Fendulac Posted July 16, 2024 Share Posted July 16, 2024 Bonjour tous, avec mes partenaires de jeux, nous avons été très déçus par les scénarios du GBR qui pour moi n'en méritent pas le nom: 1. The Plain of L’Anguille: de la bashe ! 2. The Doom of Odo Todmeyer III: Break point , de la bashe améliorée 3. The Battle of Pine Crags: de la bashe avec un déploiement de flanc 4. The Drakwald Forest Incident: de la bashe avec des réserves 5. The Battle of Gisoreux Gap: de la bashe avec des flancs protégés 6. The Lonely Tower: de la bashe avec un bonus central Bref de la bashe 100% du temps. Nos premières parties ont donc été très décevantes avec des coins gauche pour les armées de tir et que des unités méga rentables. Nous avons eu le déplaisir de jouer plusieurs parties sans intérêt et parfois sans quasiment un cac de la partie (coin gauche nain du chaos Vs Lézards par exemple ). Ou alors avec des armée ou seules les gros dragons avaient de l'intérêt pour savoir qui avait le plus gros... Puis nous avons adapté quelques scénarios de Kow (Kings of war) et c'est devenu du vrai plaisir à jouer des unités sacrifiables ... 1. Pillage: D3+4 objectifs à contrôler sur la table placés par les joueurs sans savoir dans quel camp ils sont 2. Invasion: la Pu des unités majoritairement dans la moitié adverse 3.Contrôle: table divisée en 6 parties. Chaque partie donne 1Point de Victoire et la partie centrale opposée en donne 2 4. Raids: 6objectifs +1 central placés par les joueurs dans la zone adverse. Cette fois les objectifs donnent des points à chaque ronde de joueur 5. Ruée vers l'or: 2x5 pions d'objectifs placés par les joueurs dans la zone adverse. Les pions valent 0/0/1/1/2 points de victoire et sont révélés au tour 3. etc... Évidemment, il y a quelques restrictions du style: minimum 12pas entre 2 objos ou les bords de table. Et nous appliquons les règles du GBR pour le contrôle des objos: Révélation Proximity: This means that a special feature can be controlled by a unit that is within 6" of it, that has a Unit Strength of five or more and that is not fleeing. If two or more eligible, enemy units are within 6", the unit closest to the special feature controls it. If two enemy units are equally close, the feature is ‘contested’ and neither unit controls it. Voilà ça rend, pour nous, les parties plus savoureuses et surtout redonne bcp d'intérêt à pas mal d'unités trop légères. Y-a-t'il d'autres joueurs qui sont dans cet état d'esprit ? Quels sont vos scénarios ? Les tournois en général suivent-ils les scénar du GBR et donc la bashe ? Pour nous cela a beaucoup équilibré toutes les unités et SURTOUT cela évite la prime aux GROS STREUMS à 500pts. Merci du temps accordé. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
botrix Posted July 16, 2024 Share Posted July 16, 2024 (edited) Il y a 4 heures, Fendulac a dit : Y-a-t'il d'autres joueurs qui sont dans cet état d'esprit ? oui j'au aussi trouvé les scénars du GBR un peu fades, d'autant plus que je suis pas tres convaincu par les regles des décors spéciaux. Ou peut on trouver les détails des scénars que tu mentionnes ? dans le GBR Kings of War ? Par ailleurs tous les objos dont tu parles poussent tous à jouer dans la moitié de table adverse. C'est pas un peu compliqué pour les armées de tir ? Genre les nains ca pousse salement aux listes de rush. Alors ok c'est désormais possible et jouable, mais ca les oblige pas à toujours tourner avec les memes unités ? Edited July 16, 2024 by botrix Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fendulac Posted July 17, 2024 Author Share Posted July 17, 2024 Alors oui c'est dans le GBR Kow qui de mémoire se télécharge gratuitement... Sinon: Révélation 1: Pillage Before rolling off to choose sides, place a total of D3+4 Objective Markers on the board. The players take it in turns to place one Objective each. Roll off to see who places the first objective. Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows: • 1 Victory Point for each Objective Marker you control. 2: Loot Before rolling off to choose sides, place three Loot Counters on the centre line of the board. One must be placed in the exact centre of the board (or as close to it along the centre line as possible), and then players place one more each, rolling off to see who places theirs first. Loot Counters cannot be placed within 12” of each other or within 3” of Blocking Terrain. Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows: • 1 Victory Point for each Loot Counter you hold. 3: Push After both players have set up their forces, roll a D3. Each player places that many Loot Counters within their set-up area, giving them to units to carry if they wish. Roll off to see who begins placing their Loot Counters first, and the players take it in turns to place one Loot Counter each until they have placed them all. An additional Loot Counter is placed in the exact centre of the board. Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows: • 2 Victory Points for each Loot Counter you hold where your unit is entirely on the opposing half of the board. • 1 Victory Point for each Loot Counter you hold where your unit is at least partly on your half of the board. 4: Dominate At the end of the game, add up the Unit Strength of all of your units that have the majority of their footprint within 12” of the centre of the playing area. That is your Victory Point score. Your opponent does the same and you compare scores. 5: Invade At the end of the game, add up the total Unit Strength of each player’s units that have the majority of their footprint on the opposing player’s half of the board. This is the total number of Victory Points that each player scores. Smaller Board We recommend using D3+2 Objective Markers on a 4’x4’ board. 72 6: Control At the end of the game, divide the board into six 2’x2’ squares and add up the total Unit Strength of each player’s units within a square. If a unit is straddling the line between two or more squares it is considered to be in whichever square is covered by the majority of its base. If there is no clear majority, the owning player must choose which square the unit is in after any move, movement order or regroup is completed. The player who has the highest Unit Strength in each square controls it. Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows: • 2 Victory Points if you hold the square in the middle of your opponent’s half of the board. • 1 Victory Point for each other square you hold. 7: Kill At the end of the game, add up the points cost of all of the Enemy units you Routed. That is your score. Your opponent does the same and you compare scores. If the difference between the scores in favour of a player is at least 10% of the total cost of the armies, that player wins; otherwise the game is a draw. For example, in a game where armies are 2000 points, you need at least 200 points more than your opponent to win. 8: Raze After rolling off to choose sides, place one Objective Marker in the exact centre of the board. The players then place three more Objective Markers 6” from the centre line on their opponent’s half of the board, rolling off to see who places theirs first. Take it in turns until all the Objective Markers have been placed. You can contest, but not control, the Objective Marker on your own side of the table. You cannot remove the Central Objective, or Objective Markers on your own side of the table. Victory Points can be accumulated from Round two onward and are as follows: • 1 Victory Point for each Objective Marker you control on your opponent’s half of the table at the end of your player Turn. Claimed Objective Markers on your opponent’s half of the board are then removed from play. • 1 Victory Point if you control the central Objective Marker at the end of the game. 9: Plunder Before rolling off to choose sides, place five Loot Counters on the centre line of the board. One must be placed in the exact centre of the board (or as close to it along the centre line as possible). The remaining four Counters are then placed along the centre line, 12” away from each other (or as close to this distance as possible). After choosing sides, starting with the player that chose their side first, each player nominates a (different) Loot Counter which will be worth 2 Victory Points. These two counters are referred to as Primary Loot Counters. Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows: • 1 Victory Point for each Loot Counter you hold. • 2 Victory Points for each Primary Loot Counter you hold. Smaller Board There are only 4 2’x2’ squares on the board rather than six. The square that is on your right and on the opposite side of the board will give you the 2 Victory Points. Smaller Board We recommend using 2 Objective Markers each on a 4’x4’ board. Smaller Board We recommend using three Loot Counters on a 4’x4’ board. Rather than players choosing, the central counter is the single Primary Loot Counter. Scenarios 73 Rules 10: Fool’s Gold This scenario uses 10 Bluff Counters. After rolling off to choose sides, roll off to see who places the first Bluff Counter. The players take it in turns to place one Bluff Counter of their choice (marked side down) fully on their opponent’s half of the board, following the same placement restrictions as Objective Markers. At the end of Round 3, all the Bluff Counters are flipped to reveal their value. Bluff counters are treated as Objective Markers from this point on. Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows: • 1 Victory Point for each Bluff Counter marked with a 1 that you control. • 2 Victory Points for each Bluff Counter marked with a 2 that you control. Bluff Counters marked with a 0 are not worth any Victory Points. 11: Smoke & Mirrors This scenario uses 10 Bluff Counters. After rolling off to choose sides, roll off to see who places the first Bluff Counter. The players take it in turns to place one Bluff Counter of their choice (marked side down) fully on their opponent’s half of the board, following the same placement restrictions as Objective Markers. At the end of each Round, each player must flip one Bluff Counter on their side of the board, rolling off to decide who flips first. Repeat this process each Round until all Bluff Counters are flipped and revealed. Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows: • 1 Victory Point for each Bluff Counter marked with a 1 that you control. • 2 Victory Points for each Bluff Counter marked with a 2 that you control. Bluff Counters marked with a 0 are not worth any Victory Points. 12: Salt the Earth Before rolling off to choose sides, place one Objective Marker in the exact centre of the board and then the players take it in turns placing Objective Markers until both players have each placed three Objective Markers. Roll off to see who places the first Objective. After a player has completed their Turn, they can choose to destroy any Objective Markers which they control (except for the Central Objective). Repeat this process at the end of each of the player’s Turns until the end of the game. Destroyed Objective Markers are removed from play and have no influence on the rest of the game. Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows: • 1 Victory Point for each Objective Marker still in play that you control. Smaller Board We recommend each player only use one of each value of Bluff Counter on a 4’x4’ board. Smaller Board We recommend each player only use one of each value of Bluff Counter on a 4’x4’ board. Smaller Board We recommend using two Objective Markers each on a 4’x4’ board. 74 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HFXleol Posted July 18, 2024 Share Posted July 18, 2024 En V6 il y a 3 suppléments intéressants pour gérer le lancement d'une partie: -The night before the battle, qui permet un petit jeu de rôle en tant que commandant de l'armée la veille de la bataille. Il faut choisir ce qu'on fait (réunir le conseil de guerre, inspecter l'équipement, consulter les augures, faire un sacrifice aux dieux, étudier les plans, prendre son dernier repas, discours inspiré, examiner le champ de bataille, fraterniser avec les troupes). Il faut aussi tirer au hasard la personnalité de chaque personnages et meneurs d'unité. -Le générateur de scénarios, simple Il y a une version avancée. Avec des valeurs stratégiques d'armée, des stratégie à adopter avant la bataille. A chaque phase on lance 1D6+la valeur stratégique pour choisir le type d'engagement, placer les terrains, se déployer, etc. Il y a des bonus de points de stratégie selon les types d'unité de l'armée. Il faut aussi choisir une avant-garde et une arrière-garde dans son armée, qui seront déployées différemment selon le scénarios. -Les cartes d'objectifs. Chaque joueur tire une carte pour son objectif primaire et une pour un secondaire. Les points de victoire sont comptés normalement. Avec un bonus équivalent à un quart de l'armée pour le primaire et 1/10e pour l'objectif secondaire (Armée à 2000pts => 500pts de victoire pour le primaire, 200pts de victoire pour le secondaire). En plus de tout ça, on peut jouer dans des environnements différents: siège, urbain, jungle, sous-terre. Faire précéder la partie d'un scénarios d'escarmouche qui donnera un bonus pour la grande bataille. Voir une escarmouche se déroulant en même temps que la bataille. Il y a aussi de nombreux décors spéciaux (tempête de magie, les lieux sombres, le générateur de table de la V6) et événements aléatoires qui peuvent épicer la partie. Il y a aussi une règle anecdotique qui vient de WFB V3, le train de ravitaillement. Qui représente le ravitaillement de l'armée, les suivants, les chariots, etc. Si le chariot est capturé il fait gagner 100 points au pilleur. Si le train n'a pas été capturé, son propriétaire gagne 100 points à la fin de la partie. Le train fait entre 6"x6" à 6"x12'' selon la taille de l'armée. J'aimerai bien faire une compilation de tout ça si j'ai le temps Mais il y a de quoi gérer l'avant-partie pour la rendre particulièrement intéressante et stratégique, et de quoi ajouter sur la table pour rendre le jeu assez génial. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fendulac Posted July 19, 2024 Author Share Posted July 19, 2024 Perso, jouant avec beaucoup de personnes parlant des langues différentes, il me faut des règles simples. Celle-ci me parait jouable: Les cartes d'objectifs. Chaque joueur tire une carte pour son objectif primaire et une pour un secondaire. Les points de victoire sont comptés normalement. Avec un bonus équivalent à un quart de l'armée pour le primaire et 1/10e pour l'objectif secondaire (Armée à 2000pts => 500pts de victoire pour le primaire, 200pts de victoire pour le secondaire). Quels étaient ces objectifs primaires/secondaires ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HFXleol Posted July 19, 2024 Share Posted July 19, 2024 (edited) Il y a 7 heures, Fendulac a dit : Quels étaient ces objectifs primaires/secondaires ? http://web.archive.org/web/20060619105655/http://us.games-workshop.com/games/warhammer/gaming/objectives/assets/BattleFieldObjectiveCards.pdf 11 TABLE QUARTERS You fulfill this objective if your army controls more table quarters (per the conditions described on p. 198 of the Warhammer rulebook) than your opponent’s army at game’s end. 12 CENTER OBJECTIVE You fulfill this objective if you control a specified objective in the center of the table. Place a counter or small piece of terrain in the exact center of the gaming table. At game’s end, you must have a unit of Unit Strength 5+ within 6" of the objective with no enemy units closer to the objective than your capturing unit. Fleeing units can neither capture the objective nor prevent its capture. 13 MULTIPLE OBJECTIVES You fulfill this objective if you control (per the terms described for Center Objective) at least two of three special objectives at game’s end. Set aside three counters or small pieces of terrain. After Deployment Zones are chosen but before deployment begins, place one objective. Next, have your opponent place the second objective. Finally, place the final objective. No objective can be placed in either Deployment Zone, within 6" of a table edge, or within 12" of another objective. 14 HOLD THE LINE You fulfill this objective if there are no enemy units, except fleeing units, of Unit Strength 5 or more in your Deployment Zone. 15 INVADE You fulfill this objective if there are two or more units of Unit Strength 5 or more in your opponent’s Deployment Zone at game’s end. Fleeing units don’t count. 16 BREAKTHROUGH You fulfill this objective if you have moved three or more units off of your opponent’s table edge by game’s end. Units that left this edge by fleeing don’t count. 21 ASSASSINATE GENERAL You fulfill this objective if the enemy General is dead, is fleeing, or has fled off the table by game’s end. 22 ASSASSINATE WIZARD You fulfill this objective if the highestlevel enemy Wizard is dead, is fleeing, or has fled off the table by game’s end. If there are two or more Wizards with the same (highest) level, randomly determine which is your target. If your opponent has no Wizards, roll a D6 to determine a different Objective: 1-2, Assassinate General; 3-5, Assassinate Enemy Character; 6, Assassinate Highest-Point Model. 23 ASSASSINATE ENEMY CHARACTER You fulfill this objective if a designated enemy character model is dead, is fleeing, or has fled off the table by game’s end. Randomly designate this character before deployment begins. 24 ASSASSINATE HIGHEST POINTS MODEL You fulfill this objective if the enemy model that costs the most points is dead, is fleeing, or has fled off the table by game’s end. For purposes of this objective, characters mounted on Chariots, Monsters, and the like count as one model, and their points costs should be added together as you determine which model costs the most. If there are two or more models with the same (highest) points cost, randomly determine which is your target. 25 ARCH-ENEMY You fulfill this objective if your army’s General has taken out an enemy character model of your choice by shooting him, casting spells at him, or defeating him in close combat such that he has been removed as a casualty, is fleeing, or has fled off the board by game’s end. Designate the enemy character before deployment begins. 26 PROTECT THE OFFICERS You fulfill this objective if all of your character models survive the battle, are on the board, and are not fleeing at game’s end. 31 ANNIHILATE You fulfill this objective if at least half the starting Unit Strength of your opponent’s army has been removed as casualties, is fleeing, or has fled off the board by game’s end. 32 ROUT You fulfill this objective if at least half of your opponent’s units have fled due to combat resolution, Psychology, or other effects over the course of the game. If the opposing force is a Vampire Count, Daemon, or Tomb King force, you may opt to discard this Objective and play with Annihilate, Preserve, Seek & Destroy, or Capture Colors instead. 33 PRESERVE You fulfill this objective if at least 75% of the starting Unit Strength of your army is on the board and not fleeing at game’s end. 34 SEEK & DESTROY You fulfill this objective if an enemy unit, specified by your opponent before deployment, has been destroyed, is fleeing, or has fled off the table by game’s end. 35 SHOCK & AWE You fulfill this objective if your opponent’s army has failed three or more Psychology Tests over the course of the game. If the opposing force is a Vampire Count, Daemon, Slaaneshthemed, or Tomb King force, you may opt to discard this Objective and play with Annihilate, Preserve, Seek & Destroy, or Capture Colors instead. 36 CAPTURE COLORS You fulfill this objective if you are in possession of at least two enemy standards at game’s end, or if the enemy army includes only one standard, you are in possession of it at game’s end. If the enemy army has no standards, choose one of the following Objectives instead: Annihilate, Rout, Preserve, Seek & Destroy, or Shock & Awe. 41 DELAY TACTICS You fulfill this objective if none of your units engage in close combat until Turn 4 or later in order to buy time for operations to be completed elsewhere. 42 RESCUE You fulfill this objective if you have rescued a captive from your opponent’s army. Give your opponent a spare model or marker. Your opponent must assign this “captive” to one of his units. The captive will move with the unit and may be captured exactly like a unit standard. To fulfill this Objective, one of your non-fleeing units must be in control of the captive at game’s end. See the Battlefield Objectives article in WD317 for a complete description of this Battlefield Objective. 43 MESSENGER You fulfill this objective if one of your character models – specified by you before deployment and not your General – delivers an important message by exiting the table via your opponent’s board edge by game’s end. If you have only one character model in your army, choose Delay Tactics, Rescue, Monster Hunt, Destination, or Final Destination instead. 44 MONSTER HUNT You fulfill this objective if at game’s end, at least half of the enemy’s models with more than 1 Wound on their profiles, except character models, have been destroyed, are fleeing, or have fled off the table. If your opponent has no multiple-Wound models, except character models, or commands an Ogre Kingdoms army, choose Delay Tactics, Rescue, Messenger, Destination, or Final Destination instead. 45 DESTINATION You fulfill this objective if one of your character models specified by you before deployment (not your General) has occupied a target spot on the board for 2 full contiguous turns (in order to perform a ritual, seek divine guidance at the equinox, pick up a hidden message, or something of the kind). To determine the spot, place a marker on the exact center point of the board and then roll the Scatter Die. Move the marker 3D6" in the direction indicated by the arrow, even if a “Hit” is rolled. 46 FINAL DESTINATION You fulfill this objective if one of your character models specified by you before deployment (not your General) occupies a target spot on the board at game’s end. Determine the spot per the process described for the Destination Objective. 51 MAGICAL DOMINATION You fulfill this objective if your army has successfully cast at least three spells over the course of the battle. The first spell listed in any spell list does not count toward this tally. If your army includes no Wizards, reroll a different Objective. 52 ANTI-MAGIC You fulfill this objective if your army has successfully dispelled at least three enemy spells over the course of the battle. If your opponent’s army does not include any Wizards, reroll a different Objective. You also fulfill the terms of this Objective if your opponent does have a Wizard or Wizards in his army but does not successfully cast at least three spells. Edited July 19, 2024 by HFXleol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
captainoliver Posted July 21, 2024 Share Posted July 21, 2024 (edited) J'avoue avoir un peu le même sentiment sur "la profondeur" des scénarios.... pour l'instant je me focus plus sur l'apprentissage des règles mais l'idée d'avoir des objos et autres missions à faire pendant la partie me plait beaucoup! Edited July 21, 2024 by captainoliver Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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