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Croisades Noires

Arnar Aenor

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Avec les annonces pour Fall of Cadia, on a eu un live avec une retranscription par Atia. On a notamment cette phrase :



- There are more than the 13 Black Crusades. Abaddon lead 12 of them so far!



Quelqu'un aurait-il déjà entendu parler d'autres croisades noires ? Mais aussi, cela ne donnerait-il pas une autre vision d'Abbadon et des SMC en général, avec des luttes de pouvoir et d'influence où d'autres chefs de guerre majeurs parviendraient à unir des forces pour lancer des offensives d'envergure ?

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il y a 33 minutes, Arnar Aenor a dit :

Mais aussi, cela ne donnerait-il pas une autre vision d'Abbadon et des SMC en général, avec des luttes de pouvoir et d'influence où d'autres chefs de guerre majeurs parviendraient à unir des forces pour lancer des offensives d'envergure ?


Alors, même si cet aspect a été un peu oublié par GW après EoT,  il me semble que ça a toujours été le cas et que c'est remis au gout du jour par les romans.

On pourra citer la première guerre d'armageddon (Angron), les luttes de pouvoirs et raids divers chez les Night Lords (romans, bouts de fluff), il me semble qu'il y a des références à Mortarion et Perturabo montant des coups d'éclats de temps en temps.

De ce que je me rappelle, c'est pas non plus ce qui est le plus mis en avant, mais globalement le chaos fonctionne comme chez les orks (quand un mec est assez fort, tous le monde le suit pour prendre sa part).

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il y a une heure, Arnar Aenor a dit :

Avec les annonces pour Fall of Cadia, on a eu un live avec une retranscription par Atia. On a notamment cette phrase :




Quelqu'un aurait-il déjà entendu parler d'autres croisades noires ? Mais aussi, cela ne donnerait-il pas une autre vision d'Abbadon et des SMC en général, avec des luttes de pouvoir et d'influence où d'autres chefs de guerre majeurs parviendraient à unir des forces pour lancer des offensives d'envergure ?

La guerre gothique en a été une si je dis pas de bétise. Après toutes n'ont pas été aussi grosse que celles la 13° en préparation. Genre la plupart n'ont été que des gros raids d'importance avec souvent un objectif précis à la clef. (Genre récupérer les forteresses noires, Drachynen par exemple.)

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Des croisades dites "Noires" il n'y en à eut que 13. (toutes menées par Abaddon)

Mais ça n'empêche pas qu'il y à eut plein d'autres invasions /incursions de plus-ou-moins grande importance dirigées par d'autres leaders.
David à cité l'attaque d'Angron mais il y à bien d'autres exemples:
Des "Croisades de Sang" par des Khorneux (j'ai oublié la source, romans ou autre), Sabbat, Vraks etc.


Sans compter les innombrables raids par les nombreuses bandes suffisamment organisées et dotées d'un vaisseau ou d'une petite flotte...

Modifié par BlooDrunk
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Il y a 6 heures, Arnar Aenor a dit :

Mais aussi, cela ne donnerait-il pas une autre vision d'Abbadon et des SMC en général, avec des luttes de pouvoir et d'influence où d'autres chefs de guerre majeurs parviendraient à unir des forces pour lancer des offensives d'envergure ?

Les SMC ont toujours été comme ça, ce n'est pas une autre vision.

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Dans le codex Chaos tu as un détails sur les 12 précédentes.

Les douze précédentes ont chacune eut un impact sur le monde de 40K


Je parle de tête donc il y a de forte chance que je me plante dans la numérotation des croisades.

La huitieme à été la mise à sac de Medusa

La  cinquieme la récupération de l’épée Drachen yen


A chaque croisade l’impact sur l’imperium a été plus ou moins violent. Certaines croisades était de simple affrontement et d’autres une grande invasion d’envergure.

Mais à chaque fois le Chaos resortait avec quelques choses (les forteresses noires, des artefacts, des corruptions de chapitres SM ect ect).


La treizieme a pour but de faire tomber la porte cadienne et de créer une autoroute vers Terra.


Après des incursions du chaos il y en a de tout temps et de tout lieux, la chute de Baddab, la premiere guerre d’Armageddon, les incursions de Magnus, les raids de Fabius Bile ect ect.


Lors de la précendent croisade numéro 13 et sa campagne mondiale le but de Abaddon était de faire tomber Cadia mais aussi d’infiltrer la bibliothèque interdite via Arihman. La finalité tout le monde la connait cela a fait pok sur la basket.

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Voici la résumé des croisades. C'est en anglais et je n'ai pas le niveau pour traduire, et je vais éviter de le faire via Google trad. :)

  • 1st Black Crusade (781.M31) - Abaddon the Despoiler made many blood pacts with the Dark Gods in the wake of Horus' defeat during the Horus Heresy. In 781.M31, Abaddon made his first attempt to launch a new offensive against the Imperium of Man following the Horus Heresy and initiated the 1st Black Crusade, also known as the First Battle of Cadia. The 1st Black Crusade marked the first assault by theForces of Chaos upon that Fortress World. Following the relative success of this deadly incursion across the Segmentum Obscurus, the Ruinous Powers grant Abaddon the means to further increase his already formidable power. On the world of Uralan, by the will of the Dark Gods, Abaddon recovered the DaemonswordDrach'nyen after battling his way through a haunted labyrinth to the great inner chamber where the blade had languished in stasis for millennia. The howling sword contained the bound essence of a dangerous Warp entity who had the power to rend reality apart wherever the weapon strikes. After the recovery of the malefic sword, Abaddon's power swelled to inhuman proportions and he was recognised as Horus Lupercal's true successor amongst the Traitor Legions, the new Warmaster of Chaos Undivided.
  • 2nd Black Crusade (597.M32) - Abaddon places a terrible curse upon the worlds of the Belis Corona Sector, infusing them with the touch of the Warp. Meanwhile, his fleet attacks the sector's Imperial shipyards, destroying dozens of Imperial Cruisersbeing constructed or repaired. Before the Imperium can muster its strength to fight back, the Despoiler retreats into the Eye of Terror, his works complete.
  • 3rd Black Crusade (909.M32) - The Despoiler sends the Daemon PrinceTallomin against the Cadian Gate in a reckless and bloody frontal assault. Thedaemonic horde that follows in Tallomin's wake accounts for the destruction of millions of lives and draws in Imperial Guard regiments and Space MarineChapters from across the Segmentum Obscurus. Eventually, warriors of theSpace Wolves manage to send Tallomin howling back into the Warp. Under the cover of the attack, Abaddon leads a dedicated strike force to desecrate theShrine World of Gerstahl, breaking the ancient seal on the Imperial saint's tomb and utterly destroying his remains whilst the Imperium's attention is elsewhere.
  • 4th Black Crusade (001.M34) - Also known as the El'Phanor War, during this Black Crusade the Black Legion besieges the great Citadel of Kromarch. Abaddon leads the charge against the adamantium gates of the famously unbreachable citadel upon the world of El'Phanor. Only one in ten of Abaddon's spearhead reach the gates before they are trapped by Heavy Bolterfire. Utilising his Daemon SwordDrach'nyen, the gates of the citadel prove harder than diamond, but they split apart like cordwood before Abaddon's dolorous blow. In an orgy of violence, the Traitor Legions and their daemonic allies fall upon Kromarch and his kin, extinguishing their ancient line forever.
  • 5th Black Crusade (723.M36) - Abaddon scours the Elysia Sector, raiding hundreds of worlds and causing untold death and destruction. On Tarinth, the Despoiler lures the Warhawks and Venerators Chaptersinto the ruins of Kasyr Lutein where he traps them between the daemonic hordes of Khorne and the forces of the Black Legion. In a bitter last stand, both Loyalist Chapters are utterly destroyed, their skulls taken by the ancient Daemon PrinceDoombreed, whose existence precedes that of the Imperium itself, to be mounted upon the mighty throne of Khorne.
  • 6th Black Crusade (901.M36) - The Sons of the Eye were a splinter warband of theBlack Legion, founded and commanded by the infamous Chaos Lord Drecarth the Sightless, the Blind Butcher of Irridous VII. Drecarth was a former Battle-Brother of the Sons of Horus who had fought alongside Abaddon during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy that followed. Always jealous of the Primarch Horus' favour for the Despoiler, the Sons of the Eye considered Abaddon a usurper. During the 6th Black Crusade launched in 901.M36, Abaddon visited his wrath upon Drecarth the Sightless and his treacherous warband. Abaddon aided the Sons of the Eye in an assault on the Forge World of Arkreach, fighting side-by-side with them until theAdeptus Mechanicus defenders were finally crushed. The triumphant Abaddon then slowly killed Drecarth, impaling him with the Talon of Horus, even as the Despoiler made him watch every member of the Sons of the Eye bow before their new master.
  • 7th Black Crusade (811.M37) - The 7th Black Crusade was a Black Crusade launched against the forces of theImperium of Man by the infamous Chaos Champion Abaddon the Despoiler and hisBlack Legion out of the Eye of Terror in 811.M37. At this time, the Forces of Chaosspewed forth from the great Warp rift pastCadia and then disappeared. This event is what earned this conflict its informal name of the Ghost War. The following years saw a game of hide-and-seek played between the Forces of Chaos and the Imperium of Man which spread confusion, paranoia, disinformation and deceit across the galaxy. Raids became commonplace in far-flung areas but eventually the servants of the Dark Gods returned to the Eye of Terror, having caused great difficulty for the Emperor's Loyalists but having proven unable to significantly degrade Imperial defensive capabilities at that time. During this conflict, when the Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter battled against the Forces of Chaos at Mackan, Abaddon singled them out with implacable fury. He led a band of Khornate Berserkers into the teeth of the Blood Angels' Devastator positions. Even the Blood Angels' own Assault troops could not dislodge the frenzied warband and recapture the bodies of their comrades. But there is an obscure reference to the Blood Angels being saved by an unidentified Space Marine Chapter of mysterious origin. Written within the The Canticle of Cassandria Lev - Vol. CVI, the eponymous Sainted Sisters' highly mythologised and oblique account of the wars of the 7th Black Crusade, is found mention of a "grey-clad" Space Marines Chapter who came from "The outer night" to aid the Imperium, and whose "Jagged maw did swallow the stars ... and whose ... black gaze did mirror the void of oblivion." In the course of the canticle this Chapter's ships set upon Abaddon's forces following the disastrous defeat and routing of the Blood Angels at Midian and attacked the pursuing forces as Saint Lev writes: "...fell upon the servants of the skulled-one with great fury from the darkness, unseen as the beast that lurks beneath the black waters, death for death, blood for blood...thus were the Sons of Sanguinius bought respite, and did turn back upon their pursuers and so were the damned traitors of the false gods driven unto their ruin." Images of these events can be found upon the walls of theCemetery World of Hypasitis created to house the honoured dead of that war, depicted in repeated fresco and bar relief. Curiously, the faces of the intervening Space Marines depicted there are obscured with featureless disks of black obsidian. Given the largely unknown history of the star-faring CarcharodonsChapter, accounts of their activities can only be constructed from recorded historical incidents and fragmentary records that are believed to have involved the Carcharodons on balance of evidence. This notable engagement is listed by Imperial savants as a "[Special] Probable Encounter/Recorded Sighting" of this notorious and mysterious Space Marine Chapter. After their rescue at Midian, the full might of the Blood Angels Chapter fell upon a vast Black Legion warband on the world of Mackan. Although the conflict ultimately ends in the near-extinction of the Blood Angels at the hands of Abaddon the Despoiler and his primary lieutenants -- the Sorcerer-Lord Iskandar Khayon and the swordmaster Telemachon Lyras -- the Blood Angels Reclusiarch Thalastian Jorus becomes one of the few Imperial heroes to ever land a blow against the Warmaster ofChaos. With his Chapter devastated, theChaplain endures weeks of hardship in the wilderness and the constant trials of keeping his crazed warriors undetected on Mackan. When the time is right, Jorus leads his Death Company in a lightning raid behind enemy lines, butchering the unprepared sworn warriors of the Despoiler’s honour guard, and allowing the Reclusiarch to lock blades with Abaddon himself. It is said the Chaos Warmaster still bears the scars of that battle, even three standard millennia later. Whatever the truth of the matter, it is known that the Despoiler honoured Jorus once the war was over -- perhaps in mockery, or perhaps with nothing but sincerity. After Mackan, thousands of Blood Angels corpses were desecrated, their gene-seed ruined beyond recovery. Of all the Chapter, only a handful of bodies were left undefiled: Reclusiarch Jorus and his Death Company, clad in their battered and broken black ceramite, seated in makeshift thrones made from the armour of those Black Legion warriors they had killed on that fateful night.

  • 8th Black Crusade (999.M37) - Abaddon the Despoiler completes a complex ritual of death in the name of Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways. On worlds throughout the Segmentum Obscurus, Imperial citizens are slaughtered in precise numbers and esoteric rituals. Only when the Inquisition finally breaks the code of damnation is the Imperium able to bring an end to the Black Legion's rampage across the Segmentum in time with these mysterious attacks, but not before countless worlds have been saturated in death.
  • 9th Black Crusade (537.M38) - The 9th Black Crusade was a campaign led by the infamous Chaos Lord Abaddon the Despoiler and his Black Legion, launched out of the Eye of Terror in 537.M38. Intending to bring about the demise of the naval fortress of Cancephalus, Abaddon lead his forces against the heaving populations of the nearby world of Antecanis. Monarchhive, the hive city that served as the seat of Antecanis' Imperial Commander, was besieged by Abaddon's vanguard. The Black Legionaries burned and butchered their way through the lower levels, whilst Abaddon himself stormed its inner sanctums. The hive populations were slowly destroyed by the slaughter. By the time the forces of the Imperial Guardarrived from Cancephalus to reinforce the desperate survivors, Abaddon and his favoured Legionaries had already left orbit, dropping a dozen Cyclonic Warheads onto the ruins of Monarchhive in a last gesture of contempt. The seventeen-year-long war that ensued robbed both Antecanis and Cancephalus of their most precious resource -- manpower. Without the fleets of Cancephalus to stop him, Abaddon is able to ravage the rest of the sector at will. During this time, the Lamenters Chapter is recalled along with a number of other Crusading Chapters by the High Lords of Terra to help deal with the rising threat of incursions from the Eye of Terror. But the Lamenters' fell reputation for suffering bitter reversals and dark turns of fate worked against them during their defence of the Hive World of Corillia from a Chaotic attack. The superstition-boundMortifactors Chapter refused to fight alongside the Lamenters, abandoning the planet rather than serve besides fellow Astartes they consider cursed. Unwilling to desert the Hive World's population, the Lamenters held out alone against the Black Legion's onslaught for six standard weeks, suffering horrendous losses until theUltramarines and White Scars led a battle group that broke though the Chaos warfleet to relieve Corillia. Reduced to barely 200 surviving Battle-Brothers by their sacrifice, the Lamenters were deemed lost when their fleet disappeared into aWarp Storm soon afterwards, only to reappear more than a standard century later on the edge of the Segmentum Solar, having slowly battled their way back from the outer void.
  • 10th Black Crusade (001.M39) - This Black Crusade is also known as the Conflict of Helica, and was a joint campaign carried out by Abaddon and the Daemon PrimarchPerturabo. Both the Black Legion and theIron Warriors struck against the worlds of the Scarus Sector's Helican Sub-sector. While the Black Legion attacked the capital world of the sub-sector, the Hive World of Thracian Primaris, the Iron Warriors focused their own assault against the Iron Hands Chapter to fulfil an old blood debt. In a series of bitter sieges, the Iron Warriors burned the Medusa System's outlying worlds and pushed the Iron Hands to the brink of destruction. Only when the Loyalist Chapter receives heavy Imperial reinforcements did Abaddon and the Iron Warriors retreat back to the Eye of Terror, taking with them valuable information about Medusa's defences for use at a later date.
  • 11th Black Crusade (301.M39) - In 301.M39, Abaddon the Despoiler launched his 11th Black Crusade out of the Eye of Terror. In an attempt to break through the cordon of Warp Storms surrounding the Eye into Imperial space, he employed a captured daemon to navigate. The effort proved fruitless, and instead the daemon warped the Black Fleet directly into the path of the Orks of WAAAGH! Murgor. In the ruins of the Cardinal World of Relorria, the Black Legion brought the Orks to battle,Bolter rounds and Chainswords tearing into the green-skinned xenos. After months of bloody warfare, Abaddon decided to leave Relorria to its fate and the Black Legion returned to the nightmare realm of the Eye of Terror -- but not before theWarmaster of Chaos filled the holds of his Black Fleet with a multitude of capturedOrkoid specimens for later experimentation.
  • 12th Black Crusade (139.M41) - Better known as the Gothic War, this Black Crusade was fought for control of theGothic Sector in the Segmentum Obscurusbetween the Chaotic forces of Abaddon the Despoiler and the defenders of the Imperium. Abaddon lead his great fleet into the Gothic Sector, capturing two of the prehistoric xenos-built star forts known as the Blackstone Fortresses. Under Abaddon's control, the might of the Blackstone Fortresses is used to destroy entire worlds in the Gothic Sector during this campaign. The Despoiler's fleet is driven back at great cost, though Abaddon escapes with the Blackstone Fortresses into the Eye of Terror. The vast engines of destruction emerge once more into the material universe during Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade over eight hundred standard years later.
  • 13th Black Crusade (999.M41) - The greatest of the Champions of Chaos,Abaddon the Despoiler, launches an all-out attack by the Forces of Chaos upon theFortress World of Cadia and the strategicCadian Gate, the route by which the servants of the Ruinous Powers may once more strike towards sacred Terra. TheTraitor Legions pour forth from the Eye of Terror, emptying a hundred Daemon Worlds and bursting into realspace in hitherto unforeseen numbers. Rumours persist that the Daemon Primarchs ride at the head of the armies, returned to the mortal realm to usher in the End Times. Imperial forces counter-attack, but there is no end to the forces of the Dark Gods. TheForces of Chaos succeed in gaining a foothold on the surface of Cadia, but these Heretics become trapped there when their fleet is driven back into the Eye of Terror by the Imperial Navy. A bloody stalemate ensues within the confines of the Cadian Gate, though this represents the most significant penetration by the Forces of Chaos into Imperial space since the Horus Heresy. Many fear that with all the threats the Imperium is facing simultaneously, the End Times have indeed arrived forMankind.
Modifié par Rynn
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il y a 25 minutes, Rynn a dit :


  • 1st Black Crusade (781.M31) -Trouve Drach'nyen et est consacré champion du chaos universel,  première bataille de Cadia qui sert de diversion pour retrouver l'épée sur un autre monde.
  • 2nd Black Crusade (597.M32) - Monde smdu secteur de Belles Corona maudits par le Warp et destruction d'une flotte impériale en "mouillage".
  • 3rd Black Crusade (909.M32) - Nouvelle attaque diversion pour que Baba puisse désacraliser un monde-autel de Gerstahl. 
  • 4th Black Crusade (001.M34) - Assaut quasi suicide sur la Citadelle de Kromarch, pour que Baba puisse utiliser Drach'nyen sur la muraille quasi indestructible.
  • S'ensuit l'entière destruction de la place forte.
  • 5th Black Crusade (723.M36) - Beaurgh massacre partout dont 2 chapitre entiers piégés et massacrés. 
  • 6th Black Crusade (901.M36) - Attaque sur Arkreach, monde du mechanicus,  juste pour pouvoir piéger le leader d'une bande rivale, les Sons of Horus, afin de les asservir.
  • 7th Black Crusade (811.M37) - 

Trop long!

En gros une campagne de hit &run de Baba pour semer la terreur et tester la réactivité de défense du système.


  • 8th Black Crusade (999.M37) - croisade de massacres ritualisés au nom de tzeentch.


  • 9th Black Crusade (537.M38) - Destruction de la forteresse navale de Cancephalus et du monde de Antecanis. S'en suit une destruction méthodique du système avant que les forces impériales le stop (au passage, quasi destruction des Lamenters). 


  • 10th Black Crusade (001.M39) - 
  • Attaque conjointe de Baba et Perturbado pour tester le système de défense de Medusa 


  • 11th Black Crusade (301.M39) - Safari pour capturer des spécimens Orkoide et les étudier.



Résumé rapide.

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La légion des damnés n'existe que depuis la dernière moitié de M41. Vu que la 7ème Croisade date de M37, je pencherais plus pour les Carchorodons (Space Sharks), dont la livrée noire et grise colle bien avec la description.


Merci pour ce résumé. En gros, il rentrent à chaque fois dans l'Oeil à la fin, mais récupèrent des souvenirs de leurs voyages. Des touristes ces Black Legions :P

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Je vais faire le vieux croûlant mais il n'y a pas que le camarade Ezekyle qui lance des Croisades Noires. Les plus connues sont celles du Maître de Guerre - les 13 - mais d'autres Seigneurs du Chaos, par le passé, en ont lancé aussi.


Citation partielle du Dex V2 (page 20, "Les Croisades Noires"):


"Peut-être une ou deux fois par millénaire, un champion du Chaos s'impose dans l'Oeil de la Terreur. Grâce à la puissance de sa volonté implacable et à la faveur des dieux, ce champion instaure une alliance temporaire entre régions infernales. La manière dont le champion lance sa croisade dépend de son dieu tutélaire. Certains intriguent, d'autres usent d'intimidation. (...) Lorsque la Croisade Noire est lâchée, l'Oeil de la Terreur vomit les hordes diaboliques du Chaos, des armées de démons (...)."


Parmi les autres Seigneurs pouvant se vanter d'avoir lancé une Croisade Noire, il y a effectivement Jihar le Lacérateur.



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