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Tout ce qui a été posté par zamerion

  1. Rien de nouveau sur le Zone Mortalis ou Scenery packs qu'ils vendent chaque année?
  2. et quelques informations sur les boîtes de scénographie? par exemple la zone mortalis ?
  3. la source vient d'ici PLASTIC MODEL P O 309286 REF. -M 99120299055 DOMINION OF SIGMAR FRACTURED STORMTHRONE QTY 1670 PCS 835 CTNS P O 309287 REF. -M 99120299058 DOMINION OF SIGMAR ASTROLITHIC SKYSHRINE QTY 1670 PCS 835CTNS P O 309265 REF. -M 99120599017 ZONE MORTALIS FLOORS QTY 1883 PCS 236 CTNS HS CODE NO. 95030090 ORIGIN CHINA Il se peut qu’en novembre nous ayons une nouvelle boîte nécromonde avec ce décor, et à Noël nous avons plus de paysages de ce style séparément.. PD.La photo de Lady Atia n'est pas la nouvelle de plastique
  4. Bien pour un détachement d'acolytes en embuscade je préfère utiliser 4 armed emperor, que +1 à la charge, +1 à clamavus et en répétant grâce à la formation de Vigilius .. vous pouvez attaquer avec un grand nombre d'unités.. Et pour un autre détachement avec des néophytes et des motos, j'utiliserais la griffe rouillée.
  5. Ready for a huge leak? I'm about to drop all my info. Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor: Subterranean Ambushers (+1 to advance and charge in first battle round or on first turn they appear) Pauper Princes: Devoted Zealots (re-roll hits for attacks made with melee weapons when they charge, are charged or HI) The Hivecult: Disciplined Militants (half models that flee morale, can shoot when they fall back but at -1 to hit) The Bladed Cog: Cyborgised Hybrids (6++ or improve ++ by 1. Infantry don't suffer penalty to hit when moving and firing Heavy) The Rusted Claw: Nomadic Survivalists (+1 to save if AP is 0 or -1. Biker models don't suffer penalty for moving and shooting Heavy or for advancing and shooting Assault) The Twisted Helix: Experimental Subjects (+1 strength and +2 to advance) Acolytes, neophytes and brood brothers are troops Bikes are T4 2Wwith autopistol and blasting charges. 1 quad for every 4 bikes, Quad also has heavy stubber. They're -1 to hit in shooting phase. Quad can change for mining laser The bikers have to take two weapons from the atalan weapons list, can't take same weapon twice (Autogun, autopistol, bolt pistol, cultist knife, demo charge, grenade launcher (1 in 4), improvised weapon, power axe (leader only), power hammer (leader only), power pick, shotgun) Btw bikes are 10pts base + weapons (quad is 15) Cult ambush is.... During deployment, set up a unit in CA. If Infantry or Biker you can set up in ambush OR underground. When underground, it can emerge at the end of any of your Movement phases. Set up a la DS. When set up in Ambush place a marker anywhere in your deployment zone. If you set up a Transport in ambush you must still say what's in it - one marker for transport and unit inside. Markers cant be shot etc. Measure from centre of the marker. Now this is where it gets interesting If you have 1st turn, you reveal all of your ambush markers at the start of your movement phase, one at a time, before moving units. Set model down within 1" of the marker, remove marker, place rest of unit wholly within 6" of that model and more than 9" from enemy models. Unit can move and shoot normally. but if it was a Transport, models that disembark cannot be set up within 9" of enemy. They don't count as moving when coming in from ambush, only if they move after. If your opponent has the first turn, none of their units can be set up or end a move within 9" of a marker. At the end of your opponent's first movement phase, after they have set up all their unit from reinforcements, reveal all your ambush markers as described above before continuing the turn For 1CP you can select 3 units that would be deployed via CA and instead put them underground (so basically you can set up units in your deployment zone and then say "fuck this" and DS them anywhere if it suits) for 1CP you can make your objectives secret, revealed only when you score them. That's cool Nexos (map guy?) lets you select an ambush token you've deployed and move it anywhere in your deployment zone (12" away from enemy models). It's also got some CP regen ability Roll a D6 when a CP is spent. If you spent it and there's a Primus and Nexos on the board, add 1. If your opponent spent it and there's a Clamavus and Nexos on the board, add 1. In either case, you get a CP on a 6+ Psychic.powers! Mass Hypnosis - CV7 - Visible enemy unit within 18" can't fire overwatch, fights last in fight phase even if it charged and -1 to hit until your next psychic phase. Mind Control - CV7 - Enemy model within 12" of psyker. Roll 3D6. If equal to or over Ld it can immediately shoot another enemy unit or make a single close combat attack against it. Can't attack self but can attack its own unit. Psionic Blast - CV5 - Visible enemy unit within 18". 2D6 vs Ld. Lower = 1 MW, equal of higher = D3 Mental Onslaught - CV6 - Visible enemy within 18". Both players roll D6 and add Ld. If you score higher, model suffers 1 MW. Repeat this process until model is dead or you fail to wound it. Psychic Stimulus - CV6 - Friendly unit within 18". Charge after advancing (though not after falling back) and always hit first even if they didn't charge. Might From Beyond - CV7 - Friendly infantry or biker unit within 18". +1 S and A until next psychic phase. CC points: Heavy improvised: 10, heavy power hammer: 16, Heavy rock drill: 17, power hammer: 4, power pick: 9, power sledgehammer: 0, power axe: 5, power maul: 4 Ridgerunner is M 14" T5 W8 Sv 4+ and comes with 2 heavy stubbers, heavy mining laser (can swap for missile launcher or heavy mortar) and flare launcher (can swap for survey augur or a spotter) Gets a free 9" move at start of the game Spotter increases range of its weapons by 6", augur ignores cover, flare launcher does the FNP and make bikers move faster thing Default is 50 base + HML (25) + flares (5) so 80 Wow the locus is crazy (the bodyguard character) 2+ 2+ S4 T3 W4 A4 5+ with hypermorph tail (AP-1 D1 additional attack) and locus blades (Ap -3 D1 increase to D2 if it charged, was charged or performed HI). Does the usual bodyguard 'Absorb wound on 2+' thing. Subtracts enemy Ld by 1 within 6". Can HI 6" and can choose to move towards nearest enemy character rather than nearest enemy model, has 5++ and always fights first Locus is 40pt elite The Sanctus' sniper rifle causes a Perils if it wounds a psyker Bike alphus Alphus is 5W T4 5+ with -1 to hit in shooting, has a 36" heavy 1 S4 AP-2 D3 sniper rifle (additional MW on 6+ to wound). She selects a visible unit within 36" . Add +1 to hit rolls for friendly <Cult> units while they're within 6" of this model (or 12" if they're bikers). Basically she markerlights shit She picks a unit, everything cult nearby gets +1 to hit Drill is interesting Oh btw, to be clear, blips do not count as reserves One per turn in their movement phase an infantry or biker unit with CA can move off the table if all models are on ground level and can move within 1" of the drill (can't do it the same turn it arrives as reinforcements). If a unit does this, remove them from the battlefield. At the end of the next movement phase, deep strike them So basically, move up to within 1" of it and fuck off for a turn, then pop up And you can activate it if a model is on the piece at the end of your movement phase (and no enemy models are on it). D6 for every unit on ground level within 3" of the drill D6 mortal wounds on a 6 Then roll a D6 again, adding 1 for every time the drill has been activated during the battle. <6 = Seismic Tremors (subtract 2" from charge rolls made within 12" of the model. Doesn't affect Fly. Not cumulative) 6+ = Seismic Quake (straight imaginary line 1mm in thickness from one battlefield edge to another that crosses the model. D6 for unit that the line crosses on ground level (not Fly). D3 MW on 4+ and movement is halved until next Movement phase. Lol, the drill is 75pts without wargear which I cba to add up, acolytes 7pts (5-20), BB infantry squad 4pts (10), neophytes 5pts (10-20) Heavy weapon teams in No Baneblade, etcs Cult russ is standard BC, can be replaced nova cannon, exterminator auto or vanquisher
  6. Each character is 20 euros jackal alphus 30 Atalan jackals 42 Sector mechanicus tectonic fragdrill 45
  7. Donc, la semaine prochaine, nous avons un véhicule, un médecin, aberrant et abominant.. Une surprise?
  8. Gunslinger preview 12 shoots
  9. Si Heavy connaît les règles, cela signifie qu'il a raison de dire qu'il n'y a plus de nouveaux modèles
  10. Je change volontiers tous les nouveaux véhicules et la moitié des héros pour une nouvelle unité d'infanterie ?
  11. Une partie des règles du tireur pour 40k et l'annonce de pré-commande dimanche?
  12. S'il n'y a rien d'autre, je serai un peu déçu, tous les véhicules et personnages ne sont pas le meilleur moyen d'étendre une armée
  13. J'attends toujours une nouvelle infanterie
  14. Cult speed freaks... La bonne chose est que ce véhicule a été dessiné dans la première vidéo, de sorte que d'autres dessins différents peuvent également être de nouvelles miniatures. Je te regarde
  15. Le primus a 2 compétences en KT. Les deux sont avec stratagème. +1 lorsqu'il est touché comme à 40k et répéter embuscade (modifié pour kt). Peut-être que ce n'est pas 8 um de zone, mais il est possible de tirer dans la région de X um. Mais les règles sont-elles un peu mauvaises.
  16. s'il tire tous les ennemis dans la zone .. ce sera très bon
  17. Ceci est pour KT mais beaucoup de choses seront similaires dans 40k
  18. J'espérais qu'ils obtiendraient un autre modèle de patriarche, tout comme ils vont avoir une femme mage. Ils n'ont rien commenté des autres nouvelles miniatures?
  19. Veut-il dire que le patriarche a de bonnes règles ou une nouvelle miniature d'un gros patriarche???? ? ? ?
  20. Arena £55 Sector Fronteris £50 Theta 7 Acquisitus £40 Scarns disciples £40
  21. une autre semaine de plus sans codex ..
  22. Si nous pouvons l'avoir entre nos mains avant le LVO, cela signifie que les pré-commandes seront la semaine prochaine, car si elles sont le 2 février, nous ne l'aurons pas avant le 9. j'espère qu'ils l'annonceront demain.
  23. J'espère toujours que le dessin à droite est une nouvelle unité. Pilleurs ou quelque chose de similaire c'est très différent de l'acolyte
  24. En regardant l'article, pouvons-nous confirmer que la précommande sera de 26?
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