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Tout ce qui a été posté par oberkampf

  1. Modèle apparemment en taille "true scale" donc plus grand que le reste de la gamme Epic
  2. Reçu aujourd'hui une grosse partie du kickstarter drake avec 42 euro en plus pour UPS (tva + douane) (2 kg) figurine en plomb avec peu de détail mais correct (les peintres seront heureux) et le plus grand dragon est en partie en résine sauf la tête concernant Torn-armor après la mauvaise nouvelle de la semaine dernière (chinois ayant augmenté leur tarifs de 30% sans prévenir ,cette personne a fait affaire avec une autre société US qui la plantée après avoir pris l'argent ) voir ci- dessous cette semaine d'autres société se sont proposé de la soutenir donc apparemment elle se trouve relancée pour la production des figurines et elle poursuit l'autre société en justice (d'ailleurs cette société a fait aussi un kickstarter il y a 2/3 mois) [color=#0B1902][size="2"]Dear Backers,[/size][/color][size="2"]This is not an easy update to send out, but I have always been open, honest and transparent with you all and recently the Torn World team has had to have some very unpleasant conversations regarding “Torn Armor.”[/size][size=2]We have hit a major obstacle here – which I will detail below – and it is only fair to be open and clear on the parties involved. I will simply layout the facts as they have occurred and you can form your own conclusions. What I will say is that ultimately you put your faith and trust in me to ensure that this project was delivered, and in that I have failed you. So while the Torn Armor team has hit unforeseen circumstances and been subjected to unprofessional behavior and broken promises, ultimately I am responsible and please direct your frustrations squarely towards me.[/size] [b][size="2"] A Recap:[/size][/b] [size=2]As you will remember, immediately after the Kickstarter ended last year we contacted the China-based companies to finalize our quotes, and were then informed that even though our quotes were less than 90 days old the new production prices, across the board, jumped by 30%. This caused us to seek an alternative production company and during this time one of our backers came forward with a recommendation. This recommendation was given and genuinely provided to help the project, but in hindsight it set us on an unfortunate path.[/size] [size="2"]The company recommended is here in the United State, and this – if anything – I viewed as being beneficial. What I did not know, and honestly had no way of knowing, was that they were about to head into some very troubling times. This company is Defiance Games.[/size] [size="2"]Back in June/July of last year I had my first contact with Defiance and after talking to them for a short while, I felt that it was a good solution and I felt confident that everything was still on track. But the intervening time has been nothing but stalls, delays, staffing shuffles, and sideways movement. They brought on a new CEO shortly after I signed contracts with them, which I found to be alarming, but was told that it was to improve the running of the company. They acknowledged that they had been experiencing turbulent times and the new CEO was to help get things back on track; I was reassured, numerous times and by their upper management that all was on track and schedule.[/size] [size="2"]The team I had recently been introduced to and communicated with soon left and a new team was brought onboard. Again I got to meet them and again I was reassured that the changes were for the best. We were still prepping miniatures for mold production, deadlines and timelines were re-affirmed as being “November,” and while I was uncomfortable with the constant switching of staff, I felt that the wheels were moving and shortly we’d start seeing masters roll off the 3d printers. When this did not happen as promised I started updates regarding delays, later delivery timeframes and so on. I simply need time to sort out what was actually happening and where I might be able to adjust as needed.[/size] [size="2"]Now while I am a patient person and I can be understanding the constant delays and lack of action from Defiance made me think that this was more than a “changing of the guard, or a that new production schedule was being implemented.” I realized there was something seriously wrong.[/size] [size="2"]With our initial deadlines past and the old year ending I put them under great pressure to get things moving. With this pressure we saw the hoplite. He was great and Defiance confirmed that they could work with the model.[/size] [size="2"]I believed we had a light at the end of the tunnel. With constant pressure and micro management on my end I cautiously believed we could get the project on a track towards completion.[/size] [size="2"]It was at this time that Defiance stated that they would not produce any masters until they had finished a batch of models. They then informed us that the file format we had provided them, their choice, wasn’t going to work. This new format was already a replacement of the original format they said wouldn’t work, which again was their choice. Soon after this they started talking about “going back to the models from last October” It was at this time I knew we were going into a downward spiral of excuses and finger pointing.[/size] [size="2"]Ironically their chief responsibility was the creation of a usable, printable, castable 3d miniature models. Early on, they informed me they were unable to work with my artist/modeler and they in turn chose the artist/modeler they wanted to work with. The file format wasn’t going to work![/size] [size="2"]Clearly we have a serious problem.[/size] [b][size="2"]Get Another Production Company?[/size][/b] [size="2"]Last Friday I concluded that Defiance was completely unable to fulfill our needs and that I made a mistake in choosing them. Being noble and generous I would say that they truly felt like they could handle it, but the reality of the project – in addition to their own projects – was too much. There may well be other reasons.[/size] [size="2"]I formally asked for our money back less the approved and agreed charges and after a weekend of badgering they told me on Monday that “We do not have the available cash on hand to return these funds at this time” and “We are gearing up here for our own releases to get new product to market and improve our cash flow.”[/size] [b][size="2"]The Problem[/size][/b] [size="2"]And herein lies the problem: Defiance have not been able to produce the miniatures, but they are also unable to return the funds. And the funds are somewhat substantial. [/size][size="2"]Currently, we are reviewing all legal options, but I have very little faith that we will simply get this money back.[/size][size=2]Torn Armor is effectively dead in the water.[/size] [size=2] [/size]
  3. une équipe de nains du chaos pour blood bowl avec du nains du hobgobelin du centaure et minotaure [url=""]http://www.indiegogo...y-football-team[/url] [img][/img]
  4. Par contre les "piétons" sont par 20 hors pour faire une unité type warmaster il en faut 30 ? non comme apparemment il ne sont pas collé les uns aux autres peut t'on les mettre par rang de quatre ? les trolls sont ......[img][/img] les cavaliers " font plutôt guerriers du chaos" et les chars eux maraudeur les frais de port ????
  5. et une armée de nains avec 17 références 6 troupes + 4 pièces d'artillerie + person.+ gros pièces que demande le peuple bon par contre il va falloir monter dans les points pour avoir toutes les références concernant des nains du chaos ,il y a moins de références reste a savoir si les deux derniers paliers seront produit malgré le faite qu'ils ne soit pas atteint
  6. 30555 £ a 70 minutes de la fin donc palier zeppelin atteint
  7. A 800 pts la bête qui apparemment est très grande [img][/img]
  8. [quote][color=#330000][size=2]Les pré-commandes sont ouvertes jusqu'au 20 janvier, profitez-en un artwork est offert [/size][/color][/quote] Auprès de quelle site ou société ??
  9. kickstarter pour les nains [url=""][/url] [img][/img]
  10. Lancement du kickstarter concernant Heroquest 25eme anniversaire [url=""][/url]
  11. Ouverture d'un deuxième Indiegogo [url=""][/url] avec de l'aviation et encore il s'agit de 6mm [img][/img]
  12. Concernant la taille des fig. de toutes manière les minotaures et démons sont plus grand que l'humain de base [img][/img]
  13. Donc la boite de base avec les bonus actuel 130$ port inclus [img][/img] la version PREMIUM 210$ port inclus [img][/img] adds on supplémentaire [img][/img]
  14. Un nouveau "pledge" 202 fig pour 200$+55 de port soit 190 euro "moins de 1 euro la fig" les 4 personnages 60 troupes n°1 60 troupes n°2 6 chariot 24 lance fusée 24 cavaliers 24 élite a pied soit une bonne armée [img][/img]
  15. A titre personnel ,ayant fait le pledge de 100 figurines ( soldat de base ) qui apparemment devait être en résine au départ ,mais devant l'échec de celle-ci il sont revenus au plastique type "mantic" Il doivent refaire les deux boites sorties en résine pour passer en plastique aussi Ils ont proposés l'échange de 1 résine pour 1.5 plastique ,je passe donc de 100 a 150 soldat de base et je viens de recevoir 2 boite soit 40 fig. (20 arquebusiers + 20 "rangers") reste a attendre la suite ...... les retards existe aussi pour les autres ayant aussi fait le kickstarter de red box games (livraison prévu en septembre/octobre 2012 reçu en septembre/octobre 2013) et je ne parle même pas du kickstarter Relic prévu en livraison en mai 2013 et toujours en attente ....Coolminiornot en plus
  16. Alors je n'ai pas reçu le fameux mail donc je me suis connecté avec le mot de passe "épique cette histoire ,j'ai fait plusieurs demande et il a fallu attendre 2 jours pour recevoir 4 messages avec 4 mots de passe différents et ayant des dates d'envoie différentes mais pas dans l'ordre trop simple sinon" et après mettre connecté , j'ai eu accès au saint graal
  17. Suis je le seul a ne pas avoir reçu leur mail ??
  18. Kickstarter terminé a + de 3.1 millions de dollars
  19. Dans la continuité des kickstarter [url=""][/url] [size=2]dans le style asiatique avec du démon et du minotaure [/size] [size=2] [/size] [size=2][img][/img] [/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [color=#121A0D][font="Arial"][size="2"]Partial Game Contents for backers receiving the Core Game and the Boxed Game Upgrades:[/size][/font][/color] [list][*][font="Arial"][size="2"]33 + 10 highly detailed plastic miniatures including:[/size][/font][*][font="Arial"][size="2"]4 different Pilgrims[/size][/font][*][font="Arial"][size="2"]3 different Boss Demons[/size][/font][*][font="Arial"][size="2"]1 huge Heavenly Creature[/size][/font][*][font="Arial"][size="2"]25 + 7 Bull Demons in 4 different types and poses[/size][/font][*][font="Arial"][size="2"]+ 3 Indepedent Demons (Zing Yau X 1, Jing Yau X 2)[/size][/font][*][font="Arial"][size="2"]9 large full color game boards and other scenery tiles[/size][/font][*][font="Arial"][size="2"]6 custom dice + 6 KS Exclusive dice[/size][/font][*][font="Arial"][size="2"]Full color rules and scenario book[/size][/font][*][font="Arial"][size="2"]Over 100 cards from the core game + 4 KS Exclusive cards[/size][/font][/list][color=#121A0D][font="Arial"][size="2"]Additional items for backers getting the Collectors Upgrades:[/size][/font][/color] [list][*][font="Arial"][size="2"] +2 Resin Demon Miniatures (Zing Yau x 2)[/size][/font][*][font="Arial"][size="2"] +2 Resin Scenery Sets (Mystical Box, Sutras)[/size][/font][/list]
  20. Reçu mon titans MORTIS aujourd'hui [img][/img]
  21. J'ai toujours rien compris a leur frais de port ???
  22. Tableau récapitulatif suivant le pledge engagé [img][/img]
  23. Un kickstarter avec des armures lourdes ou robots [url=""][/url] [img][/img][img][/img]
  24. Kickstarter achevé cette nuit a 718000$ maintenant reste a attendre la prise de contact et le tableau des choix possibles (2 et 5 semaines) [img][/img]
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