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Messages posté(e)s par Dahrkan

  1. il y a une heure, Immortus a dit :


    Je me suis inscrit sur le T3, désolé, je ne savais pas que c'était nécessaire.
    Par contre je ne sais pas si mon partenaire aura accès à Internet avant ce soir, cela est-il un problème ?







    Non, il peut le faire ce soir, c'est plus pour les correction de listes que j'ai besoin d'avoir fini d'ici quelques minutes. Mais vous n'êtes pas concernés par ce point =). Merci de votre réactivité!

  2. Petit état des lieux:


    Doivent corriger leurs listes:

    Shtal'ente des Rince Cochons

    LeBelge des Semi Dissidents

    Mattth des Vents du Nord

    Sechswarrior des Cuiller en Bois

    Warc des Cuiller en Bois


    Doivent s'inscrire sur T3:

    Les Uns Probables

    Les Boys & Bitches Club

    Les Rouilles et Plus



    Essayer de régulariser tout ça le plus rapidement possible les gars =). Notamment concernant les listes! Merci d'avance

  3. Les 12 premiers sont qualifiés, donc oui, tous les premiers et tous les seconds sauf le dernier sont qualifiés.

    Pour classer les premiers entre eux et les seconds entre eux, on a appliqué le même système que d'habitude: pts de tournoi -> goal average


    On a retiré les pénalités aussi car on trouvait incohérent qu'une pénalité sur un D3 pénalise aussi une répartition de D2. De plus, ce genre de pénalités ne représente pas la performance d'une équipe, performance sur laquelle est censée être basée le big ranking.

  4. Et les D3 sont finis!


    Quelques petits excel pour alimenter vos réflexions:

    Les résultats du D3 Beta

    Les résultats du D3 Gamma


    Et surtout le Big Ranking à l'issu des D3, qui permet entre autre de répartir les qualifiés des D2 entre les trois D2!


    Les premiers D2 ont lieu le premier week end de mars, avec un rendu des listes dans deux semaines. Autant vous dire qu'on se retrouve très bientôt dans un sujet dédié ;)

  5. J'ai quand même l'impression qu'on ne joue pas au même jeu quand je vois que tout le monde me parle de duel de gunline xD. Car ça fait quand même sacrément longtemps qu'on n'en voit plus dans les tournois ETC! Ou alors ces listes là perdent car soit elles ont pas le T1 donc chichi, soit elles prennent pas la table donc chichi aussi...


    il y a 6 minutes, Exodius a dit :

    La soupe pareil, ça réduit les faiblesses d'un codex. En fait, si on joue un codex seul avec ses faiblesses, je suis sur que l'on a des parties plus intéressantes. A ceci prêt d'appliquer les restrictions sur drones, tirs ect... car certains codex sont vraiment au dessus du lot en monocodex.

    C'est peut être ton point de vue qui est trop rigide là dessus. les T'au sont forts car ils sont seuls. Les SM ont tout l'Imperium pour les épauler. Pourquoi volontairement se priver de cet avantage? Ce serait comme jouer sans la partie Attaque Rapide de ton codex. Je pense qu'aujourd'hui, GW pense plus comme ça. C'est très vrai avec le Chaos aussi d'ailleurs. Donc les coûts en points des unités sont beaucoup plus considérés en fonction de leur environnement de codex, mais aussi de leur environnement de Grande Alliance, afin de ne pas provoquer des combos trop pétés. On trouve des traces de ce raisonnement dans certaines unités, comme Guilliman ou la Vexilla des Custodes.


    il y a 7 minutes, Exodius a dit :

    Je suis d'accord avec toi sur la logique de l'utilisation du cordon, en soit, on m'en donne un je fais pareil. Il ya de cela quelques années la meilleure défense de tous les qualifs etc (D2 et D1) réunis était mon frère et il jouait (sista exo arco sainte/GI pavets), il commençait dans son camp et finissait généralement avec ses figs sur toute la table. Est-ce que ça l'amusait? non, il se faisait chié comme un fou à chaque partie... Il n'avait pas besoin de réflechir, tout marchait tout seul... Jouer de la masse nécessite de ne pas oublier de bouger ses figs et de laisser son adversaire plus élitiste craquer ses dés (stratégie d'un certain Yen à une certaine époque :rolleyes:)

    Sauf que le jeu a drastiquement changé, et que jouer juste de la masse de piéton indémoralisable... bah déjà c'est plus vraiment possible, et c'est surtout nettement moins fort. Après, jouer l'attrition et la prise de table, y'en a que ça amuse. Mais faut pas se leurrer, le jeu est suffisamment létal pour qu'une armée de mecs bon marché ne présente plus d'intérêt aujourd'hui. Beaucoup trop de prédateurs à ce genre de trucs: le tyranides, l'Ork, le T'au, le Chaotique qui aurait décidé de sortir des cultistes en masse, l'IK, etc... Alors oui, en V6 et V7, le jeu avait tendance à marcher tout seul. Ce n'est plus vrai. Preuve en est de l'ETC de cette année: l'Equipe de France s'est retrouvée confrontée à des listes qu'ils pensaient être faibles, mais qui se sont avérés redoutables mises entre de bonnes mains. Et ça allait au delà de la simple mathématique de "j'ai plus de gars que tu n'as de tirs, alors nique ta race". Je pense humblement que juger le jeu aujourd'hui à travers le prisme de ce qui était fait en V7 est une grosse erreur. Ce serait comme dire que Blood Bowl est pas terrible parce qu'à Warmachine on peut effectuer telle action ^^.


    Après j'avoue que j'ai du mal à saisir la logique de certains arguments (ce qui ne veut pas dire qu'il n'y en a pas).

    il y a une heure, BertrandR a dit :

    1er: 1 jet pour  toucher

    2eme: Une éventuelle relance

    3eme: Un jet  pour blesser

    4eme  une éventuelle relance.

    5eme: une sauvegarde d'armure

    6eme: une éventuelle relance (rare)

    7eme: Une éventuelle relance. 

    Genre ça. Je trouve ça aussi pertinent que si on me disait "nan mais t'imagines, marcher c'est quand même un truc de dingue tellement c'est compliqué!!!! Il faut lever la pointe du pied, passer son poids sur l'autre pied, lever la deuxième partie du pied, soulever le talon du sol, propulser sa jambe, poser le talon, poser le pied, passer son poids sur le pied qu'on vient de poser, faire attention à un éventuel obstacle, et recommencer avec le deuxième pied".

    Ouais, okay, décomposé, c'est hyper long. En vrai ça va très vite et ça ne pose de problème à personne. Si je devais citer un problème de 40k, ce serait clairement pas ça ^^.

    il y a 24 minutes, Exodius a dit :

    La soupe pareil, ça réduit les faiblesses d'un codex. En fait, si on joue un codex seul avec ses faiblesses, je suis sur que l'on a des parties plus intéressantes.

    Idem, je ne comprends pas. En quoi c'est mal de vouloir réduire les faiblesses de son codex avec des unités qui existent et auxquelles on a accès? Pourquoi vouloir à tout prix jouer un codex seul à part pour le fluff? Et quels sont les arguments pour affirmer que les parties seront plus intéressantes? Car personnellement je suis sûr du contraire. Surtout si cela nécessite de rajouter une couche de restriction. A ce compte là autant réécrire les codex pour qu'ils soient tous destinés à être joué individuellement.


    En fin de compte, j'ai l'impression que vous trouvez que le jeu manque de profondeur car vous n'avez pas forcément cherché à creuser, ou pas au bons endroits. Car de profondeur, le jeu n'en manque pas, au contraire.

  6. Bonjour à tous!


    Bon je n'ai fait que la petite main avant et après sur ce tournoi, mais je dois dire que je suis très content de voir que le format vous a plu! (mes collègues sont a mon avis d'accord, mais je les laisse s'exprimer ? )


    Niveau du format, on est content de voir que notre envie de créer un méta radicalement différent de ce qu'on voit habituellement vous ait plu! Concernant les trous dans la raquette de l'Eldar et le T'au, on est encore un peu dubitatif car il y a très peu de joueurs en top classement avec ces codex: pour les T'au, Bizuthor est certes 2e, mais le T'au suivant est 18e. Idem pour les Eldars, avec Bulgor en 9e, Xenomorph 11e, et après ça descend. Donc dans l'ensemble, ça a l'air plutôt pas mal en fin de compte. Par contre on a une légère réticence vis à vis des 3 battlewagons orks ^^.


    Concernant les plaintes sur les décors, elles sont parfaitement légitimes et on s'en excuse: nous avons prêté une partie des décors le week end précédent pour le D3 de Courcouronnes, mais certaines caisses ne nous sont pas revenues à temps pour le tournoi... Nous avons dû improviser malheureusement =/


    Pour le souci de timing, je n'étais pas là, aussi ne puis-je que vous transmettre les échos de mes collègues: plus que le retard des personnes, ce serait surtout le temps accrus de compréhension des scénarios inconnus pour la plupart des joueurs qui ont fait capoter les choses.


    Et enfin, pour répondre à la question de @Niko74, je dirai qu'il faut faire attention à ne pas prêter à ce format une vertu qu'il ne prétend pas posséder: nous n'avons pas voulu diminuer l'écart de compétitivité entre deux codex (cela, malheureusement, est si complexe que nous nous en pensons incapables), mais simplement virer les choix habituels du méta GW pour voir apparaître d'autres choses, d'autres compositions. En revanche, si vous trouvez des pistes d'améliorations sur certains points, n'hésitez pas à nous les transmettre. On adore les feedback.


    Merci à tous en tout cas!

  7. @Exodius on tombe peut-être dans une affaire de goût dans ce cas, car personnellement, je trouve l'existence de cordon assez logique: protéger ton artillerie des troupes d'assaut adverses, fixer la ligne de bataille adverse pour permettre aux troupes d'élite de débarquer et d'attaquer là où ça fait mal, t'assurer une prise de terrain, etc... Tactiquement c'est un certain challenge à gérer, ça oblige à considérer non seulement ta macro gestion (comment se déroule ta partie sur les 5 tours, quand ralentir la partie et à quelle moment l'accélérer pour appuyer ton avantage) mais aussi la micro gestion qui va avec afin de ne pas voir ton plan tomber à l'eau à cause d'un mouvement mal branlé. Ceci étant, je comprends que lorsqu'on joue GK, ce soit irritant (mais ça, c'est plus une affaire de codex, très peu de factions sont aussi mal lotis que les habitants de Titan...)

    Si je prends ton exemple de T'au vs Orks, tu as l'air de penser que le T'au va faire du tir au pigeon toute la partie. Et pourtant... Si le joueur T'au se met trop près d'un bloquant, l'Ork charge depuis le couvert sans prendre d'Overwatch et ravage son armée. Si le joueur T'au décide d'excentrer une unité pour prendre un objo, l'Ork se lock dessus et profite des pile in/Conso pour aller contacter toute l'armée T'au. Si le T'au reste cloitré chez lui, l'Ork prend la table et score tout son paquet, donc le T'au perd au scénario.

    Dans mes trois exemples, les mouvements qui peuvent te sembler anecdotiques peuvent très rapidement transformer une victoire en défaite.

    Et ça c'est juste en prenant des armées ultra typées, qui ne représentent pas la totalité du meta. La soupe impérium, par exemple, que tu n'as pas l'air d'apprécier (vu que tu l'ajoutes à tes restrictions ^^) est composée d'unités "poil à gratter" qui sont chacune suffisamment énervante pour qu'il soit utile de consacrer des ressources à s'en débarrasser, mais suffisamment bon marché pour générer de l'Overkill. Y'en a une qui tire par là, une autre qui charge par ici, les smash captain qui s'occupent des trucs un peu gros (en bon héros SM qu'ils sont), etc... Et on trouve de plus en plus de listes basées sur ce principe. Ce qui t'intéresse, c'est à dire les armées qui font un peu de tout, existent déjà en réalité.


    Pour les restrictions que tu proposes, je ne les comprends pas: tu veux rendre le jeu plus intéressant en l'appauvrissant? Pour avoir déjà pas mal réfléchi à pas mal de pistes de restrictions pour des tournois, je ne pense pas que ce soit pertinent (mais je me trompe peut-être). Tout en étant inefficace: limiter à 1 overwatch ne nerfe pas du tout celui du T'au (puisqu'il n'est pas nécessaire que l'unitée chargée soit en mesure de faire un OW pour que l'appui feu soit utilisé); interdire de prendre plusieurs objectifs va favoriser les petites unités peu chère comme peut le faire la GI; les malus de tir pour les armes lourdes aux totors... je ne pense pas que cela change quoique ce soit à leur apparition sur une table =D; les malus sur la longue portée... sachant que le méta est plutôt orienté sur de la portée 36 ps,

    Par contre ce que je peux déjà te dire, c'est qu'avec tes restrictions, le Démon et l'Eldar deviennent les top codex absolus et ce sans aucun concurrent sérieux, puisque tu as muselé les autres bons codex.


    Attention aussi à ne pas considérer les listes de meta en équipe comme des listes absolues: dans ce méta, on a tendance à forcer le trait d'une armée pour s'assurer qu'elle se débarrasse de ses proies, sans forcément chercher à ce qu'elle résiste à ses prédateurs (étant donné qu'il existe une possibilité pour qu'elle ne les rencontre jamais). C'est un tout autre débat en solo. Et en solo, on trouve beaucoup plus d'armées polyvalentes, qui font de bien meilleurs scores. Ceci dit, mes exemples du dessus tiennent toujours concernant l'importance du mouvement.


    @capitaine.banane bah je t'avoue que ce que tu appelles des tricks, moi j'appelle ça des manoeuvres de jeu. Sans elle, tu perds bien souvent la game. Ceci dit j'admets volontiers que ma définition de "tricks" est floue, pour ne pas dire merdique... Ce que les gens appellent des tricks, moi j'appelle ça jouer correctement ^^. D'autant que le terme "trick", je trouve, sous entend qu'on a tordu les règles à son avantage. Or, je pense que ces "tricks" sont parfaitement prévus et acceptés par Games de nos jours. Voire pris en compte dans l'écriture des règles. Mais c'est pure supposition de ma part, je n'ai aucune preuve de ce que j'avance ^^'

  8. Il y a 11 heures, Wyrd a dit :

    Il ne fait pas du tout la part belle au mouvement. Et pour moi c'est quand même l'essence d'un jeu de stratégie... Si on enlève le mouvement dans un jeu d'échec que reste t il ? Rien. C'est ce qui fait la richesse et la profondeur du jeu ! A mon sens en tout cas. Je suis pas là pour critiquer. Je vous livre juste mon avis.

    Je lis un peu ce sujet parfois, qui s'avère être plutôt intéressant. Par contre j'admets que là, je me suis étranglé en lisant ^^. Du coup je vais poser quelques questions pour placer un peu de contexte sur votre environnement de jeu: est-ce que vous faites un peu de tournoi parfois? Ou avez-vous des tournoyeurs assidus de 40k dans votre cercle de jeu? Jusqu'où avez vous poussé vos tests?


    Car je trouve, avec mon expérience de jeu compétitif, que cette V8 est sans conteste la version du mouvement et du placement (qui sont entremêlés, puisqu'un bon placement permet d'éviter un mouvement adverse trop avantageux). J'ai plein d'exemples, du plus simple au plus complexe: déployer son armée pour se protéger des FEP en prenant la table, placer ses cordons pour éviter une charge massive sur le coeur tendre de son dispositif, placer des avions en triangle autour d'un personnage pour le protéger d'une charge intempestive et maintenir la formation en échangeant les positions des avions, se mettre à 1 ps d'un mur pour qu'on ne puisse pas être engagé depuis l'autre côté, ...

    Y'a énormément de chose à faire et apprendre sur le placement et les mouvements qui peuvent permettre de transformer une défaite en victoire. Donc je suis très étonné de ton propos, et je serai curieux d'en entendre un peu plus ?

  9. Yo!


    Je vous mets ici les résultats de chaque D3, qui sont normalement déjà apparus sur FB pour certains (page Tournois40k France)


    D3 Alpha:


    D3 Epsilon:


    D3 Zeta:


    J'ai mis toutes les informations que j'avais à disposition, ce qui dépend entre autre de ce que les joueurs ont rempli pendant le qualif. Certains, par exemple, ne mettent pas les deux listes proposées en attaque mais juste celle qui a été accepté, et certaines équipes n'ont pas rempli la feuille de score dans le D3 Zeta quand elles rencontraient l'équipe Tampon, étant donné que le score ne comptait pas.

  10. il y a 16 minutes, Uzuma a dit :

    mais contre le même adversaire il a pris 20/0 la ou poolky a mis 20/0.

    Je me permets quand même de remettre un peu de contexte, puisque sur ce match, Poolky a commencé avec un T1 exceptionnel à base de perils du warp en pagaille pour l'Eldar qui l'a laissé un peu démuni ^^.

  11. Alors c'est surtout que les rosters sont publics tous en même temps, peu ou prou à la même heure. Le retard permettrait de les consulter en avance avant de poster le sien. C'est pour ça qu'il est élevé.


    Ceci étant dit, nous n'accusons pas la PU d'avoir effectivement profité de ce retard, mais il faut tout de même éviter de créer un précédent d'indulgence et qu'une équipe mal intentionnée calcule son coup la prochaine fois.

  12. Petit retour sur le D3 Delta qui a eu lieu ce week end:

    Voici les résultats:

    1er: FTA avec 4 pts et 283 de goal average
    2e: PU Omega avec 4 pts et 249 de goal average
    3e: PU Delta avec 2 pts et 180 de goal average
    4e: MGWA avec 1 pt et 203 de goal average

    Les FTA sont donc qualifiés pour le D2, et les PU Oméga ont encore une chance de passer en repêchage.

    D'un point de vue Orga et Arbitre, globalement le D3 s'est bien passé, un Fair Play impeccable de la part des joueurs bien que les parties aient été très serrées et l'enjeu important.

    Voici en plus la feuille de résultat et les pairings des rondes:

  13. Il y a 14 heures, Kielran a dit :

    Il y a des trucs que j'adore. Par exemple je joue moue et j'ai retrouver une liste tau que je monte en ce moment en spam de guerrier de feu et une liste brigade catachan que je monte aussi pour son coté fluff sans char

    Je trouve extrêmement ironique que ta phrase commence par "je joue mou" et que tu enchaînes en sortant deux listes extrêmement fortes dans le méta ^^. Tu es peut-être un grobill qui s'ignore...


    Il y a 16 heures, inspratoo a dit :

    N'empêche c'est vraiment top pour la commu et notre hobby d'organiser ces qualifs et d'avoir motivé et encouragé autant de monde. Un grand merci à la feq et toutes les assos qui se bougent ! Même en tant que spectateurs ça va être passionant à suivre. Continuez en espérant de belles parties et reports filmés. 

    A titre purement personnel, le fait qu'on soit passé d'une centaine de joueurs à 200 est déjà une très grande récompense des efforts fournis! De même, si on peut contribuer, rien qu'un peu, à faire changer les mentalités concernant le compétitif, c'est top =). Et heureusement qu'on ne manque pas d'aide pour ça: ACE, GDL, CTV, FWS, pour ne citer qu'eux.


    Pour les parties filmées, je vais faire des suivis au mieux que je pourrais sur la page Tournois40k France, ainsi que des Live. Sur la page FB y'aura les résultats, sur les Live je tâcherai d'analyser un peu plus les match. On sera trois arbitres, donc je devrais avoir le temps de gérer la communication en plus ^^

  14. il y a 16 minutes, Loki2704 a dit :

    Déjà un grand merci de partager tout ce contenu avec la communauté.

    Le Copier/Coller, une grande passion.


    il y a 16 minutes, Loki2704 a dit :

    Ma seule envie serait de voir ce que donnerait une meta où on joue uniquement les missions eternal du nouveau CA, qui me semble être des missions forçant à réfléchir différemment et à composer son armée différemment.


    Quand on a comme base kill point + point/objo tenu/tour on va systématiquement retomber sur les mêmes structures d'armées et choix de codex.

    Il est quand même envisageable que les Council ETC sortent un nouveau jeu de scénario prenant en compte les nouveautés du CA. C'était le cas l'année dernière, mais il était sorti trop tard pour être pris en compte au D2. On peut envisager que cela fasse pareil cette année, avec prise en compte du nouveau jeu de scénario au D2 ou D1.


    Après je nuancerai un peu le propos sur le lien entre structure d'armée et scénario, c'est plus les changements de points et de règle qui changent le méta. Ou parfois une petite découverte sur un codex.

    Les scénarios n'ont pas changé depuis un an, alors que le méta, lui, a beaucoup évolué au fur et à mesure des sorties.

  15. Il y a 7 heures, Kikasstou a dit :

    Same player shoot again...


    Le CA est passé, les listes n'ont pas changées. Toujours les memes unites pétées, toujours les memes doublette/triplettes, toujours les memes top codex. Le high level competitif c'est pas marrant ?

    Je te trouve dur, le méta est très riche cette année.

    Prenons les Drukhari (parce que c'est un bon exemple): on a beaucoup de listes différentes, entre les Full Coven, les MSU avec plein de Vénoms, les mix de Coven/Ravageurs/Avions, ceux qui veulent ajouter des Cerastes là dedans, etc... Aucune de ces listes ne se joue de la même façon car elles ne disposent pas des mêmes protections ou de la même efficacité contre leurs adversaires. Je vais prendre deux exemples volontairement caricaturaux: la liste des Playboyz et celle des PU Alpha. La première est un bon mix d'offensive et de défensif avec le mur de grotesque et les avions/ravageurs, mais a l'air mal barré contre un IK orienté saturation qui va se débarrasser de toutes les menaces rapidement puis faire son nid. A l'inverse, la liste des PU Alpha en se rajoutant des motojets Harlequins enterre le match up en sa faveur car l'IK prend l'eau trop vite, sans pouvoir se débarrasser de ses menaces. Si on veut entrer dans la finesse, on peut comparer le nombre d'avion: en avoir 3 ne permet de protéger qu'une petite zone des charges T1, alors qu'en avoir 4-5 te permet de bien verrouiller toute ton armée, et t'assure un T1 optimal contre les listes de corps à corps.


    Chez les orks aussi y'a de la différence: plus ou moins de Boyz, plus ou moins de Lootas, plus ou moins de Tankbustas, toujours beaucoup de Gretchins par contre (en meme temps le stratagème est craqué ^^).


    Chez l'Eldar ça se ressent aussi: le nombre d'escouade de Shining Spears par exemple donne le nombre de trade que le joueur peut se permettre avant de perdre sa létalité, le nombre d'avion aussi dicte la protection qu'il est capable de s'octroyer vis à vis des armées de close, le nombre de chassis aussi (on note un retour du Fire Prism qu'on ne voyait plus).


    Chez l'IK, on a aussi beaucoup de variétés: les maisonnées peuvent changer de tout au tout le fonctionnement de certaines listes, idem pour les équipements. Outre l'évidence du "j'ai 4 gatling, je suis fort contre la masse", la question du nombre d'IK et de ses accompagnateurs se pose aussi, savoir si un adversaire peut gratter du KP, espérer prendre la table, se locker au corps à corps, etc...


    Alors je te l'accorde, on retrouve des unités star dans chaque liste: tous les Drukhari ont au moins 1 parmi Grotesques/Avions/Ravageurs, tous les Eldars ont des Shining Spears, tous les Orks ont des Boyz, etc... Mais la proportion de ces unités dans les listes, ce qui les accompagne, tout ça peut changer du tout au tout la physionomie d'une partie et de la façon de jouer une liste.

    Qu'on ne s'y trompe pas: dans la V8, le diable est dans le détail ;)


  16. Bonjour à tous!


    Comme chaque année, je me fais le messager et vous diffuse toutes les listes des D3 des qualif ETC!


    D3 Alpha à Prayssas:

    Les Cadets de Gascogne:


    TEAM : Les Cadets de Gascogne
    Player 1 : Olivier JEAN - CAPTAIN
    TourneyKeeper Profile – « Tamos »
    Faction : T'au Empire
    Total army points - 2000
    Total reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points : 12 CP (3+5+5-1)

    == Primary Battalion Detachment (5 CP) (1677) -Sept T'au- ==
    HQ1 : Commandeur XV85 "Enforcer" (76), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18) - [148]
    HQ2 : Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3), [RELIC – PURETIDE ENGRAM NEUROCHIP][WARLORD - THROUGH UNITY, DEVASTATION] - [42]
    HQ3 : Ethereal (45), Hover drone (5) - [50]
    Troops 1 : 5 Fire Warriors (35), 5 Pulseriffle (0), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38]
    Troops 2 : 5 Fire Warriors (35), 5 Pulseriffle (0), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38]
    Troops 3 : 5 Fire Warriors (35), 5 Pulseriffle (0), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38]
    ELITE 1 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart missile system (2*15), Advanced targeting systems (18), Target Lock (12) - [280]
    ELITE 2 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart missile system (2*15), Advanced targeting systems (18), Target Lock (12) - [280]
    ELITE 3 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart missile system (2*15), Advanced targeting systems (18), Target Lock (12) - [280]
    FAST ATTACK 1 : 4x MV4 Shield Drone (4*10) - [40]
    FAST ATTACK 2 : 4x MV4 Shield Drone (4*10) - [40]
    FAST ATTACK 3 : 4x MV4 Shield Drone (4*10) - [40]
    HEAVY SUPPORT 1 : 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits(35+2*35), 6 High-yield missile pod (6*25), 6 Smart missile system (6*15), Shas'ui (0), 3 Advanced targeting system(3*6) - [363]

    == Secondary Battalion Detachment (5 CP) (298) -Sept T'au- ==
    HQ4 : Commander Shadowsun (1*110) - [110]
    HQ5 : Darkstrider(1*45) [45]
    Troops 4 : 5 Fire Warriors (35), 5 Pulseriffle (0), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38]
    Troops 5 : 5 Fire Warriors (35), 5 Pulseriffle (0), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38]
    Troops 6 : 5 Fire Warriors (35), 5 Pulseriffle (0), Shas'ui (0), - [35]
    FAST ATTACK 4 : 4 Kroot Hounds(16) - [16]
    FAST ATTACK 5 : 4 Kroot Hounds(16) - [16]

    == Auxiliary Support Detachment (- 1 CP) (25) -Sept Sa'Cea -==
    ELITE 4 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) - [25]

    Team : Les Cadets de Gascogne
    Player 2 : Philippe BERTRAND
    TourneyKeeper Profile – « Tituspoulo »
    Factions : Imperial Knights & Adeptas Sororitas
    Total army points - 1997  
    Total reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points : 13 CP (3+5+6-1)

    == Battalion detachment (5 CP) (225) -Adeptas Sororitas/Order of the Valorous Heart- ==
    HQ1 : Canoness (1*45), Chainsword (0) - [45]
    HQ2 : Canoness (1*45), Chainsword (0) - [45]
    Troops 1 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), Sister Superior (0) - [45]
    Troops 2 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), Sister Superior (0) - [45]
    Troops 3 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), Sister Superior (0) - [45]

    == Super-Heavy detachment (6 CP) (1404) -Imperial Knights/Krast- ==
    Lord of War 1 : Knight Crusader (285), Avenger gatling canon (75), Thermal canon (76), Heavy flamer (14), Heavy stubber (2), Ironstorm missile pod (16) [RELIC - ENDLESS FURY] [WARLORD - ION BULWARK] - [468]
    Lord of War 2 : Knight Crusader (285), Avenger gatling canon (75), Thermal canon (76), Heavy flamer (14), Heavy stubber (2), Ironstorm missile pod (16) - [468]
    Lord of War 3 : Knight Crusader (285), Avenger gatling canon (75), Thermal canon (76), Heavy flamer (13), Heavy stubber (2), Ironstorm missile pod (16) - [468]

    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary detachment (0 CP) (368) -Imperial Knights/Terryn- ==
    Lord of War 4 : Knight Gallant (285), Thunderstrike gaunlet (35), Heavy stubber (2), Reaper chainsword (30), Ironstorm missile pod (16) [RELIC – ARMOUR OF THE SAINTED ION -1 CP] - [368]

    Team : Les Cadets de Gascogne
    Player 3 : Adrien BONAL
    TourneyKeeper Profile – « Murrue »
    Factions : Astra Militarum
    Total army points - 2000
    Total reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points : 11 CP (3+5+3)

    == Battalion Detachment (5 CP) (404) -Astra Millitarum/Cadia- ==
    HQ1 : Commissar Yarrick(100) - [100]
    HQ2 : Company Commander (30), Chainsword (0), [RELIC – KUROV’S AQUILA] - [30]
    HQ3 : Company Commander (30), Chainsword (0), [WARLORD - OLD GRUDGE] - [30]
    Troops 1 : Infantry Squad (40), Grenade launcher (3), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [43]
    Troops 2 : Infantry Squad (40), Grenade launcher (3), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [43
    Troops 3 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40]
    ELITE 1 : Astropath (26), Laspistol (0), [Smite, Nightshroud] - [26]
    ELITE 2 : Astropath (26), Laspistol (0), [Smite, Psychic Barrier] - [26]
    ELITE 3 : Command squad (24), 4 Grenade launchers (4*3) - [36]
    HEAVY SUPPORT 1 : Heavy Weapon Team (18), 3 Mortars (3*5) - [33]
    HEAVY SUPPORT 2 : Heavy Weapon Team (18), 3 Mortars (3*5) - [33]

    == Super- Heavy Detachment (3 CP) (1560) -Astra Militarum/Vostroya- ==
    Lord of War 1 : Banehammer (1*370), 5 Twin linked heavy bolters (5*14), 4 Lascannon (4*20) - [520]
    Lord of War 2 : Banehammer (1*370), 5 Twin linked heavy bolters (5*14), 4 Lascannon (4*20) - [520]
    Lord of War 3 : Banehammer (1*370), 5 Twin linked heavy bolters (5*14), 4 Lascannon (4*20) - [520]

    Team Les Cadets de Gascogne
    Player 4 : Nicolas COQUEMER
    TourneyKeeper Profile – « Anaxarque »
    Faction : Chaos Space Marines
    Total army points - 1999
    Total reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points : 16 (3+5+5+1+2)

    == Primary Bataillon Detachment (+5CP) (804) -Black Legion/Slaanesh- ==
    HQ1 : Abaddon the Despoiler (1*240), [WARLORD - FIRST AMONG TRAITOR] (+2CP) – [240]
    HQ2 : Sorcerer (1*90), Force Sword (8.) [Prescience, Delighfull Agony] – [98]
    Troops 1 : 40 Chaos Cultists (50 30*5), 4 Heavy stubber (4*2), Cultist Champion (0) – [208]
    Troops 2 : 40 Chaos Cultists (50 30*5), 4 Heavy stubber (4*2), Cultist Champion (0) – [208]
    Troops 3 : 10 Chaos Cultists (50), Cultist Champion (0) – [50

    == Secondary Bataillon Detachment (+5CP) (761) -World Eaters/Khorne- ==
    HQ3 : Exalted Champion (1*70), Chainaxe (1), [RELIC - BRASS COLLAR OF BHORGHASTER] – [71]
    HQ4 : Khârn the Betrayer (1*120) – [120]
    Troops 4 : 40 Chaos Cultists (50 30*5), 39 Brutal assault weapons, 39 Autopistols, Cultist Champion (0), Brutal assault weapon, Autopistol – [200]
    Troops 5 : 40 Chaos Cultists (50 30*5), 39 Brutal assault weapons, 39 Autopistols, Cultist Champion (0), Brutal assault weapon, Autopistol – [200]
    Troops 6 : 34 Chaos Cultists (50 24*4), 33 Brutal assault weapons, 33 Autopistols, Cultist Champion (0), Brutal assault weapon, Autopistol – [170]

    == Vanguard Detachment (+1CP) (434) -Alpha Legion/Slaanesh- ==
    HQ5 : Chaos Lord (1*74) – [74]
    ELITE 1 : Helbrute (60), Twin lascannon (40), Missile launcher (20) – [120]
    ELITE 2 : Helbrute (60), Twin lascannon (40), Missile launcher (20) – [120]
    ELITE 3 : Helbrute (60), Twin lascannon (40), Missile launcher (20) – [120]

    Team : Les Cadets de Gascogne
    Player 5 : Jérôme LARREGAIN
    TourneyKeeper Profile – « Hidakisada »
    Factions : Drukhari
    Total army points - 1999
    Total reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points : 12 CP (3+1+5+5-1-1)+1D3

    == Spearhead Detachment (+1CP) (1097) -Kabal of the Black Heart- ==
    HQ1 : Archon (1*70), Venom Blade (2), [RELIC – WRIT OF THE LIVING MUSE] [WARLORD – LABYRINTHINE CUNNING] - [72]
    ELITE 1 : 10 Mandrakes (80 5*16), Nightfiend(0) - [160]
    ELITE 2 : 10 Mandrakes (80 5*16), Nightfiend(0) - [160]
    HEAVY SUPPORT 1 : Ravager (1*80), 3 Disintegrator cannon (3*15) - [125]
    HEAVY SUPPORT 2 : Ravager (1*80), 3 Disintegrator cannon (3*15) - [125]
    HEAVY SUPPORT 3 : Ravager (1*80), 3 Disintegrator cannon (3*15) - [125]
    Flyer 1 : Voidraven Bomber (1*155), 2 Dark scythes (0), Voidraven missiles (10) - [165]
    Flyer 2 : Voidraven Bomber (1*155), 2 Dark scythes (0), Voidraven missiles (10) - [165]

    == Primary Battalion detachment(+5CP) (687) -Kabal of the Flayed Skull- ==
    HQ2 : Archon (1*70), Venom Blade (2) - [72]
    HQ3 : Archon (1*70), Venom Blade (2) - [72]
    Troops 1 : 10 Kabalite Warriors (30 5*6), 7 Splinter rifle (0), Splinter cannon. (10), 2 Shredder (2*8.), Sybarite (0) - [86]
    Troops 2 : 10 Kabalite Warriors (30 5*6), 7 Splinter rifle (0), Splinter cannon. (10), 2 Shredder (2*8.), Sybarite (0) - [86]
    Troops 3 : 10 Kabalite Warriors (30 5*6), 7 Splinter rifle (0), Splinter cannon. (10), 2 Shredder (2*8.), Sybarite (0) - [86]
    Dedicated Transport 1 : Raider (1*65), Dark lance (20), Splinter racks (10) - [95]
    Dedicated Transport 2 : Raider (1*65), Dark lance (20), Splinter racks (10) - [95]
    Dedicated Transport 3 : Raider (1*65), Dark lance (20), Splinter racks (10) - [95]

    == Secondary Battalion detachment (+5CP/-1CP ALLIANCE OF AGONY/ -1CP PRIZES FROM THE DARK CITY/ +1D3CP DIABOLICAL SOOTHSAYER) (215) -The Prophets of the Flesh/Cult of the Red Grief/Kabal of the the Black Heart-
    HQ4 : Haemonculus (1*70), Hexrifle (5), [WARLORD – DIABOLICAL SOOTHSAYER] -The Prophets of the Flesh- - [75]
    HQ5 : Succubus(1*50), [RELIC – THE BLOOD GLAIVE] [WARLORD – HYPER SWIFT REFLEXES] -Cult of the Red Grief- - [50]
    Troops 4 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), 5 Splinter rifle (0), Sybarite (0) -Kabal of the the Black Heart - - [30]
    Troops 5 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), 5 Splinter rifle (0), Sybarite (0) -Kabal of the the Black Heart - - [30]
    Troops 6 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), 5 Splinter rifle (0), Sybarite (0) -Kabal of the the Black Heart - - [30]

    Team : Les Cadets de Gascogne
    Player 6 : Nicolas CENDRES
    TourneyKeeper Profile – « Chabalou »
    Factions : Orks
    Total army points - 1998
    Total reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points : 18 (3+5+5+5)

    == Primary Battalion Detachment (+5CP) (264) -Evil Sunz/Bad Moons- ==
    HQ1 : Big Mek en Mega-armor (1*77), Kustom shoota (2), Power klaw (13), Kustom Force Field (20) -Evil Sunz- - [112]
    HQ2 : Weirdboy (1*62), [Smite, Warpath] -Evil Sunz- - [62]
    Troops 1 : 10 Gretchins (30) -Bad Moons- - [30]
    Troops 2 : 10 Gretchins (30) -Bad Moons- - [30]
    Troops 3 : 10 Gretchins (30) -Bad Moons- - [30]

    == Secondary Battalion detachment (+5CP) (1095) -Evil Sunz- ==
    HQ2 : Deffkilla Wartrike (1*120), [WARLORD - SPEED FREEK] - [120]
    HQ3 : Warboss (1*65), Kustom shoota (2), Power Klaw (13), Attack squig (0) [RELIC - DA KILLA KLAW] - [80]
    Troops 4 : 30 Boyz (70 20*7), 29 Choppas (0), 29 Sluggas (0), 3 Tankbusta bombs (0), Boss Nob (0), Big choppa (5), Choppa - [215]
    Troops 5 : 30 Boyz (70 20*7), 29 Choppas (0), 29 Sluggas (0), 3 Tankbusta bombs (0), Boss Nob (0), Big choppa (5), Choppa - [215]
    Troops 6 : 10 Boyz (70), 9 Choppas (0), 9 Sluggas (0), Boss Nob (0), 2 Choppas (0) - [70]
    ELITE 1 : Nob with Waaagh! banner(1*75), Kustom shoota(2) - [77]
    HEAVY SUPPORT 1 : Bonebreaka (1*140), Deff rolla (19) - [159]
    HEAVY SUPPORT 2 : Bonebreaka (1*140), Deff rolla (19) - [159]

    == Tertiary Battalion detachment (+5CP) (639) -Bad Moons- ==
    HQ5 : Weirdboy (1*62), [Smite, Fists of Gork] - [62]
    HQ6 : Weirdboy (1*62), [Smite, Da Jump] - [62]
    Troops 7 : 10 Gretchins (30) - [30]
    Troops 8 : 10 Gretchins (30) - [30]
    Troops 9 : 10 Gretchins (30) - [30]
    HEAVY SUPPORT 3 : 15 Lootas (85 10*17) - [255]
    HEAVY SUPPORT 4 : 10 Lootas (85 5*17) - [170]

    Team Les Cadets de Gascogne
    Player 7 : Amaury GILLET
    TourneyKeeper Profile – « Kapu »
    Faction : Chaos Daemons
    Total army points - 1996
    Total reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points : 13 (3 5 5+0)

    == Primary Battalion Detachment (+5CP) (977) - Chaos Daemons Nurgle- ==
    HQ1 : Poxbringer (1*70), [Virulent Blessing] - [70]
    HQ2 : Spoilpox Scrivener (1*95), - [95]
    HQ3 : Sloppity Bilepiper (1*60), [WARLORD – BLESSED WITH CORPULENCE] [60]
    Troops 1 : 3 Nurglings (54) - [54]
    Troops 2 : 30 Plaguebearers (70 20*7), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10), Plagueridden (0) - [235]
    Troops 3 : 30 Plaguebearers (70 20*7), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10), Plagueridden (0) - [235]
    Troops 4 : 29 Plaguebearers (70 19*7), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10), Plagueridden (0) - [228]

    == Secondary Battalion detachment (+5CP) (934) - Chaos Daemons Khorne/Nurgle- ==
    HQ1 : Poxbringer (1*70), [Miasma of Pestilence] - [70]
    HQ2 : Daemon Prince of Khorne with Wings (1*170), Daemonic axe (10), [RELIC - SKULLREAVER] - [180]
    Troops 5 : 29 Bloodletters (70 19*7), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10), Bloodreaper (0) - [228]
    Troops 6 : 29 Plaguebearers (70 19*7), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10), Plagueridden (0) - [228]
    Troops 7 : 29 Plaguebearers (70 19*7), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10), Plagueridden (0) - [228

    == Fortification Network (+0CP) (85) -Chaos Daemons Nurgle- ==
    Fortifications 1 : Feculent Gnarlmaw (85) - [85]

    Team : Les Cadets de Gascogne
    Player 8 : Stéphane RAULT
    TourneyKeeper Profile – « Madmort »
    Factions : Asuryani / Ynnari
    Total army points- 1997
    Total reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points : 10 (3+1+5+1)

    == Supreme Command detachement (+1CP) (247) -Alaïtoc- ==
    HQ1 : Farseer (1*110), [Fortune, Guide] - [110]
    HQ2 : Warlock Skyrunner (1*65), Twin shuriken catapults (2), Singing spear (5), [Quicken/Restrain] - [72]
    HQ3 : Spiritseer (1*65), [Empower/Enervate] [RELIC – FAOLCHU’S WING] - [65]

    == Battalion detachment (+5CP) (384) -Alaïtoc- ==
    HQ1 : Farseer Skyrunner (1*130), Twin shuriken catapults (2), [Doom, Mind War] - [132]
    HQ2 : Warlock Skyrunner (1*65), Twin shuriken catapults (2), Singing spear (5), [Protect/Jinx] - [72]
    Troops 1 : 5 Rangers (60) - [60]
    Troops 2 : 5 Rangers (60) - [60]
    Troops 3 : 5 Rangers (60) - [60]

    == Outrider detachment (+1CP) (1366) -Alaïtoc/Saim-Hann/Ynnari- ==
    HQ1 : Yvraine (1*132), [Word of the Phoenix, Grace of the Ancients] [WARLORD – INSPIRING LEADER] -Ynnari- - [132]
    FAST ATTACK 1 : 9 Shining Spears (72 6*24), 9 Twin shuriken catapults (9*2), 8 Laser lance (8*8.), Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10) -Saim-Hann/Ynnari- - [308]
    FAST ATTACK 2 : 9 Shining Spears (72 6*24), 9 Twin shuriken catapults (9*2), 8 Laser lance (8*8.), Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10) -Saim-Hann/Ynnari- - [308]
    FAST ATTACK 3 : 7 Windriders (7*16), 7 Twin shuriken catapults (7*2) -Alaïtoc/Ynnari- - [126]
    HEAVY SUPPORT 1 : 10 Dark Reapers (36 7*12), 9 Reaper Launcher (9*22), Exarch (0) with Tempest missile launcher (27) -Alaïtoc/Ynnari- - [345]
    Dedicated Transport 1 : Wave Serpent (1*120), Twin shuriken cannons (17), Shuriken cannon (10) -Alaïtoc/Ynnari- - [147]


    Roster la Chocolateam:


    + Team: ChocolaTeam
    + Player 1: Matthieu “Tanker” Bonnet-Millé
    + List fancy name: meow
    + Faction: Orks
    + Total army points: 2000 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5+1 = 14 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion detachment - Orks <Evil Sunz> == [+5 CP]
    HQ1: [Warlord : Follow me ladz’ (+1CP)] Warboss (65), Power Klaw (13), Fling’ kustom (2), Attak squig (0), Da killa klaw (0) - [80] <Evil Sunz>
    HQ2: Big Mek on mega-armor (77), Fling’ kustom (2), Power Klaw (13), Kustom force field (20) - [112] <Evil Sunz>
    TR1: 30 Boyz (210), 29 Choppa&Slugga, Nobz (0), with Killsaw (15) - [225] <Evil Sunz>
    TR2: 30 Boyz (210), 29 Choppa&Slugga, Nobz (0), with Killsaw (15) - [225] <Evil Sunz>
    TR3: 30 Boyz (210), 29 Choppa&Slugga, Nobz (0), with Killsaw (15) - [225] <Evil Sunz>
    TR4: 30 Boyz (210), 29 Choppa&Slugga, Nobz (0), with Killsaw (15) - [225] <Evil Sunz>
    TR5: 10 Boyz (70), 9 Choppa&Slugga, Nobz (0), with Killsaw (15) - [85] <Evil Sunz>
    EL1: Painboy (52), Power klaw (13) - [65] <Evil Sunz>

    == Battalion detachment - Orks <Bad Moonz> == [+5 CP]
    HQ3: Weirdboy (62), Warpath - [62] <Bad Moonz>
    HQ4: Weirdboy (62), Da jump ! - [62] <Bad Moonz>
    TR6: 14 Gretchins (42) - [42] <Bad Moonz>
    TR7: 14 Gretchins (42) - [42] <Bad Moonz>
    TR8: 30 Gretchins (90) - [42] <Bad Moonz>
    HS1: 10 Lootas (170) - [170] <Bad Moonz>
    HS2: 15 Lootas (255) - [225] <Bad Moonz>

    + Team: ChocolaTeam
    + Player 2: Stéphane “MEGALODON” Coulon
    + List fancy name: Déluge d'acier
    + Faction: Questor Traitoris, Chaos space marines
    + Total army points: 2000 pts
    + Total command points: 3+6+5 = 14 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion Detachment - Chaos Space Marines <Iron Warriors> == +5 CP
    HQ1: Exalted Champion (70), power axe (5) - WARLORD: Cold and Bitter, FREE RELIC: Axe of blind fury [75] <Mark of Khorne>
    HQ2: Sorcerer with Jump Pack (112), Combi-Bolter(2) Force Maul(8.) (Death Hex, Prescience) [122] <Mark of Nurgle>
    TR1: 20 Chaos Cultists (50+10*5=100)[100 pts] <Mark of Khorne>
    TR2: 10 Chaos Cultists (50), Heavy Stubber (2), 9 autoguns (0) [52 pts] <Mark of Slaanesh>
    TR3: 40 Chaos Cultists (50+30*5=200), 4 Heavy Stubber (4*2=8 ), 36 autoguns (0) [208 pts] <Mark of Slaanesh>

    == Super-heavy Detachment - Questor Traitoris == +6 CP
    LoW1: Renegade Knight (285): 2x Avenger Gatling Canon (2x75=150), 2x Heavy Flamer
    (2x14=28), Heavy Stubber (2), Ironstorm Missile Pod (16) [481 pts] <Character>
    LoW2: Renegade Knight (285): 2x Avenger Gatling Canon (2x75=150), 2x Heavy Flamer
    (2x14=28), Heavy Stubber (2), Ironstorm Missile Pod (16) [481 pts]
    LoW3: Renegade Knight (285): 2x Avenger Gatling Canon (2x75=150), 2x Heavy Flamer
    (2x14=28), Heavy Stubber (2), Ironstorm Missile Pod (16) [481 pts]

    + Team: ChocolaTeam
    + Player 3: Loïc "Lolo-" Dubois
    + List fancy name: Couinessoulet
    + Faction: Craftworlds, Ynnari
    + Total army points: 1998 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+1+1-1 = 9 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion detachment - Craftworlds <Ulthwé> == [+5 CP]
    HQ1: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) - [67pts][Psy: Protect/Jinx]<Ulthwé>
    HQ2: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) - [67pts][Psy: Conceal/Reveal]<Ulthwé>
    TR1: 5 Rangers - [60pts]<Ulthwé>
    TR2: 5 Rangers - [60pts]<Ulthwé>
    TR3: 8 Strom Guardians, 8 chainswords - [48pts]<Ulthwé>
    DT1: Wave Serpent (120), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2), Twin Shuriken Cannon (17) - [139pts]<Ulthwé>

    == Supreme Command detachment - Craftworlds <Mixed> == [+1 CP]
    HQ3: Eldrad Ulthran - [135pts][Psy: Fortune, Guide, Doom]<Ulthwé>
    HQ4: Warlock Conclave - [90pts][Psy: Protect/Jinx, Empower/Enervate]<Ulthwé>
    HQ5: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) - [67pts][Psy: Quicken/Restrain][Relic: Spirit Stone of Anath'Lan]<Biel-Tan> [-1 CP]

    == Outrider detachment - Ynnari == [+1 CP]
    HQ6: Yvraine - [132pts][Psy: Word of the Phoenix, Grace of the Ancients][Warlord: Inspiring Leader]<Ynnari>
    FA1: 8 Shining Spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8.), Exarch with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapults (8*2) - [274pts]<Saim-Hann> <Ynnari>
    FA2: 8 Shining Spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8.), Exarch with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapults (8*2) - [274pts]<Saim-Hann> <Ynnari>
    FA3: 8 Shining Spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8.), Exarch with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapults (8*2) - [274pts]<Saim-Hann> <Ynnari>
    HS1: 9 Dark Reapers (9*12), 8 Reaper Launchers (8*22), Exarch with Tempest Missile Launcher (27) - [311pts]<Ulthwé><Ynnari>

    + Team: ChocolaTeam
    + Player 4: Nicolas "Ptit-Nico" Séguier Cuesta
    + Faction: Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Knights
    + Total army points: 1999 pts
    + Total command points: 3+6+5-1-1 = 12 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    = Battalion detachment - Adeptus Mechanicus <Graia> == +5 CP
    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Engineseer(1*30) [30]
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Engineseer(1*30) [30]
    TR1 : 6 Skitarii Rangers(35 + 1*7), Ranger Alpha(0) [42]
    TR2 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), Ranger Alpha(0) [35]
    TR3 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), Ranger Alpha(0) [35]

    = Auxiliary Super-Heavy detachment - Imperial Knights ==
    LoW1 : Knight Castellan(1*510), 2 twin-linked Siegebreaker cannon (70), 2 Shieldbreaker Missiles(24), Cawl's Wrath (-1CP), Ion Bulwark (-1CP) [604] <Raven>

    = Super-Heavy detachment - Imperial Knights <Krast> == +6 CP
    LoW2 : [Warlord] Knight Warden(1*285), Avenger gatling canon (75), Heavy Flamer (14), Heavy Stubber (2), Thunderstrike Gauntlet (35), Endless fury, WT : First Knight [411]
    LoW3 : Knight Warden(1*285), Avenger gatling canon (75), Heavy Flamer (14), Heavy Stubber (2), Reaper Chainsword(30) [406]
    LoW4 : Knight Warden(1*285), Avenger gatling canon (75), Heavy Flamer (14), Heavy Stubber (2), Reaper Chainsword(30) [406]

    + Team: ChocolaTeam
    + Player 5: Nicolas "Bifron" FANTIN
    + Faction: Astra Militarum, Blood Angel
    + Total army points: 2000 pts
    + Total command points: 3+12+5+1-1 = 20 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Brigade Detachement -Astra Militarum <catachan> == +12 CP
    HQ1 : [Warlord] Company Commander(1*30), Power Fist (8.), WT : Grand strategist [38]
    HQ2 : Company Commander(1*30), Power Fist (8.), Kurov's Aquila (-1CP) [38]
    HQ3 : Company Commander(1*30), Power Fist (8.) [38]
    HQ4 : Colonel Iron Hand Straken(1*75) [75]
    TR1 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    TR2 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    TR3 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    TR4 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    TR5 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    TR6 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    TR7 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    TR8 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    EL1 : Ministorum Priest(1*35) [35]
    EL2 : Ministorum Priest(1*35) [35]
    EL3 : Sergeant Harker(1*50) [50]
    FA1 : Hellhounds(0*0), Hellhound(73), Inferno cannon (20), Heavy Flamer (14) [107]
    FA2 : Hellhounds(0*0), Hellhound(73), Inferno cannon (20), Heavy Flamer (14) [107]
    FA3 : Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    HS1 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar(15) [33]
    HS2 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar(15) [33]
    HS3 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar(15) [33]

    == Supreme Command Detachment - Astra Militarum <cadian> == + 1CP
    HQ1 : Knight Commander Pask(1*177), 2 Plasma cannon(20), Plasma executioner (15), Lascannon(20) [232]
    HQ2 : Tank Commander(1*142), 3 Heavy Bolter(24), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), Relic of lost cadia [186]
    HQ3 : Tank Commander(1*142), 3 Heavy Bolter(24), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20) [186]

    == Battalion Detachment - Blood angel == +5 CP
    HQ1 : Captain à réacteur dorsal(1*93), Master-crafted bolter(3), Thunder hammer (21), Storm shield(10) [127]
    HQ2 : Captain à réacteur dorsal(1*93), Master-crafted bolter(3), Thunder hammer (21), Storm shield(10) [127]
    TR1 : 5 Scout Squad (55), Scout Sergeant (0) [55]
    TR2 : 5 Scout Squad (55), Scout Sergeant (0) [55]
    TR3 : 5 Scout Squad (55), Scout Sergeant (0) [55]

    + Team: ChocolaTeam
    + Player 6: Alex "Waalex" Tiberti
    + Faction: Tau
    + Total army points: 1999 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5+1=14 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion detachment - Tau empire <Tau> == +5 CP
    HQ1 : [Warlord] Cadre Fireblade(1*39), Markerlight(3), Puretide Engram Neurochip, WT: Through unity, devastation [42]
    HQ2 : Cadre Fireblade(1*39), Markerlight(3) [42]
    HQ3 : Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit(1*76), 4 Cyclic ion blaster (72) [148]
    TR1 : 10 Strike Team (35 + 5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [70]
    TR2 : 10 Strike Team (35 + 5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [70]
    TR3 : 10 Strike Team (35 + 5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [70]
    HS1 : 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (35 + 2*35), 2 Advanced targeting system (12), 4 Smart missile system (60), 2 Seeker Missiles (10), 4 High yield missile system(100), Broadside Shas'vre(0), Advanced targeting system (6), 2 Smart missile system (30), Seeker Missiles (5), 2 High yield missile system(50), 6x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [438]

    == Battalion detachment - Tau empire <Tau> == +5 CP
    HQ1 : Cadre Fireblade(1*39), Markerlight(3) [42]
    HQ2 : Commander Shadowsun(1*110) [110]
    HQ3 : Ethereal (1*45) [45]
    TR1 : 10 Strike Team (35 + 5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0),  Markerlight(3) [73]
    TR2 : 10 Strike Team (35 + 5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [70]
    TR3 : 10 Strike Team (35 + 5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [70]

    == Outrider detachment - Tau empire <Tau> == +1 CP
    HQ1 : Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit(1*76), 4 Cyclic ion blaster(72) [148]
    HQ2 : Darkstrider(1*45) [45]
    EL1 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(1*185), Advanced targeting system (18), Target lock (12), 2 Smart missile system (30), Heavy Induction Cannon (35) [280]
    FA1 : 5 Pathfinder Team (25), 4 Markerlight(12), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8.), Pathfinder Shas'ui(0),  Markerlight(3) [48]
    FA2 : 5 Pathfinder Team (25), 4 Markerlight(12), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8.), Pathfinder Shas'ui(0),  Markerlight(3) [48]
    FA3 : Tactical Drones(0*0), 7x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [70]
    FA4 : Tactical Drones(0*0), 7x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [70]

    + Team: ChocolaTeam
    + Player 7: Julien "Bubu" Lopez
    + Faction: Drukhari, Harlequins
    + Total army points: 1999 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+1= 9 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion detachment - Drukhari <Prophets of flesh>== +5 CP
    HQ1 : Haemonculus (1*70), Splinter pistol (0), Vexator Mask [70]
    HQ2 : [Warlord : Diabolical Soothsayer] Urien Rakarth(1*90) [90]
    TR1 : 5 Wracks (45), Acothyst(0) [45]
    TR2 : 5 Wracks (45), Acothyst(0) [45]
    TR3 : 5 Wracks (45), Acothyst(0) [45]
    EL1 : 10 Grotesques(96 + 7*32), 10 Flesh Gauntlet (30) [350]
    EL2 : 9 Grotesques(96 + 6*32), 9 Flesh Gauntlet (27) [315]

    == Outrider detachment - Harlequin <The soaring spite> == +1 CP
    HQ1 : Shadowseer(1*125), Webway Dance, Twilight pathways [125]
    EL1 : Solitaire(1*84), Harlequin's Kiss (7), Harlequin's embrace(7) [98]
    FA1 : 6 Skyweaver(60 + 4*30), 6 Disruptor Gun(90), 6 Zephyr Glaive(30) [306]
    FA2 : 6 Skyweaver(60 + 4*30), 6 Disruptor Gun(90), 6 Zephyr Glaive(30) [306]
    FA3 : 4 Skyweaver(60 + 2*30), 4 Disruptor Gun(60), 4 Zephyr Glaive(12) [204]

    + Team: ChocolaTeam
    + Player 8: Julien " le poete " Brisson
    + Faction: Tyranides
    + Total army points: 1999 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5= 13CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion detachment - Tyranids <Kraken> == +5 CP
    HQ1 : BroodLord(1*115), Cameleonic Mutation, The horror [115] <Kraken>
    HQ2 : [Warlord] Swarmlord(1*250), Psychic Scream, Paroxysm, WT : Alien cunning [250] <Kraken>
    TR1 : 20 Genestealers(50 + 15*10), 20 Rending Claws (40), 20 Scything Talons, 5 Acid Maw, 2 Spikes(4) [244] <Kraken>
    TR2 : 20 Genestealers(50 + 15*10), 20 Rending Claws (40), 20 Scything Talons, 5 Acid Maw, 6 Spikes(10) [250] <Kraken>
    TR3 : 30 Hormagaunts(50 + 20*5) [150] <Kraken>
    EL1 : 3 Venomthropes(90) [90] <Kraken>

    == Battalion detachment - Tyranids <Kraken> == +5 CP
    HQ1 : Neurothrope(1*90), Catalyst [90] <Kraken>
    HQ2 : Neurothrope(1*90), Onslaught [90] <Kraken>
    TR1 : 30 Termagaunts(40 + 20*4) [120] <Kraken>
    TR2 : 30 Termagaunts(40 + 20*4) [120] <Kraken>
    TR3 : 30 Termagaunts(40 + 20*4) [120] <Kraken>
    TR4 : 30 Termagaunts(40 + 20*4) [120] <Kraken>
    TR5 : 30 Termagaunts(40 + 20*4) [120] <Kraken>
    TR6 : 30 Termagaunts(40 + 20*4) [120] <Kraken>


    Les Joueurs du Garage:


    Player 1 : Alexandre NGuyen "Pandaguilde"
    TourneyKeeper Profile : Alexandre NGuyen "Pandaguilde"
    Faction : Chaos Daemons - Thousand Sons
    Total Army Point : 1999
    Total Reinforcement Point : 1
    Total Command Point : 3 + 5 + 1 = 9

    DETACHMENT : Battalion Detachment (+3 Command Point) - Chaos Daemons - Tzeentch

    HQ1 : Fateskimmer(1*130), Locus of Trickery, [Tzeentch] Infernal Gateway [130]
    HQ2 : Fateskimmer(1*130), Locus of Trickery, The Impossible Robe, [Tzeentch] Gaze of Fate [130]
    HQ3 : [WARLORD] Fluxmaster(1*85), Locus of Trickery, [Tzeentch] Flickering Flames, [Tzeentch] Daemonspark [85]
    Troup1 : Horrors(0*0), Iridescent Horror(7), 2x Pairs of Brimstone Horrors(3), 7x Pink Horrors(7) [62]
    Troup2 : Horrors(0*0), Blue Horrors(5), 9x Pairs of Brimstone Horrors(3) [32]
    Troup3 : Horrors(0*0), 2x Blue Horrors(5), 8x Pairs of Brimstone Horrors(3) [34]
    Elite1 : Exalted Flamer (1*70), Locus of Trickery [70]
    Elite2 : Exalted Flamer (1*70), Locus of Trickery [70]
    Elite3 : 6 Flamers(75 + 3*25), Pyrocaster(0) [150]
    Elite4 : 6 Flamers(75 + 3*25), Pyrocaster(0) [150]
    HS1 : Burning Chariot(1*110) [110]
    HS2 : Burning Chariot(1*110) [110]
    HS3 : Burning Chariot(1*110) [110]

    Total detachment : 1243

    DETACHMENT : Outrider Detachment (+1 Command Point) - Thousand Sons

    HQ1 : Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings(1*170), Malefic Talons/Two Sets (10), [DH] Prescience, [DH] Death Hex [180]
    HQ2 : Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings(1*170), Malefic Talons/Two Sets (10), [Changement] Doombolt, [DH] Warptime [180]
    Elite1 : Tzaangor Shaman(1*82), Force Stave(Cool, [Changement] Temporal Manipulation [90]
    FA1 : 6 Tzaangor Enlightened(45 + 3*15), 5 Fatecaster Greatbow(10), Aviarch(0),  Fatecaster Greatbow(2) [102]
    FA2 : 6 Tzaangor Enlightened(45 + 3*15), 5 Fatecaster Greatbow(10), Aviarch(0),  Fatecaster Greatbow(2) [102]
    FA3 : 6 Tzaangor Enlightened(45 + 3*15), 5 Fatecaster Greatbow(10), Aviarch(0),  Fatecaster Greatbow(2) [102]

    Total detachment : 756

    ARMY TOTAL [1999]


    Player 2 : Julien Le Riche "White_Dog"
    TourneyKeeper Profile : Julien Le Riche "White_Dog"
    Faction : Orks
    Total Army Point : 2000
    Total Reinforcement Point : 0
    Total Command Point : 3 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 18

    DETACHMENT : Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Points) - Orks - Evil Sunz

    HQ1 : Big Mek In Mega-Armour(1*77), Kustom Shoota(2), Power Klaw(13), Kustom Force Field(20) [112]
    HQ2 : Weirdboy(1*62),[Waaagh] Warpath [62]
    Troup1 : 27 Boyz(70 + 17*7), Boss Nob(0),  Two Killsaws(23) [212]
    Troup2 : 27 Boyz(70 + 17*7), 26 Shootas, Boss Nob(0), Big Choppa(5) [194]
    Troup3 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]

    Total detachment : 610

    DETACHMENT : Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Points) - Orks - Bad Moonz

    HQ1 : Warboss(1*65), Kustom Shoota(2), Big Choppa(5), Attack Squig(0) [72]
    HQ2 : Weirdboy(1*62), [Waaagh] Fist of Gork [62]
    Troup1 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    Troup2 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    Troup3 : 11 Gretchins(30 + 1*3) [33]
    HS1 : 15 Lootas(85 + 10*17) [255]
    HS2 : 10 Lootas(85 + 5*17) [170]

    Total detachment : 652

    DETACHMENT : Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Points) - Orks - Evil Sunz

    HQ1 : [WARLORD] Warboss(1*65), Kustom Shoota(2), Power Klaw(13), Attack Squig(0), Da Killa Klaw, Brutal but Kunning [80]
    HQ2 : Weirdboy(1*62), [Waaagh] Da Jump [62]
    Troup1 : 27 Boyz(70 + 17*7), Boss Nob(0),  Two Killsaws(23) [212]
    Troup2 : 27 Boyz(70 + 17*7), Boss Nob(0),  Two Killsaws(23) [212]
    Troup3 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    Elite1 : Nob with Waaagh Banner(1*75), Kustom Shoota(2) [77]
    Elite2 : Painboy (1*52), Power Klaw(13) [65]

    Total detachment : 738

    ARMY TOTAL [2000]


    Player 3 : Félix Gaumard "Sublimateur"
    TourneyKeeper Profile : Félix Gaumard "Sublimateur"
    Faction : Imperial Knights
    Total Army Point : 1997
    Total Reinforcement Point : 3
    Total Command Point : 3 + 6 - 1 - 1 = 7

    DETACHMENT : Super-Heavy Detachment (+6 Command Points) - Imperial Knights - Taranis

    Lord of War1 : Armiger Helverin(170), Heavy Stubber(2) [172]
    Lord of War2 : 2 Armiger Helverin(170 + 1*170), 2 Heavy Stubber(4) [344]
    Lord of War3 : Knight Castellan(1*510), 2 Twin Siegebreaker cannons(70), 2 Shieldbreaker Missiles(24), Cawl's Wrath [QM] [604]
    Lord of War4 : [WARLORD] Knight Crusader(1*285), Avenger Gatling Cannon(75), Thermal Cannon(76), Heavy Flamer(14), Heavy Stubber(2), Stormspear Rocket Pod(45), Fury of Mars [Taranis], [Codex] Ion Bulwark [497]
    Lord of War5 : Knight Gallant(1*285), Thunderstrike Gauntlet(35), Reaper Chainsword(30), Meltagun(14), Ironstorm Missile Pod(16), Armour of the Sainted Ion, [Codex] Landstrider [380]

    Total detachment : 1997

    ARMY TOTAL [1997]

    Player 4 : Nicolas Aberlen "Nicolasnurgle"
    TourneyKeeper Profile : Nicolas Aberlen "Nicolasnurgle"
    Faction : Renegade Knights
    Total Army Point : 1995
    Total Reinforcement Point : 9
    Total Command Point : 3 + 6 = 9

    DETACHMENT : Super Heavy Detachment (+6 Command Points) - Renegade Knights

    Lord of War1 : Renegade Knight(1*285), Heavy Stubber(2), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannon(150), 2 Heavy Flamer(28), Ironstorm Missile Pod(16) [481]
    Lord of War2 : Renegade Knight(1*285), Heavy Stubber(2), 2 Thermal Cannons(152) [439]
    Lord of War3 : Renegade Knight(1*285), Heavy Stubber(2), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannons(150), 2 Heavy Flamer(28), Ironstorm Missile Pod(16) [481]
    Lord of War4 : [WARLORD] Renegade Knight Dominus(1*500), 2 Twin Siegebreaker cannons(70), 2 Shieldbreaker Missiles(24),1 Plasma Decimator(0pts),1 Volcano Lance (0 pts), Traitor's Mark, Infernal Quest [594]

    Total detachment : 1995

    ARMY TOTAL [1995]

    Player 5 : Emmanuel Rousseau "Kontere"
    TourneyKeeper Profile : Emmanuel Rousseau "Kontere"
    Faction : Craftworlds - Drukhari - Ynnari
    Total Army Point : 1995
    Total Reinforcement Point : 5
    Total Command Point : 3 + 5 + 5 + 0 - 1 = 12

    DETACHMENT : Batallion Detachment (+5 Command Points) - Craftworlds - Alaitoc

    HQ1 : Farseer (1*110), The Phoenix Gem, Doom, Guide [110]
    HQ2 : Warlock(1*55), Conceal / Reveal [55]
    Troup1 : 8 Storm Guardians (48) [48]
    Troup2 : 8 Storm Guardians (48) [48]
    Troup3 : 8 Storm Guardians (48) [48]
    Flyer1 : Crimson Hunter Exarch(1*135), 2 Brightlances(40) [175]

    Total detachment : 484

    DETACHMENT : Batallion Detachment (+5 Command Points) - Drukhari - Black Heart Kabal

    HQ1 : Archon(1*70), Venom Blade (2) [72]
    HQ2 : Archon(1*70), Venom Blade (2) [72]
    Troup1 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), Sybarite(0) [30]
    Troup2 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), Sybarite(0) [30]
    Troup3 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), Sybarite(0) [30]
    HS1 : Ravager(1*80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (45) [125]
    HS2 : Ravager(1*80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (45) [125]
    HS3 : Ravager(1*80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (45) [125]
    Flyer1 : Razorwing Jetfighter(1*105), 2 Disintegrator Cannons (30) [135]
    Flyeré : Razorwing Jetfighter(1*105), 2 Disintegrator Cannons (30) [135]

    Total detachment : 879

    DETACHMENT : Patrol Detachment (+0 Command Points) - Ynnari - Alaitoc

    HQ1 : [WARLORD] Yvraine(1*132), Ancestor's Grace, Word of the Phoenix, Tenacious Survivor [132]
    Troup1 : 8 Storm Guardians (48) [48]
    HS1 : 3 Dark Reapers (36), Dark Reaper Exarch (0), Tempest Launcher(27) [107]
    HS2 : 10 Dark Reapers (36 + 7*12), Dark Reaper Exarch (0), Tempest Launcher (27) [345]

    Total detachment : 632

    ARMY TOTAL [1995]

    Player 6 : Cindy Houriez "Mary-Jane Kins"
    TourneyKeeper Profile : Cindy Houriez "Mary-Jane Kins"
    Faction : Adeptus Custodes
    Total Army Point : 1998
    Total Reinforcement Point : 2
    Total Command Point : 3 + 5 + 5 - 1 = 12

    DETACHMENT : Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Points) - Adeptus Custodes

    HQ1 : Captain-General Trajann Valoris(1*185) [185]
    HQ2 : Shield-Captain(1*100), Storm Shield (Characters)(10), Sentinel Blade(7) [117]
    Troup1 : 4 Custodian Guard Squad(120 + 1*40), 4 Storm Shield(40), 4 Sentinel Blade(28) [228]
    Troup2 : 4 Custodian Guard Squad(120 + 1*40), 4 Storm Shield(40), 4 Sentinel Blade(28) [228]
    Troup3 : 4 Custodian Guard Squad(120 + 1*40), 4 Storm Shield(40), 4 Sentinel Blade(28) [228]

    Total detachment : 986

    DETACHMENT : Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Points) - Adeptus Custodes

    HQ1 : [WARLORD] Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike(1*150), Hurricane Bolter(10), Miséricordia(4), Superior Creation, Auric Aquilas [164]
    HQ2 : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike(1*150), Hurricane Bolter(10), Miséricordia(4), Eagles's Eye [164]
    Troup1 : 4 Custodian Guard Squad(120 + 1*40), 4 Storm Shield(40), 4 Sentinel Blade(28) [228]
    Troup2 : 4 Custodian Guard Squad(120 + 1*40), 4 Storm Shield(40), 4 Sentinel Blade(28) [228]
    Troup3 : 4 Custodian Guard Squad(120 + 1*40), 4 Storm Shield(40), 4 Sentinel Blade(28) [228]

    Total detachment : 1012

    ARMY TOTAL [1998]


    Player 7 : Julien Lacombe "Thunderjul"
    TourneyKeeper Profile : Julien Lacombe "Thunderjul"
    Faction : Astra Militarum
    Total Army Point : 2000
    Total Reinforcement Point : 0
    Total Command Point : 3 + 5 + 1 - 1 = 8

    DETACHMENT : Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Points) - Astra Militarum - Cadia

    HQ1 : Knight Commander Pask(1*177), Battle Cannon (22), 2 Plasma Cannon(20), Lascannon(20), Hunter-Killer Missile (6), Heavy Stubber(2) [247]
    HQ2 : [WARLORD] Tank Commander(1*142), Battle Cannon (22), 2 Plasma Cannon(20), Lascannon(20), [Codex] Old Grudges [204]
    HQ3 : Tank Commander(1*142), Battle Cannon (22), 2 Plasma Cannon(20), Lascannon(20), Relic of Lost Cadia [204]
    Troup1 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0), Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troup2 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0), Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troup3 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0), Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troup4 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0), Chainsword(0) [40]

    Total detachment : 815

    DETACHMENT : Outrider Detachment (+1 Command Points) - Astra Militarum - Catachan

    HQ1 : Tank Commander(1*142), 2 Plasma Cannon(20), Executioner Plasma Cannon (15), Lascannon(20), Kurov's Aquila [197]
    FA1 : Hellhounds(0*0), Hellhound(73),  Inferno Cannon(20), Heavy Flamer(14), Track Guards(10) [117]
    FA2 : Hellhounds(0*0), 2x Hellhound(73),  2 Inferno Cannon(40), 2 Heavy Flamer(28), 2 Track Guards(20) [234]
    FA3 : Hellhounds(0*0), Hellhound(73),  Inferno Cannon(20), Heavy Flamer(14), Track Guards(10) [117]

    Total detachment : 665

    DETACHMENT : Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (+0 Command Points) - Astra Militarum - Vostroya

    Lord of War1 : Banehammer(1*370), 5 Twin Heavy Bolter(70), 4 Lascannon(80) [520]
    Total detachment : 520

    ARMY TOTAL [2000]

    Player 8 : Yoan Lacombe "Sir_Edwards"
    TourneyKeeper Profile : Yoan Lacombe "Sir_Edwards"
    Faction : Dark Angels
    Total Army Point : 2000
    Total Reinforcement Point : 0
    Total Command Point : 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 (Azrael) = 6

    DETACHMENT : Vanguard Detachment (+1 Command Points) - Dark Angels

    HQ1 : [WARLORD] Azrael(1*180), [DAngels] Brillant Stratège [180]
    Elite1 : 6 Aggressor Squad(63 + 3*21), 5 Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets(60), 5 Fragstorm Grenade Launcher(20), Aggresor Sergeant(0),  Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets(12), Fragstorm Grenade Launcher(4) [222]
    Elite2 : 6 Aggressor Squad(63 + 3*21), 5 Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets(60), 5 Fragstorm Grenade Launcher(20), Aggresor Sergeant(0),  Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets(12), Fragstorm Grenade Launcher(4) [222]
    Elite3 : 6 Aggressor Squad(63 + 3*21), 5 Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets(60), 5 Fragstorm Grenade Launcher(20), Aggresor Sergeant(0),  Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets(12), Fragstorm Grenade Launcher(4) [222]
    FA1 : Ravenwing Darkshroud (1*128), Heavy Bolter(10) [138]

    Total detachment : 984

    DETACHMENT : Spearhead Detachment (+1 Command Points) - Dark Angels

    HQ1 : Lieutenant(60) [60]
    Elite1 : Company Ancient(1*63), Storm Bolter(2) [65]
    HS1 : 10 Hellblaster Squad(90 + 5*18), 9 Plasma Incinerator(135), Hellblaster Sergeant(0),  Plasma Incinerator(15) [330]
    HS2 : 10 Hellblaster Squad(90 + 5*18), 9 Plasma Incinerator(135), Hellblaster Sergeant(0),  Plasma Incinerator(15) [330]
    HS3 : 7 Hellblaster Squad(90 + 2*18), 6 Plasma Incinerator(90), Hellblaster Sergeant(0),  Plasma Incinerator(15) [231]

    Total detachment : 1016

    ARMY TOTAL [2000]


    Roster des Cafards:


    + PLAYER: Cyrille "linker" Mathis
    + TEAM: les cafards
    + ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
    + ARMY FACTION USED: drukhari
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 13 + 1d3 (devin diabolique)
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1999 pts
    + TOTAL KP: 17
    + STEPS:  17
    == Batallion Detachment == Drukhari (Black Heart) [35 Power Points] [609 Points] 5 CP

    HQ2: Archon (70), Venom Blade (2) [72] [4PL]
    HQ3: Archon (70), Venom Blade (2) [72] [4PL] RELIC: Writ of the Living Muse
    Troop 1: 4 Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30), 1 Sybarite (0) [30] [2PL]
    Troop 2: 4 Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30), 1 Sybarite (0) [30] [2PL]
    Troop 3: 4 Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30), 1 Sybarite (0) [30] [2PL]
    HS1: Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (45) [125] [7PL]
    HS2: Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (45) [125] [7PL]
    HS3: Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (45) [125] [7PL]

    == Battalion Detachment == Drukhari, Prophets of Flesh [89PL] [1390pts] 5CP

    HQ: Urien Rakarth (90) - [5PL] [90pts] warlord "devin diabolique"
    HQ: Haemonculus (70) Hexrifle (5) Electro-corrosive whip (6) - [5PL] [81pts]
    TR: Wracks (5x9=45) Acothyst (0) - Venom Blade (2) - [PL5] [47pts]
    TR: Wracks (6x9=54) Acothyst (0) - [PL5] [54pts]
    TR: Wracks (6x9=54) Acothyst (0)  - [PL5] [54pts]
    ELITE: Grotesques (8x32=256) Flesh Gauntlets (8x3=24) Monstrous Cleavers (8x0=0) - [16PL] [280pts]
    HS: Talos (2x75=150) Haywire Blasters (4x8=32) Chain Flails (2x3=6) Macro Scalpels (2x4=8) - [12PL] [196pts]
    HS: Talos (3x75=225) Haywire Blasters (6x8=48) Chain Flails (3x3=9) Macro Scalpels (3x4=12) - [18PL] [294pts]
    HS: Talos (3x75=225) Haywire Blasters (6x8=48) Chain Flails (3x3=9) Macro Scalpels (3x4=12) - [18PL] [294pts]
    ARMY TOTAL [1999]

    TEAM : Cafards
    PLAYER : Zell33
    Zell33 – Eric Charrazac
    Faction : Tau
    Total Army points – 2000
    Total command points : 14-1 (2nd relic) = 13.
    KP : 24.

    == DETACHMENT : Battalion (+ 3 Command Point) (1425) <Sept Tau> ==

    HQ1 : Sept Tau - Cadre Fireblade(1*39), Markerlight(3), Puretide Engram Neurochip (1er RELIC), [Codex] [42]
    HQ2 : Sept Tau - Commander Shadowsun(1*110), MV62 Command-link Drone (6) [116]
    Troup1 : Sept Tau - 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup2 : Sept Tau - 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup3 : Sept Tau - 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Elite1 : Sept Tau - XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(1*185), Advanced Targeting System (Ghost, Riptide et Storm)(18), Target Lock (Ghostkeel, Rpitide et Stormsurge)(12), 2 Smart Missile System(30), Heavy Burst Cannon (35) [280]
    Elite2 : Sept Tau - XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(1*185), Advanced Targeting System (Ghost, Riptide et Storm)(18), Target Lock (Ghostkeel, Rpitide et Stormsurge)(12), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Heavy Burst Cannon (35) [280]
    Elite3 : Sept Tau - XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(1*185), Advanced Targeting System (Ghost, Riptide et Storm)(18), Target Lock (Ghostkeel, Rpitide et Stormsurge)(12), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Heavy Burst Cannon (35) [280]
    FA1 : Sept Tau - 8 Pathfinder Team (25 + 3*5), 5 Markerlight(15), 2 Rail Rifle(24), Pathfinder Shas'ui(0),  Markerlight(3) [82]
    FA2 : Sept Tau - Tactical Drones(0*0), 8x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [80]
    FA3 : Sept Tau - Tactical Drones(0*0), 8x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [80]
    FA4 : Sept Tau - Tactical Drones(0*0), 8x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [80]

    == DETACHMENT : Battalion (+ 3 Command Point) (292) <Sept Tau> ==

    HQ1 : Sept Tau - Commander en XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit(1*90), Advanced Targeting System(6),  High-output burst cannon(16), 2 Missile pod(30) [142]
    HQ2 : Sept Tau - Darkstrider(1*45) [45]
    Troup1 : Sept Tau - 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup2 : Sept Tau - 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup3 : Sept Tau - 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]

    == DETACHMENT : Vanguard (+ 1 Command Point) (283) <Sept Sacea> ==

    HQ1 : Sept Sacea - Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit(1*76), 3 Cyclic ion blaster(54), Airbursting fragmentation projector(8), Supernova Launcher (2nd RELIC), 2x MV4 Shield Drone(10) [158]
    HQ2 : Sept Sacea - Ethereal on Hover-Drone(1*50) [50]
    Elite1 : Sept Sacea - Firesight Marksman(1*21), Markerlight(3), Pusle Pistol(1) [25]
    Elite2 : Sept Sacea - Firesight Marksman(1*21), Markerlight(3), Pusle Pistol(1) [25]
    Elite3 : Sept Sacea - Firesight Marksman(1*21), Markerlight(3), Pusle Pistol(1) [25]

    PLAYER : Kiwinight
    Name : Lafon Kevin
    Army Total point : 1999
    Reinforcement : 0 points
    Command points : 14    (3 + 5 + 5 + 1)
    Kill point : 18
    Army : Thousand sons / Chaos Deamons
    + DETACHMENT :   ==Supreme Command==     < Thousand Sons >
    HQ1 : Ahriman(1131),[131]
    Psychic Powers : [Change] Glamour of Tzeench, [Change] Weaver of change, [DH] Warp Time

    HQ2 :Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with wings(1170), Two set of malefic talons (10) [180]
    Psychic Powers :  [DH] Infernal gaze, [Tzeentch] Treason of Tzeench
    [WARLORD], [Codex] Unduying Form

    HQ3 : Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with wings(1170), Two set of malefic talons (10)[180]
    Psychic powers : [DH] Death Hex, [Tzeentch] Infernal Gateway

    HQ4 : Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with wings(1170), Two set of malefic talons (10), Relic : Helm of the third eye  [180]
    Psychic Powers : [Tzeentch] Gaze of fate, [DH] Diabolic strength

    HQ5 : Sorcerer(190), Force stave (8), [98]
    Psychic Powers : [Change] Temporal Manipulation, [DH] Prescience
    Total detachment : 769

    + DETACHMENT : ==Battalion==   < Chaos Deamon >
    HQ1 : Bloodmaster(156) [56]
    HQ2 : Bloodmaster(156) [56]
    Troup1 : 30 Bloodletters(70 + 207), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos(10), Bloodreaper(0) [235]
    Troup2 : 30 Bloodletters(70 + 207), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument ofChaos(10), Bloodreaper(0) [235]
    Troup3 : 27 Bloodletters(70 + 177), Daemonic Icon (15), Bloodreaper(0) [204]
    Total detachment : 786
    + DETACHMENT : ==Battalion==    < Chaos Deamon >
    HQ1 : Herald of Slaanesh(160), Psychic Power  [Slaanesh] Delightful agonies [60]
    HQ2 : Herald of Slaanesh(160), Psychic power : [Slaanesh] Symphony of pain [60]
    Troup1 : 3 Nurglings(54) [54]
    Troup2 : 3 Nurglings(54) [54]
    Troup3 : 3 Nurglings(54) [54]
    Troup4 : 3 Nurglings(54) [54]
    Troup5 : 3 Nurglings(54) [54]
    Troup6 : 3 Nurglings(54) [54]
    Total detachment : 444

    TEAM: Cafards
    + Player : François « Lokieris » BAUDRIN
    + TourneyKeeper Profile – baudrin
    + Faction : Imperium - <Imperial Knights> <Adeptus Mechanicus>
    + Total Army points : 2 000pts
    + Reinforcement Points : n/a
    + Total Command Points : 10 (14-4 : extra relics/traits)
    + Total Army Power Level : 116


    == Super-Heavy Detachment +6CP (Imperial Knights) < Questor Mechanicus  - House Krast > [ 68PL, 1231pts] ==

    LoW 1 : Knight Crusader (Imperial Knights): (285)Extra Relic: Endless Fury ,  Avenger Gatling Cannon(75) w/ Heavy Flamer(14), Thermal Cannon(76),Heavy stubber(2) [ 25PL, 452pts] [ Extra Warlord Trait –  Krast : First Knight]

    LoW 2 : Knight Gallant (Imperial Knights): (285)Extra Relic : Armour of the sainted Ion, Heavy stubber(2), Thunderstrike gauntlet(35), Reaper Chainsword(30) [ 20PL, 352pts]

    LoW 3 : Knight Warden (Imperial Knights): (285) Heavy stubber(2), Thunderstrike gauntlet(35), Avenger Gatling Cannon(75) w/ Heavy Flamer(14), Ironstorm missile pod(16)  [23 PL, 427pts]

    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Imperial Knights) < Questor Mechanicus  -House Raven > [30 PL, 604pts] ==

    LoW 4 : Knight Castellan (Imperial Knights) : (510) Relic: Cawl's Wrath  2x Shieldbreaker Missile (24),2x Twin Siegebreaker Cannon (70) [ 30PL, 604pts] [WARLORD – Ion Bulwack]

    == Battalion Detachment +5CP (Adeptus Mechanicus) < Graïa > [ 18PL, 165pts] ==

    HQ: Tech-priest Enginseer (Adeptus Mechanicus)   [30pts, 3PL]
    HQ: Tech-priest Enginseer (Adeptus Mechanicus)   [30pts, 3PL]
    TR: 5x Skitarii Rangers  (Adeptus Mechanicus) [35pts, 4PL]
    TR: 5x Skitarii Rangers (Adeptus Mechanicus) [35pts, 4PL]
    TR: 5x Skitarii Rangers (Adeptus Mechanicus) [35pts, 4PL]

    TEAM: Cafards
    + Player : Pierre « Belechtor » RIBAC
    + Team : Les Cafards
    + Army Faction : Orks
    + Total Army points : 2 000 pts
    + Reinforcement Points : n/a
    + Total Command Points : 18 - 1 (relique supplémentaire) +1 (trait de sdg) = 18
    + Totak KP : 19
    + Steps : 19

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon Evil Sunz
    HQ1 : Big Mek in Mega Armour (77), Kustom shoota(2), Power Klaw(13), Kustom Force Shield(20), Grot oiler(4) <Evil Sunz> [116] [Warlord - Follow Me, Ladz!]
    HQ2 : Weirdboy(62) [Warpath] <Evil Sunz> [62]
    Troup1 : 27 Boyz(70 + 17x7), Boss Nob(0),  Two Killsaw(23) <Evil Sunz> [212]
    Troup2 : 10 Boyz(70), Boss Nob(0),  Two Killsaw(23) <Evil Sunz> [93]
    Troup3 : 10 Gretchins(30) <Evil Sunz> [30]
    Elite1 : 5 Kommandos(40), Boss Nob(0),  Power Klaw(13) <Evil Sunz> [53]
    FA1 : 20 Stormboyz(45 + 15x9), Boss Nob(0),  Two Killsaw(23) <Evil Sunz> [203]
    Total detachment : 769


    DETACHMENT : Bataillon
    HQ1 : Deffkilla Wartrike(120), Relic : Morgog's Finkin Kap , <Blood Axe> [120] [Extra Warlord Trait –Brutal But Kunnin']
    HQ2 : Weirdboy(62) [Da Jump] <Goff> [62]
    Troup1 : 10 Gretchins(30) <Goff> [30]
    Troup2 : 10 Gretchins(30) <Goff> [30]
    Troup3 : 10 Gretchins(30) <Goff> [30]
    Total detachment : 272


    DETACHMENT : Bataillon Goff
    HQ1 : Warboss(65), Kustom shoota(2), Power Klaw(13), Attack squig, Relic : Da Killa Klaw <Goff> [80]
    HQ2 : Weirdboy(62) [Da Jump] <Goff> [62]
    Troup1 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20x7), Boss Nob(0),  Killsaw(15) <Goff> [225]
    Troup2 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20x7), Boss Nob(0),  Killsaw(15) <Goff> [225]
    Troup3 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20x7), Boss Nob(0),  Killsaw(15) <Goff> [225]
    Elite1 : Nob with Waaagh! Banner (75), Kustom shoota(2) <Goff> [77]
    Elite2 : Painboy (52), Power Klaw(13) <Goff> [65]
    Total detachment : 959

    + PLAYER: Élie "Baghla" Soltysiak
    + TEAM: les cafards
    + ARMY FACTION: Craftworld
    + ARMY FACTION USED: Craftworld-alaitoc
    + TOTAL KP: 16
    + STEPS: 13-16
    == Battalion Detachment [774] +5CP <Alaitoc> ==
    HQ 1: Autarch skyrunner (95), Twin shuriken catapult (2), Laser lance (8), Relict (Shimmerplume of Achillarial)- 105
    HQ 2: Farseer (110), Doom, Mind War -110  <Alaitoc>
    TROOPS 1: Rangers -60 <Alaitoc>
    TROOPS 2: Rangers-60 <Alaitoc>
    TROOPS 3: 11 Defender Guardians (11x8)  -88 <Alaitoc>
    FAST 1: Swooping Hawk (30), Lasblaster x4 (28), Hawks Talon (10) -68 <Alaitoc>
    FAST 2: Swooping Hawk (30), Lasblaster x4 (28), Hawks Talon (10) -68 <Alaitoc>
    FAST 3: Swooping Hawk (30), Lasblaster x4 (28), Hawks Talon (10) -68 <Alaitoc>
    TRANSPORT 1: Wave Serpent (120), Shuriken Cannon (10), Twin Shuriken Cannon (17) -147 <Alaitoc>
    == Air Wing Detachment [740] +1CP <Alaitoc> ==
    Fly 1: Hemlock Wraightfighter (200), Spirit Stones (10), Jinx -210 <Alaitoc>
    Fly 2: Hemlock Wraightfighter (200), Spirit Stones (10), Jinx -210 <Alaitoc>
    Fly 3: Crimson Hunter (120), PulseLaser (0), Bright Lance x2 (40) -160 <Alaitoc>
    Fly 4: Crimson Hunter (120), PulseLaser (0), Bright Lance x2 (40) -160  <Alaitoc>
    == Air Wing Detachment [483] +1CP <Alaitoc> ==
    Fly 5: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), PulseLaser (0), Star Cannon x2 (26) -161  <Alaitoc>
    Fly 6: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), PulseLaser (0), Star Cannon x2 (26) -161 <Alaitoc>
    Fly 7: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), PulseLaser (0), Star Cannon x2 (26) -161 <Alaitoc>

    + PLAYER: Joris "Tapass" DA COSTA
    + TEAM: Les Cafards
    + ARMY FACTION USED: Astra Militarum, Blood Angels, Adepta Sororitas
    + TOTAL KP: 37
    + STEPS: 31-37
    == Brigade Detachement [639] +12CP <Catachan> ==

    HQ1 : Colonel  Iron Hand Straken [75]
    HQ2 : Company Commander [30]
    HQ3 : Company Commander [30]
    Troup1 : 10 Infantry Squad, Sergent Chainsword[40]
    Troup2 : 10 Infantry Squad, Sergent Chainsword[40]
    Troup3 : 10 Infantry Squad, Sergent Chainsword[40]
    Troup4 : 10 Infantry Squad, Sergent Chainsword[40]
    Troup5 : 10 Infantry Squad, Sergent Chainsword[40]
    Troup6 : 10 Infantry Squad, Sergent Chainsword[40]
    Elite1 : Platoon Commander [20]
    Elite2 : Platoon Commander [20]
    Elite3 : Platoon Commander [20]
    FA1 : Scout Sentinel, Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA2 : Scout Sentinel, Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA3 : Scout Sentinel, Multi-laser(5) [35]
    HS1 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad, 3 Mortier(15) [33]
    HS2 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad, 3 Mortier(15) [33]
    HS3 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad, 3 Mortier(15) [33]

    == Battalion Detachement [537] +5CP <Blood Angels>==
    HQ1 : Captain jetpack, Thunder Hammer(21), Storm Shield [124] [DEATH VISIONS OF SANGUINUS] -1cp
    HQ2 : Captain jetpack, Thunder Hammer(21), Storm Shield [124] [DEATH VISIONS OF SANGUINUS] -1cp
    HQ3 : Captain jetpack, Thunder Hammer(21), Storm Shield [124] [DEATH VISIONS OF SANGUINUS] -1cp
    Troup1 : 5 Scout Squad, 4 Battle knife, Scout Sergeant,  Battle Knife [55]
    Troup2 : 5 Scout Squad, 4 Battle knife, Scout Sergeant,  Battle Knife [55]
    Troup3 : 5 Scout Squad, 4 Battle knife, Scout Sergeant,  Battle Knife [55]

    == Battalion Detachement [824] +5CP <Valorous Heart> ==
    HQ1 : Canoness, Bolter Storm(2), Sergent Chainsword [WARLORD INDOMITABLE BELIEF] [47] [BOOK OF ST.LUCIUS]
    HQ2 : Celestine [160]
    Troup1 : 5 Battle Sister Squad, 2 Bolter Storm(4), Sister Superior,  Bolter Storm(2)[51]<Valorous Heart>
    Troup2 : 5 Battle Sister Squad, 2 Bolter Storm(4), Sister Superior,  Bolter Storm(2)[51]<Valorous Heart>
    Troup3 : 5 Battle Sister Squad, 2 Bolter Storm(4), Sister Superior,  Bolter Storm(2)[51]<Valorous Heart>
    Elite1 : Dialogus [30]
    Elite2 : Preacher [25]
    FA1 : 5 Dominion Squad, 4 Bolter Storm(8), Dominion Superior,  Bolter Storm(2) [60]<Valorous Heart>
    FA2 : 5 Dominion Squad, 4 Bolter Storm(8), Dominion Superior,  Bolter Storm(2) [60]<Valorous Heart>
    FA3 : 5 Dominion Squad, 4 Bolter Storm(8), Dominion Superior,  Bolter Storm(2) [60]<Valorous Heart>
    Transport1 : Sororitas Rhino, 2 Bolter Storm(4) [77]<Valorous Heart>
    Transport2 : Sororitas Rhino, 1 Bolter Storm(2) [75]<Valorous Heart>
    Transport3 : Sororitas Rhino, 2 Bolter Storm(4) [77]<Valorous Heart>
    + PLAYER: Olivier "Grizzor" KLEIN
    + TEAM: les cafards
    + ARMY FACTION: Tyranids
    + ARMY FACTION USED: Tyranids
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 13 - 1 (Auxiliary detachment)
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1997 pts
    + TOTAL KP: 13
    + STEPS:  13

    == Batallion Detachment == Tyranids <Kraken> [71 Power Points] [1085 Points] 5 CP
    HQ1 : BroodLord (115), power: The horror  - [8PL, 115pts] WARLORD : One Step ahead
    HQ2 : Swarmlord (250), powers : catalyst, Onslaught - [15PL, 250pts]
    Troop1 : 5 Genestealers (5x10pts), 15 additional Genestealers (15x10pts), 20x Rending Claws (20x2pts), 20x Scything Talons
    (20x0pts), - [16 PL, 240pts]
    Troop2 : 5 Genestealers (5x10pts), 15 additional Genestealers (15x10pts), 20x Rending Claws (20x2pts), 20x Scything Talons
    (20x0pts), - [16 PL, 240pts]
    Troop3 : 5 Genestealers (5x10pts), 15 additional Genestealers (15x10pts), 20x Rending Claws (20x2pts), 20x Scything Talons
    (20x0pts), - [16 PL, 240pts]

    == Batallion Detachment == Tyranids <Kraken> [56 Power Points] [882 Points] 5 CP
    HQ1 : BroodLord (115), power: Onslaught,  RELIC: The maw claws of thyrax (0) - [8PL, 115pts]
    HQ2 : Old One Eye (200) - [10PL,200pts]
    Troop1 : 5 Genestealers (5x10pts), 15 additional Genestealers (15x10pts), 20x Rending Claws (20x2pts), 20x Scything Talons
    (20x0pts), - [16 PL, 240pts]
    Troop2 : 5 Genestealers (5x10pts), 14 additional Genestealers (14x10pts), 19x Rending Claws (19x2pts), 19x Scything Talons
    (19x0pts), - [16 PL, 228pts]
    Troop3 : 3 Ripper Swarms (3x11=33) - [2PL, 33pts]
    Troop4 : 3 Ripper Swarms (3x11=33) - [2PL, 33pts]
    Troop5 : 3 Ripper Swarms (3x11=33) - [2PL, 33pts]

    == Auxiliary Detachment == Tyranids <Kraken> [5 Power Points] [30 Points] -1 CP
    Elite1 : Venomthropes (30) - [5PL, 30pts]

    ARMY TOTAL [1997]
    Coach | Assistant :
    Lucas "Ashyra" Marsoulan
    Christophe "Goro" Sans



    D3 Beta à St Gènes Champanelle:

    Roster du Cartel des Trolls:


    + Team Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 1 : Jérémy "K-lyse" Huant
    + Factions: Thousand sons - Questor Traitoris - Death Guard
    + Total Army points : 1995
    + Total Reinforcement points : 5
    + Total command points : 10

    == OUTRIDER DETACHMENT - Thousand Sons == [243pts] +1CP

    HQ1 : Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (102), Inferno Combi-Bolter (3), Force Stave (8.), Familiar (9), Relic : Dark Matter Crystal [122pts] [WARLORD : High Magister] [Warptime, Death Hex, Smite]
    FA1 : Chaos Spawn [25pts]
    FA2 : 3 Tzaangor Enlightened (45), 3 Divining spear (3) [48pts]
    FA3 : 3 Tzaangor Enlightened (45), 3 Divining spear (3) [48pts]

    == SUPER-HEAVY DETACHMENT - Questor Traitoris == [1282pts] +6CP

    LOW1 : Renegade Knight (285), Thunderstrike Gauntlet (35), Heavy Stubber(2), Reaper Chainsword (30), Character [352pts]
    LOW2 : Renegade Knight (285), Heavy Stubber (2), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannon (150), 2 Heavy Flamer (28) [465pts]
    LOW3 : Renegade Knight (285), Heavy Stubber (2), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannon (150), 2 Heavy Flamer (28) [465pts]

    == SUPER-HEAVY AUXILIARY DETACHMENT - Death Guard == [470pts] +0CP

    LOW4 : Mortarion [470pts] [Blades of Putrefaction, Miasma of Pestilence, Plague Wind, Smite]

    + Team Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 2 : Saul "Le Cid" Baptista
    + Factions : Ynnari – Aeldari Craftworld
    + Total Army Points : 1 999
    + Total Reinforcement points : 1
    + Total Command points : 10

    ==Outrider Detachement - Ynnari Craftworld == [1162pts] +1CP

    HQ1 : Yvraine - [132pts] [Warlord : Tenacious Survivor][Ancestor Grace/Word of The Phenix/Smite]
    FA1 : 9 Shining Spears (216), 9 Twin Shuriken Catapult (18), 8 Laser Lance (64), Exarch Star Lance (10) - [308pts] "Saim Hann"
    FA2 : 9 Shining Spears (216), 9 Twin Shuriken Catapult (18), 8 Laser Lance (64), Exarch Star Lance (10) - [308pts] "Saim Hann"
    FA3 : 3 Windriders (48), 3 Scatter Laser (21) - [69pts] "Alaitoc"
    HS1 : 10 Dark Reapers (120), 9 Reaper Launcher (198), Exarch Tempest Launcher (27) - [345pts] "Alaitoc"

    == Bataillon Detachement - Craftworld "Alaitoc" == [572pts] +5CP

    HQ2 : Farseer Skyrunner(130), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) - [132pts] [Doom/Executionner/Smite]
    HQ3 : Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) - [67pts] [Protect/Jinx/Smite]
    Troup1 : 5 Rangers - [60pts]
    Troup2 : 5 Dire avengers(40), 5 Shuriken Catapult Avenger (15), Exarch (0) - [55pts]
    Troup3 : 5 Dire avengers(40), 5 Shuriken Catapult Avenger (15), Exarch (0) - [55pts]
    FA4 : 3 Windriders (48), 3 Scatter Laser (21) - [69pts]
    Transport1 : Wave Serpent(120), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Twin Scatter Laser (12) - [134pts]

    ==Suprem Command Detachment – Craftworld == [265pts] +1CP

    HQ4 : Eldrad Ulthran - [135pts] "Ulthwe" [Guide/Fortune/Will of Asuryan/Smite]
    HQ5 : Spiritseer - [65pts] "Biel Tan" [Quicken/Restrain/Smite]
    HQ6 : Spiritseer - [65pts] "Alaitoc" [Enpower/Enervate/Smite]

    + Team : Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 3 : Kévin "S_K_X" Sikorsky
    + Factions : Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Ministorum
    + Total Army Points : 1998pts
    + Total Reinforcement points : 2
    + Total Command points : 13

    == Bataillon Detachment : Adepta Sororitas "Bloody Rose" == [1098pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Canoness (45), Storm Bolter (2), Power Sword (4), Relic : Book of St Lucius - [51pts] [WARLORD : Indomitable Belief]
    HQ2 : Celestine - [160pts]
    Troup1 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), 2 Storm Bolter (4), Sister Superior with Storm Bolter (2) and Power Sword (4) - [55pts]
    Troup2 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), 2 Storm Bolter (4), Sister Superior with Storm Bolter (2) and Power Sword (4) - [55pts]
    Troup3 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), 2 Storm Bolter (4), Sister Superior with Chainsword & Storm Bolter (2) - [51pts]
    Elite1 : Dialogus - [30pts]
    Elite2 : Mistress of Repentance - [35pts]
    Elite3 : 9 Repentia Squad - [135pts]
    Elite4 : 9 Repentia Squad - [135pts]
    FA1 : 5 Dominion Squad (50), 4 Storm Bolter (8.), Dominion Superior with Chainsword & Storm Bolter (2) - [60pts]
    Transport1 : Sororitas Rhino (73), 2 Storm Bolter (4) - [77pts]
    Transport2 : Sororitas Rhino (73), 2 Storm Bolter (4) - [77pts]
    Transport3 : Sororitas Rhino (73), 2 Storm Bolter (4) - [77pts]
    Transport4 : Immolator (68.), Immolation Flamer (30), Storm Bolter (2) - [100pts]

    == Bataillon Detachment : Adepta Sororitas "Bloody Rose" == [900pts] +5CP

    HQ4 : Canoness(45), Storm Bolter (2), Power Sword (4) - [51pts]
    HQ5 : Missionary - [35pts]
    Troup4 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), 2 Storm Bolter (4), Sister Superior with Chainsword & Storm Bolter (2) - [51pts]
    Troup5 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), 2 Storm Bolter (4), Sister Superior with Chainsword & Storm Bolter (2) - [51pts]
    Troup6 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), 2 Storm Bolter (4), Sister Superior with Chainsword & Storm Bolter (2) - [51pts]
    Elite5 : 9 Arco-Flagellants - [135pts]
    Elite6 : 9 Arco-Flagellants - [135pts]
    Elite7 : 9 Arco-Flagellants - [135pts]
    Elite8 : Preacher - [25pts]
    Transport5 : Sororitas Rhino (73), 2 Storm Bolter (4) - [77pts]
    Transport6 : Sororitas Rhino (73), 2 Storm Bolter (4) - [77pts]
    Transport7 : Sororitas Rhino (73), 2 Storm Bolter (4) - [77pts]

    + Team : Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 4 : Adrien "Le Gob" Gehant
    + Factions : Drukhari
    + Total Army Points : 2 000
    + Total Reinforcement points : 0
    +Total Command points : 14

    == Spearhead Detachement - Drukharii Kabal of The Black Hearth == [447pts] +1CP

    HQ1 : Archon (70), Venom Blade (2) - [72pts] [Warlord : Labyrinthine Cunning]
    HS1 : Ravager (80), 3 Desintegrators (45) - [125pts]
    HS2 : Ravager (80), 3 Desintegrators (45) - [125pts]
    HS3 : Ravager (80), 3 Desintegrators (45) - [125pts]

    == Bataillon Detachement - Drukharii "Cult of The Red Grief" == [541pts] +5CP

    HQ2 : Succubus (50), Shardnet & Impaler (5) - [55pts] [Painbringer]
    HQ3 : Succubus (50), Shardnet & Impaler (5) - [55pts] [Combat Drug]
    Troop1 : 9 Wychs (72), Shardnet & Impaler (5) - [77pts] [Grave Lotus]
    Troop2 : 8 Wychs (64), Shardnet & Impaler (5) - [69pts] [Hypex]
    Troop3 : 5 Wychs (40), Shardnet & Impaler (5) - [45pts] [Adrenalight]
    Transport1 : Raider (65), Desintegrator (15) - [80pts]
    Transport2 : Raider (65), Desintegrator (15) - [80pts]
    Transport3 : Raider (65), Desintegrator (15) - [80pts]

    == Bataillon Detachement - Drukharii "The Prophets of Flesh" == [1012pts] +5CP

    HQ4 : Urien Rakharth - [90pts]
    HQ5 : Haemonculus (70), Hexrifle (5), Electrocorosive Whips (6), Relic : The Vexator Mask - [81pts]
    Troop4 : 9 Wracks (81), Hexrifle (5) - [86pts]
    Troop5 : 5 Wracks - [45pts]
    Troop6 : 5 Wracks - [45pts]
    Elite1 : 5 Grotesques (160), 5 Flesh Gauntlets (15) - [175pts]
    Elite2 : 9 Grotesques (288), 9 Flesh Gauntlets (27) - [315pts]
    Elite3 : 5 Grotesques (160), 5 Flesh Gauntlets (15) - [175pts]

    + Team : Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 5 : Arnaud Tyd
    + Factions : T'au Empire
    + Total Army Points : 1999
    + Total Reinforcement points : 1
    + Total Command points : 10

    == BATAILLON DETACHMENT - Tau Empire "T'au" == [923pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Comander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 3 Missile Pod (45), Advanced Targeting System (6), Relic: Puretide Engram Neurochip - [141pts] [WARLORD : Through Unity Devastation]
    HQ2 : Longstrike (137), Ion Cannon (35), 2 Seeker Missiles (10), 2 Smart Missile System (30) - [212pts]
    Troops1: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
    Troops2: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
    Troops3: 10x Kroot Carnivores - [50pts]
    FA1: Tactical Drones, 5 MV4 Shield Drones (5x10), 1 Marker Drone (10) - [60pts]
    FA2: Tactical Drones, 5 MV4 Shield Drones (5x10), 1 Marker Drone (10) - [60pts]
    HS1 : TX7 Hammerhead Gunship (100), Ion Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30) - [165pts]
    HS2 : TX7 Hammerhead Gunship (100), Ion Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30) - [165pts]

    == VANGUARD DETACHMENT - Tau Empire "T'au" == [950pts] +1CP

    HQ3 : Shadowsun - [110pts]
    Elite1 : XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Advanced Targeting System (18), Target Lock (12) - [280pts]
    Elite2 : XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Advanced Targeting System (18), Target Lock (12) - [280pts]
    Elite3 : XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Advanced Targeting System (18), Target Lock (12) - [280pts]

    == VANGUARD DETACHMENT - Tau Empire "Sacea" == [120pts] +1CP

    HQ4: Etheral [45pts]
    Elite4 : Firesight Marksman (21), Pulse Pistol (1), Markerlight (3) [25pts]
    Elite5 : Firesight Marksman (21), Pulse Pistol (1), Markerlight (3) [25pts]
    Elite6 : Firesight Marksman (21), Pulse Pistol (1), Markerlight (3) [25pts]

    + Team : Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 6 : Arnaud "Nahel" Chabrier
    + Factions : Dark Angels
    + Total Army Points : 1998pts
    + Total Reinforcement points : 2
    + Total Command points : 9

    == Battallion Detachement - Dark Angels == [768pts] +5CP

    HQ1: Sammael in Sableclaw - [216pts]
    HQ2: Ravenwing Talonmaster (123), Power Sword (4), Twin Heavy Bolters (17), Twin Assault Cannons (44), Relic : Heavenfall Blade - [188pts]
    HQ3: Ravenwing Talonmaster (123), Power Sword (4), Twin Heavy Bolters (17), Twin Assault Cannons (44) - [188pts] [Warlord: Brillant Strategist]
    Troop1: 6 Scouts (66), Boltgun, Sergeant with Chainsword and Boltgun - [66pts]
    Troop2: 5 Scouts (55), Boltgun, Sergeant with Chainsword and Boltgun - [55pts]
    Troop3: 5 Scouts (55), Boltgun, Sergeant with Chainsword and Boltgun - [55pts]

    == Air Wing Detachment -Dark Angels == [1230pts] +1CP

    Flyer1: Stormraven (192), 2 Hurricane Bolter (20), Twin heavy Bolter (17), Twin Assault Cannon (44), 2 Stormstrikes Missile Launchers (42) - [315pts]
    Flyer2: Stormraven (192), 2 Hurricane Bolter (20), Twin heavy Bolter (17), Twin Assault Cannon (44), 2 Stormstrikes Missile Launchers (42) - [315pts]
    Flyer3: Dark Talon (180), 2 Hurricane Bolter (20), Rift Canon (0) - [200pts]
    Flyer4: Dark Talon (180), 2 Hurricane Bolter (20), Rift Canon (0) - [200pts]
    Flyer5: Dark Talon (180), 2 Hurricane Bolter (20), Rift Canon (0) - [200pts]

    + Team : Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 7 : Brice "Lecad" Dumoulin
    + Factions : Orks
    + Total Army Points :
    + Total Reinforcement points :
    + Total Command points :
    + PLAYER: “DUMOULIN Brice”
    + PSEUDO: “Le Cad”
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: “ 2000pts”

    == Battalion Detachment - Orks "Evil Sunz" == [835pts] +5CP

    HQ1: Warboss (65), Big Choppa (5), Kustom Shoota (2), Attak Squig (0) - [72pts] [WARLORD : Speed Freak]
    HQ2: WeirdBoy - [62pts][Da Jump]
    ELITE1: PainBoy (52) Power Klaw (13) - [65pts]
    ELITE2: Nob with Waaagh Banner (75) Kustom Shoota (2) [77pts]
    TR1: 30 Boyz (210), 3 Tankbusta bomb (0), Nob with Dual Killsaw (23) - [233pts]
    TR2: 30 Boyz (210), 3 Tankbusta bomb (0), Nob with Dual Killsaw (23) - [233pts]
    TR3: 10 Boyz (70), Tankbusta bomb (0), Nob with Dual Killsaw (23) - [93pts]

    == Battalion Detachment - Orks "Evil Sunz" == [739pts] +5CP

    HQ3: WeirdBoy - [62pts][Da Jump]
    HQ4: WeirdBoy - [62pts][War Path]
    TR4: 28 Boyz (196), 2 Tankbusta bomb (0) Nob with Dual Killsaw (23) - [219pts]
    TR5: 25 Boyz (175), 2 Tankbusta bomb (0), Nob with Dual Killsaw (23) - [198pts]
    TR6: 25 Boyz (175), 2 Tankbusta bomb (0), Nob with Dual Killsaw (23) - [198pts]

    == Battalion Detachment - Orks == [426pts] +5CP

    HQ5: Big Mek in Mega Armor (77), Grot Oiler (4), Kustom Force Field (20), Power Klaw (13), Kutom Shoota (2), Relic : Morgog Finkin' Kap - [116pts] "Blood Axe"
    HQ6: Boss Snikrot - [70pts] "Blood Axe"
    TR7: 10 Grots - [30pts] "Evil Sunz"
    TR8: 10 Grots - [30pts] "Evil Sunz"
    TR9: 25 Boyz (175) 24 Shoota (0), 2 Tankbusta bomb (0), Nob with Slugga & Big Choppa (5) - [180pts] "Bad Moon"

    + Team : Cartel de Trolls
    + Player : Nicolas “Sven” Nambotin
    + Factions : Astra Militarum
    + Total Army Points : 2 000
    + Total Reinforcement points : 0
    + Total Command points : 18 (19 -1 pour 2 reliques)

    == Battalion Detachment - Astra Millitarum "Militarum Tempestus" == [307pts] +5CP

    HQ1: Tempestor Prime(40), Tempestus Command Rod (5), Chainsword, Relic : Laurels of Command [45pts]
    HQ2: Psyker Primaris (38), Force Stave (8.) [46pts] (Smite, Nightshroud, Psychic Barrier)
    TROOP1: Militarum Scions (45), 2 Plasma Gun (22), Plasma Pistol (5) [72pts]
    TROOP2: Militarum Scions (45), 2 Plasma Gun (22), Plasma Pistol (5) [72pts]
    TROOP3: Militarum Scions (45), 2 Plasma Gun (22), Plasma Pistol (5) [72pts]

    == Brigade Detachment - Astra Militarum "Cadia" == [1504pts] +12CP

    HQ3 : Knight Commander Pask (177), Lascannon (20), 2 Plasma Cannon (20), Executionner Cannon (15), Stormbolter (2), Hunter Killer Missile (6) - [245pts]
    HQ4 : Tank Commander (142), Heavy Bolter (8.), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), Stormbolter (2) - [172pts]
    HQ5 : Tank Commander (142), Lascannon (20), 2 Plasma Cannon (20), Executionner Cannon (15), Stormbolter (2), Hunter Killer Missile (6) - [205pts]
    HQ6 : Company Commander (30), Chainsword (0) - [30pts] - [WARLORD : Old Grudge]
    HQ7 : Company Commander (30), Chainsword (0), Relic : Relic of Lost Cadia - [30pts]
    ELITE1 : Astropath (26), Laspistol (0) - [26pts] (Smite, Psychic Maelstrom)
    ELITE2 : Astropath (26), Laspistol (0) - [26pts] (Smite, Psychic Barrier)
    ELITE3 : Ogryn Bodyguard (45), Slabshield, Ogryn Maul (7) - [52pts]
    Troop4 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop5 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop6 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop7 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop8 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop9 : 20 Conscipts - [80pts]
    AR1 : Scout Sentinel (30), Multilaser (5) - [35pts]
    AR2 : Scout Sentinel (30), Multilaser (5) - [35pts]
    AR3 : Armored Sentinel (30), Plasma Cannon (10) - [40pts]
    HS1 : Wyvern (95), Heavy Bolter (8.), Heavy Stubber (2) - [105pts]
    HS2: Heavy Weapon Team (18), 3 Mortars (15) - [33pts]
    HS3: Heavy Weapon Team (18), 3 Mortars (15) - [33pts]
    HS4: Manticore (125), Heavy Bolter (8.) , Heavy Stubber (2) - [135pts]

    == Auxiliary Detachment - Astra Militarum "Vostroya" == [172pts] -1CP

    HQ8 : Tank Commander (142), Lascannon (20), 2 Plasma Cannon (20), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), Stormbolter (2), Hunter Killer Missile (6) - [210pts]

    + Team : Cartel de Trolls
    + Coach : Kévin "Darkkiwi" Lafon



    Roster des Fils du Warp:


    +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Team : Fils du Warp
    +Coach & Captain : Thierry “Monsieur TKT” Kuhn

    +Team : Fils du Warp
    +Player 1 : Léo “Don Koda, le Parrain” Di Franco
    +Faction Played : Renegade Knight / Thousand Sons
    +Command Points : 9
    +Total Army : 1995
    +Reinforcement Point : 5

    == Super-Heavy Detachment – Renegade Knight “Questor Traitoris” == (1550) +6CP

    Lord of War 1 : Renegade Knight (285), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannon (150), 2 Heavy Flamer (28), Heavy Stubber (2), Ironstorm Missile Pod (16) [481]
    Lord of War 2 : Renegade Knight (285), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannon (150), 2 Heavy Flamer (28), Heavy Stubber (2) [465]
    Lord of War 3 : Renegade Knight Dominus (500), Plasma Decimator (0), Volcano Lance (10), 2x Twin Meltagun (0), 2x Shieldbreaker Missile (24), 2x Twin Siegebreaker Cannon (70) [604]

    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary - Thousand Sons == (445) +0CP

    Lord of War 4 : [Warlord] Magnus the Red [445] [Warlord Trait : Lord of the Forbidden Lore] [Change] Weaver of Fates, [Change] Glamour of Tzeentch, [Dark Hereticus] Death Hex, [Dark Hereticus] Warptime, Smite

    +Team : Fils du Warp
    +Player 2 : Franck “Zig” Fetis
    +Faction Played : Drukhari / Harlequins
    +Command Points : 10 - 2
    +Total Army : 2000
    +Reinforcement Point : 0

    ==  Outriders Detachment – Harlequin “Soaring Spite” == (906) +1CP

    HQ1 : [Warlord] Troupe Master (1x70), Harlequin’s Kiss (7), Relic : The Starmist Raiment [77] [Warlord Trait : A Foot in the Future]
    Troup1 : 11 Troupe (65+6x13), 5 Harlequin’s Kiss (35), 1 Harlequin Caress (7), Harlequin’s Embrace (6) [191]
    E1 : Solitaire (84), Harlequin’s Kiss (7), Harlequin’s Caress (7), Relic (-1CP) : Cegorach’s Rose [98]
    FA1 : 4 Shyweaver (60+2x30), 4 Haywire Cannon (60) [180]
    FA2 : 4 Shyweaver (60+2x30), 4 Haywire Cannon (60) [180]
    FA3 : 4 Shyweaver (60+2x30), 4 Haywire Cannon (60) [180]

    == Battalion detachment - Drukhari “Kabal of the Black Heart” == (689) +5CP

    HQ2 : Archon (70), Huskblade (6) [76]
    HQ3 : Archon (70), Huskblade (6), Relic (-1CP) : Writ of the Living Muse [76]
    Troup2 : 9 Kabalite Warriors (30+6x4), Sybarite (0) [54]
    Troup3 : 9 Kabalite Warriors (30+6x4), Sybarite (0) [54]
    Troup4 : 9 Kabalite Warriors (30+6x4), Sybarite (0) [54]
    HS1 : Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (45) [125]
    HS2 : Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (45) [125]
    HS3 : Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (45) [125]

    == Air Wing Detachment – Drukhari “Kabal of the Black Heart” == (405) +1CP

    Flyer1 : Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 Disintegrator Cannon (30) [135]
    Flyer2 : Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 Disintegrator Cannon (30) [135]
    Flyer3 : Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 Disintegrator Cannon (30) [135]

    +Team : Fils du Warp
    +Player 3 : Igor “I-Gor” Bourj
    +Faction Played : Chaos Daemon / Death Guard
    +Command Points : 9
    +Total Army : 1994
    +Reinforcement Point : 4

    ==  Battalion Detachment – Chaos Daemon “Nurgle”==  (1155) +5CP

    HQ1 : Poxbringer [70] [Nurgle] Miasma of Pestilence, Smite
    HQ2 : Sloppity Bilepiper [60]
    HQ3 : Spoilpox Scrivener [95]
    Troup1 : 30 Plaguebearers (70+20x7), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) [235]
    Troup2 : 30 Plaguebearers (70+20x7), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) [235]
    Troup3 : 30 Plaguebearers (70+20x7), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) [235]
    Troup4 : 30 Plaguebearers (70+20x7), Daemonic Icon (15) [225]

    == Spearhead Detachment – Death Guard == (754) +1CP

    HQ4 : [Warlord] Daemon Prince of Nurgle with Wings (170), Set of Malefic Talon (10), Relic : The Suppurating Plate [180] [Warlord Trait : Arch-Contaminator] [Contagion] Plague Wind, Smite
    E1 : Foul Blightspawn [77]
    E2 : Foul Blightspawn [77]
    HS1 : Plague Burst Crawler (100), 2 Plaguespitter (34), Heavy Slugger (6) [140]
    HS2 : Plague Burst Crawler (100), 2 Plaguespitter (34), Heavy Slugger (6) [140]
    HS3 : Plague Burst Crawler (100), 2 Plaguespitter (34), Heavy Slugger (6) [140]

    == Fortification Network – Chaos Daemon “Nurgle” == (85) +0CP

    Fortification 1 : Feculent Gnarlmaws [85]

    +Team : Fils du Warp
    +Player 4 : Maxime “Kedorev” Lerbert
    +Faction Played : T’au Empire
    +Command Points : 14
    +Total Army : 1999
    +Reinforcement Point : 1

    == Battalion Detachment – T’au Empire “T’au” == (1420) +5CP

    HQ1 : [Warlord] Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3), Relic : Puretide Engram Neurochip [42] [Warlord Trait : Through Unity, Devastation]
    HQ2 : Commander Shadowsun [110]
    Troup1 : 12 Strike Team (35 + 7x7), MV36 Guardian Drone (8 ) [92]
    Troup2 : 12 Strike Team (35 + 7x7), [84]
    Troup3 : 12 Strike Team (35 + 7x7), [84]
    Elite1 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Advanced Targeting System (18 ), Velocity Tracker (10), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Heavy Burst Cannon (35) [278]
    FA1 : 5 Pathfinder Team (25), Markerlight (3), 3 Ion Rifle (21), MV31 Grav-inhibitor Drone (8 ), Pathfinder Shas'ui with Markerlight (3) [60]
    FA2 : 5 Pathfinder Team (25), Markerlight (3), 3 Ion Rifle (21), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8 ), MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone (8 ), Pathfinder Shas'ui with Markerlight (3) [68]
    FA3 : 5 Pathfinder Team (25), Markerlight (3), 3 Ion Rifle (21), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8 ), MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone (8 ), Pathfinder Shas'ui with Markerlight (3) [68]
    HS1 : 3x XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (35 + 2*35), 3 Advanced Targeting System (18), 6 Smart Missile System (90), 6 High-Yield Missile Pod (150), 5x MV4 Shield Drone (50) [413]
    HS2 : XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (35), Advanced Targeting System (6), 2 Smart Missile System (30), 2 High-Yield Missile Pod (50) [121]

    == Vanguard Detachment – T’au Empire “Sa’cea” == (120) +1CP

    HQ5 : Ethereal [45]
    Elite2 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) [25]
    Elite3 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) [25]
    Elite4 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) [25]

    == Battalion Detachment – T’au Empire “T’au” == (459) +5CP

    HQ3 : Darkstrider [45]
    HQ4 : Commander en XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 4 Fusion Blaster (72) [162]
    Troup4 : 12 Strike Team (35 + 7x7), [84]
    Troup5 : 12 Strike Team (35 + 7x7), [84]
    Troup6 : 12 Strike Team (35 + 7x7), [84]

    +Team : Fils du Warp
    +Player 5 : Romain "FaQ" Torset
    +Faction: Astra Militarum / Adeptus Custodes
    +Command Point : 17
    +Total Army : 1998
    +Reinforcement Point : 2

    == Brigade Detachment - Astra Militarum “Cadia” == (645) +12CP

    HQ 1: Company Commander (30) bolter (1) [31]
    HQ 2: Company Commander (30) bolter (1) [31]
    HQ 3: Company Commander (30) bolter (1) [31]
    Troops 1: Infantry Squad(40) Heavy Weapon Squad (0)  Mortar (5) Sergent with Chainsword (0) [45]
    Troops 2: Infantry Squad(40) Heavy Weapon Squad (0)  Mortar (5) Sergent with Chainsword (0) [45]
    Troops 3: Infantry Squad(40) Heavy Weapon Squad (0)  Mortar (5) Sergent with Chainsword (0) [45]
    Troops 4: Infantry Squad(40) Heavy Weapon Squad (0)  Mortar (5) Sergent with Chainsword (0) [45]
    Troops 5: Infantry Squad(40) Heavy Weapon Squad (0)  Mortar (5) Sergent with Chainsword (0) [45]
    Troops 6: Infantry Squad(40) Heavy Weapon Squad (0)  Mortar (5) Sergent with Chainsword (0) [45]
    Elite 1: Astropath (26) Laspistol (0) [26] [Psykana Discipline] Psychic Barrier, Smite
    Elite 2: Astropath (26) Laspistol (0) [26] [Psykana Discipline] Nightshroud, Smite
    Elite 3: Astropath (26) Laspistol (0) [26] [Psykana Discipline] Psychic Maelstrom, Smite
    FA 1 : Scout Sentinels (30), Multi-laser (5) [35]
    FA 2 : Scout Sentinels (30), Multi-laser (5) [35]
    FA 3 : Scout Sentinels (30), Multi-laser (5) [35]
    HS 1 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar (15) [33]
    HS 2 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar (15) [33]
    HS 3 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar (15) [33]

    == Supreme Command Detachment - Astra Militarum “Cadia” == (861) +1CP

    HQ 4 : Knight Commander Pask (177) 2 Plasma Cannon (20) Executioner Plasma Cannon (15) Lascannon (20) Storm Bolter (2) [234]
    HQ 5 : Tank Commander(142) 2 Plasma Canon (20) Executioner Plasma Cannon (15) Lascannon (20) Storm Bolter (2) [199]
    HQ 6 : Tank Commander(142) 2 Plasma Canon (20) Executioner Plasma Cannon (15) Lascannon (20) Storm Bolter (2) [199]
    HQ 7 : Tank Commander(142) 2 Plasma Canon (20) Executioner Plasma Cannon (15) Lascannon (20) Storm Bolter (2) [199]
    Elite 4 : Tech-priest Enginseer [30]

    == Supreme Command Detachment - Adeptus Custodes == (492) +1CP

    HQ 8 : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) Hurricane Bolter (10) Misericordia (4) [164]
    HQ 9 : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) Hurricane Bolter (10) Misericordia (4) [164]
    HQ 10 : [Warlord] Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) Hurricane Bolter (10) Misericordia (4) Relic : Auric Aquilis [164] [Warlord Trait : Superior Creation]

    +Team : Fils du Warp
    +Player 6 : Mike “Makouille” Selambin
    +Faction: Ynnari / Craftworld
    +Command Point : 9
    +Total Army : 1998
    +Reinforcement Point : 2

    == Battalion Detachment – Ynnari  == (1319) +5CP

    HQ1 : [Warlord] Yvraine [132] [Warlord Trait : Tenacious Survivor] [Revenant] Ancestors’ Grace, Word of the Phoenix, Smite
    HQ2 : Warlock [55], [Runes of Battle] Quicken / Restrain [Biel-tan], Smite
    Troup1 : 5 Rangers [60] [Alaïtoc]
    Troup2 : 5 Rangers [60] [Alaïtoc]
    Troup3 : 5 Rangers [60] [Alaïtoc]
    FA1 : 9 Shining Spears (216), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapult (16), 8 Laser Lance (64), Shining Spear Exarch (0) with Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Laser Lance (8 ) [306] [Saim-Hann]
    FA2 : 9 Shining Spears (216), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapult (16), 8 Laser Lance (64), Shining Spear Exarch (0) with Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Laser Lance (8 ) [306] [Saim-Hann]
    HS1 : 10 Dark Reapers (120), 9 Reaper Launcher (198), Dark Reaper Exarch (0) with Reaper Launcher (22) [340] [Saim-Hann]

    == Patrol Detachment – Craftworld “Saim-Hann”  == (367) +0CP

    HQ3 : Autarch (65), Star Glaive (6), Forceshield (6) [77]
    Troup4 : 5 Rangers [60]
    FA3 : 10 Windriders (160), 10 Scatter Laser (70) [230]

    == Supreme command Detachment – Craftworld “Ulthwe”  == (312) +1CP

    HQ4 : Eldrad Ulthran [135] [Runes of Fates] Fortune, Executioner, Guide, Smite
    HQ5 : Warlock [55] [Runes of Battle] Empower / Enervate, Smite
    HQ6 : Warlock [55] [Runes of Battle] Enhance / Drain, Smite
    HQ7 : Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin shuriken catapult (2) [67] [Runes of Battle] Protect/ Jinx, Smite

    +Team : Fils du Warp
    +Player 7 : Florent “Flob” Baril
    +Faction: Orks
    +Command Point : 18
    +Total Army : 2000
    +Reinforcement Point : 0

    == Battalion Detachment – Orks == (446) +5CP

    HQ1 : Big Mek in Mega Armour (77), Kustom Shoota (2), Power Klaw (13), Kustom Force Field (20), Relic : Morgog's Finkin'Kap [112] [Warlord Trait : I've got a plan, ladz] [Blood Axe]
    HQ2 : Warboss (65), Kustom Shoota (2), Big Choppa (5), Attack Squig (0) [72] [Evil Sunz]
    Troup1 : 28 Boyz (70 + 18x7), 2 Tankbusta bomb (0), 28 Fling' [196] [Bad moons]
    Troup2 : 10 Gretchin [30] [Evil Sunz]
    Troup3 : 12 Gretchin (30 + 2x3) [36] [Evil Sunz]

    == Battalion Detachment – Orks “Evil Sunz” == (909) +5CP

    HQ3 : [Warlord] Warboss (65), Kustom Shoota (2), Big Choppa (5), Attack Squig (0) [72] [Warlord Trait : Speed Freek]
    HQ4 : Weirdboy [62] [Waaaagh!] Da jump, Smite
    Troup4 : 28 Boyz (70 + 18x7), 2 Tankbusta Bomb (0), Boss Nob with Killsaw (15) [211]
    Troup4 : 28 Boyz (70 + 18x7), 2 Tankbusta Bomb (0), Boss Nob with Killsaw (15) [211]
    Troup4 : 28 Boyz (70 + 18x7), 2 Tankbusta Bomb (0), Boss Nob with Killsaw (15) [211]
    Elite1 : Nob with Waaagh! Banner (75), Kustom Shoota (2) [77]
    Elite2 : Painboy (52), Power Klaw (13) [65]

    == Battalion Detachment – Orks “Evil Sunz” == (645) +5CP

    HQ5 : Weirdboy [62] [Waaaagh!] Da jump, Smite
    HQ6 : Weirdboy [62] [Waaaagh!] Warpath, Smite
    Troup7 : 29 Boyz (70 + 19x7), 2 Tankbusta Bomb (0), Boss Nob with Killsaw (15) [218]
    Troup8 : 29 Boyz (70 + 19x7), 2 Tankbusta Bomb (0), Boss Nob with Killsaw (15) [218]
    Troup9 : 10 Boyz (70), 1 Tankbusta bomb (0) , Boss Nob with Killsaw (15) [85]

    +Team : Fils du Warp
    +Player 8 : François “Darth_Franus” Zeddam
    +Faction: Imperial Knight / Adeptus Mechanicus
    +Command Point : 16-2
    +Total Army : 1999
    +Reinforcement Point : 1

    ==Super-Heavy Detachment – Questor Mechanicus “Taranis” == (1370) +3CP

    Lord of War1 : [Warlord : Knight Lance Character] Knight Castellan (510), 2 Twin Siegebreaker cannons (70), 2 Shieldbreaker Missiles (24), Relic : Cawl's Wrath [604] [Warlord Trait : Ion Bulwark]
    Lord of War2 : Knight Castellan (510), 2 Twin Siegebreaker cannons (70), 2 Shieldbreaker Missiles (24), Relic (-1CP) : Mark of the Omnimessiah [604] [Exalted Court Character (-1CP) : Blessed by the Sacristans]
    Lord of War3 : Armiger Warglaive (160), Heavy Stubber (2) [162]

    == Battalion Detachment – Adeptus Mechanicus “Graia” == (214) +5CP

    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30]
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30]
    Troup1 : 7 Skitarii Rangers (35 + 2x7) [49]
    Troup2 : 7 Skitarii Rangers (35 + 2x7) [49]
    Troup3 : 8 Skitarii Rangers (35 + 3x7) [56]

    == Battalion Detachment – Adeptus Mechanicus “Mars" == (415) +5CP

    HQ1 : Belisarius Cawl [190]
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30]
    Troup1 : 5 Skitarii Rangers (35), 2 Transuranic Arquebus (30) [65]
    Troup1 : 5 Skitarii Rangers (35), 2 Transuranic Arquebus (30) [65]
    Troup1 : 5 Skitarii Rangers (35), 2 Transuranic Arquebus (30) [65]


    Roster des Manants des Sources:


    PLAYER : Malaupied (enzo costa)
    TEAM : Les Manants des Sources
    FACTION : Harlequin, Ynnari, Craftworld
    RENFORT : 3
    ARMY TOTAL : 1997

    DETACHMENT : Éclaireurs +1 point de commandement
    HQ1 : [Seigneur de Guerre] Shadowseer(1*125), La Tenue de Brume Stellaire, Danse de la Toile,
    Sentiers Crépusculaires, [Codex] Acteur Crépusculaire [125] astres glacés
    FA1 : 6 Skyweaver(60 + 4*30), 6 Canon disrupteur(90), 5 Vouge zephyr(30) [300] astres glacés
    FA2 : 5 Skyweaver(60 + 3*30), 5 Canon disrupteur(75), 4 Vouge zephyr(24) [249] astres glacés
    FA3 : 5 Skyweaver(60 + 3*30), 5 Canon disrupteur(75), 4 Vouge zephyr(24) [249] astres glacés
    Total detachment : 923

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon +5 point de commandement
    HQ1 : Farseer (1*110), Fatalité, Guide [110] alaitoc
    HQ2 : Warlock(1*55), Dissimulation / Révélation [55] alaitoc
    Troup1 : 5 Rangers(60) [60] alaitoc
    Troup2 : 5 Rangers(60) [60] alaitoc
    Troup3 : 5 Rangers(60) [60] alaitoc
    Transport1 : Wave Serpent(1*120), Canons shuriken jumelés(17), Canon shuriken(10), Matrice
    cristalline de visée(5) [152] alaitoc
    Total detachment : 497

    DETACHMENT : Fer de lance +1 point de commandement
    HQ1 : Spiritseer(1*65),-1 PC relique (Psyker)[Biel-Tan] Pierre-Esprit d'Anath'lan, Protection /
    Spoliation [65] biel-tan
    HQ2 : Yvraine(1*132), Grâce des Ancêtres, Parole du Phénix [132]
    HS1 : 9 Dark Reapers (36 + 6*12), 8 Lanceur Reaper (176), Dark Reaper Exarch (0), Lanceur
    Reaper (22) [306] ynnari alaitoc
    HS2 : Support Weapons(1*25), Tisseur de ténèbres(12) [37] ynnari alaitoc
    HS3 : Support Weapons(1*25), Tisseur de ténèbres(12) [37] ynnari alaitoc
    Total detachment : 577


    PLAYER : Ayji
    Team : Les Manants des sources
    Faction : Astra Militarum, Imperial Knight
    Total points de commandements : 12-1=11
    Army Total : 1998

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon+5 points de commandements
    HQ1 : [Seigneur de Guerre] Company Commander(1*30), [Codex] Grand Stratège [30] Relique : Aquila de kurov Catachan
    HQ2 : Tank Commander(1*142), 2 Bolter lourd(16), Obusier (22), Canon laser(20) [200] Catachan
    Troup1 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40] Catachan
    Troup2 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40] Catachan
    Troup3 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40] Catachan
    FA1 : Hellhounds(1*0), Hellhound(73), Canon Inferno(20), Lance-flammes lourd(14) [107] Catachan
    FA2 : Hellhounds(1*0), Hellhound(73), Canon Inferno(20), Lance-flammes lourd(14) [107] Catachan
    FA3 : Hellhounds(1*0), Hellhound(73), Canon Inferno(20), Lance-flammes lourd(14) [107] Catachan
    Total detachment : 671

    DETACHMENT : Avant-garde+1 points de commandements
    HQ1 : Knight Commander Pask(1*177), 3 Bolter lourd(24), Canon gatling Punisher (20) [221]
    HS1 : Manticore (125), Bolter lourd(8) [133]cadian
    HS2 : Wyverns(95), Bolter lourd(8), Missile traqueur (6) [109]cadian
    HS3 : Wyverns(95), Bolter lourd(8), Missile traqueur (6) [109]cadian
    Total detachment : 572

    DETACHMENT : Super-lourd+3 points de commandements
    Lord of War1 : Armiger Helverin(170), Mitrailleuse(2) [172]QI :Mortan
    Lord of War2 : Armiger Helverin(170), Mitrailleuse(2) [172]QI :Mortan
    Lord of War3 : Knight Warden(1*285), Canon gatling avenger(75), Lance-flammes lourd(14), Mitrailleuse(2), Gantelets thunderstrike(35),-1 PC Relique : Armure Ionique Sanctifiée [411]QI : Mortan
    Total detachment : 755


    PLAYER : Aerihus (Alexandre Balsan)
    TEAM : Les Manants des Sources
    FACTION : T’au Empire
    RENFORT : 2
    ARMY TOTAL: [1998]

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon t'au + 5 pts de commandement
    HQ1 : Cadre Fireblade(1*39), Désignateur laser(3), Puce Engramatique de Puretide [42] T’au
    HQ2 : [Seigneur de Guerre] Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit(1*72), Système de ciblage avancé(6),
    3 Nacelle de missiles(45), [Codex] Précision du Chasseur [123] T’au
    Troup1 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] T’au
    Troup2 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] T’au
    Troup3 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] T’au
    Elite1 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(1*185), Système de ciblage avancé (Ghost, Riptide et Storm)(18),
    Verrouillage de Cible (Ghostkeel, Rpitide et Stormsurge)(12), 2 Système de missiles autodirecteurs
    (30), Canon à induction lourd(35) [280] T’au
    Elite2 : 4 XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (81 + 1*27), 9 Nacelle de missiles(135), Crisis Shas'vre(0), 3 Nacelle de
    missiles(45), 6x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [348] T’au
    FA1 : Tactical Drones(0*0), 6x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [60] T’au
    FA2 : Tactical Drones(0*0), 6x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [60] T’au
    FA3 : Tactical Drones(0*0), 6x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [60] T’au
    Total detachment : 1078

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon Sa'cea + 5 pts de commandement
    HQ1 : Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit(1*72), Système de ciblage avancé(6), 3 Nacelle de
    missiles(45) [123] Sa’Cea
    HQ2 : Ethereal (1*45) [45] Sa’Cea
    Troup1 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] Sa’Cea
    Troup2 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] Sa’Cea
    Troup3 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] Sa’Cea
    Elite1 : Firesight Marksman(1*21), Désignateur laser(3), Pistolet à impulsions(1) [25] Sa’Cea
    Elite2 : Firesight Marksman(1*21), Désignateur laser(3), Pistolet à impulsions(1) [25] Sa’Cea
    Elite3 : Firesight Marksman(1*21), Désignateur laser(3), Pistolet à impulsions(1) [25] Sa’Cea
    Total detachment : 348

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon t'au 2 + 5 pts de commandement
    HQ1 : Commander Shadowsun(1*110) [110] T’au
    HQ2 : Darkstrider(1*45) [45] T’au
    Troup1 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] T’au
    Troup2 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] T’au
    Troup3 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] T’au
    Elite1 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(1*185), Système de ciblage avancé (Ghost, Riptide et Storm)(18),
    Verrouillage de Cible (Ghostkeel, Rpitide et Stormsurge)(12), 2 Système de missiles autodirecteurs
    (30), Canon à induction lourd(35) [280] T’au
    FA1 : 4 Kroot Hounds(16) [16]
    FA2 : 4 Kroot Hounds(16) [16]
    Total detachment : 572


    PLAYER : Onitsha (Rémy VERGER)
    TEAM : Les Manants des Sources FACTION : Chaos Marines, Thousand Sons
    ARMY TOTAL: 2000

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon Black-Legion (+5 POINT DE COMMANDEMENT)
    HQ1 : Abaddon the Despoiler(1*240) [240]
    HQ2 : Sorcier(1*90), Epée de Force(8), [DH] Prescience, [Slaanesh] Délicieux Supplice [98]
    Troup1 : 40 Cultistes du Chaos(50 + 30*5), 4 Mitrailleuse(8), Champion Cultiste (0) [208]
    Troup2 : 40 Cultistes du Chaos(50 + 30*5), 4 Mitrailleuse(8), Champion Cultiste (0) [208]
    Troup3 : 40 Cultistes du Chaos(50 + 30*5), 4 Mitrailleuse(8), Champion Cultiste (0) [208]
    Total detachment : 962

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon Thousand Sons (+5 POINT DE COMMANDEMENT)
    HQ1 : Ahriman sur Disc of Tzeentch(1*166), [Changement] Eclair de Mort, [Changement] Prestige de Tzeentch, [DH] Distorsion Warp [166]
    HQ2 : Daemon Prince of Tzeentch ailé(1*170), Paire de Serres maléfiques (10), Cristal de Matière Noire, [Changement] Manipulation Temporelle, [Changement] Tempête de Feu de Tzeentch [180]
    HQ3 : Daemon Prince of Tzeentch ailé(1*170), Paire de Serres maléfiques (10), [Changement] Eclair de Mort, [DH] Force Diabolique, [Tzeentch] Regard du Destin [180]
    Troup1 : 10 Cultistes du Chaos(50), Mitrailleuse(2), Champion Cultiste (0) [52]
    Troup2 : 20 Tzaangors(70 + 10*7), Braillecorne(10), Twistbray(0) [150]
    Troup3 : 30 Tzaangors(70 + 20*7), Braillecorne(10), Twistbray(0) [220]
    Elite1 : Tzaangor Shaman(1*82), Sceptre de Force(8), [Changement] Tisseur de Destins [90]
    Total detachment : 1038


    PLAYER : Lazarus ( Berner Jérôme )
    TEAM: Les Manants des sources
    FACTION: AdeptusCustodes, Adeptus Sororitas
    RENFORT: 1
    ARMY TOTAL: 1999

    DETACHMENT : Eclaireur Adeptus Custodes +1 PC
    HQ1 : Shield-Captain sur Motojet Dawneagle(1*150), Bolter hurricane(10) [160]
    HQ2 : [ Seigneur de guerre ] Shield-Captain sur Motojet Dawneagle(1*150), Bolter hurricane(10),
    elique : Aquilas d'Or, [Codex] Champion de l'Imperium [160]
    Elite1 : 3 Allarus Custodians(195), 3 Hache de Castellan(42) [237]
    Elite2 : Vexilus Praetor en armure Terminator Allarus(1*100), Vexilla Magnifica(30) [130]
    FA1 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Bolter hurricane(30) [270]
    FA2 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Bolter hurricane(30) [270]
    FA3 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Bolter hurricane(30) [270]
    Total detachment : 1497

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon Adeptus Sororitas +5 PC
    HQ1 : Canoness(1*45), Bolter condemnor(1), Epée énergétique(4), Ordre de la Rose de sang [50]
    HQ2 : Canoness(1*45), Epée énergétique(4), Pistolet Inferno(7), Ordre de la Rose de sang [56]
    HQ3 : Missionary(1*35) [35]
    Troup1 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(45), Lance-flammes(5), Sister Superior(0), Combi-lance-flammes(8)
    , Ordre de la Rose de sang [58]
    Troup2 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(45), Lance-flammes(5), Sister Superior(0), Combi-lance-flammes(8)
    , Ordre de la Rose de sang[58]
    Troup3 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(45), Sister Superior(0), Ordre de la Rose de sang [45]
    Transport1 : Immolator(1*68), Lance-flamme Immolation(30), Bolter Storm(2) [100]
    Transport2 : Immolator(1*68), Lance-flamme Immolation(30), Bolter Storm(2) [100]
    Total detachment : 502


    PLAYER : Darsch (fabien lignac)
    TEAM : Les Manants des Sources
    FACTION : Adeptus Mechanicus, Officio Assassinorum
    RENFORT : 0
    ARMY TOTAL : 1997

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon Stygies VIII (+5 PC)
    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Dominus (1*80), Eclateur Volkite (8), Macropistolet (2), Relique : Pseudogenetor
    d'Anzion [90]
    HQ2 : [Seigneur de Guerre] Tech-Priest Enginseer(1*30), Trait : [Codex] Hermétichantre Primus [30]
    Troup1 : 6 Kataphron Breachers(60 + 3*20), 6 Electrofusil lourd (36), 6 Electrogriffe (24) [180]
    Troup2 : 7 Skitarii Vanguard (40 + 2*8), Vanguard Alpha (0) [56]
    Troup3 : 7 Skitarii Vanguard (40 + 2*8), Vanguard Alpha (0) [56]
    HS1 : 2 Kastelan Robots(130), 6 Eclateur à phosphore lourd (90) [220]
    HS2 : Onager Dunecrawler(1*70), Datacâble à large spectre, Matrice Icarus(40), Mitrailleuse
    Cognis(2) [112]
    HS3 : Onager Dunecrawler(1*70), Datacâble à large spectre, Matrice Icarus(40), Mitrailleuse
    Cognis(2) [112]
    Total detachment : 856

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon 2 Stygies VIII (+5PC)
    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(1*30) [30]
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(1*30) [30]
    Troup1 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), Omnispex(7), 2 Arquebuse Transuranique(30), Ranger Alpha(0) [72]
    Troup2 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), Omnispex(7), 2 Arquebuse Transuranique(30), Ranger Alpha(0) [72]
    Troup3 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), Omnispex(7), 2 Arquebuse Transuranique(30), Ranger Alpha(0) [72]
    FA1 : 5 Sydonian Dragoons(59 + 4*59), 5 Lance taser (45) [340]
    HS1 : 3 Kastelan Robots(130 + 1*65), 3 Crémateur Incendine (45), 3 Poings de Kastelan(75) [315]
    Total detachment : 931

    DETACHMENT : Avant-garde (0PC)
    Elite1 : Callidus Assassin(1*70) [70]
    Elite2 : Eversor Assassin(1*70) [70]
    Elite3 : Eversor Assassin(1*70) [70]
    Total detachment : 210


    PLAYER : Arkgnagar (Antoine Auzoux)
    TEAM : Les Manants des Sources
    FACTION : Drukhari
    RENFORT : 0
    ARMY TOTAL : 2000

    DETACHMENT : BATAILLON *Kabale du Crâne Ecorché* (+3 points de commandement)
    QG1 : [Seigneur de Guerre] Archon (1*72), lame dessicante (4), pistolet disloqueur (10), Relique : La Lame
    Djinn, Warlord Trait : Haine éternelle. [86]
    QG2 : [Archon (1*72), lame dessicante (4), pistolet disloqueur (10) [86]
    TROUPES 1 : Kabalite Warriors (5*6) [30]
    TROUPES 2 : Kabalite Warriors (5*6) [30]
    TROUPES 3 : Kabalite Warriors (5*6) [30]
    ELITES 0: Sslyth [27]
    ELITES 0: Sslyth [27]
    ELITES 0: Lhamaean [15]
    ELITES 0: Lhamaean [15]
    ELITES 1: Mandrakes (8*16) [128]
    ATTAQUE RAPIDE 1: Scourges (5*12): fusils disrupteurs (4*8),Solarite (0), carabine éclateuse (0) [92]
    SOUTIEN 1 : Ravager (1*80) : lance de ténèbres (3*20) [140]
    SOUTIEN 2 : Ravager (1*80) : lance de ténèbres (3*20) [140]
    AERONEF 1 : Razorwing Jetfighter (1*105) : missiles de razorwing (0), canon éclateur (1*10), canons
    désintégrateurs (2*15) [145]
    TRANSPORT 1 : Venom (1*55) : canons éclateurs (2*10) [75]
    TRANSPORT 2 : Venom (1*55) : canons éclateurs (2*10) [75]
    TRANSPORT 3 : Venom (1*55) : canons éclateurs (2*10) [75]
    TRANSPORT 3 : Raider (1*65) : canon désintégrateur (1*15), éperon énergétique (1*1) [81]

    DETACHMENT : PATROUILLE *Culte de la Lame Maudite*
    QG 3 : Succubus (1*50) : Gantelets Hydres (1*4), Drogues de Combat : Métadrénaline, [54]
    TROUPES 4 : Wyches (9*8) : pistolets éclateurs (7*0), lame d’Hekatarii (7*0), filet barbelé & empaleur (1*5),
    Hekatrix (0) ; épée énergétique (1*4), pistolet éclateur (1*0), Drogues de Combat : Crucifiant [81]

    DETACHMENT : FER DE LANCE *Côteries des Prophètes Charnels *(+ 1 point de commandement)
    QG 4 : Urien Rakarth : [90]
    ELITES 2 : Grotesques (6*32) : gantelet de chair (6*3), hachoir monstrueux (6*0) [210]
    SOUTIEN 3 : Talos (1*75) : macro-scalpels (2*4), fusils disrupteurs (2*8) [99]
    SOUTIEN 4 : Talos (1*75) : macro-scalpels (2*4), fusils disrupteurs (2*8) [99]
    SOUTIEN 5 : Cronos (1*65) : Sonde mentale (1*5) [70]


    PLAYER : Detrix (emric lefranc)
    TEAM : Les Manants des Sources
    FACTION : Tyranids
    RENFORT : 3
    ARMY TOTAL : 1997

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon 2 +5pc kronos
    HQ1 : [Seigneur de Guerre] Hive Tyrant ailé(1*190), Glandes surrénales (monstres)(5), 2 Serres
    perforantes monstrueuses, 2 Dévoreur à neuro-sangsues(14), [Codex] Physiologie Adaptative [209]
    HQ2 : Neurothrope(1*90) [90]
    Troup1 : 3 Ripper Swarms(33) [33]
    Troup2 : 3 Ripper Swarms(33) [33]
    Troup3 : 20 Termagants(40 + 10*4), 10 Dévoreur(40) [120]
    Elite1 : 6 Hive Guards(54 + 3*18), 6 Canon empaleur(180) [288]
    HS1 : Carnifex(67), Sens Accrus, 4 Dévoreur à neuro-sangsues(28) [105]
    Total detachment : 878

    DETACHMENT : Bataillon +5pc kraken
    HQ1 : Hive Tyrant ailé(1*190), Glandes surrénales (monstres)(5), Serres perforantes monstrueuses,
    2 Dévoreur à neuro-sangsues(14), relique: [Kraken] Mutation Caméléonique [209]
    HQ2 : Swarmlord(1*250) [250]
    Troup1 : 20 Genestealers(50 + 15*10), 20 Serres perforantes(40), 4 Gueule acide [240]
    Troup2 : 30 Hormagaunts(50 + 20*5) [150]
    Troup3 : 30 Hormagaunts(50 + 20*5) [150]
    Elite1 : 4 Venomthropes(90 + 1*30) [120]
    Total detachment : 1119


    Roster des Arvengers:

    Team : Arverngers
    Player 1 : Razahrds
    Faction : Tyranides
    Total Army points : 2 000
    Total Reinforcement points : 0
    Total command points : 12
    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1 058) <Kraken>==
    HQ1: Hive Tyrant with Wings (190), 4 Devourer with Brainleech Worms (4x7), Adrenal glands (5) [Catalyst, Paroxysm, Smite][Relic : Chameleonic Mutation] – 223
    HQ2: Broodlord [Catalyst, Smite] [Warlord – Heightened senses] – 115
    Troops1: 20 Genestealers (60 + 15x12) – 240
    Troops2: 20 Genestealers (60 + 15x12) – 240
    Troops3: 20 Genestealers (60 + 15x12) – 240

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (912) <Kraken>==
    HQ3: Hive Tyrant with Wings (190), 4 Devourer with Brainleech Worms (4x7) [Onslaught The Horror, Smite] – 218
    HQ4: Broodlord [Psychic scream, Smite] – 115
    Troops4: 20 Genestealers (60 + 15x12) – 240
    Troops5: 20 Genestealers (60 + 15x12) – 240
    Troops6: 3 Ripper Swarms – 33
    Troops7: 3 Ripper Swarms – 33
    Troops8: 3 Ripper Swarms – 33

    == Auxiliary Detachment (-1 Command Point) (30) <Kraken>==
    Elites1: 1 Venomthrope, Understrength Unit - 30

    Team : Arverngers
    Player 2 : Sharrik
    Faction : Drukhari / Harlequins
    Total Army points : 2 000
    Total Reinforcement points : 0
    Total command points : 9
    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Points) (1245) <Prophets of Flesh>==
    HQ1 : Urien Rakarth [Warlord – Diabolical soothsayer] – 90
    HQ2 : Haemonculus (70), Stinger pistol (5) [Relic – The vexator mask] – 75
    Troop 1 : 4 Wracks (4x9), 1 Acothyst (9) – 45
    Troop 2 : 4 Wracks (4x9), 1 Acothyst (9) – 45
    Troop 3 : 4 Wracks (4x9), 1 Acothyst (9) – 45
    Elite 1 : 9 Grotesques (9x32), 9 Monstrous Cleaver (0), 9 Flesh Gauntlets (9x3) – 315
    Elite 2 : 9 Grotesques (9x32), 9 Monstrous Cleaver (0), 9 Flesh Gauntlets (9x3) – 315
    Elite 3 : 9 Grotesques (9x32), 9 Monstrous Cleaver (0), 9 Flesh Gauntlets (9x3) – 315

    == Outrider Detachment (+1 Command Point) (755) <The Soaring Spite : Serpent’s Blood>==
    HQ3 : Shadowseer [Twilight Pathways, Fog of Dreams, Smite] – 125
    FA 1 : 5 Skyweavers (5x30), 5 Haywire Canon (5x15) – 225
    FA 2 : 5 Skyweavers (5x30), 5 Haywire Canon (5x15) – 225
    FA 3 : 4 Skyweavers (4x30), 4 Haywire Canon (4x15) – 180

    Team Arverngers
    Player 3 : Nighbring
    Faction: T’au Empire
    Total Army points - 2000
    Total Reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 14 – 1 = 13
    +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1273) <T’au Sept>==
    HQ1: Commander Shadowsun (110), 2 MV52 Shield Drones (2x11), MV62 Command-link Drone (6) - 138
    HQ2: Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3), 2MV4 Shield Drone (2x10) [Warlord – Through unity, Devastation] – 62
    Troops 1: 5 Strike team (35), 1 Shas’ui (0) – 35
    Troops 2: 5 Strike team (35), 1 Shas’ui (0) – 35
    Troops 3: 5 Strike team (35), 1 Shas’ui (0) – 35
    Elites1 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2 Smart missiles systems (2x15), Heavy Burst Canon (35), Advanced Targeting System (18), Target Lock (12) – 280
    Elites2 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2 Smart missiles systems (2x15), Heavy Burst Canon (35), Advanced Targeting System (18), Target Lock (12) - 280
    Elites3 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), 2 Smart missiles systems (2x15), Heavy Burst Canon (35), Velocity Tracker (10), Target Lock (12) – 272
    FA1 : 5 Pathfinders team (25), 1 Shas’ui (0), 5 markerlight (5x3), 2 MV4 Shield Drone (2x10), 1 MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone (8), 1 MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8) – 76
    FA2 : 5 Pathfinders team (25), 1 Shas’ui (0), 2 markerlight (2x3), 3 ion rifle (3x7), 1 MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone (8) – 60

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (452) <T’au Sept>==
    HQ3: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 4 Fusion Blaster (4x18), 2 MV4 Shield Drone (2x10) [Relic : Vectored Manoeuvring Thrusters] - 182
    HQ4: Darkstrider- 45
    Troops 4: 5 Strike team (35), 1 Shas’ui (0) – 35
    Troops 5: 5 Strike team (35), 1 Shas’ui (0) – 35
    Troops 6: 5 Strike team (35), 1 Shas’ui (0) – 35
    FA3 : 4 MV4 Shield Drone – 40
    FA4 : 4 MV4 Shield Drone – 40
    FA5 : 4 MV4 Shield Drone – 40

    ==Vanguard Detachment (+1 Command Point) (275) <Sa’Cea Sept>==
    HQ5 : Ethereal with Hover Drone – 50
    HQ6 : Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 4 missiles pod (4x15) - 150
    Elites4 : Firesight Marksman (21), markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) [Extra relic : Puretide Engram Neurochip] – 25
    Elites5 : Firesight Marksman (21), markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) - 25
    Elites6 : Firesight Marksman (21), markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) – 25

    Team Arverngers
    Player 4 : Kozokus
    Faction: Imperial Knight
    Total Army points : 1991
    Total Reinforcement points : 9
    Total command points: 9-2 =7
    == SUPER-HEAVY DETACHMENT (+6 Command Point) (1 408) < Questor Mechanicus, House Krast >==
    LoW1: Knight Gallant (285), Thunderstrike gauntlet (35), Reaper chainsword (30), Heavy stubber (2) - 352
    LoW2: Knight Crusader (285), Heavy stubber (2), Thermal Canon (76), Avenger gatling cannon (75), Heavy flamer (14) - 452
    LoW3: Knight Castellan (510), 2 Twin Siegebreaker Cannon (2x35), 2 Shieldbreaker Missiles (2x12), Character (0) [Relic : Cawl's Wrath] [Warlord - First Knight] - 604

    == SUPER-HEAVY Auxiliary DETACHMENT (+0 Command Point) (583) < Questor Imperialis House Hawkshroud >==
    LoW4: Knight Vailliant (500), Twin Siegebreaker Cannon (35), 4 Shieldbreaker Missiles (4x12), Character(0) [Exra Relic : Traitor’s Pyre] [Extra warlord - Ion Bulwark] - 583

    Team : Arverngers
    Player 5 : Morgrim
    Faction : SMC
    Total Army points : 1 998
    Total Reinforcement points : 2
    Total command points : 11
    == Battalion Detachment (+7 Command Point) (1 315) < Black legion, Slaanesh >==
    HQ1 : Abaddon the Despoiler [Warlord - First Amongst Traitors] - 240
    HQ2 : Sorcerer with jump pack (112), force axe (10), [Death hex, Prescience] - 122
    Troup1 : 10 Chaos Cultistes (50), heavy stubber (2) - 52
    Troup2 : 10 Chaos Cultistes (50), heavy stubber (2) - 52
    Troup3 : 10 Chaos Cultistes (50), heavy stubber (2) - 52
    Troup4 : 10 Chaos Cultistes (50), heavy stubber (2) - 52
    Troup5 : 10 Chaos Cultistes (50), heavy stubber (2) - 52
    Elite1 : 9 Chaos Terminators (140 + 4x28), 8 Power axe (8x5), 8 Combi-plasma (8x11), Terminator Champion : Power axe (5), Combi-plasma(11) [396]
    FA1 : 9 Chaos Bikers (63 + 6x21), 8 Combi-Bolter (8x2), 2 Plasma gun (2x11), Chaos Biker Champion : Combi-Bolter (2), Combi-plasma (11) [240]

    == Spearhead Detachment (+1 Command Point) (683) < Black legion, Slaanesh >==
    HQ1 : Sorcerer (90), force sword (8), [Warp time, [Slaanesh] Delightful Agonies] [Relic : The eye of night] - 98
    HS1 : 3 Obliterators - 195
    HS2 : 3 Obliterators - 195
    HS3 : 3 Obliterators - 195

    Team : Arverngers
    Player 6 : Fracassor
    Faction : Ynnari / Craftworld
    Total Army points : 2 000
    Total Reinforcement points : 0
    Total command points : 10
    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1 032) < Ynnari, Bieltan/Alaitloc/Saint Ham/Ulthwé> ==
    HQ1 : Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin shuriken catapult (2) [Quicken/Restrain] <Bieltan> - 67
    HQ2 : Yvraine [Word of the Phenix/ Ancestors’ Grace] [warlord - Tenacious survivor] - 132
    Troup1 : 5 Rangers <Alaitloc> - 60
    Troup2 : 5 Rangers <Alaitloc> - 60
    Troup3 : 5 Rangers <Alaitloc> - 60
    FA1 : 9 Shining Spears (72 + 6x24), 8 Twin shuriken catapult (8x2), 8 Laser Lance (8x8), Shining Spear Exarch : Twin shuriken catapult (2), Star Lance (10) <Saint Ham> - 308
    HS1 : 10 Dark Reapers (36 + 7x12), 9 Reaper launcher (9x22), Dark Reaper Exarch : Tempest launcher (27) <Ulthwé> - 345

    == Suprem command Detachment (+1 Command Point) (408) < Craftworld, Ulthwé >==
    HQ1 : Eldrad Ulthran [Guide, Doom, Fortune] - 135
    HQ2 : Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin shuriken catapult (2) [Enhance/Drain] - 67
    HQ3 : Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin shuriken catapult (2) [Protect/Jinx] - 67
    Transport1 : Wave Serpent (120), Twin shuriken canon (17), Twin shuriken catapult (2) - 139

    == Air wing Detachment (+1 Command Point) (560) < Craftworld, Alaitloc >==
    Flyer1 : Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), 2 bright Lance (2x20) - 175
    Flyer2 : Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), 2 bright Lance (2x20) - 175
    Flyer3 : Hemlock Wraithfighter (200), spirit stone (10) [Jinx] - 210

    Team : Arverngers
    Player 7 : Junior
    Faction : Adepta sororitas
    Total Army points : 1 999
    Total Reinforcement points : 1
    Total command points : 13
    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1 289) < Order of the ebon chalice>==
    HQ1 : Canoness (45), Combi-plasma (11) [Relic : Saint Lucius book] [Warlord - Indomitable Belief] - 56
    HQ2 : Celestine – 160
    Elite1 : 9 Arco-Flagellants (45 + 6x15) - 135
    Elite2 : Dialogus - 30
    Troup1 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), 2 meltagun (2x14), Sister Superior : combi melta (15) - 88
    Troup2 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), 2 meltagun (2x14), Sister Superior : combi melta (15) - 88
    Troup3 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), 2 meltagun (2x14), Sister Superior : combi melta (15) - 88
    HS1 : Exorcist (125), Bolter Storm (2), Seeker Missile (6) - 133
    HS2 : Exorcist (125) Seeker Missile (6) - 131
    HS3 : Exorcist (125) Seeker Missile (6) – 131
    Transport1 : Sororitas Rhino (73), 2 Bolter Storm (4), Seeker Missile (6) - 83
    Transport2 : Sororitas Rhino (73), 2 Bolter Storm (4), Seeker Missile (6) - 83
    Transport3 : Sororitas Rhino (73), 2 Bolter Storm (4), Seeker Missile (6) - 83

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (710) < Order of the ebon chalice>==
    HQ3 : Missionary – 35
    HQ4 : Canoness (45), Combi-plasma (11), Power sword (4) - 60
    Elite3 : 9 Arco-Flagellants (45 + 6x15) – 135
    Elite4 : 2 germinae (2x25) - 50
    Troup4 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), 2 meltagun (2x14), Sister Superior : combi melta (15) - 88
    Troup5 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), 2 meltagun (2x14), Sister Superior : combi melta (15) - 88
    Troup6 : 5 Battle Sister Squad (45), 2 meltagun (2x14), Sister Superior : combi melta (15) - 88
    Transport4 : Sororitas Rhino (73), 2 Bolter Storm (4), Seeker Missile (6) – 83
    Transport5 : Sororitas Rhino (73), 2 Bolter Storm (4), Seeker Missile (6) – 83

    Team : Arverngers
    Player 8 : FireMike
    Faction : Orks
    Total Army points : 1 998
    Total Reinforcement points : 2
    Total command points : 18
    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (303) <Bad moon/deathskulls/Blood axe> ==
    HQ1 : Weirdboy [Waaagh!: Da Jump] <Bad moon> - 62
    HQ2 : Weirdboy [Waaagh!: Da Jump],[Relic : Morgog’ finkin’ kap] <Blood axe> - 62
    Troop1 : 11 Gretchin <Bad moon> - 33
    Troop2 : 10 Gretchin <Bad moon> - 30
    Troop3 : 10 Gretchin <Bad moon> - 30
    El1: Mad doc grotsnik <deathskulls> - 86

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (873) <Bad moon> ==
    HQ3 : Warboss (65), Big choppa (5), Kustom shoota (2), attack squig (0) - 72
    HQ4 : Big Mek in mega armour (77), Power Klaw (13), Kustom Shoota (2), Kustom Force Field (2), Grot oiler (4) [warlord : kunnin’ but brutal] - 116
    Troop4 : 10 Gretchin - 30
    Troop5 : 10 Gretchin - 30
    Troop6 : 10 Gretchin - 30
    HS1 : 15 Lootas (15x17) - 255
    HS2 : 10 Lootas (10x17) - 170
    HS3 : 10 Lootas (10x17) - 170

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (822) <Evil sun> ==
    HQ5 : Warboss (65), Power Klaw (13), Kustom shoota (2), attack squig (0) - 80
    HQ6 : Weirdboy [Waaagh!: Warpath] - 62
    FA : 1 kopter (30), Twin big shoota (10) - 40
    Troop7 : 30 Boyz (30x7), 3 tankbustas bomb (0), Nob : choppa (0), Killsaw (15) - 225
    Troop8 : 30 Boyz (30x7), 3 tankbustas bomb (0), Nob : choppa (0), Killsaw (15) - 225
    Troop9 : 25 Boyz (25x7), 2 tankbustas bomb (0), Nob : choppa (0), Killsaw (15) - 190

    Team : Arverngers
    Coach : Tacud


    D3 Gamma à St Gènes Champanelle:

    Roster Team C3F:


    +PLAYER: Blackvipere Michel LEFEBVRE
    + ARMY FACTION: Tyranids
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1997 pts
    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids) [84 PL, 1388pts] ++
    Hive Fleet: Kraken
    + HQ +- Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 204pts]: Chameleonic Mutation, Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: Catalyst, Power: Psychic Scream, Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (14) , Wings (46)
    + HQ +- Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 213pts]: Adrenal Glands (5), Monstrous Rending Claws, Power: Onslaught, Power: The Horror, Toxin Sacs (4), Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (14), Wings (46)
    + HQ +- The Swarmlord [15 PL, 250pts]: Power: Catalyst, Power: The Horror
    Troops + - Genestealers (20x12=240pts) 20x Genestealer: 20x Rending Claws
    Troops + - Genestealers (20x12=240pts ) 20x Genestealer: 20x Rending Claws
    Troops + - Termagants [3 PL, 40pts]: 10x Termagant (Fleshborer)
    + Elites +- Tyrant Guard [7 PL, 111pts]
    Tyrant Guard: Rending Claws(0), Scything Talons(2)
    Tyrant Guard: Rending Claws(0), Scything Talons(2)
    Tyrant Guard: Rending Claws(0), Scything Talons(2)
    + Elites +- Venomthropes [5 PL, 90pts]: 3x Venomthrope

    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Tyranids) [31 PL, 609pts] ++
    Hive fleet : Kronos
    + HQ +- Neurothrope [4 PL, 90pts]: Power: Psychic Scream, Warlord soul hunger
    + HQ +- Neurothrope [4 PL, 90pts]: Power: Onslaught
    + HQ +- Neurothrope [4 PL, 90pts]: Power: Catalyst
    + Troops +- Ripper Swarms [2 PL, 33pts]: 3x Ripper Swarm
    + Troops +- Ripper Swarms [2 PL, 33pts]: 3x Ripper Swarm
    + Troops +- Ripper Swarms [2 PL, 33pts]: 3x Ripper Swarm
    Elite: 6x Hive Guard(18*6) (Impaler Cannons 30*6) [13 PL, 288pts]

    +PLAYER: Chlamm Etienne GAGNEPAIN
    + ARMY FACTION: Craftworlds/Ynnari
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1999 pts

    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [24 PL, 510pts] ++ < Alaitoc >
    HQ : Spiritseer [3 PL, 65pts]: Psy : Protect/Jinx
    HQ : Warlock [2 PL, 55pts]: Psy : Embolden/Horrify
    Troop : Rangers [3 PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger [60pts]
    Troop : Rangers [3 PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger [60pts]
    Troop : Rangers [3 PL, 60pts]: 5x Ranger [60pts]
    Flyer : Hemlock Wraithfighter (200pts), Spirit Stones (10pts) [10 PL, 210pts] Psy : Embolden/Horrify

    ++ Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [16 PL, 300pts] ++ < Ulthwe >
    HQ : Eldrad Ulthran [8 PL, 135pts]: Psy : Doom, Executioner, Mind War
    HQ : Farseer [6 PL, 110pts]: Psy : Guide, Fortune, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade
    HQ : Warlock [2 PL, 55pts]: Psy : Conceal/Reveal, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade

    ++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (Aeldari - Craftworlds) [47 PL, 1057pts] ++ < Saim-Hann > < Ynnari > < Biel-Tan >
    HQ : Spiritseer [3 PL, 65pts]: Psy : Quicken/Restrain Relic : Spirit stones of Anath’lan
    HQ : Yvraine - [7 PL, 132pts] - [Warlord]: Inspiring Leader, Psy : Word of the Phoenix ; Grace of the Ancients < Ynnari >
    FA : 8x Shining Spear [272pts]: 8x Laser Lance [64pts], 8x Twin Shuriken Catapult [16pts], Shining Spear Exarch [36pts]: Star Lance [10pts], Twin Shuriken Catapult [2pts] [14 PL, 308pts] < Saim-Hann > < Ynnari >
    FA : 7x Shining Spear [238pts]: 7x Laser Lance [56pts], 7x Twin Shuriken Catapult [14pts], Shining Spear Exarch [36pts]: Star Lance [10pts], Twin Shuriken Catapult [2pts] [14 PL, 274pts] < Saim-Hann > < Ynnari >
    FA : 5x Swooping Hawk [65pts]: 5x Lasblaster [35pts] [3 PL, 65pts] < Saim-Hann > < Ynnari >
    Heavy : 9x Dark Reaper [306pts]: 9x Reaper Launcher [198pts], Dark Reaper Exarch [39pts]: Tempest Launcher [27pts] [13 PL, 345pts] < Saim-Hann > < Ynnari >

    +PLAYER: Belgarion43 Edouard CHEVALIER
    + ARMY FACTION: Thousand Sons/Renegade Knight
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1995 pts

    == Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment: Thousand Sons, (+0 CP) [445, 23 PL] ==
    LoW 1: Magnus the Red (445), Waves of fate (0), Warptime (0), Glamour of Tzeench (0), Death Hex (0), smite (0) [445, 23 PL] WARLORD - Lord of Forbiden Lore

    ==Super Heavy Detachment: Renegate Knight (+6 CP) [1550]==
    LoW 2: Renegade Knight (285), Avenger Gatling Cannon x2 (150), Heavy Flamer x2 (28), Heavy Stuber (2) Nacelle lance-missiles Ironstorm(16) [481, 25 PL]
    LoW 3: Renegade Knight (285), Avenger Gatling Cannon x2 (150), Heavy Flamer x2 (28), Heavy Stuber (4) [465, 25 PL]
    LoW 4: Renegade Knight Dominus (500), Plasma Decimator (0), Volcano Lance (10), Shieldbreker missile x2 (24), Siegebreaker cannon x2 (70), Twin meltagun x2 (0) [604, 30]

    +PLAYER: umibozu Nicolas LANIEL
    + ARMY FACTION: imperial knight ; adeptus mechanicus
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1998 pts

    ==battalion detachment== (+5CP) [756pts] < adeptus mechanicus > < agripinaa >
    HQ1 : tech priest dominus (90)
    HQ2 : tech priest engineseer (30)
    Troop1 : 4 skitarii rangers ; 1 ranger alpha - (35)
    Troop2 : 4 skitarii rangers ; 1 ranger alpha – (35)
    Troop3 : 4 kataphron destroyers (60) ; 3 plasma culverin (81) ; 4 phosphor blaster (24) ; 1 heavy grav-cannon (30) – (195)
    Elite1 : cybernetica datasmith (41)
    Heavy1 : 3 kastelan robots (195) ; 9 heavy phosphor blaster (135) – (330)

    == knight lance== (+6CP) [1242] < questor mechanicus > < Taranis >
    LoW1 : knight Crusader (285) ; heavy stubber(2) ; thermal cannon (76) ; avenger gatling (75) ; heavy flamer (14) ; ironstorm missile pod (16) ; warlord ; warlord trait : ion bulwark ; relic : fury of Mars – (468)
    LoW2 : knight warden (285) ; heavy stubber (2) ; avenger gatling (75) ; reaper chains word (30) ; heavy flamer (14) ; ironstorm missile pod (16) ; extra relic 1 : endless fury – (422)
    LoW3 : knight gallant (285) ; heavy stubber(2) ; reaper chains word (30) ; thunderstrike gauntlet (35) ; extrarelic2 :Armour of sainted ion ; extra warlord trait 1 : landstrider – (352)

    +PLAYER: Fruch Aurelien FRUCHARD
    + ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 3(Battle forged army) + 5(Battalion) + 5(Battalion) + 1(Vanguard) - 1(Extra Relic) = 13
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Points) (885) < Drukhari > < Kabal of the Black Heart > ==
    HQ1: Archon(70), Venom Blade(2), [RELIC] Writ of the Living Muse, [TRAIT] Labyrinthine Cunning - (72) - WARLORD
    HQ2: Archon(70), Venom Blade(2) – (72)
    Troop1: 6 Kabalite Warriors(30+1*6) - (36)
    Troop2: 5 Kabalite Warriors(30) - (30)
    Troop3: 5 Kabalite Warriors(30) - (30)
    HS1: Ravager(80), 3 Desintegrator Cannons(3*15) - (125)
    HS2: Ravager(80), 3 Desintegrator Cannons(3*15) - (125)
    HS3: Ravager(80), 3 Desintegrator Cannons(3*15) - (125)
    Flyer1: Razorwing Jetfighter(105), 2 Desintegrator Cannons(2*15) - (135)
    Flyer2: Razorwing Jetfighter(105), 2 Desintegrator Cannons(2*15) - (135)

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Points) (235) < Drukhari > ==
    HQ3: < Cult of Red Grief > Succubus(50), Shardnet and impaler(5), [DRUG] Metadrenaline - (55)
    HQ4: < Prophets of Flesh > Urien Rakarth(90) - (90)
    Troop4: < Kabal of the Black Heart > 5 Kabalite Warriors(30) - (30)
    Troop5: < Kabal of the Black Heart > 5 Kabalite Warriors(30) - (30)
    Troop6: < Kabal of the Black Heart > 5 Kabalite Warriors(30) - (30)

    == Vanguard Detachment (+1 Command Point) (880) < Drukhari > < Prophets of Flesh > ==
    HQ5: Haemonculus(70), Hexrifle(5), [EXTRA RELIC] The Vexator Mask - (75) -1CP
    Elite1: 8 Grotesques(96+5*32), 8 Flesh Gauntlets(8*3) - (280)
    Elite2: 8 Grotesques(96+5*32), 8 Flesh Gauntlets(8*3) - (280)
    Elite3: 7 Grotesques(96+4*32), 7 Flesh Gauntlets(7*3) - (245)

    +PLAYER: Tsuki Bertrand DURDILLY
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 3(Battle forged army) + 5(Battalion) + 5(Battalion) + 1(Vanguard) = 14
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1998 pts
    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (T'au Empire) [68 PL, 1226pts] ++
    T'au Empire Sept Choice: T'au Sept
    + HQ +Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42pts]: Markerlight
    + HQ +Commander Shadowsun [9 PL, 110pts]
    + Troops +Strike Team [5 PL, 77pts] . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle . 10x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle
    + Troops +Strike Team [5 PL, 77pts] . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle . 10x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle
    + Troops +Strike Team [5 PL, 80pts] . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Markerlight(3), Pulse rifle . 10x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle
    + Elites +XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [14 PL, 280pts]: 2x Smart missile system(15*2=30), Advanced targeting system(18), Heavy burst cannon(30), Target lock (12)
    + Elites +XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [14 PL, 280pts]: 2x Smart missile system(15*2=30), Advanced targeting system(18), Heavy burst cannon(30), Target lock (12)
    + Elites +XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [14 PL, 280pts]: 2x Smart missile system(15*2=30), Advanced targeting system(18), Heavy burst cannon(30), Target lock (12)

    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (T'au Empire) [37 PL, 525pts] ++
    T'au Empire Sept Choice: T'au Sept
    + HQ +Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit [7 PL, 86pts]: Through Unity, Devastation, , Shield generator(Cool, Velocity tracker(2), Warlord
    + HQ +Darkstrider [3 PL, 45pts]
    + HQ +Ethereal [2 PL, 45pts]: Honour blade(0)
    + Troops +Strike Team [5 PL, 77pts] . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle . 10x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle
    + Troops +Strike Team [5 PL, 77pts] . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle . 10x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle
    + Troops +Strike Team [5 PL, 77pts] . Fire Warrior Shas'ui: Pulse rifle . 10x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle
    + Fast Attack +Pathfinder Team [6 PL, 68pts]: MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone(Cool
    . 3x Pathfinder: 3x Markerlight (0)
    . 3x Pathfinder w/ Ion Rifle: 3x Ion rifle (7x3=21)
    + Fast Attack +Tactical Drones [4 PL, 50pts]: 5x MV4 Shield Drone (50)

    ++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (T'au Empire) [12 PL, 247pts] ++
    T'au Empire Sept Choice: Sa’Cea
    + HQ +Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [9 PL, 172pts]: 4x Fusion blaster (4*18=72), MV4 Shield Drone(10) Puretide engram neurochip(0)
    + Elites +Firesight Marksman [1 PL, 25pts]: Markerlight (0), Pulse pistol
    + Elites +Firesight Marksman [1 PL, 25pts]: Markerlight (0), Pulse pistol
    + Elites +Firesight Marksman [1 PL, 25pts]: Markerlight (0), Pulse pistol

    +PLAYER: Seii Sebastien HAZARD
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 3(Battle forged army) + 5(Battalion) + 5(Battalion) + 1(out rider) = 14
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts

    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Orks) [36 PL, 720pts] ++
    Clan Kultur: Evil Sunz
    + HQ +Big Mek in Mega Armour [6 PL, 112pts]: Kustom Force Field(20), Kustom Shoota, killsaw(15)
    + HQ +Warboss [4 PL, 80pts]: Attack Squig, Follow me Ladz!, Kustom Shoota(2), Power Klaw(13), Warlord
    + Troops +Boyz [4 PL, 85pts] . Boss Nob: Choppa, killsaw(15). 9x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa
    + Troops + Boyz [11 PL, 211pts]. Boss Nob: Choppa killsaw(15). 27x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa
    + Troops + Gretchin [4 PL, 90pts]: 30x Gretchin
    + Elites +Nob with Waaagh! Banner [4 PL, 77pts]: Kustom Shoota
    + Elites +Painboy [3 PL, 65pts]: Power Klaw

    ++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (Orks) [24 PL, 477pts] ++
    Clan Kultur: Evil Sunz
    + HQ +Big Mek in Mega Armour [6 PL, 112pts]: Kustom Force Field, Kustom Shoota, killsaw(15)
    + Fast Attack +Deff Kopta [2 PL, 40pts] DeffKopta: Twin Big Shoota (10)
    + Fast Attack +Deff Kopta [2 PL, 40pts] DeffKopta: Twin Big Shoota (10)
    + Fast Attack +Stormboyz [14 PL, 285pts]. Boss Nob: Choppa, killsaw(15). 29x Stormboy

    ++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Orks) [39 PL, 799pts] ++
    Clan Kultur: Evil Sunz
    + HQ +Weirdboy [3 PL, 62pts]
    + HQ +Weirdboy [3 PL, 62pts]
    + Troops +Boyz [11 PL, 225pts]. Boss Nob: Choppa, killsaw(15) 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa
    + Troops +Boyz [11 PL, 225pts]. Boss Nob: Choppa, killsaw(15). 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa
    + Troops +Boyz [11 PL, 225pts]. Boss Nob: Choppa, killsaw(15). 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa

    + ARMY FACTION: nurgle chaos demon/ death guard
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1997 pts
    == bataillon detachement nurgle == +5CP
    HQ 1 : Poxbringer [70] (miasma) PL4
    HQ 2 : Spoilpox scrivener [95] PL4
    HQ 3 : Slopity bilepiper [60]
    Troop1 : 30 plaguebearers (110), instrument (10), demonic icon (15) [235] PL12
    Troop2 : 30 plaguebearers (110), instrument (10), demonic icon (15) [235] PL12
    Troop3 : 30 plaguebearers (110), instrument (10), demonic icon (15) [235] PL12
    Troop4 : 29 plaguebearers (103), instrument (10), demonic icon (15) [228] PL12

    == fortification detachement == +0CP
    Fotification : Feculent Gnarlmaws [85] 3PL

    == Spearhead detachement +1CP ==
    HQ 4 : Deamon prince of nurgle with with wings (170) second set of malefic talons (10) Suppuratine plate (0) [180] (blades of putrefaction) – WARLORD (arch-Contaminator) PL9
    Elite 1 : Foul blightspawn [77] 4PL
    Elite 2 : Foul Blightspawn [77] 4pl
    Heavy 1 : PLagueburst crawler (100) heavy slugger (6) 2 plaguespitters (34) [140] 8PL
    Heavy 1 : PLagueburst crawler (100) heavy slugger (6) 2 plaguespitters (34) [140] 8PL
    Heavy 1 : PLagueburst crawler (100) heavy slugger (6) 2 plaguespitters (34) [140] 8PL


    Roster Deva Reloaded:


    + PLAYER 1: Gregoire "Exalya" Favre
    + ARMY FACTION: Adeptus Astartes
    + ARMY FACTION USED: Adeptus Astartes, Astra Militarum, Blood Angels
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1998pts

    == Supreme Command Detachment [754pts] +1CP - Adeptus Astartes - Ultramarines ==
    HQ1: Captain with jump pack (93), Thunder Hammer (21), Chainsword (0) [114] - Relic : The Sanctic Halo
    HQ2: Librarian with Jump pack (112), force stave (8) [120] - Psychic powers : Veil of time, Null zone
    HQ3: Librarian with Jump pack (112), force stave (8) [120] - Psychic powers : Might of heroes, Null zone
    LoW1: Roboute Guilliman [400] - Warlord : Adept of the Codex - +3 CP

    == Supreme Command Detachment [408pts] +1CP - Blood Angels ==
    HQ4: Captain with Jump Pack (93) Thunder Hammer (21) Storm Shield (15) [129] Relic : Angel Wings -1 CP - Death vision of sanguinus -1CP
    HQ5: Captain with Jump Pack (93) Thunder Hammer (21) Storm Shield (15) [129] Relic : Hammer of Baal -2 CP - Death vision of sanguinus -1CP
    HQ6: Chief Librarian Mephiston [160] - Psychic powers : Quickening, Unleash Rage, Wings of Sanguinius

    == Brigade Detachment [836pts] +12CP - Astra Militarum - Catachan ==
    HQ7: Colonel Iron Hand Straken [75]
    HQ8: Company Commander (30), Powerfist (8) [38]
    HQ9: Company Commander (30), Powerfist (8) [38]
    Troop1 : 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4), Chainsword (0) [40]
    Troop2 : 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4), Chainsword (0) [40]
    Troop3 : 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4), Chainsword (0) [40]
    Troop4 : 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4), Chainsword (0) [40]
    Troop5 : 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4), Chainsword (0) [40]
    Troop6 : 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4), Chainsword (0) [40]
    Troop7 : 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4), Chainsword (0) [40]
    Troop8 : 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4), Chainsword (0) [40]
    Elite1: Ministorum Priest, Autogun(0) [35]
    Elite2: Ministorum Priest, Autogun(0) [35]
    Elite3: Platoon Commander (20), chainsword (0) [20]
    Elite4: Astropath (30), Laspistol (0) [30] - Psychic power : Psychic Maelstrom
    Elite5: 2 Crusader (2x11), 2 Power sword (2x4) [30]
    FA1: Scout Sentinel (30), Autocannon (10) [40]
    FA2: Scout Sentinel (30), Autocannon (10) [40]
    FA3: Scout Sentinel (30), Autocannon (10) [40]
    HS1: Heavy Weapon Squad (3x6), 3 mortar (3x5) [33]
    HS2: Heavy Weapon Squad (3x6), 3 mortar (3x5) [33]
    HS3: Heavy Weapon Squad (3x6), 3 mortar (3x5) [33]


    HQ1: Cadre Fireblade(1*39), Markerlight (3)[42] Relic:Puretide engram neurochip, Warlord - Through unity, devastation
    HQ2: Commander Shadowsun [110]
    Troop1: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troop2: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troop3: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Elite1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), advanced targeting system (Ghost, Riptide et Storm)(18), velocity tracker (Ghostkeel, Riptide et Stormsurge)(10), 2*smart missiles system (30), heavy burst canon(35) [278]
    Elite2 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), velocity tracker (Ghostkeel, Riptide et Stormsurge)(10), Target lock (Ghostkeel, Rpitide et Stormsurge)(12), 2*smart missiles system30), ion accelerator (50) [287]
    Elite3: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), advanced targeting system (Ghost, Riptide et Storm)(18), velocity tracker (Ghostkeel, Riptide et Stormsurge)(10), 2*smart missiles system (30), heavy burst canon(35) [278]
    FA1 : Tactical Drones(0), 4*MV4 Shield Drone (40) [40]
    HS1 : 3*XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (35 + 2*35), 2*advanced targeting system (other units) (12), 4*smart missiles system (60), 2*seeker missile (10), 4*high-yield missile pod (100), Broadside Shas'vre(0), advanced targeting system (other units)(6), 2 smart missiles system (30), Missiles Seeker (5), 2*high-yield missile pod(50), 5*MV4 Shield Drone (50) [428]

    HQ1 : Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit(90), 4*fusion blaster (72) [162] relic: vectored manoeuvring thruster (-1CP)
    HQ2 : Darkstrider [45]
    Troup1 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup2 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup3 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]

    HQ1: Ethereal (1*45) [45]
    Elite1: Firesight Marksman(1*21), markerlight (3), pulse pistol (1) [25]
    Elite2: Firesight Marksman(1*21), markerlight (3), pulse pistol (1) [25]
    Elite3: Firesight Marksman(1*21), markerlight (3), pulse pistol (1) [25]

    + PLAYER 3: Cedric "Tsetse" Fechoz
    + ARMY FACTION: Tyranid
    + ARMY FACTION USED: Tyranid
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000pts

    == Battalion Detachment [1053pts] +5CP - Tyranid - Kraken ==
    HQ1: Hive tyrant (190), 4 devourer with brainleech worms (28), relic: chameleonic mutation [the horror, psychic scream] [218]
    HQ2: Broodlord (115), monstrous rending claws (0) [catalyst] [115]
    Troop1: 5 Genestealers (50), 15 extra Genestealers (150), 20 rending claws (40), 5 acid maw (0), 20 scything talons (0) [240]
    Troop2: 5 Genestealers (50), 15 extra Genestealers (150), 20 rending claws (40), 5 acid maw (0), 20 scything talons (0) [240]
    Troop3: 5 Genestealers (50), 15 extra Genestealers (150), 20 rending claws (40), 5 acid maw (0), 20 scything talons (0) [240]

    == Battalion Detachment [917pts] +5CP - Tyranid - Kraken ==
    HQ3: The Swarmlord [catalyst, onslaught] [250]
    HQ4: Broodlord (115), monstrous rending claws (0) [Paroxysm] [115] [WARLORD - ONE STEP AHEAD]
    Troop4: 5 Genestealers (50), 15 extra Genestealers (150), 20 rending claws (40), 5 acid maw (0), 20 scything talons (0) [240]
    Troop5: 5 Genestealers (50), 15 extra Genestealers (150), 20 rending claws (40), 5 acid maw (0), 20 scything talons (0) [240]
    Troop6: 10 Termagants (40), 8 extra Termagants (32), 18 fleshborer (0) [72]

    == Auxiliary Detachment [30pts] -1CP - Tyranid - Kraken ==
    Elite2: 1*Venomthrope [30]

    + PLAYER 4: Alexis "Lexar" Villalta
    + ARMY FACTION: Eldar Craftworld
    + ARMY FACTION USED: Eldar Craftworld
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1998pts

    == Supreme Command Detachment [574pts] +1 CP - Eldar Craftworld - Ulthwe ==
    HQ1: Eldrad Ulthran [135pts] Psychic Power : Fortune, Guide, Doom
    HQ2: Warlock skyrunner (65), twin shuriken catapults (2) [67pts] Psychic Power : Protect/Jinx
    HQ3: Warlock skyrunner (65), twin shuriken catapults (2) [67pts] Psychic Power : Empower/Enervate

    == Outrider Detachment [1396pts] +1CP - Eldar Craftworld - Ynnari ==

    Outrider Detachment [1429pts] +1 CP - Eldar Craftworld - Ynnari
    HQ4: Yvraine [132pts] - Warlord : Tenacious survivor - Psychic Power : Word of the Phoenix, Gaze of Ynnead
    HQ5: Warlock skyrunner (65), twin shuriken catapults (2) [67pts] Psychic Power : Quicken/Restrain
    FA1: 9 Shining Spears (24x9), 9 TL shruriken catapults (2x9), 8 laser lance (8x8), star lance on exarch (10) [308pts]
    FA2: 9 Shining Spears (24x9), 9 TL shruriken catapults (2x9), 8 laser lance (8x8), star lance on exarch (10) [308pts]
    FA3: 8 Shining Spears (24x8), 8 TL shruriken catapults (2x8), 7 laser lance (7x8), star lance on exarch (10) [274pts]
    HS1: 10 Dark Reaper (10x12), Exarch (0), 10x Reaper launcher (10x22) [340pts]

    == Battalion Detachment [300pts] +5CP - Eldar Craftworld - Alaitoc ==
    HQ6: Spiritseer [65pts] Psychic Power : Conceal/Reveal
    HQ7: Warlock [55pts] Protect/Jinx
    Troop1: 5 scouts [60pts]
    Troop2: 5 scouts [60pts]
    Troop3: 5 scouts [60pts]

    + PLAYER 5: Adrien "RabbitMaster" Jeanniard
    + ARMY FACTION: Imperial Knight
    + ARMY FACTION USED: Imperial Knight, Adeptus Mecanicus, Adepta Sororitas
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000pts

    == Battalion Detachment - Adeptus Mechanicus - 165pts +5CP - Stygies VIII ==
    HQ1: Tech-Priest Enginseer [30pts]
    HQ1: Tech-Priest Enginseer [30pts]

    TR1: 5x Skitarii Rangers [35pts]
    TR2: 5x Skitarii Rangers [35pts]
    TR3: 5x Skitarii Rangers [35pts]

    == Battalion Detachment - Adeptus Ministorum - 235pts +5CP - Order of the Ebon Chalice ==
    HQ3: Canoness (45), Storm Bolter (2) [47pts]
    HQ4: Missionary [35pts]

    TR1: 5x Battle Sisters (45),3x Storm Bolter (6) [51pts]
    TR2: 5x Battle Sisters (45),3x Storm Bolter (6) [51pts]
    TR3: 5x Battle Sisters (45), 3x Storm Bolter (6) [51pts]

    == Super-Heavy Detachment - Imperial Knights - 1600pts +6CP ==
    LOW1: Knight Castellan (510), 2x Twin Siegebreaker Cannon (70), 2x Shieldbreaker Missile (24) [604pts] - Character - Warlord : Ion Bulwark - Relic : Cawl's Wrath
    LOW2: Knight Crusader (285), Avenger Gatling Cannon (75), Rapid-fire Battle Cannon (100), Heavy Flamer (14), 2x Heavy Stubber (4), Twin Icarus Autocannon (20) [498pts]
    LOW3: Knight Crusader (285), Avenger Gatling Cannon (75), Rapid-fire Battle Cannon (100), Heavy Flamer (14), 2x Heavy Stubber (4), Twin Icarus Autocannon (20) [498pts]

    + PLAYER 6: Kevin "Attila-" Kotwica
    + ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
    + ARMY FACTION USED: Drukhari
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000pts

    == Bataillon Detachment [883pts] +5CP Drukhari - Prophets of Flesh ==
    HQ1: Urien Rakarth [90pts]
    HQ2: Haemonculus (70), Haemonculus tools (0), Splinter Pistol (0) [70pts]
    TR1: 5 Wracks [45pts]
    TR2: 5 Wracks [45pts]
    TR3: 5 Wracks [45pts]
    HS1: 3x Talos (225), 6x Haywire blasters (48), 3x chain flails (9), 3x macro scalpels (12) [294pts]
    HS2: 3x Talos (225), 6x Haywire blasters (48), 3x chain flails (9), 3x macro scalpels (12) [294pts]

    == Bataillon Detachment Drukhari [1027pts] +5CP - Kabal of the Black Heart ==
    HQ3: Archon (70), Huskblade (6), Splinter Pistol (0) [76pts]
    HQ4: Archon (70), venom blade (2), Splinter Pistol (0) [72pts] - Relic: Writ of the Living Muse, Warlord: Labyrinth Cunning
    TR4: 5 Kabalite warriors (5x6), Shredder (8) [38pts]
    TR5: 5 Kabalite warriors (5x6), Shredder (8) [38pts]
    TR6: 5 Kabalite warriors (5x6), Shredder (8) [38pts]
    HS3: Ravager (80) 3 Disintegrator cannons (3x15), Bladevanes (0) [125pts]
    HS4: Ravager (80) 3 Disintegrator cannons (3x15), Bladevanes (0) [125pts]
    HS5: Ravager (80) 3 Disintegrator cannons (3x15), Bladevanes (0) [125pts]
    DT1: Venom (55), 1 splinter cannon (10), bladevanes (0), night shield (0), flickerfield (0) [65pts]
    DT2: Venom (55), 1 splinter cannon (10), bladevanes (0), night shield (0), flickerfield (0) [65pts]
    DT3: Venom (55), 1 splinter cannon (10), bladevanes (0), night shield (0), flickerfield (0) [65pts]
    DT4: Venom (55), 1 splinter cannon (10), bladevanes (0), night shield (0), flickerfield (0) [65pts]
    DT5: Venom (55), 1 splinter cannon (10), bladevanes (0), night shield (0), flickerfield (0) [65pts]
    DT6: Venom (55), 1 splinter cannon (10), bladevanes (0), night shield (0), flickerfield (0) [65pts]

    == Patrol Detachment Drukhari [90pts] +0CP - Cult of the Red Grief ==
    HQ5: Succubus : Archite Glaive(0), Splinter pistol (0) [50pts]
    TR8: 5 Wyches(5x8), Hekatrix (0), Hekatarii blade(0), Splinter pistol(0) [40pts]

    + PLAYER 7: Damien "Huuga" Dailcroix
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1999pts

    == Battalion Detachment [763pts] +5CP - Orks - Evil Suns ==
    HQ1 : Big Mek in Mega Armor(77), kustom Shoota(2), Power Klaw(13), Kustom Force field(20) [112] Warlord: Follow me, ladz! +1CP
    HQ2 : Weirdboy(62) [62] Psychic power : Warpath
    Troup1 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 3 tankbusta bomb, Boss Nob(0), killsaw(15) [225]
    Troup2 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 3 tankbusta bomb, Boss Nob(0), killsaw(15) [225]
    Troup3 : 10 Boyz(70), 1 Tankbusta bomb, Boss Nob(0), Diskeuz'(15) [85]
    Troup4 : 18 Gretchins(30 + 8*3) [54]

    == Battalion Detachment [1236pts] +5CP - Orks- Evil Suns ==
    HQ3 : Warboss(65), kustom shoota(2), Big Choppa(5), attack squig (0) [72] Relic : Headwoppa's Killchoppa
    HQ4 : Weirdboy(62) [62] Psychic Power : Da'jump
    Troup5 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 3 tankbusta bomb, Boss Nob(0), killsaw(15) [225]
    Troup6 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 3 tankbusta bomb, Boss Nob(0), killsaw(15) [225]
    Troup7 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 3 tankbusta bomb, Boss Nob(0), killsaw(15) [225]
    Elite1 : Painboy (52), Power klaw(13) [65]
    Elite2 : Nob with waaagh! banner(75), kustom shoota(2) [77]
    FA1 : 30 Stormboyz(45 + 25*9), Boss Nob(0), Killsaw(15) [285]

    + PLAYER 8: Thibaut "thebs" Robine
    + ARMY FACTION: Chaos Daemons
    + ARMY FACTION USED: Chaos Daemons & Thousand Sons
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1717 pts

    == Battalion Detachment [631pts] +5CP - Chaos Demons ==
    HQ1: The Changeling [100pts] - PP: Gaze of Fate
    HQ2: Fluxmaster (85), staff of change (5) [90pts] - PP: Gaze of Fate, Bolt of Change - Warlord: Daemonspark
    Troop1: 23 Pink Horrors (23*7), Iridescent Horror (0) [161pts]
    Troop2: 20 Pink Horrors (20*7), Iridescent Horror (0) [140pts]
    Troop3: 20 Pink Horrors (20*7), Iridescent Horror (0) [140pts]

    == Battalion Detachment [380pts] +5CP - Chaos Demons ==
    HQ3: Fluxmaster (85), staff of change (5) [90pts] - PP: Boon of Change, Flickering Flames
    HQ4: Fluxmaster (85), staff of change (5) [90pts] - PP: Flickering Flames, Infernal Gateway
    Troop4: 20 Pink Horrors (20*7), Iridescent Horror (0) [140pts]
    Troop5: 10 Pairs of Brimstones (10*3) [30pts]
    Troop6: 10 Pairs of Brimstones (10*3) [30pts]

    == Supreme Command Detachment [706pts] +1CP - Tousand Sons ==
    HQ5: Ahriman (131) on Disc of Tzeentch (35) [166pts] - PP: Doombolt, Warptime, Infernal Gateway
    HQ6: Winged Daemon Prince (170), Two sets of malefic talons (10) [180pts] - PP: Tzeentch’s Firestorm, Death Hex - Relic: Helm of the Third Eye
    HQ7: Winged Daemon Prince (170), Two sets of malefic talons (10) [180pts] - PP: Temporal Manipulation, Diabolic Strength
    HQ8: Winged Daemon Prince (170), Two sets of malefic talons (10) [180pts] - PP: Infernal Gaze, Weaver of Fates

    + COACH: Le grand, l'unique, l'irremplaçable, l'irrévérencieux, le touilleur de merde, le casse-couilles de service, l'empêcheur de tourner en rond, le Grand

    Stratéguerre, le cauchemar du forum ETC FR, sa magnifiscence turgenscente, j'ai nommé .... Manolo.


    Roster Team Nephael:


    +PLAYER : Elodie « Keleneo » DOMEIGNOZ : Capitaine
    +Faction played : Craft world - Ynnari
    +Points de Commandement : 5 + 3 + 1 CP
    + Total army : 1998 pts
    + renfort points : 0

    ==Battallion Detachment - Craftworld "Alaitoc" == [1175pts] +5CP

    HQ1: Spiritseer - [65pts] (Conceal/Reveal, Smite)
    HQ2: Farseer (110) - [110pts] (Guide, Doom, Smite)
    Troop1: 5 Rangers - [60pts]
    Troop2: 5 Rangers - [60pts]
    Troop3: 5 Rangers - [60pts]
    HS4: Fire Prism (155), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2) - [157pts]
    HS5: Fire Prism (155), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2) - [157pts]
    HS6: Fire Prism (155), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2) - [157pts]
    Transport1 : Wave Serpent (120), Twin Shuriken Cannons (17), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2) - [139pts]
    Flyer1 : Hemlock Wraithfighter (200), Spirit Stone (10) - [210pts] (Smite, Jinx)

    == Spearhead Detachment - Ynnari Craftworld == [823pts] +1CP

    HQ3: Yvraine - [132pts] [Warlord : Tenacious Survivor] (Ancestors' Grace, Word of the Phoenix, Smite)
    HQ4: Spiritseer - [65pts] (Protect/Jinx, Smite) "Biel-Tan"
    FA1: 9 Windriders (144), 9 Scatter Laser (63) - [207pts] "Alaitoc"
    HS1: 10 Dark Reapers (120), 9 Reaper launcher (198), Exarch with Tempest Launcher (27) - [345pts] "Alaitoc"
    HS2: Support Weapon (25), Shadow Weaver (12) - [37pts] "Alaitoc"
    HS3: Support Weapon (25), Shadow Weaver (12) - [37pts] "Alaitoc"

    +PLAYER : Jordan « Ass_D_As » DUVERNAY
    +Faction played : Drukhari "Prophets of flesh", "Kabal of black heart"
    +Points de Commandement : 6 + 3 – 1 CP + 1D3 (strata reliques pour 1CP) => entre 9 et 11
    + Total army : 1997 pts
    + renfort points : 0

    == Spearhead Detachment - Drukhari "Black heart" == [451pts ] +1 CP

    HQ1 : Archon(70), Huskblade (6) [76], [Reliq : Writh of the living muse]
    HS1 : Ravager(80), 3 Disintegrator cannon (3x15) [125]
    HS2 : Ravager(80), 3 Disintegrator cannon (3x15) [125]
    HS3 : Ravager(80), 3 Disintegrator cannon (3x15) [125]

    == Batallion Detachment - Drukhari "Prophet of flesh" == [1546] +5 PC

    HQ2 : Haemonculus (70), Hexrifle (5),[Reliq : Vexator mask] [75]
    HQ3 : Urien Rakarth(90) [90] [Warlord : Diabolical Soothsayer]
    Troup1 : 5 Wracks (45) [45]
    Troup2 : 5 Wracks (45) [45]
    Troup3 : 5 Wracks (45) [45]
    Elite1 : 6 Grotesques(6x32), 6xFleshgautlet (6x3) [210]
    Elite2 : 10 Grotesques(10x32), 10x Fleshgauntlet (3x10) [350]
    HS4 : 2 Talos(2x75), 4 Haywire Blaster (8x4), 2 Macro-scalpel(2x4), 2 Chain Flails(2x3) [196]
    HS5 : 3 Talos(3x75), 6 Haywire Blaster (8x6), 3 Macro-scalpel(3x4), 3 Fleaux(3x3) [294]
    HS6 : 2 Talos(2x75), 4 Haywire Blaster (8x4), 2 Macro-scalpel(2x4), 2 Chain Flails(2x3) [196]

    + TEAM: Nephael
    + PLAYER : Olivertwix
    + ARMY FACTION: Tau empire
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000pts

    == BATAILLON DETACHMENT - Tau Empire "Tau" == [420pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Cadre Fireblade(1*39), Markerlight (3) [42] [Warlord Trait : Through Unity, Devastation]
    HQ2 : Commander en XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit(1*90), Advanced Targeting System (6), 3 Missile Pods(45) [141]
    Troup1 : 7 Strike Team (35 + 2*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [49]
    Troup2 : 7 Strike Team (35 + 2*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [49]
    Troup3 : 7 Strike Team (35 + 2*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [49]
    Elite1 : [BF] Dahyak Grekh(1*20) [20]
    FA1 : 5 Pathfinder Team (25), 2 Markerlight (6), 3 Ion Rifle (21), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8.), MV4 Shield Drone (10), Shas'ui(0) [70]

    == VANGUARD DETACHMENT - Tau Empire "Sacea" == [279pts] +1CP

    HQ1 : Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit(1*72), 4 Cyclic ion blaster(72), MV4 Shield Drone(10) [154]
    HQ2 : Ethereal sur Hover-Drone [50]
    Elite1 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) [25] Relic : Puretide Engram Neurochip
    Elite2 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) [25]
    Elite3 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) [25]

    == BATAILLON DETACHMENT - Tau Empire "Tau" == [1301pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Commander Shadowsun(1*110), 2x MV52 Shield Drone (22) [132]
    HQ2 : Darkstrider(1*45) [45]
    Troup1 : 7 Strike Team (35 + 2*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [49]
    Troup2 : 7 Strike Team (35 + 2*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [49]
    Troup3 : 7 Strike Team (35 + 2*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [49]
    Elite1 :  XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30) Target Lock (12) [262]
    Elite2 :  XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30) Target Lock (12)  [262]
    FA1 : Tactical Drones, 5x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [50]
    HS1 : 3x XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (35 + 2*35), 3 Advanced Targeting System (18), 6 Smart Missile System (90), 6 High-Yield Missile Pod (150), 4x MV4 Shield Drone (60) [403]

    + TEAM: Nephael
    + PLAYER : Lechevreuil
    + ARMY FACTION: Necron
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000pts

    == Bataillon Detachment – Necron dynasty "SAUTEK" == [60PL - 983pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Lord (65), Hyperphase sword (3) [68 - 5PL]
    HQ2 : Cryptek (70), Staff of light (10), Canoptek Cloak (5) [85 - 5PL]

    Troop1 : 5 Immortals (40), 5 Tesla carbine (35) [75 - 4PL]
    Troop2 : 5 Immortals (40), 5 Tesla carbine (35) [75 - 4PL]
    Troop3 : 5 Immortals (40), 5 Tesla carbine (35) [75 - 4PL]

    Elite1 : Triarch Stalker (85), Twin heavy gauss cannon (40), [125 - 8PL]

    HS1 : Doomsday Ark (160) [160 - 10PL]
    HS2 : Doomsday Ark (160) [160 - 10PL]
    HS3 : Doomsday Ark (160) [160 - 10PL]

    == Air Wing Detachment – Necron dynasty "SAUTEK" == [33PL – 450pts] +1CP

    Flyer1 : Doom Scythe (150) [150 - 11PL]
    Flyer2 : Doom Scythe (150) [150 - 11PL]
    Flyer3 : Doom Scythe (150) [150 – 11PL]

    == Outrider Detachment – Necron dynasty "NEPHREKH" == [35PL – 567pts ]

    HQ3 : Cryptek (70), Relique The Solar Staff (10), Canoptek Cloak (5) [85 – 5PL] [WARLORD – Implacable Conqueror]

    FA1 : 6 Canoptek Wraiths (288) [288 - 18PL]
    FA2 : 3 Canoptek Wraiths (144) [144 - 9PL]
    FA3 : 1 Destroyers (30), Gauss cannon (20) [50 - 3PL]

    + TEAM: Nephael
    + PLAYER : Bloodman
    + ARMY FACTION: adeptus mechanicus , Imperial Knight
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 3+5+3-1-1 = 9 CP
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1999pts

    == Super Heavy DETACHMENT - Imperial Knight "Vulker" == [pts] +3CP

    Lord of War1 : Knight Castellan(1*510), 2 Twin Siegebreaker Cannons(70), 2 Shieldbreaker Missiles (24), Cawl's Wrath [QM], [Codex] Ion Bulwark (-1CP) [604]
    Lord of War2 : [WARLORD] Knight Castellan(510), 2 Twin Siegebreaker Cannons(70), 2 Shieldbreaker Missiles (24),  Relic : Armour of the Sainted Ion (-1CP), [Vulker] Adamantium Knight [604]
    Lord of War3 : 3 Armiger Warglaives(160 + 2*160), 3 Heavy Stubber(6) [486]

    == Bataillon DETACHMENT - Adeptus Mechanicus "Stygie VIII" == [305pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(1*30) [30]
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(1*30) [30]
    Troup1 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), Ranger Alpha(0) [35]
    Troup2 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), Ranger Alpha(0) [35]
    Troup3 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), Ranger Alpha(0) [35]
    FA1 : 2 Sydonian Dragoons(59 + 1*59), Phosphor Serpenta (4), 2 Taser Lance (18) [140]

    + Team : Nephael
    + Player : Bubba
    + Army Factions Used: Imperium / Space Wolf, Blood angels,
    + Total Army Points : 1996 pts
    + Total Command Points : 3+5+5+5-1-3 = 14CP

    == Battalion Detachment - Space Wolves == [462pts] +5CP

    HQ1: Wolf Guard Battle Leader (60), Chainsword (0), Thunder hammer (21) [81pts]
    HQ2: Wolf Guard Battle Leader (60), Chainsword (0), Thunder hammer (21) [81pts]
    HQ3: Wolf Lord (74), Stormshield (10), Thunder hammer (21), Relic : The Wulfen Stone (-1CP) [105pts]
    TR1: 5 Grey Hunters (65), Boltgun & Bolt Pistol & Chainsword  (0) [65pts]
    TR2: 5 Grey Hunters (65), Boltgun & Bolt Pistol & Chainsword  (0) [65pts]
    TR3: 5 Grey Hunters (65), Boltgun & Bolt Pistol & Chainsword  (0) [65pts]

    == Battalion Detachment - Space Wolves == [961pts] +5CP

    HQ4 : Rune Priest with Jump Pack (112), Runic axe (12), Runic armour (7) [131pts] 2. Tempest thrat 3. Murderous Hurricane
    HQ5: Njal Stormcaller [138pts]: 2. Freki et geki, 5. Storm Caller, 6. Jaws of the World Wolf
    TR4: 5 Grey Hunters (65), Boltgun & Bolt Pistol & Chainsword  (0) [65pts]
    TR5: 5 Grey Hunters (65), Boltgun & Bolt Pistol & Chainsword  (0) [65pts]
    TR6: 5 Grey Hunters (65), Boltgun & Bolt Pistol & Chainsword  (0) [65pts]
    TR7: 5 Grey Hunters (65), Boltgun & Bolt Pistol & Chainsword  (0) [65pts]
    DT1: Rhino (70), Storm bolter (2) [72pts]
    DT2: Rhino (70), Storm bolter (2) [72pts]
    DT3: Rhino (70), Storm bolter (2) [72pts]
    DT4: Rhino (70), Storm bolter (2) [72pts]
    DT5: Rhino (70), Storm bolter (2) [72pts]
    DT6: Rhino (70), Storm bolter (2) [72pts]

    == Battalion Detachment - Blood Angels == [573pts] +5CP

    HQ6: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Stormshield (10), Thunder hammer (21) [124pts] Death Visions Of Sanguinius (-1CP), The Angel's Wing, Warlord: Artisian of War
    HQ7: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Stormshield (10), Thunder hammer (21) [124pts] Death Visions Of Sanguinius (-1CP), Armoury of Baal (-1CP): Hammer of Baal
    HQ8: Mephiston [160pts] Quickening, Wings of Sanguinius, Unleash Rage

    Troupe 8 : 5 Scouts (5*11) [55]
    Troupe 9 : 5 Scouts (5*11) [55]
    Troupe 10 : 5 Scouts (5*11) [55]

    +Faction played : Tyranids
    +Points de Commandement : 14 (12 + 3 – 1 CP)
    +Total army : 2000 pts
    +renfort points : 0

    == Brigade detachment - Tyranides "Kronos" == [1970pts] +12CP

    HQ1 : BroodLord(115), Bio artefact : The Ymgarl Factor [115] [Psy : Catalyst]
    HQ2 : BroodLord  [115] [Psy : Paroxysm]
    HQ3 : [WARLORD] Neurothrope [90] [Psy: onslaught ] [WARLORD TRAITS : Synaptic Lynchpin]
    Troop1 : 3 Ripper Swarms [33]
    Troop2 : 3 Ripper Swarms [33]
    Troop3 : 3 Ripper Swarms [33]
    Troop4 : 30 Termagants [120]
    Troop5 : 30 Termagants [120]
    Troop6 : 30 Termagants [120]
    Elite1 : 6 Hive Guards(3x18 + 318), 6 Impaler cannon (6x30) [288]
    Elite2 : 6 Hive Guards(3x18 + 3*18), 6 Impaler cannon (6x30) [288]
    Elite3 : 1 Pyrovores [25]
    FA1 : 1 Mucolid Spores [20]
    FA2 : 1 Mucolid Spores [20]
    FA3 : 1 Mucolid Spores [20]
    HS1 : Exocrine [170]
    HS2 : Exocrine [170]
    HS3 : Tyrannofex(1x151), 1 Stinger salvo ( 8 ), 1 Acid spray (25), toxin sacs (1), adrenals glands (5) [190]

    == Auxiliary Support Detachment - Tyranides "Kronos" == [30pts] -1CP
    Elite4 : 1 Venomthropes [30]

    Team Nephael
    Player : David « BZH » Tribouillet
    Faction : Death guard, Thousand sons, Renegade Knight
    Total army points 1999 pts
    Total reinforcement points 1 pts
    Total command points : 9

    == Spearhead Detachment (+1 CP) (1020) ==

    HQ1 : Daemon Prince with Wings (170) Pair Malefic Talons (10) [Blade of putrefaction, Smite] - 180 – [Free Relic : The Suppurating plate] – [Warlord : Arch-Contaminator]
    Troop1 : 20 Plague Marines (20*16) 2 Blight Grenade Launcher (2*10) 2 Flail of Corruption (2*10) 15 pair of plague knives (0) - 360
    EL1 : Biologus Putrifer (60) - 60
    HS1 : Plagueburst Crawler (100) 2 Plaguespitter (34) Heavy Slugger (6) - 140
    HS2 : Plagueburst Crawler (100) 2 Plaguespitter (34) Heavy Slugger (6) - 140
    HS3 : Plagueburst Crawler (100) 2 Plaguespitter (34) Heavy Slugger (6) - 140

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 CP) (514) ==

    HQ2 : Arhiman on disc of tzeentch (166) [Warptime, Death Hex, Prescience, Smite] -166
    HQ3 : Sorcerer (90) Force stave (8 ) Inferno bolt pistol (0) [Weaver of fate, Infernal Gaze] - 98
    Troop2 : 20 Tzaangors (20*7) tzaangors blades (0) Brayhorn (10) - 150
    Troop3 : 10 Chaos Cultists (10*5) Autogun (0) - 50
    Troop4 : 10 Chaos Cultists (10*5) Autogun (0) - 50

    == Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (+0 CP) (465) ==

    LoW1: Renegade Knight (285) 2x Avenger gatling cannon with heavy flamer (89) heavy stubber (2) - 465

    Team Nephael
    Coach : David « Agone » Lecaillec


    Roster Team Arcadia 404:

    + Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER : DUPRE Clément
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE: Mont’Ka
    + ARMY FACTION: T’au Empire
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 18 (5+5+5+3)
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1999 pts

    == Battalion Detachment == [362] +5 CP
    HQ1: [Warloard] Cadre Fireblade (1*39), Marker light (3), [Warlord] Through Unity, Devastation [42]
    HQ2: Commander Shadowsun (1*110) [110]
    Troup1: 10 Strike Team (10*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [70]
    Troup2: 10 Strike Team (10*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [70]
    Troup3: 10 Strike Team (10*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [70]

    == Battalion Detachment == [1285] +5 CP
    HQ1: Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit(1*76), Advanced targeting system (6), 3 Missile pod(45), Puretide Engram Neurochip [127]
    HQ2: Darkstrider (1*45) [45]
    Troup1: 5 Strike Team (5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup2: 5 Strike Team (5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup3: 5 Strike Team (5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Elite1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (1*185), Advanced targeting system (18) Target lock (12), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Heavy Burst Cannon (35) [280]
    Elite2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (1*185), Advanced targeting system (18), Target lock (12), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Heavy Burst Cannon (35) [280]
    Elite3: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (1*185), Advanced targeting system (18), Velocity Tracker (10), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Heavy Burst Cannon (35) [278]
    FA1: Tactical Drones (0*0), 9x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [90]
    FA2: Tactical Drones (0*0), 8x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [80]

    == Battalion Detachment == [352] +5 CP
    HQ1: Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit(1*76), Advanced targeting system (6), 3 Missile pod(45) [127]
    HQ2: Ethereal (1*45) [45]
    Troup1: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup2: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup3: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Elite1: Firesight Marksman (1*21), Marker light (3), Pistolet à impulsions (1) [25]
    Elite2: Firesight Marksman (1*21), Marker light (3), Pistolet à impulsions (1) [25]
    Elite3: Firesight Marksman (1*21), Marker light (3), Pistolet à impulsions (1) [25]


    Team Arcadia.404
    PLAYER : Ertios
    Faction: Ynnari
    Total Army points - 1999
    Total command points: (3+1+5-1) ( relique ) = 9
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Ynnari/Craftworld

    ==DETACHMENT Outrider== [1404] (+1CP)

    HQ1 : [WARLORD] Yvraine(1*132), Word of the Phoenix, Ancestors' Grace, [BRB] Inspiring Leader [132]

    FA1 : 8 Shining Spears (72 + 5*24), Twin Shuriken Catapult (7*2) , Laser Lance (7*Cool, Shining Spear Exarch (0), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Star Lance (10), [274]
    FA2 : 8 Shining Spears (72 + 5*24), Twin Shuriken Catapult (7*2) , Laser Lance (7*Cool, Shining Spear Exarch (0), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Star Lance (10), [274] [274]
    FA3 : : 8 Shining Spears (72 + 5*24), Twin Shuriken Catapult (7*2) , Laser Lance (7*Cool, Shining Spear Exarch (0), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Star Lance (10), [274] [274]

    HS1 : 9 Dark Reapers (36 + 6*12), Reaper Launcher (8*22), Dark Reaper Exarch (0), Tempest Launcher (27), [311]
    Transport1 : Wave Serpent(1*120), Twin Shuriken Cannon (17), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2) [139]

    ==DETACHMENT : Supreme Command == [290] (+1CP) (-1CP Relique)

    HQ1 : Eldrad Ulthran(1*135), Guide, Doom, Fortune, [135]
    HQ2 : Spiritseer(1*65), (Psyker)[Biel-Tan] The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan, Quicken/Restrain [65]
    HQ3 : 2 Warlock Conclave (90), Protect/Jinx, Empower/Enervate [90]

    ==DETACHMENT Battalion == [305] (+5CP)

    HQ1 : Spiritseer(1*65), Protect/Jinx [65]
    HQ2 : Warlock(1*55), Singing Spear (5), Enhance/Drain [60]
    Troup1 : 5 Rangers(60) [60]
    Troup2 : 5 Rangers(60) [60]
    Troup3 : 5 Rangers(60) [60]


    + Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER: LAGILLE Romain
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE: Alhazred
    + ARMY FACTION: Tyranids
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 12 (5+5+3-1)
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1992 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Tyranids

    == Battalion Detachment == [1012 Points] +5 CP

    HQ1: [Warlord] Neurothrope (1*90), Catalyst, [Warlord]Adaptative Biology [90]
    HQ2: Swarmlord(1*250), Catalyst, Onslaught [250]
    Troup1: 20 Genestealers(50 + 15*10), 20 Rending claws (40), 20 Scything talons, 5 Acid maw [240]
    Troup2: 20 Genestealers(50 + 15*10), 20 Rending claws (40), 20 Scything talons, 5 Acid maw [240]
    Troup3: 16 Genestealers(50 + 11*10), 16 Rending claws (32), 20 Scything talons, 5 Acid maw [240]

    == Battalion Detachment == [950 Points] +5 CP

    HQ1: BroodLord(1*115), The Horror [115]
    HQ2: BroodLord(1*115), Le Facteur Ymgarl Paroxysm [115]
    Troup1: 20 Genestealers(50 + 15*10), 20 Rending claws (40), 20 Scything talons, 5 Acid maw [240]
    Troup2: 20 Genestealers(50 + 15*10), 20 Rending claws (40), 20 Scything talons, 5 Acid maw [240]
    Troup3: 20 Genestealers(50 + 15*10), 20 Rending claws (40), 20 Scything talons, 5 Acid maw [240]

    == Auxiliary Support Detachment == [30 Points] -1CP
    Elite1: 1 Venomthrope [30]


    + Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER: LABRUNE Franck
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE: Alaric1
    + ARMY FACTION: Adeptus Custodes
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1997 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Adeptus Custodes
    == Battalion Detachment == [1997 points] (+5 PC)
    QG1: Shield-Captain on dawneagle motojet (150), interceptor lance (0), bolter hurricane (10) [Relic]: Auric Aquila – Warlord – [warlord]: superior creation [160]
    QG2: Captain General Trajan Valloris [185]

    Troops 1: Custodian guards 3x custodian guards (3x40) – guardian lance (3x12) [156]
    Troops 2: Custodian guards 3x custodian guards (3x40) – guardian lance (3x12) [156]
    Troops 3: Custodian guards 4x custodian guards (4x40) - Sentinel Blades (4x7) Stormshield (4x10) [228]

    Fast Attack 1: 4x vertus Praetors (4x80), Interceptor lance (4x0), bolter hurricane (4x10) [360]
    Elite 1: Vexillus praetor (1x80), Stormshield (1 x 10), Vexilla Magnifica (1x30) [122]
    Elite 2 :Allarus custodians x8 (8x65) Balistus grenade launcher (8x0) Castellan axe (8x14) [632]


    +Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER : Gagliardi Pierre Ugo
    + ARMY FACTION: Imperial Knights
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 12 (3+6+5-1-1)
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1994 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Imparial Knights + Adeptus Mechanicus

    == Super Heavy Detachment  == [1056 Points] +6 CP

    LoW01 : [Warlord] Knight Gallant(1*285), Thunderstrike gauntlet (35), Heavy stubber(2), Reaper chainsword (30), Titanic feet (0), [Trait] Landstrider, [Artefact] Armour of the sainted ion [352]
    LoW02 : Knight Gallant(1*285), Thunderstrike gauntlet (35), Heavy stubber (2), Reaper chainsword (30), Titanic feet (0) [352]
    LoW03 : Knight Gallant(1*285), Thunderstrike gauntlet (35), Heavy stubber (2), Reaper chainsword (30), Titanic feet (0) [352]

    == Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == [604 Points] +0 CP

    Strat. "Heirlooms of the household"(-1 CP) and "Exalted Court"(-1 CP)
    LoW04 : Knight Castellan(1*510), Volcano lance (0), 2 Twin siegebreaker cannons (70), 2 Shieldbreaker missiles (24), 2 Twin meltagun (0), Titanic feet (0), [Trait] Ion bulwark, [Artefact] Cawl's wrath [604]

    == Batallion Detachment == [334 Points] +5 CP

    HQ01 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(1*30), Omnissian axe (0), Laspistol (0), Servo-arm (0) [30]
    HQ01 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(1*30), Omnissian axe (0), Laspistol (0), Servo-arm (0) [30]
    Troup01 : 6 Skitarii Rangers(35 + 1*7), 4 Galvanic Riffles (0), 2 Transuranic arquebus (30), Ranger Alpha(0) [72]
    Troup02 : 6 Skitarii Rangers(35 + 1*7), 4 Galvanic Riffles (0), 2 Transuranic arquebus (30), Ranger Alpha(0) [72]
    Troup03 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), 3 Galvanic Riffles (0), 2 Transuranic arquebus (30), Ranger Alpha(0) [65]
    Troup04 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), 3 Galvanic Riffles (0), 2 Transuranic arquebus (30), Ranger Alpha(0) [65]


    + Team : Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER : CLOUET Nicolas
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE : Huanchi
    + ARMY FACTION : Astra Militarum
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 16 (3+12+1+5-3-2)
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1998 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Astra Militarum, Blood Angels

    == Brigade Detachment== [985pts] (+12CP)
    HQ01: Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken [75pts]
    HQ02: Commissar Yarrick [100pts]
    HQ03: Company Commander [30pts]: Laspistol, Chainsword, Relic: Kurov's Aquila, Warlord [Warlord] Old Grudges
    Troops 01: Infantry Squad 9x Guardsman (9*4), Sergeant (4): Laspistol (0) Chainsword (0) [40pts]
    Troops 02: Infantry Squad 9x Guardsman (9*4), Sergeant (4): Laspistol (0) Chainsword (0) [40pts]
    Troops 03: Infantry Squad 9x Guardsman (9*4), Sergeant (4): Laspistol (0) Chainsword (0) [40pts]
    Troops 04: Infantry Squad 9x Guardsman (9*4), Sergeant (4): Laspistol (0) Chainsword (0) [40pts]
    Troops 05: Infantry Squad 9x Guardsman (9*4), Sergeant (4): Laspistol (0) Chainsword (0) [40pts]
    Troops 06: Infantry Squad 9x Guardsman (9*4), Sergeant (4): Laspistol (0) Chainsword (0) [40pts]
    Elites 01: Ministorum Priest [35pts]: Laspistol, Chainsword
    Elites 02: Ministorum Priest [35pts]: Laspistol, Chainsword
    Elites 03: Sergeant Harker [50pts]
    FA01: Hellhounds [107pts], Hellhound: Heavy Flamer, Turret-mounted Inferno Cannon
    FA02: Hellhounds [107pts], Hellhound: Heavy Flamer, Turret-mounted Inferno Cannon
    FA03: Hellhounds [107pts], Hellhound: Heavy Flamer, Turret-mounted Inferno Cannon
    HS01: 3x Heavy Weapons Squad (3x11pts) 3x Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar [33pts]
    HS01: 3x Heavy Weapons Squad (3x11pts) 3x Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar [33pts]
    HS01: 3x Heavy Weapons Squad (3x11pts) 3x Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar [33pts]

    ==Supreme Command Detachment == [570pts] (+1CP)
    HQ01: Tank Commander [12 PL, 192pts]: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolters Command Punisher: Turret-mounted Punisher Gatling Cannon, Hunter-Killer Missile
    HQ02: Tank Commander [12 PL, 192pts]: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolters Command Punisher: Turret-mounted Punisher Gatling Cannon, Hunter-Killer Missile
    HQ03: Tank Commander [12 PL, 186pts]: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolters Command Punisher: Turret-mounted Punisher Gatling Cannon

    == Battalion Detachment== [443pts] (+5CP)
    HQ01: Captain with Jump Pack (1*93), Thunder Hammer (1*21), Storm Shield (1*10), Relic: The Angel’s Wings, Stratagem: Death Visions of Sanguinius [6PL, 124pts]
    HQ02: Captain with Jump Pack (1*93), Thunder Hammer (1*21), Storm Shield (1*10), Relic: Hammer of Baal, Stratagem: Death Visions of Sanguinius [6PL, 124pts]
    Troup01 : 5 Scout Squad (1*55), 4 Sniper Rifles (4*2), Scout Sergeant (0): Sniper Rifle (1*2) [4PL, 65pts]
    Troup02 : 5 Scout Squad (1*55), 4 Sniper Rifles (4*2), Scout Sergeant (0): Sniper Rifle (1*2) [4PL, 65pts]
    Troup03 : 5 Scout Squad (1*55), 4 Sniper Rifles (4*2), Scout Sergeant (0): Sniper Rifle (1*2) [4PL, 65pts]

    +Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER: CHOLLAT Néhémie
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE: Sarnai-Ariénis
    + ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 8 (3+5+1+1-1-1)
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Drukhari

    ==Spearhead Detachment== [449pts] (+1CP)

    HQ01: Archon, Agoniser, Splinter pistol [Warlord]Labyrinthine cunning, [Relic]Writ of the living Muse [74pts]
    HS01: Ravager (90pts) Disintegrator cannon, 3x Disintegrator cannon (3x15pts) [125pts]
    HS02: Ravager (90pts) Disintegrator cannon, 3x Disintegrator cannon (3x15pts) [125pts]
    HS03: Ravager (90pts) Disintegrator cannon, 3x Disintegrator cannon (3x15pts) [125pts]

    ==Air Wing Detachment == [405pts] (+1CP)

    Fyer01: Razorwing Jetfighter [105pts] Twin splinter rifle 2x Disintegrator cannon (2x15) [135pts]
    Fyer02: Razorwing Jetfighter [105pts] Twin splinter rifle 2x Disintegrator cannon (2x15) [135pts]
    Fyer03: Razorwing Jetfighter [105pts] Twin splinter rifle 2x Disintegrator cannon (2x15) [135pts]

    == Battalion Detachment== < Prophets of Flesh> [1146pts] (+5CP)

    HQ01: Haemonculus [81pts]: Diabolical Soothsayer -1PC, Electrocorrosive whip (6), Haemonculus tools, Stlinger Pistol (5), The Vexator Mask, -1PC
    HQ02: Urien Rakarth [90pts]

    Toops01:4x Wracks, Acothyst [7x5pts] 5xHaemonculus tools [45pts]
    Toops01:4x Wracks, Acothyst [7x5pts] 5xHaemonculus tools [45pts]
    Toops01:4x Wracks, Acothyst [7x5pts] 5xHaemonculus tools [45pts]

    Elites01: 8x Grotesques [8x35pts], 8x Monstrous Cleaver: Flesh Gauntlet [280pts]
    Elites02: 8x Grotesques [8x35pts], 8x Monstrous Cleaver: Flesh Gauntlet [280pts]
    Elites03: 8x Grotesques [8x35pts], 8x Monstrous Cleaver: Flesh Gauntlet [280pts]

    +Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER: PIALLAT Guillaume
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE: Angelys
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 14 (3+5+5+1)
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts

    == Battalion Detachment == [1029 pts] (+5 PC)

    HQ1 Big Mek in Mega Armour (77): Kustom Force Field (20), Kustom Shoota(2), Power Klaw(13) – [112pts]
    HQ2 Weirdboy (62): Warpath – [62pts]
    TR1 30 Boyz (210), 3 Tankbusta bomb (0), Nob with Dual Killsaw (23) - [233pts]
    TR2 30 Boyz (210), 3 Tankbusta bomb (0), Nob with Killsaw (15) - [225pts]
    TR3 30 Boyz (210), 3 Tankbusta bomb (0), Nob with Killsaw (15) - [225pts]
    TR4 10 Gretchin (30) – [30pts]

    Elites1 Nob with Waaagh! Banner(75): Kustom Shoota(2) – [77]
    Elites2 Painboy (52): Power Klaw(13) – [65]

    == Battalion Detachment == [971 pts] (+5 PC)

    HQ3 Deffkilla Wartrike (120): Follow me Ladz (+1CP)! Super Cybork Body, Warlord – [120pts]]
    HQ4 Warboss (65): Kombi-Rokkit (12), Power Klaw(13) – [90pts]
    HQ5 Weirdboy (62): Da Jump – [62pts]
    TR5 30 Boyz (210), 3 Tankbusta bomb (0), Nob with Dual Killsaw (23) - [233pts]
    TR6 30 Boyz (210), 3 Tankbusta bomb (0), Nob with Dual Killsaw (23) - [233pts]
    TR7 30 Boyz (210), 3 Tankbusta bomb (0), Nob with Dual Killsaw (23) - [233pts]’cea>’au>’au>


    D3 Delta à Paris:

    Roster FTA:


    Team FTA
    Player 1 : Clément "Lebull" Cordeau
    Faction:  Imperial Knights / Astra Militarum
    Total Army points - 2000
    Total command points: 14 (3+6+5)

    ==Super-Heavy Detachment (+6CP) (1334) <Krast>==
    Lord of War1 : Knight Crusader (285), Heavy Stubber [2pts], Ironstorm Missile Pod [16pts], Thermal Cannon [76pts],Avenger Gatling Cannon [75pts], Heavy Flamer [14pts][WARLORD - ION BULWARK] [468]
    Lord of War2 : Knight Crusader (285), Heavy Stubber [2pts], Ironstorm Missile Pod [16pts], Thermal Cannon [76pts],Avenger Gatling Cannon [75pts], Heavy Flamer [14pts],Relic : Armour of the sainted ion [468]
    Lord of War3 : Knight Errant(285), Heavy Stubber [2pts], Thermal Cannon [76pts], Thunderstrike gauntlet [35pts] [398]

    ==Battalion Detachment (+5CP) (666) <Cadian>==
    HQ1 : Tank Commander (142), Heavy Bolter (8 ),Heavy Stubber [2pts], Canon Gatling Punisher (20) [172]
    HQ2 : Tank Commander (142), Heavy Bolter (8 ),Heavy Stubber [2pts],2 Plasma Cannons (2*10), Executioner Plasma Cannon (15) [187]
    HQ3 : Tank Commander (142), Heavy Bolter (8 ),Heavy Stubber [2pts],2 Plasma Cannons (2*10), Executioner Plasma Cannon (15) [187]
    Troup1 : 10 Infantry Squad [40]
    Troup2 : 10 Infantry Squad [40]
    Troup3 : 10 Infantry Squad [40]

    Team FTA
    Player 2 : Sébastien "La Loutre des bois sauvage" Margerie
    Faction: Tyranids / Genestealers cult
    Total Army points - 1997
    Total Reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 18(3+5+5+5)

    ==Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (680) <Leviathan>==
    HQ1 : BroodLord(1*115) [115][Psy : Horror]
    HQ2 : BroodLord(1*115) [115][Psy : Onslaught]
    Troup1 : 30 Termagants(40 + 20*4)30xFleshBorer (30x0) [120]
    Troup2 : 30 Termagants(40 + 20*4)30xFleshBorer (30x0) [120]
    Troup3 : 30 Termagants(40 + 20*4)30xFleshBorer (30x0) [120]
    Elite1 : 3 Venomthropes(90)[90]

    ==Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (564) <Leviathan>==
    HQ1 : Old One Eye(1*200) [200]
    HQ2 : BroodLord(1*115) [115][Psy : Catalyst]
    Troup1 : 30 Termagants(40 + 20x4), 30x FleshBorer (30x0) [120]
    Troup2 : 24 Termagants(40 + 14x4), 24x FleshBorer (24x0) [96]
    Troup3 : 3 Ripper Swarms(33) [33]

    ==Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (753) <Brood Brother>==
    HQ1 : Acolyte Iconward(1*53), Relic Icon of the Cult Ascendant [53]  [WARLORD:Focus of Adoration]
    HQ2 : Patriarch(1*150) [150][Psy : Mass Hypnosis]
    HQ3 : Patriarch(1*150) [150][Psy : Mind Control]
    Troup1 : 20 Neophyte Hybrids(50 + 10*5),20x Autoguns (20x0), 20x Auto Pistols (20x0) Neophyte Leader(0) [100]
    Troup2 : 20 Neophyte Hybrids(50 + 10*5),20x Autoguns (20x0), 20x Auto Pistols (20x0) Neophyte Leader(0) [100]
    Troup3 : 20 Neophyte Hybrids(50 + 10*5),20x Autoguns (20x0), 20x Auto Pistols (20x0) Neophyte Leader(0) [100]
    Troup4 : 20 Neophyte Hybrids(50 + 10*5),20x Autoguns (20x0), 20x Auto Pistols (20x0) Neophyte Leader(0) [100]

    Team FTA
    Player 3 : Thomas “Arkeon” Boissée
    Faction: Renegade Knight / Chaos Daemon
    Total Army points - 1999
    Total Reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 8(3+5)

    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (+0 Command Point) (604) <Renegade Knight>==
    Lord of War1 : Renegade Knight Dominus (1*500), plasma decimator (0), volcano lance (10), 2 Twin Siegebreaker cannon (2*35), 2 Shieldbreaker Missile (2*12) [604]

    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (+0 Command Point) (604) <Renegade Knight>==
    Lord of War2 : Renegade Knight Dominus(1*500), plasma decimator (0), volcano lance (10), 2 Twin Siegebreaker cannon (2*35), 2 Shieldbreaker Missile (2*12) [604]

    ==Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (791) <Nurgle>==
    HQ1 : Poxbringer [70] (Miasma of Pestilence)[Relic- Corruption]
    HQ2 : Sloppity Bilepiper [60] [Warlord - Inspiring Leader]
    Troup1 : 30 Plaguebearers(70 + 20*7), Daemonic Icon(15), Plagueridden(0) [225]
    Troup2 : 29 Plaguebearers(70 + 19*7), Daemonic Icon(15), Plagueridden(0) [218]
    Troup3 : 29 Plaguebearers(70 + 19*7), Daemonic Icon(15), Plagueridden(0) [218]
    Total detachment : 791

    Team : FTA
    PLAYER 4: Sébastien "Seby" Pascual
    ARMY FACTION: Ynnari / Craftworlds
    TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts

    ==Batallion Detachment (+5CP) <Alaitoc> [410 Points]==
    HQ1: Spiritseer [65] [Psy : Protect/Jinx]
    HQ2: Warlock [55] [Psy : Empower/Enervate]
    Troops1: 5 Rangers Rangers [60]
    Troops2: 8 Storm Guardians (8X6) , 8 Shuriken Pistol (8x0); 8 Chainsaw Swords (8x0) [48]
    Troops3: 8 Storm Guardians (8X6) , 8 Shuriken Pistol (8x0); 8 Chainsaw Swords (8x0) [48]
    DT1: Wave Serpent (120), twin scatter laser (12);Twin shuriken Catapults (2)  [134 pts]  

    ==Supreme Command Detachement (+1CP) <Ulthwe> <Biel Tan> [290 Points]==
    HQ3: Eldrad [135][Psy: Fortune, Guide, Doom] <Ulthwe>
    HQ4: Warlock conclave [90][Psy: Protect/Jinx, Conceal/Reveal] <Ulthwe>
    HQ5: Spiritseer [65][Psy: Quicken/Restrain][Relic -1CP: Spirit Stone of Anath'Lan] <Biel-Tan>

    ==Outrider Detachment (+1CP) <Ynnari> <Alaitoc> <Saim Hann>  [1299 Points]==
    HQ6: Yvraine [132][Psy: Word of the Phoenix, Grace of the Ancients][Warlord: Inspiring Leader] <Ynnari>
    FA1: 9 Shining spears (9x24), 8 Laser Lances (8x8), Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10), 9 Twin shuriken Catapults (9x2) [308pts] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>
    FA2: 8 Shining spears (8x24), 7 Laser Lances (7x8), Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin shuriken Catapults (8x2) [274pts] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>
    FA3: 7 Shining spears (7x24), 6 Laser Lances (6x8), Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10), 7 Twin shuriken Catapults (7x2) [240pts] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>
    HS1: 10 Dark Reapers (10x12), 9 reaper Launchers (9x22), Exarch (0) with Tempest Missile Launcher (27) [345]<Alaitoc/Ynnari>

    Team FTA
    Player 5 : Benjamin "Moyashi" Stroh
    Faction: Tau empire
    Total Army points - 2000
    Total Reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 14 (3+5+5+1)

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1445) <T'au sept>==
    HQ1 : Commander Shadowsun [110]
    HQ2 : Cadre Fireblade(39), Markerlight(3)[42][Relic: Puretide Engram Neurochip][Warlord: Through Unity Devastation]
    Troup1 : 5 Strike Team (5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), Markerlight(3), 5 Pulse Rifles(5*0) [38]
    Troup2 : 5 Strike Team (5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), Markerlight(3), 5 Pulse Rifles(5*0) [38]
    Troup3 : 5 Strike Team (5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), Markerlight(3), 5 Pulse Rifles(5*0) [38]
    Elite1 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), Advanced targeting system(18), Velocity tracker(10), 2 Smart missile system(2*15), Heavy burst cannon(35) [278]
    Elite2 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), Advanced targeting system(18), Velocity tracker(10), 2 Smart missile system(2*15), Heavy burst cannon(35) [278]
    Elite3 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), Velocity tracker(10), Target lock(12), 2 Smart missile system(2*15), Heavy burst cannon(35) [272]
    HS1 : 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (35 + 2*35), 3 Velocity tracker(3*2), 6 Smart missile system (6*15), 6 High-yield missile pod (6*25) [351]

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (292) <T'au sept>==
    HQ1 : Darkstrider [45]
    HQ2 : Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit(76), Advanced targeting system(6), 3 Cyclic ion blaster(3*18 ) [136]
    Troup1 : 5 Strike Team (5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), Markerlight(3), 5 Pulse Rifles(0) [38]
    Troup2 : 5 Strike Team (5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), Markerlight(3), 5 Pulse Rifles(0) [38]
    Troup3 : 5 Strike Team (5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), 5 Pulse Rifles(0) [35]
    == Outrider Detachment (+1 Command Point) (263) <T'au sept><Sa'cea sept>==
    HQ1 : Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit(90), 3 Missilepod (3*15), Air bursting fragmentation projector(8 ) [143] <Sa'cea sept>
    FA1 : 4 Tactical Drones, 4x MV4 Shield Drone (4*10) [40] <T'au sept>
    FA2 : 4 Tactical Drones, 4x MV4 Shield Drone (4*10) [40] <T'au sept>
    FA3 : 4 Tactical Drones, 4x MV4 Shield Drone (4*10) [40] <T'au sept>

    Team FTA
    Player 6: Jocelyn "Kanaky" Crochard
    Faction: Drukhari /Harlequin
    Total Army points - 2000
    Total reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 10 (3+5+1+1)

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (498) <Kabal of the black heart >==

    HQ1 : Archon (70), spliter pistol (0), Huskblade (6), Relic: Writ of the living muse [76]
    HQ2 : Archon (70), spliter pistol (0), Huskblade (6) [76] - WARLORD Labyrinthine Cunning
    Troup1 : 5 Kabalite Warriors, 4 spliter rifle (4*0), Sybarite(0), spliter rifle (0) [30]
    Troup2 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), 4 spliter rifle (4*0), Sybarite(0), spliter rifle (0), Phantasme grenade launcher (3) [33]
    Troup3 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), 4 spliter rifle (4*0), Sybarite(0), spliter rifle (0), Phantasme grenade launcher (3) [33]
    HS1 : Ravager(80), 3 Disintegrator cannons (3*15) [125]
    HS2 : Ravager(80), 3 Disintegrator cannons (3*15) [125]

    == Outrider Detachment (+1 Command Point) (1007) <Soaring Spite>==

    HQ1 : Shadowseer [125] (Twilight pathways , Shards of Light)
    FA1 : 6 Skyweaver (6*30), 6 Haywire cannons (6*15), 2 star bolas(2*0), 4 Zephyrglaive (4*6) [294]
    FA2 : 6 Skyweaver (6*30), 6 Haywire cannons (6*15), 2 star bolas(2*0), 4 Zephyrglaive (4*6) [294]
    FA3 : 6 Skyweaver (6*30), 6 Haywire cannons (6*15), 2 star bolas(2*0), 4 Zephyrglaive (4*6) [294]

    == Air Wing Detachment (+1 Command Point) (495) <Kabal of the black heart >==

    Flyer1 : Voidraven bomber (155), 2 void lance (2*0) , Voidraven missiles (10) [165]
    Flyer2 : Voidraven bomber (155), 2 void lance (2*0) , Voidraven missiles (10) [165]
    Flyer3 : Voidraven bomber (155), 2 void lance (2*0) , Voidraven missiles (10) [165]

    Team FTA
    Player 7 : Alexis “Dutch” Buan
    Faction: Orks
    Total Army points - 2000
    Total Reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 14 (3+5+5+1)

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (971) <Evil Sunz> ==
    HQ1 : Big Mek in Mega-armour(77), Kustom Shoota(2), Power klaw(13), Kustom Force Field(20), Relic : Killa Klaw, Grot oiler(4) [116]
    HQ2 : Warboss(65), Kustom Shoota(2), Big Choppa(5), Attack Squig [72]
    Troops1 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 29 Slugga (29x0), 30 Choppa (29x0), 3 Tankbusta bombs(3*0), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13) [223]
    Troops2 : 26 Boyz(70 + 16*7), 25 Slugga (25x0), 26 Choppa (25x0), 2 Tankbusta bombs(2*0), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13) [195]
    Troops3 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 29 Slugga (29x0), 30 Choppa (29x0), 3 Tankbusta bombs(3*0), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13) [223]
    Elite1 : Nob with Waaagh! Bannner (75), Kustom Shoota (2) [77]
    Elite2 : Painboy (52), Power klaw (13) [65]

    == Outrider Detachment (+1 Command Point) (762) <Evil Sunz> ==
    HQ3 : Deffkilla Wartrike(120) [WARLORD – SPEED FREEK] [120]
    FA1 : 28 Stormboyz (45 + 23*9), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13), Choppa (0) [265]
    FA2 : 29 Stormboyz (45 + 24*9), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13), Choppa (0) [274]
    FA3 : 10 Stormboyz (45 + 5*9), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13), Choppa (0) [103]

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (267) <Evil Sunz> ==
    HQ4 : Weirdboy(62), [Da Jump, Smite] [62]
    HQ5 : Weirdboy(62), [Warpath, Smite] [62]
    Troops4 : 10 Boyz(70), 9 Slugga (9x0), 10 Choppa (10x0), 1 Tankbusta bombs(0), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13) [83]
    Troops5 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    Troops6 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]

    Team FTA
    Player 8 : Pierre “Matanza” Routier
    Faction: Adeptus Mechanicus
    Total Army points - 1994
    Total Reinforcement points - 6
    Total command points: 13 (3+5+5)

    ==Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1204) <Mars>==
    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30] Relic : Raiment of The Technomartyr
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30]
    Troup1 : 5 Kataphron Breachers(60 + 2*20), 5 Heavy Arc Rifle (5*6), 5 Arc Claw (5*4) [150]
    Troup2 : 5 Kataphron Breachers(60 + 2*20), 5 Heavy Arc Rifle (5*6), 5 Arc Claw (5*4) [150]
    Troup3 : 12 Kataphron Destroyers (45 + 9*15), 12 Heavy Grav-Cannon (12*30), 12 Cognis Flamers (12*7) [624]
    HS1 : 2 Kastelan Robots(130), 6 Heavy phosphor blaster (6*15) [220]

    ==Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (790) <Mars>==
    HQ3 : Belisarius Cawl [190]
    HQ4 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30] [WARLORD - Chorister Technis]
    Troup4 : 5 Kataphron Breachers(60 + 2*20), 5 Heavy Arc Rifle (5*6), 5 Arc Claw (5*4) [150]
    Troup5 : 5 Kataphron Breachers(60 + 2*20), 5 Heavy Arc Rifle (5*6), 5 Arc Claw (5*4) [150]
    Troup6 : 5 Kataphron Breachers(60 + 2*20), 5 Heavy Arc Rifle (5*6), 5 Arc Claw (5*4) [150]
    Troup7 : 4 Kataphron Breachers(60 + 1*20), 4 Heavy Arc Rifle (4*6), 4 Arc Claw (4*4) [120]


    Roster Paris United Omega:

    + Team: PU Omega
    + Player & Captain: Pierre "Poolky" Wetula
    + List fancy name: Halte Xenos !
    + Faction: Deathwatch, Blood Angels & Adeptus Mechanicus
    + Total army points: 1999 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5+5 = 18 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion detachment – <Deathwatch> == +5 CP
    HQ1: Watch Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder hammer (21), Storm shield (10) [Relic: Dominus Aegis][WARLORD - Trait: Lord of Hidden Knowledge] - [124]
    HQ2: Watch Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder hammer (21), Storm shield (10) - [124]
    TP1: Intercessors : 4 Aggressors (4*21), 4 Boltstorm gauntlets (4*12), 4 Fragstorm grenade launchers (4*4), 1 Inceptor (25), 2 Assault Bolters (2*10), 4 Intercessors (4*17), 4 Bolter Rifles (4*1), 1 Intercessor Sergeant (17), Bolter Rifle (1) - [283]
    TP2: Intercessors : 4 Aggressors (4*21), 4 Boltstorm gauntlets (4*12), 4 Fragstorm grenade launchers (4*4), 1 Inceptor (25), 2 Assault Bolters (2*10), 4 Intercessors (4*17), 4 Bolter Rifles (4*1), 1 Intercessor Sergeant (17), Bolter Rifle (1) - [283]
    TP3: Veterans : 1 Black Shield (16), 6 Veterans (6*14), 1 Watch Sergeant (14), 8 Strom Bolters (8*4), 8 Storm shields (8*2), 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), 1 Biker (21), Twin boltgun (4) - [204]
    TP4: Veterans : 1 Black Shield (16), 6 Veterans (6*14), 1 Watch Sergeant (14), 8 Strom Bolters (8*4), 8 Storm shields (8*2), 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), 1 Biker (21), Twin boltgun (4) - [204]

    == Battalion detachment – <Blood Angels> == +5 CP
    HQ4: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder hammer (21), Storm shield (10) - [124]
    HQ5: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder hammer (21), Storm shield (10) - [124]
    HQ6: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder hammer (21), Storm shield (10) - [124]
    TP5: 5 Scouts (5*11), 5 Sniper rifles (5*2) - [65]
    TP6: 5 Scouts (5*11), 5 Sniper rifles (5*2) - [65]
    TP7: 5 Scouts (5*11), 5 Sniper rifles (5*2) - [65]

    == Battalion detachment - Cult Mechanicus <Graia> == +5 CP
    HQ7: Tech-Priest Enginseer - [30]
    HQ8: Tech-Priest Enginseer - [30]
    TP8: 5 Skitarii Rangers (5*7), 1 Transuranic Arquebus (15) - [50]
    TP9: 5 Skitarii Rangers (5*7), 1 Transuranic Arquebus (15) - [50]
    TP10: 5 Skitarii Rangers (5*7), 1 Transuranic Arquebus (15) - [50]

    + Team: PU Omega
    + Player: Yann "Elronhir" Paillard
    + List fancy name:
    + Faction: Craftworlds, Ynnari
    + Total army points: 1998 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+1+1-1 = 9 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion Detachment - Craftworlds <Ulthwé> == +5 CP
    HQ1: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [Psy: Protect/Jinx] - [67] <Ulthwé>
    HQ2: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [Psy: Conceal/Reveal] - [67] <Ulthwé>
    TR1: 5 Rangers - [60] <Ulthwé>
    TR2: 5 Rangers - [60] <Ulthwé>
    TR3: 8 Strom Guardians, 8 chainswords - [48] <Ulthwé>
    DT1: Wave Serpent (120), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2), Twin Shuriken Cannon (17) - [139] <Ulthwé>

    == Supreme Command Detchment - Craftworlds <Mixed> == +1 CP
    HQ3: Eldrad Ulthran [Psy: Fortune, Guide, Doom] - [135] <Ulthwé>
    HQ4: Warlock Conclave (2*45) [Psy: Protect/Jinx, Empower/Enervate] - [90] <Ulthwé>
    HQ5: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [Psy: Quicken/Restrain][Relic: Spirit Stone of Anath'Lan] - [67] <Biel-Tan> -1 CP

    == Outrider Detachment - Ynnari == +1 CP
    HQ6: Yvraine [Psy: Word of the Phoenix, Grace of the Ancients][WARLORD: Inspiring Leader] - [132] <Ynnari>
    FA1: 8 Shining Spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8), Exarch with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapults (8*2) - [274] <Saim-Hann><Ynnari>
    FA2: 8 Shining Spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8), Exarch with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapults (8*2) - [274]<Saim-Hann><Ynnari>
    FA3: 8 Shining Spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8), Exarch with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapults (8*2) - [274] <Saim-Hann><Ynnari>
    HS1: 9 Dark Reapers (9*12), 8 Reaper Launchers (8*22), Exarch with Tempest Missile Launcher (27) - [311] <Ulthwé><Ynnari>

    + Team: PU Omega
    + Player: Loïc "Lolo-" Dubois
    + Liste Fancy Name: Nobility, clerics and no fucking peasants !
    + Factions: Imperial Knights & Adepta Sororitas
    + Total army points: 1999 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+6 =14 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion detachment – Adepta Sororitas <Ebon Chalice> == +5 CP
    HQ1: Canoness (45), Strom bolter (2) - [47]
    HQ2: Missionary - [35]
    TP1: 5 Battle sisters (5*9) - [45]
    TP2: 5 Battle sisters (5*9) - [45]
    TP3: 5 Battle sisters (5*9) - [45]

    == Super-Heavy detachment – Imperial Knights <Krast> == +6 CP
    LoW1: Knight Crusader (285), Avenger gatling canon (75), Heavy flamer (14), Rapid-fire battle canon (100), 2 Heavy stubbers (2*2), Ironstorm missile pod (16) [WARLORD - Trait: Ion Bulwark][Relic: Endless Fury] - [494]
    LoW2: Knight Crusader (285), Avenger gatling canon (75), Heavy flamer (14), Thermal canon (76), Heavy stubber (2), Ironstorm missile pod (16) - [468]
    LoW3: Knight Crusader (285), Avenger gatling canon (75), Heavy flamer (14), Thermal canon (76), Heavy stubber (2), Ironstorm missile pod (16) - [468]

    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary detachment – Imperial Knight <Terryn> == +0 CP
    LoW4: Knight Gallant (285), Thunderstrike gaunlet (35), Heavy stubber (2), Reaper chainsword (30) - [352]

    + Team: PU Omega
    + Player: Louis "louisteq" Seurrat
    + Liste Fancy Name: Ceinture Abaddominale
    + Factions: Chaos Daemons & Heretic Astartes
    + Total army points: 2000 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5+2 = 15 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion detachment - Heretic Astartes <Mixed> == +5 CP
    HQ1: Abaddon the Despoiler [WARLORD - Trait: First Among Traitors] - [240] <Black Legion> +2 CP
    HQ2: Sorcerer (90), Force Stave (8) [Relic : Fleshmetal Exoskeleton][Psy: Warptime, Prescience] - [98] <Iron Warriors><Slaanesh>
    TP1: 40 Chaos Cultists (40*5), 4 Heavy stubbers (4*2) - [208] <Alpha Legion><Slaanesh>
    TP2: 40 Chaos Cultists (40*5), 4 Heavy stubbers (4*2) - [208] <Black Legion><Slaanesh>
    TP3: 40 Chaos Cultists (40*5), 4 Heavy stubbers (4*2) - [208] <Black Legion><Slaanesh>

    == Battalion detachment - Heretic Astartes <World Eaters><Khorne> == +5 CP
    HQ3: Exalted Champion (70), Power Axe (5) - [75]
    HQ4: Khârn the Betrayer - [120]
    TP4 : 40 Chaos Cultists (40*5), 4 Heavy stubber (4*2), 36 autopistols and brutal assault weapons - [208]
    TP5 : 40 Chaos Cultists (40*5), 4 Heavy stubber (4*2), 36 autopistols and brutal assault weapons - [208]
    TP6 : 40 Chaos Cultists (40*5), 4 Heavy stubber (4*2), 36 autopistols and brutal assault weapons - [208]

    == Patrol detachment - Chaos daemons ==
    HQ5: Daemon Prince of Chaos with wings (170), Demonic Axe (10) - [180] < Khorne >
    TP7: 13 Brimstone Horrors (13*3) - [39]

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
    Team: PU Omega
    Player: Theo "Wrath thepleymo" Hotte
    List fancy name: DAkka
    Faction: Astra Militarum, Dark Angels & Space Wolves
    Total army points: 1999 pts
    Total command points: 3+12+1+1 = 17 CP
    Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Outrider detachment - <Space Wolves> == +1 CP
    HQ1: Wolf Lord with Jump pack (93), Storm Shield (10), Thunder hammer(21) [WARLORD : Saga of the hunter] - [124]
    HQ2: Wolf Lord with Jump pack (93), Storm Shield (10), Thunder hammer(21) [Relic : The Wulfen stone] - [124]
    FA1: Cyberwolf - [15]
    FA2: Cyberwolf - [15]
    FA3: Cyberwolf - [15]

    == Brigade detachment - Astra Militarum <Catachan> == +12 CP
    HQ3: Colonel Iron Hand Straken - [75]
    HQ4: Primaris Psyker (38), Force stave (8) [Psy: Night shroud, Psychic barrier] - [46]
    HQ5: Commissar Yarrick - [100]
    TP1: 10 Infantry Squad (10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    TP2: 10 Infantry Squad (10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    TP3: 10 Infantry Squad (10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    TP4: 10 Infantry Squad (10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    TP5: 10 Infantry Squad (10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    TP6: 10 Infantry Squad (10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    TP7: 10 Infantry Squad (10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    TP8: 10 Infantry Squad (10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    TP9: 10 Infantry Squad (10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    TP10: 10 Infantry Squad (10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    EL1: Ministorum Priest (35), chainsword, autogun - [35]
    EL2: Platoon Commander (20), chainsword - [20]
    EL3: Astropath (26), laspistol [Psy: Night shroud] - [26]
    FA4: Scout Sentinel (30), Multi-laser (5) - [35]
    FA5: Scout Sentinel (30), Multi-laser (5) - [35]
    FA6: Scout Sentinel (30), Multi-laser (5) - [35]
    HS1: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (3*6), 3 Mortars (3*5) - [33]
    HS2: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (3*6), 3 Mortars (3*5) - [33]
    HS3: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (3*6), 3 Mortars (3*5) - [33]

    == Supreme Command detachment - <Dark Angels> == +1 CP
    HQ6: Ravenwing Talonmaster (123), Twin heavy bolter (17), Twin assault cannon (44), Power sword (4) - [188]
    HQ7: Ravenwing Talonmaster (123), Twin heavy bolter (17), Twin assault cannon (44), Power sword (4) - [188]
    HQ8: Ravenwing Talonmaster (123), Twin heavy bolter (17), Twin assault cannon (44), Power sword (4) - [188]
    HQ9: Sammael in Sableclaw - [216]
    EL4: 4 Servitors (4*5) - [20]

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    + Team: PU Omega
    + Player: Thibaud "Tocquet" Tocqueville
    + List fancy name: The rainbow warriors
    + Faction: T’au empire
    + Total army points: 2000 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5+5 = 18 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    == Battalion Detachment - <T'au> == +5 CP
    HQ1: Aun'Va (85), 2 Ethereal Guard (2*5) [WARLORD - Trait : Through unity, devastation] - [95]
    HQ2: Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3) [Relic: Puretide Engram Neurochip] - [42]
    TP1: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP2: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP3: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP4: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP5: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP6: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]

    == Battalion Detachment - <T'au> == +5 CP
    HQ3: Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3) - [42]
    HQ4: Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3) - [42]
    TP7: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP8: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP9: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP10: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP11: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP12: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    EL1: Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) - [25]
    EL2: Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) - [25]
    EL3: Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) - [25]
    FA1: 5 Pathfinder Team (5*5), 5 Markerlight (5*3), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8), 2 MV4 Shield Drones (2*10), Shas'ui - [68]
    FA2: 5 Pathfinder Team (5*5), 5 Markerlight (5*3), Shas'ui - [40]
    FA3: 5 Pathfinder Team (5*5), 5 Markerlight (5*3), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8), 2 MV4 Shield Drones (2*10), Shas'ui - [68]

    == Battalion Detachment - <T'au> == +5 CP
    HQ5: Commander Shadowsun - [110]
    HQ6: Darkstrider - [45]
    TP13: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP14: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP15: 9 Strike Team (9*7), 9 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [63]
    TP16: 10 Strike Team (10*7), 10 Pulse carbines, Shas'ui - [70]
    EL4: XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit (70), Shield generator (8), Target lock (12), 2 Flamers (2*6), Cyclic ion raker (32), 2 MV5 Stealth Drones (2*10) - [154]
    EL5: XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit (70), Shield generator (8), Target lock (12), 2 Flamers (2*6), Cyclic ion raker (32), 2 MV5 Stealth Drones (2*10) - [154]
    FA4: Tactical Drones : 5 MV4 Shield Drones (5*10) - [50]

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
    + Team: PU Omega
    + Player: Jul "Grimmjollow" Champion
    + List fancy name: When more dakka is still not enough
    + Faction: Orks
    + Total army points: 1999 pts
    + Total command points: 3+ 5 + 5 + 5 = 18 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Bataillon detachment - <Bad Moons> == +5 CP
    HQ1: Warboss (65), Kustom shoota (2), Power Klaw (13) [WARLORD - Trait : Kunnin but brutal] - [80]
    HQ2: Weirdboy [Psy: Da Jump] - [62]
    TP1: 20 Gretchins (20*3) - [60]
    TP2: 20 Gretchins (20*3) - [60]
    TP3: 20 Gretchins (20*3) - [60]
    HS1: 10 Lootas (10*17) - [170]
    HS2: 14 Lootas (15*17) - [238]

    == Bataillon detachment - <Evil Sunz> == +5 CP
    HQ3: Big Mek in Mega Armour (77), Kustom shoota (2), Killsaw (15), Kustom force field (20) - [114]
    HQ4: Weirdboy [Psy: Warpath] - [62]
    TP4: 10 Boyz (7*10), 8 Shoota, Big shoota (5), Boss Nob, Killsaw (15) - [90]
    TP5: 10 Boyz (7*10), 8 Shoota, Big shoota (5), Boss Nob, Killsaw (15) - [90]
    TP6: 11 Gretchins (11*3) - [33]
    EL1 : Nob with Waaagh! Banner (75), Kustom shoota (2) - [77]

    == Bataillon detachment - <Evil Sunz> == +5 CP
    HQ5: Warboss (65), Kustom shoota (2), Power Klaw (13) [Relic: Da Killa Klaw] - [80]
    HQ6: Weirdboy [Psy: Da Jump] - [62]
    TP7: 27 Boyz (27*7), 24 Shoota, 2 Big shoota (2*5), Boss Nob, Killsaw (15) - [214]
    TP8: 30 Boyz (30*7), 26 Shoota, 3 Big shoota (3*5), Boss Nob, Killsaw (15) - [240]
    TP9: 26 Boyz (26*7), 23 Shoota, 2 Big shoota (2*5), Boss Nob, Killsaw (15) - [207]

    + Team: PU Omega
    + Player: Yann "Bromotimol" Queffelec
    + List fancy name: The good, the bad and the space clown
    + Faction: Harlequins & Drukhari
    + Total army points: 2000 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+1+1 = 10 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Outrider detachment - Harlequins <Soaring spite> == +1 CP
    HQ1: Shadowseer [WARLORD - Trait: Player of the twilight] [Relic: The starmist raiment] [Psy: Twilight pathway, Webway dance] - [125]
    FA1: 6 Skyweavers (6*30), 6 haywire cannons (6*15), 4 zephyr glaives (4*6), 2 star bolas - [294]
    FA2: 6 Skyweavers (6*30), 6 haywire cannons (6*15), 4 zephyr glaives (4*6), 2 star bolas - [294]
    FA3: 6 Skyweavers (6*30), 6 haywire cannons (6*15), 4 zephyr glaives (4*6), 2 star bolas - [294]

    == Battalion detachment - Drukhari <Kabal of the obsidian rose> == +5 CP
    HQ2: Archon (70), Venom blade (2) - [72]
    HQ3: Archon (70), Venom blade (2) - [72]
    TP1: 20 Kabalite Warriors (20*6), 2 Splinter cannons (2*10), 4 Shredders (4*8), Sybarite with Phantasm grenade launcher (3) - [175]
    TP2: 15 Kabalite Warriors (15*6), 3 Shredders (3*8), Sybarite - [114]
    TP3: 5 Kabalite Warriors (5*6), Sybarite - [30]
    HS1: Ravager (80), 3 desintegrator cannons (3*15) - [125]

    == Air Wing detachment - Drukhari <Kabal of the black heart> == +1 CP
    FL1: Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 disintegrator cannons (2*15) - [135]
    FL2: Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 disintegrator cannons (2*15) - [135]
    FL3: Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 disintegrator cannons (2*15) - [135]


    Roster Paris United Delta:


    COACH Thierry "DRAZHARD"

    + TEAM : Paris United Delta
    + CAPTAIN/PLAYER : Frédéric "El Gringo" Joubert
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS : 1999
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS : 13 (5+5+3)
    + Total Reinforcement Points : 0
    == DETACHMENT 5CP (274)
    HQ1 : [Warlord - Through Unity, Devastation] Ethereal on Hover-Drone, 1 honour blade (0) (1*50) [50]
    [Relic] Puretide Engram Neurochip
    HQ2 : Commander Shadowsun, 2 fusion blasters (1*110) [110]
    Troup1 : 5 Strike Team (35), 5 pulse rifle (0), 5 photon grenades (0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), 1 Markerlight (3) [38]
    Troup2 : 5 Strike Team (35), 5 pulse rifle (0), 5 photon grenades (0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), 1 Markerlight (3) [38]
    Troup3 : 5 Strike Team (35), 5 pulse rifle (0), 5 photon grenades (0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), 1 Markerlight (3) [38]
    == DETACHMENT 5CP (1725)
    HQ3 : Cadre Fireblade(1*39), pulse rifle (0), photon grenades (0), markerlight (3) [42]
    HQ4 : Darkstrider(1*45), pulse carbine (0), photon grenades (0), markerlight (0) [45]
    Troup4 : 5 Strike Team (35), 5 pulse rifle (0), 5 photon grenades (0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), 1 Markerlight (3) [38]
    Troup5 : 5 Strike Team (35), 5 pulse rifle (0), 5 photon grenades (0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), 1 Markerlight (3) [38]
    Troup6 : 5 Strike Team (35), 5 pulse rifle (0), 5 photon grenades (0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Elite1 : Firesight Marksman(1*21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) [25]
    Elite2 : Firesight Marksman(1*21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) [25]
    Elite3 : Firesight Marksman(1*21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) [25]
    Elite4 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(1*185), 1 Advanced targeting system (18), 1 Velocity tracker (10), 2 Smart missile systems (30), 1 Heavy burst cannon (35) [278]
    Elite5 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(1*185), 1 Advanced targeting system (18), 1 Velocity tracker (10), 2 Smart missile systems (30), 1 Heavy burst cannon (35) [278]
    Elite6 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(1*185), 1 Advanced targeting system (18), 1 Velocity tracker (10), 2 Smart missile systems (30), 1 Heavy burst cannon (35) [278]
    FA1 : Tactical Drones, 8 MV4 Shield Drone (40+4*10) [80]
    FA2 : Tactical Drones, 8 MV4 Shield Drone (40+4*10) [80]
    FA3 : Tactical Drones, 8 MV4 Shield Drone (40+4*10) [80]
    HS1 : 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (35 + 2*35), 2 Advanced targeting system (12), 4 Smart missile systems (60), 2 Missiles Seeker (10), 4 High-yield missile pod (100), Broadside Shas'vre(0), 1 Advanced targeting system (6), 2 Smart missile systems (30), 1 Missiles Seeker (5), 2 High-yield missile pod (50) [378]

    + Team: Paris United Delta
    + Player: Nicolas "Philidork" Bonin
    + List fancy name: Merci qui? Merci Sleekid!
    + Faction: Orks
    + Total army points: 2000
    + Total command points: 3+5+1+5+5-1 = 18 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: N/a
    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (1009) ==
    HQ1 : Weirdboy(1*62) [62] [Psy : Da Jump]
    HQ2 : Mega Armor Big Mek(1*77), Kustom Shoota(2), Power Klaw(13), Kustom Force Field(20), [WARLORD : Follow me, ladz! +1 CP], Grot Oiler(4) [116]
    Tr1 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 28 Shoota(0), 3 Tankbusta Bomb(0), Boss Nob(0) Shoota(0) [210]
    Tr2 : 27 Gretchins(30 + 14*3) [72]
    Tr3 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    Elite1 : 15 Tankbustas(25 + 10*5), 14 rokkit launcha (168), Boss Nob(0), rokkit launcha(12) [255]
    HS1 : 15 Lootas(85 + 10*17) [255]
    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (759) - ==
    HQ3 : Warboss(1*65), Kustom Shoota(2), Power Klaw [Da Killa Klaw](13), Attack squig(0)[80]
    HQ4 : Weirdboy(1*62) [62] [Psy : Fists of Gork]
    Tr4 : 28 Boyz(70 + 19*7), 28 Choppa(0), 2 Tankbusta Bomb(0), 28 Slugga(0), Boss Nob(0), Big Choppa(5) Slugga(0) [208]
    Tr5 : 29 Boyz(70 + 19*7), 28 Choppa(0), 2 Tankbusta Bomb(0), 28 Slugga(0), Boss Nob(0), Big Choppa(5) Slugga(0) [208]
    Tr6 : 29 Boyz(70 + 19*7), 28 Choppa(0), 2 Tankbusta Bomb(0), 28 Slugga(0), Boss Nob(0), Big Choppa(5) Slugga(0), [208]
    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (232) ==
    HQ5 : Warboss(1*65),Kustom Shoota(2), Power Klaw(13), Attack squig(0), [Morgog's finkin' kap : Brutal but kunnin' -1CP] [80]
    HQ6 : Weirdboy(1*62) [62] [Psy : Warpath]
    Tr7 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    Tr8 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    Tr9 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]

    + Team : Paris United Delta
    + Player : Romain "Helden" Le Roux
    + Faction : Imperial Knights
    + Total Army Points - 1992
    + Total Reinforcement Points - 0
    + Total Command Points: 9
    == Super-Heavy Detachment (+ 6 Command Points) (1992) ==
    Lord of War1 : Knight Crusader(1*285), Avenger gatling cannon [Relic : Endless Fury] (75), Thermal Cannon (76), Heavy Flamer(14), Heavy Stubber(2), Ironstorm missile pod(16) [468] [WARLORD - ION BULWARK]
    Lord of War2 : Knight Crusader(1*285), Avenger gatling cannon(75), Thermal Cannon (76), Heavy Flamer(14), Heavy Stubber(2), Ironstorm missile pod(16) [468]
    Lord of War3 : Knight Gallant(1*285), Thunderstrike Gauntlet(35), Heavy Stubber(2), Reaper Chainsword(30) [352]
    Lord of War4 : Knight Gallant(1*285), Thunderstrike Gauntlet(35), Heavy Stubber(2), Reaper Chainsword(30) [352]
    Lord of War5 : Knight Gallant(1*285), Thunderstrike Gauntlet(35), Heavy Stubber(2), Reaper Chainsword(30) [352]

    + Team : Paris United Delta
    + Player : Bastien "Hypokrass" Gulon
    + Faction : Drukhari/Harlequins
    + Total Army Points - 2000
    + Total Reinforcement Points - 0
    + Total Command Points: 14
    == DETACHMENT 5CP (383)
    HQ1 : Archon(1*70), Blast pistol (10), Huskblade (6), [RELIC: The djin blade] [86]
    HQ2 : [Warlord] Archon(1*70), Venom blade (2), [WARLORD - Labyrinthine cunning] [72]
    Troup1 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), 5 splinter rifle(0), Sybarite(0) [30]
    Troup2 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), 5 splinter rifle(0), Sybarite(0) [30]
    Troup3 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), 5 splinter rifle(0), Sybarite(0) [30]
    Flyer1 : Razorwing Jetfighter(1*105), 2 Disintegrator cannon (30), Twin splinter rifle(0) [135]
    == DETACHMENT 5CP (664)
    HQ3 : Archon(1*70), Blast pistol (10), Venom blade (2) [82]
    HQ4 : Drazhar(1*120) [120]
    Troup4 : 20 Kabalite Warriors (30 + 15*6), 4 Shredder (32), 16 splinter rifle(0), Sybarite(0), Phantasm grenade launcher (3) [155]
    Troup5 : 20 Kabalite Warriors (30 + 15*6), 4 Shredder (32), 16 splinter rifle(0), Sybarite(0), Phantasm grenade launcher (3) [155]
    Troup6 : 20 Kabalite Warriors (30 + 15*6), 4 Shredder (32), 16 splinter rifle(0), Sybarite(0) [152]
    == DETACHMENT 1CP (953)
    HQ5 : Shadowseer(1*125), Shuriken pistol(0), Miststave (0), Hallucinogen grenade launcher (0), [Psy: Twilight pathways, Mirror of minds], [125]
    FA1 : 6 Skyweaver(60 + 4*30), 6 Haywire cannon (90), Zephyr Glaive (6) [276]
    FA2 : 6 Skyweaver(60 + 4*30), 6 Haywire cannon (90), Zephyr Glaive (6) [276]
    FA3 : 6 Skyweaver(60 + 4*30), 6 Haywire cannon (90), Zephyr Glaive (6) [276]

    + Team: Paris United Delta
    + Player: pierre "BalrocK" Rousserie
    + Faction: craftworld ynnari
    + Total army points: 2000
    + Total command points: 3+5+1-1 = 8 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: N/a
    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (1193) ] ==
    HQ1: Yvraine (Ancestor's Grace, Word of the Phoenix) - [132 pts] - Warlord (Tenacious Survivor)
    HQ2: Spiritseer - [65pts] (Protect/Jinx) [Relic -1CP: Spirit Stone of Anath'Lan]
    TR1: 8x strom guardians [48]
    TR2: 8x strom guardians [48]
    TR3: 8x strom guardians [48]
    FA1: 8x Shining Spears (8x24), Shining Spear Exarch (0), 7x Laser Lance (7x8), 1x Star Lance (10), 8x Twin Shuriken Catapults (8x2) – [274pts]
    FA2: 8x Shining Spears (8x24), Shining Spear Exarch (0), 7x Laser Lance (7x8), 1x Star Lance (10), 8x Twin Shuriken Catapults (8x2) – [274pts]
    HS1: 9 Dark Reapers (9x12), 8 reaper Launchers (8x22), Exarch (0) Missile Launcher aeldari (20) - [304pts]
    == spearheads detachment (+1CP) (805) ==
    HQ3: Eldrad Ulthran (Fortune, Guide, Doom) [135pts]
    HQ4: Warlock (Quicken/Restrain) [55pts]
    HS2: Fire Prism (155), Prism cannon (0), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), crystal visual matrix (5), - [162pts]
    HS3: Fire Prism (155), Prism cannon (0), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), crystal visual matrix (5), - [162pts]
    HS4: Fire Prism (155), Prism cannon (0), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), - [157pts]
    Transport1: Wave Serpent (120), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2),Twin lazer rayonner(12), -[134pts]

    + Team : Paris United Delta
    + Player : Pierre-Yves "Vidar" Desplanques
    + Faction : Blood Angels / Adeptus Mechanicus / Deathwatch
    + Total Army Points - 2000
    + Total Reinforcement Points - 0
    + Total Command Points: 3+5+5-1=12
    === DETACHMENT 5CP (370) ===
    HQ1 : Captain with jump pack(1*93), Thunder hammer (Character)(21), Storm Shield (Character)(10), [Relic: The Angel's Wings], [Warlord Trait: Artisan of War] [124]
    HQ2 : Tycho the Lost(1*70) [70]
    Troup1 : 5 Scout Squad (55), Astartes shotgun (4*0), Scout Sergeant (0), Astartes shotgun (0), Combat Knife (0) [55]
    Troup2 : 5 Scout Squad (55), Astartes shotgun (4*0), Scout Sergeant (0), Astartes shotgun (0), Combat Knife (0) [55]
    Troup3 : 6 Scout Squad (55 + 1*11), Astartes shotgun (5*0), Scout Sergeant (0), Astartes shotgun (0), Combat Knife (0) [66]
    === DETACHMENT 5CP (1094) ===
    HQ3 : Belisarius Cawl(1*190) [190]
    HQ4 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(1*30) [30]
    Troup4 : 3 Kataphron Destroyers (45), 3 Plasma Culevrin (3* 27), 3 Phosphore blaster (3*6) [144]
    Troup5 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), Ranger Alpha(0) [35]
    Troup6 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), Ranger Alpha(0) [35]
    HS1 : 6 Kastelan Robots(130 + 4*65), 18 Heavy phosphor blaster (18*15) [660]
    Total detachment : 1094
    === DETACHMENT 0PC (536) ===
    HQ5 : Watch Captain with jump pack(1*93), Thunder hammer (Character)(21), Storm Shield (Character)(10), [Relic: Beacon Angelis] (-1 PC) [124]
    Troup7 : Deathwatch Veteran(6*14),Storm Bolter (other models)(6*4), Storm Shield (other models)(6*2), Watch Sergeant(14), Storm Bolter (other models)(4), Storm Shield (other models)(2), Black Shield(16), Storm Bolter (other models)(4), Storm Shield (other models)(2), Deathwatch biker(21), Twin Boltgun (4), Chainsword, Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran(17), Bolt pistol, Storm Shield (other models)(2)[206]
    Troup8 : Deathwatch Veteran(6*14),Storm Bolter (other models)(6*4), Storm Shield (other models)(6*2), Watch Sergeant(14), Storm Bolter (other models)(4), Storm Shield (other models)(2), Black Shield(16), Storm Bolter (other models)(4), Storm Shield (other models)(2), Deathwatch biker(21), Twin Boltgun (4), Chainsword, Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran(17), Bolt pistol, Storm Shield (other models)(2)[206]

    + Team : Paris United Delta
    + Player : François "Alariell" Desplanques
    + Faction : Tyrannids
    + Total Army Points - 1997
    + Total Reinforcement Points - 0
    + Total Command Points: 3+5+5-1= 12CP
    === DETACHMENT 5CP (1161) ===
    HQ1: Hive Tyrant with Wings (190), 4x Devourer with Brainleech Worms (4x7), [Power: Catalyst, Onslaught] - (218 pts)
    HQ2: Hive Tyrant with Wings (190), 4x Devourer with Brainleech Worms (4x7), Adrenal glands (5), [Relic: Chamelelonic mutation], [Warlord - One Step Ahead], [Power: The Horror, Psychic Scream] - (223 pts)
    Troops1: 20 Genestealers (60 + 15x12), Scything Talons (20x0), Acid maw (5x0) (240)
    Troops2: 20 Genestealers (60 + 15x12), Scything Talons (20x0), Acid maw (5x0) (240)
    Troops3: 20 Genestealers (60 + 15x12), Scything Talons (20x0), Acid maw (5x0) (240)
    === DETACHMENT 5CP (806) ===
    HQ3: Swarmlord (250) [Power: Catalyst, Onslaught]
    HQ4: Broodlord (115) [Power: Catalyst]
    Troops4: 17 Genestealers (60 + 12x12), Scything Talons (17x0), Acid maw (4x0) (204)
    Troops5: 17 Genestealers (60 + 12x12), Scything Talons (17x0), Acid maw (4x0) (204)
    Troops6: 3 Ripper Swarms (33)
    === DETACHMENT -1CP (30) ===
    Elites1: 1 Venomthrope (30), Understrength Unit, - (30)

    + Team : Paris United Delta
    + Player : Alexandre "HolyAlex76" Arènes
    + Faction : Astra Militarum / Adeptus Custodes
    + Total Army Points - 1999
    + Total Reinforcement Points - 0
    + Total Command Points: 3+5+1+1-1 = 9
    == DETACHMENT 5CP (459) < CADIAN >
    HQ1 : Lord Castellan Creed(1*55) [55] [WARLORD - Cadian Superior Tactical Training]
    HQ2 : Company Commander(1*30), [Relic Kurov's Aquila] [30]
    HQ3 : Company Commander(1*30) [30]
    Troop1 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Heavy Weapon Team (0), Mortar(5), Sergeant(0) [45]
    Troop2 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Vox-caster(5), Heavy Weapon Team (0), Mortar(5), Sergeant(0) [50]
    Troop3 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Vox-caster(5), Heavy Weapon Team (0), Mortar(5), Sergeant(0) [50]
    Troop4 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Vox-caster(5), Heavy Weapon Team (0), Mortar(5), Sergeant(0) [50]
    Troop5 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Vox-caster(5), Heavy Weapon Team (0), Mortar(5), Sergeant(0) [50]
    HS1: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (3*6), 3 Mortars (3*5) [33]
    HS2: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (3*6), 3 Mortars (3*5) [33]
    HS3: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (3*6), 3 Mortars (3*5) [33]
    HQ4 : Tank Commander(1*142), 3 Heavy Bolter(24), Punisher gatling cannon (20) [186]
    HQ5 : Tank Commander(1*142), 3 Heavy Bolter(24), Punisher gatling cannon (20) [186]
    HQ6 : Tank Commander(1*142), 3 Heavy Bolter(24), Punisher gatling cannon (20) [186]
    HQ7 : Shield-Captain on Danweagle Jetbike(1*150), Hurricane Bolter (10), [Relic - Auric Aquilas -1 CP] [160]
    FA1 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Hurricane Bolter (30), 3 Miséricordia(12) [282]
    FA2 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Hurricane Bolter (30) [270]
    FA3 : 3 Vertus Praetors(240), 3 Hurricane Bolter (30) [270]


    Roster MGWA:

    Team MGWA
    Player 1: Nicolas "Isenheim" Rossato
    Faction: Chaos Space marines / Thousand Sons
    Total Army points - 1999
    Total Reinforcement points - 1
    Total command points: 15

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1170) < Black Legion, Alpha Legion > ==
    HQ1: Abaddon The Despoiler (240) - 240 [WARLORD – FIRST AMONG TRAITORS] (+2 Command Point) < Black Legion >
    HQ2: Sorcerer (90), Force stave (8) [Delightful Agonies, Diabolic Strength], Chaos Artefact : Eye of the Night – 98 < Slaanesh > < Black Legion >
    Troops 1: 40 Chaos cultists (40x5), 36 autoguns including champion (0), 4 heavy stubbers (4x2) - 208 < Slaanesh > < Black Legion >
    Troops 2: 40 Chaos cultists (40x5), 36 autoguns including champion (0), 4 heavy stubbers (4x2) - 208 < Slaanesh > < Black Legion >
    Troops 3: 40 Chaos cultists (40x5), 36 autoguns including champion (0), 4 heavy stubbers (4x2) - 208 < Slaanesh > < Black Legion >
    Troops 4: 40 Chaos cultists (40x5), 38 autopistols and brutal weapons including champion (0), 4 heavy stubbers (4x2) - 208 < Khorne > < Alpha Legion >

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (829) < Thousand Sons >==
    HQ3: Ahriman [Warptime, Prescience, Death Hex] - 131 < Tzeentch > < Thousand Sons >
    HQ4: Winged Daemon Prince of Tzeentch (170), Pair of malefic talons (10) [Glamour of Tzeentch, Gaze of Fate] - 180 < Tzeentch > < Thousand Sons >
    HQ5: Sorcerer (90), Force stave (8) [Doombolt, Weaver of Tzeentch] - 98 < Tzeentch > < Thousand Sons >
    Troops 5: 25 Tzaangors (25x7), Twistbray (0), Brayherd (10) - 185 < Tzeentch > < Thousand Sons >
    Troops 6: 25 Tzaangors (25x7), Twistbray (0) Brayherd (10) - 185 < Tzeentch > < Thousand Sons >
    Troops 7: 10 Chaos cultists (10x5), 10 autopistols and brutal weapons including champion (0) - 50 < Tzeentch > < Thousand Sons >

    Team MGWA
    Player 2: Kévin "Osxeno" Bidart
    Faction : Tau empire
    Total army points : 2000
    Total reinforcments points : 0
    Total Command Points : 14

    == Battallion detachment== (+5 CP) (1586pts) <T'au Sept>
    HQ1 : Commander Shadowsun(110) [110pts]  [WARLORD : Through Unity, Devastation]  <T'au Sept>
    HQ2 : Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3) [42pts] RELIC (Puretide Engram Neurochip) (0) <T'au Sept>
    HQ3 : Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3) [42pts] <T'au Sept>
    Troops1 : 5 Strike Team (5x7) [35pts] <T'au Sept>
    Troops2 : 5 Strike Team (5x7) [35pts] <T'au Sept>
    Troops3 : 5 Strike Team (5x7) [35pts] <T'au Sept>
    El1 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185): Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2x Smart Missile System (30), velocity tracker (10), Advanced Targeting System (18) [278pts]<T'au Sept>
    El2 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185): Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2x Smart Missile System (30), velocity tracker (10), Advanced Targeting System (18) [278pts]<T'au Sept>
    El3 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185): Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2x Smart Missile System (30), velocity tracker (10), Advanced Targeting System (18) [278pts]<T'au Sept>
    FA1: 4x Tactical Drones: 4 MV4 Shield Drones (4x10) [40pts]<T'au Sept>
    FA2: 4x Tactical Drones: 4 MV4 Shield Drones (4x10) [40pts]<T'au Sept>
    HS1: 3x XV88 Broadside Battlesuit (3x35): 6 high-yield missile pod (6x25), 6 Smart Missile System (6x15), 2 Seeker Missiles (2x5), 3 Advanced Targeting System (3x6) [373pts]<T'au Sept>

    == Battallion detachment== (+5 CP)(294pts) <T'au Sept>
    HQ1 : Commander in XV8 crisis battlesuit (72) 4 cyclic ion blaster (4x18) [144pts]<T'au Sept>
    HQ2 : Darkstrider(45) [45pts]<T'au Sept>
    Troops4 : 5 Strike Team (5x7) [35pts] <T'au Sept>
    Troops5 : 5 Strike Team (5x7) [35pts] <T'au Sept>
    Troops6 : 5 Strike Team (5x7) [35pts] <T'au Sept>

    ==Vanguard Detachment== (+1 CP)(120pts) <Sa'cea Sept>
    HQ1 : Ethereal (45) [45pts] <Sa'cea Sept>
    El1 : Firesight Marksman(21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) [25pts]<Sa'cea Sept>
    El2 : Firesight Marksman(21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) [25pts]<Sa'cea Sept>
    El3 : Firesight Marksman(21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) [25pts]<Sa'cea Sept>

    Team MGWA
    Player 3 : Mathieu "Superpoulpe" Fernandez
    Faction : Astra Militarum, Adeptus Custodes
    Total army points : 2000
    Total reinforcments points : 0
    Total Command Points : 16 PC

    == Brigade detachment (+12 CP)(1096pts) <Astra Militarum, Cadian>

    HQ1 : Tank Commander(1*142), 2 plasma cannon (2*10), Punisher gatling Canon(20), Lascannon(20) [202]
    HQ2 : Tank Commander(1*142), 3 heavy Bolter(3*8), Punisher gatling Canon(20) Storm bolter (2) [188]
    HQ3 : Tank Commander(1*142), 2 plasma cannon (2*10), Punisher gatling Canon(20), Lascannon(20) [202]

    Troup1 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    Troup2 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    Troup3 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    Troup4 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    Troup5 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]
    Troup6 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergent(0) [40]

    Elite1 : Platoon Commander(1*20) chainsword(0) [20]
    Elite2 : Platoon Commander(1*20),chainsword(0) [WARLORD – old gruges] [20]
    Elite3 : Platoon Commander(1*20),chainsword(0) Kurov's Aquila [20]

    FA1 : Armoured Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA2 : Armoured Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA3 : Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]

    HS1 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar(3*5) [33]
    HS2 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar(3*5) [33]
    HS3 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar(3*5) [33]

    == Suprem command detachment (+1 CP) (480pts) < Adeptus Custodes>

    HQ1 : Shield-Captain on Motojet Dawneagle(1*150), hurricane Bolter (10) [160]
    HQ2 : Shield-Captain on Motojet Dawneagle(1*150), hurricane Bolter (10) [160]
    HQ3 : Shield-Captain on Motojet Dawneagle(1*150), hurricane Bolter (10) [160]

    == Super heavy auxiliar (+0 CP)(424pts) <Astra Militarum, Vostroyan>

    Lord of War1 : Shadowsword(1*410), 1 twin heavy bolter(14) [424]

    Team MGWA
    Player 4 : Rémi "Requiem" Héraut
    Faction : Death Guard
    Total army points : 1999
    Total reinforcments points : 0
    Total command points : 8

    == Battallion detachment (+5 CP)(1999pts) <Death Guard>

    QG1: Sorcerer (90), Force Stave (8) : [98pts] <Death Guard> [Miasma of Pestilence, Gift of Contagion]
    QG2: Sorcerer (90), Force Stave (8) : [98pts] <Death Guard> [Blades of Putrefaction, Putrescent Vitality]

    Elite 1 : Biologius Putrifiers: [60pts] <Death Guard>
    Elite 2 : Foul Blightspawn: [77pts] <Death Guard>
    Elite 3 : Tallyman (50), Plasma Pistol (5): [55pts] <Death Guard> [Fugaris' Helm] [Warlord - Arch-Contaminator ]
    Elite 4 : 10 Blightlord Terminators (10x34), 7 Combi-Bolter (7x2), 7 Bubotic axe (7x5), 2 Fails of Corruption (2x10) Blightlord Champion: Combi-Bolter (2), Bubotic axe (5): [416pts] <Death Guard>

    Troupe 1 : 5 Plague Marines (5x16), 4x2 Plague Knife (4x0), Plague Champion: Plague Sword (1) : [81pts] <Death Guard>
    Troupe 2 : 5 Plague Marines (5x16), 4x2 Plague Knife (4x0), Plague Champion: Plague Sword (1) : [81pts] <Death Guard>
    Troupe 3 : 5 Plague Marines (5x16), 4x2 Plague Knife (4x0), Plague Champion: Plague Sword (1) : [81pts] <Death Guard>
    Troupe 4 : 5 Plague Marines (5x16), 4x2 Plague Knife (4x0), Plague Champion: Plague Sword (1) : [81pts] <Death Guard>
    Troupe 5 : 5 Plague Marines (5x16), 4x2 Plague Knife (4x0), Plague Champion: Plague Sword (1) : [81pts] <Death Guard>

    HS 1 : Plagueburst Dunecrawler (100), 2 Plague Spewer (2x17), Heavy slugger (6) : [140pts] <Death Guard>
    HS 2 : Plagueburst Dunecrawler (100), 2 Plague Spewer (2x17), Heavy slugger (6) : [140pts] <Death Guard>
    HS 3 : Plagueburst Dunecrawler (100), 2 Plague Spewer (2x17), Heavy slugger (6) : [140pts] <Death Guard>

    Transport 1 : Chaos Rhino (70), 2 Combi-Bolter (2x2) [74pts] <Death Guard>
    Transport 2 : Chaos Rhino (70), 2 Combi-Bolter (2x2) [74pts] <Death Guard>
    Transport 3 : Chaos Rhino (70), 2 Combi-Bolter (2x2) [74pts] <Death Guard>
    Transport 4 : Chaos Rhino (70), 2 Combi-Bolter (2x2) [74pts] <Death Guard>
    Transport 5 : Chaos Rhino (70), 2 Combi-Bolter (2x2) [74pts] <Death Guard>

    PLAYER 5: Landry "Landraii" Leignel
    FACTION: Drukhari
    Total Army points: 1999
    Total Reinforcement points: 1
    Total Command points: 10

    ==Spearhead Detachment (+1 command point)(447pts)<Kabal of the Black heart> ==

    HQ1 : Archon(1*70), Venom blade (2) [72pts]- [WARLORD - Labyrinthine cunning] [Writ of Living muse ] <Kabal of the Black heart>
    HS1 : Ravager(80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (3*15)- [125pts] <Kabal of the Black heart>
    HS2 : Ravager(80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (3*15)- [125pts] <Kabal of the Black heart>
    HS3 : Ravager(80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (3*15)- [125pts] <Kabal of the Black heart>

    ==Battalion Detachment(+5 command points)(237pts)<Drukhari> ==

    HQ2 : Haemonculus (70), Hexrifle (5) -[75pts] <Prophets of Flesh>
    HQ3 : Succubus(50), Archite Glaive(0), Blast pistol (10) [60pts] <Cult of red grief>
    Troop1 : 6 Kabalite Warriors (36), Sybarite(0)- [36pts] <Kabal of the black heart>
    Troop2 : 6 Kabalite Warriors (36), Sybarite(0)-[36pts] <Kabal of the black heart>
    Troop3 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), Sybarite(0)- [30pts] <Kabal of the black heart>

    ==Vanguard Detachment (+1 command point)(1315pts)<Prophets of Flesh> ==

    HQ4 : Urien Rakarth(90), [5pls] [90pts]
    Elite1 : 7 Grotesques(7*32), Flesh Gauntlets (7*3)- [245pts] <Prophets of Flesh>
    Elite2 : 7 Grotesques(7*32), Flesh Gauntlets (7*3)- [245pts] <Prophets of Flesh>
    Elite3 : 7 Grotesques(7*32), Flesh Gauntlets (7*3)-[245pts] <Prophets of Flesh>
    HS4 : 2 Talos(2*75),Haywire Blaster (4*8), Macro-scalpel(2*4), Chain Flails(2*3)-] [196pts] <Prophets of Flesh>
    HS5 : 3 Talos(3*75), Haywire Blaster (6*8), Macro-scalpel(3*4), Chain Flails(3*3)- [294pts] <Prophets of Flesh>

    Team MGWA
    Player 6 : Samuel "Reykhan" Crowly
    Faction : Questor Imperialis, Adeptus Mechanicus
    Total army points : 1999
    Total reinforcments points : 1
    Total Command Points : 14

    == Battallion detachment (+5 CP)(173pts) <Adeptus Mechanicus>
    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Enginseer (30) - 30 [WARLORD - Chorister technis] <Lucius> The skull of elder Nikola
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer (30) - 30 <Graia>
    Troops1 : 5 skitarii Rangers(35), 1 ranger alpha (0) - [35] <Graia>
    Troops2 : 5 skitarii Rangers(35), 1 ranger alpha (0) - [35] <Stygies VII>
    Troops3 : 5 skitarii Rangers(35), 1 ranger alpha (0), 2 arc rifle (2*4) - [43] <Lucius>

    ==Super Heavy Detachment (+6CP)(1826pts) <House Taranis>
    LoW1 : Knight Crusader (285), Gatling Avenger (75), Thermal cannon (76), Heavy Stubber (2), Ironstorm Missile pod (16), Heavy flamer (14) - 468 <House Taranis>
    LoW2 : Knight Crusader (285), Gatling Avenger (75), Thermal cannon (76), Heavy Stubber (2), Ironstorm Missile pod (16), Heavy flamer (14) - 468 <House Taranis>
    LoW3 : Knight Crusader (285), Gatling Avenger (75), Thermal cannon (76), Heavy Stubber (2), Ironstorm Missile pod (16), Heavy flamer (14) - 468 <House Taranis>
    LoW4 : Knight Warden (285) : Reaper chainsword (30), Gatling Avenger (75), Ironstorm missile pod(16), heavy stubber(2), Heavy flamer (14) -422 <House Taranis>

    + TEAM : MGWA
    + Player 7 : Christophe "Yume" Lenoir
    + Faction : Asuryani, Craftworld, Ynnari
    + Total Army points : 1997pts
    + Reinforcement Points : 3pts
    + Total Command Points : 10

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Alaitoc> ==

    HQ1: Warlock (55), Wichblade (0), Shuriken Pistol (0) - [55pts][Psy: Protect/Jinx]<Alaitoc/Craftworld>
    HQ2: Warlock (55), Wichblade (0), Shuriken Pistol (0) - [55pts][Psy: Conceal/Reveal]<Alaitoc/Craftworld>

    TR1: 5 Rangers (5x12) - [60pts][3PL]<Alaitoc/Craftworld>
    TR2: 5 Dire Avengers (5x8), 4 Avenger shuriken catapult (4x3), Dire Avenger Exarch with Avenger Shuriken Catapult (3) [55 pts]<Alaitoc/Craftworld>
    TR3: 5 Dire Avengers (5x8), 4 Avenger shuriken catapult (4x3), Dire Avenger Exarch with Avenger Shuriken Catapult (3) [55 pts]<Alaitoc/Craftworld>

    == Supreme Command Detachement / +1CP <Ulthwe> <Biel Tan> ==

    HQ3: Eldrad - [135pts][8PL][Psy: Fortune, Guide, Doom] <Ulthwe/Craftworld>
    HQ4: Warlock (55), Wichblade (0), Shuriken Pistol (0) - [55pts][Psy: Empower/Enervate] <Ulthwe/Craftworld>
    HQ5: Warlock (55), Wichblade (0), Shuriken Pistol (0) - [55pts][Psy: Quicken/Restrain] <Biel-Tan/Craftworld>

    == Outrider Detachment / +1CP <Ynnari> <Ulthwe> <Saim Hann> ==

    HQ6: Yvraine - [132pts][7PL][Psy: Word of the Phoenix, Grace of the Ancients][Warlord: Inspiring Leader] <Ynnari>

    FA1: 9 Shinning Spears (9x24), 9 Twin Shuriken Catapult (9x2), 8 Laser Lance (8x8), Exarch (0), Star Lance (10) [308pts] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>
    FA2: 9 Shinning Spears (9x24), 9 Twin Shuriken Catapult (9x2), 8 Laser Lance (8x8), Exarch (0), Star Lance (10) [308pts] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>
    FA3: 8 Shinning Spears (8x24), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapult (8x2), 7 Laser Lance (7x8), Exarch (0), Star Lance (10) [274pts] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>

    HS1: 9 Dark Reapers (9x12), 8 reaper Launchers (8x22), Exarch (0) with Tempest Missile Launcher (27) - [311pts] <Ulthwe/Ynnari>

    Transport1: Wave Serpent (120), Twin shuriken cannon (17), Twin Shuriken catapult (2) [139pts] <Ulthwe/Ynnari>

    Team MGWA
    Player 8 : Erwan "Terrachnydes" Gavens
    Faction: Tyranids/Kraken
    Total Army points : 2000 pts
    Power Levels : 123 pl
    Total Reinforcement points : 0
    Total command points : 13

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (839) < Tyranids/Kraken > ==

    HQ 1 : Broodlord (115), Monstrous Rending Claws (0) [POWERS : Catalyst, Smite] – [115pts] < Tyranids/Kraken >
    HQ 2 : Hive Tyrant with wings (190), Prehensile Pincer Tail (0), 2 x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2 x 2 x 7), Adrenal glands (5) [POWERS : Catalyst, Paroxysm, Smite] [WARLORD TRAIT : Instinctive killer] [RELIC : Chameleonic Mutation] [223pts] < Tyranids/Kraken >

    Troops 1 : 19 Genestealers (19 x 10), 4 Acid maws (0), 19 Rending claws (19 x 2), 19 Scything talons (19 x 0) - [228pts] < Tyranids/Kraken >
    Troops 2 : 20 Genestealers (20 x 10), 5 Acid maws (0), 20 Rending claws (20 x 2), 20 Scything talons (20 x 0) - [240pts] < Tyranids/Kraken >
    Troops 3 : 3 Ripper Swarms (3 x 11), 3 Claws and Teeth (3 x 0) - [33 pts][2pl] < Tyranids/Kraken >

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1161) < Tyranids/Kraken > ==

    HQ 3: Hive Tyrant with wings (190), Prehensile Pincer Tail (0), 2 x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2 x 2 x 7), Adrenal glands (5) [POWERS : Psychic scream, Paroxysm, Smite] - [223pts] < Tyranids/Kraken >
    HQ 4: Hive Tyrant with wings (190), Prehensile Pincer Tail (0), 2 x Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2 x 2 x 7) [POWERS : The Horror, Onslaught, Smite] - [218pts] < Tyranids/Kraken >

    Troops 4 : 20 Genestealers (20 x 10), 5 Acid maws (0), 20 Rending claws (20 x 2), 20 Scything talons (20 x 0) - [240pts] < Tyranids/Kraken >
    Troops 5 : 20 Genestealers (20 x 10), 5 Acid maws (0), 20 Rending claws (20 x 2), 20 Scything talons (20 x 0) - [240pts] < Tyranids/Kraken >
    Troops 6 : 20 Genestealers (20 x 10), 5 Acid maws (0), 20 Rending claws (20 x 2), 20 Scything talons (20 x 0) - [240pts] < Tyranids/Kraken >

    Team MGWA
    Player 9 (coach) : Stéphane "Allastor" Pfiffelmann


    D3 Epsilon à Courcouronnes:

    Roster Bisounours 2:


    + TEAM : Bisounours 2
    + Player 10 and Captain : Lexa
    + Faction : <Astra Militarum> <Blood Angels>
    + Total Army points : 2000pts
    + Total Command Points : 18CP

    == Brigade Detachment /+12CP <Catachan> ==
    HQ1 : Colonel Straken - [75pts]
    HQ2 : Company Commander (30), Powerfist (8.) - [38pts]
    HQ3 : Company Commander (30), Powerfist (8.) - [38pts]

    Elite1 : Ministorum Priest - [35pts]
    Elite2 : Platoon Commander (20), Powerfist (8.) - [28pts]
    Elite3 : Astropath (26), Laspistol (0) - [26pts]

    Troop1 : 10 Guardsmen (10x4), Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop2 : 10 Guardsmen (10x4), Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop3 : 10 Guardsmen (10x4), Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop4 : 10 Guardsmen (10x4), Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop5 : 10 Guardsmen (10x4), Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop6 : 10 Guardsmen (10x4), Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop7 : 10 Guardsmen (10x4), Chainsword (0) - [40pts]

    FA1 : Hellhound (73), Inferno Cannon (20), Heavy Bolter (8.) - [101pts]
    FA2 : Hellhound (73), Inferno Cannon (20), Heavy Bolter (8.) - [101pts]
    FA3 : Scout Sentinel (30), Multi laser (5) - [35pts]

    HS1 : Heavy Weapon Squad (3x6), 3 Mortars (3x5) - [33pts]
    HS2 : Heavy Weapon Squad (3x6), 3 Mortars (3x5) - [33pts]
    HS3 : Heavy Weapon Squad (3x6), 3 Mortars (3x5) - [33pts]

    == Supreme Command Detachment / +1CP <Vostroyan> ==
    HQ7 : Tank Commander (142), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), 3 Heavy Bolters (3x8.), StormBolter (2) - [188pts]
    HQ8 : Tank Commander (142), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), 3 Heavy Bolters (3x8.), StormBolter (2) - [188pts]
    HQ9 : Tank Commander (142), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), 3 Heavy Bolters (3x8.) - [186pts]

    == Battalion Detachement / +5CP <Blood Angel> ==
    HQ4: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder Hammer (21), Storm Shield (10) - [124pts] [Stratagem : death vision of sanguinus] [Warlord : Artisan Of War]
    HQ5: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder Hammer (21), Storm Shield (10) - [124pts] [Stratagem : death vision of sanguinus]
    HQ6: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder Hammer (21), Storm Shield (10) - [124pts] [Stratagem : death vision of sanguinus] [Relic : Artisan Of War]

    Troop8 : 5 Scouts (5x11), 5 Camo cloak (5x3) - [70pts]
    Troop9 : 5 Scouts (5x11), 5 Camo cloak (5x3) - [70pts]
    Troop10 : 5 Scouts (5x11), 5 Camo cloak (5x3) - [70pts]

    + TEAM : Bisounours 2
    + Player 2 : throst
    + Faction : Drukhari
    + Total Army points : 2000pts
    + Total Command Points : 9

    == Spearhead Detachment / +1CP <Kabal of the Black Heart> ==

    HQ1 : Archon (70), Huskblade (6) - [76pts][Warlord : Labyrinthine Cunning] [Relic : Writ of the living Muse]

    HS1 : Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (3x15), Phantasm Grenade launcher (3) - [128pts]
    HS2 : Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (3x15) - [125pts]
    HS3 : Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (3x15) - [125pts]

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Prophets of Flesh> ==

    HQ2 : Urien Rakarth (90) - [90pts]
    HQ3 : Haemonculus (70), Hexrifle (5) - [75pts]

    Elite1 : 8 Grotesques (8x32), 8 Flesh Gauntlet (8x3) - [280pts]
    Elite1 : 8 Grotesques (8x32), 8 Flesh Gauntlet (8x3) - [280pts]

    Troop1 : 5 Wracks (5x9) - [45pts]
    Troop2 : 5 Wracks (5x9) - [45pts]
    Troop3 : 5 Wracks (5x9) - [45pts]

    HS4 : 3 Talos (3x75), 3 Macro Scalpel (3x4), 3 Chain Flail (3x3), 6 Haywire Blasters (6x8) - [294pts]
    HS5 : 2 Talos (2x75), 2 Macro Scalpel (2x4), 2 Chain Flail (2x3), 4 Haywire Blasters (4x8) - [196pts]
    HS6 : 2 Talos (2x75), 2 Macro Scalpel (2x4), 2 Chain Flail (2x3), 4 Haywire Blasters (4x8) - [196pts]

    + Team : Bisounours 2
    + Player 3 : David "Doudou" Jossud
    + Army Faction : <Imperial Knights> <Adeptus mechanicus>
    + Total Command Points : 14CP
    + Total Army Points : 2000pts

    == Super-Heavy Detachment / +6CP <Krast> ==
    LoW1 : Knight Crusader (285), Thermal Cannon (76), Avenger Gatling Cannon (75), Heavy Stubber (2), Heavy Flamer (14), Ironstorm missile pods (16) - [468pts] [Warlord: Ion Bulwark]
    LoW2 : Knight Crusader (285), Thermal Cannon (76), Avenger Gatling Cannon (75), Heavy Stubber (2), Heavy Flamer (14), Ironstorm missile pods (16) - [468pts]
    LoW3 : Knight Crusader (285), Thermal Cannon (76), Avenger Gatling Cannon (75), Heavy Stubber (2), Heavy Flamer (14), Ironstorm missile pods (16) - [468pts] [Relic : Armour of the sainted ion]

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Graia> ==
    HQ1 : Tech Priest Engineseer (30) - [30pts]
    HQ2 : Tech Priest Engineseer (30) - [30pts]

    Troop1 : 5 Skitarii Rangers (5x7), 1 transuranic arquebus (15), Arc rifle (4) - [54pts]
    Troop2 : 5 Skitarii Rangers (5x7), 2 transuranic arquebus (2x15) - [65pts]
    Troop3 : 5 Skitarii Rangers (5x7), 2 transuranic arquebus (2x15) - [65pts]

    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment / +0CP <Terryn> ==
    LoW4 : Knight Gallant (285), Reaper Chainsword (30), Gauntlet thunderstrike (35), Heavy Stubber (2) - [352pts]

    + TEAM : Bisounours 2
    + Player 4 : Gatsu
    + Faction : Chaos Space Marines, Death Guard
    + Total Army points : 1999pts
    + Total Command Points : 12+2 = 14 CP

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Black Legion> ==

    HQ1 : Abbadon the Despoiler (240) - [240pts][Warlord : First Among Traitors]
    HQ2 : Chaos Sorcerer (90), Force Sword (8.) - [98pts] [Psy: Infernal Gaze, Delightful Agonies][Relic : Intoxicating Elixir] <Slaanesh>

    Troop1 : 40 Chaos Cultists (40x5), 4 Heavy Stubber (4x2) - [208pts] <Slaanesh>
    Troop2 : 40 Chaos Cultists (40x5), 4 Heavy Stubber (4x2) - [208pts] <Slaanesh>
    Troop3 : 40 Chaos Cultists (40x5), 4 Heavy Stubber (4x2) - [208pts] <Slaanesh>

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Thousand Sons> ==

    HQ3 : Ahriman (131) - [131pts][Psy: Prescience, Death Hex, Warptime]
    HQ4 : Daemon Prince with Wings (170), 2 sets of Malefic Talons (10) - [180pts][Psy : Glamour of Tzeench, Gaze of Fate]
    HQ5 : Chaos Sorcerer (90), Force Sword (8.) - [98pts] [Psy: Infernal Gaze, Doombolt]

    Troop4 : 29 Tzaangors (29x7), 1 Brayhorn (10) - [213pts]
    Troop5 : 28 Tzaangors (28x7), 1 Brayhorn (10) - [206pts]
    Troop6 : 40 Chaos Cultists (40x5), 4 Heavy Stubber (4x2) - [208pts]

    + Team : Bisounours 2
    + Player 5 : Michael "Undead tyty" CLOUET
    + Faction : Craftworld
    + Total Command Points : 10CP
    + Total Army Points : 1999pts

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Alaitoc> ==
    HQ1 : Autarch skyrunner (95), Twin Shuriken Cataput (2), Laser lance (8.) - [105pts][Warlord : Fate's Messenger][Relic : Shimmerplume of Achillrial]
    HQ2 : Farseer (110) - [110pts][Psy: Doom, Mind War]

    Troop1 : 5 Rangers (5x12) - [60pts]
    Troop2 : 5 Rangers (5x12) - [60pts]
    Troop3 : 11 Guardian Defenders (11x8) - [88pts]

    FA1 : 5 Swooping Hawk (4x6), 4 Lasblaster (4x7), Hawk's Talon (10) - [68pts]
    FA2 : 5 Swooping Hawk (4x6), 4 Lasblaster (4x7), Hawk's Talon (10) - [68pts]
    FA3 : 5 Swooping Hawk (4x6), 4 Lasblaster (4x7), Hawk's Talon (10) - [68pts]

    DT1: Wave Serpent (120), Twin Shuriken Cataput (2), Twin Shuriken Cannon (17), Spirit Stones (10) - [149pts]

    == Air Wing Detachment +1CP <Alaitoc> ==
    Flyer1 : Hemlock Wraightfighter (200), Spirit Stones (10) - [210pts][Psy: Jinx]
    Flyer2 : Hemlock Wraightfighter (200), Spirit Stones (10) - [210pts][Psy: Jinx]
    Flyer3 : Crimson Hunter (120), Pulse Laser (0), 2 Bright Lance (2x20) - [160pts]
    Flyer4 : Crimson Hunter (120), Pulse Laser (0), 2 Bright Lance (2x20) - [160pts]

    == Air Wing Detachment +1CP <Alaitoc> ==
    Flyer5 : Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), Pulse Laser (0), 2 Star Cannon (2x13) - [161pts]
    Flyer6 : Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), Pulse Laser (0), 2 Star Cannon (2x13) - [161pts]
    Flyer7 : Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), Pulse Laser (0), 2 Star Cannon (2x13) - [161pts]

    + Team : Bisounours 2
    + Player 6 : Helmut "Mortifère" Perchut
    + Faction : <Questor Traitoris> <Chaos Daemon>
    + Total Command Points : 14CP
    + Total Army Points : 1998pts

    == Super-heavy Detachment / 6CP <Questor Traitoris> ==

    Low1 : Renegade Knight (285), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannon (2x75), 2 Heavy Flamer (2x154), Ironstorm Rocket pod (16), Heavy Stubber (2) - [481pts][Warlord : Tenacious survivor][Relic : Traitor's Mark]
    Low2 : Renegade Knight (285), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannon (2x75), 2 Heavy Flamer (2x154), Ironstorm Rocket pod (16), Heavy Stubber (2) - [481pts]
    Low3 : Renegade Knight Dominus (500), 2 Twin Siegebreaker Cannon (2x35), 2 Shieldbreaker missiles (2x12), Volcano Lancer (10) - [594pts]

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Chaos Daemon> ==

    HQ1 : Changecaster (65) - [65pts] [Psy : Gaze of Fate, Treason of Tzeentch]
    HQ2 : Herald of Slaanesh (60) - [60pts][Psy : Symphony of Pain]

    Troop1 : 27 Bloodletters (27x7), Daemonic Icon (15), Instruments of Chaos (10) - [214pts]
    Troop2 : 11 Brimstone Horrors (11x3) - [33pts]
    Troop3 : 10 Brimstone Horrors (10x3) - [30pts]
    Troop4 : 10 Brimstone Horrors (10x3) - [30pts]

    + TEAM : Bisounours 2
    + Player 7 : Mikaël "fire.mike" Ronzier
    + Faction : Ork
    + Total Army points : 1998pts
    + Total Command Points : 18CP

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Bad moon><deathskulls><Blood axe> ==

    HQ1 : Weirdboy (62) - [62pts][Psy : Da Jump] <Bad moon>
    HQ2 : Weirdboy (62) - [62pts][Psy : Da Jump][Relic : Morgog’ finkin’ kap] <Blood axe>
    Troop1 : 11 Gretchin (11x3) - [33pts] <Bad moon>
    Troop2 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - [30pts] <Bad moon>
    Troop3 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - [30pts] <Bad moon>
    Elite1: Mad doc Grotsnik (86) – [86pts] <deathskulls>

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Bad moon> ==

    HQ3 : Warboss (65), Big choppa (5), Kustom shoota (2), Attack Squig (0) - [72pts]
    HQ4 : Big Mek in mega armour (77), Power Klaw (13), Kustom Shoota (2), Kustom Force Field (2), Grot oiler (4) - [116pts] [Warlord : Kunnin’ but brutal]
    Troop4 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - [30pts]
    Troop5 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - [30pts]
    Troop6 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - [30pts]
    HS1 : 15 Lootas (15x17)- [255pts]
    HS2 : 10 Lootas (10x17)- [170pts]
    HS3 : 10 Lootas (10x17)- [170pts]

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Evil sun> ==

    HQ5 : Warboss (65), Power Klaw (13), Kustom shoota (2), attack squig (0) - [80pts]
    HQ6 : Weirdboy (62) - [62pts][Psy: Warpath]

    Troop7 : 30 Boyz (30x7), 3 tankbustas bomb(0), Nob (0) choppa(0) & Killsaw (15) - [225pts]
    Troop8 : 30 Boyz (30x7), 3 tankbustas bomb(0), Nob (0) choppa(0) & Killsaw (15) - [225pts]
    Troop9 : 25 Boyz (25x7), 2 tankbustas bomb(0), Nob (0) choppa(0) & Killsaw (15) - [190pts]

    FA1 : 1 Kopter (30), Twin big shoota (10) - [40pts]

    + TEAM: Bisounours 2
    + PLAYER 8 : Florian "Yrian" L.
    + Army faction : T'au Empire
    + Total Command Points : 14
    + Total Army Points : 1999pts

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <T’au> ==

    HQ1 : Shadowsun (110) - [110pts]
    HQ2 : Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3) - [42pts] [Warlord : Through Unity, Devastation] - [Relic: Puretide Engram Neuroship]

    Elite1 : XV-104 Riptide (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 smart missiles systems (2x15), Advanced Targetting System (18), Velocity Tracker (10) - [278pts]
    Elite2 : XV-104 Riptide (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 smart missiles systems (2x15), Advanced Targetting System (18), Velocity Tracker (10) - [278pts]

    Troop1: 5 Fire Warriors with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]
    Troop2: 5 Fire Warriors with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]
    Troop3: 5 Fire Warriors with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]

    HS1: 3 XV-88 Broadsides (3x35), 6 High-yield missiles pods (6x25), 6 smart missiles systems (6x15), 3 seeker missiles (3x5), 3 Advanced Targetting Systems (3x6) Shas'Vre (0), 6 MV-7 Shield drones (6x10) - [438pts]

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Sa’cea> ==

    HQ3 : Ethereal with Hover Drones (50) - [50pts]
    HQ4 : Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3) - [42pts]

    Elite3 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) - [25pts]
    Elite4 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) - [25pts]

    Troop4: 5 Fire Warriors with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
    Troop5: 5 Fire Warriors with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
    Troop6: 5 Fire Warriors with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]

    == Outrider Detachment / +1CP <Farsight Enclaves> ==

    HQ5 : Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (72), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18) - [144pts]

    Elite5 : 3 XV8 Crisis (3x27) - [300pts]
    Crisis a: 3 Cyclic Ion Blaster (3x18), XV8-02 Crisis Iridium Batllesuit (10), 2 MV-1 Gun Drones (2x10)
    Crisis b: 3 Cyclic Ion Blaster (3x18), 2 MV-7 Marker Drone (2x10)
    Crisis c : Shas'Vre (0), 2 Cyclic Ion Blaster (2x18), Drone Controller (5), 2 MV-7 Marker Drone (2x10)

    FA1: 4 Kroots Hound (4x4) - [16pts]
    FA2: 4 Kroots Hound (4x4) - [16pts]
    FA3: 4 Kroots Hound (4x4) - [16pts]


    Roster Paris United Alpha:


    Team: Paris United Alpha
    Player 1: Raphaël "zeka" Dumas
    List fancy name: I'm not fancy
    Faction: Aeldari – Craftworld - Ynnari
    Total army points: 1998 pts
    Total command points: 3+5+1+1 = 10 CP
    Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (441) ==
    HQ1: Warlock Skyrunner (1*65), Singing Spear(5), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [72] [Psy: Protect/Jinx]
    HQ2: Warlock Skyrunner (1*65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [67] [Psy: Conceal/Reveal]
    TR1: 5 Rangers (5*12) [60]
    TR2: 5 Rangers (5*12) [60]
    TR3: 8 Storm Guardians (8*6) [48]
    Transport1: Wave Serpent (1*120), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Twin Scatter Laser (12) [134]

    == Supreme Command detachment (+1CP) (292) ==
    HQ3: Eldrad (1*135) [135] [Psy: Fortune, Guide, Doom]
    HQ4: Warlock conclave (2*45) [90] [Psy: Protect/Jinx, Quicken/Restrain]
    HQ5: Warlock Skyrunner (1*65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [67] [Psy: Quicken/Restrain][Relic: Spirit Stone of Anath'Lan]

    == Outrider detachment (+1CP) (1265) ==
    HQ6: Yvraine (1*132) [132] [Psy: Word of the Phoenix, Grace of the Ancients] [Warlord: Inspiring Leader]
    FA1: 8 Shining spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*Cool, Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin shuriken Catapults (8*2) [274]
    FA2: 8 Shining spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*Cool, Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin shuriken Catapults (8*2) [274]
    FA3: 8 Shining spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*Cool, Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin shuriken Catapults (8*2) [274]
    HS1: 9 Dark Reapers (9*12), 8 reaper Launchers (8*22), Exarch (0) with Tempest Missile Launcher (27) [311]

    Team: Paris United ALPHA
    Player 2: Theo "Wrath thepleymo" Hotte
    List fancy name: DAkka
    Faction: Astra Militarum - Dark Angel - Space wolves
    Total army points: 1999 pts
    Total command points: 3+12+1+1 = 17 CP
    Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Outrider detachment (+1CP) (293) ==
    HQ1 : Wolf Lord with Jump pack(1*93), Storm Shield (10), Thunder hammer(21), [Warlord : Saga of the hunter] [124]
    HQ2 : Wolf Lord with Jump pack(1*93), Storm Shield (10), Thunder hammer(21), Relic : The Wulfen stone[124]
    FA1 : Cyberwolf(15) [15]
    FA2 : Cyberwolf(15) [15]
    FA3 : Cyberwolf(15) [15]

    == Brigade detachment (+12CP) (906) ==
    HQ3 : Colonel Iron Hand Straken(1*75) [75]
    HQ4 : Primaris Psyker(1*38), Force Scepter(Cool (smite, night shroud, psychic barrier) [46]
    HQ5 : Commissar Yarrick(1*100) [100]
    TR1 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), chainsword [40]
    TR2 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), chainsword [40]
    TR3 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), chainsword [40]
    TR4 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), chainsword [40]
    TR5 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), chainsword [40]
    TR6 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), chainsword [40]
    TR7 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), chainsword [40]
    TR8 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), chainsword [40]
    TR9 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), chainsword [40]
    TR10 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), chainsword [40]
    Elite1 : Ministorum Priest(1*35), chainsword, shot gun [35]
    Elite2 : Platoon Commander(1*20), chainsword [20]
    Elite3 : Astropath(1*26), laspistol (smite, night shroud) [26]
    FA4 : Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA5 : Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA6 : Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    HS1 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortars(15) [33]
    HS2 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortars(15) [33]
    HS3 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortars(15) [33]

    == Supreme Command Detachment (+1CP) (800) ==
    HQ6 : Ravenwing Talonmaster(1*123), Twin heavy bolter(17), Twin assault cannon(44), Power sword(4) [188]
    HQ7 : Ravenwing Talonmaster(1*123), Twin heavy bolter(17), Twin assault cannon(44), Power sword(4) [188]
    HQ8 : Ravenwing Talonmaster(1*123), Twin heavy bolter(17), Twin assault cannon(44), Power sword(4) [188]
    HQ9 : Sammael in Sableclaw (1*216) [216]
    Elite4 : 4 Servitors(20) [20]

    Team: Paris United Alpha
    Player 3: Baptiste "Sleekid" Rambaud
    List fancy name: Boyz Boyz Boyz
    Faction: Orks
    Total army points: 2000 pts
    Total command points: 3+5+5+5 = 18 CP
    Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (742) ==
    HQ1 : weirdboy (62) [62] [psy : Da Jump]
    HQ2 : Warboss(1*65), Kustom Shoota(2), Power klaw (13), Attack squig(0), [Warlord : Kunning but brutal] [80]
    TR1 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    TR2 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    TR3 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    HS1 : 15 Lootas (85+10*17), [255]
    Elite1 : 15 Tankbustas (85+10*17), Boss Nob(0), [255]

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (1044) - ==
    HQ3 : Mega Armor big Mek (77), Kustom Shoota (2),killsaw (15), kustom force field (20) [114]
    HQ4 : Warboss(1*65), Kustom Shoota(2),Power klaw(13), Attack squig(0), [80]
    TR4 : 30 Boyz(70+20*7), 29 Shoota(0), 3 Tankbusta Bomb(0), Boss Nob(0), 2 Choppa(0) [210]
    TR5 : 30 Boyz(70+20*7), 29 Shoota(0), 3 Tankbusta Bomb(0), Boss Nob(0), 2 Choppa(0) [210]
    TR6 : 30 Boyz(70+20*7), 29 Choppa(0), 3 Tankbusta Bomb(0), 29 Slugga(0), Boss Nob(0), Big choppa (5), Choppa (0) [215]
    TR7 : 30 Boyz(70+20*7), 29 Choppa(0), 3 Tankbusta Bomb(0), 29 Slugga(0), Boss Nob(0), Big choppa(5), Choppa(0) [215]

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (214) ==
    HQ5 : Weirdboy(1*62) [62] [Psy : Fists of Gork]
    HQ6 : Weirdboy(1*62) [62] [Psy : Warpath] [Relic : Morgog's finkin' kap : I’ve got a plan ladz ]
    TR8 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    TR9 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    TR10 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]

    Team: Paris United Alpha
    Player 4: Augustin "Leth" Morel
    List fancy name: nothing to compensate !!
    Faction: Imperial Knights - Adeptus Sororitas
    Total army points: 2000 pts
    Total command points: 3+6+5= 14 CP
    Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (228) ==
    HQ1 : Canoness(1*45), Bolter condemnor(1), Chainsword [46]
    HQ2 : Missionary(1*35) [35]
    TR1 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(45), Bolter Storm(2), Sister Superior(0), Bolter Storm(2) [49]
    TR2 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(45), Bolter Storm(2), Sister Superior(0), Bolter Storm(2) [49]
    TR3 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(45), Bolter Storm(2), Sister Superior(0), Bolter Storm(2) [49]

    == Super Heavy detachment (+6CP) (1404) ==
    Lord of War1 : Knight Crusader(1*285), Gatling avenger canon [Endless Fury] (75), Thermal canon (76), Heavy flamer (14), Stubber (2), Ironstorm missile pod (16) [468] [Warlord : Ion Bulwark]
    Lord of War2 : Knight Crusader(1*285), Gatling avenger canon (75), Thermal canon (76), Heavy flamer (14), Stubber (2), Ironstorm missile pod (16) [468]
    Lord of War3 : Knight Crusader(1*285), Gatling avenger canon (75), Thermal canon (76), Heavy flamer (14), Stubber (2), Ironstorm missile pod (16) [468]

    == Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (+0CP) (368) ==
    Lord of War4 : Knight Gallant(1*285), Thunderstrike gauntlet (35), Stubber (2), Reaper chainsword (30), Ironstorm missile pod (16) [368]

    Team: Paris United Alpha
    Player 5: Sebastien “Kranzer” Moretti
    List fancy name: MultiDex
    Factions: Heretic Astartes - Thousand sons - Chaos Deamons
    Total Army points: 1999 pts
    Total command points: 3+1+1+5= 10 CP
    Total reinforcement points: 1 pts

    == Supreme Command detachment (+1CP) (444) ==

    QG1 : Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings (170) Second Malefic Talon (10) Relic : Helm of the third eye - [Infernal Gateway - Gaze of Fate - Smite] - [180] - [WARLORD – Trait : High Magister]
    QG2 : Ahriman on Disc (166) [Warptime - Prescience - Death Hex - Smite] - [166]
    QG3 : Sorcerer (90) Force stave (Cool Inferno bolt pistol (0) [Temporal manipulation - Infernal Gaze - Smite] - [98]

    == Spearhead Detachment (+1CP) (680): < Heretic Astartes > ==

    QG4 : Chaos Lord with Jump Pack (93) Chainsword (0), Combi-bolter (2) - [95]
    HS1 : Obliterators: (3x65) - [195]
    HS2 : Obliterators: (3x65) - [195]
    HS3 : Obliterators: (3x65) - [195]

    == Bataillon detachment: (+5CP) (875) ==

    QG5 : Poxbringer (70) - Balesword (0) - [Miasma of Pestilence - Smite] - [70]
    QG6 : Spoilox Scrivener (95) - Disgusting sneezes (0), Distended maw (0), Plaguesword (0) - [95]
    QG7 : Sloppity Bilepiper (60) - Marotter (0) - [60]
    TR1 : Plaguebearers - 1 Plagueridden and 9 Plaguebearers (70) 19 extra Plaguebearers (133) Plaguesword (0), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument Of Chaos (10) - [228]
    TR2 : Plaguebearers - 1 Plagueridden and 9 Plaguebearers (70) 18 extra Plaguebearers (126) Plaguesword (0), Daemonic Icon (15)- [211]
    TR3 : Plaguebearers - 1 Plagueridden and 9 Plaguebearers (70) 18 extra Plaguebearers (126) Plaguesword (0), Daemonic Icon (15)- [211]

    Team: Paris United Alpha
    Player 6: Armand "Armandou" Souchon
    List fancy name: Leather and Boots
    Faction: Drukhari
    Total army points: 2000 pts
    Total command points: 3+5+5+1 = 14 CP
    Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (1371) ==
    HQ1 : Haemonculus (1*70), Hexrifle (5), Relic : Vexator Mask [75] < Prophets of Flesh >
    HQ2 : Urien Rakarth(1*90) [90] < Prophets of Flesh >
    TR1 : 6 Wracks (45 + 1*9), Acothyst(0) [54] < Prophets of Flesh >
    TR2 : 6 Wracks (45 + 1*9), Acothyst(0) [54] < Prophets of Flesh >
    TR3 : 6 Wracks (45 + 1*9), Acothyst(0) [54] < Prophets of Flesh >
    TR4 : 6 Wracks (45 + 1*9), Acothyst(0) [54] < Prophets of Flesh >
    TR5 : 5 Wracks (45), Acothyst(0) [45] < Prophets of Flesh >
    Elite1 : 9 Grotesques(96 + 6*32), 9 Flesh Gauntlets (27) [315] < Prophets of Flesh >
    Elite2 : 9 Grotesques(96 + 6*32), 9 Flesh Gauntlets (27) [315] < Prophets of Flesh >
    Elite3 : 9 Grotesques(96 + 6*32), 9 Flesh Gauntlets (27) [315] < Prophets of Flesh >

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (224) ==
    HQ3 : Archon(1*70), Uskblade (6) [76] [Warlord : Labyrinthin Cunning] < Kabal of The Black Heart >
    HQ4 : Succubus (1*50), Shardnet And Impaler (5) [55] < Cult of the red grief >
    TR6 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), Phantasm Grenade Launcher (3), Sybarite(0) [33] < Kabal of The Black Heart >
    TR7 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), Sybarite(0) [30] < Kabal of The Black Heart >
    TR8 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), Sybarite(0) [30] < Kabal of The Black Heart >

    == Air Wing detachment (+1CP) (405) ==
    Flyer1 : Razorwing Jetfighter(1*105), 2 Desintegrators Cannon (2*15) [135] < Kabal of The Black Heart >
    Flyer2 : Razorwing Jetfighter(1*105), 2 Desintegrators Cannon (2*15) [135] < Kabal of The Black Heart >
    Flyer3 : Razorwing Jetfighter(1*105), 2 Desintegrators Cannon (2*15) [135] < Kabal of The Black Heart >

    Team: Paris United Alpha
    Player 7: JB "Snorri61"Masson
    List fancy name: Men in black and friends
    Faction: Deathwatch, Blood Angels, Adeptus Mechanicus
    Total army points: 1999 pts
    Total command points: 3+5+5+5 - 3 (Stratagem death visions of sanguinius x3) - 1 (relic)= 14 CP
    Total reinforcement points: 1 pts

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (567) ==
    HQ1 : Captain with jump pack(1*93), Thunder Hammer(21), Stormshield(10) [124] Death visions of Sanguinius (-1CP)
    HQ2 : Captain with jump pack(1*93), Thunder Hammer(21), Stormshield (10), [124] Death visions of sanguinius (-1CP)
    HQ3 : Captain with jump pack(1*93), Thunder Hammer(21), Stormshield (10), Relic [Angel Wing], Warlord Trait : Artisan Of War [124] Death visions of Sanguinius (- 1CP)

    TR1 : 5 Scout Squad (5*11), 4 sniper rifle(4*2), Scout Sergeant (0), Sniper rifle(2) [65]
    TR2 : 5 Scout Squad (5*11), 4 Sniper rifle(4*2), Scout Sergeant (0), Sniper rifle(2) [65]
    TR3 : 5 Scout Squad (5*11), 4 Sniper rifle(4*2), Scout Sergeant (0), Sniper rifle(2) [65]

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (240) ==
    HQ4 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(1*30) [30]
    HQ5 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(1*30) [30]

    TR4 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(5*7), Transuranic Arquebus(15), Ranger Alpha(0) [50]
    TR5 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(5*7), 2 Transuranic Arquebus(30), Ranger Alpha(0) [65]
    TR6 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(5*7), 2 Transuranic Arquebus(30), Ranger Alpha(0) [65]

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (1192) ==
    HQ6 : Watch Captain with jump pack (1*93), Power fist (9), Stormshield(10) [112]
    HQ7 : Watch Captain with jump pack(1*93), Power fist (9), Stormshield (10), Relic [Beacon Angelis] [112]

    TR7 : Intercessors(0*0), 4x Aggressor(4*21), 4 Auto boltstorm gauntlets(4*12), 4 Fragstorm Grenade Launcher(4*4), Inceptor(25), 2 Assault bolter (2*10), 4x Intercessor(4*17), 4 Bolt Rifle (1*4), Intercessor Sergeant(17), Bolt Rifle(1) [283]
    TR8 : Veterans(0*0), Black Shield(16), Bolter Storm (4), Chainsword(0), Deathwatch biker(21), Twin Bolter(4), Chainsword(0), Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran(17), Bolt pistol(0), Chainsword(0) 6x Deathwatch Veteran (6*14), 6 Bolter Storm (6*4), 6 Stormshield (6*2), Watch Sergeant(14), Bolter Storm (4), Storm shield(2) [202]
    TR9 : Veterans(0*0), Black Shield(16), Bolter Storm (4), Chainsword(0), Deathwatch biker(21), Twin bolter(4), Chainsword(0), Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran(17), Bolt pistol(0), Chainsword(0), 6x Deathwatch Veteran (6*14), 6 Bolter Storm (6*4), 6 Stormshield(6*2), Watch Sergeant(14), Bolter Storm (4), Stormshield (2) [202]
    TR10 : Veterans(0*0), Black Shield (16), Bolter Storm (4), Chainsword(0), Deathwatch biker(21), Twin bolter(4), Chainsword(0), Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran(17), Bolt pistol(0), 6x Deathwatch Veteran (6*14), 6 Bolter Storm (6*4), 6 Stormshield(6*2), Watch Sergeant(14), Bolter Storm (4),Chainsword(0), Stormshield (2) [202]

    FA1 : 3 Bikers(3*21), 2 Twin bolter(2*4), 2 chainsword(0), Deathwatch Biker Sergeant(0), Twin bolter(4), Bolter Storm (4), Chainsword [79]

    Team: Paris United Alpha
    Player 8: Rafael "Haechi" Riffiod
    List fancy name: I’m T’AU
    Faction: T'au Empire
    Total army points: 2000 pts
    Total command points: 3+5+5+5-1 = 17CP
    Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (354) ==
    HQ1: XV85 Enforcer Commander (76), 3 Cyclic Ion Blasters (3x18), 1 Airbursting Fragmentation Projector (Cool [138] – Relic: Supernova Launcher
    HQ2: Darkstrider [45]
    TR1: 8 Strike team (8x7), markerlight (3), Shas’ui (0) [59]
    TR2: 8 Strike team (8x7), Shas’ui (0) [56]
    TR3: 8 Strike team (8x7), Shas’ui (0) [56]

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (1258) ==
    HQ3: XV85 Enforcer Commander (76), 4 Cyclic Ion Blasters (4x18) [148] – [WARLORD : Through Unity, Devastation]
    HQ4: Cadre Fireblade (39), markerlight (3) [42] – Relic: Puretide’s Engrammatic Neurochip
    TR4: 8 Strike team (8x7), Shas’ui (0) [56]
    TR5: 8 Strike team (8x7), Shas’ui (0) [56]
    TR6: 8 Strike team (8x7), Shas’ui (0) [56]
    Elite1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile Systems (2x15), Advanced Targeting Systems (18), Target Lock (12) [280]
    Elite2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile Systems (2x15), Advanced Targeting Systems (18), Target Lock (12) [280]
    Elite3: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile Systems (2x15), Advanced Targeting Systems (18), Target Lock (12) [280]
    FA1: 6 Shield Drones (6x10) [60]

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (388) ==
    HQ5: XV85 Enforcer Commander (76), 4 Cyclic Ion Blasters (4x18) [148]
    HQ6: Ethereal on Hover Drone (50),Equalizers (1) [51]
    TR7: 5 Strike team (5x7), markerlight (3), Shas’ui (0) [38]
    TR8: 5 Strike team (5x7), markerlight (3), Shas’ui (0) [38]
    TR9: 5 Strike team (5x7), markerlight (3), Shas’ui (0) [38]
    Elite4: Firesight Marksman (24), Pulse pistol (1) [25]
    Elite5: Firesight Marksman (24), Pulse pistol (1) [25]
    Elite6: Firesight Marksman (24), Pulse pistol (1) [25]

    Team: Paris United Alpha
    Coach 1 : Nicolas “ ZAHARIEL” Lyszyk

    Team: Paris United Alpha
    Capitaine / Coach 2 : Laurent “LOL” Lepeltier


    Roster Playoyz:


    + TEAM: Playboy’z
    + PLAYER 1: Flauros
    + Army Factions Used: Drukhari
    + Total Army Points: 1999
    + Total Command Points: 10

    + Battalion Detachment <Drukhari, Black Heart> + 5 CP:

    HQ1: Archon (70) Venom Blade (2) [72] WARLORD: Labyrinthine Cunning
    HQ2: Archon (70) Venom Blade (2) Artefact: Writing on the Living Muse (0) [72]

    Troop1: 5 Kabalite Warriors [30]
    Troop2: 5 Kabalite Warriors [30]
    Troop3: 5 Kabalite Warriors [30]

    HS1: Ravager (80) 3 Disintegrators Cannon (3x15) [125]
    HS2: Ravager (80) 3 Disintegrators Cannon (3x15) [125]
    HS3: Ravager (80) 3 Disintegrators Cannon (3x15) [125]

    + Air Wing Detachment <Drukhari, Black Heart> +1 CP:

    Flyer1: Razorwing Jetfighter (105) 2 Disintegrators Cannon (2x15) [135]
    Flyer2: Razorwing Jetfighter (105) 2 Disintegrators Cannon (2x15) [135]
    Flyer3: Razorwing Jetfighter (105) 2 Disintegrators Cannon (2x15) [135]

    + Vanguard Detachment <Drukhari, Prophets of flesh> +1 CP:

    HQ1: Haemonculus (70) Hexrifle (5) [75]
    Elite1: 9 Grotesques (9x32) 9 flesh gauntlet (9x3) [315]
    Elite2: 9 Grotesques (9x32) 9 flesh gauntlet (9x3) [315]
    Élite3: 8 Grotesques (8x32) 8 Flesh gauntlet (8x3) [280]

    + TEAM: Playboyz
    + Player 2: Hiso
    + Army Factions Used: Tau Empire
    + Total Army points: 1998 pts
    + Total Command Points: 16 CP

    + Brigade Detachment == +12 CP - T'AU
    HQ1: Commandeur XV85 "Enforcer" (76), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18), 1 shield drone (10) [158pts]
    HQ2: Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3) [42pts][Relic: Puretide Engram Neurochip][Warlord: Through Unity, Devastation]
    HQ3: Ethereal (45), Hover drone (5) [50pts]

    Troop1: 5 Strike Team (5x7), 5 Pulse Rifles (0), 1 Shas’ui (0) [35pts]
    Troop2: 5 Strike Team (5x7), 5 Pulse Rifles (0), 1 Shas’ui (0) [35pts]
    Troop3: 5 Strike Team (5x7), 5 Pulse Rifles (0), 1 Shas’ui (0) [35pts]
    Troop4: 5 Strike Team (5x7), 5 Pulse Rifles (0), 1 Shas’ui (0) [35pts]
    Troop5: 5 Strike Team (5x7), 5 Pulse Rifles (0), 1 Shas’ui (0) [35pts]
    Troop6: 5 Strike Team (5x7), 5 Pulse Rifles (0), 1 Shas’ui (0) [35pts]

    Elite1: XV 104 Riptide (185), 2 smart missile system (2x15), Target lock (10), Velocity Tracker (10), Heavy Burst Canon (35) [272pts]
    Elite2: XV 104 Riptide (185), 2 smart missile system (2x15), Target lock (10), Velocity Tracker (10), Heavy Burst Canon (35) [272pts]
    Elite3: XV 104 Riptide (185), 2 smart missile system (2x15), Target lock (10), Velocity Tracker (10), Heavy Burst Canon (35) [272pts]

    FA1: Tactical Drones(0*0), 4x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [40]
    FA2: Tactical Drones(0*0), 4x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [40]
    FA3: Tactical Drones(0*0), 4x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [40]

    HS1: XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (35), Velocity Tracker (2), 2 smart missile system (2x15), Heavy rail rifle (35), Seeker Missile (5) [107]
    HS2: XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (35), Velocity Tracker (2), 2 smart missile system (2x15), Heavy rail rifle (35), Seeker Missile (5) [107]
    HS3: XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (35), Velocity Tracker (2), 2 smart missile system (2x15), Heavy rail rifle (35), Seeker Missile (5) [107]

    + Spearhead Detachment == +1 CP - Sa'Cea
    HQ1: Commandeur XV85 "Enforcer" (76), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18), 1 shield drone (10) [158pts]

    E3: Firesight marksman (21), markerlight(3), pulse pistol(1) [25pts]
    E4: Firesight marksman (21), markerlight(3), pulse pistol(1) [25pts]
    E5: Firesight marksman (21), markerlight(3), pulse pistol(1) [25pts]

    FA5: 5 Pathfinders (25), 5 Markerlight (5x3), MV33 Grav-inhibitor drone (8) 1 Shas’ui (0) [48pts]

    + TEAM: Playboy’z
    + PLAYER 3: Aiolia
    + Army Factions Used: Crafworld, Ynnari
    + Total Army points: 1999 pts
    + Total Command Points: 10 CP

    + DETACHMENT 1: Craftworld Outrider <Ynnari, Saim-Hann, Biel-Tan> +1CP [1123pts]

    HQ1: Yvraine [132pts] Psy: Word of the Phoenix, Ancestor's grace, WARLORD: Charismatic Leader <Ynnari>

    FA1: 9 Shining spears (9x24), 9 Twin shuriken Catapults (9x2), 8 Laser Lances (8x8), Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10) [308pts] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>
    FA2: 9 Shining spears (9x24), 9 Twin shuriken Catapults (9x2), 8 Laser Lances (8x8), Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10) [308pts] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>
    FA3: 3 Windriders (16x3), 2 Scatter Lasers (7x2), 1 Twin shuriken Catapults (2) [64pts] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>

    HS1: 9 Dark Reapers (9x12) 8 Reaper Launchers (8x22) Exarch (0) with Tempest Missile Launcher (27) [311pts] <Biel-Tan/Ynnari>

    + DETACHMENT 2: Craftworld Battalion <Alaitoc> +5CP [586pts]

    HQ2: Spiritseer [65pts] Psy: Empower/Enervate
    HQ3: Spiritseer [65pts] Psy: Conceal/Reveal

    Troop1: 5 Rangers (5x12) [60pts]
    Troop2: 5 Rangers (5x12) [60pts]
    Troop3: 5 Rangers (5x12) [60pts]

    FA4: 6 Windriders (16x6), 6 Scatter Lasers (7x6) [138pts]
    FA5: 6 Windriders (16x6), 6 Scatter Lasers (7x6) [138pts]

    + DETACHMENT 3: Craftworld Suprem Command <Ulthwe, Biel-Tan> +1CP [290pts]

    HQ4: Eldrad Ulthran [135pts] Psy: Doom, Fortune, Guide <Ulthwe>
    HQ5: Warlock conclave, 2 Warlocks (2x45) [90pts] Psy: Protect/Jinx, Empower/Enervate <Ulthwe>
    HQ6: Spiritseer [65pts] Psy: Quicken/Restrain <Biel-Tan>

    + TEAM: Playboy’z
    + PLAYER 4: Aengil
    + ARMY FACTION: Imperium
    + ARMY FACTION USED: Adeptus mechanicus, Imperial Knights
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts
    + Total Command Points: 14 CP

    + Battalion Detachment <Adeptus mechanicus, Forgeworld – GRAIA> +5 CP

    HQ1: Tech-Priest Enginseer (30), servo-arm, laspistol, omnissian axe [30]
    HQ2: Tech-Priest Enginseer (30), servo-arm, laspistol, omnissian axe [30]

    Troops1: 5 Scitarii Rangers (35), 4x galvanic rifle, 1x Transuranic Arquebus (15) [50pts]
    Troops2: 5 Scitarii Rangers (35), 4x galvanic rifle, 1x Transuranic Arquebus (15) [50pts]
    Troops3: 5 Scitarii Rangers (35), 5x galvanic rifle [35pts]

    + Super-heavy detachment Imperial knights <Questor mechanicus, House KRAST> +6 CP

    LOW1: Knight Warden (285), Avenger Gatling cannon (75), heavy flamer (14), Ironstorm rocket pod (16),
    thunderstrike gauntlet (35), heavy stubber (2) [427] – WARLORD – The first knight, RELIC – Endless fury
    LOW2: Knight Warden (285), Avenger Gatling cannon (75), heavy flamer (14), reaper chainsword (30), heavy stubber
    (2),Ironstorm rocket pod (16), [422]
    LOW3: Knight Gallant (285), reaper chainsword (30), thunderstrike gauntlet (35), heavy stubber (2) [352]

    + Super-heavy auxiliary detachment <Imperial knights, Questor mechanicus, House RAVEN> 0 CP

    LOW4: Knight Catellan (510), 2 shieldbreaker missiles (2*12), 2 Siegebreaker cannons (2*35) [604 pts]

    + TEAM: Playboy’z
    + PLAYER 5: Eloi De Murphy
    + ARMY FACTION: Imperium
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Astra Militarum, Blood Angels, Adeptus Custodes

    + Battalion Detachment <Imperium, Astra Militarum, Vostroyen> +5 CP

    HQ1: Company Commander(30), Chainsword, Laspistol [30]
    HQ2: Tank Commander (142) 3 Heavy Bolters (3x8) Punisher Gatling Cannon (20) [186]
    HQ3: Tank Commander (142) 3 Heavy Bolters (3x8) Punisher Gatling Cannon (20) [186]

    Troop1: Infantry Squad of 9 Guardmen and 1 Sergeant [40]
    Troop2: Infantry Squad of 9 Guardmen and 1 Sergeant [40]
    Troop3: Infantry Squad of 9 Guardmen and 1 Sergeant [40]
    Troop4: Infantry Squad of 9 Guardmen and 1 Sergeant [40]
    Troop5: Infantry Squad of 9 Guardmen and 1 Sergeant [40]
    Troop6: Infantry Squad of 9 Guardmen and 1 Sergeant [40]

    Elite1: Astropath (26) Nightshroud, Telepathica Stave (6) [32]

    HS1: Wyvern (95) Heavy Bolter (8) [103]
    HS2: Wyvern (95) Heavy Bolter (8) [103]
    HS3: Wyvern (95) Heavy Bolter (8) [103]

    + Battalion Detachment <Imperium, Blood Angels> +5 CP

    HQ1: Captain (93) Jump Pack (19) Storm shield (10) Thunder hammer (21) [124]
    HQ2: Captain (93) Jump Pack (19) Storm shield (10) Thunder hammer (21) [124]
    HQ3: Captain (93) Jump Pack (19) Storm shield (10) Thunder Hammer (21) [124]

    Troop1: Scout Squad [55]
    Troop2: Scout Squad [55]
    Troop3: Scout Squad [55]

    + Supreme Command Detachment <Imperium, Adeptus Custodes> +1 CP

    HQ1: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) Hurricane Bolter (10) [160]
    HQ2: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) Hurricane Bolter (10) [160]
    HQ3: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) Auric Aquilis (0) Hurricane Bolter (10) [160] WARLORD: Radiant Mantle

    + TEAM: Playboy’z
    + PLAYER 6: Ekvar
    + Army Factions Used: Chaos Space Marine, Thousand Sons
    + Total Army Points: 1999
    + Total Command Points: 16

    + Battalion Detachment <Chaos Space Marine, Black Legion, Alpha Legion> + 5 CP

    HQ1: Abaddon The Despoiler <Black Legion> [240] Warlord: First among Traitors +2CP
    HQ2: Exalted Champion (70) Power axe (5) <Black Legion> Mark of Khorne [75] Relic: Axe of Blind Fury

    Troup1: 36 Chaos Cultists (180), 3 Heavy Stubber (3x2), 33 Autoguns (0), Mark of Slaanesh <Black Legion> [186]
    Troup2: 36 Chaos Cultists (180), 3 Heavy Stubber (3x2), 33 Autoguns (0), Mark of Slaanesh <Black Legion> [186]
    Troup3: 36 Chaos Cultists (180), 3 Heavy Stubber (3x2), 33 Autoguns (0), Mark of Slaanesh <Alpha Legion> [186]

    + Battalion Detachment <Chaos Space Marine, World Eaters> +5 CP

    HQ3: Kharn the Betrayer [120]
    HQ4: Exalted Champion (70) Power Maul (4) Mark of Khorne [74]

    Troup4: 38 Chaos Cultists (195), Autopistol And Brutal Assault Weapon (0), Mark of Khorne [190]
    Troup5: 38 Chaos Cultists (195), Autopistol And Brutal Assault Weapon (0), Mark of Khorne [190]
    Troup6: 38 Chaos Cultists (195), Autopistol And Brutal Assault Weapon (0), Mark of Khorne [190]

    + Suprem Command DÉTACHEMENT <Thousand Sons> +1CP
    HQ5: Ahriman (131), Disc of Tzeentch (35) [166] Psychic Powers: Death Hex, Doombolt, Warptime
    HQ6: Sorcerer (90) Force Sword (8) [98] Psychic Powers: Prescience, Warptime
    HQ7: Sorcerer (90) Force Sword (8) [98] Psychic Powers: Prescience, Diabolic Strength

    + TEAM: Playboy’z
    + PLAYER 7: DarkAurel
    + Army Faction Used: Tyranids
    + Total Army Points: 2000
    + Total Command Points: 12 (3+5+5-1)

    + Battalion Detachment <Tyranids, Kraken> +5CP:

    HQ1: Hive Tyrant with wings (190) 4x devourers with brainleech worms (4x7) artefact: chameleonic mutation (0) warlord: instinctive killer (0) psychic power: psychic scream, the horror [218]
    HQ2: Swarmlord (250) psychic power: onslaught, paroxysm [250]

    Troop1: 19 Genestealers (19x10) 19x rending claws (19x2) 19x scything talons (0) 4x acid maw (0) [228]
    Troop2: 19 Genestealers (19x10) 19x rending claws (19x2) 19x scything talons (0) 4x acid maw (0) [228]
    Troop3: 18 Genestealers (18x10) 18x rending claws (18x2) 18x scything talons (0) 4x acid maw (0) [216]

    + Battalion Detachment <Tyranids, Kronos> +5CP:

    HQ3: Hive Tyrant with wings (190) 4x devourers with brainleech worms (4x7) psychic power: catalyst, psychic scream [218]
    HQ4: Hive Tyrant with wings (190) 4x devourers with brainleech worms (4x7) psychic power: catalyst, the horror [218]

    Troop4: 10 Termagants [40]
    Troop5: 3 Ripper Swarms [33]
    Troop6: 3 Ripper Swarms [33]

    Elite1: 6 Hive Guard (6x18) 6x impaler canon (6x30) [288]

    + Auxilliary Support Detachment <Tyranids, Kraken> -1CP:

    Elite1: 1 Venomthrope (30) understrenght unit [30]

    + TEAM: Playboy’z
    + PLAYER 8: Ginyu
    + Army Faction Used: Orks
    + Total Army Points: 1999
    + Total Command Points: 18+1-1

    + Battalion Detachment <Evil Sunz, Blood Axe> +5 CP

    HQ1: Deffkilla Wartrike (120), Extra Gubbinz: (-1CP) Morgog’s finkin’kap / Warlord Trait:Brutal but kunnin’ [120pts] <Blood Axe>
    HQ2: Big Mek in mega armour (77), power klaw(13), kustom shoota (2), kustom force field (20) [112pts] <Evil Sunz>

    Troop1: 10 gretchins (3x10) [30pts] <Evil Sunz>
    Troop2: 10 gretchins (3x10) [30pts] <Evil Sunz>
    Troop3: 10 gretchins (3x10) [30pts] <Evil Sunz>

    + Battalion Detachment <Evil Sunz> +5 CP

    HQ3: Deffkilla Wartrike (120), Warlord Trait: Follow me, ladz (+1CP) [120pts] - WARLORD
    HQ4: Warboss (65), kustom shoota (2), power klaw (13), attack squig (0), Relic: Da killa klaw [80pts]
    HQ5: Weirdboy (62) [62pts] Psy: Smite, Warpath

    Troop4: 28 boys(7x28), 27 choppa(0), 27 slugga(0), 2 tankbustas bomb(0), Nob (0), Killsaw (15) [211pts]
    Troop5: 28 boys(7x28), 27 choppa(0), 27 slugga(0), 2 tankbustas bomb(0), Nob (0), Killsaw (15) [211pts]
    Troop6: 28 boys(7x28), 27 choppa(0), 28 slugga(0), 2 tankbustas bomb(0), Nob (0), Power klaw (13) [209pts]

    Elite1: Painboy (52), power klaw (13) [65pts]
    Elite2: Nob with waaagh! banner (75), kustom shoota (2) [77pts]

    + Battalion Detachment <Evil Sunz> +5 CP

    HQ6: Weirdboy (62) [62pts] Psy: Smite, Da jump
    HQ7: Weirdboy (62) [62pts] Psy: Smite, Fist of gork

    Troop7: 30 boys(7x30), 29 choppa(0), 29 slugga(0), 3 tankbustas bomb(0), Nob (0), Killsaw (15) [225pts]
    Troop8: 29 boys(7x29), 29 choppa(0), 28 slugga(0), 2 tankbustas bomb(0), Nob (0), Big choppa (5) [208pts]
    Troop9: 10 boys(7x10), 9 choppa(0), 9 slugga(0), 1 tankbustas bomb(0), Nob (0), Killsaw (15) [85pts]


    Roster In Dice We Trust:


    PLAYER: Kevin “Sigan” Sigan
    ARMY FACTION USED: Renegade Knights, Death Guard, Thousand Sons
    COMMAND POINTS: 7 (8-1)

    == Super-Heavy Detachment <Renegade Knights> +5CP ==
    LoW1: Renegade Knight(1*285), Heavy Stubber(2), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannon (2*75), 2 Heavy flamer (2*14), Infernal Quest, The Traitor’s Mark [465] - Warlord
    LoW2: Renegade Knight(1*285), Heavy Stubber(2), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannon (2*75), 2 Heavy flamer (2*14) [465]
    LoW3: Renegade Knight(1*285), Heavy Stubber(2), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannon (2*75), 2 Heavy flamer (2*14) [465]
    Total detachment: 1395

    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment <Death Guard> (0 CP) ==
    LoW1: Mortarion(1*470), Miasma of Pestilence, Gift of Contagion, Blades of Putrefaction [470]
    Total detachment: 470

    == Auxiliary Support Detachment <Thousand Sons> (-1 CP) ==
    HQ1: Ahriman(1*131), Death Hex, Warp Time, Diabolic Strength [131]
    Total detachment: 131

    PLAYER: Étienne “Ilireth” Dupont
    TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts
    COMMAND POINTS: 17 (18-1)

    == Batallion Detachment <T'au> (+5 CP) ==
    HQ1: Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit(1*76), 4 Cyclic ion blaster(4x18 ), vectored manoeuvring thrusters (relic), MV4 Shield Drone(10) [158]
    HQ2: Cadre Fireblade(1*39), Markerlight(3) [42]
    T1: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    T2: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    T3: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    E1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(1*185), Advanced  targeting system(18 ), Velocity tracker(10), 2 Smart missile system(2*15), Heavy burst cannon(35) [278]
    E2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(1*185), Advanced  targeting system(18 ), Velocity tracker(10), 2 Smart missile system(2*15), Heavy burst cannon(35) [278]
    FA1: Tactical Drones(0*0), 4x MV4 Shield Drone (4*10) [40]
    Total detachment: 901

    == Batallion Detachment <T'au> (+5 CP) ==
    HQ1: Cadre Fireblade(1*39), Markerlight(3) [42]
    HQ2: Commander Shadowsun(1*110), 2x MV52 Shield Drone (2x11), MV62 Command-link Drone (6) [138]
    T1: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    T2: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    T3: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    E1: XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit(1*70), Shield generator(8 ), Cyclic ion raker(32), 2 Fusion blaster(2x18 ), 2x MV5 Stealth Drone (2x10) [166]
    E2: XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit(1*70), Shield generator(8 ), Cyclic ion raker(32), 2 Fusion blaster(2*18 ), 2x MV5 Stealth Drone (2*10) [166]
    FA1: 7 Pathfinder Team (25 + 2*5), 4 Markerlight(4*3), 3 Ion rifle(21), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8 ), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (2*10) [96]
    FA2: 7 Pathfinder Team (25 + 2*5), 4 Markerlight(4*3), 3 Ion rifle(21), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8 ), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (2*10) [96]
    FA3: Tactical Drones(0*0), 4x MV4 Shield Drone (4*10) [40]
    Total detachment: 849

    == Detachment Battalion <Sac'ea> (+5 CP) ==
    HQ1: Cadre Fireblade(1*39),Markerlight(3) [42]
    HQ2: Ethereal with Hover-Drone(1*50), Puretide engram neurochip (relic), Through unity, devastation[50] - Warlord
    T1: 5 Strike Team (35), Markerlight(3), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [38]
    T2: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    T3: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    E1: Firesight Marksman(1*21), Markerlight(3), Pulse pistol(1) [25]
    E2: Firesight Marksman(1*21), Markerlight(3), Pulse pistol(1) [25]
    Total detachment: 250


    PLAYER: Guillaume “Skelerex” Dourneau
    ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
    TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts

    == Bataillon Detachment <Black Hearth> (+5CP) ==
    HQ1: Archon (70) + Huskblade (6), Implex strategy [76] - Warlord
    HQ2: Archon (70), Agoniser (4), The Edict of the Living Muse (relic) [74]
    T1: 5 Kabalite warrior (5*6) [30]
    T2: 5 Kabalite warrior (5*6) [30]
    T3: 5 Kabalite warrior (5*6) [30]
    FA1: 5 Scourges (5*12), 4 Shedders (4*8 ) [92]
    HS1: Ravageur (80), 3 Disintegrator cannon (3* 15) [125]
    HS2: Ravageur (80), 3 Disintegrator cannon (3* 15) [125]
    HS3: Ravageur (80), 3 Disintegrator cannon (3* 15) [125]
    Total detachment: 707

    == Batallion Detachment Prophets of Flesh (+5CP) ==
    HQ3: Urien Rakarth [90]
    HQ4: Haemonculus (70), Electrocorrosive whip (6) [76]
    T4: 7 Wracks (7*9) [63]
    T5: 7 Wracks (7*9) [63]
    T6: 7 Wracks (7*9) [63]
    E1: 10 Grotesque (32*10), 10 Flesh gauntlet (10*3) [350]
    HS4: 2 Talos (2*75), 2 Chain-flails (2*3), 2 Macro-scapels (2* 4), 2* 2 Haywire blaster (2* 16) [196]
    HS4: 2 Talos (2*75), 2 Chain-flails (2*3), 2 Macro-scapels (2* 4), 2* 2 Haywire blaster (2* 16) [196]
    HS4: 2 Talos (2*75), 2 Chain-flails (2*3), 2 Macro-scapels (2* 4), 2* 2 Haywire blaster (2* 16) [196]
    Total detachment: 1293


    PLAYER: Aurélien “Lloth” Grognu
    ARMY FACTION: Dark Angels
    ARMY FACTION USED: Dark Angels

    == Battalion Detachment <Dark Angels> (+5 CP) ==
    HQ1: Ravenwing Talonmaster(1*123), twin heavy bolter (17), Twin assault talon (44), Power sword(4) [188]
    HQ2: Sammael on Sableclaw (1*216) [216] - Warlord
    T1: 5 Scout Squad (55), 5 Combat knife (5*0) [55]
    T2: 5 Scout Squad (55), 5 Combat knife (5*0) [55]
    T3: 5 Scout Squad (55), 5 Combat knife (5*0) [55]
    Total detachment: 569

    ==  Air Wing Detachment <Dark Angels> (+1 CP) ==
    F1: Nephilim Jetfighter(1*123),Twin heavy bolter(17), Avenger mega bolter(35) [175]
    F2: Ravenwing Dark talon(1*180), 2 Hurricane Bolter (20) [200]
    F3: Stormraven (1*192),Twin assault cannon (44), 2 Stormstrike missiles launcher (42), 2 Hurricane Bolter (20), Twin multi-melta (40) [338]
    Total detachment: 713

    ==  Air Wing Detachment <Dark Angels> (+1 CP) ==
    F1: Nephilim Jetfighter(1*123),Twin heavy bolter(17), Avenger mega bolter(35) [175]
    F2: Ravenwing Dark talon(1*180), 2 Hurricane Bolter (2*10) [200]
    F3: Stormraven (1*192),Twin assault cannon (44), 2 Stormstrike missiles launcher (2*21), 2 Hurricane Bolter (2*10), Twin multi-melta (40) [338]
    Total detachment: 713


    PLAYER: Gabriel “Vlax” Monvoisin
    ARMY FACTION: Imperium
    TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts
    ARMY FACTION USED: Blood Angels, Astra Militarum, Imperial Knights
    COMMAND POINTS: 19 (20-1)

    == Batallion Detachment <Blood Angels> (+5 CP) ==
    HQ1: Captain with jump pack(1*93),  Thunder hammer(21), Storm shield(10), The Baal Hammer (relic) [124]
    HQ2: Captain with jump pack(1*93), Thunder hammer(21), Storm shield(10), The Angel's Wings (relic), Artisan of War [124] - Warlord
    T1: 5 Scout Squad (55), Scout Sergeant (0) [55]
    T2: 5 Scout Squad (55), Scout Sergeant (0) [55]
    T3: 5 Scout Squad (55), Scout Sergeant (0) [55]
    Total detachment: 413

    == Brigade Detachment <Catachan> (+12 CP) ==
    HQ1: Colonel  Iron Hand Straken(1*75) [75]
    HQ2: Company Commander(1*30),Power fist(8 ) [38]
    HQ3: Company Commander(1*30),Power fist(8 ) [38]
    T1: 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0) [40]
    T2: 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0) [40]
    T3: 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0) [40]
    T4: 10 Infantry Squad(40), Heavy weapon squad(0),  Mortar(5), Sergeant(0) [45]
    T5: 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0) [40]
    T6: 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0) [40]
    T7: 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0) [40]
    T8: 10 Infantry Squad(40), Heavy weapon squad(0),  Mortar(5), Sergeant(0) [45]
    E1: Ministorum Priest(1*35) [35]
    E2: Platoon Commander(1*20), Power fist(8 ) [28]
    E3: Platoon Commander(1*20), Power fist(8 ) [28]
    FA1: Hellhounds(0*0), Hellhound(73),  Heavy bolter(8 ), Inferno cannon(20), Storm bolter(2) [103]
    FA2: Hellhounds(0*0), Hellhound(73),  Heavy bolter(8 ), Inferno cannon(20), Storm bolter(2) [103]
    FA3: Hellhounds(0*0), Hellhound(73),  Heavy bolter(8 ), Inferno cannon(20), Storm bolter(2) [103]
    HS1: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18 ), 3 Mortar(15) [33]
    HS2: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18 ), 3 Mortar(15) [33]
    HS3: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18 ), 3 Mortar(15) [33]
    Total detachment: 980

    == Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment <House Raven> (+0 CP) ==
    LoW1: Knight Castellan(1*510), 2 Twin Siegebreaker Cannon (70), 2 Shieldbreaker missile(24) [604]
    Total detachment: 604


    PLAYER: Cyril “VonWeisser” Kornmann
    ARMY FACTION: Ultramarines
    ARMY FACTION USED: Ultramarines

    == Vanguard Detachment <Ultramarines> (+1 CP) ==
    HQ1: Primaris Librarian(1*93), Force sword (8 ), Armor Indomitus (relic), Null Zone, Might of Heroes [101]
    E1: 4 Aggressor Squad(63 + 1*21), 3 Auto Boltstorm gauntlets (3*12), 3 Fragstorm grenade launcher (3*4), Aggressor Sergeant(0),  Auto Boltstorm gauntlets (12), Fragstorm grenade launcher (4) [148]
    E2: 3 Aggressor Squad(63), 2 Auto Boltstorm gauntlets (2*12), 2 Fragstorm grenade launcher (2*4), Aggressor Sergeant(0),  Auto Boltstorm gauntlets (12), Fragstorm grenade launcher (4) [111]
    E3: 3 Aggressor Squad(63), 2 Auto Boltstorm gauntlets (2*12), 2 Fragstorm grenade launcher (2*4), Aggressor Sergeant(0),  Auto Boltstorm gauntlets (12), Fragstorm grenade launcher (4) [111]
    AT1: Repulsor(1*185), 2 Krakstorm grenade launcher (2*4), Twin heavy Bolter(17), Heavy Onslaught Gatling cannon (30), Ironhail heavy stubber (6), Onslaught Gatling cannon (16), 5 Fragstorm grenade launcher (5*4) [282]
    AT2: Repulsor(1*185), 2 Krakstorm grenade launcher (2*4), Twin heavy Bolter(17), Heavy Onslaught Gatling cannon (30), Ironhail heavy stubber (6), Onslaught Gatling cannon (16), 5 Fragstorm grenade launcher (5*4) [282]
    AT3: Repulsor(1*185), 2 Krakstorm grenade launcher (2*4), Twin heavy Bolter(17), Heavy Onslaught Gatling cannon (30), Ironhail heavy stubber (6), Onslaught Gatling cannon (16), 5 Fragstorm grenade launcher (5*4) [282]
    AT4: Repulsor(1*185), 2 Krakstorm grenade launcher (2*4), Twin heavy Bolter(17), Heavy Onslaught Gatling cannon (30), Ironhail heavy stubber (6), Onslaught Gatling cannon (16), 5 Fragstorm grenade launcher (5*4) [282]
    Total detachment: 1599

    == Auxiliary Super-Heavy Detachment <Ultramarines> (0CP) ==
    LoW1: Roboute Guilliman(1*400) [400] - Warlord
    Total detachment: 400


    PLAYER: Romuald “Bjorn” Maillard
    ARMY FACTION: Ynnari
    TOTAL ARMY POINTS:2000 pts
    ARMY FACTION USED: Ynnari, Craftworld

    == Outrider Detachment <Ynnari><Sam Hainn><Ulthwe> (+1 CP) ==
    HQ1: Yvraine(1*132), Tenacious Survivor, Ancestor’s Grace, Word of the Phoenix [132]
    Troup1: 20 Guardian Defenders (80 + 10*8 ) <Ulthwe> [160] - Warlord
    FA1: 9 Shining Spears (72 + 6*24), 8 Twin Shuriken catapult(8*2), 8 Laser lances(8*8 ), Shining Spear Exarch (0), Twin Shuriken catapult(2), Star Lance(10) <Sam Hainn> [308]
    FA2: 8 Shining Spears (72 + 5*24), 7 Twin Shuriken catapult(7*2), 7Laser lances(7*8 ), Shining Spear Exarch (0),  Twin Shuriken catapult(2), Star Lance(10) <Sam Hainn> [274]
    FA3: 6 Swooping Hawks (30 + 1*6), 5 Lasblasters(5*7), Swooping Hawk Exarch (0),  Hawk’s Talon(10) <Sam Hainn> [81]
    HS1: 9 Dark Reapers (36 + 6*12), 8 Reaper launcher (176), Dark Reaper Exarch (0),  Tempest Launcher (27) <Ulthwe> [311]
    Transport1: Wave Serpent(1*120), Twin shuriken cannon(17), Twin Shuriken catapult(2), Crystal targeting matrix(5) <Ulthwe> [144]
    Total detachment: 1410

    == Batallion Detachment <Alaitoc> (+5CP) ==
    HQ1: Spiritseer(1*65), Shuriken Pistol, Empower/Enervate <Alaitoc> [65]
    HQ2: 2 Warlock Conclave (90), 2 Witchblade, Conceal/Reveal, Protect/Jinx <Alaitoc> [90]
    Troup1: 5 Rangers(60) <Alaitoc> [60]
    Troup2: 5 Rangers(60) <Alaitoc> [60]
    Troup3: 5 Rangers(60) <Alaitoc> [60]
    Total detachment: 335

    == Supreme Command Detachment <Ulthwe><Biel-Tan> (+1 CP) ==
    HQ1: Eldrad Ulthran(1*135), Guide, Doom, Fortune <Ulthwe> [135]
    HQ2: Spiritseer(1*65), Shuriken Pistol, Quicken/Restrain <Biel-Tan> [65]
    HQ3: Warlock(1*55), Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade, Protect/Jinx <Ulthwe> [55]
    Total detachment: 255


    PLAYER: Jérome “Maniaka” Jacob
    TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts

    == Batallion Detachment <Evil Sunz> (+5 CP) ==
    HQ1: Weirdboy(1*62), Warpath [62]
    HQ2: Warboss(1*65), Kustom shoota (2), Power klaw (13), Da Killa Claw, Brutal but Kunnin’ [80] - Warlord
    T1: 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 3 Tankbusta bombs, Boss Nob(0),  Big choppa(5) [215]
    T2: 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 3 Tankbusta bombs, Boss Nob(0) [210]
    T3: 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 3 Tankbusta bombs, Boss Nob(0) [210]
    E1: Painboy (1*52), Power klaw (13) [65]
    E2: Nob with Waaagh! Banner (1*75), Kustom shoota(2) [77]
    Total detachment: 919

    == Batallion Detachment <Blood Axe><Evil Sunz> (+5 CP) ==
    HQ1: Boss Snikrot(1*70) <Blood Axe> [70]
    HQ2: Big Mek in Mega Armour(1*77), Kustom shoota(2), Power klaw(13), Kustom force field(20), Morgog’s Finkin’ Cap, Follow me Ladz! (+1 CP) <Blood Axe> [112]
    T1: 10 Gretchins(30) <Evil Sunz> [30]
    T2: 10 Gretchins(30) <Evil Sunz> [30]
    T3: 10 Gretchins(30) <Evil Sunz> [30]
    Total detachment: 272

    == Batallion Detachment <Bad Moons> (+5 CP) ==
    HQ1: Weirdboy(1*62), Da Jump [62]
    HQ2: Weirdboy(1*62), Fist of Gork [62]
    T1: 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    T2: 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    T3: 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    HS1: 15 Lootas(85 + 10*17) [255]
    HS2: 10 Lootas(85 + 5*17) [170]
    HS3: 10 Lootas(85 + 5*17) [170]
    Total detachment: 809




    D3 Zeta à Courcouronnes:

    Roster Suisses:


    Team: Suisse
    Player 1 : vandir - Captain
    Faction: Adeptus Custodes - Adeptus Mechanicus - Adeptus Assassinorium
    Total Army points: 1998 pts
    Total Reinforcement points: 2
    Total command points: 8

    == Outrider Detachment == < Adeptus Custodes > [1673pts] +1CP

    HQ1 : Captain General Trajann Valoris(185) [185]
    HQ2 : Shield Captain on Dawneagle jetbike(150), Salvo missile(15), Misericordia(4), relic(Auric Aquilas) [169] - Warlord(Superior Creation)

    E1: Vexilus Preator(80), Vexilla Magnifica(30), Misericordia(4) [114]

    FA1: 7 Vertus Preators(560), 5 Salvo Missiles(75), 2 Hurricane bolters(20) [655]
    FA2: 3 Vertus Preators(240), 1 Salvo Missile(15), 2 Hurricane bolters(20) [275]
    FA3: 3 Vertus Preators(240), 1 Salvo Missile(15), 2 Hurricane bolters(20) [275]

    == Bataillon Detachment == < Adeptus Mechanicus - Stygies VIII > [240] +5CP

    HQ3: Tech-priest Enginseer(30) [30]
    HQ4: Tech-priest Enginseer(30) [30]

    Troop1: 5 Skitarri Rangers(35), 2 Transuranic Arquebus(30) [65]
    Troop2: 5 Skitarri Rangers(35), 2 Transuranic Arquebus(30) [65]
    Troop3: 5 Skitarri Rangers(35), 1 Transuranic Arquebus(15) [50]

    == Auxilliary Detachment == < Index Imperium 2 - Adeptus Assassinorium > [85] -1CP

    E2: Culexus (85) [85]


    Team: Suisse
    Player 2: Titi
    Faction: Astra Militarum, Blood Angels
    Total Army points:  1999 points
    Total Reinforcement points: 1
    Total command points: 13

    == Brigade Detachment < Astra Militarum-Catachan > [1591 Points] +12 CP ==

    HQ1: Colonel ‘Iron Hand’ Straken(75) [75pts]
    HQ2: Tank Commander(142), 3 Heavy bolters(8*3), Battle cannon(22), Hunter-Killer Missile(6), Storm Bolter(2) [196]
    HQ3: Tank Commander(142), 3 Heavy bolters(8*3), Battle cannon(22), Hunter-Killer Missile(6) [194]
    HQ4: Tank Commander(142), 3 Heavy bolters(8*3), Battle cannon(22), Hunter-Killer Missile(6) [194]

    Elite1: Platoon Commander(20), Chainsword(0), relic(Kurov’s Aquila) [20] – WARLORD (Old Grudge)
    Elite2: Sergeant Harker(50) [50]
    Elite3: Ministorium Priest(35) Chainsword(0) [35]

    TR1: Infantry Squad (40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    TR2: Infantry Squad (40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    TR3: Infantry Squad (40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    TR4: Infantry Squad (40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    TR5: Infantry Squad (40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    TR6: Infantry Squad (40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    TR7: Infantry Squad (40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    TR8: Infantry Squad (40), Chainsword(0) [40]

    FA1: Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA2: Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA3: Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]

    HS1: 2 Leman Russ Battle Tanks(122*2), Battle cannon(22*2), 6 Heavy bolters(8*6) [336]
    HS2: Heavy Weapon Squad(6*3), Mortar(3*5) [33]
    HS3: Heavy Weapon Squad(6*3), Mortar(3*5) [33]

    ==Supreme Command Detachment < Blood Angels > [408 Points] +1 CP ==

    HQ5: Captain with Jump Pack(93), Thunderhammer(21), Storm Shield(10) [124] –Death Visions of Sanginus (-1CP) – Angel’s Wing (-1CP)
    HQ6: Captain with Jump Pack(93), Thunderhammer(21), Storm Shield(10) [124] - Death Visions of Sanginus (-1CP)
    HQ7: Chief Librarian Mephiston(160) [160]


    Team: Suisse
    Player 3: Damdam
    Faction: Ork
    Total Army points: 1998
    Total Reinforcement points: 2
    Total command points: 15

    == Brigade Detachment < Ork - Evil sunz > [1998] +12CP ==

    HQ1 : Deffkilla Wartrike(120) [120] – Warlord (Follow me ladz)
    HQ2 : Weirdboy(62), Relic (scortched gitbonez) [62] - Roar of Mork, Smite
    HQ3 : Weirdboy(62) [62] - Da Crunch, Smite

    Troop1 : 30 Gretchins(30+20x3) [90]
    Troop2 : 11 Gretchins(30+1x3) [33]
    Troop3 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    Troop4 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    Troop5 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    Troop6 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]

    Elite1 : Painboy(52), power klaw(13) [65]
    Elite2 : 10 Kommandos(40+5x8), Boss Nob(0) with power klaw(13) [93]
    Elite3 : 10 Kommandos(40+5x8), Boss Nob(0) with power klaw(13) [93]

    FA1 : 30 Stormboyz(45+25x9), Boss Nob(0) with 2 killsaws(23) [293]
    FA2 : 20 Stormboyz(45+15x9), Boss Nob(0) with 2 killsaws(23) [203]
    FA3 : 10 Stormboyz(45+5x9), Boss Nob(0) with 2 killsaws(23) [113]
    FA4 : 3 Megatrakk Scrapjet(90+2x90), 6 twin big shootas(6x10) [330]

    HS1 : 3 Mek Gunz(15+2x15), 3 smash guns(3x16) [93]
    HS2 : 3 Mek Gunz(15+2x15), 3 smash guns(3x16) [93]
    HS3 : 3 Mek Gunz(15+2x15), 3 traktor kannons(3x30) [135]


    + TEAM: Suisse
    + PLAYER 4: Stonick
    + ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1998 points

    == BATTALION DETACHMENT < Drukhari - Kabal of Flayed Skull > [1116] +5 CP ==

    HQ1 : Archon(70), Husk Blade(6) [76pts]
    HQ2 : Archon(70), Venom Blade(2) [72pts]

    Troop1 : Kabalite Warriors(30), Shredder(8.), Sybarite with Phantasm Grenade Launcher(3) [41pts]
    Transport1 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) [65pts]
    Troop2 : Kabalite Warriors(30), Shredder(8.), Sybarite with Phantasm Grenade Launcher(3) [41pts]
    Transport2 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) [65pts]
    Troop3 : Kabalite Warriors(30), Shredder(8.), Sybarite (0) [38pts]
    Transport3 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) [65pts]
    Troop4 : Kabalite Warriors(30), Shredder(8.), Sybarite (0) [38pts]
    Transport4 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) [65pts]
    Troop5 : Kabalite Warriors(30), Shredder(8.), Sybarite (0) [38pts]
    Transport5 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) [65pts]
    Troop6 : Kabalite Warriors(30), Shredder(8.), Sybarite (0) [38pts]
    Transport6 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) [65pts]

    FA1 : Scourges(60), 4 Haywire Blaster(4*8.) [92pts]
    FA2 : Scourges(60), 4 Haywire Blaster(4*8.) [92pts]

    Elite 1 : Mandrakes(80) [80pts]
    Elite 2 : Mandrakes(80) [80pts]

    == SPEARHEAD DETACHMENT < Drukhari - Kabal of Black Heart > [447] +1 CP==

    HQ3 : Archon(70), Venom Blade(2), Relic(Writ of the living muse) [72pts] - WARLORD (Labyrinthine Cunning)

    HS1 : Ravager(80), 3 Desintegrator Cannon(3*15) [125pts]
    HS2 : Ravager(80), 3 Desintegrator Cannon(3*15) [125pts]
    HS3 : Ravager(80), 3 Desintegrator Cannon(3*15) [125pts]

    == AIR WING DETACHMENT < Drukhari - Kabal of Flayed Skull > [435] +1 CP ==

    Flyer1 : Razorwing Jetfighter(105), 2 Desintegrator Cannons(2*15) [135pts]
    Flyer2 : Razorwing Jetfighter(105), 2 Desintegrator Cannons(2*15) [135pts]
    Flyer3 : Voidraven Bomber(155),  2 Dark Scythes(0), Voidraven missiles(10) [165pts]


    Team: Suisse
    Player 5: Ayrox
    Faction: Chaos Daemon/Renegade Knight
    Total Army points: 1994
    Total Reinforcement points: 6
    Total command points: 11

    == Bataillon Detachment < Chaos Deamon - Nurgle > [1046] +5 CP ==

    HQ1 : Poxbringer(70),Relic(Corruption) [70] - Warlord(Inspiring Leader), Miasma of Pestillence, Smite
    HQ2 : Sloppity Bilepiper(60) [60]
    HQ3 : Spoilpox Scrivener(95) [95]

    Troup1 : 26 Plaguebearers(70+16*7), Daemonic Icon(15), Instrument of Chaos(10), Plagueridden(0) [207]
    Troup2 : 26 Plaguebearers(70+16*7), Daemonic Icon(15), Instrument of Chaos(10), Plagueridden(0) [207]
    Troup3 : 26 Plaguebearers(70+16*7), Daemonic Icon(15), Instrument of Chaos(10), Plagueridden(0) [207]
    Troup4 : 25 Plaguebearers(70+15*7), Daemonic Icon(15), Instrument of Chaos(10), Plagueridden(0) [200]

    == Super Heavy Detachment  < Renegade Knight > [948] +3 CP ==

    LoW1 : Renegade Armiger(160), 2 Armigers Autocannons(10), Heavy Stubber(2) [172]
    LoW2 : Renegade Armiger(160), 2 Armigers Autocannons(10), Heavy Stubber(2) [172]
    LoW3 : Renegade Knight Dominus(500), 2 Twin Siegebreaker Cannons(2*35), 2 Shieldbreaker Missiles(2*12), Plasma Decimator and Volcano Lance(10) [604]


    Team: Suisse
    Player 6: Elusion
    Faction: Tyranids
    Total Army points: 1995
    Total Reinforcement points: 5
    Total command points: 12

    == Battalion Detachment < Tyranids - Kraken > [1293] +5CP ==

    HQ1: Hive Tyrant with Wings(190), 4 Devourer with Brainleech Worms(4x7), Relic (Chameleonic mutation) - [218] - Smite, Catalyst, Horror
    HQ2: Broodlord(115) - [115] - WARLORD (One Step Ahead) - Smite, Psychic scream

    Troops1: 20 Genestealers(50+15x10), 20 Rending Claws(20x2), 20 Scything Talons(20x0), 5 Acid maw(5x0) - [240]
    Troops2: 20 Genestealers(50+15x10), 20 Rending Claws(20x2), 20 Scything Talons(20x0), 5 Acid maw(5x0) - [240]
    Troops3: 20 Genestealers(50+15x10), 20 Rending Claws(20x2), 20 Scything Talons(20x0), 5 Acid maw(5x0) - [240]
    Troops4: 20 Genestealers(50+15x10), 20 Rending Claws(20x2), 20 Scything Talons(20x0), 5 Acid maw(5x0) - [240]

    == Battalion Detachment < Tyranids - Kraken > [672] +5CP ==

    HQ3: Hive Tyrant with Wings(190), 4 Devourer with Brainleech Worms(4x7) - [218] - Smite, Paroxysm, Psychic scream
    HQ4: Broodlord(115) - [115] - Smite, Catalyst

    Troops5: 20 Genestealers (50+15x10), 20 Rending Claws(20x2), 20 Scything Talons(20x0), 5 Acid maw(5x0) - [240]
    Troops6: 3 Ripper Swarms(33) - [33]
    Troops7: 3 Ripper Swarms(33) - [33]
    Troops8: 3 Ripper Swarms(33) - [33]

    == Auxillary Support Detachment < Tyranids - Kraken > [30] -1CP ==

    E1: 1 Venomthrope(30) - [30]


    Team: Suisse
    Player 7: Ashanys
    Faction: Asuryani
    Total Army points: 2000
    Total Reinforcement points: -
    Total command points: 10

    == Battalion Detachment < Asuryani - Aliatoc > [775] +5CP ==

    HQ1: Autarch skyrunner(95), Twin shuriken catapult(2), Power sword(4), Relic (Shimmerplume of Achillarial) [101] - Warlord (Fates Messenger)
    HQ2: Farseer skyrunner(130), Twin shuriken catapult(2) [132]] - Smite, Doom, Executioner

    TROOP1: 10 Dire Avengers(40+5x8), 9 Avenger shuriken catapults(9x3), Exarch(0) with 2 Avenger shuriken catapults(2x3) [113]
    TROOP2: 10 Dire Avengers(40+5x8), 9 Avenger shuriken catapults(9x3), Exarch(0) with 2 Avenger shuriken catapults(2x3) [113]
    TROOP3: 9 Rangers(60+4x12) [108]

    FA1: 5 Swooping Hawk(30), 4 Lasblasters(4x7), Exarch(0) with Hawks Talon(10) [68]
    FA2: 5 Swooping Hawk(30), 4 Lasblasters(4x7), Exarch(0) with Hawks Talon(10) [68]

    HS1: Support weapons(25), Shadow weaver(12) [37]
    HS2: Support weapons(25), Shadow weaver(12) [37]

    == Air Wing Detachmant < Asuryani - Aliatoc > [740] +1CP ==

    Flyer1: Hemlock Wraightfighter(200), Spirit Stones(10) [210] - Smite, Jinx
    Flyer2: Hemlock Wraightfighter(200), Spirit Stones(10) [210] - Smite, Jinx
    Flyer3: Crimson Hunter(120), PulseLaser(0), 2 Bright Lance(2x20) [160]
    Flyer4: Crimson Hunter(120), PulseLaser(0), 2 Bright Lance(2x20) [160]

    == Air Wing Detachmant < Asuryani - Aliatoc > [483] +1CP ==

    Flyer5: Crimson Hunter Exarch(135), PulseLaser(0), 2 Star Cannons(2x13) [161]
    Flyer6: Crimson Hunter Exarch(135), PulseLaser(0), 2 Star Cannons(2x13) [161]
    Flyer7: Crimson Hunter Exarch(135), PulseLaser(0), 2 Star Cannons(2x13) [161]


    Team: Suisse
    Player 8: Ookami
    Faction: T'au Empire
    Total Army points: 2000
    Total Reinforcement points: 0
    Total command points: 14

    == Battalion Detachment < T'au Empire - Sept T'au > [1469pts] +5CP ==

    HQ1: Cadre Fireblade(39) Markerlight(3) - [42]
    HQ2: Commander Shadowsun(110) - [110]

    Troop1: Strike team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) - [35]
    Troop2: Strike team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) - [35]
    Troop3: Strike team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) - [35]

    Elite1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), 2x Smart missile system(2x15), Advanced targeting system(18.), Counterfire defence system(10), Heavy burst cannon(35) - [278]
    Elite2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), 2x Smart missile system(2x15), Advanced targeting system(18.), Counterfire defence system(10), Heavy burst cannon(35) - [278]
    Elite3: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), 2x Smart missile system(2x15), Advanced targeting system(18.), Counterfire defence system(10), Heavy burst cannon(35) - [278]

    HS1: Broadside Shas'ui (35): 2x High-yield missile pod (2x25), 2x Smart missile system (2x15), Advanced targeting system (6), Seeker missile (5), Broadside Shas'ui (35): 2x High-yield missile pod (2x25), 2x Smart missile system (2x15), Advanced targeting system (6), Seeker missile (5), Broadside Shas'vre (35): 2x High-yield missile pod (2x25), 2x Smart missile system (2x15), Advanced targeting system (6), Seeker missile (5) - [378]

    == Battalion Detachment < T'au Empire - Sept T'au > [411pts] +5CP ==

    HQ3: Cadre Fireblade(39), Markerlight(3), Relic(Puretide Engram Neurochip) - [42] - WARLORD(Through Unity, Devastation)
    HQ4: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit(90), 3xBurst cannon(3x8.) - [114]

    Troop4: Strike team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) - [35]
    Troop5: Strike team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) - [35]
    Troop6: Strike team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) - [35]

    FA1: 5x MV4 Shield Drones(5x10) - [50]
    FA2: 5x MV4 Shield Drones(5x10) - [50]
    FA3: 5x MV4 Shield Drones(5x10) - [50]

    == Vanguard Detachment < T'au Empire - Sept Sa'Cea > [120pts] +1CP ==

    HQ5: Ethereal - [45]

    Elite4: Firesight Marksman(21) Markerlight(3), Pulse pistol(1) - [25]
    Elite5: Firesight Marksman(21) Markerlight(3), Pulse pistol(1) - [25]
    Elite6: Firesight Marksman(21) Markerlight(3), Pulse pistol(1) - [25]



    Roster Licornes Truquées:



    Team: Les licornes truquées
    Player 1 and Captain : Tosi Lionel
    Tourneykeeper profile : Mera57
    Faction: Tyranids
    Total army points – 1998
    Total reinforcement points – 0
    Total Command points : 12

    ==Battalion Detachment 1  (Kraken) (+5 command points) (812) ==

    HQ1 : [Warlord] BroodLord(1*115), (Catalyst,smite) [Kraken] One step ahead [115]
    HQ2 : BroodLord(1*115), (Paroxysm, Smite) [115]
    HQ3 : Winged hive Tyrant(1*190), 4 Devourers with brainleech worms(28),  [Kraken]Chameleonic mutation, (Onslaught, The horror, smite) [218]
    Troup1 : 20 Genestealers(50 + 15*10), 20 Rending claws(40), 20 Scything talons, 5 Acid Maw  [240]
    Troup2 : 4 Ripper Swarms(33 + 1*11) [44]
    Troup3 : 10 Termagants(40) [40]
    Troup4 : 10 Termagants(40) [40]

    ==Battalion detachment 2 (Kraken) (+5 command points) (1156) ==

    HQ1 :Winged hive Tyrant(1*190), 4 Devourers with brainleech worms(28), (Psychic scream, the horror, Smite) [218]
    HQ2 : Winged hive Tyrant(1*190), 4 Devourers with brainleech worms (28),(Psychic scream, the horror, Smite) [218]
    Troup1 : 20 Genestealers(50 + 15*10), 20 Rending claws(40), 20 Scything talons, 5 Acid Maws  [240]
    Troup2 : 20 Genestealers(50 + 15*10), 20 Rending claws(40), 20 Scything talons, 5 Acid Maws  [240]
    Troup3 : 20 Genestealers(50 + 15*10), 20 Rending claws(40), 20 Scything talons, 5 Acid Maws  [240]

    ==Auxiliary detachment (Kraken) (-1 command point) (30) ==

    Elite1 : Venomthropes(90) [30]

    Team Les Licornes Truquées
    Player 2 : Yoan Wojcika
    AliasT3 : Invictus
    Faction : Ynnari/Craftworld
    Total Army points : 2000
    Total Reinforcement points : 0
    Total command points : 9

    = = Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1099) = =

    HQ1 : Farseer (1*110), Singing spear(5), Relict Faolchu's Wing, Executioner, Doom [115] -Ynnari/Biel-Tan-
    HQ2 : Yvraine(1*132), Ancestor's Grace, Word of the Pheonix, [132] WARLORD -Ynnari-
    Troup1 : 20 Guardian Defenders (80 + 10*Cool, 2x Weapon platform (5), 2 Scatter lasers (14) [184] -Ynnari/Ulthwe-
    Troup2 : 5 Rangers(60) [60] -Ynnari/Alaitoc-
    Troup3 : 5 Rangers(60) [60] -Ynnari/Alaitoc-
    FA1 : 10 Swooping Hawks (30 + 5*6), 9 Lasblasters(63), Swooping Hawk Exarch (0), Lasblaster(7) [130] -Ynnari/Biel-Tan-
    FA2 : 5 Warp Spiders (50), 4 Death spinners(24), Warp Spider Exarch (0), Death spinner(6) [80] -Ynnari/Biel-Tan-
    HS1 : 10 Dark Reapers (36 + 7*12), 9 Reaper launcher (198), Dark Reaper Exarch (0), Eldar missile launcher(20) [338] -Ynnari/Alaitoc-

    = = Spearhead Detachment (+1 Command Point) (901) = =

    HQ1 : Farseer (1*110), Fortune, Guide [110] -Alaitoc-
    HS1 : Fire Prism(1*155), Twin shuriken catapult(2), Cristal matrix targeting(5), Spirit-stones (10) [172] -Alaitoc-
    HS2 : Fire Prism(1*155), Twin shuriken catapult(2), Cristal matrix targeting(5), Spirit-stones (10) [172] -Alaitoc-
    HS3 : War Walkers(40), 2 Bright lance (40) [80] -Alaitoc-
    Flyer1 : Hemlock Wraithfighter (1*200), Spirit-stones (10), Jinx [210] -Ynnari/Alaitoc-
    Transport1 : Wave Serpent (1*120), Twin shuriken cannon (17), Shuriken cannon (10), Spirit-stones (10) [157] -Ynnari/Alaitoc-

    = = Reinforcement points : 0 = = 



    Team: Les licornes truquées
    Player 3 : Nicolas Bianchi
    Tourneykeeper profile : Anorok
    Faction: Space marines
    Total army points – 2000
    Total reinforcement points – 0
    Total Command points : 4


    ==Spearhead detachment (+1 Command points) (raven guard) (2000)==

    HQ1 : Kayvaan Shrike(1*150) [150]

    HQ2 : [Warlord]Lieutenant with jump pack(78), power axe (5), the armour indomitus, [Codex] Storm of fire [83]

    HS1 : 3 Centurion Devastator Squad (120), 2 Hurricane bolters (20), 4 Lascannon(100), Centurion Sergeant (0),  Hurricane bolter (10), 2 Lascannon (50) [300]

    HS2 : 3 Centurion Devastator Squad (120), 2 Hurricane bolters (20), 4 Lascannon(100), Centurion Sergeant (0),  Hurricane bolter (10), 2 Lascannon (50) [300]

    HS3 : 3 Centurion Devastator Squad (120), 2 Hurricane bolters (20), 4 Lascannon(100), Centurion Sergeant (0),  Hurricane bolter (10), 2 Lascannon (50) [300]

    Transport1 : Repulsor(1*185), 3 Storm bolters (6), 2 Krakstorm grenade launchers( 8, heavy onslaught Gatling cannon(30), Ironhail heavy stubber (6),Onslaught gatling cannon (16), Twin lascannon (40) [291]

    Transport2 : Repulsor(1*185), 3 Storm bolters (6), 2 Krakstorm grenade launchers( 8, heavy onslaught Gatling cannon(30), Ironhail heavy stubber (6),Onslaught gatling cannon (16), Twin lascannon (40) [291]

    Transport3 : Repulsor(1*185), 3 Storm bolters (6), 2 Krakstorm grenade launchers( 8, heavy onslaught Gatling cannon(30),Onslaught gatling cannon (16), Twin lascannon (40) [285]

    Team Licornes Truquées
    Player 4: Maximilien Lepère
    TourneyKeeper Profile – Kimberley
    Faction: Orks
    Total Army points - 2000
    Total Reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 13

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1243) ==

    HQ1 : Big Mek in Mega Armour (77), Kustom shoota(2), Power Klaw(13), Kustom Force Field(20) - 112
    HQ2 : Warboss (Evil Sunz) (65), Kustom shoota(2), Power Klaw(13), Attack Squig(0), Relic = Da Killa Klaw - 80 [WARLORD - BRUTAL BUT KUNNIN']
    Troup1 : 30 Boyz (Evil Sunz) (210), 29 sluggas(0) & Choppa(0), 3 Tankbusta bomb(0), Boss Nob(0) with slugga(0) & Killsaw(15) - 225
    Troup2 : 30 Boyz (Evil Sunz) (210), 29 sluggas(0) & Choppa(0), 3 Tankbusta bomb(0), Boss Nob(0) with slugga(0) & Killsaw(15) - 225
    Troup3 : 30 Boyz (Evil Sunz) (210), 29 sluggas(0) & Choppa(0), 3 Tankbusta bomb(0), Boss Nob(0) with slugga(0) & Killsaw(15) - 225
    Elite1 : Painboy (Evil Sunz) (52), Power Klaw(13), 'Urty syringue(0) - 65
    HS1 : Gorkanaut (Evil Sunz) (250), 2 Twin big shoota(20), 2 Rokkit launcha(24), Skorcha(17), Deffstorm mega-shoota(0), Klaw of Gork (or possibly Mork)(0) - 311

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (757) ==

    HQ1 : Weirdboy (Evil Sunz) (62), [Smite, Warpath] - 62
    HQ2 : Weirdboy (Evil Sunz) (62), [Smite, Da Jump] - 62
    Troup1 : 30 Boyz (Evil Sunz) (210), 12 sluggas(0) & Choppa(0), 3 Tankbusta bomb(0), 14 shoota(0), 3 Big Shootas(15), Boss Nob(0) with slugga(0) & Killsaw(15) - 240
    Troup2 : 10 Boyz (Evil Sunz) (70), 9 sluggas(0) & Choppa(0), 1 Tankbusta bomb(0), Boss Nob(0) with slugga(0) & Killsaw(15) - 85
    Troup3 : 12 Gretchins (Evil Sunz) (36) - 36
    Elite1 : Nob with Waaagh! banner (Evil Sunz) (1*75), Kustom shoota(2) - 77
    FA1 : 20 Stormboyz (Evil Sunz) (180), 19 sluggas(0) & Choppa(0), Boss Nob(0) with slugga(0) & Killsaw(15) – 195

    Team : Les Licornes Truquées
    Player 5 : Benjamin Fagioli
    AliasT3 : Barantah
    Faction : Imperium
    Total Army points : 1997
    Total Reinforcement points : 3
    Total command points : 17 (initial), -3 (Relics), 14 (Final)

    = = Supreme Command detachment (+1 Command Point) (372) < Blood Angel > = =
    HQ1: [Warlord] Captain with Jump Pack (1 * 93), Thunder hammer (Characters) (21), Storm Shield (Characters) (10), The Angel's wing (Relic - Free), [Codex] Artisan of war [124]
    HQ2: Captain with Jump Pack (1 * 93), Thunder hammer (Characters) (21), Storm Shield (Characters) (10), The Hammer of Baal (Relic - 1cp) [124]
    HQ3: Captain with Jump Pack  (1 * 93), Thunder hammer (Characters) (21), Storm Shield (Characters) (10) [124]

    = = Brigade (+12 Command Point) (1145) < Imperial Guard - Vostroya  Regiment > = =
    HQ1: Commissar Yarrick (1 * 100) [100]
    HQ2: Tank Commander (1 * 142), 3 Heavy Bolter (24) ,   Punisher Gatling Cannon (20) [186]
    HQ3: Tank Commander (1 * 142), Heavy Bolter (8 ),  Punisher Gatling Cannon (20) [170]
    HQ4: Tank Commander (1 * 142), Heavy Bolter (8 ), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20) [170]
    Troop1: 10 Infantry Squad (40), Sergeant (0) [40]  
    Troop2: 10 Infantry Squad (40), Sergeant (0) [40]
    Troop3: 10 Infantry Squad (40), Sergeant (0) [40]
    Troop4: 10 Infantry Squad (40), Sergeant (0) [40]
    Troop5: 10 Infantry Squad (40), Sergeant (0) [40]
    Troop6: 10 Infantry Squad (40), Sergeant (0) [40]
    Elite1: Platoon Commander (1 * 20),  Kurov's Aquila (Relic - 1cp) [20]
    Elite2: Platoon Commander (1 * 20) [20]
    Elite3: Platoon Commander (1 * 20) [20]
    FA1: Scout Sentinel (30), Autocanon (10) [40]
    FA2: Scout Sentinel (30), Autocanon (10) [40]
    FA3: Scout Sentinel (30), Autocanon (10) [40]
    HS1: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar (15) [33]
    HS2: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar (15) [33]
    HS3: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar (15) [33]

    = = Supreme Command detachment (+1 Command Point) (480) < Adeptus Custodes > = =
    HQ1: Shield-Captain on  Dawneagle Jetbike (1 * 150), Hurricane Bolter (10) [160]
    HQ2: Shield-Captain on  Dawneagle Jetbike (1 * 150), Hurricane Bolter (10), Auric Aquilas (Relic - 1cp) [160]
    HQ3: Shield-Captain on  Dawneagle Jetbike (1 * 150), Hurricane Bolter (10) [160]

    = = Reinforcement points : 3 = =


    Team Les Licornes Truquées
    Player 6 : Florian Faugeroux 
    AliasT3 : Sowaa
    Faction : Chaos Demons/Thousand sons
    Total Army points : 1997
    Total Reinforcement points : 0
    Total command points : 14

    ==DETACHMENT : Battallon 1 (+5 Command point)(Chaos Deamons – Nurgle)(569)==

    HQ1 : Daemon Prince of Chaos with Wings(1*170), Malefic Talons (10), [Nurgle] Virulent Blessing [180]
    HQ2 : Sloppity Bilepiper(1*60) [60]
    Troup1 : 3 Nurglings(54) [54]
    Troup2 : 3 Nurglings(54) [54]
    Troup3 : 28 Plaguebearers(70 + 18*7), Daemonic Icon(15), Instrument of Chaos(10), Plagueridden(0) [221]

    ==DETACHMENT : Battallon 2 (+5 Command point)(Chaos Deamons – Nurgle)(870)==

    HQ3 : Poxbringer(1*70), [Nurgle] Miasma of Pestilence [70]
    HQ4 : Spoilpox Scrivener(1*95) [95]
    Troup4 : 30 Plaguebearers(70 + 20*7), Daemonic Icon(15), Instrument of Chaos(10), Plagueridden(0) [235]
    Troup5 : 30 Plaguebearers(70 + 20*7), Daemonic Icon(15), Instrument of Chaos(10), Plagueridden(0) [235]
    Troup6 : 30 Plaguebearers(70 + 20*7), Daemonic Icon(15), Instrument of Chaos(10), Plagueridden(0) [235]

    ==DETACHMENT : Supreme Command (+1 Command Point)(Thousand Sons)(558)==

    HQ5 : Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch(1*166), Psychic Powers: Smite, Weaver of Fates, Death Hex, Warptime[166]
    HQ6 : [Warlord]Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings(1*170), Malefic Talons (10), Sorcerous Arcana : Helm of the Third Eye, Psychic Powers: Smite, [DH] Diabolic Strangh, [Tzeentch] Infernal Gateway, [Codex] High Magister [180]
    HQ7 : Sorcier in Terminaor Armor(1*102), Inferno Combi-bolter(3), Force stave( 8, Familiar(9), Psychic Powers: Smite, [Change] Temporal Manipulation, [Changement] Glamour of Tzeench [122]
    Elite1 : Tzaangor Shaman(1*82), Force stave( 8, Psychic Powers: Smite, [Change] Doombolt [90]

    = = Reinforcement points : 0 = = 


    Team: Les licornes truquées
    Player 7 : Mickael Wasteels
    Tourneykeeper profile : Wolfdream
    Faction: Adeptus Mechanicus +IK
    Total army points – 2000
    Total reinforcement points – 0
    Total Command points : 11


    ==Battallion (+5 command points) (Adeptus Mechanus - Stygies VIII) (280)==

    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(1*30) [30]
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(1*30) [30]
    Troup1 : 10 Skitarii Rangers(35 + 5*7), Transuranic arquebus(15), Ranger Alpha(0) [85]
    Troup2 : 10 Skitarii Rangers(35 + 5*7), 2 Transuranic arquebus(30), Ranger Alpha(0) [100]
    Troup3 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), Ranger Alpha(0) [35]

    ==Super-Heavy Detachment (+3 command points) (Imperial Knight - Taranis) (1720)==

    Lord of War1 : Knight Castellan(1*510), 2 Twin Siegebreaker cannon(70), 2 Shieldbreaker missile(24) [604] [Warlord] (Ion Bulwark) Cawl's Wrath (Relic)
    Lord of War2 : Knight Gallant(1*285), Heavy Stubber(2), Ironstorm missile pod(16), thunderstrike gauntlet(35), reaper chainsword(30) [368]
    Lord of War3 : Knight Gallant(1*285), Heavy Stubber(2), Ironstorm missile pod(16), thunderstrike gauntlet(35), reaper chainsword(30) [368]
    Lord of War4 : Knight Gallant(1*285), Metalgun(14), Ironstorm missile pod(16), thunderstrike gauntlet(35), reaper chainsword(30) [380]

    Team Les Licornes Truquées
    Player 8 : Fabien FRITSCH
    AliasT3 : Halki
    Faction : Tau Empire
    Total Army points : 2000
    Total Reinforcement points : 0
    Total command points : 5 + 5 + 1 + 3 - 1 (relic) = 13 CP

    = = Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1297) = =

    HQ1 : Commander Shadowsun(1*110), MV62 Command-link Drone (6) [116] - Sept TAU
    HQ2 : Darkstrider(1*45) [45] - Sept TAU
    Troup1 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] - Sept TAU
    Troup2 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] - Sept TAU
    Troup3 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] - Sept TAU
    Elite1 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(1*185), Advanced targeting system (Ghost, Riptide & Storm)(18), Velocity tracker (Ghostkeel, Riptide & Stormsurge)(10), 2 Smart missile system (30), Heavy burst canon (35) [278] - Sept TAU
    Elite2 : 3 XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (81), 6 burst canon(48), Crisis Shas'vre(0),  Drone controller(5), 2 Burst canon(16), 6x MV1 Gun Drone (10) [210] - Sept TAU
    FA1 : Tactical Drones(0*0), 6x MV1 Gun Drone (10) [60] - Sept TAU
    FA2 : Tactical Drones(0*0), 6x MV4 Gun Drone (10) [60] - Sept TAU
    HS1 : 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (35 + 2*35), 2 Advanced targeting system(12), 4 Smart missile system (60), 4 High-yield missile pod(100), Broadside Shas'vre(0),  Advanced targeting system(6), 2 Smart missile system (30), 2 High-yield missile pod(50), 6x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [423] - Sept TAU
    Total detachment : 1297

    = = Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (285) = =

    HQ1 : Cadre Fireblade(1*39), Marker light(3) [42] - Sept TAU
    HQ2 : [Warlord] Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit(1*72), Drone controller(5), 3 Cyclic ion raker(54), Puretide Engram Neurochip (Relic - free), [Codex] Through Unity, Devastation [131] - Sept TAU
    Troup1 : 6 Strike Team (35 + 1*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [42] - Sept TAU
    Troup2 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] - Sept TAU
    Troup3 : 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35] - Sept TAU

    = = Vanguard detachment (+1 Command Point) (418) = =

    HQ3 : Ethereal (1*45) [45] - Sept SACEA
    HQ4 : Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit(1*72), Advanced targeting system(6), 2 Cyclic ion raker(36), Airbursting fragmentation projector( 8, Supernova Launcher (Relic - 1CP) [122] - Sept SACEA
    Elite3 : Firesight Marksman(1*21), Marker light(3), Pulse pistol(1) [25] - Sept SACEA
    Elite4 : Firesight Marksman(1*21), Marker light(3), Pulse pistol(1) [25] - Sept SACEA
    Elite5 : Firesight Marksman(1*21), Marker light(3), Pulse pistol(1) [25] - Sept SACEA
    FA3 : 8 Pathfinder Team (25 + 3*5), 4 Marker light(12), 3 Ion rifle(21), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone ( 8, MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone ( 8, Pathfinder Shas'ui(0),  Marker light(3) [92] - Sept SACEA
    FA4 : 8 Pathfinder Team (25 + 3*5), 4 Marker light(12), 3 Ion rifle(21), MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone ( 8, Pathfinder Shas'ui(0),  Marker light(3) [84] - Sept SACEA

    = = Reinforcement points : 0 = =


    Roster des Semi-Croustillants:


    Croustillant au pancréas & Capitaine : Père Kstor
    Croustillant aux cheveux propres : Mogor
    Croustillant pédestre : Bulgor
    Croustillant au lion : DhahRkhan
    Croustillant mi-ours : Mame
    Croustillant mi-scorpion : Jacquouille
    Croustillant RE mi-ours derrière : Ouloum
    Croustillant de la poliorcétique : Manwë

    Unagi Croustillant

    Croustillant péremptoire : Lamar
    Croustillant camouflé : Aken

    Team: Semi-croustillant
    Player 1 - Capitaine : Olivier "Père Kstor" WEISS
    Faction: Drukhari
    Total Army points - 1999
    Total Reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 18

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1532) ==

    HG1 : Urien Rakarth(90) - 90
    HQ2 : Haemonculus (70) Hexrifle (5) Venom Blade (2) relic - The Vexator Mask - 77

    Troop1 : 7 Wracks (7x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 70
    Troop2 : 7 Wracks (7x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 70
    Troop3 : 7 Wracks (7x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 70
    Troop4 : 7 Wracks (7x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 70
    Troop5 : 7 Wracks (7x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 70

    Elite1 : 9 Grotesques (9x35) - 315
    Elite2 : 9 Grotesques (9x35) - 315
    Elite3 : 9 Grotesques (9x35) - 315

    HS 1 : 1 Cronos (1x65) 1 Spirit Probe (5) - 70

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (230) ==

    HQ3 : Succube (55) Impaler & Shardnet (5) - 55
    HQ4 : Succube (55) Impaler & Shardnet (5) - 55

    Troop6 : 5 Wych (5x8) - 40
    Troop7 : 5 Wych (5x8) - 40
    Troop8 : 5 Wych (5x8) - 40

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (234) ==

    HQ3 : Archon (70) Venom blade (2) - 72 [Warlord : Labyrinthine Cunning]
    HQ4 : Archon (70) Venom blade (2) - 72

    Troop9 : 5 Kabalites (5x6) - 30
    Troop10 : 5 Kabalites (5x6) - 30
    Troop11 : 5 Kabalites (5x6) - 30


    Team Semi-Croustillants
    Player 2: Edouard "Mogor" Siméon
    Factions : Chaos Daemons, Death Guard
    Total Army Points : 2000
    Total Reinforcement points: 0
    Total Command Points : 13

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (930) ==

    HQ1 : Spoilpox Scrivener - 95
    HQ2 : Poxbringer [Miasma of Pestilence, Smite] - 70
    HQ3 : Sloppity bilepiper - 60

    Troop1 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 235
    Troop2 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 235
    Troop3 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 235

    == Fortifications network (+ 0 command points) (85) < Chaos Deamon> ==

    F1: Feculent Gnarlmaws - 85

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (985) ==

    HQ4 : Daemon Prince of Nurgle with wings (170) pair of malefic talons (10) Relic - the suppurating plate (0) [Plague Wind , Smite] - 180 [Warlord -Archi contaminator]
    HQ5 : Sorcerer (90) force sword (Cool combi-bolter (2) [Gift of Contagion, Putrescent Vitality, Smite] - 100

    Troop4 : 15 plague marines (16x15) 14 x 2 plague knives (0) plague champion with plague knife & plasma pistol (5) - 245
    Troop5 : 10 poxwalkers (10x6) - 60
    Troop6 : 10 poxwalkers (10x6) - 60

    Elite 1: Biologus putrefier - 60

    HS1 : Plagueburst crawler (100) plagueburst mortar (0) heavy slugger (6) 2 plague spitters (34) - 140
    HS2 : Plagueburst crawler (100) plagueburst mortar (0) heavy slugger (6) 2 plague spitters (34) - 140


    Team Semi-Croustillants
    Player 3 : Brice "Bulgor" Sandoz
    Factions : Craftworld,ynnari
    Total Army Points : 1999
    Total Reinforcement points: 0
    Total Command Points : 10


    == Suprem command Detachment (+ 1 command points) (290) ==

    HQ1 : Eldrad Ulthran (Ulthwé) (135) [guide,doom,fortune] - 135
    HQ2 : 2 Warlock Conclave (Ulthwé) (2x45) [jinx/protect, empower/enervate] - 90
    HQ3 : Spiritseer (biel'tan) (1*65) [quicken/restrain] - 65

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (310) ==

    HQ1 : Spiritseer (65) [conceal/reveal] - 65
    HQ2 : Spiritseer (65) [jinx/protect) - 65

    Troop1 : 5 Rangers (5x12) - 60
    Troop2 : 5 Rangers (5x12) - 60
    Troop3 : 5 Rangers (5x12) - 60

    == Outrider Detachment (+ 1 command points) (1399) ==

    HQ1 : Yvraine (132) [grace of the ancients,Word of the phoenix] - 132 [Warlord:inspiring leader]

    FA1 : 8 Shining Spears(saim'hann) (72 + 5*24) 7 twin shuriken catapults(7x2) 7 Laser lances(7x8), Shining Spear Exarch (0) twin shuriken catapult(2), Star Lance (10) - 274
    FA2 : 8 Shining Spears(saim'hann) (72 + 5*24) 7 twin shuriken catapults(7x2) 7 Laser lances(7x8), Shining Spear Exarch (0) twin shuriken catapult(2), Star Lance (10) - 274
    FA3 : 8 Shining Spears(biel'tan) (72 + 5*24) 7 twin shuriken catapults(7x2) 7 Laser lances(7x8), Shining Spear Exarch (0) twin shuriken catapult(2), Star Lance (10) - 274

    HS1 : 9 Dark Reapers(Ulthwé) (36 + 6*12) 8 Reaper launcher (8x22) Dark Reaper Exarch (0) Tempest missile launcher (27) - 311

    TA1 : Wave Serpent(Ulthwé) (120) twin shuriken catapults(2) twin scatter laser(12) - 134


    Team Semi-Croustillants
    Player 4: Hugo "Dahrkan" Drelon
    Factions: Tyranids, Hive Fleet Kraken, Hive Fleet Kronos
    Total Army Points: 1997
    Total Reinforcement points: 0
    Total Command Points : 12

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (1008) ==

    HQ1: Swarmlord (250) [Paroxysm, Catalyst] - 250
    HQ2: Hive Tyrant with Wings (190pts), 4x Devourer with Brainleech Worms (4x7pts), , Power: The Horror, Onslaught - [11 PL, 218 pts]

    Troops1: 5 Genestealers (5x12pts) 15 additional Genestealers (15x12pts) 20x Scything Talons (20x0pts) 5 Acid Maws (5x0) - 240pts
    Troops2: 5 Genestealers (5x12pts) 15 additional Genestealers (15x12pts) 20x Scything Talons (20x0pts) 5 Acid Maws (5x0) - 240pts
    Troops3: 5 Genestealers (5x12pts) 15 additional Genestealers (15x12pts) 20x Scything Talons (20x0pts) 5 Acid Maws (5x0) - 240pts
    Troops4: 5 Genestealers (5x12pts) 15 additional Genestealers (15x12pts) 20x Scything Talons (20x0pts) 5 Acid Maws (5x0) - 240pts
    Troops5: 5 Genestealers (5x12pts) 6 additional Genestealers (6x12pts) 11 Scything Talons (11x0pts) 2 Acid Maws (2x0) - 132pts

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (1008) ==

    HQ3: Neurothrope (90) [Catalyst] - 90
    HQ4: Hive Tyrant with Wings (190) 4x Devourer with Brainleech Worms (4x7) [Psychic Scream, Paroxysm] - 218 -[WARLORD :Adaptive Biology]

    Troops6: 3 Ripper Swarms (3x11) - 33
    Troops7: 3 Ripper Swarms (3x11) - 33
    Troops8: 3 Ripper Swarms (3x11) - 33

    == Auxiliary Support Detachment( -1 command points) (30) ==

    Elites1: 1 Venomthrope (1x30) Understrength Unit - 30



    Team Semi-Croustillants
    Player 5: Axel " Mame " Pariot
    Factions: Imperium - Adeptus Mechanicus - Imperial Knights
    Total Army Points: 1996
    Total Reinforcement points: 0
    Total Command Points : 12

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (165) ==

    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Enginseer (30pts) - 30
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer (30pts) - 30

    Troop1 : 4 Skitarii Ranger (4x7) Ranger Alpha (7) Galvanic Rifle(0) - 35
    Troop2 : 4 Skitarii Ranger (4x7) Ranger Alpha (7) Galvanic Rifle(0) - 35
    Troop3 : 4 Skitarii Ranger (4x7) Ranger Alpha (7) Galvanic Rifle(0) - 35

    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (+ 0 command points) (468) ==
    Heirlooms of the Household: Heirlooms of the Household: 1 Extra Heirloom (-1CP)

    LOW 1 : Knight Crusader (285) Heavy Stubber (2) Ironstorm Missile Pod (16) Thermal Cannon (76) Avenger Gatling Cannon (75) Heavy Flamer (14) Character (Heirloom of the House) : Heirloom: Endless Fury - 468

    == Super-Heavy Detachment (+ 6 command points) (1363) ==
    Exalted Court: Exalted Court: 1 Extra Warlord Trait (-1CP)

    LOW2 : Knight Crusader (285) Heavy Stubber (2) Ironstorm Missile Pod (16) Thermal Cannon (76) Avenger Gatling Cannon (75) Heavy Flamer (14) relic - The Headsman's Mark - 468 [WARLOD: first knight]
    LOW3 : Knight Crusader (285) Heavy Stubber (2) Ironstorm Missile Pod (16) Thermal Cannon (76) Avenger Gatling Cannon (75) Heavy Flamer (14) Character (Exalted Court) : Warlord Trait: Blessed by the Sacristans - 468
    LOW4 : Knight Warden (285) Heavy Stubber (2) Ironstorm Missile Pod (16) Thunderstrike gauntlet (35) Avenger Gatling Cannon (75) Heavy Flamer (14) - 427


    Team Semi-Croustillants
    Player 6: David "JACQUOUILLE" Raulin
    Factions: Orks(Bad Moons, Blood AxeS)
    Total Army Points: 2000
    Total Reinforcement points: 0
    Total Command Points : 18

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (1536) ==

    HQ1 : Big Mek in Mega Armour (77) Kustom Force Field (20) Kustom Shoota (2) Power Klaw (13) - 112
    HQ2 : Warboss (65) Attack Squig (0) Big Choppa (5) Kustom Shoota (2) - 72 [ Warlord: Follow me Ladz!]

    Troup1 : 26 Ork Boy W/ Shoota (26x7) 2x Tankbusta Bombs(0) Boss Nob (7) Killsaw (15) Slugga(0) - 204
    Troup2 : 11 Gretchin (11x3) - 33
    Troup3 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - 30

    Elites1 : Painboy (52) Power Klaw (13) - 65
    Elites2 : 14 Tankbusta (14x5) 14x Rokkit Launcha (14x12) Boss Nob (5) Rokkit Launcha (12) - 255
    Elites3 : 9 Tankbusta (9x5) 14x Rokkit Launcha (9x12) Boss Nob (5) Rokkit Launcha (12) - 170

    HS1 : 15 Lootas (15x17) - 255
    HS2 : 10 Lootas (10x17) - 170
    HS3 : 10 Lootas (10x17) - 170

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (214) ==

    HQ1 : Weirdboy (Blood Axes) (62) (Da Jump) - relique : Morgargs Finkin' Cap - 62
    HQ2 : Weirdboy (Bad Moons) (62) (Da Jump) - 62

    Troup1 : 10 Gretchin (Bad Moons) (10x3) - 30
    Troup2 : 10 Gretchin (Bad Moons) (10x3) - 30
    Troup3 : 10 Gretchin (Bad Moons) (10x3) - 30

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (250) ==

    HQ1 : Big Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun (55), Shokk Attack Gun (25) - 80
    HQ2 : Big Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun (55), Shokk Attack Gun (25) - 80

    Troup1 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - 30
    Troup2 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - 30
    Troup3 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - 30


    Team Semi-Croustillants
    Player 7: Jonathan 'Ouloum' Rios
    Factions: Questor traitoris/ Heretic Astartes
    Total Army Points: 1991
    Total Reinforcement points: 0
    Total Command Points : 10

    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (+ 6 command points) (1411) ==

    LOW1 : Renegade knight (285) 2x gatling avenger with heavy flamer (2X89) Heavy stubber (2) ironstorm missile pod (16) - 481
    LOW2 : Renegade knight (285) 2x gatling avenger with heavy flamer (2X89) Heavy stubber (2) ironstorm missile pod (16) - Character - 481
    LOW3 : Renegade knight (285) 2x gatling avenger with heavy flamer (2X89) Heavy stubber (2) ironstorm missile pod (16) - 481

    == Spearhead Detachment (+ 1 command points) (548) ==

    HQ1 : Chaos lord jump pack (mark of slaneesh) (93) bolt pistol (0) chainsword (0) - 93 [Warlord : Unholy fortitude]

    HS1 : 3 Obliterator (mark of slaneesh) (3x65) - 195
    HS2 : 3 Obliterator (mark of slaneesh) (3x65) - 195
    HS3 : 5 Havoc with aspiring champion (mark of slaneesh) (5x13) - 65


    Team Semi-Croustillants
    Player 8 : Mathieu "Manwe" Bach
    Factions : Tau - Sept T'au
    Total Army Points : 1998
    Total Reinforcement points: 0
    Total Command Points : 18


    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (609) ==

    HQ1 : Cadre Fireblade (39) Markerlight (3) - 42
    HQ2 : Darkstrider (45) - 45

    Troop1 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop2 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop3 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop4 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop5 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop6 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (612) ==

    HQ3 : Etheral (45) Honour Blade (0) - 45 - [WARLORD : Through Unity, Devastation]
    HQ4 : Etheral (45) Honour Blade (0) - 45 - Signature Systems : Puretide engram neuroship

    Troop7 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop8 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop9 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop10 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop11 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop12 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (777) ==

    HQ5 : Cadre Fireblade (42) Markerlight (3) - 45
    HQ6 : Commander Shadowsun (110) 2 Fusion Blaster (2x0) - 110

    Troop13 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop14 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop15 : 12 Strike Team (12x7) 12 Pulse Rifle (12x0) Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) Markerlight (3) - 87
    Troop16 : 15 Kroot Carnivores (15x5) - 75
    Troop17 : 14 Kroot Carnivores (14x5) - 70

    Elite 1 : Firesight Marksman(1x21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) [25]
    Elite 2 : Firesight Marksman(1x21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) [25]
    Elite 3 : Firesight Marksman(1x21), Markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) [25]

    Fast Attack 1 : 5 Pathfinder Team (5x5) 5 Markerlight (5x3) MV31 Pulse Acceleratore Drone (8) - 48
    Fast Attack 2 : 5 Pathfinder Team (5x5) 5 Markerlight (5x3) MV31 Pulse Acceleratore Drone (8) - 48
    Fast Attack 3 : 5 Pathfinder Team (5x5) 5 Markerlight (5x3) MV31 Pulse Acceleratore Drone (8) - 48

    Coach1 : Lamar

    Coach2 : Aken



    Pas mal de diversités dans les grandes largeurs cette année, mais ce n'est pas étonnant avec près de 200 joueurs!


    Je vous laisse commenter et poser vos questions!

  17. Hello! 


    Petite réponse arbitrale rapide pour @DaarKouador: la règle dit que pour qu’une unité soit entièrement dans une zone (couvert, déploiement, etc...), il faut que toutes les figurines de l’Unité soient au moins partiellement dans la zone. 


    Bien sur cela ne concerne pas le déploiement, durant lequel il faut que toutes tes figurines soient entièrement dans la zone de déploiement 


    Mais donc, il faut comprendre que « au moins une figurine » = « une unité partiellement dans l’an zone ». 


    Donc le le wording est certes différent mais le sens de la phrase est le même ?

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