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Bien entrainé et contre charge


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Peut-on redresser ces rang lors de la déclaration d'une contre charge avant de faire le mouvement via bien entrainé ?


Pour la contre charge déjà je ne vois aucune limitation à en faire une si on est en colonne de marche.



This special rule can only be used by units that consist entirely of models with this special rule. When a unit with this special rule is charged in its front arc by an enemy unit whose troop type is cavalry, chariot or monster, it may declare a 'Counter Charge' charge reaction:


Counter Charge

The unit surges forward to meet the enemy charge. Measure the distance between the two units. If the distance is less than the Movement characteristic of the charging unit, the charged unit has not enough time to meet the enemy charge and must either Hold or Flee instead. Otherwise, pivot the unit about its centre so that it is facing directly towards the centre of the charging enemy unit. After pivoting, the unit moves D3+1" directly towards the enemy unit. Both units are considered to have charged during this turn.

Fleeing units and units already engaged in combat when charged cannot Counter Charge. A unit can only Counter Charge in response to one charge per turn, even if charged by multiple units. Once all charges have been declared, the inactive player can choose which charging unit to Counter Charge. The unit will then Hold against the other charging units.



Mais le bien entrainé c'est avant un mouvement donc peut-on l'utilisé pendant le tours adverse en soit.


Unless it is fleeing, a Drilled unit may perform a free redress the ranks manoeuvre immediately before moving. Once this manoeuvre is complete, the unit moves as normal. In addition, a Drilled unit can march whilst within 8" of an enemy unit without first having to make a Leadership test.


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La FAQ a répondu clairement, c'est avant n'importe quel mouvement, même un "céder du terrain" de 2" ! Donc oui tu peut redresser tes rangs et contre-charger, ce qui rend vraiment cette règle très très forte

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