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3 résultats trouvés

  1. Une bonne surprise, ca fournira des decors bloquants de 3ps et/ou des zone de terrain pratiques pour y poser des figs.
  2. Et revoilà quoi ? UN SUPPLEMENT LOLILO Pour les anglophobes : Les CSM reviennent sur Vigilus, Vigilius outrée, Vigilus brisée, Vigilus martyrisé.. mais Vigilus avec un Deus Ex Eldar. Concrètement Abaddon a été batu de justesse la dernière fois, mais Vigilus est en ruine et sans aucun renfort (euh pourquoi ? alors que son intérêt stratégique c'est justement d'être la porte sure entre les 2 Imperiums ???). Du coup Abaddon revient pour prendre Vigilus (apparemment le monsieur n'avait pas d'autres flottes de guerres et warband Black legion ou alliée sous la main). Contre lui des vétérans (SM et Sista j'imagine, c'était le gros des armées loyalistes de Vigilus la dernière fois) impériaux Et des règles de croisades, une army of Renown (CSM ? Eldars ? Primaris parce que ça tombe au milieu de 2 semaines sans nouveautés Primaris ?*). + le nouveau GT pour jouer en match play avec règle updaté. + nouvelle extension KT :Nouvelle BOITE KILL TEAM VIGILUS CHAOS VERSU ELDAR POUR DE NOUVELLES FIGS ?** Bref, la nouvelle à retenir (enfin sauf si vous aimez le papier) c'est qu'on a 6 mois de Eldar versus CSM.. Et ça, ça fait du bien ! Si les pages qui s'affichent dans la vidéo sont dans l'ordre du texte le "Army of Renown" serait alors de l'ultramarine **C'est con les Rangers étaient justement parfait pour ça
  3. Bonsoir, Un article a été mis en ligne pendant un bref instant sur le site de Goonhammer (Rendu indisponible quelques minutes plus tard), au sujet d'un 'Invitational' à Dallas, qui clotûrerait la saison des tournois GW de 2021, et qui utiliserait les missions du prochain GT Pack. Je laisse un transcript de l'article ci-dessous. TL;DR : Des changements à prévoir au niveau des missions pour le GT Pack 2022 : Primary objective scoring is now 4, 8, or 12 points for holding one/two/more or two/three/more objectives in a player’s Command Phase. Mission secondary objectives – such as Raze or Data Intercept – are gone. Instead missions now have new additional primary objectives that reward players for accomplishing certain actions, such as destroying three enemy units in a battle round or holding the priority target objective their opponent picks. At least two of the secondary objectives have undergone major changes and there are more major changes to secondary objectives in the works (but we don’t know any more about those “major” changes). Je mettrai à jour ce post au fur et à mesure de la disponibilité de nouvelles informations concernant ce prochain ouvrage. Edit 05/12/2021 Goonhammer vient de mettre un article en ligne avec un résumé des changements concernant les Objectifs Secondaires. Article disponible ici. TL;DWR : Primary Objectives First, let’s go back and review the primary objective changes we covered in our preview of the event. The major change here is that mission secondary objectives have been removed – you no longer have the option to take a mission secondary. Instead, primary scoring has been changed to 4 points for each primary objective (i.e. 4/8/12 for holding one/two/more), with an option to score additional bonus points if you accomplish a mission-specific bonus primary. We’ve seen two of these previewed so far. Primary Objective scoring is still capped at 45 points and while it’s possible to max them without scoring the bonus, it’s much more difficult – you need four 12-point turns to make it work. Battlefield Supremacy Stranglehold – No change from the updated version introduced in the GT 2021 Missions pack. Behind Enemy Lines – No change from the updated version introduced in the GT 2021 Missions pack. Engage on All Fronts – Still scores you 2 points at the end of your turn for having units in three table quarters or 3 points for having units in every table quarter, but in order for a unit to count toward this scoring it must either have 3 models or a VEHICLE or MONSTER model. No Mercy, No Respite To the Last – No change from the updated version introduced in the GT 2021 Missions pack. Grind Them Down – No change. No Prisoners – Still scores based on the total wounds value of non-VEHICLE, non-CHARACTER units killed, but now you score an additional 1 VP if you killed between 50 and 99 wounds’ worth of enemy units, or 2 bonus points if you killed more than 100 wounds’ worth. Purge the Enemy Assassination – No change from the updated version introduced in the GT 2021 Missions pack. Titanslayer – No change from the updated version introduced in the GT 2021 Missions pack. Bring it Down – At the end of the game you score 1 VP for each enemy VEHICLE or MONSTER killed that had 9 or fewer wounds, 2 VP for each enemy VEHICLE/MONSTER with 10-14 wounds, and 3 VP for each one with 15+ wounds. This changes the thresholds from 1-10/11-19/20+ for scoring 1/2/3. You still score 1 point for each enemy VEHICLE/MONSTER killed with 9 or fewer wounds, but now you’ll score 2 each for 10-14 wounds and 3 for 15+ wounds. This is a change from the prior objective, which only gave you 3 points at the 20+ threshold. This is also a major change for all the 10W vehicles out there, where Rhinos and Raiders are now worth 2 VP each. Shadow Operations Raise the Banners High – No change. Deploy Teleport Homers – Now completes at the end of your turn if attempted by a unit with the TROOPS battlefield role. Retrieve Nachmund Data – Replaces Retrieve Octarius Data. RIP ROD. This can be attempted by one INFANTRY or BIKER unit (so now characters and bikers can attempt it) per turn if they are more than 6″ from another table quarter. At the end of your turn you roll a D6, subtracting 1 if the unit performing the action has the TROOPs battlefield role. If you roll less than or equal to the number of models in the unit, the action is completed. You score 4, 8, and 12 points for completing the action 2, 3, and 4 times, respectively. So, characters can attempt the action, but are vanishingly unlikely to successfully pull it off, requiring an un-re-rollable 1. GREGNOTE: As a Ravenwing-haver, this is a good change. Investigate Signal – You can now attempt this action even if there are enemy units within 6″ of the center of the battlefield, but you only complete it at the end of your turn if there are no enemy units still within 6″ of the center of the battlefield. Warpcraft Abhor the Witch – No change from the updated version introduced in the GT 2021 Missions pack. Psychic Interrogation – No longer requires line of sight to the target. Pierce the Veil – No change from the updated version introduced in the GT 2021 Missions pack. Warp Ritual – No change from the updated version introduced in the GT 2021 Missions pack.
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