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Messages posté(e)s par Le_druchueur

  1. ok moi je le trouve que le tirage etc viable pour 8 joueurs mais tout pourri pour 4 mais bon ... j'ai la flemme d'épiloguer sur le warfo on en parlera ce week end surtout qu'à la base les listes devaient être secrète ...


    bref on oublie ça et on repasse sur un draft etc classique


    il n'y aura pas de finale fermé


    les tables seront des tables etc...



    Vous n êtes jamais content :P Là on vous offre 2x 20-0 sur un 4+ et vous vous plaignez. Rendez vous compte que ça nous permettrait de jouer tout le tournoi en 5 heures et d avoir notre dimanche de repos !

    Reposiste depuis Pépin le Bref.


    s'il te faut 5 heures pour jeter 5 dés je te rappelle que c'est 2h30 de partie ;)

  2. ok messieur je vois que vous gerez entre vous pour les listes :) merci de l'envoyer l'ensemble pour que j'imprime l'ensemble pour l'appareillement


    -en gros l'équipe qui a été tiré en premier :  envoi deux joueurs et choisit ou ils veulent jouer(parmi les 4 tables) ET SON CÔTé !!!.

    -ensuite l'équipe tiré en deuxième envoi 2 joueurs parmi ses 4 joueurs affronté les deux joueurs choisit par l'autre équipe  

     -l'équipe tiré en premier choisit les deux derniers match sur les tables imposées par l'autre équipe mais cette fois ci le côté est tiré aléatoirement !!! 


    do u unterdstand me ?


    équipe A

    Propose JA1 et JA2 et choisit deux tables et le coté


    équipe B 


    JB3 et JB4 pour affronter JA1 et JA2


    équipe B 


    JB1 et JB2 et choisit les tables


    équipe A 


    JA3 et JA4 pour affronter JB1 et JB2 et coté cette foi-ci est aléatoire

  3. messieur à vos boutons de refresh le tirage commence dans 10 min

    table 1 : Master of puppet VS Resistant Battle 4

    table 2 : Resistant battle 3 vs HoT and BASH 2

    table 3 : Why so serious ? vs Hot bash super fusion

    table 4 : FBJ 1 vs Fish and Chips   

    table 5 : WYSIWYG vs Resistant Battle 2

    donc du coup la dernière 


    Resistant battle 1 vs FBJ 2

    table 6

  4. Il y a également une correction des 3 teams que j'ai reçu les résultats du tirages ce soir au fur et à mesure merci pour les 4 mallettes et les vestes en poil de cul de zébu ... pour ceux qui est des arrangements de dernières minutes mp pour mon rib ça fait un an que je suis pas partie en vacances j'ai envie de belles vacances ;)


    pour ceux qui est des listes oui nous serons 4 à la vérification des listes avec deux passages par liste. Je vous donnerez également la validation des listes ce soir (celle que j'ai reçu)

  5. Bonjour à tous je vous envoyer un petit mail c'est effectivement bien 9h30 le début des parties RDV à 9H pour les buveurs de cafés ...

    petit oublie de ma part my bad ;)

    Au sujet, du défis aucun problème vous vous affrontez au premier round, si d'autres veulent se mettre un défis merci de me le communiquer avant mercredi ou le tirage au sort des appareillements à lieu ;)   

  6. Question : un AR 2.5.1 est sorti la semaine dernière. Il apporte des modifications sur des points qui portaient à interprétation. Est-ce bien celui-ci qui sera utilisé ?

    Merci pour votre réponse et bon courage pour l'organisation.


    comme dit dans le mail de la semaine dernière nous prendrons le réglement 2.5 vous n'êtes pas obligés de m'envoyer les listes mais ce qu'ils veulent une validation c'est avant le  22 février soit dimanche  

  7. alors pour les listes : en cas de problème, bas comme d'habitude c'est faux tu joues avec moins de points, sauf si adversaire dit ok. Maintenant ceux qui veulent si vous m'envoyer les 4 listes avant le 15 février je m'engage à vous les corrigez maintenant encore une fois c'est pas obligatoire. Ceux qui veulent avoir plus de temps les listes seront corrigées le jour même ... il faut juste avoir sur place une liste avec tout...

    Pour le draft comme dit dans le règlement on prendra celui actif à partir du 2 février ... maintenant si un draft sort le 3 ou 4 on le prendra maintenant il faut savoir poser une limite
  8. Bon perso valus je sais pas si c'est le dernier draft mais voici le reglement du draft 1 on reste sur la vague du l'idée d'un draft 2 semaines avant sauf si celui ci change vraiment tout... mais le délire d'inclure d' epidemus /hellborn y a qui peuvent laisser leurs cerveaux chez eux pour 2015 ... tu me diras vu ce qu'on nous annonce... l'an prochain armée mi-space marine mi haut elfe sur socle ovale ;)

    Rules changes
    Up to 2 Characters in a unit can get a 2+ "Look Out, Sir!" against Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation and Dreaded 13th. Normal requirements for Look Out, Sir! apply.

    BSBs can take all the equipment their unit type has access to as if they weren't BSBs.

    Units fleeing at the end of the game and/or below 25% of starting models yield 50% of their VPs.

    Simple Line of Site will be used instead of True Line of Sight as defined below:

    Terrain pieces are divided into ones that:
    - Block LoS: Hills, Buildings and impassable terrain.
    - Don't block LoS: all other terrain.

    Unit is considered to be in hard cover when:
    - Majority of unit's footprint is obscured from shooter's Line of Sight by one or more Interfering Unit(s) or LOS blocking terrain(s), as described on page 41 BRB
    - Unit is garrisoning a Building, as described on page 127 BRB
    - Majority of unit's front rank is defending an obstacle, as described on page 122 BRB and ETC FAQ 8.4. If the unit is being shot from the flank or the rear, treat the corresponding file or the last rank, respectively, as the front rank
    - Majority of unit's footprint is in Ruins

    Unit is considered to be in soft cover when:
    - Majority of unit's footprint is in or behind woods, as described on page 119 BRB

    Models shooting from hills or buildings don't get the hard cover penalty for shooting through interfering units, unless interfering the unit is also on hill.

    Units with majority of its models on hill do not receive hard cover for being shot at through interfering units, unless that part of the units which interferes is also on hill. Units with majority of its models on hill do not receive hard cover for being partially obscured from the shooter's LoS by the same hill they are on

    Large Targets can't claim cover for obstacles, ruins and interfering units, unless interfering unit is also a Large Target. Large Targets which shoot don't suffer any penalties for interfering units, unless interfering unit is also a Large Target.

    Magic Restrictions

    A maximum of 2 dice may be added to the power pool

    A 5 Dice Casting Cap will be in effect for all spells

    Lore of Death spells will have a 4 dice casting cap in effect

    The Lore of Shadow spell Mindrazor will have a 4 dice casting cap in effect

    The Lore of Hashut spell AshStorm will have a 4 dice casting cap in effect

    Lore of undeath will be available to all wizards as follows :
    4 dice casting cap
    No ethereal units may be raised
    Raised units give up victory points

    The following four scenarios will be used with the 20-0 scoring system as described below:-

    1: Battle line (normal game)

    2: Meeting engagement (no reserve rolls, all units deploy on the board as normal)

    3: Blood and glory - 150 vp's for first player break opponent, further 300 vp's if that player remains unbroken. (If all remaining fortitude is in one unit, the army is broken).

    4: King of the hill - the player that holds the center point of the table at the end of turn 6 receives an additional 300 vp's - to hold this a unit must have fortitude (excluding bsb and General).

    Before a game both players secretly pick which scenario they want to play,

    Player A then rolls a d6
    Roll of 1-2 - the game is played using the scenario player A chose
    Roll of 3-4 - the game is played using the scenario player B chose
    Roll of 5-6 - the game is played using the battle line scenario
    (Note players may select battleline as their choice)

    Army Building Restrictions
    All the Army building restrictions are applied only during the creation of the roster, and may be ignored during the game (for example, by joining characters to units or creating new units).

    The army lists allowed are those from any of the currently published GW Army Books, and The Legion of Azgorh from Tamurkhan.

    Undead Legions, the Legions of Chaos and any other End Times army lists are not allowed.

    Special or Named Characters that appear in army books are allowed - this excludes all characters that appear in End Times books. Special Charachter composition will be added to this pack

    Fozzrik’s Folding Fortress may not be taken.

    Units cannot be more than 450 points at the point of roster creation. This does not apply to characters.

    All army sizes are 2400 points unless stated otherwise in race specific composition below.

    Armies must be constructed on the following basis (in addition to any specific conditions imposed by their army book)

    Minimum of 3 units
    Minimum of 1 character that can be the army general
    Maximum of 50% of points spent on lords
    Maximum of 50% of points spent on heroes
    Minimum of 25% of points spent on core units
    Maximum of 50% of points spent on special units
    Maximum of 25% of points spent on rare choices

    A team consists of 8 players, each of which with an army from a different army list.

    A wizard generating spells from lore of death and the Standard of Discipline are mutually exclusive in any army list

    Army size is 2700 points.

    Maximum unit size at roster creation excluding characters is increased to 550 points.

    May take Blight Kings of Nurgle from Warhammer End Times - Glotkin

    Marks of Chaos within the army as detailed below
    Mark of Khorne – As per Warriors of Chaos Book - 10 points for a character, monster, chariot or warbeast, 2 points for all other models
    Mark of Tzeentch – As per Warriors of Chaos Book - 10 points for a character, monster, chariot or warbeast, 2 points for all other models
    Mark of Nurgle – As per Warriors of Chaos Book - 10 points for a character, monster, chariot or warbeast, 2 points for all other models
    Mark of Slaanesh – As per Warriors of Chaos Book - 5 points for a character, monster, chariot or warbeast, 1 points for all other models
    Note that the Marks of Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh DO NOT allow wizards access to the corresponding lore from the Warriors of Chaos Book. Wizards with a mark have access to the same lores of magic as unmarked beastmen wizards (Shadow, Beasts, Death, Beastmen)

    May take any beastmen special characters.

    Army size is increased to 2500 points

    May take any Brettonian special characters.

    Chaos Dwarves
    May select up to 5 choices from the pool below:
    Each character using the Lore of Death – 1 choice
    Each HellCannon - 1 choice (3 choices with lore of death)
    Kdaii Destroyer – 2 choices
    Each DeathShrieker, Magma Cannon, Dreadquake Mortar or Iron Demon – 1 choice
    Each 2(or part of 2) hobgoblin khans after the first 2 - 1 choice
    Chalice of Blood and Darkness (may be used only before casting a spell) - 1 choice

    May take any Chaos Dwarf special characters.

    Dark Elves
    May select up to 5 choices from the pool below:
    Each character using the Lore of Death – 2 choices
    Each 5(or part of 5) Doomfire Warlock models – 1 choice
    Each mounted dreadlord or master – 1 choice
    One or more repeater bolt throwers– 1 choice
    Each unit of dark riders after the second - 1 choice
    Standard of Discipline, Crown of Command – 1 Choice each
    More than 80 shots per turn (Repeater bolt throwers count as 6 shots) - 2 choices
    Morathi - 4 choices (Lore of Death choice is included)
    Malekith - 2 Choices
    Shadowblade - 1 choice

    May take any Dark Elf special characters.

    Demons of Chaos
    May take Blight Kings of Nurgle from Warhammer End Times - Glotkin- these models are not demonic and therefore may not be joined by any model with the demonic special rule. If the general and / or BSB have the mark of Nurgle they may benefit from them.

    May take Exalted Flamers

    May select up to 4 choices from the pool below:
    Lore of Death present in the army – 2 choices
    First Skullcannon – 1 choice
    Second Skullcannon – 3 choices
    Each Greater demon(Including Skarsbrand, Ku’gath) – 1 choice
    Each unit of Pink Horrors after the second – 1 choice
    Each unit of Plague Flies – 1 choice
    Up to 2/6/10 beasts of nurgle in the army - 1/2/3 choices
    Kairos Fateweaver - 4 choices
    The Blue Scribes - 1 choice
    Epidemius - 1 choice + 1 choice per unit of demons of nurgle.

    May take any Demons of Chaos special characters.

    May select up to 5 choices from the pool below:
    Each Cannon, Organ gun, Grudge Thrower or Flame cannon - 1 choice each
    Each 2 (or part there of) gyrocopters after the first - 1 choice
    Grimm Burloksson - 1 choice

    May take any Dwarf special characters.

    May select up to 5 choices from the pool below:
    Steam Tank – 1 choice
    Second Steam Tank – 4 choices
    Crown of Command, Standard of Discipline, War altar, Great Cannon – 1 choice each
    Third Great Cannon – 1 additional choice
    3 or more wizards using the Lore of Light - 1 choice
    Each unit of 4 or less Demi-Griffons – 1 choice
    Each unit of 5 or more Demi-Griffons – 2 choices
    Balthasar Gelt - 1 choice
    May take any Empire special characters.

    High Elves
    May select up to 2 choices from the pool below:
    Banner of the World Dragon - 1 choice
    Each frostheart Phoenix above one - 1 choice
    3 or more mounted characters - 1 choice
    1 or more characters on the lore of death - 1 choice
    (Loremaster(s) of Hoeth do not count towards this)
    1 or more bolt throwers - 1 choice
    60 or more shots in the army (Repeater bolt throwers count as 6 shots) - 1 choice
    Teclis - 2 choices
    Alarielle - 2 choices

    May take any High Elf special characters.

    May select up to 5 choices from the pool below:
    Slann Mage Priest with Harmonic Convergence – 1 choice
    Second Slann Mage Priest – 1 choice
    Slann Mage Priest taking the Lore of Death – 1 choice
    (Slann Mage Priests with the Wandering Deliberations do not count towards this)
    Each mounted saurus character after the first – 1 choice
    Each flying unit/character after the third – 1 choice
    Each unit of core skirmishers after the third - 1 choice
    Each skink cohort after the third - 1 choice
    Lord Mazdamundi - 1 choice
    Lord Kroak - 2 choices
    Tetto’Eko - 3 choices
    May take any Lizardmen special characters

    Orcs and Goblins
    Army size is increased to 2500 points

    May take any Orcs and Goblins Special Characters

    May select up to 10 choices from the pool below:
    First Ironblaster - 1 choice
    Second Ironblaster – 6 choices
    The Hellheart - 2 choices
    The Runemaw, Dispel Scroll, Crown of Command, Standard of Disc - 1 choice each
    Each unit of maneaters with either sniper and /or stubborn – 1 choice
    1 or more sabretusks in the army - 1 choice
    1 or more Slaughtermasters in the army – 1 choice
    Each unit of gnoblars after the second – 1 choice
    Each 4 mounfang (or part there of) in the army – 1 choice
    Each character after the third – 2 choices
    Skragg - 1 choice (for being a slaughtermaster)

    May take any Ogres Special Characters

    Slave units can be a maximum of 60 models.

    May select up to 5 choices from the pool below:
    First Warp-lightening Cannon - 1 choice
    Second Warp-lightening Cannon - 2 choices
    Each doomwheel -- 1 choice
    First Hellpit Abomination - 1 choice
    Second Hellpit Abomination - 2 choices.
    Stormbanner - 1 choice (2 choices with double hellpit Abomination)
    Each non wizard warplock Engineer after the first - 1 choice
    Each 40 slaves (or part there of) over 120 slave models - 1 choice
    Each 2 slave units(or part there of) after 3 -- 1 choice

    May take any Skaven Special Characters

    Tomb Kings
    Army size is increased to 2700 points.

    Maximum unit size at roster creation excluding characters is increased to 550 points.

    Army does not crumble upon the death of the Heirophant

    May include the following units from Warhammer End Times – Nagash
    Morghast Harbingers
    Morghast Archai

    May add up to 3 power dice to the pool instead of 2 if an army does not include Arkhan

    May take any Tomb Kings Special Characters

    Vampire Counts
    May include the following units from Warhammer End Times – Nagash
    Morghast Harbingers
    Morghast Archai

    May select up to 5 choices from the pool below:
    Terrorgheist – 1 choice
    2nd Terrorgheist – 3 choices
    Each character with Red Fury and/or Quickblood – 1 choice
    Each character using the Lore of Death - 1 choice
    Each ethereal character or unit – 1 choice
    Each unit of hexwraith after the 1st - 1 choice
    Each Scream after the first – 1 choice
    More than 10 crypt horrors in the army - 1 choice
    Each Direwolf and / or Fellbat unit after the fourth - 1 choice
    Count Mannfred - 2 choices (including death)

    May take any Vampire Counts Special Characters

    Warriors of Chaos
    May take Blight Kings of Nurgle from Warhammer End Times – Glotkin

    May select up to 5 choices from the pool below:
    Each character using the Lore of Death – 1 choice (2 choices if it is a deamon prince)
    Each Demon Prince – 1 choice
    2+ or better save on a Demon Prince - 1 choice
    Each Demon Prince with Mark of Nurgle – 1 choice
    Exalted hero mounted on a demonic mount – 1 choice
    Model with a 3+ ward save and the third eye of tzeetnch - 2 choices
    HellCannon – 1 choice (2 with lore of death or tzeentch)
    2nd HellCannon – 2 choices (3 with lore of death or tzeentch)
    Each Chimera – 1 choice
    Each unit of Skullcrushers after the first – 1 choice
    Each Core chariot after the second – 1 choice
    Each flying model after the second - 1 choice
    Archaon - 2 choices
    Galrauch - 1 choice
    Vilitch - 1 choice
    Throgg - 3 choices

    May take any Warriors of Chaos Special Characters

    Wood Elves
    All limits are about models, you can spread them anyway you like among units, unless otherwise specified.

    May select up to 5 choices from the pool below:
    Each character using the Lore of Death – 1 choice (3 choices if 6 or more sisters of the thorn are present in an army)
    Each unit of Wild Riders after the first – 1 choice
    Each 10 Waywatchers (or part there of) - 1 choice
    Each 15 models (or part there of) equipped with trueflight arrows or hagbane arrows after the first 15 models - 1 choice
    Each Waystalker after the first – 1 choice
    Moonstone of the Hidden Ways – 1 choice (4 choices with lore of death)
    Sisters of Twilight - 1 choice

    May take any Wood Elf Special Characters
  9. Bonjour à tous j'ai fait un petit point avec notre trésorier visiblement peu d'entre vous on choisit l'option buffet à volonter. Cela nous dérange pas seulement je tiens à vous prévenir que nous prendrons une quantité de bouffe suffisante pour les personnes ayant payé !!!

    [size="5"]Il ne sera donc pas possible de se restaurer au buffer si vous n'avez pas reservé une place pour manger avant le premier février [/size]

    je vous réniformes qu'il y a dans les alentours un kfc un mcdo et une pizzeria et pour les plus courageux un grec
  10. [quote name='kiri' timestamp='1415972038' post='2663521']
    [quote name='Le_druchueur' timestamp='1415961699' post='2663446']
    bonjour à tous nous sommes en train de voir pour passer le tournoi à 48 joueur vu le succès qu'il rencontre. Je vous posterai la décision ce week-end ! le deux équipes en plus seront pris en fonction des dates d'arrivés de leur chèque !
    Une seule en faite nan, la cocomunauté étant première sur liste d'attente? (Ben oui, j'ai envoyé le chèque pour nos deux teams en même temps).

    Hâte d'y être :)/>

    nous avons à l'heure actuelle 4 chèques d'équipes en attente mais oui cocomunauté est première sur la liste d'attente effectivement
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