45pts]

    Troop9: 1x Infantry Squad (40), 9x Guardsman, 1x Sergeant, [40pts]

    HS4: 1x Wyverns (95), 1x Wyvern quad stormshard mortar (0), 1x Heavy bolter (8) [103pts] Emperor's


    HS5: 1x Basilisks (100), 1x Earthshaker cannon (0), 1x Heavy bolter (8) [108pts] Emperor's Wrath


    == Detachment 3: Supeme Command (Faction: Adeptus Astartes, Chapter: Blood Angels) – 408pts==

    HQ7: 1x Captain with Jump Pack (93), 1x Storm Shield (10), 1x Thunder Hammer (21) [124pts] Death

    Visions of Sanguinius (-1CP)

    HQ8: 1x Captain with Jump Pack (93), 1x Storm Shield (10), 1x Thunder Hammer (21) [124pts] Death

    Visions of Sanguinius (-1CP)

    HQ9: 1x Mephiston (160) [160pts] [1.Quickening, 2.Unleash Rage, 6.Wings of Sanquinius, Smite]


    Refined Strategy: 41,46,66, 14, 15, 55




    +Player 6

    + TEAM: Czech Republic

    + PLAYER: Jakub "Kubis" Jurník


    + ARMY FACTION: Orks

    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 13 (3+5(Battalion)+5(Battalion)+1(Air Wing)-1(Dread Waaagh!))


    + KILL POINTS: 21




    == Battalion Detachement (Clan: Freebooterz, Specialist Detachement: Dread Waagh!) [41PL, 876pts] ==

    HQ Big Mek w/ Shokk Attack Gun (55): Shokk Attack Gun (25), Grot Oiler (4) Relic(Dread Waaagh!): Da

    Souped-up Shokka, Warlord: Bigkilla Boss - [4PL, 84pts]

    HQ Big Mek w/ Shokk Attack Gun (55): Shokk Attack Gun (25)-[4PL, 80pts]

    TR Gretchin (10x3): 10x Gretchin - [1PL, 30pts]

    TR Gretchin (10x3): 10x Gretchin - [1PL, 30pts]

    TR Gretchin (10x3): 10x Gretchin - [1PL, 30pts]

    HS Gorkanaut (250): 2 Rokkit Launcha (24), Skorcha (17), 2 Twin Big Shoota (20), Klaw of Gork (or possibly

    Mork) (0), Deffstorm mega-shoota (0) - [15PL, 311pts]

    HS Gorkanaut (250): 2 Rokkit Launcha (24), Skorcha (17), 2 Twin Big Shoota (20), Klaw of Gork (or possibly

    Mork) (0), Deffstorm mega-shoota (0) - [15PL, 311pts]


    == Battalion Detachement (Clan: Freebooterz) [34PL, 649pts] ==

    HQ Big Mek in Mega Armour (77), Kustom Force Field (20), Kustom Shoota (2), Power Klaw (13) - [6PL,


    HQ Weirdboy (62), [3. Da Jump, Smite] - [3PL, 62pts]

    TR Gretchin (10x3): 10x Gretchin - [1PL, 30pts]

    TR Gretchin (10x3): 10x Gretchin - [1PL, 30pts]

    TR Boyz (25x7+12): 23x Boy \w Shoota (151) + 2x Boy \w Shoota and Tankbusta bombs (14) + Boss Nob \w

    Big Choppa nad Slugga (12) - [11PL, 187pts]

    HS Mek Gunz (4x15), 3xSmasha Gun(48), 1xTraktor kannon (30) - [8PL, 138pts]

    HS Mek Gunz (15), 1xTraktor kannon (30) - [2PL, 45pts]

    HS Mek Gunz (15), 1xTraktor kannon (30) - [2PL, 45pts]


    == Air Wing Detachement (Clan: Freebooterz) [22 PL, 475pts] ==

    FLYER Dakkajet (88): 6x Supa Shoota (60) - [7PL, 148pts]

    FLYER Dakkajet (88): 6x Supa Shoota (60) - [7PL, 148pts]

    FLYER Wazbom Blastajet (99): 2 Wazbom Mega-Kannon (12), Kustom Force Field (20), Smasha Gun (16), 2

    Supa Shoota (20) - [8PL, 179pts]


    Refined Strategy: Discard 12,16,41,46,55,66




    +Player 7

    + TEAM: Czech Republic

    + PLAYER: David Pekarik


    + ARMY FACTION: Adeptus Astartes

    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS:14 (18-1(Black Templars Sword Brethren) -1 ( Field Commander) -1 (Relics of

    the Chapter ) –1 (Armory of the Watch Fortress ) )

    +SPECIALST DETACHEMENT: Black Templars Sword Brethren

    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1999 pts

    +KILL POINTS: 15

    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Space Marines, Deathwatch



    == Battalion Detachement== Deathwatch [650pts] +5 CP

    == Armory of the Watch Fortress== -1cp

    HQ1: Watch Captain with Jump pack (93) Storm Bolter (4) Thunder Hammer (21) [118pts] [7PL] Relic: Bane

    Bolts of Eryxia

    HQ2: Watch Captain with Jump pack (93) Storm Bolter (4) Thunder Hammer (21) [118pts] [7PL] pts

    Relic:ane Bolts of Eryxia

    TR1: Intercessors (5x17=85) 5x Bolt Rifle (5) chainsword (0) [90pts][6PL]

    TR2: Intercessors (5x17=85) 5x Bolt Rifle (5) chainsword (0) [90pts][6PL]

    TR3: 5 Veterans (5x14=70) 5x storm shield (10) 5x Storm bolter ( 20)

    Watch Sergeant (14) storm shield (2) Storm bolter ( 4)

    Bike (21) chainsword(0) Twin boltgun (4) teleport Homer (0)

    2 Terminators (2x23=46) 2x power fist (18) 2x Storm bolter ( ?

    Vanguard (17) 2x bolt pistol (0)



    == Battalion Detachement== Deathwatch [995pts] +5 CP

    HQ3:Librarian with Jump pack (112) Force Staff ( ? Storm Bolter (4) [124pts][7PL] psy powers: Might of

    Heroes, Null Zone

    HQ4: Watch Master (130) [130pts][7PL] Warlord: Lord of Hidden Knowledge

    TR4: 5 Veterans (5x14=70) 5x storm shield (10) 5x Storm bolter ( 20)

    Watch Sergeant (14) storm shield (2) Storm bolter ( 4)

    3 Terminators (3x23=69) 3x power fist (27) 3x Storm bolter ( 12)

    Vanguard (17) storm shield (2) bolt pistol (0)


    TR5: 5 Veterans (5x14=70) 5x storm shield (10) 5x Storm bolter ( 20)

    Watch Sergeant (14) storm shield (2) Storm bolter ( 4)

    3 Terminators (3x23=69) 3x power fist (27) 3x Storm bolter ( 12)

    Vanguard (17) storm shield (2) bolt pistol (0)


    TR6: 5 Veterans (5x14=70) 5x storm shield (10) 5x Storm bolter ( 20)

    Watch Sergeant (14) storm shield (2) Storm bolter ( 4)

    3 Terminators (3x23=69) 3x power fist (27) 3x Storm bolter ( 12)

    Vanguard (17) storm shield (2) bolt pistol (0)



    == Battalion Detachement== Space Marines: Black Templars [354pts] +5 CP

    ==Relics of the Chapter == -1cp

    ==Black Templars Sword Brethren== -1cp

    ==Field Commander== -1cp

    HQ5: Captain with Jump pack (93) Thunder Hammer (21) Chainsword (0) – [114pts][7PL] Relic: Teeh of

    Terra, field commander: Master Swordsman <Black Templars Sword Brethren>

    HQ6: Emperor's Champion (75) [75pts]<Black Templars Sword Brethren> [4PL]

    TR7: Scouts (5x11=55) Chainsword (0) 5x Bolter (0) [55pts][6PL]

    TR8: Scouts (5x11=55) Chainsword (0) 5x Bolter (0) [55pts][6PL]

    TR9: Scouts (5x11=55) Chainsword (0) 5x Bolter (0) [55pts][6PL]


    Refined Strategy:11,12,15,41,46,66




    +Player 8

    + TEAM: Czech Republic

    + PLAYER: Jakub Jansa


    + ARMY FACTION: Imperium

    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS:111 (19-2(Operative Requisition Sanctioned ) -3( Heirlooms of the Household

    ) -3(Exalted Court ) )

    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1915 pts

    +KILL POINTS: 13

    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Imperial Knights, Adeptus Mechanicus



    == <Adeptus Mechanicus - Forge World: Graia> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, [255pts]

    HQ1: Tech-Priest Enginseer (30)[30pts] [3PL]

    HQ2: Tech-Priest Enginseer (30)[30pts] [3PL]

    TR1: Skitarii Rangers (5x7=35) 2xTransuranic Arquebus (30) [65pts] [4PL]

    TR2: Skitarii Rangers (5x7=35) 2xTransuranic Arquebus (30) [65pts] [4PL]

    TR3: Skitarii Rangers (5x7=35) 2xTransuranic Arquebus (30) [65pts] [4PL]


    == <Adeptus Mechanicus - Forge World: Graia> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, [317pts]

    HQ3: Tech-Priest Enginseer (30)[30pts] [3PL]

    HQ4: Tech-Priest Dominus (80) Phosphor Serpenta (4) Volkite Blaster (8)[92pts][7PL]

    TR4: Skitarii Rangers (5x7=35) 2xTransuranic Arquebus (30) [65pts] [4PL]

    TR5: Skitarii Rangers (5x7=35) 2xTransuranic Arquebus (30) [65pts] [4PL]

    TR6: Skitarii Rangers (5x7=35) 2xTransuranic Arquebus (30) [65pts] [4PL]


    ==Imperial Knights – Mechanicus Household Krast- Super-Heavy Detachment == +6cp [1343pts]

    == Heirlooms of the Household== -3cp

    ==Exalted Court == -3cp

    LOW1: Knight Crusader (285) 2x Heavy stubber (4), Ironstorm Missile Pod(16), Avenger gatling cannon(75)

    Rapid-Fire Battlecannon (100) heavy flamer(14), [494pts] [25PL] Exaled Court: The First Knight, Relic:The

    Headsman's Mark

    LOW2: Knight Warden (285) x Heavy stubber (2), Ironstorm Missile Pod(16), Avenger gatling cannon(75)

    Reaper Chainsword (30) heavy flamer(14), [422pts] [25PL] Warlord:Ion Bulwark, Relic: Endless Fury

    LOW3: Knight Warden (285) x Heavy stubber (2), Ironstorm Missile Pod(16), Avenger gatling

    cannon(75)Thunderstrike gauntlet (30) heavy flamer(14), [427pts] [25PL] Exalted Court: Landstrider, Relic:

    Armour of the Sainted Ion


    Refined Strategy: 15,16,41,46,56,66





    Player: Martin Bræmer Nielsen - CAPTAIN

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 213

    Factions used: Chaos Daemons, Thousand Sons

    Command Points: 18

    Army Points: 1995

    Kill Points: 16

    Reinforcement Points: 5


    == <Chaos Daemons> Battalion== +5cp, 584pts

    HQ: Poxbringer [70pts] Power: Miasma of Pestilence

    HQ: Changecaster [65 pts], Powers: Gaze of Fate, Flickering Flames

    TR: Plaguebearers [210pts]: 29x Plaguebearer, Plagueridden

    TR: Horrors [185pts]: Instrument of Chaos, 25x Pink Horror

    TR: Nurglings [54pts]: 3x Nurgling Swarms


    == <Chaos Daemons> Battalion== +5cp, 615pts

    HQ: Daemon Prince of Chaos [180pts]: [FREE RELIC: Skullreaver], Khorne, Wings, Daemonic Axe

    HQ: The Contorted Epitome [195pts]: [WARLORD: Celerity of Slaanesh], Powers: Phantasmagoria, Symphony of Pain

    TR: Horrors [30pts]: 10x Pair of Brimstone Horror

    TR: Horrors [30pts]: 10x Pair of Brimstone Horror

    TR: Horrors [30pts]: 10x Pair of Brimstone Horror

    EL: Flamers [150pts]: 5x Flamer, Pyrocaster


     == <Thousand Sons> Battalion== +5cp, 796pts

    HQ: Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch [166pts] Powers: Glamour of Tzeentch, Prescience, Doombolt

    HQ: Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch [140pts]: Force Stave, Powers: Warptime, Weaver of Fates

    TR: Chaos Cultists [50pts]: 9x Chaos Cultist, Cultist Champion

    TR: Tzaangors [220pts]: 29x Tzaangor, Twistbray, 30x Tzaangor Blades, Brayhorn

    TR: Tzaangors [220pts]: 29x Tzaangor, Twistbray, 30x Tzaangor Blades, Brayhorn


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41, 42, 46, 61




    Player: Rune Kappel

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 5026

    Factions used: Imperial Knights

    Command Points: 12

    Army Points: 1998

    Kill Points: 6

    Reinforcement Points: 0


    == <Imperial Knights - Taranis> Super Heavy Detachment == +6cp, 1242pts

    LOW: Knight Crusader [468pts]: Thermal cannon, Avenger Gatling Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Ironstorm Missile Pod, Heavy Stubber, [WARLORD: Cunning Commander]

    LOW: Knight Warden [422pts]: Reaper Chainsword, Avenger Gatling Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Ironstorm Missile Pod, Heavy Stubber [FREE RELIC: Endless Fury]

    LOW: Knight Gallant [352pts]: Reaper Chainsword, Thunderstrike Gauntlet, Heavy Stubber


    == <Imperial Knights - Krast> Super Heavy Detachment == +3cp, 746pts

    LOW: Knight Warden [422pts]: Reaper Chainsword, Avenger Gatling Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Ironstorm Missile Pod, Heavy Stubber

    LOW: Armiger Helverin [172pts]: Heavy Stubber

    LOW: Armiger Warglaive [162pts]: Heavy Stubber


    Refined Strategy: Discard 42, 43, 46, 55, 61, 66




    Player: Kåre Schmidt Ettrup

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 627

    Factions used: Astra Militarum, Space Marines

     Command Points: 18 (-3 for specialist detachments)

    Army Points: 2000

    Kill Points: 23

    Reinforcement Points: 0


    == <Astra Militarum - Catachan> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 692pts (Specialist detachment - Emperor’s Fist Tank Company. -1 CP)

    HQ: Tank Commander [188pts]: Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolters [FREE RELIC: Hammer of Sunderance]

    HQ: Tank Commander [192pts]: Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Plasma Cannons

    HQ: Tank Commander [192pts]: Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Plasma Cannons

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts]: Sergeant, Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts]: Sergeant, Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts]: Sergeant, Chainsword


    == <Astra Militarum - Catachan> Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 841pts (Specialist detachment - Emperor’s Conclave Infantry Company. -1 CP)

    HQ: Colonel Straken [75] HQ: Company Commander [31]: Chainsword, Boltgun, [WARLORD: Grand Strategist]

    HQ: Company Commander [30]: Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts]: Sergeant, Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts]: Sergeant, Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts]: Sergeant, Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts]: Sergeant, Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts]: Sergeant, Chainsword

    TR: Infantry Squad [40pts]: Sergeant, Chainsword

    EL: 9 Bullgryns [378pts]: Bullgryn Bone’ead, 9 Bullgryn Mauls, 3 Brute Shields, 6 Slab Shields

    EL: Ministorum Priest [35pts]: chainsword

    EL: Astropath [26pts]: Laspistol, Powers: Psychic Barrier

    EL: Astropath [26pts]: Laspistol, Powers: Nightshroud

    == <Space Marines - Black Templars > Battalion Detachment == +5cp, 467pts (Specialist detachment - Sword Brethren -1 CP)

    HQ: Captain [124pts]: Jump Pack, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer

    HQ: Captain on Bike [121pts]: Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer

    TR: Infiltrator Squad [110pts]: 4 Infiltrators, 1 Infiltrator Sergeant

    TR: Scout Squad [57pts]: Sergeant, Chainsword, Storm bolter

    TR: Scout Squad [55pts]: Sergeant, Chainsword, Astartes Shotgun, 4xcombat blades, 4xbolt pistols


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41, 46, 61, 62, 63, 66




    + PLAYER: Thomas Donslund


    + ARMY FACTION: Craftworld Eldar


    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1997pts

    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Craftworld Eldar, Drukhari

    + KILL POINTS: 16



    == <CRAFTWORLD ELDAR - ALAITOC> Air Wing Detachment == +1CP, 803pts

    FL: Crimson Hunter [160pts]: Pulse laser, 2x Bright lances

    FL: Crimson Hunter [160pts]: Pulse laser, 2x Bright lances

    FL: Crimson Hunter Exarch [161pts]: Pulse laser, 2x Starcannons

    FL: Crimson Hunter Exarch [161pts]: Pulse laser, 2x Starcannons

    FL: Crimson Hunter Exarch [161pts]: Pulse laser, 2x Starcannons


    == <DRUKHARI - Kabal of The Black Heart> Air Wing Detachment == +1CP, 405pts

    FL: Razorwing Jet Fighter [135pts]: 2x Disintegrator cannon, twin splinter rifles and Razorwing Missiles

    FL: Razorwing Jet Fighter [135pts]: 2x Disintegrator cannon, twin splinter rifles and Razorwing Missiles

    FL: Razorwing Jet Fighter [135pts]: 2x Disintegrator cannon, twin splinter rifles and Razorwing Missiles


    == <CRAFTWORLD ELDAR - SAIM-HANN> Battalion detachment == +5CPs, 789pts

    HQ: Warlock Skyrunner [67pts]: twin shuriken catapults, POWERS: Smite, Protect/Jinx

    HQ: Farseer Skyrunner [132pts]: twin shuriken catapults, POWERS: Smite, Doom & Executioner

    HQ: Autarch Skyrunner [105pts]: WARLORD: Eye on Distant Events, FREE RELIC: Phoenix Gem, Laser Lance, Twin Shuriken catapult

    TR: 5 Rangers [60pts]

    TR: 5 Rangers [60pts]

    TR: 8 Storm Guardians [48pts]: Chainswords, Shuriken pistol, plasma grenade

    FA: 9 Windriders [207pts]: 9 Scatter Lasers

    FA: 5 Windriders [110pts]: 4 Scatter lasers, 1 Twin Shuriken catapult


    Refined strategies: 41, 46, 54, 55, 61, 66



    Player: Simon Darre

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 4626

    Factions used: Blood Angels, Deathwatch, Officio Assassinorum

    Command Points: 13

    Army Points: 2000

    Kill Points: 16

    Reinforcement Points: 0


    == <Blood Angels> Battalion== +5cp, 551pts

    HQ: Captain [124pts], Thunderhammer, Stormshield, Jump Pack

    HQ: Librarian Dreadnought [142 pts], Powers: Wings of Sanguinius, Quickening

    TR: Infiltrator Squad [110pts]: 4 Infiltrators, 1 Infiltrator Sergeant

    TR: Infiltrator Squad [110pts]: 4 Infiltrators, 1 Infiltrator Sergeant

    TR: Scout Squad [65pts]: 4 Scouts, 1 Scout Sergeant, 5 Sniper Rifles


    == <Deathwatch> Battalion== +5cp, 1024pts

    HQ: Watch Captain [118pts]: [FREE RELIC: The Beacon Angelis], Thunderhammer, Stormbolter, Jump Pack

    HQ: Watch Master [130pts]: [WARLORD: Lord of Hidden Knowledge], Guardian Spear

    TR: Veterans [232pts]: 5 Veterans w/ stormbolter & stormshield, 1 Watch Sergeant w/stormbolter & stormshield, 1 Vanguard Veteran w/ bolt pistol & stormshield, 3 Terminators w/ stormbolter & powersword TR: Veterans [232pts]: 5 Veterans w/ stormbolter & stormshield, 1 Watch Sergeant w/stormbolter & stormshield, 1 Vanguard Veteran w/ bolt pistol & stormshield, 3 Terminators w/ stormbolter & powersword

    TR: Veterans [233pts]: 5 Veterans w/ stormbolter & stormshield, 1 Watch Sergeant w/stormbolter & stormshield, 1 Vanguard Veteran w/ bolt pistol & stormshield, 2 Terminators w/ stormbolter & powersword, 1 Terminator w/ stormbolter & poweraxe

    FA: Bikers [79pts]: 1 Biker, 1 Biker w/ Deathwatch Teleport Homer, 1 Biker Sergeant w/ stormbolter, chainswords, twin bolters


    == <Officio Assassinorum> Vanguard== +0cp, 425pts

    EL: Callidus Assassin [85pts]

    EL: Callidus Assassin [85pts]

    EL: Eversor Assassin [85pts]

    EL: Vindicare Assassin [85pts]

    EL: Vindicare Assassin [85pts]


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41, 43, 46, 61, 66




    Player: Andreas Holm Hegaard

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 238

    Factions used: Orks

    Command Points: 18

    Army Points: 1.999

    Kill Points: 29

    Reinforcement Points: 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

     == <Evil Sunz> Battalion== +5cp, 775pts

    HQ: Warboss [80 pts], Powerklaw, Kustom shoota, Attack Squig [Warlord: Speed Freek]

    HQ: Weirdboy [62 pts], Weirdboy staff, Powers: Warpath

    TR: Boyz [213pts]: 29 Shoota Boyz, 1 Nob, Choppa, Power Stabba, 3 Tankbusta Bombs

    TR: Boyz [210pts]: 29 Shoota Boyz, 1 Nob, 2 Choppa, 3 Tankbusta Bombs

    TR: Boyz [210pts]: 29 Shoota Boyz, 1 Nob, 2 Choppa, 3 Tankbusta Bombs


    == <Death Skulls> Battalion - Dreadwaagh detachment== +4cp, 670pts

    HQ: Big Mek w/ Shokk Attack Gun [84pts]: [FREE RELIC: The Souped Up Shokker], Grot Oiler

    HQ: Weirdboy [62 pts], Weirdboy staff, Powers: Warpath

    TR: Gretchin [30pts]: 10 Grot Blasters

    TR: Gretchin [30pts]: 10 Grot Blasters

    TR: Gretchin [30pts]: 10 Grot Blasters

    HS: Mek Gunz [124pts]: 4 Smasha guns

    HS: Mek Gunz [155pts]: 5 Smasha guns

    HS: Mek Gunz [155pts]: 5 Smasha guns


    == <Evil Sunz> Battalion== +5cp, 554pts

    HQ: Warboss [80 pts], Powerklaw, Kustom shoota, Attack Squig

    HQ: Weirdboy [62 pts], Weirdboy staff, Powers: Warpath

    TR: Boyz [210pts]: 29 Shoota Boyz, 1 Nob, 2 Choppa, 3 Tankbusta Bombs

    TR: Boyz [140pts]: 19 Shoota Boyz, 1 Nob, 2 Choppa, 2 Tankbusta Bombs

    TR: Boyz [70pts]: 9 Shoota Boyz, 1 Nob, 2 Choppa, 1 Tankbusta Bombs


    Refined Strategy: Discard 41, 46, 61, 66




    Player: Sebastian Boe Ilfeldt

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 697

    Factions used: Genestealer Cult

    Command Points: 18 (16 after Pregame)

    Army Points: 2000

    Kill Points: 20

    Reinforcement Points: 0


    == <Genestealer Cults - Twisted Helix> Battalion== +5cp, 687pts

    HQ: Patriarch [125pts] Powers: Might From Beyond, Psychic Stimulus

    HQ: Primus [75 pts]

    TR: Brood Brothers [40pts]: 9x Brood Brothers, Brood Brothers Leader, Chainsword

    TR: Brood Brothers [40pts]: 9x Brood Brothers, Brood Brothers Leader, Chainsword

    TR: Brood Brothers [40pts]: 9x Brood Brothers, Brood Brothers Leader, Chainsword

    EL: Aberrants [252pts]: 8 Aberrants, 2 Aberrant Hypermorphs, 8 Power Picks, 2 Heavy Improvised Weapons

    EL: Clamavus [55pts]


    == <Genestealer Cults - Cult Of The Four Armed Emperor> Battalion== +5cp, 873 pts (Specialist detachment – Deliverance Broodsurge. -1 CP)

    HQ: Acolyte Iconward [53pts]: [FREE RELIC: Icon of the Cult Ascendant ][Field Commander -1 CP: Augur of the Insurgent]

    HQ: Primus [75pts]:

    TR: Acolyte Hybrids [170pts]: 19x Acolyte Hybrids, Acolyte Leader, Cult Icon, 20 Hand flamers

    TR: Acolyte Hybrids [230pts]: 19x Acolyte Hybrids, Acolyte Leader, Cult Icon, 8 Heavy Rock Saws

    TR: Acolyte Hybrids [230pts]: 19x Acolyte Hybrids, Acolyte Leader, Cult Icon, 8 Heavy Rock Saws

    EL: Clamavus [55pts]

    EL: Kellermorph [60pts]


    == <Genestealer Cult - Cult of the Four Armed Emperor> Battalion== +5cp, 440pts

    HQ: Patriarch [149pts] Patriarch, 2x Familiars, Powers: Might from Beyond, Mass Hypnosis, [WARLORD: Inscrutable Cunning]

    HQ: Primus

    TR: Acolyte Hybrids [136pts]: 16x Acolyte Hybrids, Acolyte Leader, 17 Hand flamers

    TR: Brood Brothers [40pts]: 9x Brood Brothers, Brood Brothers Leader, Chainsword

    TR: Brood Brothers [40pts]: 9x Brood Brothers, Brood Brothers Leader, Chainsword

    EL: Kellermorph [60pts]


     Refined Strategy: Discard 41, 46, 54, 66




    Player: Aslak Lynæs Stenkilde

    Player Tourneykeeper Profile nr: 30

    Factions used: Adeptus Mechanicus

    Command Points: 14

    Army Points: 1997

    Kill Points: 14

    Reinforcement Points: 3


    ==Battalion Detachment== Adeptus Mechanicus, <Mars> +5CP, 510pts

    HQ: Techpriest Enginseer [30pts]

    HQ: Techpriest Enginseer [30pts]: [WARLORD: Prime Hermeticon], [FREE RELIC: Raiment of the technomartyr]

    TR: Kataphron Breachers [150pts]: 5x Kataphron Breachers, 5x Arc Claw, 5x Heavy Arc Rifle

    TR: Kataphron Breachers [150pts]: 5x Kataphron Breachers, 5x Arc Claw, 5x Heavy Arc Rifle

    TR: Kataphron Breachers [150pts]: 5x Kataphron Breachers, 5x Arc Claw, 5x Heavy Arc Rifle


    ==Battalion Detachment== Adeptus Mechanicus, <Mars> +5CP, 995pts

    HQ: Belisarius Cawl [190pts]

    HQ: Techpriest Manipulus [85pts]: Transonic Cannon

    TR: Kataphron Breachers [180pts]: 6x Kataphron Breachers, 6x Arc Claw, 6x Heavy Arc Rifle

    TR: Kataphron Breachers [180pts]: 6x Kataphron Breachers, 6x Arc Claw, 6x Heavy Arc Rifle

    TR: Kataphron Breachers [360pts]: 12x Kataphron Breachers, 6x Arc Claw, 6x Heavy Arc Rifle


    ==Supreme Command Detachment== Adeptus Custodes +1CP, 492pts

    HQ: Shield Captain on Dawn Eagle Jetbike [164pts]: Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia

    HQ: Shield Captain on Dawn Eagle Jetbike [164pts]: Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia

    HQ: Shield Captain on Dawn Eagle Jetbike [164pts]: Hurricane Bolter, Misericordia


    Refined strategy: discard 41, 42, 46, 52, 61, 66






    COUNTRY: England

    PLAYER: Josh Roberts


    FACTIONS USED: Deathwatch, Black Templars, Officio Assassinorum


    ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts




    == Battalion Detachment <Adeptus Astartes - Deathwatch> == [1077pts] +5CP

    HQ1: Watch Master [130pts] HQ2: Watch Captain [118pts]: Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Storm Bolter

    TR 1: 10 Veterans [235pts]: 3 Terminators, 3 Power Axes, 3 Storm Bolters 1 Vanguard Veteran, Storm Shield, Bolt Pistol 5 Veterans, 5 Storm Bolters, 5 Storm Shields 1 Watch Sergeant, Storm Bolter, Storm Shield

    TR 2: 10 Veterans [235pts]: 3 Terminators, 3 Power Axes, 3 Storm Bolters 1 Vanguard Veteran, Storm Shield, Bolt Pistol 5 Veterans, 5 Storm Bolters, 5 Storm Shields 1 Watch Sergeant, Storm Bolter, Storm Shield

    TR 3: 10 Veterans [234pts]: 3 Terminators, 2 Power Axes, 1 Power Maul, 3 Storm Bolters 1 Vanguard Veteran, Storm Shield, Bolt Pistol 5 Veterans, 5 Storm Bolters, 5 Storm Shields 1 Watch Sergeant, Storm Bolter, Storm Shield

    TR 4: 6 Veterans [125pts] 4 Veterans, 4 Storm Bolters, 4 Storm Shields 1 Watch Sergeant, Storm Bolter, Storm Shield 1 Bike, Twin Bolt-gun, Chainsword, Deathwatch Teleport Homer


    == Battalion Detachment <Adeptus Astartes - Black Templars> == [413pts] +4CP (Sword Brethren)

    HQ3: Captain [124pts]: Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield WARLORD: The Imperium's Sword

    HQ4: Captain [124pts]: Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield RELIC: Shield Eternal

    TR 5: 5 Scouts [55pts]

    TR 6: 5 Scouts [55pts]

    TR 7: 5 Scouts [55pts]


    == Vanguard Detachment <Officio Assassinorum> == [510pts] +0CP

    El 1: Culexus Assassin [85pts]

    El 2: Vindicare Assassin [85pts]

    El 3: Vindicare Assassin [85pts]

    El 4: Eversor Assassin [85pts]

    El 5: Eversor Assassin [85pts]

    El 6: Eversor Assassin [85pts]


    REFINED STRATEGY: DISCARD 41, 46, 55, 56, 66




    COUNTRY: England

    PLAYER: Mike Porter


    FACTIONS USED: Thousand Sons and Daemons


    ARMY POINTS: 1999 pts




    == <THOUSAND SONS> Battalion Detachment == +5CP [898pts]

    HQ1: Ahriman [131pts] POWERS: Weaver of fates, Glamour of tzeentch, Death Hex

    HQ2: Sorcerer [98pts]: force staff, inferno bolt pistol POWERS: Infernal gaze, Warp time

    TR1: Tzaangor [185pts]: 25 Tzaangor, bray horn

    TR2: Tzaangor [185pts]: 25 Tzaangor, bray horn

    TR3: Tzaangor [185pts]: 25 Tzaangor, bray horn

    EL1: Tzaangor Shaman [90pts]: force stave POWERS: Temporal manipulation


    == <DAEMONS - MIXED> Battalion Detachment == +5CP [725pts]

    HQ3: Daemon prince of khorne [180pts]: wings, axe

    HQ4: Poxbringer [70pts] POWERS: Miasma of Pestilence

    HQ5: The Contorted Epitome [195pts] POWERS: Symphony of Pain, Phantasmagoria

    TR4: 3 Nurgling Swarms [54pts]

    TR5: 3 Nurgling Swarms [54pts]

    TR6: 28 Plaguebearers [196pts]


    == <THOUSAND SONS> Supreme Command Detachment == +1CP [376pts]

    HQ6: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch [180pts]: malefic talon, wings WARLORD: High Magister POWERS: Gaze

    of fate, Bolt of change RELIC: Dark matter crystal

    HQ7: Sorcerer [98pts]: force staff, inferno bolt pistol POWERS: Tzeentch’s firestorm, Diabolical strength

    HQ8: Sorcerer [98pts]: force staff, inferno bolt pistol POWERS: Doombolt, Prescience


    REFINED STRATEGY: DISCARD 41, 46, 51, 66




    COUNTRY: England

    PLAYER: Mani Cheema


    FACTIONS USED: Blood Angels and Astra Militarum


    ARMY POINTS: 1999 pts




    == <Astra Militarum - Catachan> Brigade Detachment == [838pts] +11CP (Emperor’s Conclave Infantry


    HQ1: Colonel Iron Hand Straken [75pts]

    HQ2: Company Commander [30pts]: Chainsword, Laspistol

    HQ3: Company Commander [30pts]: Chainsword, Laspistol

    EL1: Platoon Commander [28pts]: Power Fist, Laspistol

    EL2: Sergeant Harker [50]

    EL3: Ministorum Priest [35pts]: Chainsword, Autogun

    EL4: Astropath [26pts]: Laspistol POWERS: Psychic Barrier

    TR1: 10 Guardsmen [40pts]

    TR2: 10 Guardsmen [40pts]

    TR3: 10 Guardsmen [40pts]

    TR4: 10 Guardsmen [40pts]

    TR5: 10 Guardsmen [40pts]

    TR6: 10 Guardsmen [40pts]

    TR7: 10 Guardsmen [40pts]

    TR8: 10 Guardsmen [40pts]

    TR9: 10 Guardsmen [40pts]

    FA1: Scout Sentinel [35pts]: Multi-laser

    FA2: Scout Sentinel [35pts]: Multi-laser

    FA3: Scout Sentinel [35pts]: Multi-laser

    HS1: 3 Heavy Weapons Teams [33pts]: 3 Mortars

    HS2: 3 Heavy Weapons Teams [33pts]: 3 Mortars HS3: 3 Heavy Weapons Teams [33pts]: 3 Mortars


    == <Astra Militarum - Catachan> Battalion Detachment == [505pts] +4CP (Emperor’s Wrath Artillery


    HQ4: Company Commander [30pts]: Chainsword, Laspistol

    HQ5: Primaris Psyker [46pts]: Force Stave, Laspistol POWERS: Psychic Barrier, Nightshroud

    TR10: 10 Guardsmen [40pts]

    TR11: 10 Guardsmen [40pts]

    TR12: 10 Guardsmen [40pts]

    HS4: Wyvern [103pts]: Heavy Bolter

    HS5: Wyvern [103pts]: Heavy Bolter

    HS6: Wyvern [103pts]: Heavy Bolter


    == <Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels> Supreme Command Detachment == [656pts] +1CP

    HQ6: Captain [124pts]: Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield

    HQ7: Captain [124pts]: Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield

    HQ8: Captain [124pts]: Jump Pack, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield RELIC: The Angel's Wings

    HQ9: Librarian Dreadnought [142pts]: Furioso Fist, Force Halberd, Storm Bolter POWERS: Wings of Sanguinius, Quickening

    HQ10: Librarian Dreadnought [142pts]: Furioso Fist, Force Halberd, Storm Bolter POWERS: Wings of Sanguinius, Quickening WARLORD: Artisan of War


    REFINED STRATEGY: DISCARD 41, 55, 61, 62, 64




    COUNTRY: England



    ARMY FACTION: Craftworld Eldar & Drukhari


    ARMY POINTS: 1999




    == <CRAFTWORLD ELDAR - ALAITOC> Air Wing Detachment == +1CP [803pts]

    FLYER1: Crimson Hunter Exarch [161pts]: Pulse laser, 2 Starcannons

    FLYER2: Crimson Hunter Exarch [161pts]: Pulse laser, 2 Starcannons

    FLYER3: Crimson Hunter Exarch [161pts]: Pulse laser, 2 Starcannons

    FLYER4: Crimson Hunter [160pts]: Pulse laser, 2 Bright Lances

    FLYER5: Crimson Hunter [160pts]: Pulse laser, 2 Bright Lances


    == <DRUKHARI - Kabal of The Black Heart> Air Wing Detachment == +1CP [600pts]

    FLYER6: Razorwing Jet Fighter [135pts]: 2 Disintegrator cannons, twin splinter rifles, Razorwing Missiles

    FLYER7: Razorwing Jet Fighter [135pts]: 2 Disintegrator cannons, twin splinter rifles, Razorwing Missiles

    FLYER8: Voidraven Bomber [165pts]: 2 Dark Scythes, Voidraven Missiles

    FLYER9: Voidraven Bomber [165pts]: 2 Dark Scythes, Voidraven Missiles


    == <CRAFTWORLD ELDAR - ALAITOC> Battalion Detachment == +5CPs [596pts]

    HQ1: Autarch [77pts]: Force Shield, Star Glaive WARLORD: Fate’s Messenger, RELIC: Faolchu's Wing

    HQ2: Farseer Skyrunner [137pts]: Shuriken Pistol, Twin Shuriken Catapults, Singing Spear POWERS: Smite,

    Doom & Guide

    HQ3: Warlock Skyrunner [72pts]: Twin Shrunken Catapults, Singing Spear POWERS: Protect/Jinx, Smite

    TR1: Guardian Defenders [190pts]: 20 Guardians, 2 Heavy Weapon Platforms, 2 Shuriken Cannons

    TR2: 5 Rangers [60pts]

    TR3: 5 Rangers [60pts]


    REFINED STRATEGY: DISCARD 41, 44, 46, 52, 55, 66




    COUNTRY: England

    PLAYER: Matt Robertson


    ARMY FACTION: Imperial Knights and Adeptus Mechanicus


    ARMY POINTS: 2000





    LOW 1 - Knight Warden [427pts]: Thunderstrike Gauntlet, Avenger Gatling Cannon, Ironstorm missile pod,

    Heavy flamer, Heavy stubber Warlord – Cunning Commander Relic – Endless Fury

    LOW 2 – Knight Crusader [468pts]: Thermal lance, Avenger Gatling Cannon, Ironstorm missile pod, Heavy

    flamer, Heavy stubber

    LOW 3 - Knight Crusader [468pts]: Thermal lance, Avenger Gatling Cannon, Ironstorm missile pod, Heavy

    flamer, Heavy stubber

    LOW 4 - Knight Crusader [472pts]: Thermal lance, Avenger Gatling Cannon, Twin Icarus Autocannon, Heavy

    flamer, Heavy stubber



    HQ1: Techpriest [30pts]: Servo-arm, Omnissian axe, Laspistol <Graia>

    HQ2: Techpriest [30pts]: Servo-arm, Omnissian axe, Laspistol <Graia>

    TR 1 - Skitarii Rangers [35pts]: 4 Rangers, 1 Ranger Alpha <Graia>

    TR 2 - Skitarii Rangers [35pts]: 4 Rangers, 1 Ranger Alpha <Lucius>

    TR 3 - Skitarii Rangers [35pts]: 4 Rangers, 1 Ranger Alpha <Graia>


    REFINED STRATEGY: DISCARD 41, 46, 56, 61, 62 & 66




    COUNTRY: England

    PLAYER: Nick Nanavati


    ARMY FACTION: Genestealer Cult


    ARMY POINTS: 2000




    == <Genestealer Cult - twisted helix> Battalion Detachment == +4CP [1056pts] (Anointed throng


    HQ 1: Abominant [105pts]

    HQ 2: Primus [75pts]: bone sword

    TR 1 : 10 brood brothers [40pts]

    TR 2 : 10 brood brothers [40pts]

    TR 3 : 10 brood brothers [40pts]

    El 1: Aberrants [252]: 10 aberrants, 8 power picks, 2 hypermorphs with heavy improvised weapons

    El 2: Aberrants [252]: 10 aberrants, 8 power picks, 2 hypermorphs with heavy improvised weapons

    El 3: Aberrants [252]: 10 aberrants, 8 power picks, 2 hypermorphs with heavy improvised weapons


    == <Genestealer Cult - twisted helix> Battalion Detachment == +5CP [547pts]

    HQ 3 : Primus [75pts]: bone sword

    HQ 4 : acolyte Iconward [53pts]

    TR 4 : 10 brood brothers [40pts]

    TR 5 : 10 brood brothers [40pts]

    TR 6 : Acolytes [187pts]: 19 acolytes, 19 hand flamers, 5 demolition charges, cult icon

    El 4: nexos [50pts]

    El 5: clamavus [55pts]

    El 6: biophagus [47pts]: familiar


    == <Genestealer Cult - mixed> Battalion Detachment == +5CP [397pts]

    HQ 5 : Patriarch [125pts] WARLORD - single minded obsession POWERS: mass hypnosis, psychic stimulus

    <twisted helix>

    HQ 6 : Magus [92pts]: familiar RELIC - the crouchling POWERS - might from beyond, mass hypnosis, psychic

    stimulus <four armed emperor>

    TR 7 : 10 brood brothers [40pts]

    TR 8 : 10 brood brothers [40pts]

    TR 9 : 10 brood brothers [40pts]

    El 7: kelermorph [60pts] <four armed emperor>


    REFINED STRATEGY: DISCARD 41, 51, 55, 61, 63, 66




    COUNTRY: England

    PLAYER: Courtney Rhodes




    ARMY POINTS: 1999




    == <Orks - death skulls> Battalion Detachment == +4CP (Dread mob vigilus defiant detachment)

    HQ 1: Big Mek [84pts] shock attack gun, grot oiler WARLORD: Big killa boss RELIC: Da suped-up shocker

    HQ 2: Weirdboy [62pts] POWERS: da jump

    TR 1: 10 grots [30pts]

    TR 2: 10 grots [30pts]

    TR 3: 10 grots [30pts]

    HS 1: mek gunz [155pts]: 5 smasher guns

    HS 2: mek gunz [186pts]: 6 smasher guns

    HS 3: mek gunz [186pts]: 6 smasher guns


    == <Orks - bad moon> Battalion Detachment == +5CP

    HQ 3: Weirdboy [62pts] POWERS: da jump

    HQ 4: Weirdboy [62pts] POWERS: fists of gork

    TR 4: Ork Boyz [210pts]: 29 shooter boyz, 1 Nob with 2 choppers, 3 tank busta bombs

    TR 5: Ork Boyz [70pts]: 9 shooter boyz, 1 Nob with 2 choppers, 1 tank busta bomb

    TR 6: Ork Boyz [70pts]: 9 shooter boyz, 1 Nob with 2 choppers, 1 tank busta bomb


    == <Orks - Evil suns> Battalion Detachment == +5CP

    HQ 5: Warboss [80pts]: kustom shooter, power claw, attack squig

    HQ 6: Warboss [80pts]: kustom shooter, power claw, attack squig

    TR 7: Ork Boyz [196pts]: 27 chopper boyz, 1 Nob with 2 choppers, 2 tank busta bombs

    TR 8: Ork Boyz [203pts]: 28 chopper boyz, 1 Nob with 2 choppers, 2 tank busta bombs

    TR 9: Ork Boyz [203pts]: 28 chopper boyz, 1 Nob with 2 choppers, 2 tank busta bombs


    REFINED STRATEGY: DISCARD 41, 43, 55, 61, 64, 66




    TEAM: England

    PLAYER: James Ramsay


    ARMY FACTION: T’au Empire


    ARMY POINTS: 1998




    == <TAU - T’AU SEPT> Spearhead Detachment == +1 CP [1293pts]

    HQ1: Fireblade [42pts]: Markerlight WARLORD - Through Unity, Devastation, RELIC: Puretide Engram


    HS1: XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [416pts]: 2 Broadsides, 1 Shas’vre, 6 High-yield missile pods, 6 Smart

    missile systems, 3 Velocity trackers , 3 seeker missiles, 5 MV4 Shield Drones

    HS2: XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [416pts]: 2 Broadsides, 1 Shas’vre, 6 High-yield missile pods, 6 Smart

    missile systems, 3 Velocity trackers , 3 seeker missiles, 5 MV4 Shield Drones

    HS3: XV88 Broadside Battlesuits [419pts]: 2 Broadsides, 1 Shas’vre, 6 High-yield missile pods, 6 Smart

    missile systems, 2 Velocity trackers , 1 Drone Controller (on the Shas’vre), 3 seeker missiles, 5 MV4 Shield



    == <TAU - T’AU SEPT> Outrider Detachment == +1 CP [410pts]

    HQ2: Commander Shadowsun [110pts]

    FA1: Tactical Drones [100pts]: 4 MV4 shield drones, 6 MV1 Gun drones

    FA2: Tactical Drones [100pts]: 4 MV4 shield drones, 6 MV1 Gun drones

    FA3: Tactical Drones [100pts]: 4 MV4 shield drones, 6 MV1 Gun drones


    == <TAU - T’AU SEPT> Vanguard Detachment == +1 CP [295pts]

    HQ3: Ethereal [45pts]

    EL1: Dahyak Grekh [20pts]

    EL2: Firesight Marksmen [25pts]: Pulse Pistol, Markerlight

    EL3: Firesight Marksmen [25pts]: Pulse Pistol, Markerlight

    FA4: Pathfinder Team [90pts]: 4 Pathfinders, 1 Shas’ui, 2 MV4 Shield Drones, 1 MV31 Pulse Accelerator

    Drone, 1 MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone, 1 MB3 Recon Drone

    FA5: Pathfinder Team [90pts]: 4 Pathfinders, 1 Shas’ui, 2 MV4 Shield Drones, 1 MV31 Pulse Accelerator

    Drone, 1 MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone, 1 MB3 Recon Drone


    REFINED STRATEGY: DISCARD 21, 46, 52, 55, 61, 66


  15. Bonjour à tous!


    L'IR est fini et je prends la parole au nom de la FEQ pour faire un petit débrief!


    C'était deux jours intenses (pas autant que pour les main orga cela dit) durant lesquels on en a pris plein les yeux! De belles armées, partout, de quoi avoir envie de voir ça plus souvent!


    Mais surtout, c'était humainement au top, à tous point de vue. Des orga disponibles, investis, réactifs, une très belle salle, spacieuse, des joueurs agréables et sympathiques... Bref, que dire d'autre à part merci? 


    Merci aux ACE menés par @Aedan et Commandeur TV mené par @toorop30 pour le taff accomplie, pour l'organisation quasi sans fausse note et pour leur investissement personnel et humain dans cet événement. Reposez-vous bien, et la FEQ répondra présent pour vous aider dans vos prochains événements. 


    Merci à nos volontaires qui sont venus se former à l'arbitrage pendant l'événement (un sacré baptême de feu, il faut le dire!). C'est vraiment grâce à vous, grâce à votre motivation et votre présence que l'arbitrage a pu se passer correctement, et sans vous il aurait été très difficile de répondre aux demandes des joueurs. C'était un vrai plaisir pour nous de vous avoir sur place. 


    Et enfin, merci à tous les joueurs de ce week-end, qui ont été vraiment coopératifs, respectueux et ouverts. Vous n'avez pas hésité à nous solliciter, à venir nous parler, à discuter avec nous, et même lorsque la décision ne vous arrangeait pas, vous êtes restés beaux joueurs. Le fair play était de mise, très peu de conflits à gérer, et 180 types bonne ambiance venus se poutrer dans la bonne humeur et le respect. Sans mentir, être arbitre n'est pas toujours simple, mais c'est clairement grâce à vous que ça vaut le coup. Et nous vous en sommes infiniment reconnaissants!


    En espérant tous vous revoir l'année prochaine! 


    Le Bureau de la FEQ

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