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Tout ce qui a été posté par Anàrion

  1. Sinon, demandez à votre buraliste qu'il vous le commande, cela se fait aussi .
  2. Si j'ai bien compris, toutes les figurines présentées pour le moment seront en grappe plastique de type Easy To Build Donc oui, pas de modumarité Ce qui laisse supposer l'arrivé d'autres boites plastiques pour après (probablement 2020) avec d'autres poses, et peut être, plus de modularité !
  3. J'ai reçu une lettre papier me disant que j'allais recevoir le numéro bientôt
  4. Stocker, ça coute du pognon Alors stocker 1 semaine un truc à 2e, je comprends qu'ils ne le fassent pas !
  5. Anàrion


    De mémoire ils avaient dis que la multiplication des gammes leur avait donné des soucis financiers. Du coup ils avaient recentré. J'avais plutôt compris que la multiplication des jeux avait augmenté les dépenses fortement, sans augmenter les entrées d'argent .
  6. Sauf si se sont des figurines monobloc, à la genre ombrelance et plein d'autres boites du styles. Qui sont à un prix inférieur aux figurines dites "multipart kit plastic"
  7. Il reste encore des trucs à dévoiler : -les chars (on a juste eu un teaser) -le pupitre volant -1 ou 2 corset énergétique il me semble -1 paquetage dorsal avec encensoir et lame tronçonneuse
  8. Il y a encore plus dans la vidéo Plus de sœurs, et une sœur supérieur à droite qui est l'actualisation d'une figurine métal ! Repentia et maitresse de repentances Seraphim (peut etre nommée) avec nouveaux flingues
  9. Le Bolt est autopropulsé. TGCM d'ailleurs. Mais c'est écrit noir sur blanc dans les bouquins, donc on ne peut pas y couper Cela implique une technologie différente des armes que l'on connait. Cette technologie peut impliquer que la douille sorte par une fenêtre d'éjection qui n'est pas aligné avec le canon.
  10. La nostalgie de l'époque de seigneur des anneaux aux éditions Atlas n'a pas de prix! Mais elle a un Coût : il va falloir que je m'abonne à cette nouvelle version
  11. Coming Soon: A New Age of Aerial Combat In the 41st Millennium, there is only war. In space? War. On the land? WAR. Underground? SO MUCH WAR. The skies? You better believe there is a heck of a lot of war going on up there. Now, we’re giving you the chance to experience aerial warfare in the far future with Aeronautica Imperialis – a totally new game system designed to bring the thrills of combat in the sky to your tabletop. A better way indeed! You’ll be able to pre-order Aeronautica Imperialis next weekend, with loads of kits, accessories and books to launch into. Neat, eh? Wings of Vengeance First up, if you’re interested in getting Aeronautica Imperialis, you’ll want to kick off your career as a pilot with the Wings of Vengeance boxed set. This starter set makes getting stuck in with Aeronautica Imperialis super easy, containing the full rules, an Area of Engagement battlemat, two squadrons of aircraft to game with, and more! In the set, you’ll find: 2x Thunderbolt Fighters (these can also be built as Thunderbolt Furies) 2x Marauder Bomber 3x Dakkajets 2x Fighter Bommers 1x Rulebook 1x Double-sided Area of Engagement battlemat Lots of handy gubbins like dice, transfer sheets, tokens, quick reference guides and more. We’ll be delving further into the Wings of Vengeance set with an unboxing tomorrow, so stay tuned. Aeronautica Imperialis is more than a (very, very good) boxed game, it’s a fully-fledged new system with its own range of models. In addition to Wings of Vengeance, you’ll also be able to pick up all the kits in their own separate boxes. Let’s take a closer look at those… Aircraft Our miniatures team have worked tirelessly to transform some of the 41st Millennium’s most famous aircraft into all-new plastic models made especially for the game. Take the new Thunderbolt Fighter kit… This multipart plastic kit allows you to build four Thunderbolt Fighters packed with incredible detail and options to customise your aircraft with all manner of weapons. This includes a variant of the Thunderbolt never-before-seen on the tabletop – the avenger bolt cannon-armed Thunderbolt Fury. Looking for something heavier? You’ll be able to reinforce your air wing with a box of two Marauder Destroyers (nigh-indomitable flying fortresses) and another box of Marauder Bombers (for when you need to turn your chosen ground target into a smoking crater). What if you’re looking for something with a bit more… dakka? Well, good news, Mekboys – the Air Waaagh! is getting some nifty plastic kits of its own. First up, teeny Dakkajets! This box lets you build six of these deadly, close-quarters aircraft, with interchangeable nose cones, wings, tails and cockpits, meaning even the largest aerial swarms will look distinct. For those of you looking for something even shootier, grab some Fighta Bommerz. Available in a kit that builds four of these deadly craft, Fighta Bommerz give you a bit of everything – they’re capable of tackling ground and air targets alike with a truly terrifying array of guns, guns and more guns. Rynn’s World This is just the beginning for Aeronautica Imperialis, and much like Adeptus Titanicus and Necromunda, we’ll be expanding the game regularly with supplements packed with lore, new rules, and more! At launch, you’ll be able to explore the war-torn skies of Rynn’s World with a new campaign book. As well as offering new insights into aerial warfare in the 41st Millennium, the Rynn’s World campaign book is a great add-on to the Wings of Vengeance set, letting you link your games in thrilling campaigns, fight through six new scenarios and add ace pilots to your squadrons. The book also adds ground targets to the game, allowing you to bolster your forces with static defence turrets, bringing a new tactical layer to gaming and list building. What’s more, the Rynn’s World book contains the full rules for Aeronautica Imperialis, so you’ll be able to play the game, even if you’re not getting the Wings of Vengeance set! It’s particularly useful if you’re splitting the box with a friend and need an extra set of rules. Accessories Next weekend, you’ll be able to supplement Aeronautica Imperialis with loads of nifty accessories. An additional Area of Engagement mat, made of card and larger than the one found in the Wings of Vengeance set, makes a great backdrop for your larger aerial battles. The Ground Assets set is also great for populating your battlefields with all manner of weapons batteries, bunkers and target markers that are perfect for representing ground-based targets. You could also combine a few sets to make sprawling battlefield boards… Handy card packs, meanwhile, are perfect for tracking your key weapons and aircraft in the heat of battle – weapon cards for hellstrike missiles and the like let you monitor single-shot options with ease. Just put them aside once you’ve fired them! Additional Order Tokens ensure you’ll never run short mid-battle, and again, are perfect if you don’t plan on picking up Wings of Vengeance. Last, but very far from least – can you really ever have enough dice? Absolutely not! You’ll be able to bolster your collection with a couple of sets designed especially for Aeronautica Imperialis – one for the Orks, and one for the Imperial Navy. All this goodness will be available to pre-order next Saturday, on the 31st of August! Don’t worry if you can’t wait until then – we’ll be posting up loads of previews throughout next week to help you prepare. Check back tomorrow for the complete unboxing of Wings of Vengeance, and subscribe to our newsletter for all the latest Aeronautica Imperialis news delivered right to your inbox.
  12. 9,99€ en Italie à partir du numéro 3 Site Italien
  13. Ah, j'avoue je ne comprend pas bien ton raisonnement la ! D'un coté, selon toi, on a un livre de règle à 32,50€ qui " coute que 3€ à imprimer! surtout qu'il n'y a pas de MAJ d'après GW, c'est donc amorti par la V1." D'un autre coté, on à la grappe tau qui a genre quoi, 10 ans? Elle n'a pas eu de mise a jour non plus, ou je me trompe ? donc elle est amortie elle aussi, non ? Elle devrait pas couter 3,50E a imprimer cette grappe, elle aussi, non ? Pourquoi donc ton calcul mets plein tarif à 40€ ? Du coup! Comment calcul tu le prix de la boite ? J'en perds mes mathématiques !!!
  14. Compter le bouquin de règle à 32,50, comme de la "paperasse", c'est un peu fort quand même !
  15. Warhammer community annonce le sortie italienne de Conquest
  16. Le décor est bien. Je pense pendre la boite de base pour ça, et revendre le reste en fonction du prix La grappe plastique sector mechanicus varie entre 15 et 20 euros sur le site de GW (en fonction du kit choisi). La il y en a 6 dans cette boite de base !
  17. Elle respecte bien la sculpture de l'ancienne en métal. On reste dans la continuité. Le seul truc qui me chagrine, avec la nouvelle, c'est qu'elle donne l’impression d’être bien plus imposante que l'ancienne en métal, je la ressens plus comme une guerrière, qui est là pour soigner, mais qui est toute à fait apte à te maraver la gueule si il faut. L'ancienne plus svelte, donnait une impression de douceur et fragilité, plus compatible avec la notion de soignant non combattant !
  18. Je me suis permis de faire la synthèse de ce que l'on sais sur les futurs sœurs de batailles. J'ai rajouté le passage sur la soeur hospitalière. Si j'ai oublié quelque chose, manifestez vous ! L'oiseau, ça fait un moment qu'on l'a en photo
  19. Résumé des rumeurs jusqu'à présent : I) Adepta Sororitas Iconography In our inaugural bulletin, we’ll be taking a look at some of the concept art that has helped to define the iconography across the new range. One of the most integral features of Warhammer 40,000 is the iconography that helps define each faction (apart from the Tyranids – though we’re sure that the Hive Mind probably experimented with bio-banners at some point…). From the symbolic allegiance denoted by the Imperial Aquila to icons such as the blood drop of the Blood Angels or the skull rune of Khorne’s followers, such imagery is an intrinsic part of Warhammer 40,000. When it came to redesigning the Adepta Sororitas range, the iconography was, therefore, one of the first aspects that the design team looked at. Here is a selection of some of the earliest concept sketches, and they feature an interesting juxtaposition within them. Many contrast softer themes such as wings, angels and flowers with stronger, more aggressive ones – the roses are complemented by thorny briars and clenched fists, while the ornate chalices are accompanied by skulls, swords and flames. The iconic fleur-de-lys – the unifying symbol used by the Adepta Sororitasand the non-militant orders that support them – also regularly appears throughout Of course, each Order of the Adepta Sororitas has its own iconographical nuances too. As the spiritual inheritors of the Daughters of the Emperor, the Order of the Ebon Chalice, for example, take much of the inspiration for their iconography from their part in the execution of the traitorous High Lord Goge Vandire. Images such as severed heads and relic blades are clear references to the violent, but storied, origins of the Order. Once the Adepta Sororitas iconography has been conceptualised, it can help to influence some of the details on the miniatures themselves. These themes may eventually feature on their armour, banners, wargear and transfer sheets, or even in their artwork, though the purpose of concept art is to inspire rather than dictate. After looking at the first of the new generation of Adepta Sororitas at AdeptiCon, today we’re previewing some early images as well as exploring how our miniatures designers have brought this iconic range to life. The flamer and bolter are classic weapons both of the Sisters of Battle and the Imperium itself, and the design team wanted to make sure that these armaments truly suited those wielding them. Based on the iconic original bolter, the weapons borne by the Sisters of Battle have been designed to be employed by humans. The weapons carried by the Emperor’s most devout warriors are as much ritual implements as they are weapons of war, and so we’ve squeezed all sorts of ornate detail into them, pushing our cutting-edge technology to the limit to make sure that every part of the new Battle Sisters tells a story. Take their bolters – just as the bolt rifles wielded by the Primaris Space Marines were based on the iconic Godwyn-pattern, so too are the new Sisters of Battle bolters. There are a bunch of distinct bolt weapons coming out, too – here are just some of them: Our designers have been pushing the design of the Sisters of Battle further than ever before – while you’ll recognise their classic armour and weapons, look closer and you’ll pick up a wealth of detail we could previously only explore in art, like the reverential engravings on each shell of this heavy bolter: And, of course, you’ll be getting flamers – lots and lots of flamers. It is, after all, the ideal heretic-purging weapon. Based again on the iconic Sisters of Battle flamer, these have been upgraded with a more ornate muzzle: For those who escape your wrath at range, there are plenty of close combat weapons on the way too, again based on classic designs and upgraded with new detail: With the upcoming Adepta Sororitas release, our designers have had the chance to realise the command structure and characters of the Sisters of Battle in tremendous detail. The Adeptus Ministorum – the universe-spanning church that maintains a theological stranglehold on the Imperium – has long been a key pillar of the background of Warhammer 40,000, and the new range brings them onto the tabletop as never before. This is Warhammer 40,0000 at its most gothic – nightmarish, beautiful and unmistakably awesome. Most Sisters of Battle characters will build upon core details and imagery you’re already familiar with. This power pack, for example, features more ornate detail than the standard Battle Sisters, as well as a leather-bound chainsword (you never know when you might need one). This cuirass feels more ceremonial than those worn by standard Adepta Sororitas and is replete with engravings and other fine details to make the Character stand out. Everything, right down to the bases, has been taken into account. Ruined statuary and columns help to bring the world of the Adepta Sororitas and the shrines they defend to life and place them firmly in the 41st Millennium. Every new Sisters of Battle Character will help to flesh out their world even further. This time around, we’ve been able to recreate details and flourishes never before possible. These can be small but meaningful touches such as the rosary beads that adorn several senior Adepta Sororitas to demonstrate their constant faith, even in battle. You’ll notice, if you look closely, that these beads are of different sizes – each is meant to represent a specific virtue, or cluster of virtues, practised by that specific Battle Sister. Flocks of doves play a similar role as symbols of purity and peace that juxtapose fascinatingly with the brutal weapons wielded by the characters they’re modelled with. As well as these key aesthetic touchstones, the new Sisters of Battle characters are replete with subtle details that speak to their specific roles. Take this audio device – a baroque implement designed to issue orders, prayers or motivational litanies. Let us know which champions of the Adepta Sororitas you’re looking forward to seeing in plastic on the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page, and stay subscribed to the Games Workshop newsletter to make sure you never miss an update. Leading From the Front Having already looked at the new Sisters of Battle squad and the redemption-seeking Repentia, this week’s Battle Sister Bulletin is all about the battlefield commander of the Adepta Sororitas – the Canoness. Canonesses are the martial and spiritual commanders of the Orders Militant of the Adepta Sororitas. Each is a shining example of purity and dedication of purpose, a veteran warrior of hundreds of battles and a slayer of the faithless in numerous war zones. To be a Canoness requires a combination of strong leadership, shrewd tactical acumen and unmatched faith in the Emperor. The new model perfectly encapsulates this – her position is clear from her more elaborate vestments, which share a number of features with the Battle Sisters but are even more intricate. Even the silhouette of her collar is reminiscent of a fleur-de-lys. She also carries a rod of office, both a symbol of her status and of her faith, which she uses to inspire her troops to even greater feats. The Canoness is a far more experienced warrior than the Sisters that she commands – the Adepta Sororitas is a lifelong commitment and their vows to the God-Emperor end only in death. Battle Sisters each carry a rosary where every bead represents a virtuous deed done in the name of the God-Emperor. The Canoness carries many such beads, reflecting her decades of slaying heretics and hunting witches. The Chaplet Ecclesiasticus at the end of her rosary is also incredibly ornate. Of course, fighting the enemies of the Imperium leaves a mark, and in her case, it’s a bionic leg. As befits someone in such an important role, this isn’t the sort of crude, functional bionic that so many in the Imperium must make do with – this is a far more refined and ergonomic augmetic. The Canoness will be available alongside her fellow plastic Sisters of Battle, but in the meantime, you can pick up Canoness Veridyan, based on the classic John Blanche artwork. Also, make sure that you sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with all of the latest news and join us again in two weeks for the next Battle Sister Bulletin. The Sister Hospitaller Despite what you may read in the Regimental Standard, sometimes, even an unshakable faith in the Emperor isn’t enough to avoid suffering terminal injuries in battle. When such a fate befalls one of the Battle Sisters of the Adepta Sororitas, they are attended by a Sister Hospitaller – a grim and sombre matron whose duty is to tend to the wounded or the spiritual needs of the dying. Today, we’re showing you a sneak preview of the new Hospitaller miniature as she continues to take shape… Amazing, isn’t she? The design creates a sense of drama, telling a story much like that displayed by the Primaris Apothecary. It appears that the Battle Sister at her feet is beyond saving, as the Hospitaller is clearly ministering a final benediction to commend her charge’s soul to the Emperor, reading a passage from a sacred tome clutched in her left hand. With the last of her strength, the mortally wounded Battle Sister is offering up her immortal spirit with an outstretched hand – after all, a warrior of the Adepta Sororitas would never let a minor thing like dying get in the way of showing her dedication to the Master of Mankind! The Hospitaller has loads of interesting details, such as the symbolic doves carrying unfurled scrolls of holy scripture, and the hollow helm (complete with full interior detail!) of the fallen Battle Sister on her scenic base. The new design also features a number of callbacks to the original model (shown below), such as the pleated habit and the optional rebreather mask. Unlike the previous miniature, the new Hospitaller design is wearing full Adepta Sororitas power armour, complete with backpack. This has the added benefit of making the perfect mount for a full array of chirurgeon’s tools, readily identifying the Hospitaller as a battlefield medic as well as a solemn deliverer of last rites. As with the bare and masked head options, the monstrance* held aloft in the Hospitaller’s right hand will also have an alternative variation – great news if you’re planning to include more than one Hospitaller in your Adepta Sororitas collection! With the Hospitaller set to cater to all your battlefield healing needs, we’ll be back in a couple of weeks with more Adepta Sororitas news. Of course, you’ll no doubt have noticed that this is the 14th instalment of the Battle Sister Bulletin – if you haven’t read all of our previous bulletins, be sure to catch up! You can also sign up to our newsletter to ensure you’re always up to speed on the latest information. * A monstrance (or ostensorium) is a self-standing icon of holy worship often found on an altar. Suffice it to say that if you walked around an Adepta Sororitas sanctuary, you’d find them all over the place. New Models Sighted! With more than ten Battle Sister Bulletins under our belt, we’re starting to ramp things up as the awesome plastic Adepta Sororitas miniatures range continues to take shape. So much so, in fact, that today we’re able to show you not just one, but a whole bunch of new Battle Sisters… As you can see, the sculpted suits of power armour that each Battle Sister wears is complemented with a flowing habit and is adorned with purity seals and the symbols of their Order. Considering that Battle Sisters are the line troopers of the Adepta Sororitas army, they very much set the standard of what will follow. Given how stunning each of these miniatures is, it’s fair to say we’re pretty excited to see what the rest of the range will look like! Speaking of which, here are another couple of Battle Sisters, this time armed with a storm bolter and flamer respectively… Burnt heretic, anyone? What better way is there to decorate the base of a flamer-toting Battle Sister than with the smouldering corpse of an apostate who was no doubt in league with Dark Gods? As you can see most clearly on the Battle Sister equipped with flamer, the habit is lined with studs that can be opened before battle to ensure freedom of movement. Now it’s time to check out the unit’s Sister Superior and the bearer of the squad’s Simulacrum Imperialis… The Sister Superior is striking a suitably Warhammer pose, with one foot raised on some stones and her chainsword held aloft. Meanwhile, a closer inspection of the Simulacrum Imperialis reveals that the large reliquary is mounted on a wooden haft, complete with grain fibres and nicks from previous battles. Another point of note is that this particular Battle Sister is wearing a helmet – you’ll be pleased to know that each model in the kit can be assembled with or without a full helm. As if all of these reveals weren’t already enough, we’ve also got a fully painted miniature from the squad to show you! Remember the first miniature we showed you above? Well, here she is her finished form (this time with a helmet on)… Tiens, j'ai trouvé ce comparatif de taille :  Elle me plait bien cette petite dame. Cool, huh? We were so impressed with the result that we spoke to ’Eavy Metal’s Max Faleij about how the team made a start on painting the burgeoning Adepta Sororitas range. Max: The colour scheme for the Order of Our Martyred Lady is iconic and striking. I think it’s safe to say that it’s probably one of the first images that come to mind when someone says “Sisters of Battle”. Whenever we revisit classic colour schemes like this, we always want to be really respectful of the original concept and appearance of the models. At the same time, we don’t want to miss any opportunities to refine the colour scheme and bring it up to speed with the current range of miniatures. It just needs to be done in a way where it doesn’t lose the essence of the original. The way the new miniatures in the range are being designed also gives even greater insight into what the armour and equipment of the Adepta Sororitas looks like. We tried to describe the different materials using subtle variations in colour – pushing apart the cold black power armour and the warm black leather gloves for example. We also gave the boltgun casings a more aged look by mixing Stormhost Silver, Warplock Bronze and some Abaddon Black together to create a metal that’s subtly different from the inner workings of the bolter itself. The two-tone red of the habit is something that we really liked in the last rendition of the colour scheme and wanted to keep – not only is it an iconic part of the overall appearance but the two tones also help you read which parts of the model are part of the inner or outer robes. Repent! We hope you’ve been loyal since our last Battle Sister Bulletin – it would be a shame if you had to REPENT! Well, that’s the fate that awaits the Sisters Repentia of the Orders Militant anyway, and being Warhammer 40,000, it’s a very grim fate indeed. But before we look at how these fearsome flagellants are shaping up, let’s quickly recap on what we know about them… Sisters Repentia To the Adepta Sororitas, nothing is more important than their faith in the Emperor. Seriously – nothing! To that end, any perceived lapse in zeal or duty is punished severely. Repentia are Sororitas who have fallen short of their Order’s stringent code and now seek ultra-violent redemption by washing away their sins with the blood of heretics and unbelievers. Whether the result of harsh chastisement or even voluntary service after failing to live up to their own high standards, Sisters Repentia are ceremoniously deprived of their holy armour and wargear and formally cast out of their Order. The only logical step from there is to charge into battle to kill the impure with enormous two-handed chainblades or seek retribution in death. After all, you can hardly call yourself a holy zealot in the 41st Millennium if you’re not prepared to get your hands (or in the case of the Repentia, penitent eviscerators) dirty! Like the other Battle Sisters you’ve seen so far, the Citadel miniatures designers have taken the opportunity to revisit these frenzied warriors – this time as a multipart plastic kit, with all the dynamism and flexibility the medium provides. Now you know what the Sisters Repentia are about, let’s take a look at some of the work-in-progress designs. That’s how to commit to a charge! Bereft of armour, the Sister’s scalp is shorn and her forehead has been branded. Her mouth is bound shut, likely as a reminder of her punishment. Perhaps she spoke out of turn to one of her superiors or questioned her faith? The Sisters Repentia designs feature some gorgeous details and incredibly dynamic poses, from the defined musculature that aptly demonstrates their physical prowess to the way that each Repentia is throwing her entire weight into the swing of her fearsome weapon. Such is definitely the case in our next example! Here we have a masked Repentia (reminiscent of other faithful seeking Redemption) who is fully committing to a massive swing with her penitent eviscerator – appropriate for a weapon that can split a Chaos Space Marine in half if the strike is true! In this design, you can clearly see the exposed plug ports that would normally enable a Battle Sister’s muscles to work in tandem with the enhanced fibre bundle network within her power armour. The power armour worn by the Adepta Sororitas (and other agents of the Imperium, such as Inquisitors) doesn’t require the full interface of an Adeptus Astartes black carapace. These next two examples nicely showcase the variety of poses that can will be achievable from the kit. One has just brought her chainblade down in a murderous chop, while the other’s eviscerator is at the apex of a backswing. Their crudely shaven hair implies that they’ve likely cut it themselves – or possibly even torn it out in clumps. The scrolls and parchment that adorn the clothing and eviscerators of the Sisters Repentia would likely list the nature of their sins, serving as constant reminders of their penitent obligations. If their cruel fate isn’t reason enough for the other Adepta Sororitas to remain on the straight and narrow at all times, then I don’t know what is! If a Repentia succeeds in redeeming herself and rejoining her Order, she will be greatly revered by her fellow Battle Sisters for finding the strength to overcome her failings. Did you know that Celestine, the Living Saint herself, was once a Sister Repentia before earning redemption? If not, then you should definitely give Andy Clark’s novel, Celestine, a read – you can pre-order it this weekend. In the meantime, be sure to pick up Our Martyred Lady by Gav Thorpe, which also features Celestine as well as a certain Inquisitor Greyfax (voiced by none other than Catherine Tate)! We’ll be back with another Battle Sister Bulletin in two weeks – see you then! Seraphim First Look It’s that time again – by which, of course, we mean time for your next Battle Sister Bulletin! This is an extra-special instalment, as we’re showing off one of the brand-new miniatures… Angel of (The Emperor’s) Mercy One of the most enduring images of the Adepta Sororitas is that of their winged Seraphim swooping into battle, bolt pistols blazing. The Seraphim have always been portrayed as angelic, holy warriors, and the new miniature captures one such Battle Sister perfectly… Amazing, huh? Advances in miniatures design technology have enabled us to realise the Seraphim in an even more dynamic way than before. The cinematic pose displayed by this miniature is just a sign of things to come! Many of the design cues for the Seraphim miniature have been taken from the Geminae Superia – the sisters Genevieve and Eleanor – who accompany Celestine, the Living Saint. After all, as protectors of a divine being, the Geminae Superia are perhaps the finest exemplars of what it means to be members of the Adepta Sororitas. One notable feature of the Seraphim has always been the stylised hollow wings that serve as the exhaust vents for their ornate jump packs. The design of these jump packs was updated a few years ago for the Geminae Superia, and this has been rolled out to the new Seraphim. The only significant difference between them is that the Seraphim have four ‘feather’ vents on each wing instead of the five that feature on the jump packs of the Geminae Superia. Want to own this miniature for yourself? How about a whole army of them? If you read all about the exciting reveals in our Warhammer Preview at AdeptiCon last week, you’ll be aware that by taking part in the Big Community Survey, you will be in with a chance to win an entire (brand-new) Adepta Sororitas army! How cool is that?! Be sure to check back on the 15th of April to join in the survey (don’t worry, we’ll remind you nearer the time). Vehicle Details The Battle Sister Bulletin is back today with a first glimpse at some of the new vehicles that are in development. Before we dive into the details, let’s take a quick look at what we know about the vehicle pool available to the Adepta Sororitas. Adepta Sororitas Vehicles The iconic vehicles of the Adepta Sororitas – the Immolator, Exorcist and Rhino – all utilise the ubiquitous Rhino chassis. Some of these vehicles are based upon the Mk I Deimos-pattern Rhino Standard Template Construct (STC) and are ancient in origin. The oldest examples are baroque masterpieces, having been reverently maintained and embellished with additional Ecclesiarchal decorations for millennia. The Deimos-pattern chassis features a number of characteristics that set it apart from the Mk IIc Mars-pattern Rhino more widely utilised by the Adeptus Astartes. The most notable of these features are the circular side doors that part to either side of the entrance, rather than the rectangular single-panel doors of later designs that yawn open to create a ramp. Vehicle Details The new vehicles being designed for the Adepta Sororitas represent the more antiquated Deimos-pattern Rhino STC. As such, they are flanked by the archetypal circular doors, adorned with the symbolic fleur-de-lys of the Adepta Sororitas. Another feature of the Deimos-pattern Rhino chassis is that its four large exhausts are only partially clad with armour plating, if at all. This open design has enabled the vehicle’s exhausts to be styled in the image of tall braziers, really emphasising the Gothic imagery for which the Adepta Sororitas are renowned. The level of detail that has been added to each part of the chassis is to give the impression of antiquity – that this is an ancient vehicle upon which many generations of artificers have added embellishments, gilded filigree and holy ornamentation. The side corner of the vehicle features a small shrine ensconced within a peaked arch – a clear sign of the reverential manner with which it has been fashioned by the artisans of the Ecclesiarchy. Gothic arches are a fundamental Imperial image with which the Adepta Sororitas have always had a strong association. The rear door of the vehicle exemplifies this principle, with two smaller arches set within a larger design in the manner of an ornate stained glass window. Of course, there is one vehicle available to the Adepta Sororitas that doesn’t utilise a Rhino chassis, due to it being more akin to a mechanised warsuit – the Penitent Engine. We’ll bring you more on this horrific war machine soon but, for now, here’s a sneak preview of a head belonging to an unfortunate soul condemned to seek bloody redemption in battle by ‘piloting’ a Penitent Engine. That’s it for this week. We’ll be back in a fortnight for another look at what lies in store for the Adepta Sororitas. Until then, let us know your favourite vehicle in the armoury of the Adepta Sororitas on our Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page. Retributors First Look It’s time for some retribution! When it comes to the Adepta Sororitas, this of course means squads of Battle Sisters wielding massive guns. That’s right – today we’re looking at Retributors! Many of you may remember that when we first announced that we were working on a new Adepta Sororitas range, we showed you a few early examples of their weapons and wargear – including a certain heavy bolter. Well, here it is again, this time being borne by a Retributor in all her glory! The Battle Sisters of the Adepta Sororitas are traditionally armed with a bolter, flamer, or melta weapon – known to their Orders as the Holy Trinity. In the case of Retributors, who specialise in providing fire support, this means carrying either a heavy bolter, heavy flamer or multi-melta. In addition to multiple options of each weapon type and a Sister Superior to lead them, the Retributors will have a number of head options, including bare, helmeted, or ones equipped with rebreathers – all of which have their own additional flourishes of detail. For example, the full helm of the Retributor shown above has a built-in targeter for accuracy. However, if you prefer your heretics chargrilled rather than perforated with heavy bolter rounds, chances are you’ll be looking to equip your Retributors with a heavy flamer or two. Check out this alternative build that can be assembled from the kit… The heavy flamer’s twin nozzles have been designed in the style of Gothic braziers, matching the vehicle exhausts and other similar details we’ve seen so far across the new range. Nuances of design such as these not only help to unify a miniatures range, but reinforce its own unique identity. In the case of the Adepta Sororitas, this principle is especially important, as they’re one of many military institutions within the Imperium and their Battle Sisters utilise weapons and wargear that are common among them. Armorium Cherub That’s not all! The new kit is also set to include a brand-new feature in the form of an Armorium Cherub. The (cute?) little winged creature is carrying a fuel canister for a heavy flamer. After all, nothing ruins a good purge like running out of promethium before you’ve burnt all the heretics! Which combination of heavy weapons are you planning to arm your Retributors with? Let us know on our Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page
  20. Les pubs , pour ce genre de journaux, ont commencé à poper sur la TV. Il y a deja le X Wing à assembler ou les figurines de "chais plus quel jeux" à collectionner. C'est la période. Il va falloir surveiller
  21. Tu avais précommandé où ? Site GW ? Ou revendeur ?
  22. Ce sera sans la collerette pour ma part
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