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Guest masamunetetsuo

coucou ,

ben essaye de voir la , ca peut t'aider deja a y voir plus clair ( c un fichier pdf a tel en anglais, donc "clic droit" puis "enregistrer sous"( je te prends pas pour un neuneu mais je sais pas si tu connais ) )

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bon alors aprés recherche voila qui en dit plus long ....

You will find the rules in exterminatus 5 for genestealers. You will also need the rules for aliens from exterminatus 1 (mutiple arms rules)

donc t'as besoin du lien precedemment cité ETde l'Exterminatus 5 .

je sais pas encore ou le trouver .

bien a toi .

Edited by masamunetetsuo
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Guest masamunetetsuo

bon voila donc la tu me rends grace eternellemnt car non seulement je t'ai choppé les règles du genestealer mais en plus celles de tous les tyrannides !!!!

sisi c vrai !!!!!!! :shifty:

Genestealers are the most vicious and hostile aliens in the galaxy. If given the chance they can reproduce incredibly quickly. Genestealer broods act like a plague of locusts, swarming over anything they come across and frequently destroy it. The only adversaries that can come close to their close combat prowess are Terminator Marines, for their claws are so powerful that they can slice through even power armour like a knife through butter.

Fortunately, Genestealers cannot operate anything as efficiently without a Patriarch or Magus guiding their actions. They cannot operate machinery or use technological weapons, even though they possess two arms with long hands these tend to be rather superficial and clumsy. They rely on their hybrid relatives to provide them with the technological support they need.

Physique: Genestealers possess the six-limbed body form of all Tyranid creatures with powerful ripping claws and taloned hands. They are incredibly fast and dangerous opponents in hand-to-hand combat but never use ranged weaponry or other devices, despite their obvious intelligence.


The Patriarch is the leader of a Genestealer brood. He is a much larger version of a Genestealer and although he might look rather bloated he is the most dangerous of all Genestealers in the horde and is also a very powerful psyker. What the Patriarch does not know is that he is a psychic beacon with which the Tyranid Hive Queens can focus upon so that they can direct their invasions. Without warning, the Patriarch will unleash its minions to disrupt and destroy as much of a planet's defences as possible, making a sudden and inexplicable thrust for domination.

Unless the Cult is very firmly established the sudden Genestealer uprising is often swiftly and bloodily put down. But this is of little consequence to the Tyranids, who arrive to conquer a world riven by internal strife and crippled by the subversion of its armed forces. After the invasion, the Patriarch and all his surviving brood are absorbed back into the great breeding chambers of the hive fleet.


When a Genestealer implants its seed into a human, or any other creature, the resultant germ cell incubates within its host until it is ready to emerge. The hybrid child does not consume its parent, but as it develops it absorbs part of its host's brain. The parent becomes a mere slave of the infant it has spawned, and will go to any lengths to protect and nurture its monstrous offspring. In this way the Genestealers infect human society with their brood. The Hybrids flock together and interbreed, producing more Hybrids and Genestealers. As the brood grows larger it generates a psychic signal that the distant Tyranid hive fleet can follow, a scent which draws them on to rich feeding grounds.

Hybrids look like a cross between Genestealers and their parent humans, with between two and four arms, and combining attributes of both races to a varying degree. Some Hybrids are nearly entirely human in appearance, tending only to baldness and heavy bone structure. Others are almost pure Genestealers. Whilst Genestealers lack any kind of creative intelligence, Hybrids combine human intelligence with alien cunning, and are able to use weapons and interact secretly with humans. Hybrids may even exhibit psychic powers if they were parented by a psychic host and the Genestealers will actively seek such hosts in order to strengthen their brood. The Hybrids form the inner coven of the Cult, becoming the Neophytes and Acolytes of the Magus in their worship of the Patriarch.


The race of Tyranids, so-called because of their first contact with the Imperium on the planet of Tyran, come from another galaxy. They are akin to a huge swarm of locusts, devouring everything in their path in order to exist. All living matter is consumed by the Tyranid hive fleets in order to supplement their existence and their evolution. They are a remarkable race because they can create new species for various aspects of life. Even their ships are great big hulking (living) behemoths, home to an infinite mass of Tyranid creatures with a purpose to exist at all costs. Primogenitor organisms aboard the Hiveships, Norn Queens, are capable of modifying their progeny in response to the environment and life-forms they encounter. Newly harvested genetic codes are assimilated, the prey's defensive measures are examined and improved creatures are bio-engineered to overcome resistance. Over time, the myriad improvements to the hive fleet's gene pool are exchanged with others, strengthening the entire race.

The whole Tyranid race is linked together by the hive mind. It is a common held view that, amongst the senior Genetors of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Tyranids exhausted the life in their own galaxy and entered the galaxy of the Imperium (and other aliens). The reason for this is that the hive mind requires constant fresh DNA material from living creatures in order to adapt to new environments, for the survival of the Tyranid race, in fact.

The creatures known as Hive Tyrants and Tyranid Warriors, embody the hive mind and act as its focal point, of which the lesser creatures can 'feed' from. It's almost like a massive form of constant telepathy, sever the link, by destroying the greater Tyranid creatures, and the lesser Tyranids become confused and vulnerable, unsure of what to do. They become subject to Stupidity.

The Tyranid hive fleets consist of millions of spacecraft, each home to billions of creatures: untold thousands of monstrosities evolved from the bubbling geno-organs of the ship's reproductive chamber. All of these creatures are born to serve the single entity that is the ship, and the ship itself exists only as part of the entity that is the fleet.


The Hive Tyrant is a large and massively powerful creature. It resembles a Tyranid Warrior in a similar way that the Genestealer Patriarch is a larger and more powerful Genestealer, though whether they are deliberately created this way or have evolved to a higher form is uncertain. Like all Tyranids, they seem able to mutate rapidly, and several different physical characteristics have been reported. Hive Tyrants are highly psychic creatures, and their relation to the hive mind is even greater to that of Tyranid Warriors. They always lead the huge swarms of Tyranid creatures into battle.

Typical profile

M WS BS S T W I Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

6 70 45 8 8 30 60 18 90 90 90 180* -

*see special rules below

Special Rules

Hive Tyrants are immune to all psychological effects and can extend this influence, using the hive mind, to all Tyranid creatures within 100 metres.

Hive Tyrants cause fear and terror in all living creatures.

Hive Tyrants have a thick chitinous carapace which is the equivalent of carapace armour on all locations.

Typical Hive Tyrants have four arms, enough for a weapon in each hand.

Hive Tyrants have WP 90 for WP tests. The total given here is for the casting of psychic powers making it possible for Tyrants to use them successfully over long distances.


Tyranid Warriors are not the rank and file of an invasion force, they are more like the sergeants or elite troops. They, like most Tyranid creatures, are extremely strong and are amongst the most important of all creatures in a force. They act as psychic resonators, amplifying the psychic bond of the hive mind and transmitting its power to the smaller, less receptive creatures.

A Tyranid Warrior has four very powerful arms and two even more powerful thick legs. Despite their large claws they are surprisingly good shots, although this might have something to do with their psychic empathy with the biological weapons that they wield.

Typical profile

M WS BS S T W I Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

6 60 35 7 6 15 50 18 90 90 90 90 -

Special Rules

Tyranid Warriors are immune to all psychological effects and can extend this influence to all Tyranid creatures within 50 metres.

Tyranid Warriors cause fear in living creatures.

Tyranid Warriors have a thick chitin carapace which is the equivalent of carapace armour.

Tyranid Warriors commonly carry two weapons but not two ranged weapons together.


Termagants may be amongst the smallest of Tyranid creatures but they are agile, very fast, cunning and deadly. The Termagant's powerful body swoops low to the ground for speed, and enables it to follow the narrow arterial passages of the hive ship. Like Tyranid Warriors and Genestealers it has six limbs and a chitinous outer shell which glistens with sticky secretion. They rely heavily on the influence of the hive mind to be of proper use in combat.

Reports from various sources have indicated Termagants armed with varying biological weapons. Some fire weapons that project a constricting web of filaments or fire razor-edged bony spikes at high velocity. Others shoot grub-like nodules that hurl themselves to their target with manic jaws whirling and biting. Its life energy is expended in a few brief seconds of destruction.

Typical profile

M WS BS S T W I Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

6 37 30 3 3 6 43 18 25 25 25 25 -

Special Rules

Termagants can only use the smaller biological weapons: Fleshborer, Spike Rifle or the Strangleweb.

Termagants have the equivalent of flak armour on all locations.


Being snake-like and twisted in form, Raveners are very quick for their size and physique. They have the speed of the smaller Termagants and Hormagaunts but also have thicker armour and more effective weaponry. It is speculated that the Ravener organism is bred for the swift overrunning of enemy bunkers.

Typical profile

M WS BS S T W I Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

9 55 35 5 5 12 52 18 90 90 90 90 -

Special Rules

Raveners are immune to all psychological effects.

Raveners cause fear and terror in all living creatures.

Raveners have the equivalent of carapace armour on all locations.


Zoanthropes are powerful psykers who have apparently been engineered from Eldar genetic material. Their huge bulbous heads lie on impossibly small bodies, which have atrophied considerably, making the creature's movement entirely dependent on a psychic levitation. Their minds act as a focal point for the hive mind and they can telepathically command other Tyranid creatures like Hive Tyrants and Warriors can.

Typical profile

M WS BS S T W I Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

5 30 30 3 3 12 45 10 90 90 90 200* -

*see special rules below

Special Rules

Zoathropes are immune to all psychological effects and can extend this influence, using the hive mind, to all Tyranid creatures within 100 metres.

Zoathropes cause fear in all living creatures.

Zoathropes have WP 90 for WP tests. The total given here is for the casting of psychic powers making it possible for Zoathropes to use them successfully over long distances.


Gargoyles are vicious winged monsters that are often the first of Tyranid creatures to be seen in battle. They range ahead of the swarm either flying in broods or clinging to the bellies of the great Harridan brood mothers as they flap ponderously through the skies. Their primary purpose seems to be seeking out the enemy and sowing terror and confusion amongst them. Physically they resemble Termagants in many aspects such as body mass, cranial capacity and the configuration of their medial armour plates. They have wide leathery wings, raking claws and barbed tails. Their jaws have been adapted so that they can carry a squirt flaming symbiotic creature which can shoot bile at a considerable distance.

Typical profile

M WS BS S T W I Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

2 35 30 3 3 6 35 14 25 25 25 25 -

Special Rules

Gargoyles fly as swoopers. The M score is for ground movement.

Gargoyles are armed with the Flamespurt.


Also known as the Screamer Killer by warriors of the Imperium because of the high-pitched scream it makes as it rushes forward. Its massive, rounded body is extremely tough, having a chitinous hide which protects it from damage and a shape that allows it to withstand tremendous pressures. It is a living engine of destruction evolved for use in shock assaults, space ship boarding actions and massed battles where it can smash through almost any obstacle, whether it is a defensive line, enemy tanks or a fortified position. It can smash men and vehicles aside like childrens' toys.

Carnifexes are armed with four great sickle-shaped claws of diamond hard chitin, bone and cartilage. The combined assault of these mighty scythes is powerful enough to rip through even armourplas and ceramite with ease. Carnifexes also have the capacity to energise a form of bio-plasma in their gut via rasping plates in their oesophagus, the source of their high-pitched scream. An electrical field around the claws holds the incandescent plasma ball until it is launched at its target.

Typical profile

M WS BS S T W I Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

6 57 30 9 8 40 25 10 90 20 90 90 -

Special Rules:

The Carnifex is immune to all psychological effects.

The Carnifex causes fear and terror in all living creatures.

The Carnifex has the toughest chitin hide of all tyranid creatures. It has the equivalent of carapace armour.


Lictors rove ahead of Tyranid ground swarms seeking out pockets of enemy resistance to be eradicated and native life-forms to be absorbed. Lictors are often referred to by Imperial troops as Spooks or Mantis Stalkers because of their unnerving behavioural patterns and combat techniques. Lictors are intelligent and posses highly developed sensory organs so they can see, smell, hear, and taste their prey long before it becomes aware of their presence.

They appear to be a specialist mutation of Tyranid Warrior and are highly adapted to survival in hostile environments and a stalker/predator role. Stalking Lictors exude a pheromone trail which draws other Tyranid creatures in their wake. A larger concentration of prey stimulates a stronger pheromone response and brings a larger group of trailing Tyranids.

Lictors are well equipped for dealing death with a whole arsenal of bio-weaponry which includes mantis-like upper claws, venomous talons, feeder tentacles and barbed flesh hooks. The Lictor's feeder tentacles are tipped with sharpened bony plates and are used to lobotomize victims so that the Lictor can absorb their genetic data and immediate memories by consuming their brains. The exceptionally powerful upper claws are edged with fractal chitin and the lower talons have venom channels containing deadly haemotoxin.

The flesh hooks are the most unusual of the Lictor's weapons. They are formed out of carbon-based chitin with a monomolecular edge and are attached to lengths of exceptionally tough muscle fibre situated between the ribs. The hooks are fired by a sharp intercostal muscle spasm and allow Lictors to snare their victims from a distance. The flesh hooks are also sometimes used as grapnels, allowing Lictors to scale vertical surfaces at great speed.

Lictors are covered with tiny chameleonic scales which shift their colour and texture to match the creature's surroundings. These make the Lictors exceedingly difficult to spot except at very close range. The Lictor's body gives off little heat and it is capable of remaining completely motionless for days if necessary so even energy and motion detection devices are often baffled by the Lictor's exceptional stealth.

Typical profile

M WS BS S T W I Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

6 60 40 62 53 18 65 50 90 90 90 90 -

Special Rules:

Lictors are immune to all psychological effects.

Lictors cause fear in all living creatures.

With its acute senses, the Lictor can detect any hidden characters within 80 metres.

All shots fired at a static Lictor suffer a -10 to hit penalty in addition to all other modifiers. This is because of its chameleon scales.

Detecting Lictors with a bio-scanner has a -20 penalty to the chance of success. Additionally if a Lictor remains stationary it cannot be seen from distances of more than 10 metres. It can still be shot at if detected but only with blast weapons, i.e. grenades, missiles.

Any characters wounded by a Lictor must pass a T test or suffer D3 automatic wounds as the poisonous haemotoxin attacks their system.


As the Tyranids overrun the defences of a planet they rapidly assimilate the genetic imprint and bio-mass of every living thing on that world. Once all resistance has been eliminated the world is stripped down to bare rock then all of its moisture, atmosphere and nutrients are absorbed by the hive fleet. In the initial phases of this process millions of voracious Tyranid organisms are released all over the planet. They move across its surface multiplying and consuming everything in their path, leaving an empty and desolate wasteland behind them. Eventually these organisms are reabsorbed by the hive mind and re-evolved to perform different functions, depending on the genetic imprints they have absorbed.

These organisms are extremely varied but amongst the most common are those known to the Imperial forces as Rippers. Rippers have serpentine bodies around half a metre in length which terminate in a broad head. The head portion is split by a broad maw full of row upon row of exceedingly sharp ripping hooks and razor edged bony ridges which it uses to slice and tear organic matter. Rippers are energetic and persistent so they are quite capable of pulling down creatures many times their own size. Huge swarms of Rippers are often seen on the battlefield, advancing at the heels of Tyranid assault forces.

Typical profile

M WS BS S T W I Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

4 33 0 3 3 18 10 0 43 29 66 66 -

Special Rules:

Ripper Swarms can slither up any vertical surface without any difficulty whatsoever.

Ripper Swarms are immune to all psychological effects and never panic or flee from combat.

Because a Ripper Swarm consists of hundreds or thousands of organisms, all damage from non-area effect weapons are halved (except flamers).


Hormagaunts appear to be another genetic manipulation of the Termagant genus. This bio-form is more upright with the two sets of upper limbs equipped with well-developed claws for ripping and piercing. The lower legs are long and powerful, tucking up beneath the body when the creature is at rest but flicking out to drive it forward in a series of bounding leaps as it attacks.

The Hormagaunt has a simple digestive tract and sustains itself by draining body fluids from its victims. It stops only briefly to feed, however, as its highly active metabolism constrains it to constantly seek out and attack fresh victims. There have been reports of Hormagaunts being dropped on planets in mycetic spores similar to the drop pods used by Space Marines. Once they have landed the Hormagaunts act as instinctive terrorists, constantly searching for and attacking native life forms. Hormagaunts are also unusual because they appear to reproduce independently of the Dominatrix. They lay hundreds of eggs just below the surface of a planet before their short lifespan is over, making Hormagaunt infestation a serious problem on planets raided by Tyranids.

Typical profile

M WS BS S T W I Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

6 43 25 4 3 6 45 0 25 25 25 25 -

Special Rules:

Hormagaunts are incredibly agile and can add a further 2D3 metres onto any leap.

Hormagaunts can climb most vertical surfaces with the aid of their hooked extremities.


The Patriarch is the leader of a Genestealer brood. He is a much larger version of a Genestealer and although he might look rather bloated he is the most dangerous of all Genestealers in the horde and is also a very powerful psyker. What the Patriarch does not know is that he is a psychic beacon with which the Tyranid Hive Queens can focus upon so that they can direct their invasions. Without warning, the Patriarch will unleash its minions to disrupt and destroy as much of a planet's defences as possible, making a sudden and inexplicable thrust for domination.

Unless the Cult is very firmly established the sudden Genestealer uprising is often swiftly and bloodily put down. But this is of little consequence to the Tyranids, who arrive to conquer a world riven by internal strife and crippled by the subversion of its armed forces. After the invasion, the Patriarch and all his surviving brood are absorbed back into the great breeding chambers of the hive fleet.

Typical profile

M WS BS S T W I Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

5 65 0 7 6 18 66 10 90 63 90 90 -

Special Rules: The Genestealer Patriarch is immune to all psychological effects. Genestealer Patriarchs cause fear in all living creatures. Genestealer Patriarchs have a thick chitinous hide which offers the same protection as carapace armour.


Genestealers are the most vicious and hostile aliens in the galaxy. If given the chance they can reproduce incredibly quickly. Genestealer broods act like a plague of locusts, swarming over anything they come across and frequently destroy it. The only adversaries that can come close to their close combat prowess are Terminator Marines, for their claws are so powerful that they can slice through even power armour like a knife through butter.

Fortunately, Genestealers cannot operate anything as efficiently without a Patriarch or Magus guiding their actions. They cannot operate machinery or use technological weapons, even though they possess two arms with long hands these tend to be rather superficial and clumsy. They rely on their hybrid relatives to provide them with the technological support they need.

Physique: Genestealers possess the six-limbed body form of all Tyranid creatures with powerful ripping claws and taloned hands. They are incredibly fast and dangerous opponents in hand-to-hand combat but never use ranged weaponry or other devices, despite their obvious intelligence.

Typical profile

M WS BS S T W I Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel

6 60 0 6 5 7 65 10 90 29 90 90 -

Special Rules: Genestealers cause fear in living creatures and are immune to all psychological effects. Genestealers have tough chitin armour (equivalent to Flak). Genestealers can scale most vertical surfaces without difficulty and at high speeds.


When a Genestealer implants its seed into a human, or any other creature, the resultant germ cell incubates within its host until it is ready to emerge. The hybrid child does not consume its parent, but as it develops it absorbs part of its host's brain. The parent becomes a mere slave of the infant it has spawned, and will go to any lengths to protect and nurture its monstrous offspring. In this way the Genestealers infect human society with their brood. The Hybrids flock together and interbreed, producing more Hybrids and Genestealers. As the brood grows larger it generates a psychic signal that the distant Tyranid hive fleet can follow, a scent which draws them on to rich feeding grounds.

Hybrids look like a cross between Genestealers and their parent humans, with between two and four arms, and combining attributes of both races to a varying degree. Some Hybrids are nearly entirely human in appearance, tending only to baldness and heavy bone structure. Others are almost pure Genestealers. Whilst Genestealers lack any kind of creative intelligence, Hybrids combine human intelligence with alien cunning, and are able to use weapons and interact secretly with humans. Hybrids may even exhibit psychic powers if they were parented by a psychic host and the Genestealers will actively seek such hosts in order to strengthen their brood. The Hybrids form the inner coven of the Cult, becoming the Neophytes and Acolytes of the Magus in their worship of the Patriarch.

bonne chance pour tout traduire car c long .

bon mintenant si t vraiment content tu me verse 100000000^* € sur mon compte :clap::whistling:

a +

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Guest masamunetetsuo

des ferrari et des lamborghini . :whistling:

bon ben si t content , ca me suffit .

j'oeuvre pour le bonheur humain . :shifty:

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