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Mau Arras

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Tout ce qui a été posté par Mau Arras

  1. Mau Arras


    Y'a t il encore des backers qui n'ont pas reçu leurs boîtes, à part moi :(
  2. Julien à Saint Cloud (92) près de Boulogne Billancourt. J'ai backé le niveau Survivor et j'ai pris les extentions. Je n'ai toujours pas reçu ma boîte et comme Azyris, je souhaite aimanter les figurines pour plus de possibilité ! J'ai quelques figurines de KD !   Je peux me déplacer pour jouer ;)
  3. Mau Arras


    Ba au moins tu as déjà ta boîte de base :( Mais c'est rigolo ce genre de message de leur part, enfin ;)
  4. Mau Arras


    @Vladimirvonbourrin : ok c'est cool, vive la communauté :) @ Azyris : as tu creusé un peu pour les aimants ? Et les aimants seront ils bon à la taille 1x1 mm pour les mains ?
  5. Moi je suis intrigué par ta version vf :) et par les packs des frères Perry.
  6. Mau Arras


    Super , merci Azyris. Quel taille d'aimant pour le diamètre 2 mm ou 1 mm ? et je suppose 1 mm d'épaisseur ?   @VladimirVonBourrin, j'ai pas reçu ma boîte sinon je verrai pour essayer de scanner.
  7. Mau Arras


    On trouve déjà (en anglais) des vidéos !   Allez montrez nous vos vidéos en Français ;)
  8. Mau Arras


    J'habite à Saint Cloud dans le 92 !   On verra ce soir, là j'ai regardé l'unboxing, c'est top et il y a aussi l'étape 1 du montage…
  9. Mau Arras


    Bon ba moi déçu, j'ai rien, nada, que dalle, même pas une petite wave 1. Ba demain est un autre jour, et après demain aussi et aussi de suite…
  10. Dans le monde, non, il y en a plein d'autres par contre en France peut être ! Il faut leur envoyé un mail en leur disant que c'est pas normale en version méchant et là peut être… c'est comme ça que j'ai reçu ma boîte… mais pas la bonne, une commerciale !   Ah Prodos de merde ! Ils sont au salon Essen et bien sur ils vendent des add-ons qu'on a toujours pas de nouvelles et qu'ils nous ont promis de ne pas vendre tant qu'on ne les aura pas !!! Un mensonge de plus, finalement, jamais ils nous ont dis la vérité ??!!
  11. Mau Arras


    Super merci Azyris. Je suis preneur pour les aimants mais cela semble énorme à faire.
  12. Mau Arras


    Ouais mais le plus important c'est la wave 2 ;)   Bon je vais pouvoir espérer la recevoir pour cette semaine vir ce soir ;))))))))
  13. Merci Mugathdem, effectivement mais il répond pas Michal car j'ai déjà ouvert ma boîte et monté mes fig de plus la compensation est le vaisseau predator que j'ai déjà pris dans mon pledge !!! Je pari qu'ils ont fait exprès de nous envoyer de mauvaise boîte car ils n'avaient plus la version backer !!!!
  14. Mau Arras


    Il y a un français qu'il l'a reçu !
  15. Oui, après avoir crier au voleur mais pour certains comme moi, on a reçu une version non backer à savoir sans les tuiles et les gabarits en plus !!!
  16. Mau Arras


    Wahoo, ça a l'air trop beau !!!!
  17. Mau Arras


    Tiens, je ne sais même ce que je vais recevoir en reward ??!!   Bon, bonne nouvelle si les boîtes de base sont expédiées prochainement ;)
  18. Cela prend moins de 8 jours pour la réception de la dite box, par contre on a pas certains éléments qu'on aurait du avoir : les gabarits lance-flammes/acide, les tuiles en plus,etc. On a une nouvelle boîte qui sera celle qu'on trouve partout…   Oui je sais mais c'est Prodos ! Merci qui ? La Fox, le chinois, les extraterrestres, ............................., ............................., etc. ?
  19. Cette image de la boîte ma rappel une autre image similaire d'une autre boîte se passant aussi dans un future très lointain !!!
  20. @ BlooDrunk : Pas sûr que cela fonction encore, j'ai testé cette semaine. On verra si la semaine prochaine j'ai mon paquet ou pas ! Sinon comme Ragnar, on achète une boîte dans une boutique en ligne. Ah c'te blaque, c'est bien triste :'(
  21. oui, tout le monde repart à zéro sur le site de FW.
  22. Mensonges sur mensonges, personne ne croit plus au dire de Prodos : C'est pas de notre faute, c'est la Fox !, C'est pas de notre faute, c'est fondeur X ou Y !, etc. En juin, Prodos était en avance sur les livraison et soit disant qu'ils avaient tout livré, MENSONGE ! Ils ont mentis sur la livraison en priorité pour les bailleurs, MENSONGE ! etc. etc. En milieu du KS, Prodos avait justement dit qu'il serait honnête avec leur bailleurs et qu'il ne mentirait plus, que la vérité en nous regardant droit dans les yeux, MENSONGE ! On en finit pas de leur mensonge et leur dérive. Il ne respect pas les bailleurs la boîte de base arrive mais quand ? Les français qui ont reçu leur boîte de base sont ceux qui ont demandé d'être remboursé donc Prodos leur a envoyé dans la semaine leur boîte sans les prévenir. Un peu pour dire ferme là t'as ta boîte !!! Sans parler de leur problème financier en fil tendu !   Et effectivement, la vague 2 sera pour… un jour !   Sinon la qualité semble pas mal, les tuiles sont peut être un peu trop fine.
  23. Mau Arras


    Une P..... de mise à jour avec des bonnes nouvelles pour les backers, ça arrive !!! J'ai du supprimer pas mal d'images pour poster cette update, donc aller directement à l'adresse : Fulfillment Update - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 63 commentaires 92 mentions J'aime Hello Bakcers! The stars have aligned, the ducks are in their rows, mountains of plastic have been organized and the blood from our busy packing fingertips flows freely. Fulfillment is underway. In fact, as I write this now, nearly 1,500 small reward boxes have already been packed and are in some stage of transportation. Communication When we post an update, there is a volcanic eruptions of comments, questions and support tickets that sear themselves into the teams collective inboxes. The heat is often so high, that we have to shut down and suit up in hazard wear until we've beaten it back to a mild simmer. It was vital that I was absolutely sure of our facts. Before I posted an update. Otherwise myself and the team would spend time answering legitimate questions, without legitimate answers. As the project lead, it is my personal responsibility to ensure the delivery of our collective rewards. While I was setting up, finalizing and securing a global logistics plan, I did not have the bandwidth to post an update. I am not apologizing, nor is this an excuse. I will always prioritize ensuring the creation and delivery of our rewards over communication. The people supporting this (you guys) are the best. I know you understand the complication, scale and overall insanity of our project. And that gives me the perseverance to forge ahead. We are Kingdom Death and very soon, our survivors we will all by dying over and over and over and over AND OVER AGAIN! FULLFIMENT HAS OFFICALLY BEGUN Fulfillment is being divided into 3 waves. Wave 1 - Small Rewards We are packing these personally in our studio. (Yes including me!) Small rewards are: pinups, promos, dice, extra heads, resins, t-shirts and armor kits. Basically all your extras. This DOES NOT include: core game, survivor level rewards OR expansions. The entire studio has been converted into one giant mail room! It is insane here! I wanted to get us firmly on our way into wave 1 shipping before the kickstarter update. There were a lot of small kinks to work out of our system and we ended up re-arranging our pick and pack line several times to get fully streamlined. All small reward boxes are being shipped directly from us, out to you worldwide. We are using USPS not using Fedex or UPS, as those seem to just add extra fees for you guys. We cannot control your countries import policy, nor your local post office's rules. The vast majority of your pledge paid for things beyond raw goods, thus we have declared the value of your small rewards appropriately. I can't be more specific then that. Every reward box has a gift White Speaker in it. If you are not getting survivor level rewards, then your gift Twilight Knight will be included too. Otherwise your gift Twilight Knight is included in your survivor reward box. We are aware of rewards packed the first 2 days that did not include the gift Twilight Knight. Don’t worry, we will correct this! What is the packing order? The order that best suits us to pack effectively with as few mistakes as possible. Feel free to speculate wildly! hehehehehe! We will get to everyone and every reward box, no matter how insanely complex it is! So do not fret. Promo Rules & Challenge Scenario's Challenge Scenarios and promo rules are not included in wave 1 shipping. A PDF will be be sent to Resin Beta Backers this month (for some light testing) and then made available for everyone else in November. Following their actual use, I’d like to add a layer of final polishing (+ more art!) before we make a final print run. The printed final version will be available for free to all Bakcers, however you will have to pay for your nominal shipping label. The Promo Rules & Challenge scenario's explore a lot of crazy idea's and make use of the 4 proxy cards we included in the main game. I want to ensure they are as high quality and polished as the rest of our project. Without he core game, they can't be played. So I saw no point in rushing these out the door. We have 1 person on 100% full-time dedicated support, Joe is working his ass off to stay on top of everything. If you have an issue, please reach out to him at Please wait until your reward box arrives to report anything that is wrong. Wow. There are already unboxing videos surfacing on youtube: Wave 2 - Core Game & Survivor Reward BoxYEAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So here is the plan: - Ocean freight containers bring games & survivor level rewards to our 4 global warehouses. One in Canada, Australia, EU and the USA. Warehouses fulfill locally. Meaning EU rewards are shipped from within the EU, USA rewards are shipped from within the USA etc… The EU warehouse will be handling rest of world, with the following exceptions: Asia Rewards are being shipped directly from Hong Kong New Zealand rewards are being shipped from Australia We are personally handling South America. It's a very difficult place to ship to. Rough Shipment Windows Here is when I roughly expect wave 2 rewards to ship. Please note that customs can totally FUCK these windows up. And you should add 5 biz days for the package to actually reach you. As soon as a respective warehouse begins to ship, I will make a KS update to let everyone know. Expect there to be a lot of exclamation points in those updates. Kings of Death and Resin Beta Bakcers: Shipped at ninja speed directly from us in NY, Sept 15 - 20th Domestic Bakcers: Shipped via USA warehouse, October 1st - October 15 International Bakcers: Shipped via EU, CAN and AU Warehouse: October 15 - November 1st Wave 3 - Expansions Details TBA. These will most likely be handled by the same warehousing partners we are using for wave 2. So they will also ship locally. RESIN BETA BACKERS The plan is to get copies of the game in your hands a good 2 weeks before anyone else. We have an online glossary and an FAQ section that I would love your help to vet and fill out. Provided the express shipment I have on its way to me, does not get held up in customs. Everything will go according to plan. I wanted to give you advanced warning, as shit does happen. They might show up here any day past sept 9th. But until I have them in hand and are slapping your address onto each box... you get where I am going with this. The intent of the resin beta, was to send out copies of the rules + resin miniatures before everyone else. And now, because things ended up being so tight, there is a small possibility that might not happen. If you are uncomfortable with this, and your value was not so much the resin figures but the early access. Reach out to me RIGHT NOW and let me know. I will make an exception, downgrade your pledge and put the resin package on our webstore so we can re-coup production costs. As far as content and gorgeous resin miniatures that may not have another production run goes, I did good by you. As far as timing, its truly up to whomever signs the papers at the port. I will have this in the mail to you, as soon as they arrive at out studio here in NY. Kings of Death You guys are all covered. I will be shipping you your content 2 weeks ahead of general fulfillment. Your game units will arrive in time. If Kings of Death are taken care of, why aren't us Resin Beta Backers? Herein lies the issue I am ultimately responsible for. I had setup two separate shipments and on the second one, the ball was dropped. I didn't learn about it until recently. This has been corrected, but the timing is not in our favor. At worst, Resin Beta games would just be 1st on the que and get upgraded to expedited ninja shipping and your resins will go out 2 weeks ahead. It all depends on customs. Expansions Here is exactly where we are with the expansions. All expansion miniatures have been produced. I approved digital proofs. There is so much artwork in these it makes me want to throw up! Next step is to receive and approve final boxed physical samples. Ive been given an “end of September” date for these being ready to ship. I suggest you take that with a fistful of salt, as historically the dates I’ve been provided have not met with reality. We are hoping to get these out before the holidays, but I am more realistic about Jan 2016. Proofs!! Upper right hand corner, Zachary in a dress for the lion knight expansion. Man Hunter Expansion Book Sunstalker Expansion. I worked super duper hard on this. If you didn't pick one up, I hate you just a tiny bit! Mama Gorm!!! Gencon We went to Gencon 2015 and it was an amazing, awesome experience! I was pretty nervous, as being an in public talk to face to face sorta person is not my forte. However a big thank you to everyone that stopped by and offered their encouragement and support. Despite our tiny 10x10 booth in the far far dark corner of the exhibitor hall, we were pretty much slammed all the time and had so much collective validation thrown at us in happy fist fulls! People COULD NOT believe just how much content was heading their way, in the core game box alone. I was also a little shocked to meet so many retailers that wanted to carry the game. I was like... you know this is like a super niche project by an insane person right? I can't recall the name of the guy that stopped by with the Great Game Hunter diorama. Dear sir, I am sorry! Seeing it totally made my day tho! According to Elizabeth Beckley, WE are the reason she got into miniature painting. How crazy is that. Its like the most flattering thing anyone has ever said about our project! If you like her work, you can see more of it on her Facebook page: Gallery 42 The big highlight for me, and something I was ultra nervous about. Was the fully fledged Phoenix Demo's I personally ran over at Gallery 42. This was something setup by Geekchic XP. They had this amazing gallery rented out and offered us an opportunity to use some of it. The end result was like nothing I have ever experience before, like some sort of weird shared gaming-orgy-delusion between myself and about 20 people. I have never been so connected to essentially strangers on such a sigfignant imagination plane before. The excitement level was so high, even the staff at the Gallery started to watch, eventually pulling up chairs and sharing in strategy talks before people made their moves. The combination of the game, the people and the place, it was like there was actual magic in the air and it was making some intensely crazy things happen in the game. I'll never forget the gentlemen using the Zanbato wielding survivor, that got knocked around and missed EVERY attack roll the entire fight. Until finally it was just him and the phoenix left and somehow... against all odds he managed to pull thru in the clinch bringing victory to his dead teammates! Another insane example would be the good sir that managed to land a flurry of hits, flipping 5 safe hit location cards. If he had managed to wound every last one, it would have killed the Phoenix! Included in his drawn cards was the deathblow, which offers special campaign rewards if you kill a monster on that card. So I upped the ante, told him if he managed to kill the monster on the deathblow, I'd give him the Phoenix right off the table! And so he rolled, first result... critical wound, second result critical wound, third result critical wound! The 4th card had a rule on it, wherein if its critical wounded, your actually knocked down as your showerd with goo. Its only card like that in the Phoenix's deck. But there was no way he'd roll a 4th critical in a row right? NOPE! He rolled another critical wound! WTF! That's 4 9's and 10's in a row. (Lion Beast Katar gives you +1 luck). So he didn't pull the feat off... but... he was so intensely close. The last group included someone that drove from a very far distance away, just, ONLY to participate in the phoenix demo. (There was actually another guy that drove down from Connitiect, thru the night!) The battle opens up and a highly risky play leads to the phoenix suffering a persistent injury wherein it will knock itself down every time it attempted to materialize. And so, the individual, instead of attacking, just used his rawhide head band to keep peaking the monsters AI deck and lining up his cards so that all the poor thing did was attempt to use its powers and fall over. The team work, was amazing. I was so impressed, so thrilled. I got to create this insane thing and there I was playing it and having the time of my life. Fucking. Awesome. Every group at the gallery won that day. I am sort of still baffled how! But they did! I'll never forgot those climatic battles. To everyone that stopped by. Thank you. I regret that none of these games were filmed.. Ugh!!!! lol Gencon Press We only knew a few weeks in advance that we would even be at the show. This gave us an incredibly short time to prepare and of course, zero time to reach out to any news sources. Despite this, many places stopped by and checked us out anyway! The Techraptor guys were awesome! Beasts of War stopped by! And the BOLS crew!!!!!!! The show was amazing. I had an absolute blast! We are really hoping we can make it again for 2016! It is very HARD to get space as a newcomer at Gencon. They are packed to the brim. So if you know anyone, pull some strings for us!!! GORM EXPANSION The Gorm rules! The expansion adds a lot to the game that is design-wise, unexplored in other expansions. The Gorm Armor Set is extremely defensive and unlike every other Armor set currently out there, it's only 4 parts instead of 5. The Chest and Waist are a single gear card! The armor set allows for some interesting combination plays and a more hit & run style of tactics. The Gorm boots allow another survivor to pass the wearer, so you could have for example, your higher speed but lighter armor type, move in for an attack, then dash behind the more defensive Gorm Wearer, whom has already attacked and gained a free block for the set. And well Mammoth hunting basically adds flanking! Visit the Gorm Graveyard, work your way through the 4 levels of alchemy in an attempt to create the Elixir of life... or you know, craft the Black Sword which has 30 strength in the hands of a Sword Master! A big reason I love this expansion so much. Is that you can start to tackle it very early in a settlements timeline. A level 1 Gorm can be taken down by a year 1 or 2 settlement, making for an interesting content curve, as it introduces a slower but tougher set of Gear. It's neat! I highly recommend anyone that grabbed this expansion to give early Gorm Hunting a shot. I couldn't find the Gorm Miniatures I assembled. So I just took a bunch of high res shots of their sprues. There are so many axes! Sneak Peak! As a treat between rounds of packing we have been play testing the Nightmare Ram expansion! It has some more "classic" dungeon crawling elements and right now the Monster loves to slam you through unexplored rooms and directly into spikes! We are messing with cold climates and giant Hissing Cockroaches filled with boiling water, to you know... keep you warm at night. Years of Cheesy Music have led up to this point. So here I am, one headphone on blasting god awful cheesy music and one foot on a little rocking chair where this tiny human hangs out and gnaws on this really cute owl toy. If you had asked me 3 years ago, if I would be writing a huge update to thousands of fans for an utterly irresponsible 17 lbs game which is just mere weeks away from being in their hands... I don't know how I would have responded. Maybe with an, are you insane why does it weigh so much? I dreamed of making an insane game and now its real. If I could send KD:M back in time it probably would have consumed Young Adam's life. I doubt he would have ever gone on to make it, because he would have been too busy playing it! You know that actually sounds pretty bad. It's a good thing time travel doesn't exist, because I would have just undone this retarded and utterly staggering amount of work. The stuff we showed off at gencon was just the tip of the iceberg. If your comfortable with learning the hard way, making desperate gambits and accepting Death at every turn. I can't even fathom a miniature game that offers more fun and more emergent game play moments then this does on a regular basis. I am just so excited. It's sooooo close. Boats are nearly in ports! Warehouses are standing by! AUGH!!! I don't want to be patient, I want to just spoil every little cool thing we crammed in and be done with it! SO HARD TO CONTROL URGE! And so, I'd like to close this update. By once again thanking you bakcers. Thank you for the years of kind emails and support, thank you for coming by our booth and shaking our hands, thank you for sitting down and fighting the phoenix with me, thank you for constantly challenging me, thank you for having such high expectations, thank you for money to make this all happen (shame its all LONG GONE)! The biggest question I've heard recently. Is if we plan on creating a more simplified starter set. And while, I am not ready to answer that question. I can say, that this game is my starter set for you guys. It is the pinnacle of what I could muster and has every scrap of heart I could cram in. No exceptions. No corners cut. Thank you again, from the very bottom of my being, for this amazing opportunity. Please enjoy your small rewards while you wait for our games to start shipping. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Super merci, j'ai encore fait une partie avec la boîte de base vendredi dernier et là j'aimerais bien la peindre ;)
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