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Des figurines sympas

Guest Meneldil

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Exact, je les connais ! Christophe (http://capitulationfigs.free.fr) en a en stock.

Puis-je me vanter ? J'ai reçu deux blisters de macédoniens à peindre pour le prochain Vae Victis et à dire vrai, je n'aime pas trop le style de ces figurines mais bon, on verra ce que ça donnera à la peinture...

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Guest Meneldil

De ce que j'en ai vu, j'aime bien :D

De toute façon, m'en fous, je fais des normands, en attendant la sortie d'un hypothetique livre sur les successeurs.

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en attendant la sortie d'un hypothetique livre sur les successeurs.

A propos de ce supplément, voici ce que j'ai trouvé sur la WABlist, de la part de l'auteur :

When should we see the Successor book in the stores?

------> This is a tough question. The best I can offer is that the

author is somewhat guilty of falling into a sophomore slump. The

first book was finished at a time when work deadlines piled up as

well as publishing deadlines.... it has been difficult to fully get

back on the horse and finish the race. It between other deadlines

that pay the bills have poked in and ruined the plan.

To be blunt, it is not finished, and until I start leaking out that I

have been submitting things to Rob, it will not be out in the near


And what will be covered within the book?

------> Currently the plan is to cover Hellenistic armies and enemies

from 323 BC to 146 BC with some added coverage to Pontus and Parthia.

Chances are with so much to cover there will be less "army info" but

more lists to play with.

This is a very large subject to cover in

one book, about two hunderd years and several different armies,

Compared to the thirty years from the Alexander book. (which still

is my favorite WAB supplement!)I am planning a Seleucid army in the

future, using mainly OG miniatures.

------> Yes, it is a large period. As an example,I am attempting to

create lists that allow one to create an early, middle, or late

Seleucid army. That kind of shows how the emphasis is on playable

armies, and by dividing them into periods, some of the unwholesome

army combinations of AoA can be regulated.


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