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Orks [v9]


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Intéressant l'histoire du Kamionneur. Mais vous montez ça comment dans vos listes (en imaginant que la FaQ la rende jouable) ?

C'est possible de fourrer 2 bandes de Kamionneurs dans un seul Kamion ? 2 Patrouilles, une avec 1 Boss Kamionneur et une autre avec 10 Nobz Kamionneurs mais le tout dans un seul Kamion ? Ils auront le droit de débarquer tous ensemble ?
Dans ce cas, théoriquement on peut même faire 2 Kamions Kamionneurs avec 3 Patrouilles non (1Kamion avec 10 Nobz, et 1 autre avec 10 Nobz et 1 Big Boss) ?

Ça ferait presque revenir mon armée Full trukk de la V7 cette histoire (bon 12 Truks mathématiquement c'est plus possible mais c'est pas loin niveau impact !)

Modifié par Thurugchou
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il y a 19 minutes, Thurugchou a dit :

Intéressant l'histoire du Kamionneur. Mais vous montez ça comment dans vos listes (en imaginant que la FaQ la rende jouable) ?

C'est possible de fourrer 2 bandes de Kamionneurs dans un seul Kamion ? 2 Patrouilles, une avec 1 Boss Kamionneur et une autre avec 10 Nobz Kamionneurs mais le tout dans un seul Kamion ? Ils auront le droit de débarquer tous ensemble ?
Dans ce cas, théoriquement on peut même faire 2 Kamions Kamionneurs avec 3 Patrouilles non (1Kamion avec 10 Nobz, et 1 autre avec 10 Nobz et 1 Big Boss) ?

Ça ferait presque revenir mon armée Full trukk de la V7 cette histoire (bon 12 Truks mathématiquement c'est plus possible mais c'est pas loin niveau impact !)

ya rien qui empeche les 2 unitées de debarqué en meme temps.
Perso je partirais sur un Trukk une bande de nobz et un boss, le 2eme trukk est en trop  je pense.
Et deja 2 detachement ca fait bcp, surtout quand tu veut jouer du cac, et que tu as envie d'avoir des PC

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il y a 24 minutes, Thurugchou a dit :

C'est possible de fourrer 2 bandes de Kamionneurs dans un seul Kamion ? 2 Patrouilles, une avec 1 Boss Kamionneur et une autre avec 10 Nobz Kamionneurs mais le tout dans un seul Kamion ? Ils auront le droit de débarquer tous ensemble ?


C'est comme ça que le pensait goonhammer. Après en l'absence de FAQ c'est dur de trancher pour sur.


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ya rien qui empeche les 2 unitées de debarqué en meme temps.

Tu ne peux faire qu'une seule bande spécialisée par détachement. D'où mes interrogations car, en l'état, cela veut dire que pour faire débarquer un BigBoss avec tes Nobz, il devra être tout seul dans un autre Trukk et dans un détachement différent. Ça rend la combo assez casse gueule avec une belle taxe (genre si t'as pas le T1 il suffit de focus 1 des deux trukks et t'aura juste le Boss qui pourra approcher).
Tout ça va dépendre de comment GW édite cette règle, on ne sait pas non plus si les Meganobz rentrent dans les critères de sélections.

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il y a 14 minutes, Thurugchou a dit :

Tu ne peux faire qu'une seule bande spécialisée par détachement. D'où mes interrogations car, en l'état, cela veut dire que pour faire débarquer un BigBoss avec tes Nobz, il devra être tout seul dans un autre Trukk et dans un détachement différent. Ça rend la combo assez casse gueule avec une belle taxe (genre si t'as pas le T1 il suffit de focus 1 des deux trukks et t'aura juste le Boss qui pourra approcher).
Tout ça va dépendre de comment GW édite cette règle, on ne sait pas non plus si les Meganobz rentrent dans les critères de sélections.

il a besoin d'etre dans un autre detachement, mais il peut allez dans le meme trukk (en considerant qu'il peut monter dans un trukk)
la limitation des specialist mob c'est 1 par detachement c'est tout. Donc tu peut theoriquement mettre 3boss kamioneur dans le meme trukk

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Donc tu peut theoriquement mettre 3boss kamioneur dans le meme trukk

Ok, on s'était bien compris finalement. Je trouve ça quand même très fort de pouvoir, par exemple, balancer 20 Nobz et 1 Big Boss dans la face de l'adversaire dès le T1 si les planètes s'alignent.

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il y a 1 minute, Thurugchou a dit :

Ok, on s'était bien compris finalement. Je trouve ça quand même très fort de pouvoir, par exemple, balancer 20 Nobz et 1 Big Boss dans la face de l'adversaire dès le T1 si les planètes s'alignent.

malheureusement ca seras compliquer de le faire T1.
Vut que tu vas essayer de cacher ton trukk derriere un mur, et avec tes 12 de mouvement tu iras pas si loin que ca.
Il faudrais aussi que le trait de seigneur de guerre blood axe soit debugger (a l'heure actuelle tu redeploie avant de savoir qui joue en premier).
parce que tu prend des trukk blood axe pour embarquer tes nobz/boss. Et le trait te permet de redeployer le trukk comme ca si tu commence tu met tes trukk dans une avenue, et tu peut faire tout droit sans perdre de mouvement, puis debarquer bouger charger.
ce qui donne 12+3+5 = 20" et une belle charge a 4 au T1 (si tu as de quoi faire 12avec le trukk)

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Il faudrais aussi que le trait de seigneur de guerre blood axe soit debugger (a l'heure actuelle tu redeploie avant de savoir qui joue en premier).
parce que tu prend des trukk blood axe pour embarquer tes nobz/boss. Et le trait te permet de redeployer le trukk comme ca si tu commence tu met tes trukk dans une avenue, et tu peut faire tout droit sans perdre de mouvement, puis debarquer bouger charger.
ce qui donne 12+3+5 = 20" et une belle charge a 4 au T1 (si tu as de quoi faire 12avec le trukk)

Puisque la bande spécialisée remplace le mot-clé de klan, le Kamion perdrait la possibilité d'être redéployé je pense. Du coup, à mon humble avis, ça marche pas :( 

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il y a 16 minutes, Thurugchou a dit :

Puisque la bande spécialisée remplace le mot-clé de klan, le Kamion perdrait la possibilité d'être redéployé je pense. Du coup, à mon humble avis, ça marche pas :(

oui mais c'est justement la bande specialisé qui est Kamioneur, le trukk lui garde son <clan> c'est de la que viens le bug

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il y a 16 minutes, Thurugchou a dit :

Je pense que GW va donner au Kamion le mot-clé Kamionneur pour régler le soucis. C'est la solution la plus logique (après tout c'est LE Kamion de la bande), mais du coup empêcherait d'utiliser le trait Blood Axe.

non la solution la plus logique vut que on a droit qu'a 1 specialist mob par detachement (et que le trukk n'a pas acces au mot-clef d'ailleur c'est que nobz boy warboss) c'est de changer le transport du trukk en remplacant flashgitz par specialist ladz ce qui est le plus simple (et pas que sur le trukk sur tout les autres transport au passage). 

Modifié par DaBorgn
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Il y a 7 heures, DaBorgn a dit :

Il faudrais aussi que le trait de seigneur de guerre blood axe soit debugger (a l'heure actuelle tu redeploie avant de savoir qui joue en premier).


Sérieux ? y 'a des rumeurs là dessus ?

ça  permettrait d'encaisser beaucoup mieux le T1 si t'as pas l'init' tout en se plaçant en position de Waaagh T1 idéale lors du déploiement. Ou de dégager 3 X 15 kommandos très exposés en réserve ...

Pour l'instant, c'est quand même un peu pile ou face et je ne vois pas trop l'utilité du truc avant de savoir qui a l'init'.




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à l’instant, stormfox a dit :


Sérieux ? y 'a des rumeurs là dessus ?

ça  permettrait d'encaisser beaucoup mieux le T1 si t'as pas l'init' tout en se plaçant en position de Waaagh T1 idéale lors du déploiement. Ou de dégager 3 X 15 kommandos très exposés en réserve ...

Pour l'instant, c'est quand même un peu pile ou face et je ne vois pas trop l'utilité du truc avant de savoir qui a l'init'.




c'est juste trop bien ecrit. C'est le seul qui a ce texte la.
Avec la faq ca iras mieux

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Bonjour à tous,


A ceux qui ont la boite beast snagga entre les mains. Je souhaite réaliser des conversions pour sortir un Nob sur Smasha Squig ou un big boss sur squigosaure. 


Quelle est la taille des socles, je dirai le format oval 90x52mm, correct ? Merci de votre aide.


Modifié par matall91
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A ceux qui ont la boite beast snagga entre les mains. Je souhaite réaliser des conversions pour sortir un Nob sur Smasha Squig ou un big boss sur squigosaure. 

Quelle est la taille des socles, je dirai le format oval 90x52mm, correct ? Merci de votre aide.


Pour renchérir sur cette question les Squigliers ont les même socles ovales que les motos ?

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@Thurugchou je viens de vérifier à l'instant, les chevaucheurs de squigliers ont des socles de 75 x 42mm, soit bien les mêmes que les motards.

@Piloufax Le boss nob sur squig a un socle de 90 x 52, je ne connais pas les dimensions des socles d'outriders.


Pour le boss sur Squigosaure, je n'ai pas l'info, j'ai aussi commencé une conversion mais j'attends que quelqu'un confirme les dimensions du socle.

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Il y a 6 heures, thyrio a dit :

Pour le boss sur Squigosaure, je n'ai pas l'info, j'ai aussi commencé une conversion mais j'attends que quelqu'un confirme les dimensions du socle.

a priori le boss sur squigosaure est sur socle rond de 80 (celui de ghaz) d'apres les photos de la fig en tout cas.



Il y a 3 heures, superdady a dit :

Je suis aussi très curieux des socles des kopters, c'est les mêmes que les moto ? Et tout les nouveaux perso ? Sur 50mm ou toujours 40 ?

warboss en mega-armure et boss alpagueur sur socle rond de 50mm 
painboss rond de 40mm
wurrboy 32rond
kill-rig/hunta-rig socle d'ik

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Trouvé sur dakkadakka. Désolé mais j'ai pas la force de traduire tout ça. J'ai refait la mise en page avec les couleurs et j'ai viré les abréviations trop obscures quand même sinon ça ressemblait à rien. A noter que tout ça est à prendre avec du recul. Par exemple les gretchins: en jaune ce n'est valable que s'ils n'ont pas reçu l'amélioration 'orrible gits qui les fait passé super opé. (et ça reste le choix de troupe le moins cher donc se justifie selon la liste) De même que selon le clan/relique/trait de seigneur/kustom jobs/specialist mob/etc une unité peut se retrouver plus haut ou plus bas dans la liste.




Odd, difficult and messed up rules, aka the "talk to your opponent first"-list
1) The grot shields stratagem can target Makari, who has Look out Sir, making both Makari and the unit he is protecting untargetable. This is most likely not intended.
2) The big 'ead boss bunker can be tellyported, but has to be 3" from other terrain pieces
3) The big 'ead boss bunker cannot move using the careen stratagem because models with movement speed "-" cannot move for any reason.
4) Flash gits aren't clan locked, but transport rules allow "FLASH GITZ or <CLAN> INFANTRY models". Specialist mobs cannot enter transports because they lose the <CLAN> keyword, but are clearly supposed to do so (trukk boyz). Most likely GW intended to make transports "Specailist Ladz(pg. 51) or <CLAN> INFANTRY models". This would imply that units like Grotznik could also ride any transport.
5) The warboss on warbike can currently declare both Speedwaagh! and Waaagh! at different times because it has the speedboss and warboss keyword.
6) The monster hunterz stratagem lasts indefinitely. This might or might not be intended.
7) NOB and NOBZ is the same keyword according to the keyword plural rules. Therefore MANz can be trukkboyz.
? Kustom jobs and specialist mobs CAN be used on models in SUPER-HEAVY AUXILIARY DETACHMENT or SUPER-HEAVY DETACHMENT if there is another ork detachment in your army.
9) Burna Exhausts are listed for weapons affected by Pyromaniacs specialist mob, but you cannot make KBBs pyromaniacs
10) Blitza bommers can be boom boyz but get zero benefit from it because they don't have any blast weapons.
11) When you make battlewagon specialst mobs, they lose the ability to transport <CLAN> models. When you make characters specialist mobs, their auras will not affect <CLAN> models anymore.
12) There are no BEAST SNAGGA MONSTER units that could be targeted by the "Tough as a Squig-Hide" stratagem. Possible meant to say BEAST SNAGGA VEHICLE, but unclear.
13) The Red Rolla kustom job adds extra attacks "until that fight is resolved", which isn't really a defined term. Most likely meant to say until the end of the fight phase.
14) Despite being listed under "Mek Kustom Jobs" the Extra-Kustom Weapon is not limited to meks, but can be taken by any unit. Possibly not intended.
15) The interaction between the Beastboss on Squigosaur's jaws and the Brutal but Kunnin' warlord trait is unclear, but it is likely that chomps triggering mortal wounds should not cause extra attacks.
16) The goff kultur causes extra HITS on sixes, so it is not limited by the "no more than X attacks can be made with this weapon" wording. You get a second hit with the same weapon that made the original attack.
17) The blood axe warlord trait is done at the end of the "Deploy Forces" step, which can be find in the mission pack you are playing. For matched play, this is before you know who is going first.
18) The freebootas kulture gives +1 to hit for each unit you kill. Keep in mind that even if you trigger the kulture ten times, you can never modify a hit roll by more than +1. You can keep those eldar fliers from dodging though.


Color legend
Green Tier - These are great and perform well as long as you include them in a coherent army.
Cyan Tier - These are great in the right army, but they will not work an army that does not support them.
Blue Tier - These do what they are supposed to do, but aren't the most competitive options for their roles.
Yellow Tier - These do work in general but either cost too much for what they do or lock you out of bringing much better choices.
Red Tier - There is no point in bringing these, fielding them will actively reduce your chances of winning.



Unit analysis
Last update 2021-08-16

Beastboss on Squigosaur The biggest, meanest ork in town riding a T-Rex. The ability to take relics and traits that make him extremely tanky and the jaws of the squig make him good against pretty much anything.
Big Mek in Mega Armour With BS4+ and the ded shiney shoota, you have a rather decent shooty HQ at your hands which can either carry a KFF to burn or the vastly improved tellyporta blasta to get up close and personal. Our best HQ that can't call a Waaagh!. Grot oiler is a waste of points.
Burnas Finally having gotten actual flamers, they can benefit from the pyromaniacs specialist mob to get insane number of average shots that make shoota boyz look like gretchin. If they ever manage to get in combat, you can now pay CP to get their cutter AP-2 back.
Kommandos For just one extra point over boyz, you get the ability to infiltrate, +2 to armor when in cover for a 3+ save and +1 to wound when touching terrain. If you have 10 or more of these, you also can also specialize them for melee or range. Make sure to focus your unit.
Megatrakk Skrapjet Tons of rokkit shots make it great for vehicle hunting that also brings a decent close combat weapon and four big shootas.
Ruckatrukk Squigbuggy After a complete rework for the launchers, a new mine and better saws the squig buggy is actually one of the best models in the codex. Even in larger units, they can just hide out of sight and lob angry squigs across the board.
Warbikes Smoke cloud is back! In addition, they went up by one wound, have better guns and advance faster. A great unit for grabbing objectives which are difficult to remove.



Mad Dok Grotsnik Finally free of his deff skulls clan lock, he is as durable as a warboss that provides models around him with a 6+++. A great addition for any infantry-focused list.
Mozgrod Skragbad A more powerful, yet more expensive version of the squigosaur boss. While he gets a lot for the extra points you pay, you often don't want to spend that many points on an HQ. Being locked into Snakebites is not a huge drawback.
Deffkilla Wartrike Finally having gotten a 5++, the claw no longer leaving one in three marines alive and standard 12" range on its weapons, it's actually fairly decent right now. However, the biggest selling point is the ability to call a Speed Waaagh! though, which is very valuable in vehicle-centric lists. It can also benefit from a number of clan specific relics and warlord traits.
Warboss in Mega Armour With access to great relics and warlord traits, you can turn this warboss into a brawler that can take on anything but the most powerful combat experts. The 'uge choppa is no killa klaw, but still a decent weapon to crush elite infantry. Having a gun with a realistic chance of hitting stuff also isn't terrible.
Boomdakka Snazzwagon It's main gun has been upgraded to do 2 damage per shot, which changes everything. Good against any kind of infantry, cheap and rather durable, it is only outdone by even better buggies.
Kustom Boosta-Blasta The KBB combines a reliable anti-chaff tool with a solid elite/light armor hunting weapon and a mortal wound ram ability for a discount price.
Shokkjump Dragsta Good, reliable anti-tank firepower. The loss of their stratagems makes them less flexible and bigger units make deep striking not as easy as it was before.
Squighog Boyz Essentially these are warbikers with less shooting but better melee. With the help of stratagems and the goff or snakebite culture, these can punch way above their weight class and deal massive damage to vehicles and monsters. Sadly, they die easily.
Stormboyz Essentially fill the same role as kommandoz, but are slightly more mobile and flexible. They still die to a stiff breeze, so often the extra points spent over kommandoz don't pay off.
Deffkopta Many wounds, FLY, at least six attacks and dual rokkits each make them quite powerful for any flanking job. There isn't much reason to pay points to side-grade two rokkits into a KMB and bomb.
Battlewagon Multi-functional transport that can transport up to 20 shooty models, a unit of MANz and/or some boyz into battle. For unknown reason it's a lot cheaper than the specialist versions Battlewagons should always be run along with other vehicles. If you are transporting valuable targets, make sure to buy the fortress kustom job.
Deff Dreads Tellyport them in to attack a vulnerable part of your enemy's army, two often fit better than three. For shooting the KMB is the vastly better option over the rokkit, skorchas are an option if you need anti-horde options.
Kill Rig Psychic main battle tank that has similar melee of deff rolla wagon, the shooting of a gunwagon and comes with a free wurrboy stuck to it for a similiar price as a fully decked out battlewagon. It can also transport models, but no one cares.
Mek guns Mek guns have taken a hit with lower unit sizes and no longer being able to split up makes them vulnerable to their terrible ld. They still provide good shooting with KMK once again being the best choice, with the other three closely behind. If you are feeling lucky, even the bubblechukka has become a decent choice now.
Dakkajet Good against anything that's not well armored, always buy the extra shootas. Can be useful for assassinating characters, as it can jump next to them and unload its guns on them. It's the best unit for the moar dakka kustom job, but it still only serves as a point sink, spending points on other units will likely be better.
Blitza-Bommer If you miss flying 'eadbut, this bommer brings two of them. The bombs are great against any elite MSU army.

Wazbom Blastajet Not only did it get to keep its 5++ KFF (only for AIRCRAFT now though), it also went to BS4+ and the guns now deal tons of damage. No vehicle is safe from this looted doomsday cannon.
Trukk Trukk boyz are actually a fairly decent choice for troops, and both lootas and burnas might be potential passengers. The improved big shoota is welcomed, but nothing to write home about.
Warboss on Warbike (FW) It's rules are a bit of a mess right now, and with da biggest boss lost, it is now the only warboss without an invulnerable save. Still a fast model that can carry the killa klaw.
Kannonwagon (FW) Great gun and improved BS combined with insane range. Ork don't have many good weapons with 3 damage, and this fills the niche nicely.
Kill Tank (FW) Low cost, decent shooting, high durabilty, but no culture and CP costs for running them.


Ghazkgull Thrakka He can wreck pretty much anything in combat and can call both kinds of Waaagh! at once for a questionable benefit. He still hard to kill, but can no longer be healed in any way and the goff horde from the old codex is no longer as powerful as it used to be.
Kaptin Badrukk Great shooty HQ that can fit in with any list, even better if he has some flash gits to buff. He is fairly durable and can call a Waaagh! if you don't want another warboss in a freeboota army.
Snikrot Used similar to kommandoz or MANz, he beats enemy units off objectives and then stays there, near impossible to remove without dedicated shooting. He still suffers from being locked into blood axes, but at least he can be fielded in addition to another warboss or speedboss.
Makari 2++ save, a 6+ FNP aura and the ability to tag along with Thrakka make him decent addition to goff armies. With all other support characters getting a kick in the nutz, he is actually a decent choice if you are bringing Thrakka.
Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun The SAG is a powerful long-range weapon. You need multiples to get any mileage out of them, and they are a bit overpriced.
Warboss Looking for a mediocre warboss that's neither good nor bad at anything? This is your guy. Dead tough gives him a better fighting chance against many things, but he still needs to get there.
Weirdboy No longer gets a cast bonus and has to be near 20 orks to cast a second power. This makes casting da jump is a lot less reliable now and he can no longer jump himself, but most other powers got better. He doesn't fit well with fast lists, and slow footsloggers are rather bad now.
Wurrboy It's discipline is mostly about dealing damage at close range and buffing beast snaggas. It needs 20 orks nearby to cast a second power and as a low range shooting attack. It would be a decent support an army focusing on many footslogging orks.
Mega Armoured Nobz MANz are great for taking and holding objectives, and with the "Hit 'em harder" stratagem not even a knight is safe from them. Killsaws are fairly expensive now, so PK and kustom shootas are probably the better alternative. Can be trukkboyz.
Nob on Smasha Squig Decent and cheap mele character that deal a lot of mortal wounds and doesn't take up a slot. It does give your opponent assassinate points, so be aware.
Banner Nob Not locked into CORE and does not count as a warboss for the one per detachment limit. A valuable asset for any walker list, as none of them are CORE.
Boyz Slow, die easily, mediocre damage, vulenerable to morale and 9 points because it's 9th edition. At least choppas get AP-1 which makes them better than shoota boyz. You can turn them into trukk boyz though, which allows to disembark and charge after the trukk moved. Outside of that, they aren't too hot unless fielded as goff.
Flash Gitz Awesome guns that lay waste to light infantry, elite infantry, light vehicles and anything else that's not T7 or higher, decent armor saves, good combat ability and a good stratagem. Sadly, they are a bit too expensive.
Killa Kanz Twice as many rokkits for twice the price. They also are back to hitting on 4+ in combat again and can be targeted by stratagems (whatever that is worth), so at least they can do what they are supposed to do again. Morale can screw them over, so be careful with big units.
Lootas Lootas can now move and shoot, get a guaranteed two shots plus another one at half range but have to take mandatory spannas per 5. This allows them to rider transports without losing firepower, which they definitely should because they still die like flies despite T5.
Gorkanaut All its guns were improved and despite the loss of one attack, it's more deadly in combat. It cannot have a culture in SHA, but you can give it the Big Krumaz specialist mob instead. The tellyporta and ramming speed combo still works.
Burna Bommer In addition to fairly decent shooting, its bombs have been changed to drop old school blasts, which is fairly unique. Right now there is no real need for such a thing, but most horde armies haven't had their new codices yet. Skorcha missiles are a way to sink your last few points, but not awesome. The pyromaniacs special mob is wasted on the bommer.
Big'ed Bossbunka Paired with the tellyporta stratagem, this essentially becomes an ork drop pod for stuff like flash gits, tank bustas or lootas. Sadly the terrible 3" rule for setting up fortifications this from actually being good, but Your Mileage May Vary depending on how your tables look.



Zaggstruk Slightly improved as he can use his vulcha claws for all his attacks, the better goff trait and his morale mitigation rules. For his point costs and just 2 damage per attack he still doesn't compare well to other bosses.
Beastboss A beast-snagga specific warboss variant that faces the problem of not getting access to the killa klaw, not having a squigosaur and beast snaggas not being that awesome in the first place.
Painboss A faster pain boy with slightly better melee weapons, but can only heal beast snaggas and warbikes (wat?). Yet, he isn't fast enough to keep up with squigs or bikes and too expensive to be considered a budget HQ option.
Nobz Despite not being terrible, Nobz struggle to find a place between MANz and boyz. Big choppas are the only weapon option not horrible overcosted. Equipping multiple combi weapons cost too much for what you get. Can also be trukkboyz.
Painboy Too expensive for the 6+++ he provides, but his mandatory PK sometimes kills something.
Tankbustas Powerful but fragile unit that tends to be dead as soon as your opponent can shoot them. A unit that has 24" range but wants to stand still doesn't work too well, though they are still decent at taking out vehicles, but not at much else. Both tank hammers and rokkit pistols should be avoided.
Beast Snagga Boyz The upgrade they get over regular boyz is totally worth 2 points, but boyz weren't worth it to begin with. Without being able to become trukk boyz, beast snaggas are just a unit that is too expensive to be used as tax.
Gretchin Terrible overcosted unit without objective secured, horrible morale, extra losses from attrition and no offensive output. The only value is that they can perform actions on a home objective, and when used as such should definitely be upgraded to 'orrible gits.
Bonebreaker The bonebreaker is powerful in melee and can transport units. The high price is not worth the extra d6 attacks compared to a regular battlewagon. The red rolla is a waste of points.
Gunwagon The "da boomer" is absolutely mandatory for the gunwagon, don't bother bringing one without. It's expensive though and doesn't do anything unique, there are plenty of options with do 2 damage shots better than the gunwagon. Inferior to the kannonwagon.
Hunta Rig Just like the kill rig, it has the melee of a bonebreaka but none of the other cool stuff. Being able to transport beast snaggas is rather worthless, which make the whole think kind of bad.
Morkanaut With sparkly bits gone, the nauts sent to LoW exile causing both a loss of culture and requiring an extra detachment, there isn't much of a reason left to take the morkanaut. It did get a lot better in combat, but the gorkanaut is vastly better in that field.
Stompa Its points dropped once again and it finally reached regions where it doesn't just ruin your game for bringing it. Still not great.
Mekboy Workshop While no longer being pure self-sabotage, it has very narrow uses, assuming you can deploy it at all. It comes with a metric ton of barricades which are rather interesting for defending infantry while the shop can put kustom jobs on shooty units. Doubling up kustom jobs would be interesting if all of them weren't so bad.
Mek Boss Buzzgob (FW) He can super-charge a goff walker for a turn, so he is a nice addition if you were running a goff dread mob anyways. While interesting and unique, he is a bit too expensive for what he does.
Gargantuan Squiggoth (FW) Barely worth the costs, assuming you can get it around terrain at all.
Kustom Stompa (FW) The lifta droppas on this are some really mean weapons, but you might want to bring the cheaper regular stompa.



Zodgrod Wortsnagga Yet another grot HQ that provides a completely worthless offensive buff to a unit that has the offensive capabilies of, well, gretchin. No thanks. The only redeeming feature is that he can put Gulliman to sleep with the squig stoppa.
Big Mek with Kustom Force Field The KFF has become terrible unless you burn through it with a stratagem. After you have done that you are left with a choppa nob for 60 points. Nope.
Mini Mek Bad gun, bad melee, bad at repairing stuff and dies easily. Avoid. This text is unchanged since 7th, GW really doesn't want to sell this model.
Runtherd You have to run a lot of gretchins to make runtherds a useful investment, since they cost almost as much as a whole replacement squad of gretchins for the squad you lost because he wasn't there to stop them running away.
Nobz on Warbikes (FW) Unless they get updated with the new warbiker's rules there really is no reason to play them over squighogs or warbikers.






Kulture: No Muckin' About Every roll of six in combat add one additional HIT (was attack in 8th) and +1S. Essentially everyone is skarboyz. This is an incredibly powerful melee buff, so if your are running multiple melee units (boyz!) this is the best trait to give them.
Warlord trait: Proper Killy Proper Killy is worse than almost every other trait. So there is no reason to give a warlord Proper Killy by choice, but Thrakka is locked into it.
Stratagem: Unbridled Carnage (2CP) The goff trait triggers on fives instead of sixes, characters and core only. It might make a difference when you really have to make sure that you kill something, but at 2CP it's too expensive to use regularly.
Relic: Da Iron Gob After fighting, the model gets to headbut someone for d3 mortal wounds. I really don't see a character that I want to put this on, there are so many better relics out available.


Bad Moonz
Kulture: Armed To Da Teef The extra range is fairly significant on most weapons as it makes many weapons jump from 24" to 30", and the extra AP is great for most non-kustom weapons.
Warlord Trait: Da Best Armor Teef Can Buy Essentially, this is a worse version of the generic "Da Krushin Armor", but without the MA requirement. Especially the wartrike can make good use of this, but it also pairs well with any killa klaw or squiggosaur boss.
Stratagem: Showin' Off (1CP) At first glance this just seems to be the old DDD, but sixes generate extra HITS, just like the goff trait. It only works for core units and characters, so the only good targets are meks with ded shiney shoota and maybe lootas.
Relic: Gobshot Blunderbuss Turns a kustom shoota into a dual skorcha. Since it's a heavy weapon it gets 6" extra range and is actually 18", so it's not bad. It's main issue is that it can only taken by a very limited number of models and most of them want other relics.


Evil Sunz
Kultur: Red Ones Go Fasta The assault buff is gone and the dakka weapon type and many weapons moving from assault to heavy messed up the trait badly, especially since many models have a mix of types. The extra movement by itself doesn't really help any army.
Warlord trait: Fasta Than Yooz One CORE unit within 6" can fall back and charge or advance and charge. I don't see why you would ever want this over another trait, since there aren't many CORE units that need this.
Stratagem: Drive-by Dakka(1CP) Enables an Evil Sunz SPEED FREEKS unit to move again at the end of the shooting phase. Allows units like buggies or koptas to get out of dangerous situations and hopefully behind obscuring terrain
Relic: Rezmekka's redder paint Probably one of the best relics in the codex, not only does it make everyone in combat with the wearer fight last, but it can be taken by vehicles and adds movement.


Kultur: Da Old Ways Don't listen to your space marines friends, it's nowhere even close to transhuman. The great part of this culture is a very juicy +1 to wound for all squigs - so when you have squigosaurs, squig hogs and smasha squigs, you might want to shove them in a snake bites patrol. For every other unit the culture is essentially worthless. Note that the rigs are not squigs.
Warlord trait: Surly as a Squiggoth When you die, you have 50% chance to bounce back up with d3 wounds remaining. For almost every character, just taking defensive relic like the super-cybork is better. Mozrog is locked into this.
Stratagem: Mystic Chanting(1CP) Deny the witch for 1CP. If you opponent has psykers you can spend a CP to deny a power you really don't want to be happening.
Relic: Bogrog's Buzzbomb Single use grenade that hits on a 2+ and does 3d6 S5 AP-1 hits, with +1 to wound if you put it on a squig. Blast makes it rather powerful against hordes, not that awesome against elite armies.


Kultur: Lucky Gitz 5+++ against MW, all infantry gains objective secured, and you may reroll 1 dice per unit per phase to hit OR wound. Provides excellent benefits for pretty much every ork unit. A lot less powerful than before, but still a great jack-of-all-traits kultur.
Warlord trait: Opportunist Allows your warlord to snipe characters and might gain you a CP if you destroy a vehicle, which combos nicely with Wreckaz. While it did not improve greatly from the last codex, especially a MA big mek with the ded shiney shoota and the wartrike are now much better canidates for this trait.
Stratagem: Wreckaz (2CP) Adds +1 to wound when attacking vehicles. Since it is limited to CORE and CHARACTERs, there are preciously few units that can benefit from it, so it is probably best used when you want to finish something off in combat.
Relic: The Fixer Upperz Now mek and big mek only, so no more shenanigans. It does mortal wounds to nearby vehicles when repairs one of your own vehicles, which just too many stars that need to align.


Blood Axes
Kultur: Taktiks: While orks rarely find themselves outside of 18", the gives vehicles a 3+ save and walkers a 2+ save during the first turn. Falling back and charging or shooting is only useful on a few units like koptas or bonebreakers as most ork units either don't survive two rounds of combat, the enemy wants to get out of combat ASAP or the orks annihilate whatever they have charge anyways, leaving nothing to fall back from.
Warlord Trait: I've got a Plan, Ladz: Allows you to pick up to 3 (not d3 like in the past) units and either re-deploy them or put them in reserves for free. There is no limit on this, so feel free to outflank two stompas and a gargantuan squiggoth for free.
Stratagem: Dead Sneaky If an infantry unit is within 3" of a table edge it can be put into strategic reserves. This can be use to save units from destruction, get outmaneuvered units back in the fight or to secure table quaters/perform actions for secondaries.
Relic: Morgarg's finkin cap: Gain a CP if your warlord is alive. You can't ever have enough CP and this a fairly reliable way to gain one or two.


Kultur: Competitive Streak Each time a freeboota unit destroys an enemy unit, all other freebootas add 1 to hit for the phase. The only trait that allows Gretchin units to (indirectly) benefit by causing other non-gretchin freeboota units to gain the +1 to hit. Be aware that some units like buggies have inherrent +1 to hit and thus don't benefit from the culture.
Warlord Trait: Killa Reputation: -1 to leadership and attrition tests for enemies +1 1d for your own models. Especially 9th edition codices will be hurt by this, but with many codices still ignoring morale and many great warlord traits available, it's probably more of a trait to pick up for one of your support characters during cursade.
Stratagem: Get Da Loot (1CP) If you ever find yourself in a situation where you outnumber your opponnet, just switch on your objective secured and go for a 10 VP swing. Insanely powerful if you can make it happen. INFANTRY only.
Relic: Badskull Banna Enemies within 6" lose objective secured. Powerful relic that can even go on vehicles.





Specialist mobs
Pyromaniacs Totally awesome when put on burnas, just forget about all the others as the gain for a single skorcha or weapons rolling multiple dice is minimal. KBBs might be the only other interesting target, but while its weapons are on the list, the buggy itself isn't.
Boomboyz Extra AP for all blast weapons the vehicle is equipped with. Koptas and tank bustas benefit from this, just like for pyromaniacs, don't waste your specialist mob on single weapons. A MA mek with both KMB and tellyporta blasta might get some use out of it.
Flyboyz Light cover for planes or koptas. If you don't benefit from the kultur your would normally have, this can inprove your durability. Wasted on stormboyz.
Madboyz Roll a d3 to see if you get 1) super-pile ins 2) worse deff skullz or 3) worse goff. If it just were the first one all the time, it would probably not suck as hard. If you get random traits, they need to be better than regular traits, not worse.
Sneaky Gitz AP-1 against targets in cover. Unless your kultur does absolutely nothing for melee units, don't take this.
Trukk boyz Yes! Finally we get our trukkboyz back. While boyz aren't great, this is still the best way to run them as they become increadibly mobile when charging out of moving trukks oldschool style.
'orrible gitz You can cover your gretchin in gak to give them objective secured. They also stink so bad that everyone (even your own units) shoots worse when standing next to them. And yes, that's the official fluff.





Kustom Jobs
Da Boomer Since periscope no longer doubles the shots, it just makes a bad gun average.
Fortress on Wheels If you want a deff rolla wagon to kill stuff combat or you want to transport valuable cargo, this is the best kustom job to do so.
Gyroscopic Whirligig For 10 points you can prevent a single buggy from maybe taking d3 MW when it maybe jumps. Maybe if you have spare scrap during crusade, but nah.
Moar Dakka Only really worth using on dakkajet. It's not particularly point efficient upgrade, but a good spot to sink some spare points you can't spend anywhere else.
Nitro Squigs Squig buggies are da nu shiney now, and this makes them even better. Sadly, can only be taken on single buggy units.
Red Rolla So this upgrade got worse and now makes the too expensive bonebreaka even more expensive. You'll probably find a better way to spend 20 points.
Shokka Hull Each time the model is attacked, on a 4+ it zaps the attacker for d3 mortal wounds. Battlewagon, dreads, wartrike and kill rig are all good targets for this as they want to be in combat and get the job for just 15 points.
Souped-up Speshul +2 shots for a boomdakka snazzwagon. If you have 10 points you can't get rid anywhere else you can buy this.
Squig-hide Tyres Why would you pay 10 points for +1" movement?
Stompmatic Pistons +3" movement, +1" to advance rolls for walkers. Probably a good investment for a gorkanaut or a dread that starts on the board.

Bionik Oiler Repairing is questionable, buying an one-use upgrade to repairs is worthless, and upgrading that upgrade is just a waste of everyones time. I wouldn't even take this for free.
Enhanced Runt-Sucker Makes the SAG more reliable, but an upgraded SAG is too expensive for what it does. Avoid in crusade, as this upgrade is built into the relic SAG.
Extra-Kustom Weapon Since GW sucks at rules-writing this can currently be used with dreads and grot mega tanks to make it actually decent. Assuming that Mek kustom jobs can only be taken by meks, the MA bigmek is probably the only model who would seriously consider spending 10 points on an extra shot of KMB.
Smokey Gubbinz If you don't move your lootaz or burnas you get +1 to armor which does exactly zilch to prevent them from getting mowed down. Just put your units in cover.
Zzapkrumpaz When fighting, wound rolls of 6 cause mortal wounds to the enemy. Actually not too shabby when used on a unit of burnas, but expensive. Lootas should not be in a situation where they can use this.

Modifié par Psychocouac
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Sympa ce petit retex. Je suis à la fois hypé par les Kamionneurs ( les Nobz ou Meganobz) mais pas spécialement naïf, je pense qu'on passera vite à autre chose une fois les premiers tests effectués.
Ça demande pas mal d'investissement pour rendre les Kamionneurs opti puisqu'il faut 2 détachements pour y insérer un Warboss qui donnera le +1 hit (MAIS à eux seul). Du coup ça rend l'ajout d'une autre escouade de spécialiste d'autant plus coûteuse puisqu'il faudra à minima payer en PC le détachement supplémentaire ET en points le QG et la Troupes requise.

Tout ça pour une combo qui survivra pas 1 Tour et qui n'arrivera certainement pas au cac si l'Ork ne joue pas T1.

En fait, comme pas mal des codex V9, je trouve que GW manque cruellement d'imagination et d'ambition (et ils ne testent clairement pas leurs codex aussi). Pourquoi un BigMek ne peut pas être Kamionneur ? Pourquoi les Specialistes perdent leur trait de Klan ? Pourquoi les pouvoirs psy de Klans ont disparus ? Pourquoi les Kustomizations ne fonctionnent que sur une figurine de l'escouade ?! Pourquoi le Deffkilla invoque une Waaagh ! dont les bonus ne concernent que le Tir ? Pourquoi le CFK c'est devenu de la daube ?Pourquoi GW bride sans cesse les possibilités de jeu et de customisation pour certaines armées alors que d'autre s'éclatent ?

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Il y a 3 heures, Thurugchou a dit :

Pourquoi GW bride sans cesse les possibilités de jeu et de customisation pour certaines armées alors que d'autre s'éclatent ?

parce qu'il y a plusieurs equipes de creation de codex et certaines ont plus d'imagination que d'autre


Il y a 3 heures, Thurugchou a dit :

Pourquoi le CFK c'est devenu de la daube ?

ca arrive a toute les armées que des figs deviennent nulles



Il y a 3 heures, Thurugchou a dit :

Pourquoi le Deffkilla invoque une Waaagh ! dont les bonus ne concernent que le Tir ?

parce que c'est le concept d'avoir une 2eme orientation d'armée. Et la deffkilla est plutot une fig de tir qu'une fig de cac.



Il y a 3 heures, Thurugchou a dit :

Pourquoi les Kustomizations ne fonctionnent que sur une figurine de l'escouade ?!

aucune idée, et c'est meme pas 1 figurine de l'escouade, c'est sur les esouace de 1 figurine.



Il y a 3 heures, Thurugchou a dit :

Pourquoi les pouvoirs psy de Klans ont disparus ?

pour revenir plus tard dans un supplement



Il y a 3 heures, Thurugchou a dit :

Pourquoi les Specialistes perdent leur trait de Klan ?

Parce que justement ce sont des specialistes, au lieu d'etre Goff ils sont kamioneurs. C'est exactement ce qu'on aurais du avoir sur les Subkultur dans saga of the beast, histoire d'en voir (autre que grot mob)



Il y a 3 heures, Thurugchou a dit :

Pourquoi un BigMek ne peut pas être Kamionneur ?

il a pas les bras de demenageur, ni le debardeur blanc.



Il y a 3 heures, Thurugchou a dit :

En fait, comme pas mal des codex V9, je trouve que GW manque cruellement d'imagination et d'ambition (et ils ne testent clairement pas leurs codex aussi).

ca pour le manque de test on est d'accord.

Mais apres il suffit de voir le verre a moitié plein, et de se dire que le rukkatrukk squigbuggy est enfin bien, que les motos sont un vrais choix d'unitée pour la premiere fois depuis la V2, qu'on a 2 vrais facon de jouer l'armée (soit waaagh pour allez au corps a corps, soit speedwaaagh pour envoyer des baignoires de dés au tir), que nos perso de corps a corps sont enfin des vrais monstres de guerre ..... et la liste est longue des qualitées, suffit de les regarder, et pas de regarder les grossieres erreur de design.

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Il y a 4 heures, Thurugchou a dit :

Sympa ce petit retex. Je suis à la fois hypé par les Kamionneurs ( les Nobz ou Meganobz) mais pas spécialement naïf, je pense qu'on passera vite à autre chose une fois les premiers tests effectués.
Ça demande pas mal d'investissement pour rendre les Kamionneurs opti puisqu'il faut 2 détachements pour y insérer un Warboss qui donnera le +1 hit (MAIS à eux seul). Du coup ça rend l'ajout d'une autre escouade de spécialiste d'autant plus coûteuse puisqu'il faudra à minima payer en PC le détachement supplémentaire ET en points le QG et la Troupes requise.

Tout ça pour une combo qui survivra pas 1 Tour et qui n'arrivera certainement pas au cac si l'Ork ne joue pas T1.


On est d'accord que pour un combo à 170 points c'est pas fou. Maintenant quels sont les choix en troupe?


Gretchins avec la spécialisation: ça va. Ils ne serviront qu'à garder un objectif prêt de notre zone de déploiement mais c'est tout ce qu'on leur demande. C'est typiquement eux qui rempliront le choix obligatoire de la patrouille.

Gretchins sans la spécialisation: 50 points qui servent à rien. Non merci, autant investir ailleurs. 

Boyz kikoup: Soit on en fait des kamioneurs pour pouvoir les utiliser, soit on en prend pas du tout. Pour un point de plus il y a le kommando qui lui est en tout point supérieur.

Fling'boyz: HAHAHAHAHAHA...:D Non même pas en rêve.


Moi en ce moment je suis sur mon concept Mad Morkx speed freaks:


Mais c'est pas pour demain la veille. 

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Je pense un peu comme vous pour les Kamionneurs, mais au moins ça remet un peu de fun.


Perso je vais participer à un tournoi fun 2 vs 2 en Septembre en 50PP et j'ai prévu de jouer une speedwaaagh! (j'accompagne des GK)

Evil sunz

Trike fight last brutal mais ruzé


2 scrapjet

1 squigbuggie

1 F1

9 motos


Ce qui est dommage c'est que le seul spécialist mob possible c'est les madboyz sur les motos, bah je ne le ferai même pas pour garder le bonus de mouv' et le strata de fire and fade.

j'ai hésité à mettre 10 burnas dans un trukk, mon gros trip de croisade, mais en PP c'était trop cher et si ils sont pyrimaniacs, pas de truck ?

J'ai aussi hésité à mettre un snazzwagon mais j'ai préféré garder les 3 KBB, peut être à la place de la F1, je me tâte car il a quand même pas mal de dakkas.

C'est marrant de se dire que je vais être la partie tir de la liste, j'espère que tous ces gros socles ne se marcheront pas trop dessus aussi.

Modifié par karbur
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