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[WHB- Helfes] Dark elf lord on dragon on commission


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Hello again!

Well if it's really you who painted it .... HAT!

Veins of Draon are well done and there is always the MSL I think?

I wish I knew how you did the horns of the dragon and his "nose"

See you next time! (eldars_87 will remain active on your posts)!

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Oh yes I've done on commission as I wrote -_-

what's the MSL??

ok the horns are base with deheb stone,first lines of bubonic brown,after bestial brown,scorched brown and finally black.The nose is a base of balck+blue highlighted with grey and white.All the passages have a 50% colour and 50% water

ok? X-/

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(sry for my english) Hi ! In the section "galerie", it is necesary to put a "TAG" before the title of your topic. I do the correction this time, but try to put it the next time -_- . And ... welcome on the warhammer-forum (alias warfo). .

I like your details, and specially the dribble on the tongue and teeth. It is really a good work ... in french : "c'est très beau et nous laisse rêveur".

Really a beautifull painting !

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I don't see the point posting this mini on a french forum.

There is plenty of english forums with more members ? Why do you bother to post here ?

Anyway this is a beautiful work indeed.

Another thing : you painted the horns of the dragon in the opposite way people usually do (natural way actually).

And the head is a bit strange (according to me), plus the head's scales look wet instead of shinny (your lightenings are too hard I think).

Edited by Imrik
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@imrik: I like to show my minis and chat with other warhammer lovers that are not only italian and Carrasco himself suggested me this forum because there are some of the best painters.I don't know why is bad this thing our italan forums are full of foreigners(Bonamant himself writes on our legio pictorum) who writes in english or spanish (or frenchs who writes in english -_- )

For the horns I've studied some insects and animals and not all of them have the same horn colour so I choose the less common!

For the scales you are true!I've done a mistake with them and they look too shiny in photo!

Thanks for the comment ! X-/

Edited by axia
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