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Empire (perso) - Prêtres guerriers de Véréna, Taal et Ulric

Guest Thomas Trolljaeger

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Guest Thomas Trolljaeger

Certains d'entre vous pourraient avoir noté que le logiciel Army Builder permet de sélectionner un bien étrange personnage : un prêtre guerrier de Véréna.

Il s'agit d'une intégration dans la liste impériale à titre d'expérience d'une partie des travaux de Ian Hawkes, rédacteur de l'article sur la religion dans l'Empire et des règles du prêtre guerrier d'Ulric.

On peut les trouver, ainsi que les règles du prêtre de Taal et celui de Myrmidia, sur le forum de propositions d'intégration à Army Builder : ici

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Guest Thomas Trolljaeger

Bin oui, moi aussi.

Ca sent le rôliste tout ça ; je veux dire au niveau du fluff...

Ceci dit, ce qui me semble particulièrement intéressant dans ces personnages, c'est l'équilibre de leurs règles spéciales et en même temps la cohérence avec le background...

Non que je veuille absolument en aligner un à Grenoble... Mais bon, Hawkes semble s'être parfaitement approprié l'esprit des règles de la V6 et nous a pondu un truc jouable, à défaut d'être officiel.

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Tout ce qu'à produit Ian pour GW est de très bonne facture et souvent inspiré du background de l'empire contenu dans WFRP (et aussi de Conan dont c'est un grand fan... mais c'est une autre histoire).

Point de vue de l'orthodxie des règles il semble au point effectivement. J'avais réagi sur certains points lors du dev sur le forum portent. Comme Portent vient de mourir je peux pas te donenr le lien... Dommage (à tous les niveaux)

Tu peux aussi trouver les propositions de règles faites par Mîm sur ce forum.

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  • 3 years later...

D'autres versions (sous la forme d'augmentation pour le Prêtre Guerrier)


Along the same lines of ‘Provincial Traits’, I decided to compile some thoughts I had in regards to characters that should actually be in the Empire Armybook, that were missed opportunities. These in general work off a framework of the existing characters, to make them more unique – similar to Kindreds in a WE book I guess…

Feedback / suggestions welcome.


The Warrior Priest may ‘worship’ one of the following gods:

- Sigmar

- Ulric

- Morr

- Taal

- Manann

- Myrmydia

- Verena

- Ranald

Notice the only difference is the prayers that are cast, and the equipment available. All other rules are the same.


A Warrior Priest may worship Ulric for 10 points.

Equipment: Hand Weapon and Wolf Cloak

Special Rules:


- Crush the Weak

Ulric’s followers respect strength, and despise the weak, and Ulric rewards this.

Warrior Priest and any unit he joins gains +1 Strength on the charge. Remains in Play.

- Wolf Howl

The howl of the White Wolf is said to cause fear in the hearts of men and beast alike

Warrior Priest causes immediate terror test for all enemy units within 6 inches.

- Spirit of the Wolf

The hungry hunting nature of the wolf drives on the followers of Ulric

Warrior Priest and any unit he joins may roll an extra dice when pursuing an enemy broken by combat, and discard the lowest. Remains in Play.

- Wolf Speed

Ulric sees it fit to bestow the form of a wolf on his champion.

A selected character on foot within 12 inches gains Movement 9.

- Fury of the Wolf

The Warrior Priest lashes out at his enemies with the fury of the Wolf God himself

Any enemy models in base to base with the warrior priest or his unit take a S4 hit.


+1 Armour Save against shooting.


A Warrior Priest may worship Taal for 10 points.

Equipment: Hand Weapon and Staff

May not take any additional mundane weapons.

Special Rules:


- The Birds and the Bees

Even the smallest of Taal’s subjects can band together to defend themselves

A unit anywhere on the Table (within LOS) takes D6 S1 attacks.

- Nature’s Call

A ghostly vision or sounds can be heard from the nearest wood or hill. Distracted by the haunting sight or sound, enemy formations fall apart.

An enemy unit within 12 inches (unless immune to psychology) must in make an immediate move towards their nearest terrain feature (within LOS). If currently in a terrain feature, cannot move or shoot in their following turn.

- The Beasts Devotion

A mount its rider form a unique bond. Taal calls forth to the beast, and strengthens the animals devotion

A Monstrous steed within 12 inches (Friend or Foe) will automatically be hit by missiles (rather than randomizing between rider and mount). Remains in Play.

- All of Taals creatures

All creatures great and small are loved by Taal.

Warrior Priest and any unit he joins are immune to fear and terror caused by a monstrous mount. Remains in play.

- Master of Fauna

The calming voice of the Priest of Taal can calm even the most terrified of animals

A mounted fleeing friendly single model or unit within 6 inches automatically rallies.


Staff bestows either +2S to the bearer, or +2 Armour Save. Priest must designate at the beginning of each round of close combat.


A Warrior Priest may worship Verena for 10 points.

Equipment: Hand Weapon and Greatsword

May not take any additional mundane weapons.

Special Rules:


- Scholarly knowledge

Verena has learnt the enemies secrets and passes on her knowledge to the believers

The enemy must reveal all magical items within 12 inches of the Warrior Priest.

- Guardian of the Righteous

Verena ensures that those that are performing her work are protected harm.

One friendly champion or character (including the Warrior Priest) within 12 inches benefits from Regeneration. Remains in Play.

- Duel of Retribution

Often if facts of a case are missing, the accuser will duel with the accused, and Verena will bless her champion.

One friendly champion or character (including the Warrior Priest) with 12 inches, if fighting a challenge benefits from Killing Blow. Remains in Play.

- Vengeance for the Bereaved

Verena bestows the gift of vengeance upon her followers, so that they may enact final punishment for the guilty.

Warrior Priest and any unit he joins gain Frenzy. Remains in Play.

- Final Judgement

Guilt is assigned, and judgement has been made.

One enemy in base-to-base with the Warrior Priest takes one S10 hit.

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  • 1 year later...
  • Dreadaxe changed the title to Empire (perso) - Prêtres guerriers de Véréna, Taal et Ulric

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