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[HL] Arcane vassal - Sort: Walk between worlds


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Bonjour, je souhaiterais avec mon Slann lancer le sort Walk between world (Haute magie) sur un pretre skink via la règle Arcane vassal. 
Le but est que le skink et l'unité qu'il  à rejoint (par exemple des saurus) bénéficie de la règle éthérée, est-ce possible svp ?

Effet du sort


Until your next Start of Turn sub-phase, the caster and any unit they have joined gain the Ethereal and Reserve Move special rules.


Règle Arcane vassal :


Once per turn, unless this model is fleeing or engaged in combat, a single friendly Slann Mage-Priest that is within 12" of this model may ‘channel’ a spell through this model. If they do, the range, targeting restrictions and all effects of the spell are measured from this model, rather than from the caster. If the spell requires a line of sight, it is determined from this model.


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Avec la dernière mise à jour des PDFs pour les Legacy Armies la note suivante a été ajoutée pour la règle Arcane Vassal:


"Note that spells with a range of Self cannot be channelled in this way."


Donc pas de sort Walk between world via la règle Arcane Vassal. ;)

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