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Messages posté(e)s par TheBoss™

  1. En made to order la semaine prochaine :



    BloodBowl 600Wide LOGO

    We’ve got two classic Blood Bowl teams returning to Made to Order next weekend – this means they’ll only be available for a short time between Saturday the 9th of October and 6pm (BST) on Sunday the 17th of October.

    Blood Bowl Amazon Team

    Depending on which legend you choose to believe, the Amazons of Lustria are either the descendants of an adventurous group of Norse Valkyries who settled on their new-found continent or creations of the ancient gods themselves. Either way, as a tier one team in the Lustrian Superleague, their natural athleticism, agility, and propensity to violence make them brutal practitioners of Blood Bowl.

    This set of 12 metal figures contains six Tribal Linewomen, one Eagle Warrior Thrower, two Piranha Warrior Catchers, and three Koka Kalim Blitzers.

    SundayPreview Sep26 AmazonsBB

    Blood Bowl Tomb Kings Team

    Every Khemrian Blood Bowl team is held together, quite literally, by a liche priest – an ancient wizard who also fulfils the usual roles of a head coach. Tomb Kings teams play in the Sylvanian Spotlight, coming in at tier two. With up to four Strength-5 Tomb Guardians per team, they excel at bashing other teams off the pitch – even if their ball-handling skills leave much to be desired.

    This 12-piece set of metal miniatures includes six Skeleton Linemen, two Anointed Throwers, two Anointed Blitzers, and two Tomb Guardians.

    SundayPreview Sep26 KhemriBB


  2. Il y a 8 heures, Damrok a dit :

    La taille de base du tapis GW est de 3'x3' à priori si j'en crois The Boss, mais je me demandais si un 4'x4' ne serait pas plus intéressant? Ne serait-ce que pour anticiper des bastons d'un peu plus de points que ce que propose le jeu de base.

    Je ne pourrais t"aider sur la partie deepcut.

    S'agissant du format :

    • les starters viennent avec un tapis papier en 2'x2' recto-verso qui permet de jouer avec les avions fournis (~100 pts par camp);
    • les aires d'engagements sont des tapis cartonnés en 3'x3' recto-verso qui permettent de jouer les missions des bouquins de campagne (ou le format dit "égal") (100 à 200 pts par camp).
    • le 4'x4' influence les engagements qui sont plus tardifs (portée max) et donc moins nombreux (durée max de 12 tours). C'est bien pour une très grosse partie de temps en temps (logistique avec trop d'avions) ou du multi-joueurs.
  3. En précommande la semaine prochaine :


    We are cleared for launch.

    Aeronautica 600Wide copy LOGO

    The Adeptus Astartes zoom into aerial contention from next week in a completely new boxed set for Aeronautica Imperialis. They’ll be joined by the nimble aircraft of the Asuryani in a rip-roaring dogfight between raw power and xenos grace.

    Aeronautica Imperialis: Wrath of Angels

    This is the new Starter Set for the Aeronautica Imperialis system, containing everything you need to get those chocks away, including five Adeptus Astartes aircraft and six for the Aeldari, a 38-page rulebook, a scenario booklet, a double-sided area of engagement game mat, eight dice, 70 assorted tokens, and a transfer sheet.

    There are 11 new miniatures in the box – that’s three Asuryani Nightwings and three Phoenix Bombers, as well as three Space Marine Xiphon Interceptors and two Storm Eagles. It’s a perfect way to get started with Aeronautica Imperialis – or to send your existing collections supersonic. We like it so much we unboxed it earlier in the week – you can see more of what you get right here.

    SundayPreview Sep26 WrathOfAngels

    Asuryani Nightwing Squadron

    The main fighter deployed by the enigmatic Craftworld Aeldari, the Nightwing has a preternatural level of speed and manoeuvrability. In battle, Nightwing Squadrons weave around enemy aircraft, tearing their foe apart with bursts of fire from their shuriken cannon and bright lances. This boxed set contains six Nightwings, which have four weapon options each and can be assembled with their wings locked forwards or backwards, and a transfer sheet.

    SundayPreview Sep26 Nightwings

    Asuryani Phoenix Bomber Squadron

    The Phoenix Bomber is a heavy Aeldari strike craft carrying a ground-attack payload. Surprisingly fast and agile for a bomber, the Phoenix Bomber is capable of engaging both air and ground forces, and it’s an integral part of the Asuryani war machine. 

    This set contains three Phoenix Bombers, which have three weapon options and two missile array options each, and a sheet of Aeldari transfers.

    SundayPreview Sep26 phoenix

    Adeptus Astartes Xiphon Interceptor Squadron

    The Xiphon Interceptor has been used by the Astartes since the Great Crusade. A flexible fighter, the Xiphon can obliterate both air and ground targets with ease. This box contains six Xiphon Interceptors and a Space Marine Squadron Transfer Sheet.

    SundayPreview Sep26 Xiphons

    Adeptus Astartes Storm Eagle Squadron

    The Storm Eagle is a Space Marine orbital assault craft that packs a formidable weight of firepower. Rugged and durable, it fulfils any number of roles, including as a scout, a long-ranged transport, and an interceptor. The box contains two Storm Eagles and a Space Marine Squadron Transfer Sheet.

    SundayPreview Sep26 StormEagles Aeronautica Imperialis Asuryani and Adeptus Astartes Aircraft Cards

    You can’t be expected to prosecute an air war without weapons, upgrades, or Ace pilots. Fortunately you’re covered with these two sets of faction cards. With 91 cards in the Asuryani set and 86 in the Adeptus Astartes set, these are all the quick references and special rules you need for the ultimate 41st Millennium aerial dust-up. There are two Aces (star pilots with special rules) in each set – including this jolly-looking Salamander fellow who can try and repair his own plane as he’s flying it – as well as named planes, and ground defences to boot.

    SundayPreview Sep26 Cards

    Aeronautica Imperialis Asuryani and Adeptus Astartes Dice Sets 

    As Warhammer Community recently proved with the inexorable force of raw science, faction dice improve your rolls.* Can you really bear to be seen at an Aeronautica Imperialis event without a suitable set of dice? We think not, so the kind adepts at the Warhammer factory have put together two sensational sets of faction dice, one each for the Astartes and Craftworld Aeldari in dark metallic two-tone and gold-effect wraithbone respectively.


    Aeronautica Imperialis: Outer Reaches Area of Engagement

    While there’s already a fantastic double-sided playing mat in the Wrath of Angels box, variety is the spice of life and you can never have too many areas of engagement. This double-sided gaming board continues the theme in the main set, with a lunar imperial outpost on one side and more volcanic terrain on the other. It comes in two halves for enhanced durability, with 342 playable hexes over the total area.

    SundayPreview Sep26 OuterReachesAeronautica Imperialis: Imperial Navy & Ork Air Waaagh! Ground Assets

    The original ground assets from the first version of Aeronautica Imperialis return. Featuring 16 ground assets and 14 plastic markers, including flak and missile batteries, bunkers, and landing zones, this set can really juice up your games – and give enemy pilots an extra headache from another angle.

    SundayPreview Sep26 AIImpOrkGroundAssets


  4. En précommande la semaine prochaine :



    Necromunda 600Wide copy LOGO

    Moving from the skies to the skyless, we turn now to the underhive, where House Van Saar is getting an arsenal upgrade.

    Van Saar Weapons & Upgrades

    Give your Van Saar gang the gift of multi-meltas this October with a comprehensive new set containing a vast range of new weapons, ranging from shock mauls and servo claws to plasma cannons and rad guns. You’ll also get 10 new heads (two each of five sculpts), and it’s all compatible with the main Van Saar Gang box and the Archeoteks & Grav-cutters kit.

    SundayPreview Sep26 VanSaarUpgrades


  5. Citation
    2Sp lrh 
    The Warmaster Iconoclast is out soon, so we asked some amazing painters to show us what they could do with the Warmaster. Check out their results here:


    Heavyweight Paintjobs – Four Warmaster Titans Painted by Members of the Studio



    We love Titans at Warhammer Community. Warmaster Titans are the best because they’re the biggest, and therefore they make the most noise when stomping around, and they can be painted up as colossal centrepieces for Adeptus Titanicus maniples.

    Four tireless Studio members have recently been on a painting tear, each one adding a towering Warmaster Titan to their collections. 

    It seems likely that they’re preparing their maniples to fend off the brutal, close-combat giant that is the Warmaster Iconoclast Battle Titan, which will be making its way to battlefields in the imminent future. 

    Let’s find out how they set about painting their Warmasters.

    Fil Dunn – Specialist Design Studio Forge Lord

    Since the original Adeptus Titanicus, Legio Metalica has always been my legio of choice, and that’s not about to change.

    I set very strict deadlines for my painting, and I was able to assemble, paint and base the Warmaster in just one day!

    My approach is simple – basecoat everything with metallics, wash everything, then pick out the armour panels in red, building up colour in the centre of the plates rather than highlighting the edges. 

    I spend the most time on parts that catch the eye, such as the hazard stripes and weathering. As long as everything is neat and tidy, the result is pretty effective!

    Martyn Cashmore – Specialist Design Studio Tech-Priest

    From a young age, I’ve always liked massive, stompy robots. Adeptus Titanicus has allowed me to fully embrace the craving I have for these fantastic war machines, and a Warmaster Titan fits the bill of being a leader for my many Legio. 

    I chose Legio Magna because I wanted to test my colour blending* on large plates. I started with yellow and slowly worked down to red. 

    The underbody was sprayed using Leadbelcher,  washed with thinned down 

    Black Templar Contrast paint, then highlighted with Canoptek Alloy and Runefang Steel

    I  loved putting this project together so much that I now have another three Warmasters.

    James Karch – Warhammer World Studio Archmagos

    I played the original version of Adeptus Titanicus and loved the mottled grey scheme of Legio Gryphonicus, but wasn’t capable of recreating the effect myself back then. I wanted to see if I could achieve something similar now that my painting skills have improved. 

    I started by spraying the armour plates Mechanicus Standard Grey, then I watered down Administratum Grey and applied it using a sponge. I followed with more sponged-on Administratum Grey, this time not watered down. I was really pleased with the result – I think it is a nice, modern take on the original scheme.

    Owen Patten – Specialist Studio Enginseer

    I have recently completed a large Legio Praesagius (True Messengers) force, so the Warmaster was a perfect centrepiece. 

    I even used a crashed Aeronautica Imperialis Imperial Navy Avenger Strike Fighter as basing debris, adding to the narrative of the larger combined arms battle going on around the Titans.

    To make the panels easier, I painted the model in subassemblies. I split them into two groups – white and blue – and painted them along with the trim using the same scheme I shared in White Dwarf 463.**

    AT StudioWarmasters Sep21 Image8

    To make custom heraldry, I really enjoy searching through my collection of transfers in a similar process to converting. With some cutting and re-painting, I turned a Legio Gryphonicus transfer into a Legio Praesagius one. 

    I am pretty pleased with how the model turned out, and I already have my eye on the upcoming Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan.

    Warhammer Community: A titanic thank you to all of our painters, truly incredible stuff all around. These are some stellar models, but we’re equal opportunity Titan fans – we love Warhounds, Warlords, and Reaver Titans  all the same.

    Share your own Warmasters with us over on Twitter, and any other Titan you feel like showing us. We just can’t get enough!

    * If you’re curious about blending, there’s a fantastic episode of Citadel Colour Masterclass on just that subject, available on Warhammer+ right now.

    ** You can find this issue of White Dwarf, complete with this painting guide, in the Warhammer Vault, available as part of Warhammer+

  6. Citation

    Build the Low-down Dirty Outlaw Gang of Your Dreams With the Book of the Outcast


    NEC BookOfOutcasts Sep20 OutcastsHeader

    We revealed loads of incredible stuff at Gen Con over the weekend, including a new Kill Team boxed set and a Khorne team for Blood Bowl. We also saw some upcoming Necromunda releases, and now it’s time for a closer look at The Book of the Outcast.

    This new supplement includes masses of background for the forgotten of Necromunda – the disenfranchised who’ve fallen between the cracks of the rival Houses – explaining who these outcasts are and how they’ve ended up in this hopeless situation.

    The best thing about the Book of the Outcast is how flexible it is – it comes with loads of different ways to represent the dregs of Necromundan society or the fallen elements of its upper crust. 

    You can build outlaw gangs with all sorts of cool origin stories, formed around a charismatic leader you can build in a ton of different ways. Perhaps you want to make a gang solely of no-name, no-hope outcasts. For those of you who possess a more defiant nature, rebel cadres led by rebel luminaries like the mysterious Lady Credo or the legendary Kal Jericho might be your thing. 

    That scope stretches to weirder set-ups, too. From gangs formed around the psychic emanations of a charismatic Wyrd leader, through ex-Guilders* and those forced into hiding by their former Clan House, to outcast scions of Noble or even Fallen Houses, you can get seriously narrative with this new book. What’s more, it opens access up to all the brilliant dramatis personae released by Forge World over the years. This means that you can take a bunch of outcasts, add a character of your choice, and you’ve got a gang ready to create its own underhive legend.

    Talking of Wyrds, the Book of the Outcast includes a major update allowing you to unleash psychic powers across the underhive. There are now seven disciplines that give you plenty of options when it comes to choosing which variety of mind bullets you want to unleash on your enemies.

    Psykers not your style? Why not add an Underhive Trader to your roster? This is a new kind of Hanger-on available to any gang.

    As well as gang-specific tactics, scenarios, and dramatis personae, the Book of the Outcast features a new Outlanders campaign. This is a new narrative campaign that sees your Outlaw gang try to create a functioning settlement within the ruins that they find themselves in. Will you take your place among the settlements of the hive, or will you be crushed beneath the boot of Lord Helmawr?

    This is just a taste of the Book of the Outcast, which includes a plethora of new options that can add even more depth to your Necromunda games and campaigns. We’ll have more information on the book soon, along with a detailed look at the new Underhive Outcasts Gang and the Underhive Market kit. In the meantime, join us over on the Necromunda Facebook page to let us know what your outcast gang backstory will be.

    * You could build your gang around the Nautica Syphoning Delegation or the Sanguis Slaver Entourage, for example.

  7. Le 18/09/2021 à 14:29, Mist1guette a dit :

    Je viens de tenter mais non plus.


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  8. En made to order la semaine prochaine :



    SundayPreview Sept19 40kJoyToy Header

    JOYTOY Vanguard Space Marine Incursors and Infiltrators

    Just as you’d expect from the sneakier varieties of Primaris, these incredible new JOYTOY action figures have crept up on us out of nowhere. 

    Available in squads of four Incursors or Infiltrators, the Vanguard Space Marines are 12cm tall – approximately 1:18 scale – and they can be equipped with all manner of amazing accessories, including guns, pistols, mines, and weapon sights. 

    SundayPreview Sept19 IncursorDetails

    SundayPreview Sept19 InfiltratorsDetails

    These figures are little powerhouses of brilliance, and each is fully poseable with 25 points of articulation. Use them to create fantastic diorama scenes, mixing and matching equipment to customise your squads to your heart’s content. 

    These JOYTOY action figures are available via our Made to Order service, and you’ll be able to order yours on for one week only between the 25th of September and the 3rd of October. Set a reminder for next Saturday so you don’t miss out.

    Next up, more Orky reinforcements are bringing the Big Waaagh! to the far future.

  9. En précommande la semaine prochaine ;



    Necromunda 600Wide copy LOGO

    House Greim Military Attaché

    Give your gang some official support from Noble House Greim with this pair of grizzled military veterans. Their experience is just as valuable before battle as during it – though their fine equipment and weaponry are really quite handy during a scrap. 

    SundayPreview Sep12 HouseGreim

    Get ready to pre-order this posh pair from Forge World on Friday.

  10. En précommande la semaine prochaine :


    SundayPreview Aug15 KT Montage

    SundayPreview Aug15 BandaiHeader

    The new Ultramarines Primaris Captain in Gravis Armour from Bandai is available to order from next week. This fully articulated new action figure stands over eight inches tall and comes with a detachable backpack, cloak, and two different right hands. Made from plastic and die-cast metal, he’s absolutely packed with intricate details.

    SundayPreview Aug15 Bandai

    You can pre-order the Ultramarines Captain from next Saturday, with delivery straight to your door expected within six months, as they’re being made to order by Bandai.

  11. GM TheBoss™ :


    Dans cette section, les conventions non GW (quelles qu'elles soient) n'ont aucune valeur sauf si le posteur initial en invoque expressément une : cette convention écrite se rajoute alors aux ouvrages GW dans la base de justificatifs pouvant être évoqués.


    Pour clarifier, j'entends par invocation expresse d'une convention la double présence du Tag [Conv] (en plus des autres Tags) et de la mention expresse de la convention utilisée dans le premier message.


    S'il n'y a pas les deux, il est inutile de venir fourguer votre baril de convention.

  12. A venir en août (précommande le 6), d'après WC.


    Le roi Brand de Dale

    METheRoadGoesEverOn Jul22 KingBrand1w

    Héro de légende, Tenez-bon de 18 pouces, combat de 5, 3 attaques. règle spéciale Combattant héroïque (s'il est piégé, s'il perd un combat, il peut relancer un seul D6 pour gagner le combat et un seul D6 lorsqu'il lance pour blesser).


    Son fils Bard II

    METheRoadGoesEverOn Jul22 PrinceDale2ck

    Combat de 5, 3 attaques, Combat héroïque, défense de 7, 2 points de Destin, défense héroïque, lance, bouclier...


    Chevaliers de Dale :

    METheRoadGoesEverOn Jul22 KnightsOfDale3vd

    Armure lourde, lance, bouclier, règle spéciale Mur de lames (bonus de +1 pour blesser quand ils combattent avec leur lance un ennemi qui les a chargé)


    METheRoadGoesEverOn Jul22 ForcesOfDale4w

  13. GM TheBoss™ :


    Il y a 6 heures, Chaos_Space_Marine a dit :

    J'ai téléchargé calibre j'ai converti un fichier PDF en Ebook mais j'ai le droit à ça :


    Tu veux sérieusement qu'on t'aide à convertir des fichiers obtenus illégalement.

    Lis l'article 15 de la Charte.


    Sur ce, je ferme.

  14. VO du 16/07/2021

    Grand Tournament 2021 Mission Pack, Munitorum Field Manual, Codex: Adepta Sororitas.



    • 5AF5xrdpDtKLMXQ4.png

      Grand Tournament 2021 Mission Pack

      Updated 16/07/2021

    • DGtx3PQRopy2XYTQ.png

      Munitorum Field Manual

      Updated 16/07/2021

    • 391JIANuhucyB6tk.png

      Codex: Adepta Sororitas

      Updated 16/07/2021


    VF du 16/07/2021

    Grand Tournament 2021 Mission Pack, Munitorum Field Manual, Codex: Adepta Sororitas.



    • DGtx3PQRopy2XYTQ.png


      Updated 16/07/2021

    • 5AF5xrdpDtKLMXQ4.png


      Updated 16/07/2021

    • 391JIANuhucyB6tk.png

      Codex: Adepta Sororitas

      Updated 16/07/2021



  15. Il y a 12 heures, Barbarus a dit :

    De nouvelles règles pour les arbitres dans le WD 466...


    Finally, our wild card for this month’s White Dwarf preview is Blood Bowl – in which cards are particularly relevant…


    Red Cards & Rulekeepers

    Blood Bowl players might be firmly – and understandably – of the opinion that the referees should keep their opinions to themselves. Unfortunately, that’s not for them to decide, and this suite of rules offers you not just new ways to deal with misbehaving players, but profiles for two unique referees – Elnos Lawkeeper and Redkur Forgebeard.

    Complete with their own characteristics and special rules, referees can now take a very real part in games and, depending on your play style, might act as stalwart and noble lawkeepers or, ahem, not. White Dwarf 466 will be available to pre-order from 10th July, and on shelves and available to buy in shops from 16th July. Subscribers in Canada and the US will have to hold on just a week longer to get their hands on it, but we promise the wait will be worth it!

  16. En précommande la semaine prochaine :



    This week also sees the release of a Star Player for Blood Bowl, and it’s an update of a classic model. Frank ‘n’ Stein used to be two very average players, but after a bit of help from a Necromancer, he’s proving to be more than the sum of his parts.

    SundayPreview Jul04 FrankNStein5g

    He can be taken by any Old World Classic and Sylvanian Spotlight Teams and is perfect for adding a bit of strength and brutality to your undead teams. Frank will be available to pre-order from Forge World on Friday.

  17. Citation

    3 Times Imperial Assassins Changed the Fate of the Galaxy


    When the death of a key enemy commander, rogue psyker, or vile demagogue would avert potential disaster for the Imperium, the High Lords of Terra authorise the use of their most deadly weapons: Imperial Assassins. Drawn from several diverse temples and possessed of skills far beyond the capabilities of ordinary humans, the assassins are trained to succeed against even the deadliest of foes. They will complete their mission, no matter the cost.


    Agents of the Officio Assassinorum have cut down countless important figures since the organisation’s creation. With Warhammer+ giving you the chance to get your hands on an exclusive Vindicare Assassin model, we picked out a few of our favourite missions to show how deadly the agents of the most widely known Temples – the Culexus, Vindicare, Callidus, and Eversor – truly are.

    1. The Second Agrellan Campaign

    During the T’au Empire’s Third Sphere Expansion, a retaliatory Imperial blockade of the recently conquered Agrellan system trapped Ethereal Supreme Aun’Va within a secure bunker. 

    While members of the other Assassin Temples began attacks on Commander Farsight and Commander Shadowsun, a lone Culexus Assassin located the hidden command centre and made straight for the wizened Ethereal.

    40kAssassins Jun28 Image1

    By making use of their pariah gene, a rare mutation that eliminates a person’s signature in the warp (effectively rendering them soulless), and the ancient technology of their animus speculum, the Assassin shrouded themselves from notice until they were deep within the enemy’s sanctum. 

    Bursting through a bulkhead door with unleashed fury, the Culexus Assassin slaughtered their way through Aun’Va’s guards and, after a brief chase through the streets outside, cut down the Ethereal Supreme.

    It was a heavy blow to the T’au Empire. They were so concerned with the fallout of their spiritual leader’s death that he was swiftly and secretly replaced by holographic AI facsimiles, encoded with Aun’Va’s thought patterns to hide the truth from T’au society.

    2. Execution Force Regnum Tribunal

    Shortly following the opening of the Great Rift, the Space Marines of the Brazen Drakes were wracked by civil war. Their Chapter Master Argento Corian turned renegade and sought to eliminate all who remained loyal to the Imperium. Although Corian escaped the conflict, word made its way back to Terra and an Execution Force of four assassins was dispatched to end his life.

    40kAssassins Jun28 Image2

    The assassins found a twisted abomination corrupted by Fabius Bile – the Clonefather had formed an alliance with the remaining Brazen Drakes in what came to be known as the War of the Spider. In their combined assault upon the former Chapter Master, two of the Execution Force were killed, with the Eversor Assassin’s self-destructive bio-meltdown finally putting an end to Argento Corian.

    3. The Assassination of Urgak ‘the Unstoppable’

    In the early years of the 41st Millennium, it was discovered that the Orks of the Roxanzand sector were rallying behind a powerful Warboss called Urgak the Unstoppable, who had set about gathering together Boyz and war machines from a vast area. Worse still, their Meks had begun construction of a colossal Gargant, which the Imperium couldn’t afford to ignore. 

    After it was determined that a full-scale military response wouldn’t arrive before the Gargant was complete, an operative from the Vindicare Temple was dispatched to the planet on a high-speed vessel.

    40kAssassins Jun28 Image3

    The assassin successfully infiltrated the Ork camp, dissolving the bodies of slain sentries with a vicious quick-burning compound, and planted high-explosive charges at key points around the giant war machine’s armoured bulk. 

    After sneaking back out of the encampment and waiting patiently for several hours on a nearby overlook, the Vindicare Assassin caught sight of the Warboss inspecting his beloved Gargant and ended Urgak’s life with a single bullet through the head. 

    The bullet then continued onwards, striking the explosives and detonating the walker in a catastrophic chain reaction that killed hundreds of surrounding Orks.

    Does your opponent have a hero you’d love to eliminate in a clinical fashion? Subscribers to Warhammer+ can do just that, should you choose the exclusive Vindicare Assassin as your free model for the year.* 

    Equipped with a deadly Exitus rifle and with the ability to target Characters hiding behind their own front lines, they’re peerless sharpshooters who are especially good at removing supporting units like Haemonculi, Cadre Fireblades, and even renegade Apothecaries.

    WHPlusPreview Jun23 Mini1

    Don’t forget to keep up to date with the upcoming release of Warhammer+, which is launching on the 25th of August, by signing up for the email newsletter. You’ll be among the first to find out all of the latest information about the animated series, Warhammer TV shows, and more features coming to Warhammer+ every Wednesday following the launch. 

    WHPlusPreview Jun23 Button

    * If you choose the Orruk Megaboss as your free model, you can always opt to buy the Vindicare Assassin too.

  18. En précommande la semaine prochaine :


    First thing first, let’s go pitchside for a closer look at what the Ogre teams have in store for them in next weekend’s pre-orders.


    Ogre Team Accessories

    Ogre teams are going to be treated to a harsh and desolate double-sided Blood Bowl pitch and matching dugouts set next Saturday. One side represents a dry, cracked wasteland ravaged by desert winds, while the other side depicts the same grounds covered in icy snow from a sudden blizzard. The set also includes rules for playing a game amid these trying conditions.

    The updated Ogre Team Card Pack, featuring 44 handy reference and Special Play cards for the lumbering brutes and their Gnoblar teammates, and Dice Set to channel Nuffle’s favour when you play are also available to pre-order next weekend.

    SundayPreview Jun06 BBOgres1n4ued


  19. Figurine exclusive aux souscripteurs Warhammer+ :


    Everyone who subscribes to Warhammer+ can choose one of these models, and it’ll be shipped out to you around the 1-year anniversary of your subscription. Want them both? Of course you do! Warhammer+ subscribers will be able to purchase the other one as well.

    These models are only the beginning, there’ll be new exclusive miniatures each year, and you’ll get one free for every year you stay subscribed. We’ll have more on these at a later date, so stay tuned for more information. Obviously, there’ll be some terms and conditions – we’ll give you all the boring details when Warhammer+ launches in August.


    Pour discuter de Warhammer + de façon générique : là-bas.

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