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Messages posté(e)s par Dahrkan

  1. Histoire de prêcher pour ma paroisse, en ETC on estime pas du tout qu'un 13-7 est une large victoire! Au contraire, on sait bien que ça se traduit par un écart de 6 pts max, ce qui n'est pas tant que ça. La bonne victoire c'est surtout à partir du 15-5. 


    Après quant à la justesse ou pas... Disons que ramener sur 20 permet d'éviter les parties ou les scorings qui alimentent virtuellement trop le classement final. Je te donne un exemple: je me rappelle d'un tournoi en équipe de 2 dans un GW sur lequel un ami et moi nous étions greffés en cours de route. Premier scénario joué donne des points en fonction des sixième de table contrôlés à chaque tour. Bon bah nous on avait deux armées hyper mobiles donc on s'est gavé comme des cochons d'autant que la partie a duré 7 tours. Or le classement était calculé uniquement avec les points de victoire gagné in game. Résultat, grâce à ce gavage, on se retrouve en 3e place alors qu'on avait fait une partie de moins que les autres équipes ^^'. 


    Je suis pas convaincu que calculer le ratio de points marqués soit à ce point meilleur, car marquer 5 pts, quand bien même ton adversaire n'en marquerait qu'un... C'est pas terrible quoi. Mais j'imagine que ça dépend des source de scoring dans les scénarios. En ETC (ou ITC), les sources de points sont multiples donc regarder l'écart est plus approprié pour savoir laquelle des deux armées a dominé l'autre. Dans un jeu de scénario qui ne contiendrait que de l'Eternal, par exemple, utiliser ta méthode est peut-être meilleure. 

  2. On m'a invoqué pour une question de règle je crois ^^. 


    Alors déjà, petit avertissement: le livre de règle dit que le joueur opérant décide en cas de simultanéité des actions, mais les conv etc disent de décider au dé. Donc attention à bien le garder en tête en fonction du corpus de règle utilisé =). 


    Concernant le Soulburst, celui ci doit être résolue immédiatement après la destruction de l'unité et les conv ETC disent de vérifier les portée de Soulburst avant de commencer l'action qui peut en provoquer un. Pour moi, lors de cette vérification, l'Yncarne n'est pas à portée de Soulburst, donc n'est pas elligible. En tout cas, si un jour j'arbitre un cas de ce genre, je trancherai comme ça. Mais j'admets que la chose est un peu floue...

  3. Alors oui, on a eu un retour sur les BM, notamment sur les listes Eldars ou TS justement, qui peuvent en balancer une dizaine par phase psy sans trop se fouler. A ce format, c'est dur! Donc limiter le nombre de BM au psy impacte principalement ces deux armées là, ce qui était le but recherché ^^. 


    De plus,  ne vous méprenez pas sur nos intentions de restrictions: il n'a jamais été question de nerfer les top codex (on avait essayé avec le précédent réglement, mais c'est un casse tête sans fin au résultat plus que discutable, les top codex s'évertuant, envers et contre tout, à truster les podium). Le but c'est d'avoir un méta différent avec des unités rarement jouées. Et pour l'instant, le résultat est plutôt bon de ce point de vue là. 

  4. Il y a 17 heures, Aedan a dit :

    Sur la ronde 2 Omega- Arcadia c'est 97 63 le résultat. 


    Et du coup c'est 258 en goal average :)


    Mine de rien ça va être important le goal average :D

    Tu oses prétendre que j'aurais pu faire un erreur? Ce n'est que calomnies et billevesées. Je m'insurge.



    J'ai corrigé l'Excel

  5. Il y a 1 heure, dhono a dit :


    Alors j'ai lut le rulepack, et heureusement qu'aucune équipe n'a fait ce qu'on pourrais appeler un abus de droit:

    4 titulaires minimum, pas possible d'être titulaire dans 2 équipes mais pas de soucis pour les mercenaires.

    On peut donc faire un truc comme ca pour participer 2 fois en restant dans les règles:

    -Team 1 sont titulaires les joueurs 1 à 4 et merco les 5 a 8

    -Team 2 sont titulaires les joueurs 5 a 8 et merco les 1 a 4

    Apres, il est quand même plus dommageable a mon sens qu'une équipe se désiste car imprévu plutôt que d'avoir un joueur dans 2 équipes.

    Alors attention, car tu fais référence ici aux règles du D2 qui ont vu une exception appliquée en raison d'un grand nombre d'indisponibilités chez les équipes participantes. La limite du nombre de mercenaire a été exceptionnellement levée.


    La règle de base est plus stricte: maximum 2 mercenaires dans une équipe de 8, pas plus de 4 changements sur l'ensemble de la saison.

  6. Je me permets d'intervenir car on parle de clock et que la clock ,c'est quand même la vie. On a résolu environ 80% des frustrations qu'on avait pu voir en tournoi, que ce soit pour des tournois à la Waaagh Taverne ou en qualif ETC. Je recommande chaudement ^^.


    Quant aux questions sur sa gestion, on a rédigé un réglement à ce sujet pour les qualif, je vous le mets ici car je pense qu'il est utilisable partout:


    C'est dans l'annexe 1, qui est en fin de document.

  7. Il y a 13 heures, Le fataliste a dit :

    D'où l'utilité de lire les règles avant... ?

    Mais quand même, est-ce suffisant pour justifier leur présence ?

    Je pense que la souplesse qu'offre la balise de TP et le fait de pouvoir charger en désengageant est appréciable. C'est du temps de cerveau en plus pour l'adversaire: juste cliquer les DW ne marche plus, car ils peuvent faire ce qu'ils veulent après coup (tirer, charger pour cliquer une unité, etc...). C'est compliqué à prendre en compte et ça augmente la probabilité d'une erreur qui te bloque une unité au mauvaise endroit.

  8. Bonjour à tous!


    Chose promise chose due, voici le sujet pour les listes du D2! Je ressors pour vous mon plus beau Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V ^^


    Petit rappel du changement de méta déjà: il est figé au 2 Février. Donc les sorties Kill Team de cette date sont pris en compte mais pas le codex Culte Genestealer. De plus, de tout nouveaux scénarios ont vu le jour, changeant beaucoup de choses sur le jeu! Notamment la disparition de la table rase et l'arrivée de la Stratégie Epurée. Quelques courts articles pour répondre aux questions usuels ont été diffusés sur la page Facebook Tournois 40k France, je vous recommande chaudement d'aller les consulter! (en plus ils ont été rédigé par mon éminent collègue @Manwe314, ce qui est un gage de qualité).


    Petit lien vers les documents utiles pour commencer:


    Et maintenant, sans plus attendre, les listes!


    D2 Alpha à Chevreuse le 02 et 03 Mars 2019:

    Roster Arcadia 404:


    + Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER : DUPRE Clément
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE: Mont’Ka
    + ARMY FACTION: T’au Empire
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 18 (5+5+5+3)
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1999 pts

    == Battalion Detachment == [773] < T’AU > +5 CP

    HQ1: [Warlord] Cadre Fireblade (1*39), Marker light (3), [Warlord] Through Unity, Devastation [42]
    HQ2: Longstrike (1*137), Ions Canon (35), 2 Seeker Missiles (10) 2 Smart Missile System (30) [212]

    Troup1: 9 Strike Team (9*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [63]
    Troup2: 9 Strike Team (9*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [63]
    Troup3: 9 Strike Team (9*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [63]

    HS1: TX7 Hammerhead Gunship (1*100), Ions Canon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30) [165]
    HS2: TX7 Hammerhead Gunship (1*100), Ions Canon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30) [165]

    == Battalion Detachment == [960] < T’AU > +5 CP

    HQ2: Commander Shadowsun (1*110) [110]
    HQ2: Darkstrider (1*45) [45]

    Troup1: 5 Strike Team (5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup2: 5 Strike Team (5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup3: 5 Strike Team (5*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]

    Elite1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (1*185), Advanced targeting system (18) Target lock (12), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Heavy Burst Cannon (35) [280]
    Elite2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (1*185), Advanced targeting system (18), Target lock (12), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Heavy Burst Cannon (35) [280]
    FA1: Tactical Drones (0*0), 7x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [70]
    FA2: Tactical Drones (0*0), 7x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [70]

    == Battalion Detachment == [267] < SA’CEA > +5 CP
    HQ1 : Cadre Fireblade(1*39), Marker light (3) [42] Puretide Engram Neurochip
    HQ2: Ethereal (1*45) [45]

    Troup1: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup2: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup3: 5 Strike Team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]

    Elite1: Firesight Marksman (1*21), Marker light (3), Pistolet à impulsions (1) [25]
    Elite2: Firesight Marksman (1*21), Marker light (3), Pistolet à impulsions (1) [25]
    Elite3: Firesight Marksman (1*21), Marker light (3), Pistolet à impulsions (1) [25]

    ++ ARMY TOTAL: [2000pts] ++

    Tactical Priority
    Defendre 1
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 3
    Defendre 4
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 6

    + Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER: Tenchini Clément
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE: Ertios
    + ARMY FACTION: Chaos
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 13 (5+5+3)
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1998 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Thousand Sons, Chaos Space Marines, Renegade Knight

    ==Battalion Detachment== [955pts] < Legion: Black Legion >

    HQ1 : Chaos Lord with Jump Pack (1*93pts), Mark of Khorne, Power axe (1*5pts) [98pts]
    HQ2 : Sorcerer with Jump Pack (1*112pts), Force axe (1*10pts), Mark of Slaanesh, Prescience, Smite, Delightful Agonies

    Troops1 : 9 Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun (9*5pts), Cultist Champion (5pts),Mark of Slaanesh [50pts]
    Troops2 : 9 Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun (9*5pts), Cultist Champion (5pts),Mark of Slaanesh [50pts]
    Troops3 : 9 Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun (9*5pts), Cultist Champion (5pts),Mark of Slaanesh [50pts]

    HS1 : 3 Obliterators (3*65),Mark of Slaanesh [195pts]
    HS2 : 3 Obliterators (3*65),Mark of Slaanesh [195pts]
    HS3 : 3 Obliterators (3*65),Mark of Slaanesh [195pts]

    ==Battalion Detachment== [562pts] +5CP < Chaos - Thousand Sons >

    HQ3 : Ahriman (131pts) Death Hex, Doombolt, Smite, Tzeentch's Firestorm [131pts]
    HQ4 : Daemon Prince of Tzeentch (146pts),  [Warlord]  High Magister, Relic : Helm of the Third Eye, Malefic talon [10pts], Warp bolter (3pts), Wings (24pts), Gaze of Fate, Infernal Gateway, Smite [183pts]
    HQ6 : Sorcerer (90pts), Force sword (8pt), Infernal Gaze, Smite, Diabolic Strength [98pts]

    Troops4 : 9 Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun (9*5pts), Cultist Champion (5pts), [50pts]
    Troops5 : 9 Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun (9*5pts), Cultist Champion (5pts), [50pts]
    Troops6 : 9 Chaos Cultist w/ Autogun (9*5pts), Cultist Champion (5pts), [50pts]

    ==Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment== < Chaos - Renegade Knights > [481pts]

    LoW1 : 1 Renegade Knight (285pts) Heavy stubber (2pts), Ironstorm Missile Pod (16pts), 2 Avenger gatling cannon (2*75pts), 2 Heavy flamer (2*14pts) [481pts]

    ++ ARMY TOTAL: [1998pts] ++

    Tactical Priority
    Defendre 1
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 3
    Defendre 4
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 6

    + Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER: CLOUET Nicolas
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE: Huanchi
    + ARMY FACTION: Imperial Knight
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1989 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Imperial Knight

    == Super Heavy Detachment == [1592 Points] +6 CP < Vulker >

    LOW1: Knight Castellan (1*510), 2 Twin Siegebreaker Cannon (70), 2 Shieldbreaker Missiles(24), Cawl’s Wrath [QM], [Warlord] Ion Bulwark [604]
    LOW2: Knight Crusader (1*285), Avenger gatling Cannon (75), Heavy Flamer (14), Heavy Stubber(2), Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon(100), Heavy Stubber(2), Ironstorm Missile Pod(16) [494]
    LOW3: Knight Crusader (1*285), Avenger gatling Cannon (75), Heavy Flamer (14), Heavy Stubber(2), Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon(100), Heavy Stubber(2), Ironstorm Missile Pod(16) [494]

    == Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == [397 Points] +0 CP < Terryn >

    LOW4 : Knight Gallant(1*285), Thunderstrike Gauntlet(35), Heavy Stubber(2), Reaper Chainsword(30), Stormspear Rocket Pod (45) [397]

    ++ ARMY TOTAL: [1989pts] ++

    Tactical Priority
    Defendre 1
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 3
    Defendre 4
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 6

    + Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER: LABRUNE Franck
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE: Alaric1
    + ARMY FACTION: Adeptus Custodes
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Adeptus Custodes - Adeptus Sorotitas

    == Battalion Detachment == [1783 points] < Adeptus Custodes > (+5 PC)
    QG1: Shield-Captain on dawneagle motojet (150), interceptor lance (0), bolter hurricane (10) [Relic]: Auric Aquila – Warlord – [warlord]: superior creation [160]
    QG2: Captain General Trajan Valloris [185]

    Troops 1: Custodian guards 3x custodian guards (3x40) – guardian lance (2x12) Stormshield (1x10) Sentinel Blades (1x7) [161]
    Troops 2: Troops 1: Custodian guards 3x custodian guards (3x40) – guardian lance (2x12) Stormshield (1x10) Sentinel Blades (1x7) [161]
    Troops 3: Custodian guards 7x custodian guards (7x40) guardian lance (7x12) [364]

    Elite 1: Vexillus praetor (1x80), stormshield (10), Vexilla Magnifica (1x30) [120]
    Elite 2 :Allarus custodians x8 (8x65) Balistus grenade launcher (8x0) Castellan axe (8x14) [632]
    == Battalion Detachment == [217 points] < Adeptus Sorotitas > (+5 PC)
    HQ1 : Canoness(1*45)  Stormbolter (2) Chainsword (0) [47]
    HQ2 : Missionary(1*35) [35]

    Troup1 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(45), 5 Bolter (0) Sister Superior(0) [45]
    Troup2 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(45), 5 Bolter (0) Sister Superior(0) [45]
    Troup3 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(45), 5 Bolter (0) Sister Superior(0) [45]

    ++ ARMY TOTAL: [2000 pts] ++

    Tactical Priority
    Defendre 1
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 3
    Defendre 4
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 6

    +Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER : Alexis L'Huillier
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE: Flubslayer
    + ARMY FACTION: Adeptus mechanicus
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Adeptus Mechanicus

    == Battalion Detachment == [1 604 pts] < MARS  > (+5 PC)

    QG1Belisarius Cawl (190) [190]
    QG2: Tech-Priest Enginseer [30]
    Troup01 : 12 Kataphron Destroyers (45 + 9*15), 12 Heavy Grav-Cannon (12*30), 12 Cognis Flamers (12*7) [624]
    Troup02 : 3 Kataphron Breachers(60), 3 Heavy Arc Rifle (3*6), 3 Arc Claw (3*4) [90]
    Troup03 : 3 Kataphron Breachers(60), 3 Heavy Arc Rifle (3*6), 3 Arc Claw (3*4) [90]
    Troup04 : 3 Kataphron Breachers(60), 3 Heavy Arc Rifle (3*6), 3 Arc Claw (3*4) [90]
    Troup05 : 3 Kataphron Breachers(60), 3 Heavy Arc Rifle (3*6), 3 Arc Claw (3*4) [90]

    HS1 : 2 Kastelan Robots(130), 6 Heavy phosphor blaster (6*15) [220]
    E1 : 10 Sicarian Infiltrators(120), Flechette Blaster (20), Taser Goad (40) [180]

    == Battalion Detachment == [390 pts] < MARS > (+5 PC)

    QG3: Tech-Priest Enginseer [30]
    QG4: Tech-Priest Enginseer [30]

    Troup06 : 4Kataphron Breachers(80), 4 Heavy Arc Rifle (4*6), 4 Arc Claw (4*4) [120]
    Troup07 : 4Kataphron Breachers(80), 4 Heavy Arc Rifle (4*6), 4 Arc Claw (4*4) [120]
    Troup08 : 3 Kataphron Breachers(60), 3 Heavy Arc Rifle (3*6), 3 Arc Claw (3*4) [90]

    ++ARMY TOTAL: [1994 pts] ++

    Tactical Priority
    Defendre 1
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 3
    Defendre 4
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 6

    + Team : Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER : LAGILLE Romain
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE : Alhazred
    + ARMY FACTION: Astra Militarum
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 16 (3+12+5-1-1-2)
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1998 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Astra Militarum, Blood Angels

    == Brigade Detachment== [985pts] < Catachan > (+12CP)
    HQ01: Colonel 'Iron Hand' Straken [75pts]
    HQ02: Commissar Yarrick [100pts]
    HQ03: Primaris Psyker Force Stave (0)[46pts]

    Troops 01: Infantry Squad 9x Guardsman (9*4), Sergeant (4): Laspistol (0) Chainsword (0) [40pts]
    Troops 02: Infantry Squad 9x Guardsman (9*4), Sergeant (4): Laspistol (0) Chainsword (0) [40pts]
    Troops 03: Infantry Squad 9x Guardsman (9*4), Sergeant (4): Laspistol (0) Chainsword (0) [40pts]
    Troops 04: Infantry Squad 9x Guardsman (9*4), Sergeant (4): Laspistol (0) Chainsword (0) [40pts]
    Troops 05: Infantry Squad 9x Guardsman (9*4), Sergeant (4): Laspistol (0) Chainsword (0) [40pts]
    Troops 06: Infantry Squad 9x Guardsman (9*4), Sergeant (4): Laspistol (0) Chainsword (0) [40pts]
    Elites 01: Astropath Telepathica Stave [32pts]
    Elites 02: 6x Bullgryn:  5x Brute Shield (5*35), Bullgryn Maul (5*7) , Bullgryn Bone 'ead: Brute Shield (35), Bullgryn Maul (1*7) [252]
    Elites 03: 6x Bullgryn:  5x Brute Shield (5*35), Bullgryn Maul (5*7) , Bullgryn Bone 'ead: Brute Shield (35), Bullgryn Maul (1*7) [252]
    Elites 04 : Ministorum Priest, Laspistol [35pts]
    Elites 05 : Platoon Commander, Laspistol [20pts]:
    Elites 06 : Sergeant Harker [50pts]
    FA01: Scout Sentinels (30), Multi-laser (5) [35pts]
    FA02: Scout Sentinels (30), Multi-laser (5) [35pts]
    FA03: Scout Sentinels (30), Multi-laser (5) [35pts]
    HS01: 3x Heavy Weapons Squad (3x11pts) 3x Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar [33pts]
    HS01: 3x Heavy Weapons Squad (3x11pts) 3x Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar [33pts]
    HS01: 3x Heavy Weapons Squad (3x11pts) 3x Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar [33pts]

    == Auxiliary Support Detachment == [120pts] < Imperium - Dark Angels >  (-1CP)
    HQ01 :  Librarian, Force stave, Jump Pack [120pts]

    == Battalion Detachment== [443pts] < Blood Angels > (+5CP)
    HQ01: Captain with Jump Pack (1*93), Thunder Hammer (1*21), Storm Shield (1*10),[Warlord]:Artisan of War Relic: The Angel’s Wings, Stratagem: Death Visions of Sanguinius (-1PC) [124pts]
    HQ02: Captain with Jump Pack (1*93), Thunder Hammer (1*21), Storm Shield (1*10), Relic: Hammer of Baal (-1PC), Stratagem: Death Visions of Sanguinius (-1PC) [124pts]
    HQ03 : Chief Librarian Mephiston [160pts]
    Troup01 : 5 Scout Squad, bolt gun (5*11), Scout Sergeant, boltgun, bolt pistol (0) [55pts]
    Troup01 : 5 Scout Squad, bolt gun (5*11), Scout Sergeant, boltgun, bolt pistol (0) [55pts]
    Troup01 : 5 Scout Squad, bolt gun (5*11), Scout Sergeant, boltgun, bolt pistol (0) [55pts]

    ++ ARMY TOTAL: [1998 pts] ++

    Tactical Priority
    Defendre 1
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 3
    Defendre 4
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 6

    +Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER: CHOLLAT Néhémie
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE: Sarnai-Ariénis
    + ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 8 (3+5+1+1-1-1)
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Drukhari

    ==Spearhead Detachment== [449pts] (+1CP)

    HQ01: Archon, Agoniser, Splinter pistol [Warlord]Labyrinthine cunning, [Relic]Writ of the living Muse [74pts]
    HS01: Ravager (90pts) Disintegrator cannon, 3x Disintegrator cannon (3x15pts) [125pts]
    HS02: Ravager (90pts) Disintegrator cannon, 3x Disintegrator cannon (3x15pts) [125pts]
    HS03: Ravager (90pts) Disintegrator cannon, 3x Disintegrator cannon (3x15pts) [125pts]

    ==Air Wing Detachment == [405pts] (+1CP)

    Fyer01: Razorwing Jetfighter [105pts] Twin splinter rifle 2x Disintegrator cannon (2x15) [135pts]
    Fyer02: Razorwing Jetfighter [105pts] Twin splinter rifle 2x Disintegrator cannon (2x15) [135pts]
    Fyer03: Razorwing Jetfighter [105pts] Twin splinter rifle 2x Disintegrator cannon (2x15) [135pts]

    == Battalion Detachment== < Prophets of Flesh> [1146pts] (+5CP)

    HQ01: Haemonculus [81pts]: Diabolical Soothsayer -1PC, Electrocorrosive whip (6), Haemonculus tools, Stlinger Pistol (5), The Vexator Mask, -1PC
    HQ02: Urien Rakarth [90pts]

    Toops01:4x Wracks, Acothyst [7x5pts] 5xHaemonculus tools [45pts]
    Toops01:4x Wracks, Acothyst [7x5pts] 5xHaemonculus tools [45pts]
    Toops01:4x Wracks, Acothyst [7x5pts] 5xHaemonculus tools [45pts]

    Elites01: 8x Grotesques [8x35pts], 8x Monstrous Cleaver: Flesh Gauntlet [280pts]
    Elites02: 8x Grotesques [8x35pts], 8x Monstrous Cleaver: Flesh Gauntlet [280pts]
    Elites03: 8x Grotesques [8x35pts], 8x Monstrous Cleaver: Flesh Gauntlet [280pts]

    Tactical Priority
    Defendre 1
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 3
    Defendre 4
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 6

    +Team: Arcadia .404
    + PLAYER : Lucas Sab
    + PLAYER T3 PROFILE: Loken
    + ARMY FACTION: Imperium
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 12 PC (3+6+3 Guilliman )
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Imperium - Space Marines

    == Bataillon == [1598 Points] +0 CP < Imperium - Ultramarine >

    HQ01: Techmarine: Boltgun, Power maul, Servo-arm [49pts]
    HQ02: Techmarine: Boltgun, Chainsword, Servo-arm [45pts]

    Troup01 : 5 Scout Squad (1*55), 4 Sniper Rifles (4*2), Scout Sergeant (0): Sniper Rifle (1*2) [65pts]
    Troup02 : 5 Scout Squad (1*55), 4 Sniper Rifles (4*2), Scout Sergeant (0): Sniper Rifle (1*2) [65pts]
    Troup03 : 5 Scout Squad (1*55), 4 Sniper Rifles (4*2), Scout Sergeant (0): Sniper Rifle (1*2) [65pts]

    Elites01: Aggressor Squad [12 PL, 148pts]: 3x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant, Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher

    Elites02: Aggressor Squad [12 PL, 148pts]: 3x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant, Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher

    Elites03: Aggressor Squad [12 PL, 185pts]: 4x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant, Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher

    Transport1 : Repulsor(1*185), 3 Bolter Storm(6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launchers ( 8 ), Twin Heavy Bolter(17), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon(30), Ironhail Heavy Stubber(6), Onslaught Gatling Cannon(16), 2 Fragstorm Grenade Launcher ( 8 ) [276]

    Transport2 : Repulsor(1*185), 3 Bolter Storm(6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launchers ( 8 ), Twin Heavy Bolter(17), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon(30), Ironhail Heavy Stubber(6), Onslaught Gatling Cannon(16), 2 Fragstorm Grenade Launcher ( 8 ) [276]

    Transport3 : Repulsor(1*185), 3 Bolter Storm(6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launchers ( 8 ), Twin Heavy Bolter(17), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon(30), Ironhail Heavy Stubber(6), Onslaught Gatling Cannon(16), 2 Fragstorm Grenade Launcher ( 8 ) [276]

    == Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment == [400 Points] +0 CP < Imperium - Ultramarine >

    LW01: Roboute Guilliman [18 PL, 3CP, 400pts]: Warlord - +3PC

    Tactical Priority
    Defendre 1
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 3
    Defendre 4
    Defendre 5
    Defendre 6


    Roster Paris United Omega:


    + Team: PU Omega
    + Coach 1 & Captain: Martial "Aedarian" Fichet
    + List fancy name: Martials Angel's
    + Faction: Space Marines
    + Team: PU Omega
    + Coach 2: Laurent "Lol" Lepeltier
    + List fancy name: Le Grand Rouquin Blanc
    + Faction: Harlequins

    + Team: PU Omega
    + PLAYER 1 : Yann “Bromotimol” QUEFFELEC
    + ARMY FACTION : Drukhari
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 3+5+1+1=10
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Drukhari

    == Battalion detachment : Drukhari <Obsidian Rose> (828) == +5 CP
    HQ1 : Archon (70), Venom blade (2) - [72]
    HQ2 : Archon (70), Venom blade (2) - [72]
    Tr1 : 10 Kabalite Warriors (10*6), Splinter Cannon (10), 2 Shredders (2*8=16), Sybarite(0), phantasm grenade launcher (3) - [89]
    Tr2 : 10 Kabalite Warriors (10*6), Splinter Cannon (10), 2 Shredders (2*8=16), Sybarite(0), phantasm grenade launcher (3) - [89]
    Tr3 : 10 Kabalite Warriors (10*6), Splinter Cannon (10), 2 Shredders (2*8=16), Sybarite(0) - [86]
    Tr4 : 10 Kabalite Warriors (10*6), Splinter Cannon (10), 2 Shredders (2*8=16), Sybarite(0) - [86]
    Tr5 : 10 Kabalite Warriors (10*6), Splinter Cannon (10), 2 Shredders (2*8=16), Sybarite(0) - [86]
    Tr6 : 10 Kabalite Warriors (10*6), Splinter Cannon (10), 2 Shredders (2*8=16), Sybarite(0) - [86]
    DT1 : Raider (65), Desintegrator Cannon (15), shock prow (1) - [81]
    DT2 : Raider (65), Desintegrator Cannon (15), shock prow (1) - [81]

    == Air superiority detachment : Drukhari <Kabal of the black heart> (405) == +1 CP
    FL1 : Razorwing Jetfighter(105), 2 Desintegrator Cannons (2*15=30), Razorwing missiles (0), Twin splinter rifle (0) - [135]
    FL2 : Razorwing Jetfighter(105), 2 Desintegrator Cannons (2*15=30), Razorwing missiles (0), Twin splinter rifle (0) - [135]
    FL3 : Razorwing Jetfighter(105), 2 Desintegrator Cannons (2*15=30), Razorwing missiles (0), Twin splinter rifle (0) - [135]

    == Spearhead detachment : Drukhari <Kabal of the black heart> (767) == +1CP
    HQ1 : Archon (70), Venom blade (2) [Warlord : Labyrinthine Cunning] [Relic : Writ of the living Muse] - [72]
    HS1 : Ravager (80), 3 Desintegrator Cannons (3*15=45) - [125]
    HS2 : Ravager (80), 3 Desintegrator Cannons (3*15=45) - [125]
    HS3 : Ravager (80), 3 Desintegrator Cannons (3*15=45) - [125]
    DT3 : Raider (65), Desintegrator Cannon (15) - [80]
    DT4 : Raider (65), Desintegrator Cannon (15) - [80]
    DT5 : Raider (65), Desintegrator Cannon (15) - [80]
    DT6 : Raider (65), Desintegrator Cannon (15) - [80]

    Refined Strategies cards discarded :

    + Team: Paris United Omega
    + Player 2: Jul "Grimmjollow" Champion
    + Liste Fancy Name: Still more dakka
    + Factions: Orks
    + Total army points: 1997 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5+5 =18 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Bataillon detachment - <Bad Moons> (968) == +5 CP
    HQ1: Warboss (65), Kustom shoota (2), Power Klaw (13) [WARLORD - Trait : Kunnin but brutal] - [80]
    HQ2: Weirdboy [Psy: Da Jump] - [62]
    TP1: 20 Gretchins (20*3) - [60]
    TP2: 20 Gretchins (20*3) - [60]
    TP3: 20 Gretchins (20*3) - [60]
    EL1: 14 Tankbustas (14*5), 14 Rokki Launcha (14*12), Boss Nob - [238]
    HS1: 10 Lootas (10*17) - [170]
    HS2: 14 Lootas (14*17) - [238]

    == Bataillon detachment - <Bad Moons>> (264) == +5 CP
    HQ3: Big Mek in Mega Armour (77), Kustom shoota (2), Power Klaw (13), Kustom force field (20) - [112]
    HQ4: Weirdboy [Psy: Warpath] - [62]
    TP4: 10 Gretchins (10*3) - [30]
    TP5: 10 Gretchins (10*3) - [30]
    TP6: 10 Gretchins (10*3) - [30]

    == Bataillon detachment - <Evil Sunz> (265) == +5 CP
    HQ5: Warboss (65), Kustom shoota (2), Power Klaw (13) [Relic: Da Killa Klaw] - [80]
    HQ6: Weirdboy [Psy: Da Jump] - [62]
    TP7: 30 Boyz (30*7), 29 Shoota, Boss Nob, Two Choppa (0) - [210]
    TP8: 29 Boyz (29*7), 28 Shoota, Boss Nob, Two Choppa (0) - [203]
    TP9: 30 Boyz (30*7), 29 Shoota, Boss Nob, Two Choppa (0) - [210]

    Refined Strategies cards discarded:
    41 Advance; 46 Domination; 55 Psychological Warfare; 62 Witch Hunter; 61 Kingslayer; 66 Priority Order.

    + Team : PU Omega
    + Player 3 : Théo "Wrath Thepleymo" Hotte
    + TourneyKeeper Profile: Theo
    + Factions: Astra militarum, Dark angels
    + Total Army points - 1999
    + Total command points: 3+12+1+5-1-1-1-1=17
    + Total Reinforcement points : 0

    == Brigade detachment - Astra Militarum <Catachan> (791) == +12 CP Emperor's conclave infantry company(-1CP)

    HQ1 : Colonel Iron Hand Straken(1*75) - [75]
    HQ2 : Company Commander(1*30), chainsword - [30]
    HQ3 : Lord Commissar (1*30), Bolt pistol(1), Power sword(4) - [35]
    Troup1 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    Troup2 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    Troup3 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    Troup4 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    Troup5 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    Troup6 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    Troup7 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    Troup8 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    Troup9 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword - [40]
    Elite1 : Astropath(1*26), laspistol [Psy: Night shroud] - [26]
    Elite2 : Ministorum Priest(35), chainsword, autogun - [35]
    Elite3 : Astropath(1*26), laspistol [Psy: Psychic barrier] - [26]
    FA1 : Armoured Sentinel(1*30), Multi-laser(5) - [35]
    FA2 : Armoured Sentinel(1*30), Multi-laser(5) - [35]
    FA3 : Armoured Sentinel(1*30), Multi-laser(5) - [35]
    HS1 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortars(15) - [33]
    HS2 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortars(15) - [33]
    HS3 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortars(15) - [33]

    == Batallion detachment - <Blood Angel> (428) == +5 CP

    HQ4: Captain with Jump pack(93), Storm Shield(10), Thunder hammer(21) [WARLORD : Artisan of war] (Death vision of sanguinius) (-1 CP) - [124]
    HQ5: Captain with Jump pack(93), Storm Shield(10), Thunder hammer(21) [Relic : The hammer of Baal] (Death vision of sanguinius) (-1 CP) - [124]
    Troup10: 5 Scout Squad (55), 5 Combat knife, 5 Camo cloak (15) - [70]
    Troup11: 5 Scout Squad (55), 5 Combat knife - [55]
    Troup12: 5 Scout Squad (55), 5 Combat knife - [55]

    == Supreme Command detachment - <Dark Angels> (780) == +1 CP Assault Squadron Ravenwing (-1CP)

    HQ6 : Ravenwing Talonmaster(1*123), Twin Heavy bolter(17), Twin assault cannon(44), Power Sword(4) - [188]
    HQ7 : Ravenwing Talonmaster(1*123), Twin Heavy bolter(17), Twin assault cannon(44), Power Sword(4) - [188]
    HQ8 : Ravenwing Talonmaster(1*123), Twin Heavy bolter(17), Twin assault cannon(44), Power Sword(4) - [188]
    HQ9 : Sammael in Sableclaw (1*216) - [216]

    ARMY TOTAL [1999]


    + Team : PU Omega
    + Player 4: Yann "Elronhir" Paillard
    + List fancy name:
    + Faction: Craftworlds, Ynnari
    + Total army points: 1998 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+1+1-1 = 9 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion Detachment - Craftworlds <Ulthwé> (441) == +5 CP
    HQ1: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [Psy: Protect/Jinx] - [67]
    HQ2: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [Psy: Conceal/Reveal] - [67]
    TP1: 5 Rangers - [60]
    TP2: 5 Rangers - [60]
    TP3: 8 Strom Guardians, 8 chainswords - [48]
    DT1: Wave Serpent (120), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2), Twin Shuriken Cannon (17) - [139]

    == Supreme Command Detchment - Craftworlds <Mixed> (292) == +1 CP
    HQ3: Eldrad Ulthran [Psy: Fortune, Guide, Doom] <Ulthwé> - [135]
    HQ4: Warlock Conclave (2*45) [Psy: Protect/Jinx, Empower/Enervate] <Ulthwé> - [90]
    HQ5: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [Psy: Quicken/Restrain][Relic: Spirit Stone of Anath'Lan] <Biel-Tan> -1 CP - [67]

    == Outrider Detachment - <Ynnari> (1265) == +1 CP
    HQ6: Yvraine [Psy: Word of the Phoenix, Grace of the Ancients][WARLORD: Inspiring Leader] - [132] <Ynnari>
    FA1: 8 Shining Spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8), Exarch with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapults (8*2) <Saim-Hann><Ynnari> - [274]
    FA2: 8 Shining Spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8), Exarch with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapults (8*2) <Saim-Hann><Ynnari> - [274]
    FA3: 8 Shining Spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8), Exarch with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapults (8*2) <Saim-Hann><Ynnari> - [274]
    HS1: 9 Dark Reapers (9*12), 8 Reaper Launchers (8*22), Exarch with Tempest Missile Launcher (27) <Ulthwé><Ynnari> - [311]

    Refined Strategies discarded :
    41-Advance, 46-Domination, 54-Area Denial, 55-Psychological Warfare, 61-Kingslayer, 66-Priority Orders Received

    + Team: PU Omega
    + Player 5: Frédéric "El Gringo" Joubert
    + Army faction: T'au Empire
    + Total army points: 1999 pts
    + Total Reinforcement Points: 0
    + Total command points: 13 (5+5+3+1-1)

    == Outrider Detachment 1 CP (200 pts) - <T'au Sept> ==
    HQ1: Ethereal with Hover-Drone [WARLORD - Through Unity, Devastation][Relic : Puretide Engram Neurochip] - [50]
    FA1: Tactical Drones: 5 MV4 Shield Drones (5*10) - [50]
    FA2: Tactical Drones: 5 MV4 Shield Drones (5*10) - [50]
    FA3: Tactical Drones: 5 MV4 Shield Drones (5*10) - [50]

    == Battalion detachment 5 CP (294 pts) - <T'au Sept> ==
    HQ2: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), Advanced targeting system (6), High-output burst cannon (16), Missile pod (15), Airbursting fragmentation projector (8) [Relic (-1 CP) : Supernova Launcher] - [135]
    HQ3: Darkstrider - [45]
    TP1: 5 Strike Team (5*7), Shas'ui, Markerlight (3) - [38]
    TP2: 5 Strike Team (5*7), Shas'ui, Markerlight (3) - [38]
    TP3: 5 Strike Team (5*7), Shas'ui, Markerlight (3) - [38]

    == Battalion detachment 5 CP (1505 pts) - <T'au Sept> ==
    HQ4: Cadre Fireblade (39), markerlight (3) - [42]
    HQ5: Commander Shadowsun - [110]
    TP4: 5 Strike Team (5*7), Shas'ui, Markerlight (3) - [38]
    TP5: 5 Strike Team (5*7), Shas'ui, Markerlight (3) - [38]
    TP6: 5 Strike Team (5*7), Shas'ui, Markerlight (3) - [38]
    EL1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Advanced targeting system (18), Velocity tracker (10), 2 Smart missile systems (2*15), Heavy burst cannon (35) - [278]
    EL2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Advanced targeting system (18), Velocity tracker (10), 2 Smart missile systems (2*15), Heavy burst cannon (35) - [278]
    EL3: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Advanced targeting system (18), Target lock (12), 2 Smart missile systems (2*15), Heavy burst cannon (35) - [280]
    HS1: 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (3*35), 3 Advanced targeting systems (3*6), 6 Smart missile systems (6*15), 6 High-yield missile pods (6*25), Shas'vre, 4 MV4 Shield Drone (4*10) - [403]

    Refined Strategies discarded cards :

    + Team: Paris United Omega
    + Player 6: Loïc "Lolo-" Dubois
    + Liste Fancy Name: Still Worth Fighting For
    + Factions: Deathwatch & Adeptus Mechanicus & Imperial Knights
    + Total army points: 1999 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5 =13 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts
    == Battalion detachment – <Deathwatch> (1230) == +5 CP
    HQ1: Watch Master [WARLORD - Trait: Lord of hidden knowledge] - [130]
    HQ2: Watch Captain with Jump Pack (93), storm bolter (4), storm shield (10) [Relic: The Beacon Angelis] - [107]

    TP1: Veterans – [228]
    TP1a: 1 Black Shield (16), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
    TP1b : 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), bolt pistol, storm shield (2)
    TP1c: 1 Watch Sergeant (14), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
    TP1d: 1 Biker (21), twin boltgun (4), Deathwatch teleport homer
    TP1e-f: 2 Terminators (2*23), 2 storm bolters (2*4), 2 power mauls (2*4)
    TP1g-j: 4 Veterans (4*14), 4 storm bolters (4*4), 4 storm shields (4*2)

    TP2: Veterans – [228]
    TP2a: 1 Black Shield (16), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
    TP2b : 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), bolt pistol, storm shield (2)
    TP2c: 1 Watch Sergeant (14), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
    TP2d: 1 Biker (21), twin boltgun (4), Deathwatch teleport homer
    TP2e-f: 2 Terminators (2*23), 2 storm bolters (2*4), 2 power mauls (2*4)
    TP2g-j: 4 Veterans (4*14), 4 storm bolters (4*4), 4 storm shields (4*2)

    TP3: Veterans – [228]
    TP3a: 1 Black Shield (16), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
    TP3b : 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), bolt pistol, storm shield (2)
    TP3c: 1 Watch Sergeant (14), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
    TP3d: 1 Biker (21), twin boltgun (4), Deathwatch teleport homer
    TP3e-f: 2 Terminators (2*23), 2 storm bolters (2*4), 2 power mauls (2*4)
    TP3g-j: 4 Veterans (4*14), 4 storm bolters (4*4), 4 storm shields (4*2)

    TP4: Veterans – [228]
    TP4a: 1 Black Shield (16), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
    TP4b : 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), bolt pistol, storm shield (2)
    TP4c: 1 Watch Sergeant (14), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
    TP4d: 1 Biker (21), twin boltgun (4), Deathwatch teleport homer
    TP4e-f: 2 Terminators (2*23), 2 storm bolters (2*4), 2 power mauls (2*4)
    TP4g-j: 4 Veterans (4*14), 4 storm bolters (4*4), 4 storm shields (4*2)

    FA1: Bikers - [81]
    FA1a: 1 Biker (21), twin boltgun (4),
    FA1b: 1 Biker (21), twin boltgun (4), Deathwatch teleport homer
    FA1c: 1 Biker Sergent (21), twin boltgun (4), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)

    == Battalion detachment – <Adeptus Mechanicus, Graia> (165) == +5 CP
    HQ3: Tech-Priest Enginseer - [30]
    HQ4: Tech-Priest Enginseer - [30]
    TP5: 5 Skitarii Rangers (5*7) - [35]
    TP6: 5 Skitarii Rangers (5*7) - [35]
    TP7: 5 Skitarii Rangers (5*7) - [35]

    == Super-Heavy Auxiliary detachment – <Imperial Knights, Raven> (604) ==
    LoW1: Knight Castellan (510), 2 Twin-linked siegebreakers cannons (2*35), 2 Shieldbreaker missiles (2*12) - [604]

    Refined Strategies cards discarded:
    41 Advance; 46 Domination; 55 Psychological Warfare; 61 Kingslayer; 62 Witch Hunter; 66 Priority Order.
    + Team: PU Omega
    + Player 7 : Alexandre "Toorop" Curulla
    + Liste Fancy Name: Nyds Never Die (NND)
    + Factions: Tyranids
    + Total army points: 2000pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5-1 =12 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion Detachment - Tyranids <Kraken> (1085) == +5 CP
    HQ1: Swarmlord [Psy: Catalyst, Horror] - [250]
    HQ2: Broodlord [Psy: Onslaught][WARLORD - Trait: One Step Ahead] - [115]
    TP1: 20 Genestealers (20*12), 20 Scything Talons, 5 Acid Maws - [240]
    TP2: 20 Genestealers (20*12), 20 Scything Talons, 5 Acid Maws - [240]
    TP3: 20 Genestealers (20*12), 20 Scything Talons, 5 Acid Maws - [240]

    == Battalion Detachment - Tyranids <Kraken> (885) == +5 CP
    HQ3: Broodlord [Psy: Catalyst][Relic: The Maw-Claw of Thyrax] - [115]
    HQ4: Broodlord [Psy: Horror] - [115]
    TP4: 28 termagaunts (28*4) - [112]
    TP5: 30 termagaunts (30*4) - [120]
    TP6: 30 termagaunts (30*4) - [120]
    TP7: 30 termagaunts (30*4) - [120]
    TP8: 30 hormagaunts(30*5) - [150]
    TP9: 3 rippers swarm(3*11) - [33]

    == Auxiliairy Detachment - Tyranids <Kraken> (30) == -1CP
    EL1: Venomthrope - [30]

    Refined Strategies cards discarded :
    41 Advance; 51 Overwhelming firepower 55 Psychological Warfare; 66 Priority Order.
    Team: PU Omega
    Player 8 : Louis "Louisteq" Seurrat
    Factions: Chaos Space Marines - Thousand sons
    Total Army points - 2000
    Total Reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 3+5+5+2= 15

    == Bataillon detachment:(1281) <Chaos space marine > < Black Legion> ==  +5CP
    HQ1 : Abaddon the Despoiler(1*240) [ Warlord - Trait : First among traitor] +2CP - [240]
    HQ2 : Exalted Champion (1*70) Power Axe(5) < Khorne > [Relic : Axe of blind fury] - [70]
    TP1 : 40 Chaos Cultist(50 + 30*5), 4 Heavy stubber (8), Cultist Champion (0) < Slaanesh > - [208]
    TP2 : 40 Chaos Cultist(50 + 30*5), 4 Heavy stubber (8), Cultist Champion1 (0) < Slaanesh > - [208]
    TP3 : 40 Chaos Cultist(50 + 30*5), 4 Heavy stubber (8), Cultist Champion (0) < Slaanesh > - [208]
    EL1 : 18 Noise Marines(75 + 13*15), 18 Sonic Blaster (76), Noise Marine Champion (0) < Slaanesh > - [342]

    == Bataillon detachment : (719) < Thousand sons > == +5CP
    HQ3 : Ahriman(1*131) [psy : Prescience - glamour of Tzeench - Warptime] - [131]
    HQ4 : Sorcerer(1*90), Force Sword (8)] [psy : weaver of fate - Temporal manipulation] - [98]
    TP4 : 10 Chaos Cultists (50), Cultist Champion (0) - [50]
    TP5 : 30 Tzaangors(70 + 20*7), Brayhorn(10), Twistbray(0) - [220]
    TP6 : 30 Tzaangors(70 + 20*7), Brayhorn(10), Twistbray(0) - [220]

    Refined Strategies cards discarded  : 41 ADVANCE - 42  - 46 DOMINATION - 55 PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE -61 KINGSLAYER - 64 ASSASSINATE


    Roster FTA:


    + Team: FTA
    + Player 1 : Pierre «Matanza» ROUTIER - CAPTAIN
    + Faction: Valhallan, Ultramarine
    + Total army points: 2000 pts
    + Total command points: 12-1-1+0+3 = 13 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0pts

    ==Brigade Detachment – <Valhallan, Cadia> (+12PC) Emperor's Fist Tank Company (-1PC) - 1180pts ==
    HQ1 : Company Commander(30), Chainsword(0), Bolt gun (1) [31] (WARLORD - OLD GRUDGES) <Valhallan>
    HQ2 : Company Commander(30), Chainsword(0), Pistol Bolt (1)  [31] (RELIC - PIETROV’S MK 45)<Valhallan>
    HQ3 : Tank Commander(142), Heavy Bolter(8), Punisher gatling cannon (20), Bolter Storm(2) [172]<Cadia>
    HQ4 : Tank Commander(142), Heavy Bolter(8), Battle Cannon (22), Bolter Storm(2) [174]<Cadia>
    HQ5 : Tank Commander(142), Heavy Bolter(8), Battle Cannon (22), Bolter Storm(2) [174] <Cadia>

    Troup1 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0), Chainsword (0)  [40]<Valhallan>
    Troup2 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0), Chainsword (0)  [40]<Valhallan>
    Troup3 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0), Chainsword (0)  [40]<Valhallan>
    Troup4 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0), Chainsword (0)  [40]<Valhallan>
    Troup5 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0), Chainsword (0)  [40]<Valhallan>
    Troup6 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0), Chainsword (0)  [40]<Valhallan>
    Troup7 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0), Chainsword (0)  [40]<Valhallan>
    Troup8 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Sergeant(0), Chainsword (0)  [40]<Valhallan>

    Elite1 : Astropath(26), Telepathica Stave (6) [32] [Psy : Nightshroud]
    Elite2 : Platoon Commander(20), Chainsword (0), Bolt gun (1)  [21]<Valhallan>
    Elite3 : Platoon Commander(20), Chainsword (0), Bolt gun (1)  [21]<Valhallan>

    FA1 : 1 Scout Sentinel (30), 1 Multi-laser(5) [35]<Cadia>
    FA2 : 1 Scout Sentinel (30), 1 Multi-laser(5) [35]<Cadia>
    FA3 : 1 Scout Sentinel (30), 1 Multi-laser(5) [35]<Cadia>

    HS1 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar (3*5) [33]<Valhallan>
    HS2 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar (3*5) [33]<Valhallan>
    HS3 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortar (3*5) [33]<Valhallan>

    ==Auxiliary Support Detachment – <Ultramarine> (-1PC) - 420pts==
    HS4 : 6 Centurion Devastator Squad (120 + 3*40), 10  Heavy Bolter (10*10), 5 Hurricane  Bolter (5*10), Centurion Sergeant (0),  2 Heavy Bolter (2*10), Hurricane Bolter (10) [420]

    ==Heavy Auxiliary Detachement – Ultramarine (0PC) - 400pts==
    Lord of War1 : Roboute Guilliman [400]

    Team FTA
    Player 2 : Sébastien "La Loutre des bois sauvage" Margerie
    Faction: Adeptus Mechanicus
    Total Army points - 2000
    Total Reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 12(3+5+5-1)

    ==Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) Cybernetica cohort (-1CP) (1220) <Mars>==
    HQ1 : Belisarius Cawl [190]
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30] [WARLORD - Chorister Technis]  Relic : Raiment of The Technomartyr
    Troup1 : 5 Kataphron Breachers (60 + 2*20), 5 Heavy arc rifle (5*6), 5 Arc claw (5*4) [150]
    Troup2 : 5 Kataphron Breachers (60 + 2*20), 5 Heavy arc rifle (5*6), 5 Arc claw (5*4) [150]
    Troup3 : 5 Kataphron Breachers (60 + 2*20), 5 Heavy arc rifle (5*6), 5 Arc claw (5*4) [150]
    HS1 : 5 Kastelan Robots (130 + 3*65), 15 Heavy phosphor blaster (15*15) [550]

    ==Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (780) <Mars>==
    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Manipulus,Transsonic Cannon (0) [90]
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30]
    Troup1 : 6 Kataphron Breachers (60 + 3*20), 6 Heavy arc rifle (6*6), 6 Arc claw (6*4) [180]
    Troup2 : 5 Kataphron Breachers (60 + 2*20), 5 Heavy arc rifle (5*6), 5 Arc claw (5*4) [150]
    Troup3 : 3 Kataphron Destroyers (45), Plasma culverin (27), 3 Phosphor blaster (3*6), 2 Heavy Grav-cannon (2*30) [150]
    Elite1 : 10 Sicarian Infiltrators (60 + 5*12), 10 flechette blaster(10*2), 10 taser goad(10*4), Infiltrator Princeps (0) [180]

    Team : FTA
    PLAYER 3 : Sébastien Pascual
    ARMY FACTION: Ynnari / Craftworlds
    TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts
    TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 14 (-1CP Relic; -1 CP Vigilus) : 12

    ==Batallion Detachment (+5CP) <Saim-Hann/Biel Tan / Ynnari> [994 Points]==
    HQ1: Yvraine [132] [Psy: Word of the Phoenix, Grace of the Ancients] [Warlord: Inspiring Leader] <Ynnari>
    HQ2: Spiritseer [65] [Psy: Quicken/Restrain] [Relic -1CP: Spirit Stone of Anath'Lan] <Biel-Tan/ Ynnari>
    Troops1: 8 Storm Guardians (8*6), 8 Shuriken Pistol (0), 8 Chainsaw Swords (0) [48] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>
    Troops2: 8 Storm Guardians (8*6), 8 Shuriken Pistol (0), 8 Chainsaw Swords (0) [48] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>
    Troops3: 8 Storm Guardians (8*6), 8 Shuriken Pistol (0), 8 Chainsaw Swords (0) [48] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>  
    FA1: 9 Shining spears (9*24), 8 Laser Lances (8*8), Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10), 9 Twin shuriken Catapults (9*2) [308pts] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>
    HS1: 10 Dark Reapers (10*12), 9 reaper Launchers (9*22), Exarch (0) with Tempest Missile Launcher (27) [345] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>

    ==Batallion Detachment (+5CP) <Saim-Hann> [276 Points]==
    HQ3: Autarch [65], Star Glaive (6); Forceshield (6) [77]
    HQ4: Warlock [55] [Psy : Protect/Jinx]
    Troops4: 8 Storm Guardians (8*6), 8 Shuriken Pistol (0), 8 Chainsaw Swords (0) [48]
    Troops5: 8 Storm Guardians (8*6), 8 Shuriken Pistol (0), 8 Chainsaw Swords (0) [48]
    Troops6: 8 Storm Guardians (8*6), 8 Shuriken Pistol (0), 8 Chainsaw Swords (0) [48]

    ==Outrider Detachment (+1CP) <Saim-Hann> [730 Points] (Windrider Host -1CP)==
    HQ5: Farseer Skyrunner (130), Twin shuriken Catapults (2) [Psy : Guide/Doom] [132]
    FA2: 9 windriders (48+6*16), 9 scatter laser (9*7) [207]
    FA3: 9 windriders (48+6*16), 9 scatter laser (9*7) [207]
    FA4: 8 windriders (48+5*16), 8 scatter laser (9*7) [184]

    Team FTA
    Player 4 : Alexis “Dutch” Buan
    Faction: Orks
    Total Army points - 2000
    Total Reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 14 (3+5+5+1)

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (971) <Evil Sunz> ==
    HQ1 : Big Mek in Mega-armour(77), Kustom Shoota(2), Power klaw(13), Kustom Force Field(20), Relic : Killa Klaw, Grot oiler(4) [116]
    HQ2 : Warboss(65), Kustom Shoota(2), Big Choppa(5), Attack Squig [72]
    Troops1 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 29 Slugga (29*0), 30 Choppa (29*0), 3 Tankbusta bombs(3*0), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13) [223]
    Troops2 : 26 Boyz(70 + 16*7), 25 Slugga (25*0), 26 Choppa (25*0), 2 Tankbusta bombs(2*0), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13) [195]
    Troops3 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20*7), 29 Slugga (29*0), 30 Choppa (29*0), 3 Tankbusta bombs(3*0), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13) [223]
    Elite1 : Nob with Waaagh! Bannner (75), Kustom Shoota (2) [77]
    Elite2 : Painboy (52), Power klaw (13) [65]

    == Outrider Detachment (+1 Command Point) (762) <Evil Sunz> ==
    HQ3 : Deffkilla Wartrike(120) [WARLORD – SPEED FREEK] [120]
    FA1 : 28 Stormboyz (45 + 23*9), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13), Choppa (0) [265]
    FA2 : 29 Stormboyz (45 + 24*9), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13), Choppa (0) [274]
    FA3 : 10 Stormboyz (45 + 5*9), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13), Choppa (0) [103]

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (267) <Evil Sunz> ==
    HQ4 : Weirdboy(62), [Da Jump, Smite] [62]
    HQ5 : Weirdboy(62), [Warpath, Smite] [62]
    Troops4 : 10 Boyz(70), 9 Slugga (9*0), 10 Choppa (10*0), 1 Tankbusta bombs(0), Boss Nob(0), with Power klaw (13) [83]
    Troops5 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]
    Troops6 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30]

    Team FTA
    Player 5 : Benjamin "Moyashi" Stroh
    Faction: Tau empire
    Total Army points - 1998
    Total Reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 18 (3+5+5+5)

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1081) <T'au sept>==
    HQ1 : Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 3 MissilePod (3*15), Air bursting fragmentation projector (8) [143]
    HQ2 : Cadre Fireblade (39), MarkerLight (3) [42] [Warlord: Through Unity Devastation]
    HQ3 : Cadre Fireblade (39), MarkerLight (3) [42] [Relic: Puretide Engram Neurochip]
    Troup1 : 9 Strike Team (35 + 4*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), 9 Pulse Rifles (9*0), 9 Pulse Pistol (9*1) [72]
    Troup2 : 9 Strike Team (35 + 4*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), 9 Pulse Rifles (9*0), 9 Pulse Pistol (9*1) [72]
    Troup3 : 9 Strike Team (35 + 4*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), 9 Pulse Rifles (9*0), 9 Pulse Pistol (9*1) [72]
    Troup4 : 9 Strike Team (35 + 4*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), 9 Pulse Rifles (9*0), 9 Pulse Pistol (9*1) [72]
    Troup5 : 9 Strike Team (35 + 4*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), 9 Pulse Rifles (9*0), 9 Pulse Pistol (9*1) [72]
    Troup6 : 9 Strike Team (35 + 4*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), 9 Pulse Rifles (9*0), 9 Pulse Pistol (9*1) [72]
    Elite1 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Advanced targeting system (18), Velocity tracker (10), 2 Smart missile system (2*15), Heavy burst cannon (35) [278]
    FA1 : 5 Pathfinder Team (25), 4 MarkerLight (12), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8), Pathfinder Shas'ui (0), MarkerLight (3) [48]
    FA2 : 5 Pathfinder Team (25), 4 MarkerLight (12), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8), Pathfinder Shas'ui (0), MarkerLight (3) [48]
    FA3 : 5 Pathfinder Team (25), 4 MarkerLight (12), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8), Pathfinder Shas'ui (0), MarkerLight (3) [48]

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (621) <T'au sept>==
    HQ4 : Commander Shadowsun [110]
    HQ5 : Darkstrider [45]
    Troup7 : 9 Strike Team (35 + 4*7), 9 Pulse Rifles (9*0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) [63]
    Troup8 : 9 Strike Team (35 + 4*7), 9 Pulse Rifles (9*0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) [63]
    Troup9 : 9 Strike Team (35 + 4*7), 9 Pulse Rifles (9*0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) [63]
    Troup10 : 9 Strike Team (35 + 4*7), 9 Pulse Rifles (9*0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) [63]
    Troup11 : 9 Strike Team (35 + 4*7), 9 Pulse Rifles (9*0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) [63]
    Troup12 : 9 Strike Team (35 + 4*7), 9 Pulse Rifles (9*0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) [63]
    FA4 : 8 Kroot Hounds (16 + 4*4) [32]
    FA5 : 7 Kroot Hounds (16 + 3*4) [28]
    FA6 : 7 Kroot Hounds (16 + 3*4) [28]

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (296) <Sa'cea sept> ==
    HQ6 : Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (72), 4 MissilePod (4*15) [132]
    HQ7 : Ethereal sur Hover-Drone [50]
    Troup13 : 5 Strike Team (35), 5 Pulse Rifles (5*0), MarkerLight (3), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) [38]
    Troup14 : 5 Strike Team (35), 5 Pulse Rifles (5*0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) [38]
    Troup15 : 5 Strike Team (35), 5 Pulse Rifles (5*0), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) [38]

    Team FTA  
    Player 6: Jocelyn "Kanaky" Crochard  
    Faction: Drukhari /Harlequin  
    Total Army points - 1999  
    Total reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 10 (3+5+1+1)  

    ==  Spearhead Detachment (+1 Command Point) (612) <Kabal of the black heart >==
    HQ1 : Archon (70), spliter pistol (0), Venom blade (2), Relic: Writ of the living muse [72] WARLORD Labyrinthine Cunning  
    HS1 : Ravager(80), 3 Disintegrator cannons (3*15) [125]  
    HS2 : Ravager(80), 3 Disintegrator cannons (3*15) [125]  
    HS2 : Ravager(80), 3 Disintegrator cannons (3*15) [125]  
    Flyer1 : Voidraven bomber (155), 2 void lance (2*0) , Voidraven missiles (10) [165]

    == Outrider Detachment (+1 Command Point) (842) <Soaring Spite>==
    HQ1 : Shadowseer [125] (Twilight pathways , Shards of Light)
    FA1 : 5 Skyweaver (5*30), 5 Haywire cannons (5*15), 2 star bolas (2*0), 3 Zephyrglaive (3*6) [243]  
    FA2 : 5 Skyweaver (5*30), 5 Haywire cannons (5*15), 2 star bolas (2*0), 2 Zephyrglaive (2*6) [237]  
    FA3 : 5 Skyweaver (5*30), 5 Haywire cannons (5*15), 3 star bolas (3*0), 2 Zephyrglaive (2*6) [237]  

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (545) <The prophet of flesh >=
    HQ1 : Haemonculus (70), Stinger pistol(5), Haemonculus tools (0) [75]
    HQ2 : Urien Rakarth [90]
    Troup1 : 5 Wracks (45), Acothyst(0), Haemonculus tools (0) [45]
    Troup2 : 5 Wracks (45), Acothyst(0), Haemonculus tools (0) [45]
    Troup3 : 5 Wracks (45), Acothyst(0), Haemonculus tools (0) [45]
    Elite1 : 7 Grotesques (96 + 4*32), 7 Flesh Gauntlets (7*3) [245]

    Team FTA
    Player 7 : Clément “ Lebull” Cordeau
    Faction: Renegade Knight (Questor Traitoris),Chaos Space Marines (Iron Warriors)
    Total Army points - 2000
    Total Reinforcement points - 0
    Total command points: 14(3+6+5)

    = Battalion detachment – <Iron Warriors> == +5 CP (557pts)
    HQ1 : Chaos Lord (76) Combi-Bolter (2), Mark of Slaanesh (0) [Warlord : Cold And Bitter] [76]
    HQ2 : Sorcerer with Jump Pack (112) Combi-Bolter(2) Force Sword(8), Mark of Slaanesh(0) [Relic: FleshMetal ExoSkeleton][122pts] [Psy: Prescience/Warptime]
    Troup1 : 10 Cultists (40), Cultist Champion (0), Mark of Slaanesh(0) [50pts]
    Troup2 : 10 Cultists (40), Cultist Champion (0), Mark of Slaanesh(0) [50pts]
    Troup3 : 10 Cultists (40), Cultist Champion (0), Mark of Slaanesh(0) [50pts]
    FA1 : 9 Chaos Bikers (63 + 6*21), 8 Combi-Bolter(2*8) 8 Chainsword (0), Chaos Biker Champion(0), 2 Combi-Bolter(2*2), Mark of Slaanesh(0) [209]

    = Super-Heavy Detachment – <Questor Traitoris > == +6 CP (1443pts)
    Lord of War1 : Renegade Knight (285), 2 Avenger Gatling Canon(2*75) and 2 Heavy Flamer(2*14), Heavy Stubber(2), IronStorm Missile Pod(16) [481]
    Lord of War1 : Renegade Knight (285), 2 Avenger Gatling Canon(2*75) and 2 Heavy Flamer(2*14), Heavy Stubber(2), IronStorm Missile Pod(16) [481]
    Lord of War1 : Renegade Knight (285), 2 Avenger Gatling Canon(2*75) and 2 Heavy Flamer(2*14), Heavy Stubber(2), IronStorm Missile Pod(16) [481]

    + Team: FTA
    + Player 8 : Johann «Gotham» CLOAREC
    + Faction: Deathwatch, Blood Angels
    + Total army points: 1999 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5 = 13 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion detachment – <Deathwatch> == +5 CP (1426)
    HQ1: Watch Captain with Jump Pack (93), Power Fist (9), Storm shield (10) [Relic: The Beacon Angelis] [112]
    HQ2: Watch master [130] [WARLORD - Trait: Lord of Hidden Knowledge]
    TP1: Intercessors : 9 Intercessors (9*17), 9 Bolter Rifles (9*1), 1 Intercessor Sergeant (17), Bolter Rifle (1), Auxiliary Grenade Launcher (2*0) [180]
    TP2: Intercessors : 9 Intercessors (9*17), 9 Bolter Rifles (9*1), 1 Intercessor Sergeant (17), Bolter Rifle (1), Auxiliary Grenade Launcher (2*0) [180]
    TP3: Veterans :
    TP3 a : 1 Black Shield (16), storm bolter (4), Storm shield (2)
    TP3 b : 1 Vanguard Veteran (17) 2 Bolt pistol (2*0)
    TP3 c : 1 Watch Sergeant (14), storm bolter (4), Chainsword (0)
    TP3 d-h : 5 Veterans (5*14), 5 storm bolters (5*4), 5 storm shields (5*2)
    TP3 i-j : 2 Veterans (2*14), 2 storm bolters (2*4), 2 Chainsword (2*0) [193]
    TP4: Veterans :
    TP4 a : 1 Black Shield (16), storm bolter (4), Storm shield (2)
    TP4 b : 1 Vanguard Veteran (17) 2 Bolt pistol (2*0)
    TP4 c : 1 Watch Sergeant (14), storm bolter (4), Chainsword (0)
    TP4 d-h : 5 Veterans (5*14), 5 storm bolters (5*4), 5 storm shields (5*2)
    TP4 i-j : 2 Veterans (2*14), 2 storm bolters (2*4), 2 Chainsword (2*0) [193]
    TP5: Veterans :
    TP5 a-e : 5 Biker (5*21), 5 Twin Boltgun (5*4), 5 Chainsword (5*0)
    TP5 f : 1 Watch Sergeant (14), storm bolter (4), Chainsword (0)
    TP5 g-h : 2 Veterans (2*14), 2 storm bolters (2*4), 2 Chainsword (2*0)
    TP5 i-j : 2 Veterans (2*14), 2 storm bolters (2*4), 2 storm shields (2*2) [219]
    TP6: Veterans :
    TP6 a-e : 5 Biker (5*21), 5 Twin Boltgun (5*4), 5 Chainsword (5*0)
    TP6 f : 1 Watch Sergeant (14), storm bolter (4), Chainsword (0)
    TP6 g-h : 2 Veterans (2*14), 2 storm bolters (2*4), 2 Chainsword (2*0)
    TP6 i-j : 2 Veterans (2*14), 2 storm bolters (2*4), 2 storm shields (2*2) [219]

    == Battalion detachment – <Blood Angels> == +5 CP (573)
    HQ4: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder hammer (21), Storm shield (10) [124]
    HQ5: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder hammer (21), Storm shield (10) [124]
    HQ6: Chef Librarian Méphiston, [Psy : Sanguinius Wing's, Quickening, Unleash Rage] [160]
    TP7: 5 Scouts (5*11), 4 Boltgun (4*0), Scout Sergeant (0), Boltgun (0), Chainsword (0) [55]
    TP8: 5 Scouts (5*11), 4 Boltgun (4*0), Scout Sergeant (0), Boltgun (0), Chainsword (0) [55]
    TP9: 5 Scouts (5*11), 4 Boltgun (4*0), Scout Sergeant (0), Boltgun (0), Chainsword (0) [55]

    + Team: FTA
    + Mickaël «Mika117» LABISTE- Coach

    + Team: FTA
    + Nicolas «Arnar» BATAILLE- Coach


    Roster Bisounours 1:


       + Team : Bisounours 1
       + Player 1 & Captain : Arrethas
       + Faction : Craftworlds / Ynnari
       + Total Army points : 1999pts
       + Total Command Points: 10

       == Battalion Detachment - +5CP <Alaitoc> ==

       HQ1: Spiritseer - [65] - Protect/Jinx
       HQ2: Spiritseer - [65] - Conceal/Reveal

       Troop1: 5 Rangers (5*12) - [60]
       Troop2: 5 Rangers (5*12) - [60]
       Troop3: 5 Rangers (5*12) - [60]

       == Supreme Command Detachement - +1CP <Ulthwe> <Biel Tan> ==

       HQ3: Eldrad - [135] - [Keyword: Ulthwe] Fortune; Guide; Doom
       HQ4: Warlock conclave (2*45) - [90] - [Keyword: Ulthwe] Protect/Jinx ; Empower/Enervate
       HQ5: Spiritseer - [65] - [Keyword: Biel-Tan] Quicken/Restrain

       == Outrider Detachment - +1CP <Ynnari> <Ulthwe> <Saim Hann> <Biel Tan> ==

       HQ6: Yvraine - [132] - [Keyword: Ynnari] [Warlord]: Inspiring Leader / Word of the Phoenix ; Grace of
       the Ancients

       Heavy1: 9 Dark Reapers (9*12), 8 Reaper Launchers (8*22), Exarch (0) with a Tempest Missile Launcher (27) [311] - [Keyword: Ulthwe/Ynnari]

       FA1: 8 Shining spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8.) Exarch (0) with a Star Lance (10), 8 Twin shuriken Catapults (8*2) [274] - [Keyword: Saim-Hann/Ynnari]
       FA2: 8 Shining spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8.) Exarch (0) with a Star Lance (10), 8 Twin shuriken Catapults (8*2) [274] - [Keyword: Saim-Hann/Ynnar
       FA3: 8 Shining spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8.) Exarch (0) with a Star Lance (10), 8 Twin shuriken Catapults (8*2) [274] - [Keyword: Saim-Hann/Ynnar

       Transport1: Wave Serpent (120), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Twin Scatter Laser (12) [134] - [Keyword: Ulthwe/Ynnari]

       Refined Strategies card discarded:

       41 - Advance
       46 - Domination
       61 – Kingslayer
       55 – Psychological Warfare
       54 – Area Denial

       + Team : Bisounours 1
       + Player 2 : Jean Charles Némos Alias "Olohmë"
       + Faction : Drukhari
       + Total Army Points : 2000 pts
       + Reinforcement Points : 0
       + Total Command Points : 13
       == Battalion Detachment == Drukhari [+5CP] <Prophets of the Flesh>

       HQ 1: Haemonculus (70), Haemonculus tools (0), Hexrifle (5) - [75pts]
       HQ 2: Urien Rakarth (90) - [90pts]

       Troops 1: 5 Wracks (45) Acothyst (0) Hexrifle (5) - [50pts]
       Troops 2: 5 Wracks (45) Acothyst (0) Hexrifle (5) - [50pts]
       Troops 3: 5 Wracks (45) Acothyst (0) - [45pts]

       Elite 1 : 7 Grotesques (7x32), 7 Flesh Gauntlet (7x3) - [245pts]
       Elite 2 : 7 Grotesques (7x32), 7 Flesh Gauntlet (7x3) - [245pts]

       Heavy Support 1: 3 Talos (3x75), 3 Chain-Flails (3x3), 3 Macro-Scalpels (3x4), 6 Haywire blaster (6x8) - [294pts]
       Heavy Support 2: 3 Talos (3x75),, 3 Chain-Flails (3x3), 3 Macro-Scalpels (3x4), 6 Haywire blaster (6x8) - [294pts]

       == Battalion Detachment == Drukhari [+5CP] <Kabal of the Black Heart>

       HQ3: Archon (70), Venom blade (2)  [72pts] WARLORD: Labyrinthine Cunning RELIC: Writ of the Living Muse
       HQ4: Archon (70), Venom blade (2)  [72pts]

       Troops 4: 5 Kabalites Warriors (5*6) - [30pts]
       Troops 5: 5 Kabalites Warriors (5*6) - [30pts]
       Troops 6: 5 Kabalites Warriors (5*6) - [30pts]

       Heavy Support 3: Ravager (80), 3x Disintegrator cannon (3x15), Phantasm grenade laucher (3) - [128pts]
       Heavy Support 4: Ravager (80), 3x Disintegrator cannon (3x15) - [125pts]
       Heavy Support 5: Ravager (80), 3x Disintegrator cannon (3x15) - [125pts]

       Refined Strategies card discarded:

       41 - Advance
       46 - Domination
       61 – Kingslayer
       55 – Psychological Warfare
       + TEAM : Bisounours 1
       + Player 3 : Xavier "Edlr "Abraham
       + Faction : Adeptus mecanichus / Deathwatch / imperial knight
       + Total Army Points : 2000 pts
       + Reinforcement Points : 0 pt
       + Total Command Points : 13

       == Battalion Detachement == +5CP – <mixte:Graia/Lucius>

       HQ1: Tech-priest enginseer (30), omnissian axe (0), servo arm (0) – [30pts]  <Graia >
       HQ2: Tech-priest enginseer (30), omnissian axe (0), servo arm (0) – [30pts] <Lucius>

       Troops1: 5 skitarii rangers (7*5), 5 galvanic rifle (0) [35pts] <Graia >
       Troops2: 5 skitarii rangers (7*5), 5 galvanic rifle (0) [35pts] <Graia >
       Troops3: 5 skitarii rangers (7*5), 5 galvanic rifle (0) [35pts] <Graia >

       == Battalion Detachement == <Deathwatch > +5CP

       HQ3: Watch Captain with jump pack (93), thunder hammer (21), storm bolter (4) – [118pts] relic: beacon angelis
       HQ4: Watch Master (130), gardian spear (0) – [130pts] warlord: the watch eternal

       Troop 4: 10 Veterans [228]
       - 2 Terminators (46), 2 Power Mauls (8 ), 2 Storm Bolters (8 )
       - 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Bolt Pistol (0)
       - 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
       - 1 Bike (21), Twin Boltgun (4), Chainsword (0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0)
       - 4 Veterans (66), 4 Storm Bolters (16), 4 Storm Shields (8 )
       - 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

       Troop 5: 10 Veterans [228]
       - 2 Terminators (46), 2 Power Mauls (8 ), 2 Storm Bolters (8 )
       - 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Bolt Pistol (0)
       - 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
       - 1 Bike (21), Twin Boltgun (4), Chainsword (0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0)
       - 4 Veterans (66), 4 Storm Bolters (16), 4 Storm Shields (8 )
       - 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

       Troop 6: 10 Veterans [228]
       - 2 Terminators (46), 2 Power Mauls (8 ), 2 Storm Bolters (8 )
       - 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Bolt Pistol (0)
       - 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
       - 1 Bike (21), Twin Boltgun (4), Chainsword (0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0)
       - 4 Veterans (66), 4 Storm Bolters (16), 4 Storm Shields (8 )
       - 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

       Troop 7: 10 Veterans [217]
       - 1 Terminators (23), 1 Power Mauls (4), 1 Storm Bolters (4)
       - 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Bolt Pistol (0)
       - 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
       - 1 Bike (21), Twin Boltgun (4), Chainsword (0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0)
       - 5 Veterans (70), 5 Storm Bolters (20), 5 Storm Shields (10)
       - 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

       FAST 1: 3 Bike (63), 3 Twin Boltgun (12), 2 Chainsword (0), Storm Shields (2), Storm Bolter (4), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0) [82]

       == LOW Auxiliary Detachment == IK +0 CP [604] house Raven

       LoW 1: Knight Castelan (510), Plasma Decimator (0), Volcano Lance (0), Shieldbreker missile x2 (24),
       Siegebreaker cannon x2 (70), Twin meltagun x2 (0) [604]

       + TEAM: Bisounours 1
       + PLAYER 4: Arnaud "Shas'O Kassad" Monvoisin
       + ARMY FACTION: T'au Empire
       + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000
       + ARMY FACTIONS USED: T'au Empire <T'au Sept> <Sa'Cea Sept> <Farsight Sept>

       == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <T’au> ==
       HQ1: Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (72), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18), Iridium (10) - [154pts] [Warlord: Through Unity, Devastation]
       HQ2: Ethereal with Hover Drones (50) - [50pts] [Relic:Puretide Engram Neuroship]

       Elite1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missiles Systems (2x15), Velocity Tracker (10), Target Lock (12) - [272pts]
       Elite2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missiles Systems (2x15), Velocity Tracker (10), Target Lock (12) - [272pts]

       Troop1: 5 Fire Warriors with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]
       Troop2: 5 Fire Warriors with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]
       Troop3: 5 Fire Warriors with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]

       FA1: Tactical Drones: 4 MV4 Shield Drones (4x10), 3 MV1 Gun Drones - [70pts]
       FA2: Tactical Drones: 4 MV4 Shield Drones (4x10), 3 MV1 Gun Drones - [70pts]
       FA3: Tactical Drones: 4 MV4 Shield Drones (4x10), 3 MV1 Gun Drones - [70pts]

       == Vanguard Detachment / +1CP <Sa’cea> ==
       HQ3 : Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (72), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18), Iridium (10) - [154pts]

       Elite3 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) - [25pts]
       Elite4 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) - [25pts]
       Elite5 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) - [25pts]

       FA4 : 5 Pathfinders (5x5), 2 Markerlight (2x3), 3 Ions rifles (3x7), 2 Grav-inhibition drone (16) [68]
       FA5 : 5 Pathfinders (5x5), 2 Markerlight (2x3), 3 Ions rifles (3x7), 2 Grav-inhibition drone (16) [68]

       == Patrol Detachment / 0CP <Farsight's enclave> ==
       HQ6 : Commandeur XV86 "Coldstar" (90), 2 x Burst canons (16), High-output burst canon (16), Airbusting Fragmentation projector (8.) - [130pts]

       Elite6 : 4 XV8 Crisis (4x27) - [404pts]
       Crisis a: 3 Cyclic ion blaster (2x18), Iridium (10), 2 MV4 Shield drones
       Crisis b: 3 Cyclic ion blaster (2x18), 2 MV4 Shield drones
       Crisis ? 3 Cyclic ion blaster (2x18), 2 MV4 Shield drones
       Crisis d: Shas'Vre (0), 3 Cyclic ion blaster (2x18), 1 MV4 Shield drone

       Troop4: 5 Fire Warriors with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]

       Refined Strategies card discarded: Advance (41), Domination (46), Blood and Guts (52), Area Denial (54), Kingslayer (61)

       + Team: Bisounours 1
       + Player 5: Noé Vener Alias "Wilme"
       + Army faction: Space marines (Raven Guards) / Astra Militarum
       + Total army points: 1 999 pts
       + Total command points: 6 CP
       + Total reinforcement points: n/a

       == Vanguard Detachment +1CP == <Raven Guards>
       HQ1: Kayvaan Shrike - [150]
       HQ2: Lieutenant with jump pack (78), 2 chainswords (0), bolt pistol (0) - [78]

       EL1: 4 servitors (4x5), 4 servo-arms (0) - [20]
       EL2: 4 servitors (4x5), 4 servo-arms (0) - [20]
       EL3: 4 servitors (4x5), 4 servo-arms (0) - [20]

       HS1: 3 Centurion Devastators (3x40), 3 Hurricane Bolters (3x10), 2x2 Heavy Bolters (2x2x10), Sergent with Grav-cannon (28) - [218]

       == Air Wing Detachment +1CP == <Raven Guards>
       FL1: Stormraven (192), 2 Hurricane Bolters (2x10), Twin Heavy Bolters (17), Twin heavy plasma cannons (24), 2 Stormstrikes Missile Launchers (2x21) - [295]
       FL2: Stormraven (192), 2 Hurricane Bolters (2x10), Twin Heavy Bolters (17), Twin heavy plasma cannons (24), 2 Stormstrikes Missile Launchers (2x21) - [295]
       FL3: Stormraven (192), 2 Hurricane Bolters (2x10), Twin Heavy Bolters (17), Twin heavy plasma cannons (24), 2 Stormstrikes Missile Launchers (2x21) - [295]

       == Supreme Command Detachment +1CP == <Vostroyans>
       HQ3: Tank Commander (142), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), 1 Heavy Bolter (8.), 2 Plasma Cannons (2x10), StormBolter (2), Hunter-Killer missile (6) - [198]
       HQ4: Tank Commander (142), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), 1 Heavy Bolter (8.), 2 Plasma Cannons (2x10), StormBolter (2), Hunter-Killer missile (6) - [198]
       HQ5: Tank Commander (142), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), 1 Heavy Bolter (8.), 2 Plasma Cannons (2x10), StormBolter (2) - [192]

       EL4: Platoon Commander - [20] [Warlord: Grand Strategist] [Relic: Kurov's Aquila]

       Discarded scenarios: Advance (41), Domination (46), Kingslayer (61)

       + TEAM : Bisounours 1
       + PLAYER 6 : Makaï
       + ARMY FACTION: Ork
       + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000pts
       + POWER LEVEL: 104

       == Battalion Detachment == Ork <Bad Moon> [ 33PL, 693pts ] +5CP

       HQ1: Big Mek in Mega Armour (77), kustom shoota (2), power klaw (13), kustom force field (20) - [112pts] 6PL - WARLORD: FOLLOW ME LADZ
       HQ2: Weirdboy (62), psychic power: Warpath, smite - [62pts] 3PL

       TR1: 10 Gretchin (30) - [30pts] 1PL
       TR2: 10 Gretchin (30) - [30pts] 1PL
       TR3: 10 Gretchin (30) - [30pts] 1PL

       HS1: 10 Lootas (170) - [170pts] 8PL
       HS2: 15 Lootas (255) - [255pts] 13PL

       == Battalion Detachment == Ork <Bad Moon>,<Death Skull>,<Blood Axe>,<Freebooterz> [ 15PL, 300pts ] +5CP

       HQ3: Weirdboy (62), psychic power: Da Jump, smite - [62pts] 3PL <Freebooterz>
       HQ4: Weirdboy (62), psychic power: Da Jump, smite - [62pts] 3PL <Blood Axe> RELIC: MORGOG'S FINKIN' KAP [Trait : I'VE GOT A PLAN, LADZ!]

       TR4: 10 Gretchin (30) - [30pts] 1PL <Bad Moon>
       TR5: 10 Gretchin (30) - [30pts] 1PL <Bad Moon>
       TR6: 10 Gretchin (30) - [30pts] 1PL <Bad Moon>

       EL1: Mad Doc Grotsnik (86) - [86pts] 6PL <Death Skull>

       == Battalion Detachment == Ork <Evil Sunz> [ 56PL, 1011pts ] +5CP

       HQ5: Warboss (65), kustom shoota (2), power klaw (13), attack squig (0) - [80pts] 4PL
       HQ6: Warboss (65), kustom shoota (2), power klaw (13), attack squig (0) - [80pts] 4PL

       TR7: 26 Boyz (182), choppa and slugga (0), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nobz with power klaw (13) and choppa (0) - [195pts] 11PL
       TR8: 26 Boyz (182), choppa and slugga (0), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nobz with power klaw (13) and choppa (0) - [195pts] 11PL
       TR9: 26 Boyz (182), choppa and slugga (0), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nobz with big choppa (5) and choppa (0) - [187pts] 11PL
       TR10: 26 Boyz (182), choppa and slugga (0), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nobz with killsaw (15) and choppa (0) - [197pts] 11PL

       EL2: Nob with Waaagh! Banner (75), kustom shoota (2) - [77pts] 4PL

       -- Refined Strategies card discarded: --

       41 - Advance
       46 - Domination
       61 – Kingslayer
       55 – Psychological Warfare
       54 – Area Denial

       + TEAM : Bisounours 1
       + Player 7: Hugo "Shev" Bourgeois
       + Faction : Death Guard / SMC
       + Total Army Points : 2000 pts
       + Reinforcement Points : 0pt
       + Total Command Points : 13

       ==Bataillon détachement <Deathguard> (+5CP) ==

       HQ1: Prince démon with wings (170), pair of malefic talons (10) - [180pts] (PP:putrescent vitality - Smite) [WARLORD:Arch Contaminator]
       HQ2: Sorcier (90), force stave (8 ) - [98pts] (PP:Miasma of pestilence - Blades of putrefaction - Smite)

       EL1: Biologius Putrifiers - [60pts] [Relic: Fugaris' Helm]
       EL2: 4 Deathshroud Terminators (4x35), 4 manreaper (4x17), Deathshroud Champion (0), second plaguespurt gauntlet (0) - [208pts]

       TR1: 7 Plague Marines (7x16), 6x2 Plague Knife (6x0), Plague Champion, Bolter, Plague Knife (0) - [112pts]
       TR2: 7 Plague Marines (7x16), 6x2 Plague Knife (6x0), Plague Champion, Bolter, Plague Knife (0) - [112pts]
       TR3: 7 Plague Marines (7x16), 6x2 Plague Knife (6x0), Plague Champion, Bolter, Plague Knife (0) - [112pts]

       HS1: Crawler(100), 2 plaguespitter (17x2), Heavy slugger(6) - [140pts]
       HS2: Crawler(100), 2 plaguespitter (17x2), Heavy slugger(6) - [140pts]
       HS3: Crawler(100), 2 plaguespitter (17x2), Heavy slugger(6) - [140pts]

       DT1: Chaos Rhino (70), 2 Combi-Bolter (2x2) - [74pts]
       DT2: Chaos Rhino (70), 2 Combi-Bolter (2x2) - [74pts]
       DT3: Chaos Rhino (70), 2 Combi-Bolter (2x2) - [74pts]

       ==Bataillon détachement <Deathguard / Chaos Space Marine > (+5CP) ==

       HQ3: Sorcier with jump pack (112), force stave (8 ) - [120pts] (PP:Warp Time - Death Hex - Smite) <Chaos Space Marine>
       HQ4: Sorcier (90), force stave(8 ) - [98pts] (PP:Prescience - Diabolic Strength - Smite) <Chaos Space Marine>

       TR4: 10 Chaos Cultists - autogun (0) [50pts] <Chaos Space Marine>
       TR5: 10 Chaos Cultists - autogun (0) [50pts] <Chaos Space Marine>
       TR6: 5 Plague Marines (5x16), 4x2 Plague Knife (4x0), Plague Champion, Bolter, Plague Knife (0) - [80pts] <DeathGuard>

       DT4: Chaos Rhino (70), Combi-Bolter (2), Havoc Missile (6) - [78pts] <DeathGuard>

       Refined Strategies card discarded:

       41 - Advance
       46 - Domination
       55 - Psychological Warfare
       64 - Assassinate
       65 - Big Game hunter

       + TEAM : Bisounours
       + Player 8: Florian "Dletch" HAMEL
       + Faction : Chaos - <Thousands Sons> <Chaos Daemons>
       + Total Army Points : 1742pts
       + Reinforcement Points : 258
       + Total Command Points : 14

       == Bataillon Detachement - Chaos Deamons +5CP ==
       HQ1: Changecaster - [65pts] (Gaze of Fate, Infernal Gateway, Smite)
       HQ2: Changecaster - [65pts] (Flickering Flame, Boon of change, Smite) - WARLORD: Daemon Spark - Free Relic: The Impossible Robe
       Troop1: 30 Pink Horror (30*7), instrument of chaos (10) - [220pts]
       Troop2: 30 Pink Horror (30*7), Icone demoniaque (15), instrument of chaos (10) - [235pts]
       Troop3: 20 Pink Horror (20*7) - [140pts]

       == Bataillon Detachement - Thousands Sons +5CP ==
       HQ3: Deamon Prince of chaos with wing (170), pairs of malefic talon (10) - [180pts] [Thousands Sons] (Gaze of fate, Bolt of change, Smite)
       HQ4: Arhiman - [131pts] [Thousands Sons] (Weaver of Fate, Glamour of Tzeentch, Doombolt, Smite)
       Troop4: 28 Tzaangors (28x7), Braihorn (10), Tzaangor Blades (0) - [206pts]
       Troop5: 10 Chaos Cultistes (5*10), 10 Autogun (0) - [50pts]
       Troop6: 10 Chaos Cultistes (5*10), 10 Autogun (0) - [50pts]

       == Suprem Command Detachement - Thousands Sons +1CP ==
       HQ5: Sorcerer in Terminator Armor (102), Force Stave (8.), Speel Familiar (9), Inferno Combi-bolt (3) [122pts] (Warptime, Tzeentch's Firestorm , Smite)
       HQ6: Deamon Prince of chaos with wing (170), pairs of malefic talon (10) - [180pts] (Infernal Gateway, Diabolic Strength, Smite)
       HQ7: Sorcerer (90), Force Stave (8.) [98 pts] (Infernal Gaze, Temporal Manipulation, Smite)

       Refined Strategies card discarded:
       41 - Advance
       46 - Domination
       52 - Blood and Guts
       55 - Psychological Warfare



    D3 Beta à St Clair de la Tour le 02 et 03 Mars 2019:

    Roster Cartel de Trolls:


    + Team : Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 1 : Arnaud Tyd
    + Factions : T'au Empire
    + Total Army Points :  1999pts
    + Total Command points : 14

    == BATAILLON DETACHMENT - Tau Empire "T'au" == [1387pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Comander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 3 Missile Pod (45), Advanced Targeting System (6), Relic: Puretide Engram Neurochip - [141pts] [WARLORD : Through Unity Devastation]
    HQ2 :  Etheral - [45pts]

    Troops1: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
    Troops2: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
    Troops3: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]

    Elite1 : XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Advanced Targeting System (18.), Target Lock (12) - [280pts]
    Elite2 : XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Advanced Targeting System (18.), Target Lock (12) - [280pts]
    Elite3 : XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Advanced Targeting System (18.), Target Lock (12) - [280pts]

    HS1: 2 XV88 Broadsides battlesuit (2*35), 4 HYMP (4*25), 4 SMS (4*15), 2 Advanced Targeting System (2*6),  1 Seeker Missile (5) - [247]

    == BATAILLON DETACHMENT - Tau Empire "T'au" == [342pts] +5CP

    HQ3 : Comander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 3 Missile Pod (45), Advanced Targeting System (6) -  [141pts]
    HQ4: DarkStrider - [45pts]
    HQ5: Cadre Fireblade - [42pts]

    Troops4: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
    Troops5: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
    Troops6: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]

    == OUTRIDER DETACHMENT - Tau Empire "T'au" == [270pts] +1CP

    HQ5 : Shadowsun - [110pts]

    FA1: Tactical Drones, 5 MV4 Shield Drones (5x10) - [50pts]
    FA2: Tactical Drones, 5 MV4 Shield Drones (5x10) - [50pts]
    FA3: Tactical Drones, 6 MV4 Shield Drones (6x10) - [60pts]

    Refined Strategy : 41-43-46-52-61-64

    + Team : Cartel de Trolls
    + PLAYER 2 : DUMOULIN “Le Cad” Brice
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS:  2000pts +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    == Battalion Detachment - Orks "Evil Sunz" == [926pts] +5CP

    HQ1: Warboss (65), Big Choppa (5), Kustom Shoota (2), Attak Squig (0) - [72pts] [WARLORD : Speed Freak]
    HQ2: WeirdBoy - [62pts][Da Jump]

    ELITE1: PainBoy (52), Power Klaw (13) - [65pts]
    ELITE2: Nob with Waaagh Banner (75), Kustom Shoota (2) [77pts]

    TR1: 30 Boyz (210), 3 Tankbusta bomb (0), 3 Big Shoota (15), Nob with Big Choppa (5) - [230pts]
    TR2: 30 Boyz (210), 3 Tankbusta bomb (0), 3 Big Shoota (15), Nob with Big Choppa (5) - [230pts]
    TR3: 25 Boyz (175), 2 Tankbusta bomb (0), 2 Big Shoota (10), Nob with Big Choppa (5) - [190pts]

    == Battalion Detachment - Orks "Evil Sunz" == [548pts] +5CP

    HQ3: WeirdBoy - [62pts][Da Jump]
    HQ4: WeirdBoy - [62pts][War Path]

    TR4: 27 Boyz (189), 2 Tankbusta bomb (0), 2 Big Shoota (10), Nob with Big Choppa (5) - [204pts]
    TR5: 25 Boyz (175), 2 Tankbusta bomb (0), 2 Big Shoota (10), Nob with Big Choppa (5) - [190pts]
    TR6: 10 Grots - [30pts]

    == Battalion Detachment - Orks == [526pts] +5CP

    HQ5: Big Mek in Mega Armor (77), Grot Oiler (4), Kustom Force Field (20), Power Klaw (13), Kutom Shoota (2), Relic : Morgog Finkin' Kap - [116pts] "Blood Axe"
    HQ6: Boss Snikrot - [70pts] "Blood Axe"

    TR7: 10 Grots - [30pts] "Evil Sunz"
    TR8: 10 Boyz (70), 8 Fling' (0), Tankbusta bomb (0), Big Shoota (5), Nob with Big Choppa (5) - [80pts] "Bad Moon"
    TR9: 30 Boyz (210), 26 Fling' (0), 3 Tankbusta bomb (0), 3 Big Shoota (15), Nob with Big Choppa (5) - [230pts] "Bad Moon"

    + Team Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 3 : David « BZH » Tribouillet
    + Faction : Death guard, Renegade Knight
    + Total army points : 1999 pts
    + Total command points : 8 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    == Battalion Detachment - Death Guard == [1534pts] +5 CP

    HQ1 : Daemon Prince with Wings (170) Pair Malefic Talons (10), Relic : The Suppurating Plate – [180 pts] [Blade of Putrefaction, Smite]  [Warlord : Arch-Contaminator]
    HQ2 : Sorcerer (90) Force stave (Cool– [98pts] [Miasma of Pestilence, Putrescent Vitality, Smite]

    Troop1 : 8 Plague Marines (8*16), 1 Flail of Corruption (10), 6x2 plague knives (0) – [138pts]
    Troop2 : 8 Plague Marines (8*16), 1 Flail of Corruption (10), 6x2 plague knives (0) – [138pts]
    Troop3 : 10 Poxwalkers (60) – [60pts]

    EL1 : Biologus Putrifer (60) – [60pts]
    EL2 : 10 Blightlord Terminators (340), 2 Flails of Corruption (20), 2 Blight Launcher (20), 6 Combi-bolters (12), 8 Bubonic Axes (40) – [432pts]

    HS1 : Plagueburst Crawler (100), 2 Plaguespitter (34), Heavy Slugger (6) – [140pts]
    HS2 : Plagueburst Crawler (100), 2 Plaguespitter (34), Heavy Slugger (6) – [140pts]

    DT1 : Rhino (70), 2 combi bolter (4) – [74pts]
    DT2 : Rhino (70), 2 combi bolter (4) – [74pts]

    == Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment  - Renegade Knight ==  [465pts) +0 CP

    LoW1: Renegade Knight (285) 2x Avenger gatling cannon (150), 2 heavy flamer (28) heavy stubber (2) – [465pts]

    Refined Strategy : 41 43 46 62 55 66

    + Team Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 4 : Saul "Le Cid" Baptista
    + Factions : Ynnari, Aeldari Craftworld
    + Total Army Points : 1999
    + Total Command points : 10

    ==Outrider Detachement - Ynnari Craftworld == [1231pts] +1CP

    HQ1 : Yvraine - [132pts] [Warlord : Tenacious Survivor][Ancestor Grace, Word of The Phenix, Smite]

    FA1 : 8 Shining Spears (192), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapult (16), 7 Laser Lance (56), Exarch Star Lance (10) - [274pts] "Saim Hann"
    FA2 : 8 Shining Spears (192), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapult (16), 7 Laser Lance (56), Exarch Star Lance (10) - [274pts] "Saim Hann"
    FA3 : 6 Shining Spears (144), 6 Twin Shuriken Catapult (12), 5 Laser Lance (40), Exarch Star Lance (10) - [206pts] "Saim Hann"

    HS1 : 10 Dark Reapers (120), 9 Reaper Launcher (198), Exarch Tempest Launcher (27) - [345pts] "Alaitoc"

    == Bataillon Detachement - Craftworld "Alaitoc" == [503pts] +5CP

    HQ2 : Farseer Skyrunner(130), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) - [132pts] [Doom, Executionner, Smite]
    HQ3 : Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) - [67pts] [Protect/Jinx, Smite]

    Troup1 : 5 Rangers - [60pts]
    Troup2 : 5 Dire avengers(40), 5 Shuriken Catapult Avenger (15), Exarch (0) - [55pts]
    Troup3 : 5 Dire avengers(40), 5 Shuriken Catapult Avenger (15), Exarch (0) - [55pts]

    Transport1 : Wave Serpent(120), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Twin Scatter Laser (12) - [134pts]

    ==Suprem Command Detachment – Craftworld == [265pts] +1CP

    HQ4 : Eldrad Ulthran - [135pts] [Guide, Fortune, Will of Asuryan, Smite] "Ulthwe"
    HQ5 : Spiritseer - [65pts] [Quicken/Restrain, Smite] "Biel Tan"
    HQ6 : Spiritseer - [65pts] [Enpower/Enervate, Smite] "Alaitoc"

    Refined Strategy : 41-43-46-52-61-64

    + Team Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 5 : Adrien Gehant
    + Factions : Drukharii
    + Total Army Points : 2000pts
    + Total Command points : 14

    == Detachement Spearhead - Drukhari “Kabal of The Black Hearth” == [447pts] +1CP

    HQ1 : Archon (70), Venom Blade (2) - [72pts] [Warlord : Labyrinthine Cunning]

    HS1 : Ravager (80), 3 Desintegrators (45) - [125pts]
    HS2 : Ravager (80), 3 Desintegrators (45) - [125pts]
    HS3 : Ravager (80), 3 Desintegrators (45) - [125pts]

    == Detachement Bataillon - Drukhari “Cult of The Red Grief” == [472pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Succubus (50), Shardnet & Impaler (5) - [55pts] [Painbringer]
    HQ2 : Succubus (50), Shardnet & Impaler (5) - [55pts] [Combat Drug]

    Troop1 : 9 Wychs (72), Shardnet & Impaler (5) - [77pts] [Grave Lotus]
    Troop2 : 9 Wychs (72), Shardnet & Impaler (5), Phantasm Grenade Launcher (3) - [80pts] [Hypex]
    Troop3 : 5 Wychs (40), Shardnet & Impaler (5) - [45pts] [Adrenalight]

    Transport1 : Raider (65), Desintegrator (15) - [80pts]
    Transport2 : Raider (65), Desintegrator (15) - [80pts]

    == Detachement Bataillon - Drukhari “The Prophets of Flesh” == [1081pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Urien Rakharth - [90pts]
    HQ2 : Haemonculus (70), Hexrifle (5), Electrocorosive Whips (6), Relic : The Vexator Mask - [81pts]

    Troop1 : 7 Wracks (63), Hexrifle (5), Venom Blade (2) - [70pts]
    Troop2 : 7 Wracks (63), Hexrifle (5), Venom Blade (2) - [70pts]
    Troop3 : 7 Wracks (63), Hexrifle (5), Venom Blade (2) - [70pts]

    Elite1 : 5 Grotesques (160), 5 Flesh Gauntlets (15) - [175pts]
    Elite2 : 10 Grotesques (320), 10 Flesh Gauntlets (30) - [350pts]
    Elite3 : 5 Grotesques (160), 5 Flesh Gauntlets (15) - [175pts]

    + Team Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 6 : Arnaud “Nahel” Chabrier
    + Factions : Space Marines, Blood Angels
    + Total Army Points : 1999pts
    + Total Command points : 8 (11 -1 -1 -1)

    ==Bataillon Detachment – Space Marines == [1420pts] +5CP
    Indomitus Crusaders Specialist Detachment  -1CP

    HQ1 : Tigurius - [115pts] [Might of Heroes, Psychic Scourge, Null Zone, Smite]“Ultramarines”
    HQ2 : Sergeant Chronus - [30pts] “Ultramarines”

    Tr1 : 5 Scouts (55), Bolter, Sergent with Bolter & Chainsword  – [55pts]” Black Templars”
    Tr2 : 5 Scouts (55), Bolter, Sergent with Bolter & Chainsword  – [55pts]  “Ultramarines”
    Tr3 : 9 Intercessor (153), 9 Bolt Rifle, Auxiliary grenade launcher, Sergeant with Power Sword (4) - [157pts] “Ultramarines”
    Veteran Intercessors (-1CP)

    HS1 : Predator (90), Predator autocannon (40), 2 heavy bolter (20), stormbolter (2) - [152pts] “Ultramarines”
    HS2 : Predator (90), Predator autocannon (40), 2 heavy bolter (20), stormbolter (2) - [152pts] “Ultramarines”
    HS3 : Predator (90), Predator autocannon (40), 2 heavy bolter (20), stormbolter (2) - [152pts] “Ultramarines”

    TA1 : Repulsor (185), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (30), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (16), Twin Heavy Bolter (17), 2 Fragstorm Grenade Launchers (8.), 3 Stormbolter (6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launchers (8.), Ironhail Heavy Stubber (6) - [276pts] “Ultramarines”
    TA2 : Repulsor (185), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (30), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (16), Twin Heavy Bolter (17), 2 Fragstorm Grenade Launchers (8.), 3 Stormbolter (6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launchers (8.), Ironhail Heavy Stubber (6) - [276pts] “Ultramarines”

    ==Patrol Detachment - Blood Angels == [179pts] +0CP

    HQ3 : Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder Hammer (21), Storm Shield (10) - [124pts]
    Death Visions of Sanguinius (-1CP)

    Tr4 : 5 Scouts (55), Bolter, Sergent with Bolter & Chainsword  –  [55pts]

    ==Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment – Space Marine “Ultramarines”== [400pts] +0CP

    LoW1 : Roboute Guilliman - [400pts] [Warlord : Adept of the Codex] +3CP

    Refined Strategy : 41-43-46-52-61-64

    + Team Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 7 : Kevin “Darkkiwi” Lafon
    + Factions : Chaos Daemons, Thousand Sons
    + Total Army Points : 1998pts
    + Total Command points : 14

    == BATAILLON DETACHMENT - Chaos Daemons “Nurgle” == [930pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Poxbringer - [70pts] [Miasma of Pestilence, Smite]
    HQ2 : Sloppity Bilepiper - [60pts]
    HQ3 : Spoilpox Scrivener - [95pts]

    Troup1 : 30 Plaguebearers (210), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) - [235pts]
    Troup2 : 30 Plaguebearers (210), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) - [235pts]
    Troup3 : 30 Plaguebearers (210), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) - [235pts]

    == BATAILLON DETACHMENT - Chaos Daemons  == [463pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Herald of Slaanesh - [60pts] [Delightful agonies, Smite]
    HQ2 : Herald of Slaanesh - [60pts] [Symphony of pain, Smite]
    Troup1 : 30 Bloodletters (210), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) - [235pts]
    Troup2 : 3 Nurglings - [54pts]
    Troup3 : 3 Nurglings - [54pts]

    == SUPREM COMMAND  DETACHMENT – Thousand Sons == [605pts] +1CP

    HQ1 : Ahriman [131pts] [Glamour of Tzeench, Weaver of Fates, Warp Time, Smite]
    HQ2 : Sorcerer (90), Force Sword (8.), Relic : HELM OF THE THIRD EYE - [98pts] [Diabolic strength, Death Hex, Smite]
    HQ3 : Sorcerer (90), Force Sword (8.) - [98pts] [Temporal Manipulation, Prescience, Smite]
    HQ4 : Sorcerer (90), Force Sword (8.) - [98pts] [Tzeentch’s Firestorm , Doombolt, Smite]
    HQ5 : Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings (170), Pair of Malefic Talons (10) - [180pts] [Gaze of fate, Treason of Tzeench, Smite] [WARLORD : Undying Form]

    + Team Cartel de Trolls
    + Player 8 : Nicolas “Sven” Nambotin
    + Factions : Astra Militarum
    + Total Army Points : 1998pts
    + Total Command points : 12 (17 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1)

    == Spearhead Detachement – Astra Militarum « Cadia » == [663pts] +1CP
    Specialist Detachment : Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company -1 CP

    HQ1 : Company Commander (30), Chainsword, Relic : Agripinaa-class Orbital Tracker – [31pts] [Lord of Ordnance : -1CP]

    HS1 : 2 Wyvern (190), 2 Heavy Bolter (16) – [206pts]
    HS2 : Wyvern (95), Heavy Bolter (8.) – [103pts]
    HS3 : 2 Basilisk (200), 2 Heavy Bolter (16) – [216pts]
    HS4 : Basilisk (100), Heavy Bolter (8.) – [108pts]

    == Brigade Detachement – Astra Militarum « Catachan » == [759pts] +12CP
    Specialist Detachment : Emperor’s Conclave Infantry Company -1 CP

    HQ2 : Company Commander (30), Powerfist (8.), Relic : Litanies of the Holy Synod (-1CP) – [38pts]
    HQ3 : Company Commander (30), Chainsword – [30pts] [WARLORD : Old Grudge]
    HQ4 : Straken – [75pts]

    TROUP1 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts]
    TROUP2 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts]
    TROUP3 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts]
    TROUP4 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts]
    TROUP5 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts]
    TROUP6 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts]
    TROUP7 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts]

    ELITE2 : Ministorum Priest (35), Autogun, Chainsword – [35pts]
    ELITE3 : Ogryn Bodyguard (45), Slabshield – [45pts]
    ELITE4 : Astropath (26), Laspistol – [26pts] [Smite, Psychic Barrier]
    ELITE5: Astropath (26), Laspistol - [26pts] [Smite, Nightshroud]

    FA1 : Scout Sentinel (30), Multilaser (5) – [35pts]
    FA2 : Scout Sentinel (30), Multilaser (5) – [35pts]
    FA3 : Scout Sentinel (30), Multilaser (5) – [35pts]

    HS1 : Heavy Weapon Squad (18), 3 Mortars (15) – [33pts]
    HS2 : Heavy Weapon Squad (18), 3 Mortars (15) – [33pts]
    HS3 : Heavy Weapon Squad (18), 3 Mortars (15) – [33pts]

    == Suprem Command Detachement – Astra Militarum « Vostroya » == [576pts] +1CP
    Specialist Detachment : Emperor’s Fist Tank Company -1 CP

    HQ5 : Tank Commander (142), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), 2 Plasma Cannons (20), Heavy Bolter (8.), Stormbolter (2) - [192pts]
    HQ6 : Tank Commander (142), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), 2 Plasma Cannons (20), Heavy Bolter (8.), Stormbolter (2) - [192pts]
    HQ7 : Tank Commander (142), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), 2 Plasma Cannons (20), Heavy Bolter (8.), Stormbolter (2) - [192pts]

    Refined Strategy : 41-43-46-52-61-64

    + Team: Cartel de Trolls
    + Coach: David "Agone" Lecaillec


    Roster Playboyz:


    + TEAM : Playboy’z
    + PLAYER 1 : François PIQUEMAL
    + PSEUDO : Flauros
    + ARMY FACTION : Drukhari
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS : 1998

    + Air Wing Detachment <Black Heart> +1CP :

    FLYER1 : Razorwing Jetfighter (105) 2 Disintegrators cannons (2x15) [135]
    FLYER2 : Razorwing Jetfighter (105) 2 Disintegrators cannons (2x15) [135]
    FLYER3 : Razorwing Jetfighter (105) 2 Disintegrators cannons (2x15) [135]

    + Spearhead Detachment <Black Heart> +1CP :

    HQ1 : Archon (70) Venom Blade (2) Relic : Writing on the living Muse (0) [72] WARLORD : Labyrinthine Cunning
    HS1 : Ravager (80) 3 Disintegrators cannons (3x15) Grizly Trophies (2) [127]
    HS2 : Ravager (80) 3 Disintegrators cannons (3x15) Grizly Trophies (2) [127]
    HS3 : Ravager (80) 3 Disintegrators cannons (3x15) Grizly Trophies (2) [127]

    + Battalion Detachment <Prophets of flesh> +5CP :

    HQ1 : Urien Rakarth [90]
    HQ2 : Haemonculus (70) Splinter Rifle (5) [75]
    TR1 : 5 Wracks [45]
    TR2 : 5 Wracks [45]
    TR3 : 5 Wracks [45]
    ELITE1 : 8 Grotesques (8x32) 8 flesh gauntlet (8x3) [280]
    ELITE2 : 8 Grotesques (8x32) 8 flesh gauntlet (8x3) [280]
    ELITE3 : 8 Grotesques (8x32) 8 flesh gauntlet (8x3) [280]


    + TEAM : Playboy’z
    + PLAYER 2 : Mehdi Bouquin
    + PSEUDO : Ginyu
    + ARMY FACTION : Ork
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS : 1999

    + Battalion Detachment <Bad Moons> +5CP :

    HQ1 : Weirdboy [62] Psy : Warpath
    HQ2 : Weirdboy [62] Psy : Da Jump
    TR1 : 10 Gretchins [30]
    TR2 : 10 Gretchins [30]
    TR3 : 10 Gretchins [30]
    HS1 : 15 Lootas (15x17) [255]
    HS2 : 10 Lootas (10x17) [170]

    + Battalion Detachment <Evil Sunz> +5CP :

    HQ1 : Warboss (65) Kustom Shoota (2) Power Klaw (13) [80]
    HQ2 : Big Mek in Mega Armour (77) Kustom Force Field (20) Power Klaw (13) Kustom Shoota (2) Grot Oiler (4) [118]
    TR1 : 28 Boy’z (30x7) 27 Slugga and choppa (0) 2 Tankbusta Bombs (0) Boss Nob with killsaw (15) [211]
    TR2 : 28 Boy’z (28x7) 27 Slugga and choppa (0) 2 Tankbusta Bombs (0) Boss Nob with killsaw (15) [211]
    TR3 : 28 Boy’z (28x7) 27 Slugga and choppa (0) 2 Tankbusta Bombs (0) Boss Nob with killsaw (15) [211]
    TR4 : 28 Boy’z (28x7) 27 Slugga and choppa (0) 2 Tankbusta Bombs (0) Boss Nob with killsaw (15) [211]

    + Battalion Detachment <Evil Sunz, Bad Moons, Deathskulls> +5CP

    HQ1 : Warboss (65) Kustom Shoota (2) Power Klaw (13) [80] WARLORD : Kunning and Brutal <Bad Moons>
    HQ2 : Weirdboy (62) Relic : Morgog’s Finkin’Kap : I’ve got a plan, Ladz (0) [62] Psy : Fist of gork <Blood Axe>
    TR1 : 10 Gretchin [30]
    TR2 : 10 Gretchin [30]
    TR3 : 10 Gretchin [30]
    ELITE1 : Mad Dok Grotsnik [86] <Deathskulls>


    TEAM : Playboy’z
    PLAYER 3 : Nathan Guibauld
    PSEUDO : Ekvar
    ARMY FACTION : Chaos, Chaos Space Marine, Chaos Daemons, Thousand Sons.

    + Spearhead Detachment <Chaos Space Marine, Alpha Legion> +1CP :

    HQ1 : Chaos Lord with Jumpack(93), Lightning claw(8) [101] <Khorne>
    HS1 : 3 Obliterators [195] <Slaanesh>
    HS2 : 3 Obliterators [195] <Slaanesh
    HS3 : 3 Obliterators [195] <Slaanesh>

    + Battalion Detachment <Chaos Deamons, Nurgle> +5CP :

    HQ1 : Poxbringer [70] Psy : Miasma of Pestilence
    HQ2 : Sloppity Bilepiper(60) [60]
    HQ3 : Spoilpox Scrivener(95) [95]
    TR1 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7) Daemonic Icon (15) Instrument of Chaos (10) Plagueridden (0) [235]
    TR2 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7) Daemonic Icon (15) Instrument of Chaos (10) Plagueridden (0) [235]
    TR3 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7) Daemonic Icon (15) Instrument of Chaos (10) Plagueridden (0) [235]

    + Suprem Command Detachment <Chaos Space Marines, Thousand Sons> +1 CP :

    HQ1 : Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch [166] Psy : Doombolt, Warptime , Death Hex
    HQ2 : Exalted Sorcerer(112), Force Scepter (8) Relic : Helm of the Third Eye (0) [120] Psy : Warptime, Prescience WARLORD : High Magister
    HQ3 : Sorcerer(90) Force Sword (8) [98] Psy : Diabolic Strength, Prescience


    + TEAM: Playboy’z
    + PLAYER 4 : DarkAurel
    + ARMY FACTION : Tyranids

    + Battalion Detachment <Tyranids, Kraken> +5CP:

    HQ1 : Hive Tyrant with wings (190) 4x devourers with brainleech worms (4x7) artefact : chameleonic mutation (0) WARLORD : instinctive killer (0) Psy : psychic scream, the horror [218]
    HQ2 : Swarmlord (250) Psy : onslaught, paroxysm [250]

    TR1 : 19 Genestealers (19x10) 19 rending claws (19x2) 19 scything talons (0) 4 acid maw (0) [228]
    TR2 : 19 Genestealers (19x10) 19 rending claws (19x2) 19 scything talons (0) 4 acid maw (0) [228]
    TR3 : 3 Ripper Swarms [33]

    + Battalion Detachment <Tyranids, Kraken> +5CP:

    HQ1 : Hive Tyrant with wings (190) 4x devourers with brainleech worms (4x7) Psy : catalyst, psychic scream [218]
    HQ2 : Hive Tyrant with wings (190) 4x devourers with brainleech worms (4x7) Psy : catalyst, the horror [218]

    TR1 : 18 Genestealers (18x10) 18 rending claws (18x2) 18 scything talons (0) 4 acid maw (0) [216]
    TR2 : 18 Genestealers (18x10) 18 rending claws (18x2) 18 scything talons (0) 4 acid maw (0) [216]
    TR3 : 3 Ripper Swarms [33]

    Elite1 : 3 Tyrant Guard (3x35) 3 rending claws (3x2) 3 scything talons (0) [111]

    + Auxilliary Support Detachment <Tyranids, Kraken> -1CP:

    Elite1: 1 Venomthrope (30) understrenght unit [30]


    + TEAM : Playboy Z
    + PLAYER 5 : Cyril Bano
    + PSEUDO : Aengil
    + ARMY FACTION : Impérium, Impérial Knight, Adeptus Mechanicus
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS : 2000

    +  Super-Heavy Detachment <Impérial Knight, Krast> +6CP :

    LoW1 : Knight Crusader (285), Thermal Cannon (76), Avenger Gatling Cannon (75), Heavy Stubber (2), Heavy Flamer (14), Ironstorm missile pods (16) [468] WARLORD : Ion Bulwark
    LoW2 : Knight Crusader (285), Thermal Cannon (76), Avenger Gatling Cannon (75), Heavy Stubber (2), Heavy Flamer (14), Ironstorm missile pods (16) [468]
    LoW3 : Knight Crusader (285), Thermal Cannon (76), Avenger Gatling Cannon (75), Heavy Stubber (2), Heavy Flamer (14), Ironstorm missile pods (16) Relic : Armour of the sainted ion (0) [468]

    + Battalion Detachment <Adeptus Mechanicus, Graia> +5CP :

    HQ1 : Tech Priest Engineseer (30) - [30]
    HQ2 : Tech Priest Engineseer (30) - [30]

    TR1 : 5 Skitarii Rangers (5x7) 1 transuranic arquebus (15) Arc rifle (4) [54]
    TR2 : 5 Skitarii Rangers (5x7) 2 transuranic arquebus (2x15) [65]
    TR3 : 5 Skitarii Rangers (5x7) 2 transuranic arquebus (2x15) [65]

    + Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment <Impérial Knight, Terryn> 0CP :

    LoW4 : Knight Gallant (285) Reaper Chainsword (30) Gauntlet thunderstrike (35) Heavy Stubber (2) [352]


    + TEAM: Playboyz
    + Player 6 : Romain Franck
    + PSEUDO : Hiso
    + ARMY FACTION : Tau Empire
    + ARMY POINTS : 2000

    + Battalion Detachment <T’Au, Sept> +5CP :

    HQ1: Commandeur XV85 "Enforcer" (76) 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18) [148]
    HQ2: Cadre Fireblade (39) Markerlight (3) Relic: Puretide Engram Neurochip(0) [42] WARLORD : Through Unity, Devastation

    Troop1: 5 Strike Team (5x7) 5 Pulse Rifles (0) 1 Shas’ui (0) [35]
    Troop2: 5 Strike Team (5x7) 5 Pulse Rifles (0) 1 Shas’ui (0) [35]
    Troop3: 5 Strike Team (5x7) 5 Pulse Rifles (0) 1 Shas’ui (0) [35]

    Elite1: XV 104 Riptide (185) 2 smart missile system (2x15) Target lock (10) Advance Targeting System (18) Heavy Burst Canon (35) [280]
    Elite2: XV 104 Riptide (185) 2 smart missile system (2x15) Target lock (10), Advance Targeting System (18), Heavy Burst Canon (35) [280]
    Elite3: XV 104 Riptide (185) 2 smart missile system (2x15) Target lock (10) Advance Targeting System (18) Heavy Burst Canon (35) [280]

    FA1 : Tactical Drones, 4x MV4 Shield Drone (4x10) [40]
    FA2 : Tactical Drones, 4x MV4 Shield Drone (4x10) [40]
    FA3 : Tactical Drones, 4x MV4 Shield Drone (4x10) [40]

    HS1: 2 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (2x35) 4 High-yield missiles pods (4x25) 4 smart missiles systems (4x15) 2 seeker missiles (2x5) 2 Advanced Targetting Systems (2x6) Shas'Vre (0) [252]

    + Vanguard Detachment <T’Au Sept,Sa'Cea> +1CP :

    HQ1 : Commandeur XV85 "Enforcer" (76), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18) 1 MV4 Shield Drone(10) [158]

    Elite1 : Firesight marksman (21) markerlight(3) pulse pistol(1) [25]
    Elite2 : Firesight marksman (21) markerlight(3) pulse pistol(1) [25]
    Elite3 : Firesight marksman (21) markerlight(3) pulse pistol(1) [25]

    + Battalion Detachment <T’Au Sept> +5CP :

    HQ1: Shadowsun [110pts]
    HQ2: Ethereal [45]

    TR3 : 5 Strike Team (5x7) 5 Pulse Rifles (0) 1 Shas’ui (0) [35]
    TR4 : 5 Strike Team (5x7) 5 Pulse Rifles (0) 1 Shas’ui (0) [35]
    TR5 : 5 Strike Team (5x7) 5 Pulse Rifles (0) 1 Shas’ui (0) [35]


    TEAM : Playboy’z
    PLAYER 7 : Victor Oddoux
    PSEUDO : Éloi de Murphy
    ARMY FACTION : Imperium, Adeptus Custodes, Astra Militarum

    + Suprem Command Detachment <Adeptus Custodes> +1 CP :

    HQ1 : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle (150) Bolter Hurricane (10) [160]
    HQ2 : Shield-Captain on  Dawneagle (150) Bolter hurricane(10) [160]
    HQ3 : Shield-Captain on  Dawneagle (150) Bolter hurricane(10) [160]

    + Suprem Command Detachment <Astra Militarum, Cadia, Emperor’s fist Tank Compagny (-1CP)> 0 CP :

    HQ1 : Knight Commander Pask(177) Heavy Bolter (8) Storm Bolter (2) 2 Plasma Cannon (2x10) Executionner Plasma Cannon (15) [222] <Emperor’s Fist>
    HQ2 : Tank Commander(142) Heavy Bolter (8) Storm Bolter (2) 2 Plasma Cannon (2x10) Executionner Plasma Cannon (15) [187] <Emperor’s Fist>
    HQ3: Tank Commander(142) Heavy Bolter (8) Storm Bolter (2) 2 Plasma Cannon (2x10) Executionner Plasma Cannon (15) [187] <Emperor’s Fist>
    HQ4 : Tank Commander(142) 3 Heavy Bolter (3x8) Punisher Gatling Cannon (20) [188] <Emperor’s Fist>

    + Brigade Detachment <Astra Militarum, Cadia, Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Compagny (-1CP) +11 CP :

    HQ1 : Company Commander(30) Relic of cadia (0) [30] WARLORD : Old grudge <Emperor’s wrath>
    HQ2 : Company Commander [30] <Emperor’s wrath>
    HQ3 : Company Commander [30] <Emperor’s wrath>

    Troup1 : 10 Infantry Squad (40) Sergent with chainsword (0) [40]
    Troup2 : 10 Infantry Squad (40) Sergent with chainsword (0) [40]
    Troup3 : 10 Infantry Squad (40) Sergent with chainsword (0) [40]
    Troup4 : 10 Infantry Squad (40) Sergent with chainsword (0) [40]
    Troup5 : 10 Infantry Squad (40) Sergent with chainsword (0) [40]
    Troup6 : 10 Infantry Squad (40) Sergent with chainsword (0) [40]

    Elite1 : Astropath(26) Telepathica stave (6) [32] Psy : Psychic Barrier
    Elite2 : Astropath(26) Telepathica stave (6) [32] Psy : Nightshroud
    Elite3 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30]

    FA1 : Scout Sentinel(30) Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA2 : Scout Sentinel(30) Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA3 : Scout Sentinel(30) Multi-laser(5) [35]

    HS1 : Wyverns(95) Heavy Bolter (8) [103] <Emperor’s wrath>
    HS2 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18) 3 Mortar (3x5) [33]
    HS3 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18) 3 Mortar (3x5) [33]
    HS4 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18) 3 Mortar (3x5) [33]


    + TEAM : Playboy’z
    + PLAYER 8 : Jean Baptiste Gauthron
    + PSEUDO : Brox
    + ARMY FACTION : Aeldari, Azuryani, Ynnari
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS : 2000

    + Battalion Detachemnt <Ynnari, Ulthwe> +5CP :

    HQ1 : Yvraine [132] Psy : Word oh the Phoenix, Grâce of the ancients WARLORD : Inspiring Leader <Ynnari>
    HQ2 : Farseer Skurunner (130) Twin Shuriken Catapult (2) Singing Spear (5) [137] <Ulthwe, Ynnari>
    TR1 : 8 Storm Guardians [48] <Ulthwe, Ynnari>
    TR2 : 8 Storm Guardians [48] <Ulthwe, Ynnari>
    TR3 : 8 Storm Guardians [48] <Ulthwe, Ynnari>
    FA1 : 9 Windriders (9x16) 9 Scatter Laser (9x7) [207] <Ynnari, Ulthwe>
    FA2 : 9 Windriders (9x16) 9 Scatter Laser (9x7) [207]  <Ynnari, Ulthwe>

    + Air Wing Detachment <Alaitoc> +1CP :

    FLYER1 : Hemlock Wraithfighter (200) Spirit Stone (10) [210]
    FLYER2 : Crimson Hunter Exarch (135) 2 StarCannons (2x13) Pulse Laser (0) [161]
    FLYER3 : Crimson Hunter Exarch (135) 2 StarCannons (2x13) Pulse Laser (0) [161]
    FLYER4 : Crimson Hunter Exarch (135) 2 StarCannons (2x13) Pulse Laser (0) [161]

    + Air Wing Detachment <Alaitoc> +1CP :

    FLYER1 : Crimson Hunter (120) 2 Bright lance (2x20) Pulse Laser (0) [160]
    FLYER2 : Crimson Hunter (120) 2 Bright lance (2x20) Pulse Laser (0) [160]
    FLYER3 : Crimson Hunter (120) 2 Bright lance (2x20) Pulse Laser (0) [160]


    Roster Fils du Warp:


    + Team : Fils du Warp
    + Player : Romain "FaQ" Torset
    + Faction: Astra Militarum / Adeptus Custodes
    + Command Point : 17-1
    + Total Army : 2000
    + Reinforcement Points : 0

    == Brigade Detachment – Astra Militarum “Cadia” == (870) +12CP

    HQ1 : [Warlord] Company Commander(30), Boltgun(1), Chainsword(0), Relic Of Lost Cadia [31] [Warlord Trait : Old Grudges]
    HQ2 : Company Commander(30), Boltgun(1), Chainsword(0) [31]
    HQ3 : Tank Commander(142), Storm Bolter(2), 2 Plasma Cannons(20), Executioner Plasma Cannon(15), Lascannon(20), Hunter-Killer Missile(6) [205]
    Troup1 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troup2 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troup3 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troup4 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troup5 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troup6 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Chainsword(0) [40]
    Elite1 : Astropath(26), Laspistol(0), [Psykana] Nightshroud [26]
    Elite2 : Astropath(26), Laspistol(0), [Psykana] Psychic Barrier [26]
    Elite3 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(30) [30]
    FA1 : Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA2 : Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA3 : Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    HS1 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortars(15) [33]
    HS2 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortars(15) [33]
    HS3 : Wyverns(95), Heavy Bolter(Cool, Storm Bolter(2) [105]

    == Supreme Command Detachment - Astra Militarum "Cadia" == (650) +1CP
    Specialist Detachment: Emperor's Fist Tank Company -1CP

    HQ4 : Knight Commander Pask(177), Storm Bolter(2), 2 Plasma Cannons(20), Executioner Plasma Cannon(15), Lascannon(20), Hunter-Killer Missile(6) [240]
    HQ5 : Tank Commander(142), Storm Bolter(2), 2 Plasma Cannons(20), Punisher Gatling Cannon(20), Lascannon(20), Hunter-Killer Missile(6) [210]
    HQ6 : Tank Commander(142), Storm Bolter(2), 2 Plasma Cannons(20), Executioner Plasma Cannon(15), Lascannon(20), Hunter-Killer Missile(6) [205]

    == Supreme Command Detachment - Adeptus Custodes == (480) +1CP

    HQ7 : Shield-Captain sur Motojet Dawneagle(1*150), Bolter hurricane(10) [160]
    HQ8 : Shield-Captain sur Motojet Dawneagle(1*150), Bolter hurricane(10) [160]
    HQ9 : Shield-Captain sur Motojet Dawneagle(1*150), Bolter hurricane(10) [160]

    + Team : Fils du Warp
    + PLAYER : Mike “Makouille” Selambin
    + ARMY FACTION : Ynnari/Craftworld
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS : 1999
    + Reinforcement Point : 1

    == Battalion Detachment - Ynnari == (1333) +5CP

    HQ1 : [Warlord] Yvraine(132), [Revenant] Ancestor’s Grace, Word of the Phoenix [132] [Warlord Trait] Tenacious Survivor
    HQ : Spiritseer(65), [Runes of Battle] Quicken/Restrain [65] "Biel-tan"
    Troup1 : 5 Rangers [60] "Alaïtoc"
    Troup2 : 5 Rangers [60] "Alaïtoc"
    Troup3 : 5 Rangers [60] "Alaïtoc"
    FA1 : 9 Shining Spears(216), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapult(16), 8 Laser Lance(64), Shining Spears Exarch(0), Twin Shuriken Catapult(2), Star Lance(10) [308] "Saim-Hann"
    FA2 : 9 Shining Spears(216), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapult(16), 8 Laser Lance(64), Shining Spears Exarch(0), Twin Shuriken Catapult(2), Star Lance(10) [308] "Saim-Hann"
    HS1 : 10 Dark Reapers(120), 9 Reaper Launcher(198 ), Dark Reaper Exarch(0), Reaper Launcher(22) [340] "Saim-Hann"

    == Patrol Detachment – Craftworld “Saim-Hann” == (344) +0CP

    HQ3 : Autarch(65), Star Glaive(6), Forceshield(6) [77]
    Troup4 : 5 Rangers [60]
    FA3 : 9 Windriders(144), 9 Scatter laser(63) [207]

    == Supreme Command Detachment – Craftworld “Ulthwe” == (322) +1CP

    HQ4 : Eldrad Ulthran (135) [Runes of Fates] Fortune, Executioner, Guide [135]
    HQ5 : Warlock(55) [Runes of Battle] Empower / Enervate [55]
    HQ6 : Spiritseer(65) [Runes of Battle] Enhance / Drain [65]
    HQ7 : Warlock Skyrunner(65), Twin Shuriken Catapult(2), [Runes of Battle] Protect / Jink [67]

    + Team : Fils du Warp
    + Player : Igor “I-Gor” Bourj
    + Faction Played : Chaos Daemon / Death Guard
    + Command Points : 9
    + Total Army : 1994
    + Reinforcement Points : 6

    == Battalion Detachment – Chaos Daemon “Nurgle”== (1155) +5CP

    HQ1 : Poxbringer [70] [Nurgle] Miasma of Pestilence, Smite
    HQ2 : Sloppity Bilepiper [60]
    HQ3 : Spoilpox Scrivener [95]
    Troup1 : 30 Plaguebearers (210), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) [235]
    Troup2 : 30 Plaguebearers (210), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) [235]
    Troup3 : 30 Plaguebearers (210), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) [235]
    Troup4 : 30 Plaguebearers (210), Daemonic Icon (15) [225]

    == Spearhead Detachment – Death Guard == (754) +1CP

    HQ4 : [Warlord] Daemon Prince of Nurgle with Wings (170), Set of Malefic Talon (10), Relic : The Suppurating Plate [180] [Warlord Trait : Arch-Contaminator] [Contagion] Plague Wind, Smite
    E1 : Foul Blightspawn [77]
    E2 : Foul Blightspawn [77]
    HS1 : Plague Burst Crawler (100), 2 Plaguespitter (34), Heavy Slugger (6) [140]
    HS2 : Plague Burst Crawler (100), 2 Plaguespitter (34), Heavy Slugger (6) [140]
    HS3 : Plague Burst Crawler (100), 2 Plaguespitter (34), Heavy Slugger (6) [140]

    == Fortification Network – Chaos Daemon “Nurgle” == (85) +0CP

    Fortification 1 : Feculent Gnarlmaws [85]

    +Team : Fils du Warp
    +Player : Franck “Zig” Fetis
    +Faction Played : Drukhari / Harlequins
    +Command Points : 10 - 2
    +Total Army : 2000
    +Reinforcement Point : 0

    == Outriders Detachment – Harlequin “Soaring Spite” == (906) +1CP

    HQ1 : [Warlord] Troupe Master (70), Harlequin’s Kiss (7), Relic : The Starmist Raiment [77] [Warlord Trait : A Foot in the Future]
    Troup1 : 11 Troupe (143), 5 Harlequin’s Kiss (35), 1 Harlequin Caress (7), Harlequin’s Embrace (6) [191]
    E1 : Solitaire (84), Harlequin’s Kiss (7), Harlequin’s Caress (7), Relic : Cegorach’s Rose [98]
    FA1 : 4 Shyweaver (120), 4 Haywire Cannon (60) [180]
    FA2 : 4 Shyweaver (120), 4 Haywire Cannon (60) [180]
    FA3 : 4 Shyweaver (120), 4 Haywire Cannon (60) [180]

    == Battalion detachment - Drukhari “Kabal of the Black Heart” == (689) +5CP

    HQ2 : Archon (70), Huskblade (6) [76]
    HQ3 : Archon (70), Huskblade (6), Relic (-1CP) : Writ of the Living Muse [76]
    Troup2 : 9 Kabalite Warriors (54), Sybarite (0) [54]
    Troup3 : 9 Kabalite Warriors (54), Sybarite (0) [54]
    Troup4 : 9 Kabalite Warriors (54), Sybarite (0) [54]
    HS1 : Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (45) [125]
    HS2 : Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (45) [125]
    HS3 : Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (45) [125]

    == Air Wing Detachment – Drukhari “Kabal of the Black Heart” == (405) +1CP

    Flyer1 : Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 Disintegrator Cannon (30) [135]
    Flyer2 : Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 Disintegrator Cannon (30) [135]
    Flyer3 : Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 Disintegrator Cannon (30) [135]

    + Team : Fils du Warp
    + Player : Francois “Darth_FranuS” Zeddam
    + Faction: Adeptus Mechanicus
    + Command points : 13 - 3
    + Total Army : 1999
    + Reinforcement Points : 1


    == Battalion Detachment - Adeptus Mechanicus "Mars" == (859) (+5CP)
    Specialist Detachment: Cybernetica Cohort (-1CP)

    HQ1 : Belisarius Cawl [190]
    HQ2 : [Warlord] Tech-Priest Enginseer(30) [30] Relic : Doctrina Foreas Servo Skull [Warlord Trait - Monitor Malevolus]
    Troup1 : 8 Skitarii Rangers(56), Transuranic Arquebus (15), Ranger Alpha(0) [71]
    Troup2 : 7 Skitarii Rangers(49), Transuranic Arquebus (15), Ranger Alpha(0) [64]
    Troup3 : 7 Skitarii Rangers(49), Transuranic Arquebus (15), Ranger Alpha(0) [64]
    HS1 : 4 Kastelan Robots(260), 12 Heavy Phosphor Blaster (180) [440]

    == Battalion Detachment - Adeptus Mechanicus "Mars" == (1140) (+5CP)
    Specialist Detachment : Servitor Maniple (-1CP)

    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Manipulus(90), Magnarail Lance (0) [90] ["Field Commander" warlord trait : Master of Biosplicing] (-1CP)
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer(30) [30]
    Troup1 : 4 Kataphron Breachers( 80), 4 Heavy Arc Rifle (24), 4 Arc Claw (16) [120]
    Troup2 : 4 Kataphron Breachers( 80), 4 Heavy Arc Rifle (24), 4 Arc Claw (16) [120]
    Troup3 : 4 Kataphron Breachers ( 80), 4 Heavy Arc Rifle (24), 4 Arc Claw (16) [120]
    Troup4 : 4 Kataphron Breachers( 80), 4 Heavy Arc Rifle (24), 4 Arc Claw (16) [120]
    Troup5 : 10 Kataphron Destroyers (150), 10 Heavy Grav-Cannon (300), 10 Cognis Flamers (70) [520]
    Elite1 : 4 Servitors [20]

    + Team : Fils du Warp
    + Player : Florent « Flob » BARIL
    + Faction : Orks
    + Total Army : 1998
    + Reinforcement Points : 2
    + Total Command Points : 18+1

    == Battalion Detachment - Orks "Mixed" == (350) +5CP

    HQ1 : Weirdboy(62), [Power of the Waaagh] Warpath [62] "Evil Sunz"
    HQ2 : Big Mek in Mega Armour(77), Kustom Shoota(2), Power Klaw(13), Kustom Force Field(20), Relic: Morgog Finkin' Kap [112] "Blood axe"
    TR1 : 10 Gretchin [30] "Bad Moons"
    TR2 : 10 Gretchin [30] "Bad Moons"
    TR3 : 10 Gretchin [30] "Bad Moons"
    EL1 : Mad Doc Grotsnik [86] "DeathSkulls"

    == Battalion Detachment - Orks "Evil Sunz" == (999) +5CP

    HQ3 : Warboss(65), Kustom Shoota(2), Big Choppa(5), Attack Squig(0) [72]
    HQ4 : Weirdboy(62) [Power of the Waaagh] Da jump [62]
    TR4 : 26 Boyz(182), 2 tankbusta bomb(0), 1 Nobz(0) with slugga(0) & killsaw(15) [197]
    TR5 : 26 Boyz(182), 2 tankbusta bomb(0), 1 Nobz(0) with slugga(0) & killsaw(15) [197]
    TR6 : 26 Boyz(182), 2 tankbusta bomb(0), 1 Nobz(0) with slugga(0) & killsaw(15) [197]
    TR6 : 26 Boyz(182), 2 tankbusta bomb(0), 1 Nobz(0) with slugga(0) & killsaw(15) [197]
    EL2 : Nob with Waaaagh Banner(75), Kustom Shoota(2) - [77pts]

    == Bataillon Detachement - Orks "Bad Moons" == (649) +5CP

    HQ5 : [Warlord] Warboss(65), Kustom Shoota(2), Big Choppa(5), Attack Squig(0) [72] [Warlord trait] FOLLOW ME LAD'Z
    HQ6 : Weirdboy(62) [Power of the Waaagh] Da Jump [62]
    TR7 : 10 Gretchin [30]
    TR8 : 10 Gretchin [30]
    TR9 : 10 Gretchin [30]
    HS1 : 10 Lootas [170]
    HS2 : 15 Lootas [255]

    + Team : Les fils du warp
    + Player : Adrien "LeChevreuil" MEUNIER
    + Faction : Tyranids
    + Total Command Points : 12
    + Total Army : 1992
    + Reinforcement Points: 8

    == Battalion Detachment - Tyranid "Kraken" == (1012) +5CP

    HQ1: [Warlord] Neurothrope(90), [Hive Mind] Catalyst [90] [Warlord Trait] ONE STEP AHEAD
    HQ2: Swarmlord(1250), [Hive Mind] Catalyst, Onslaught [250]
    Troup1: 20 Genestealers(200), 20 Rending claws(40), 20 Scything talons(0), 5 Acid maw(0) [240]
    Troup2: 20 Genestealers(200), 20 Rending claws(40), 20 Scything talons(0), 5 Acid maw(0) [240]
    Troup3: 16 Genestealers(160), 16 Rending claws(32), 16 Scything talons(0), 4 Acid maw(0) [192]

    == Battalion Detachment - Tyranid "Kraken" == (950) +5CP

    HQ3: BroodLord(115), [Hive Mind] The Horror [115]
    HQ4: BroodLord(115), [Relic] Chameleonic Mutation, [Hive Mind] Paroxysm [115]
    Troup4: 20 Genestealers(200), 20 Rending claws(40), 20 Scything talons(0), 5 Acid maw(0) [240]
    Troup5: 20 Genestealers(200), 20 Rending claws(40), 20 Scything talons(0), 5 Acid maw(0) [240]
    Troup6: 20 Genestealers(200), 20 Rending claws(40), 20 Scything talons(0), 5 Acid maw(0) [240]

    == Auxiliary Support Detachment - Tyranid "Kraken" == (30) -1CP

    Elite1: 1 Venomthrope [30]

    +Team : Fils du Warp
    +Player : Maxime "Kedorev" Lerbret
    +Faction: Tau
    +Command Point : 14
    +Total Army : 1999
    +Reinforcement Point : 1

    == Battalion Detachment - Empire T'au "T'au" == (637) +5CP

    HQ1 : [Warlord] Cadre Fireblade(39), Markerlight(3), [Relic] Puretide Engram Neurochip [42] [Warlord Trait] Through Unity, Devastation
    HQ2 : Cadre Fireblade(39), Markerlight(3) [42]
    Troup1 : 5 Strike Team(35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup2 : 5 Strike Team(35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup3 : 5 Strike Team(35), Markerlight(3), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [38]
    FA1 : 5 Pathfinder Team(25), 2 Markerlight(6), 2 Ion Rifle(14), Pathfinder Shas'ui(0), 1 Ion Rifle(7)[52]
    HS1 : 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (105), 3 Advanced Targeting System(18), 6 Smart missile system(90), 6 High Yield Missile Pod(150), 3x MV4 Shield Drone (30) [393]

    == Battalion Detachment - Empire T'au "T'au" == (1242) +5CP

    HQ3 : Commander Shadowsun(110), 2x MV52 Shield Drone(11) [132]
    HQ4 : Darkstrider[45]
    Troup4 : 5 Strike Team(35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup5 : 5 Strike Team(35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Troup6 : 5 Strike Team(35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [35]
    Elite1 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), Advanced targeting system(18 ), Target lock (Ghostkeel, Riptide, Stormsurge)(12), 2 Smart missile system (30), Heavy Burst Canon(35) [280]
    Elite2 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), Advanced targeting system(18 ), Target lock (Ghostkeel, Riptide, Stormsurge)(12), 2 Smart missile system (30), Heavy Burst Canon(35) [280]
    Elite3 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), Advanced targeting system(18 ), Target lock (Ghostkeel, Riptide, Stormsurge)(12), 2 Smart missile system (30), Heavy Burst Canon(35) [280]
    FA2 : 4x MV4 Shield Drone [40]
    FA3 : 4x MV4 Shield Drone [40]
    FA4 : 4x MV4 Shield Drone [40]

    == Vanguard Detachment - Empire T'au "T'au" == (120) +1CP

    HQ5 : Ethereal [45]
    Elite4 : Firesight Marksman(21), Markerlight(3), Pulse pistol(1) [25]
    Elite5 : Firesight Marksman(21), Markerlight(3), Pulse pistol(1) [25]
    Elite6 : Firesight Marksman(21), Markerlight(3), Pulse pistol(1) [25]


    Roster Suisse:

    + TEAM: Team Suisse
    + PLAYER 1 et Capitaine: Stonick
    + ARMY FACTION: Drukhari
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1998 points

    == BATTALION DETACHMENT  == Drukhari - Kabal of Flayed Skull [1116] +5CP

    HQ1: Archon(70), Husk Blade(6) [76]
    HQ2: Archon(70), Venom Blade(2) [72]

    Troop1: Kabalite Warriors(5x6), Shredder(8.), Sybarite with Phantasm Grenade Launcher(3) [41]
    Transport1: Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) [65]
    Troop2: Kabalite Warriors(5x6), Shredder(8.), Sybarite with Phantasm Grenade Launcher(3) [41]
    Transport2: Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) [65]
    Troop3: Kabalite Warriors(5x6), Shredder(8.), Sybarite (0) [38]
    Transport3: Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) [65]
    Troop4: Kabalite Warriors(5x6), Shredder(8.), Sybarite (0) [38]
    Transport4: Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) [65]
    Troop5: Kabalite Warriors (5x6), Shredder(8.), Sybarite (0) [38]
    Transport5: Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) [65]
    Troop6: Kabalite Warriors(5x6), Shredder(8.), Sybarite (0) [38]
    Transport6: Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) [65]

    FA1: Scourges(5x12), 4 Haywire Blaster(4x8.) [92]
    FA2: Scourges(5x12), 4 Haywire Blaster(4x8.) [92]

    E1: Mandrakes(5x16) [80]
    E2: Mandrakes(5x16) [80]

    == SPEARHEAD DETACHMENT == Drukhari - Kabal of Black Heart [447] +1CP

    HQ3: Archon(70), Venom Blade(2) [72] - Warlord(Labyrinthine Cunning), Relic(Writ of the living muse)

    HS1: Ravager(80), 3 Desintegrator Cannon(3x15) [125]
    HS2: Ravager(80), 3 Desintegrator Cannon(3x15) [125]
    HS3: Ravager(80), 3 Desintegrator Cannon(3x15) [125]

    == AIR WING DETACHMENT == Drukhari - Kabal of Flayed Skull [435] +1CP

    Flyer1: Razorwing Jetfighter(105), 2 Desintegrator Cannon(2x15) [135]
    Flyer2: Razorwing Jetfighter(105), 2 Desintegrator Cannon(2x15) [135]
    Flyer3: Voidraven Bomber(155),  2 Dark Scythe (0), Voidraven missiles(10) [165]


    + Team: Team Suisse
    + Player 2: Damdam
    + Faction: Ork
    + Total Army points: 1999
    + Total command points: 15

    == Brigade Detachment == Ork - Evil sunz [1999] +12CP

    HQ1: Deffkilla Wartrike [120] – Warlord (Follow me ladz)
    HQ2: Weirdboy [62] - Roar of Mork, Smite, Relic(scortched gitbonez)
    HQ3: Weirdboy [62] - Da Crunch, Smite

    Troop1: 30 Gretchins(30x3) [90]
    Troop2: 10 Gretchins(10x3) [30]
    Troop3: 10 Gretchins(10x3) [30]
    Troop4: 10 Gretchins(10x3) [30]
    Troop5: 10 Gretchins(10x3) [30]
    Troop6: 10 Gretchins(10x3) [30]

    E1: Painboy(52), power klaw(13) [65]
    E2: 10 Kommandos(10x8.), Boss Nob(0) with power klaw(13) [93]
    E3: 10 Kommandos(10x8.), Boss Nob(0) with power klaw(13) [93]

    FA1: 30 Stormboyz(30x9), Boss Nob(0) with 2 killsaws(23) [293]
    FA2: 20 Stormboyz(20x9), Boss Nob(0) with 1 killsaw (15) [195]
    FA3: 10 Stormboyz(10x9), Boss Nob(0) with 1 killsaw (15) [105]
    FA4: 3 Megatrakk Scrapjet(3x90), 6 twin big shootas(6x10) [330]

    HS1: 4 Mek Gunz(4x15), 4 smash gun(4x16) [124]
    HS2: 4 Mek Gunz(4x15), 4 smash gun(4x16) [124]
    HS3: 3 Mek Gunz(3x15), 3 smash gun(3x16) [93]


    + Team: Team Suisse
    + Player 3: Nicolas "Ptit-Nico" Séguier Cuesta
    + Faction: Astra Militarum, Blood Angels, Dark Angels
    + Total army points: 1999 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+12+1-1-1-1-1 = 17 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion Detachment == Blood angel [413] +5 CP

    HQ1: Captain With Jump Pack(93), Thunder Hammer(21), Storm Shield(10) [124] - Warlord(Artisan of War), Death Vision of Sanguinius(-1CP)
    HQ2: Captain With Jump Pack(93), Thunder Hammer(21), Storm Shield(10) [124] - Relic(The Hammer of Baal), Death Vision of Sanguinius(-1CP)

    Troop1: 5 Scout Squad (5x11), 4 Combat Knives, Scout Sergeant (0), Combat Knife [55]
    Troop2: 5 Scout Squad (5x11), 4 Combat Knives, Scout Sergeant (0), Combat Knife [55]
    Troop3: 5 Scout Squad (5x11), 4 Combat Knives, Scout Sergeant (0), Combat Knife [55]

    == Brigade Detachement == Astra Militarum - catachan - Emperor's Wrath Artillery Company(-1CP) [806] +12 CP

    HQ4: Colonel Iron Hand Straken [75]
    HQ5: Company Commander [30]
    HQ6: Company Commander [30]

    Troop4: 10 Infantry Squad(10x4), Sergeant(0) Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troop5: 10 Infantry Squad(10x4), Sergeant(0) Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troop6: 10 Infantry Squad(10x4), Sergeant(0) Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troop7: 10 Infantry Squad(10x4), Sergeant(0) Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troop8: 10 Infantry Squad(10x4), Sergeant(0) Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troop9: 10 Infantry Squad(10x4), Sergeant(0) Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troop10: 10 Infantry Squad(10x4), Sergeant(0) Chainsword(0) [40]
    Troop11: 10 Infantry Squad(10x4), Sergeant(0) Chainsword(0) [40]

    E1: Astropath(26), Laspistol, nightshroud [26]
    E2: Commissar(15), Bolt Pistol(1) [16]
    E3: Ministorum Priest [35]

    FA1: Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-lazer(5) [35]
    FA2: Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-lazer(5) [35]
    FA3: Scout Sentinel(30), Multi-lazer(5) [35]

    HS1: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (3x6), 3 Mortars(3x5) [33]
    HS2: 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (3x6), 3 Mortars(3x5) [33]
    HS3: Wyverns(95), Heavy Bolter(8.) [103]

    == Supreme Command Detachment == Dark Angels  - Ravenwing Attack Squadron(-1CP) [780] + 1CP

    HQ7: Ravenwing Talonmaster(123), Twin Heavy Bolter(17), Twin Assault Cannon(44), Power Sword(4) [188]
    HQ8: Ravenwing Talonmaster(123), Twin Heavy Bolter(17), Twin Assault Cannon(44), Power Sword(4) [188]
    HQ9: Ravenwing Talonmaster(123), Twin Heavy Bolter(17), Twin Assault Cannon(44), Power Sword(4) [188]
    HQ10: Sammael sur Sableclaw [216]


    + Team : Team Suisse
    + Player 4 : Alexandre « WAALEX »  TIBERTI
    + Factions : T'au Empire
    + Total Army Points : 2000
    + Total Reinforcement points : 0
    + Total Command points : 5+5+5+3 = 18cp

    == BATAILLON DETACHMENT == Tau Empire - Sept Tau [1328pts] +5CP

    HQ1: Cadre Fireblade(39),  Marker light(3) [42] - Warlord(Through Unity Devastation), Relic(Puretide Engram Neurochip)
    HQ2: Commander Shadowsun(110), MV62 Command-link Drone (6) [116]

    Troup1: 5 Strike Team (5x7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), Marker light(3) [38]
    Troup2: 5 Strike Team (5x7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), Marker light(3) [38]
    Troup3: 5 Strike Team (5x7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0)[35]

    E1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), Advanced Targeting System(18.), Velocity Tracker(10), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Heavy Burst Canon (35) [278]
    E2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), Advanced Targeting System(18.), Velocity Tracker(10), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Heavy Burst Canon (35) [278]

    FA1: Tactical Drones: 7x MV4 Shield Drone (7x10) [70]
    FA2: Tactical Drones: 7x MV4 Shield Drone (7x10) [70]

    HS1 : 3 XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (3x35), 2 Advanced Targeting System (2x6), 4 Smart Missile System (4x15), 4 High-yield Missile Pods(4x25), Broadside Shas'vre (0), Advanced Targeting System (6), 2 Smart Missile System (2x15), 2 High-yield Missile Pods(2x25) [363]

    == BATAILLON DETACHMENT == Tau Empire - Sept Tau [396pts] +5CP

    HQ3 : Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit(76), 4 Cyclics Ions Blasters(4x18.) [148]
    HQ4 : Darkstrider [45]

    Troup4: 9 Strike Team (9x7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0)[63]
    Troup5: 10 Strike Team (10x7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [70]
    Troup6: 10 Strike Team (10x7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [70]

    == BATAILLON DETACHMENT == Tau Empire - Sept Sacea [276pts] +5CP

    HQ5 : Cadre Fireblade(39), Marker light(3) [42]
    HQ6 : Ethereal [45]

    Troup7: 5 Strike Team (5x7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), Marker light(3) [38]
    Troup8: 5 Strike Team (5x7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), Marker light(3) [38]
    Troup9: 5 Strike Team (5x7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0), Marker light(3) [38]

    E3: Firesight Marksman(21), Marker light(3), Pulse Pistol(1) [25]
    E4: Firesight Marksman(21), Marker light(3), Pulse Pistol(1) [25]
    E5: Firesight Marksman(21), Marker light(3), Pulse Pistol(1) [25]


    + Team: Team Suisse
    + Player 5: Julien " le poete " Brisson
    + Faction: Tyranides
    + Total army points: 1997 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5-1= 12CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Battalion detachment == Tyranids - Kraken [1235] +5 CP

    HQ1: BroodLord [115] - Relic(Cameleonic Mutation), psychic power: Smite,The horror
    HQ2: Swarmlord [250] - psychic power: Smite,Psychic Scream, Paroxysm

    Troop1: 20 Genestealers(20x10), 20 Rending Claws (20x2), 20 Scything Talons(0), 5 Acid Maw(0) [240]
    Troop2: 20 Genestealers(20x10), 20 Rending Claws (20x2), 20 Scything Talons(0), 5 Acid Maw(0) [240]
    Troop3: 20 Genestealers(20x10), 20 Rending Claws (20x2), 20 Scything Talons(0), 5 Acid Maw(0) [240]
    Troop4: 30 Hormagaunts(30x5) [150]

    == Battalion detachment == Tyranids - Kraken [732] +5 CP

    HQ1: Neurothrope [90] - psychic power:Smite, Catalyst
    HQ2: [Warlord] Neurothrope [90] - psychic power:Smite,Onslaught, Warlord(Synaptic lynchpin)

    Troop1: 30 Termagaunts(30x4) [120]
    Troop2: 30 Termagaunts(30x4) [120]
    Troop3: 30 Termagaunts(30x4) [120]
    Troop4: 30 Termagaunts(30x4) [120]
    Troop5: 18 Termagaunts(18x4) [72]

    == Auxilliary Support Detachment == Tyranids - Kraken [30] -1CP

    E1: 1 Venomthrope (30) understrenght unit [30]


    + Team: Team Suisse
    + Player 6: Elusion
    + Faction: Imperial Knights / Adeptus Mechanicus / Adepta Sororitas
    + Total Army points: 2000
    + Total Reinforcement points: 0
    + Total command points: 19-2=17

    == Bataillon Detachment == Adepta Sororitas - Sacred Rose [235] +5 CP

    HQ1: Canoness (45), Storm Bolter(2) [47] - Warlord(Pure of Will), Relic(Brazier of Eternal Flame)
    HQ2: Missionary [35]

    Troup1: 5 Battle Sister Squad(5x9), 2 Storm Bolter (2x2), Sister Superior(0) with Storm Bolter(2) [51]
    Troup2: 5 Battle Sister Squad(5x9), 2 Storm Bolter (2x2), Sister Superior(0) with Storm Bolter(2) [51]
    Troup3: 5 Battle Sister Squad(5x9), 2 Storm Bolter (2x2), Sister Superior(0) with Storm Bolter(2) [51]

    == Super-Heavy Detachment == Imperial Knights - House Taranis [1540] +6 CP

    LoW1: Knight Castellan(510), 2 Twin siegebreaker cannon(70), 2 Shieldbreaker missile (24) [604] - Relic(Cawl’s wrath)(- 1CP), Ion Bulwark(-1 CP)
    LoW2: Knight Crusader(285), Avenger gatling cannon(75), Thermal cannon(76), Heavy flamer(14), Heavy stubber(2), Ironstorm missile pod(16) [468]
    LoW3: Knight Crusader(285), Avenger gatling cannon(75), Thermal cannon(76), Heavy flamer (14), Heavy stubber(2), Ironstorm missile pod(16) [468]

    == Bataillon Detachment == Adeptus Mechanicus - Stygies VIII [225] +5 CP

    HQ1: Tech-Priest Enginseer [30]
    HQ2: Tech-Priest Enginseer [30]

    Troup1: 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), 2 Transuranic arquebus(30), Ranger Alpha(0) [65]
    Troup2: 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), 2 Transuranic arquebus (30), Ranger Alpha(0) [65]
    Troup3: 5 Skitarii Rangers(35), Ranger Alpha(0) [35]


    + Team: Team Suisse
    + Player 7: Ashanys
    + Faction: Asuryani, Harlequins
    + Total Army points: 2000
    + Total Reinforcement points: -
    + Total command points: 10

    == Batallion Detachment == Craftworld - alaitoc [992] +5 CP

    HQ1: Farseer skyrunner(130), Twin shuriken Catapult(2)[132] - Smite, Doom, Guide
    HQ2: Illic Nightspear[80]

    Troop1: 5 Rangers [60]
    Troop2: 8 Storm Guardians [48]
    Troop3: 8 Storm Guardians [48]

    FA1: 5 Swooping Hawk(5x6), 4 Lasblaster(4x7), Exarch with Hawk's talon(10) [68]
    FA2: 5 Swooping Hawk(5x6), 4 Lasblaster(4x7), Exarch with Hawk's talon(10) [68]
    FA3: 5 Swooping Hawk(5x6), 4 Lasblaster(4x7), Exarch with Hawk's talon(10) [68]

    Flyer1: Hemlock(200), 2 Heavy D-scythe(0), Spirit Stones(10) [210] - Smite, Jinx
    Flyer2: Hemlock(200), 2 Heavy D-scythe(0), Spirit Stones(10) [210] - Smite, Jinx

    == Air Wing Detachment == Craftworld - Alaitoc[803 points] +1 CP

    Flyer3: Crimson Hunter(120), 2 Bright lances(2x20), Pulse laser(0) [160]
    Flyer4: Crimson Hunter(120), 2 Bright lances(2x20), Pulse laser(0) [160]
    Flyer5: Crimson Hunter Exarch(135), 2 Starcannons(2x13), Pulse laser(0) [161]
    Flyer6: Crimson Hunter Exarch(135), 2 Starcannons(2x13), Pulse laser(0) [161]
    Flyer7: Crimson Hunter Exarch(135), 2 Starcannons(2x13), Pulse laser(0) [161]

    == Vanguard Detachment == Harlequins - Dreaming Shadow [205] +1 CP

    HQ3: Troupe Master [70]

    E1: Death Jester [45] - Warlord(Player of the Twilight), relic(Curtainfall)
    E2: Death Jester [45]
    E3: Death Jester [45]


    + Team: Team Suisse
    + Player 8: Frédéric “BigFred” " In-Albon
    + Faction: Death Guard / Thousand Sons / Deamons
    + Total Army points - 1998
    + Total Reinforcement points - 2
    + Total command points: 13

    == Battalion detachment == Chaos Daemons - Nurgle [659] +5CP

    HQ1: Poxbringer [70] - Smite,Miasma of Pestilence
    HQ2: Spoilpox Scrivener [95]

    Troop1 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7), Instrument of Chaos (10), Plagueridden (0) [220]
    Troop2 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7), Instrument of Chaos (10), Plagueridden (0) [220]
    Troop3 : 3 Nurglings [54]

    == Battalion Detachment == Thousand Sons [675] +5CP

    HQ3: Ahriman on disc [166] - Smite,Warptime, Prescience, Death Hex
    HQ4: Winged Daemon Prince of Tzeentch (170), Pair of malefic talons (10) [180] - Smite, Glamour of Tzeentch, Gaze of Fate

    Troop5: 30 Tzaangors (30x7), Twistbray (0), Brayherd (10) [220]
    Troop6: 11 Chaos cultists (11x5), 10 autogun including champion (0), 1 heavy stubbers (1x2)  [57]
    Troop7: 10 Chaos cultists (10x5), 9 autogun including champion (0), 1 heavy stubbers (1x2)  [52]

    == Patrol detachment == Death Guard - [664] +0CP

    HQ5: Winged Daemon Prince of Nurgle (170), Pair of malefic talons (10) [180] - Smite,Miasma of pestilence, Warlord(Archicontaminator), Relic(Suppurating plate)

    E1: 10 Blightlord Terminators (10x34), 5 Combi-Bolter (5x2), 7 Bubotic axe (7x5), 2 Fails of Corruption (2x10), 2 blight launchers (2x10),  Blightlord Champion: Combi-Bolter (2), Bubotic axe (5) [432]

    Troop8: 10 Chaos cultists (10x5), 9 autoguns including champion (0), 1 heavy stubbers (1x2) [52]


    + Team: Team Suisse
    + Coach: Stéphane “Megalodon” " Coulon



    D2 Gamma à Paris le 09 et 10 Mars 2019

    Roster Semi Croustillants:

    Père Kstor - Le tourmenteur de tartines
    Mogor - Le "meilleur ami" de la maman Kranzou 
    Bulgor - Le Grand vainqueur de la belette de Winchester
    DhahRkhan - L'Homme qui portait beaucoup de de H dans son nom pour être crédible
    Mame - Auteur du parchemin "le druidisme expliqué aux personnes âgées"
    Jacquouille - Spécialiste du dessalage des  morues
    Lamar - Bailly de la tronche en biais
    Manwë - L'homme qu'on aime bien au village, surtout depuis que le chien est mort

    Unagi Croustillant 

    Croustillant péremptoire : Ouloum
    Croustillant camouflé : Aken

    Team: Semi-croustillant 

     Player 1 - Capitaine : Olivier "Père Kstor" WEISS

     Faction: Drukhari

     Total Army points - 1999 

     Total Reinforcement points - 0 

     Total command points: 18  (-1+D3 Alliance of Agony)


    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1532) <prophet of flesh>== 

    HQ1  : Urien Rakarth(90) - 90

    HQ2  : Haemonculus (70) Hexrifle (5) Venom Blade (2) relic - The Vexator Mask – 77 (Extra Warlod Trait : Diabolical Soothsayer)

    Troop1 : 7 Wracks (7x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 70

    Troop2 : 7 Wracks (7x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 70

    Troop3 : 7 Wracks (7x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 70

    Troop4 : 7 Wracks (7x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 70

    Troop5 : 7 Wracks (7x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 70

    Elite1 : 9 Grotesques (9x32), 9 Flesh Gauntlets (9x3) - 315

    Elite2 : 9 Grotesques (9x32), 9 Flesh Gauntlets (9x3) - 315

    Elite3 : 9 Grotesques (9x32), 9 Flesh Gauntlets (9x3) - 315

    HS 1  : 1 Cronos (1x65) 1 Spirit Probe (5) - 70

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (230) <Wych cult red grief>==

    HQ3 : Succube (55) Impaler & Shardnet (5) - 55 drugs +1 T - (Extra Warlord Trait : Hyper-swift reflexes) (Represented by Lelith)

    HQ4 : Succube (55) Impaler & Shardnet (5) - 55 drugs +2 M (Regular Succubus)

    Troop6 : 5 Wych (5x8) - 40 drugs +1 S (painted with  elastic)

    Troop7 : 5 Wych (5x8) - 40 drugs +1 A (painted no elastics)

    Troop8 : 5 Wych (5x8) - 40 drugs Dice throw (less painted)

    == Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (237) <Black heart>==

    HQ3  : Archon (70) Venom blade (2) - 72 [Warlord : Labyrinthine Cunning] (metal model)

    HQ4  : Archon (70) Venom blade (2) - 72

    Troop9  : 5 Kabalites (5x6) 1 Phantasm Grenad Launcher (3) – 33 (blue shoulder and Knee pads)

    Troop10 : 5 Kabalites (5x6) - 30

    Troop11 : 5 Kabalites (5x6) – 30
    Refined Strategies : 51, 55, 61, 62, 64, 65

    Team Semi-Croustillants
    Player 2: Edouard "Mogor" Siméon
    Factions : Chaos Daemons
    Total Army Points : 1998
    Total Reinforcement points: 2
    Total Command Points : 13

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (1056) <Chaos Deamons> ==

    HQ1 : Spoilpox Scrivener - 95 <Nurgle>
    HQ2 : Poxbringer [Miasma of Pestilence, Smite] - 70 <Nurgle>
    HQ3 : Sloppity Bilepiper - 60 <Nurgle>

    Troop1 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 235 <Nurgle>
    Troop2 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 235 <Nurgle>
    Troop3 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 235 <Nurgle>

    FA1 : 1 Fiend - 42 <Slannesh> 
    FA2 : 1 Fiend - 42 <Slannesh> 
    FA3 : 1 Fiend - 42 <Slannesh> 

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (857) <Chaos Deamons> <Khorne> ==

    HQ4 : Skarbrand - 330 
    HQ5 : Bloodmaster (56) relic: The Crimson Crown - 56 [Warlord - Rage incarnate]

    Troop4 : 24 Bloodletters (24x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 193 
    Troop4 : 24 Bloodletters (24x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 193
    Troop6 : 10 Bloodletters (10x7) Daemonic Icon (15) - 85

    == Fortifications network (+ 0 command points) (85) < Chaos Deamons> <Nurgle> ==

    F1: Feculent Gnarlmaws - 85

    Refined Strategies: 61; 66; 46; 51; 63; 62

    Team Semi-Croustillants
      Player 3 : Brice "Bulgor" Sandoz
      Factions : Craftworld/Alaitoc
      Total Army Points : 1997
      Total Reinforcement points: 3
      Total Command Points : 6


       == Outrider Detachment (+ 1 command points) (425) <Alaitoc> ==

     HQ1 : Autarch Skyrunner(95) twinlink shuriken Catapult (2) Lance laser (8) relic:Shimmerplume of Achillarial - 105[warlord Fates Messenger]

     FA1 : 5 Swooping Hawks (30) 4 lasblaster(28) Swooping Hawk Exarch (0)  Hawk's talon(10) - 68
     FA1 : 5 Swooping Hawks (30) 4 lasblaster(28) Swooping Hawk Exarch (0)  Hawk's talon(10) - 68
     FA3 : 8 Windriders (48 + 5*16) 8 Scatter laser(56) - 184
        == Spearhead Detachment (+ 1 command points) (769) <Alaitoc> ==

     HQ1 : Farseer Skyrunner(130) twinlink shuriken Catapult (2) [guide,doom] - 132
     HQ2 : Warlock Skyrunner(65) twinlink shuriken Catapult (2) [jinx/protect] - 67

     HS1 : Night Spinner(110) shuriken Canon(10) - 120
     HS2 : Night Spinner(110) shuriken Canon(10) - 120
     HS3 : Night Spinner(110) shuriken Canon(10) - 120

     Flyer1 : Hemlock Wraithfighter (200) spirit stone (10) [jinx] - 210

      == Airwing Detachment (+ 1 command points) (803) <Alaitoc> ==

     Flyer1 : Crimson Hunter (120) 2 bright lance(40) - 160
     Flyer2 : Crimson Hunter (120) 2 bright lance(40) - 160
     Flyer3 : Crimson Hunter Exarch(135) 2 star Canon(26) - 161
     Flyer4 : Crimson Hunter Exarch(135) 2 star Canon(26) - 161
     Flyer5 : Crimson Hunter Exarch(135) 2 star Canon(26) - 161

    Refined Strategies : 41, 46, 52, 54, 62, 64

    + PLAYER: Hugo « Dahrkan » Drelon 
    + TEAM: Semi Croustillants
    + ARMY MAIN FACTION: Astra Militarum, Blood Angels
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 21-7 = 14 CP
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Astra Militarum, Catachan, Blood Angels

    + TOTAL MODELS: 110
    + TOTAL KP: 28


    == Supreme Command Detachment (+1 CP)- Blood Angels  ==
    HQ1: Captain (74): Jump pack (19), Storm Shield (10), Thunder Hammer (21) [124] - Relic: Angel's Wing; Vision of Sanguinius
    HQ2: Captain (74): Jump pack (19), Storm Shield (10), Thunder Hammer (21) [124] - Relic: The Hammer of Baal; Vision of sanguinius
    HQ3: Captain (74): Jump pack (19), Storm Shield (10), Thunder Hammer (21) [124] - Vision of Sanguinius

    == Brigade Detachment (+12 CP) - Astra Militarum (Catachan); Specialist detachment: Emperor's Fist Tank Company (-1 CP) ==
    HQ1: Tank Commander (142): Battle Cannon (22), 1 Heavy Bolters (8) 2 plasma canon (20), Hunter Killer Missile (6)[198]
    HQ2: Tank Commander (142): Battle Cannon (22), 1 Heavy Bolters (8) 2 plasma canon (20), Hunter Killer Missile (6)[198]
    HQ3: Tank Commander (142): Battle Cannon (22), 1 Heavy Bolters (8) 2 plasma canon (20), Hunter Killer Missile (6), Heavy Stubber (2) [200] - Relic: the Hammer of Sunderance

    Troop1: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
    Troop2: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
    Troop3: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
    Troop4: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
    Troop5: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
    Troop6: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]

    Elite1: Munistorum Priest [35]
    Elite2: Platoon Commander (20) [20] - Warlord : Old Grudges
    Elite3: Sergeant Harker [50]
    Elite4: Astropath (26): Laspistol (0) [26]
    Elite5: Astropath (26): Laspistol (0) [26]

    FA1: Scout Sentinel (30): multilaser (5) [35]
    FA2: Scout Sentinel (30): multilaser (5) [35]
    FA3: Scout Sentinel (30): multilaser (5) [35]

    HS1: Heavy weapon squad (18): 3 mortars (15) [33]
    HS3: Manticore (125): 1 Heavy Bolters (8), Hunter Killer Missile (6) [139]
    HS4: Manticore (125): 1 Heavy Bolters (8) [133]

    == Batalion Detachment (+5 CP) - Astra Militarum (Catachan) ==
    HQ4: Straken [75]
    HQ5: Company Commander [30]

    Troop7: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
    Troop8: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
    Troop9: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]

    Refined Strategy: 66 (Prority Order Received), 55 (Psychological Warfare), 46 (Domination); 41 (Advance); 61 (Kingslayer); 64 (Assassination)

    + PLAYER: Axel « Mame » Pariot 
    + TEAM: Semi Croustillants
    + ARMY MAIN FACTION: Adeptus Custodes - Adeptus Mechanicus - Imperial Knights
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1997 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Adeptus Custodes - Adeptus Mechanicus - Imperial Knights 
    + TOTAL MODELS: 32
    + TOTAL KP: 11


    ==Battalion Detachment (Imperium - Adeptus Mechanicus) [165pts] <Forge World: Graia>== +5CP

    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30pts]
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30pts]

    Troop1 :Skitarii Rangers : 4x Skitarii Ranger (28pts) Ranger Alpha (7pts): Galvanic Rifle [35pts]

    Troop2 :Skitarii Rangers : 4x Skitarii Ranger (28pts) Ranger Alpha (7pts): Galvanic Rifle [35pts]

    Troop3 :Skitarii Rangers : 4x Skitarii Ranger (28pts) Ranger Alpha (7pts): Galvanic Rifle [35pts]
    ==Outrider Detachment (Imperium - Custodes ) [1364pts] == +1CP
    QG1 : Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike : Hurricane Bolter (10pts), Interceptor Lance, Misericordia (4pts), Warlord : Superior Creation , Relic : Auric Aquilis [164pts]

    Elite1 : Vexillus Praetor : Storm Shield (10pts), Vexilla Magnifica (30pts) [120pts]

    FA1 : Vertus Praetors : 6xVertus Praetors (480pts) , 6xHurricane Bolter (60pts), 6xInterceptor Lance [540pts] 

    FA2: Vertus Praetors : 3xVertus Praetors (240pts) , 3xHurricane Bolter (30pts), 3xInterceptor Lance [270pts] 

    FA3 : Vertus Praetors : 3xVertus Praetors (240pts) , 3xHurricane Bolter (30pts), 3xInterceptor Lance [270pts] 

    ==Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Imperium - Imperial Knights) <House Vulker, Questor Mechanicus>[468pts]== Heirlooms of the Household: Heirlooms of the Household: 1 Extra Heirloom (-1CP), Exalted Court: Exalted Court: 1 Extra Warlord Trait (-1CP)

    LOW 1 : Knight Crusader ( 285pts): Heavy Stubber (2pts), Ironstorm Missile Pod (16pts), Thermal Cannon (76pts), Avenger Gatling Cannon (75pts), Heavy Flamer (14pts), Character (Heirloom of the House) : Heirloom: Endless Fury, Character (Exalted Court) : Warlord Trait: Ion Bulwark [468pts] 

    Refined Strategies: 41, 46, 55, 61, 62, 64
    Team Semi-Croustillants
    Player 6: David "JACQUOUILLE" Raulin
    Factions: Orks(Evil Sunz, Bad Moons, Blood Axes)
    Total Army Points: 2000
    Total Reinforcement points: 0
    Total Command Points : 18

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (911) « Evil Sunz »==

    HQ1 : Big Mek in Mega Armour (77) Kustom Force Field (20) Kustom Shoota (2) Power Klaw (13) - 112
    HQ2 : Warboss (65) Attack Squig (0) Power Klaw (13) Kustom Shoota (2) - 80

    Troup1 : 28 Ork Boy W/ Shoota (28x7) 2x Tankbusta Bombs(0) Boss Nob (7) Killsaw (15) Slugga(0) - 218
    Troup2 : 28 Ork Boy W/ Shoota (28x7) 2x Tankbusta Bombs(0) Boss Nob (7) Killsaw (15) Slugga(0) - 218
    Troup3 : 28 Ork Boy W/ Shoota (28x7) 2x Tankbusta Bombs(0) Boss Nob (7) Killsaw (15) Slugga(0) - 218

    Elites1 : Painboy (52) Power Klaw (13) - 65

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (214) ==

    HQ1 : Weirdboy (Blood Axes) (62) (Da Jump) - relique : Morgargs Finkin' Cap (I've got a plan, ladz!) - 62
    HQ2 : Weirdboy (Evil Sunz) (62) (Da Jump) - 62

    Troup1 : 10 Gretchin (Bad Moons) (10x3) - 30
    Troup2 : 10 Gretchin (Bad Moons) (10x3) - 30
    Troup3 : 10 Gretchin (Bad Moons) (10x3) - 30

    == Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (875) « Bad Moons »==

    HQ1 : Big Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun (55), Shokk Attack Gun (25) – 80 [ Warlord: Follow me Ladz!]

    HQ2 : Big Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun (55), Shokk Attack Gun (25) - 80

    Troup1 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - 30
    Troup2 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - 30
    Troup3 : 20 Gretchin (20x3) - 60 

    HS1 : 15 Lootas (15x17) - 255
    HS2 : 10 Lootas (10x17) - 170
    HS3 : 10 Lootas (10x17) - 170

    Refined Strategies: 41, 46, 55, 61, 64, 66

    + PLAYER: Robin « LamaR » Philippot 
    + TEAM: Semi Croustillants
    + ARMY MAIN FACTION: Death Guard, Thousand Sons
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Death Guard, Thousand Sons
    + TOTAL MODELS: 50
    + TOTAL KP: 17


    == Batalion Detachment (+5 CP) – Death Guard ==
    HQ1 : Chaos Lord (1*74) 6. Arch-Contaminator,  Warlord, Fugaris' Helm [74]
    HQ2 : Sorcerer (1*90), Force Stave (8), 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 4. Blades of Putrefaction [98]

    Troop1: 7 Plague Marines (7x16), 6x2 plague knifes (0) plague champion with boltgun & plague knife (0) - [112]
    Troop2: 7 Plague Marines (7x16), 6x2 plague knifes (0) plague champion with boltgun & plague knife (0) - [112]
    Troop3: 7 Plague Marines (7x16), 6x2 plague knifes (0) plague champion with boltgun & plague knife (0) - [112]
    Troop4: 7 Plague Marines (7x16), 6x2 plague knifes (0) plague champion with boltgun & plague knife (0) - [112]

    Elite1 : Biologus Putrifier (1*60) [60]
    Elite2 : 10 Blightlord Terminators (10*34), 8 bubonic axes (8*5), 8 Combi-Bolter (8*2), 2 flails of Corruption (2*10) [416]
    Elite3 : Tallyman(1*50), Plasma pistol(5) [55]

    HS1: Plagueburst Crawler (100) 2 plaguespitters (2x17) heavy slugger (6) - [140]

    Transport 1: Chaos Rhino (1*70), 2 combi bolter (2*2) [74]
    Transport 2: Chaos Rhino (1*70), 2 combi bolter (2*2) [74]
    Transport 3: Chaos Rhino (1*70), 2 combi bolter (2*2) [74]
    Transport 4: Chaos Rhino (1*70), 2 combi bolter (2*2) [74]

    == Supreme Command Detachment (+1 CP)- Thousand Sons  ==

    HQ1 : Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch (1*166), Doombolt, Tzeentch Firestorm, Warptime [166]
    HQ3 : Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (1*102), Familiar (1*9), Force Stave (1*8), Inferno combi bolter (1*3), death hex, infernal gaze - [122]
    HQ3 : Sorcerer in Terminator Armour (1*102), Familiar (1*9), Force Stave (1*8), Inferno combi bolter (1*3), Prescience, Temporal manipulation, Additional relic (-1 CP) Helm of the Third Eye [122]
    Refined strategy : 66 (Prority Order Received), 63 (Scour the sky), 46 (Domination), 42 (Behind ennemy lines), 55 (Psychological Warfare)

    Team: Semi-Croustillant
    Player 8: Manwe
    Faction: T'au Empire
    Total Army points: 2000
    Total Reinforcement points: 0
    Total command points: 14

    == Battalion Detachment < T'au Empire - Sept T'au > [1414pts] +5CP ==

    HQ1: Cadre Fireblade(39), Markerlight(3) - [42]
    HQ2: Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit(1*72), 4 Cyclic ion blaster (4*18), Crisis iridium battlesuit (10) [154]

    Troop1: Strike team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui, Markerlight(3) - [38]
    Troop2: Strike team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) - [35]
    Troop3: Strike team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) - [35]

    Elite1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), 2x Smart missile system(2x15), Advanced targeting system(18.), Target lock (12), Heavy burst cannon(35) - [280]
    Elite2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), 2x Smart missile system(2x15), Advanced targeting system(18.), Target lock (12), Heavy burst cannon(35) - [280]
    Elite3: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), 2x Smart missile system(2x15), Advanced targeting system(18.), Target lock (12), Heavy burst cannon(35) - [280]

    FA1: 9x MV4 Shield Drones(9x10) - [90]
    FA2: 9x MV4 Shield Drones(9x10) - [90]
    FA3: 9x MV4 Shield Drones(9x10) - [90]

    == Battalion Detachment < T'au Empire - Sept T'au > [357pts] +5CP ==

    HQ3: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit(1*90), 4 fusion blaster (4*18) , relic : Vectored manoeuvring thrusters - [162] 
    HQ4: Cadre Fireblade(39), Markerlight(3) - [42] - WARLORD (Trait : Through Unity, Devastation)
    HQ5: Ethereal (45), Honour blade (0) - [45]

    Troop4: Strike team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui, Markerlight(3) - [38]
    Troop5: Strike team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) - [35]
    Troop6: Strike team (35), Fire Warrior Shas'ui (0) - [35]

    == Vanguard Detachment < T'au Empire - Sept Sa'Cea > [229pts] +1CP ==

    HQ6: Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit(1*72), 4 Cyclic ion blaster (4*18), Crisis iridium battlesuit (10) - [154]

    Elite4: Firesight Marksman(21) Markerlight(3), Pulse pistol(1) - [25]
    Elite5: Firesight Marksman(21) Markerlight(3), Pulse pistol(1) - [25]
    Elite6: Firesight Marksman(21) Markerlight(3), Pulse pistol(1) - [25]

    Refined Strategy cards : 46 - Domination / 52 - Blood and Guts / 55 - Psychological Warfare / 61 - KingSlayer / 66 - Prority Order Received

    Jonathan Ouloum Rios
    Charles Aken Mertz


    Roster PU Alpha:

    + Team: Paris United Alpha
    + Player 1: Baptiste "Sleekid" Rambaud
    + List fancy name: Boyz Boyz Boyz
    + Faction: Orks
    + Total army points: 2000pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5+5 = 18 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (887)< Orks >< Bad Moonz > ==
    HQ1 : weirdboy (62) [62] [psy : Da Jump] < Bad Moonz >
    HQ2 : Warboss(1*65), Kustom Shoota(2), Big Choppa (7), Attack squig(0), [Warlord : Kunning but brutal] [72] < Bad Moonz >
    TR1 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30] < Bad Moonz >
    TR2 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30] < Bad Moonz >
    TR3 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30] < Bad Moonz >
    HS1 : 15 Lootas (85+10*17), [255] < Bad Moonz >
    HS1 : 10 Lootas (85+10*17), [170] < Bad Moonz >
    Elite1 : 14 Tankbustas (85+10*17), Boss Nob(0), [238] < Bad Moonz >

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (899) - < Orks > < Evil Sunz > ==
    HQ3 : Mega Armor big Mek (77), Kustom Shoota (2),Power Klaw(13), kustom force field (20) [112] < Evil Sunz >
    HQ4 : Warboss(1*65), Kustom Shoota(2),Power klaw(13), Attack squig(0), [80] < Evil Sunz >
    TR4 : 25 Boyz(70+15*7), 24 Shoota(0), 2 Tankbusta Bomb(0), Boss Nob(0), 2 Choppa(0) [175] < Evil Sunz >
    TR5 : 24 Boyz(70+14*7), 23 Shoota(0), 2 Tankbusta Bomb(0), Boss Nob(0), 2 Choppa(0) [168] < Evil Sunz >
    TR6 : 26 Boyz(70+16*7), 25 Choppa(0), 2 Tankbusta Bomb(0), 25 Slugga(0), Boss Nob(0), 2 Choppa(0) [182] < Evil Sunz >
    TR7 : 26 Boyz(70+16*7), 25 Choppa(0), 2 Tankbusta Bomb(0), 24 Slugga(0), Boss Nob(0), 2 Choppa(0) [182] < Evil Sunz >

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (214) < Orks >< Blood Axe >< Bad Moonz > ==
    HQ5 : Weirdboy(1*62) [62] [Psy : Fists of Gork] < Bad Moonz >
    HQ6 : Weirdboy(1*62) [62] [Psy : Warpath] [Relic : Morgog's finkin' kap : I’ve got a plan ladz ]< Blood Axe >
    TR8 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30] < Bad Moonz >
    TR9 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30] < Bad Moonz >
    TR10 : 10 Gretchins(30) [30] < Bad Moonz >

    Refined Strategy :
    - 41 : Advance
    - 42 : Behind Enemy Lines
    - 46 : Domination
    - 55 : Psychological warfare
    - 66 : Priority orders received
    - 64 : Assassinate

    + Team: Paris United Alpha
    + Player 2 : Théo "Wrath Thepleymo" Hotte
    + TourneyKeeper Profile: Theo
    + List fancy name : Icone du meta suisse
    + Factions: Astra militarum, Dark angels, Blood angels
    + Total Army points - 1999
    + Total Reinforcement points - 0
    + Total command points: 3+12+1+5-2-2=17 CP

    == Brigade detachment (+12 CP) - Astra Militarum < Catachan > == Emperor's conclave infantry company(-1CP)
    HQ1 : Colonel Iron Hand Straken(1*75) [75]
    HQ2 : Company Commander(1*30), chainsword [30]
    HQ3 : Lord Commissar (1*30), Bolt pistol(1), Power sword(4) [35]
    Troup1 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword [40]
    Troup2 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword [40]
    Troup3 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword [40]
    Troup4 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword [40]
    Troup5 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword [40]
    Troup6 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword [40]
    Troup7 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword [40]
    Troup8 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword [40]
    Troup9 : 10 Infantry Squad(10*4), Sergeant, chainsword [40]
    Elite1 : Astropath(1*26), laspistol [Psy: Night shroud] [26]
    Elite2 : Ministorum Priest(35), chainsword, autogun [35]
    Elite3 : Astropath(1*26), laspistol [Psy: Psychic barrier] [26]
    FA1 : Armoured Sentinel(1*30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA2 : Armoured Sentinel(1*30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    FA3 : Armoured Sentinel(1*30), Multi-laser(5) [35]
    HS1 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortars(15) [33]
    HS2 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortars(15) [33]
    HS3 : 3 Heavy Weapons Squad (18), 3 Mortars(15) [33]

    == Batallion detachment (+5 CP) - < Blood Angel > ==
    HQ1: Captain with Jump pack(93), Storm Shield(10), Thunder hammer(21) [WARLORD : Artisan of war] (Death vision of sanguinius) (-1 CP) [124]
    HQ2: Captain with Jump pack(93), Storm Shield(10), Thunder hammer(21) [Relic : The hammer of Baal] (Death vision of sanguinius) (-1 CP) [124]
    Troup1: 5 Scout Squad (55), 5 Combat knife, 5 Camo cloak (15) [70]
    Troup2: 5 Scout Squad (55), 5 Combat knife [55]
    Troup3: 5 Scout Squad (55), 5 Combat knife [55]

    == Supreme Command detachment (+1 CP) - < Dark Angels > == Assault Squadron Ravenwing (-1CP)
    HQ1 : Ravenwing Talonmaster(1*123), Twin Heavy bolter(17), Twin assault cannon(44), Power Sword(4) [188]
    HQ2 : Ravenwing Talonmaster(1*123), Twin Heavy bolter(17), Twin assault cannon(44), Power Sword(4) [188]
    HQ3 : Ravenwing Talonmaster(1*123), Twin Heavy bolter(17), Twin assault cannon(44), Power Sword(4) [188]
    HQ4 : Sammael in Sableclaw (1*216) [216]

    Refined Strategy :
    - 41 : Advance
    - 42 : Behind Enemy Lines
    - 46 : Domination
    - 55 : Psychological warfare
    - 66 : Priority orders received
    - 64 : Assassinate

    + Team: Paris United Alpha
    + Player 3: Rafael "Haechi" Riffiod
    + List fancy name: Burst Canon Rhapsody
    + Faction: T'au Empire
    + Total army points: 2000 pts
    + Total command points: 3+5+5-1 = 13CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (360) < T’au Sept > ==
    HQ1: XV85 Enforcer Commander (76), 3 Cyclic Ion Blasters (3x18), 1 Airbursting Fragmentation Projector (8) [138] – Relic: Supernova Launcher
    HQ2: Darkstrider [45]
    TR1: 8 Strike team (8x7), markerlight (3), Shas’ui (0) [59]
    TR2: 8 Strike team (8x7), markerlight (3), Shas’ui (0) [59]
    TR3: 8 Strike team (8x7), markerlight (3), Shas’ui (0) [59]

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (1366) < T’au Sept > ==
    HQ3: XV85 Enforcer Commander (76), 4 Cyclic Ion Blasters (4x18) [148] – [WARLORD : Through Unity, Devastation]
    HQ4: Cadre Fireblade (39), markerlight (3) [42] – Relic: Puretide’s Engrammatic Neurochip
    TR4: 8 Strike team (8x7), markerlight (3), Shas’ui (0) [59]
    TR5: 8 Strike team (8x7), markerlight (3), Shas’ui (0) [59]
    TR6: 8 Strike team (8x7), markerlight (3), Shas’ui (0) [59]
    TR7: 8 Strike team (8x7), markerlight (3), Shas’ui (0) [59]
    Elite1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile Systems (2x15), Advanced Targeting Systems (18), Target Lock (12) [280]
    Elite2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile Systems (2x15), Advanced Targeting Systems (18), Target Lock (12) [280]
    Elite3: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile Systems (2x15), Advanced Targeting Systems (18), Target Lock (12) [280]
    FA1: 5 Shield Drones (5x10) [50]
    FA2: 5 Shield Drones (5x10) [50]

    == Vanguard detachment (+1CP) (274) < Sa’cea Sept > ==
    HQ5: XV85 Enforcer Commander (76), 4 Cyclic Ion Blasters (4x18) [148]
    HQ6: Ethereal on Hover Drone (50),Equalizers (1) [51]
    Elite4: Firesight Marksman (24), Pulse pistol (1) [25]
    Elite5: Firesight Marksman (24), Pulse pistol (1) [25]
    Elite6: Firesight Marksman (24), Pulse pistol (1) [25]

    Refined Strategy :
    - 41 : Advance
    - 42 : Behind Enemy Lines
    - 46 : Domination
    - 55 : Psychological warfare
    - 66 : Priority orders received
    - 64 : Assassinate

    + Team: Paris United Alpha
    + Player 4: Sebastien Moretti
    + TourneyKeeper Profile: Kranzer
    + List fancy name: MultiDex KranzerFraust
    + Factions: Chaos Space Marines - Thousand sons - Chaos Deamons
    + Total Army points - 1999
    + Total Reinforcement points - 0
    + Total command points: 3+1+1+5= 10CP

    == Supreme Command detachment (+1CP) (444) < Thousand Sons > ==

    QG1 : Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings (170) Second Malefic Talon (10) Relic : Helm of the third eye - [Infernal Gateway - Gaze of Fate - Smite] - [180] - [WARLORD : High Magister]
    QG2 : Ahriman on Disc [Warptime - Prescience - Death Hex - Smite] - [166]
    QG3 : Sorcerer (90) Force stave (8) Inferno bolt pistol (0) [Temporal manipulation - Infernal Gaze - Smite] - [98]

    == Spearhead Detachment (+1CP) (680): < Chaos Space Marines > < Alpha Legion > ==

    QG1 : Chaos Lord with Jump Pack < Khorne > (93) Chainsword (0), Combi-bolter (2) - [95]
    HS1 : Obliterators: (3x65) < Slaanesh > - [195]
    HS2 : Obliterators: (3x65) < Slaanesh > - [195]
    HS3 : Obliterators: (3x65) < Slaanesh > - [195]

    == Bataillon detachment: (+5CP) (875) < Chaos Deamons > < Deamon Nurgle > ==

    QG1 : Poxbringer (70) - Balesword (0) - [Miasma of Pestilence - Smite] - [70]
    QG2 : Spoilox Scrivener (95) - Disgusting sneezes (0), Distended maw (0), Plaguesword (0) - [95]
    QG3 : Sloppity Bilepiper (60) - Marotter (0) - [60]
    T1 : Plaguebearers - 1 Plagueridden and 9 Plaguebearers (70) 19 extra Plaguebearers (133) Plaguesword (0), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument Of Chaos (10) - [228]
    T2 : Plaguebearers - 1 Plagueridden and 9 Plaguebearers (70) 18 extra Plaguebearers (126) Plaguesword (0), Daemonic Icon (15)- [211]
    T3 : Plaguebearers - 1 Plagueridden and 9 Plaguebearers (70) 18 extra Plaguebearers (126) Plaguesword (0), Daemonic Icon (15)- [211]

    Refined Strategy :
    - 41 : Advance
    - 42 : Behind Enemy Lines
    - 46 : Domination
    - 55 : Psychological warfare
    - 66 : Priority orders received
    - 64 : Assassinate

    Team: Paris United Alpha
    Player 5: Raphaël "zeka" Dumas
    List fancy name: Shibamix
    Faction: Aeldari - Craftworld - Ynnari
    Total army points: 1999 pts
    Total command points: 3+5+1+1 = 10 CP
    Total reinforcement points: 0 pts

    == Bataillon Detachment (+5CP) (1226) <Mixed Craftworld><Ynnari> ==
    HQ1: Warlock Skyrunner (1*65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) [67] [Psy: Quicken/Restrain] [Relic: Spirit Stone of Anath'Lan] <Biel-Tan/Ynnari>
    HQ2: Yvraine (1*132) [132] [Psy: Word of the Phoenix, Grace of the Ancients] <Ynnari> [Warlord: Inspiring Leader]
    TR1: 5 Rangers (5*12) [60] <Alaitoc/Ynnari>
    TR2: 5 Rangers (5*12) [60] <Alaitoc/Ynnari>
    TR3: 8 Storm Guardians (8*6), 8 Chainswords (0) [48] <Ulthwe/Ynnari>
    FA1: 8 Shining spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*6), Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapults (8*2) [274] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>
    FA2: 8 Shining spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*6), Exarch (0) with Star Lance (10), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapults (8*2) [274] <Saim-Hann/Ynnari>
    HS1: 9 Dark Reapers (9*12), 8 Reaper Launchers (8*22), Exarch (0) with Tempest Missile Launcher (27) [311] <Ulthwe/Ynnari>

    == Supreme Command Detachement (+1CP) (290) <Ulthwe> ==
    HQ3: Eldrad (1*135) [135] [Psy: Doom, Guide, Fortune] <Ulthwe>
    HQ4: Spiritseer (1*65) [65] [Psy: Protect/Jinx] <Ulthwe>
    HQ5: Warlock conclave (2*45) [90] [Psy: Empower/Enervate, Protect/Jinx] <Ulthwe>

    == Airwing Detachment (+1CP) (483) <Alaitoc> ==
    Fly 1: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), Pulse Laser (0), Starcannon x2 (26) [161] <Alaitoc>
    Fly 2: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), Pulse Laser (0), Starcannon x2 (26) [161] <Alaitoc>
    Fly 3: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), Pulse Laser (0), Starcannon x2 (26) [161] <Alaitoc>

    Refined Strategy :
    - 41 : Advance
    - 42 : Behind Enemy Lines
    - 46 : Domination
    - 55 : Psychological warfare
    - 66 : Priority orders received
    - 64 : Assassinate

    + Team: Paris United Alpha
    + Player 6: JB "Snorri61"Masson
    + List fancy name: Men in black and friends
    + Faction: Deathwatch, Adeptus Mechanicum
    + Total army points: 1999 pts
    + Total command points: 5 + 5 + 3 - 1 = 12 CP
    + Total reinforcement points: 1 pts

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (949) < Adeptus Mechanicum > < Graia > < Cohort Cybernetica > (1PC)==

    HQ1 : Tech-Priest Dominus (1*80), Volkite Blaster (8), Macrostubber (2) [90] < Graia > < Cohort Cybernetica > [WARLORD : Necromechanic] [Relic] Doctrina Foreas Servo-Skull
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Manipulus(1*90), Magnarail Spear (5) [95] < Graia >

    TR1 : 3 Kataphron Destroyers (3*15), 3 Plasma Culverin (3*27), 3 Phosphor blaster (3*6) [144] < Graia >
    TR2 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(5*7), Ranger Alpha(0) [35] < Graia >
    TR3 : 5 Skitarii Rangers(5*7), Ranger Alpha(0) [35] < Graia >

    HS1 : 5 Kastelan Robots(5*65), 15 Heavy Phosphor Blaster (15*15) [550] < Graia > < Cohort Cybernetica >

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) (1050) < Death Watch > ==
    HQ3 : Watch Captain with jump pack, Chainsword(0),Bolt pistol(0) (1*93) [93]
    HQ4 : Watch Master(1*130) [130]

    TR4 : Veterans(0*0), Black Shield(16), Bolter Storm (4), Stormshield(2), Deathwatch biker(21), Twin Bolter(4), Chainsword(0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0), Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran(17), Bolt pistol(0), Chainsword(0) 6x Deathwatch Veteran (6*14), 6 Bolter Storm (6*4), 6 Stormshield (6*2), Watch Sergeant(14), Bolter Storm (4), Storm shield(2) [204]

    TR5 : Veterans(0*0), Black Shield(16), Bolter Storm (4), Stormshield(2), Deathwatch biker(21), Twin Bolter(4), Chainsword(0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0), Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran(17), Bolt pistol(0), Chainsword(0) 6x Deathwatch Veteran (6*14), 6 Bolter Storm (6*4), 6 Stormshield (6*2), Watch Sergeant(14), Bolter Storm (4), Storm shield(2) [204]

    TR6 : Veterans(0*0), Black Shield(16), Bolter Storm (4), Stormshield(2), Deathwatch biker(21), Twin Bolter(4), Chainsword(0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0), Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran(17), Bolt pistol(0), Chainsword(0) 6x Deathwatch Veteran (6*14), 6 Bolter Storm (6*4), 6 Stormshield (6*2), Watch Sergeant(14), Bolter Storm (4), Storm shield(2) [204]

    TR7 : Veterans(0*0), Black Shield(16), Bolter Storm (4), Stormshield(2), Deathwatch biker(21), Twin Bolter(4), Chainsword(0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0), Deathwatch Terminator(23), Bolter Storm (4), Power Maul(4), Deathwatch Vanguard Veteran(17), Bolt pistol(0), Chainsword(0) 5x Deathwatch Veteran (5*14), 5 Bolter Storm (5*4), 5 Stormshield (5*2), Watch Sergeant(14), Bolter Storm (4), Storm shield(2) [215]

    Refined Strategy :
    - 46 : Domination
    - 66 : Priority orders received
    - 41 : Advance
    - 62 : Witch Hunter
    - 55 : Psychological warfare
    - 61 : Kingslayer

    + Team: Paris United Alpha
    + Player 7: Benoit “Weaver” Viellant
    + List fancy name: Blocked but Strong
    + Faction: Imperial Knights - Adeptus Sororitas
    + Total army points: 2000 pts
    + Total command points: 3 + 6 + 5 = 14 CP

    == Bataillon detachment (+5CP) < Order of the valerous Heart > (228) ==
    HQ1 : Canoness(1*45), Bolter condemnor(1), Chainsword [46]
    HQ2 : Missionary(1*35) [35]
    TR1 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(45), Bolter Storm(2), Sister Superior(0), Bolter Storm(2) [49]
    TR2 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(45), Bolter Storm(2), Sister Superior(0), Bolter Storm(2) [49]
    TR3 : 5 Battle Sister Squad(45), Bolter Storm(2), Sister Superior(0), Bolter Storm(2) [49]

    == Super Heavy Detachment < House Krast > (+6CP) (1404) ==
    Lord of War1 : Knight Crusader(1*285), Gatling avenger canon [Endless Fury] (75), Thermal canon (76), Heavy flamer (14), Stubber (2), Ironstorm missile pod (16) [468] [Warlord : Ion Bulwark]
    Lord of War2 : Knight Crusader(1*285), Gatling avenger canon (75), Thermal canon (76), Heavy flamer (14), Stubber (2), Ironstorm missile pod (16) [468]
    Lord of War3 : Knight Crusader(1*285), Gatling avenger canon (75), Thermal canon (76), Heavy flamer (14), Stubber (2), Ironstorm missile pod (16) [468]

    == Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment < House Terryn > (+0CP) (368) ==
    Lord of War4 : Knight Gallant(1*285), Thunderstrike gauntlet (35), Stubber (2), Reaper chainsword (30), Ironstorm missile pod (16) [368]

    Refined Strategy :
    - 41 : Advance
    - 42 : Behind Enemy Lines
    - 46 : Domination
    - 55 : Psychological warfare
    - 66 : Priority orders received
    - 64 : Assassinate

    + Team: Paris United Alpha
    + Player : Armand "Armandou" Souchon
    + List fancy name: Back in Game and hardly
    + Faction: Drukhari
    + Total Army points - 1999
    + Total command points: 3+5+5=13CP

    == Battallion Detachment (+5CP) < Prophets of Flesh > == (1765)

    HQ1 : Haemonculus (1*70), Venom’s blade (2), Hexrifle (5) [77]
    HQ2 : Urien Rakarth (1*90) [Relic : Vexator Mask] [90]
    TR1 : 5 Wracks (45), Acothyst(0) [45]
    TR2 : 5 Wracks (45), Acothyst(0) [45]
    TR3 : 5 Wracks (45), Acothyst(0) [45]
    Elite1 : 9 Grotesques(96 + 6*32), 9 Flesh Gauntlet (9*3) [315]
    Elite2 : 8 Grotesques(96 + 5*32), 8 Flesh Gauntlet (8*3) [280]
    Elite3 : 8 Grotesques(96 + 5*32), 8 Flesh Gauntlet (8*3) [280]
    HS1 : 2 Talos (2*75), 4 Haywire Blasters (4*8), 2 Macro-scalpel(8), 2 Chain Flail (2*3) [196]
    HS2 : 2 Talos (2*75), 4 Haywire Blasters (4*8), 2 Macro-scalpel(8), 2 Chain Flail (2*3) [196]
    HS3 : 2 Talos (2*75), 4 Haywire Blasters (4*8), 2 Macro-scalpel(8), 2 Chain Flail (2*3) [196]

    == Battalion Detachment (+5CP) < Kabal of the Black Heart > == (234)

    HQ1 : Archon(1*70), Venom’s blade (2) [Warlord : Labyrinthin Cunning] [72]
    HQ2 : Archon(1*70), Venom’s blade (2) [72]
    TR4 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), Sybarite(0) [30]
    TR5 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), Sybarite(0) [30]
    TR6 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), Sybarite(0) [30]

    Refined Strategy :
    - 46 : Domination
    - 66 : Priority orders received
    - 41 : Advance
    - 62 : Witch Hunter
    - 55 : Psychological warfare
    - 64 : Assassinate

    Team: Paris United Alpha
    Coach 1 : Nicolas “ ZAHARIEL” Lyszyk

    Team: Paris United Alpha
    Capitaine / Coach 2 : Laurent “LOL” Lepeltier


    Roster Cafards:


    ARMY FACTION: Deathwatch
    TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 14-2 (Death visions of sanguinius) = 12
    TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1999pts
    ARMY FACTIONS USED: Deathwatch, Blood Angels, Adeptus Custodes  

    ++ Battalion Detachment ++ Adeptus Astartes - Deathwatch [1098pts] +5CP

    HQ1: Watch Master [130]
    HQ2: Watch Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder Hammer (21), Storm Shield (10) [124]

    Troop 1: 10 Veterans [239]
    3 Terminators (69), 3 Power Mauls (12), 3 Storm Bolters (12)
    1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Bolt Pistol (0)
    1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
    1 Bike (21), Twin Bolt-gun (4), Chainsword (0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0)
    3 Veterans (42), 3 Storm Bolters (12), 3 Storm Shields (6)
    1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

    Troop 2: 10 Veterans [239]
    3 Terminators (69), 3 Power Mauls (12), 3 Storm Bolters (12)
    1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Bolt Pistol (0)
    1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
    1 Bike (21), Twin Bolt-gun (4), Chainsword (0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0)
    3 Veterans (42), 3 Storm Bolters (12), 3 Storm Shields (6)
    1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

    Troop 3: 8 Veterans [183]
    2 Terminators (46), 2 Power Mauls (8), 2 Storm Bolters (8)
    1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Bolt Pistol (0)
    1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
    3 Veterans (42), 3 Storm Bolters (12), 3 Storm Shields (6)
    1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

    Troop 4: 8 Veterans [183]
    2 Terminators (46), 2 Power Mauls (8), 2 Storm Bolters (8)
    1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Bolt Pistol (0)
    1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
    3 Veterans (42), 3 Storm Bolters (12), 3 Storm Shields (6)
    1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

    ++ Battalion Detachment ++ Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels [413pts] +5CP

    HQ3: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder Hammer (21), Storm Shield (10) Death visions of sanguinius -1CP [124]  
    HQ4: Captain with Jump Pack (93), Thunder Hammer (21), Storm Shield (10) Death visions of sanguinius -1CP [124]  
    Troop 5: 4 Scouts (11), 4 bolter (0), scout sergeant (11), bolter (0)[55]
    Troop 6: 4 Scouts (11), 4 bolter (0), scout sergeant (11), bolter (0)[55]
    Troop 7: 4 Scouts (11), 4 bolter (0), scout sergeant (11), bolter (0)[55]

    ++ Supreme Command Detachment ++ Adeptus Custodes [488pts] +1CP

    HQ5: Shield Captain on Bike (150), Hurricane Bolter (10), Misericordia (4) [164] WARLORD: Superior Creation,RELIC: Auric Aquilas  
    HQ6: Shield Captain on Bike (150), Hurricane Bolter (10)Misericordia (4) [164]  
    HQ7: Shield Captain on Bike (150), Hurricane Bolter (10) [160]

    PLAYER : Olivertwix
    TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000pts

    ++ BATAILLON DETACHMENT++ Tau Empire "Tau" == [420pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Cadre Fireblade(1*39), Markerlight (3) [42] WARLORD Through Unity, Devastation
    HQ2 : Commander en XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit(1*90), Advanced Targeting System (6), 3 Missile Pods(45) [141]
    Troup1 : 7 Strike Team (35 + 2*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [49]
    Troup2 : 7 Strike Team (35 + 2*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [49]
    Troup3 : 7 Strike Team (35 + 2*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [49]
    Elite1 : [BF] Dahyak Grekh(1*20) [20]
    FA1 : 5 Pathfinder Team (25), 2 Markerlight (6), 3 Ion Rifle (21), MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8.), MV4 Shield Drone (10), Shas'ui(0) [70]

    ++ VANGUARD DETACHMENT ++ Tau Empire "Sacea" == [279pts] +1CP

    HQ1 : Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit(1*72), 4 Cyclic ion blaster(72), MV4 Shield Drone(10) [154]
    HQ2 : Ethereal sur Hover-Drone [50]
    Elite1 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) [25] RELIC : Puretide Engram Neurochip
    Elite2 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) [25]
    Elite3 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) [25]

    ++ BATAILLON DETACHMENT++ Tau Empire "Tau" == [1301pts] +5CP

    HQ1 : Commander Shadowsun(1*110), 2x MV52 Shield Drone (22) [132]
    HQ2 : Darkstrider(1*45) [45]
    Troup1 : 7 Strike Team (35 + 2*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [49]
    Troup2 : 7 Strike Team (35 + 2*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [49]
    Troup3 : 7 Strike Team (35 + 2*7), Fire Warrior Shas'ui(0) [49]
    Elite1 :  XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30) Target Lock (12) [262]
    Elite2 :  XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30) Target Lock (12)  [262]
    FA1 : Tactical Drones, 5x MV4 Shield Drone (10) [50]
    HS1 : 3x XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (35 + 2*35), 3 Advanced Targeting System (18), 6 Smart Missile System (90), 6 High-Yield Missile Pod (150), 4x MV4 Shield Drone (60) [403]

    Refined strategies:
    41 Advance
    43 Hold the line
    46 Domination
    52 Blood and guts

    TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000 pts

    ++ Brigade detachment - Tyranides "Kronos" ++  [1970pts] +12CP

    HQ1 : BroodLord(115), RELIC : The Ymgarl Factor [115] [Psy : Catalyst]
    HQ2 : BroodLord  [115] [Psy : Paroxysm]
    HQ3 : Neurothrope [90] [Psy: onslaught ] WARLORD Synaptic Lynchpin
    Troop1 : 3 Ripper Swarms [33]
    Troop2 : 3 Ripper Swarms [33]
    Troop3 : 3 Ripper Swarms [33]
    Troop4 : 30 Termagants [120]
    Troop5 : 30 Termagants [120]
    Troop6 : 30 Termagants [120]
    Elite1 : 6 Hive Guards(3x18 + 318), 6 Impaler cannon (6x30) [288]
    Elite2 : 6 Hive Guards(3x18 + 3*18), 6 Impaler cannon (6x30) [288]
    Elite3 : 1 Pyrovores [25]
    FA1 : 1 Mucolid Spores [20]
    FA2 : 1 Mucolid Spores [20]
    FA3 : 1 Mucolid Spores [20]
    HS1 : Exocrine [170]
    HS2 : Exocrine [170]
    HS3 : Tyrannofex(1x151), 1 Stinger salvo ( 8 ), 1 Acid spray (25), toxin sacs (1), adrenals glands (5) [190]

    ++ Auxiliary Support Detachment - Tyranides "Kronos" ++ [30pts] -1CP

    Elite4 : 1 Venomthropes [30]

    Refined strategies:
    41 Advance
    46 Domination
    52 Blood and guts
    61 - Kingslayer

    TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 13+ 1D3 (diabolical soothsayer)
    TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1999 pts

    ++ Batallion Detachment ++ Drukhari (Black Heart) [35 Power Points] [609 Points] 5 CP

    HQ2: Archon (70), Venom Blade (2) [72] [4PL]
    HQ3: Archon (70), Venom Blade (2) [72] [4PL] RELIC: Writ of the Living Muse
    Troop 1: 4 Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30), 1 Sybarite (0) [30] [2PL]
    Troop 2: 4 Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30), 1 Sybarite (0) [30] [2PL]
    Troop 3: 4 Kabalite Warriors (5x6=30), 1 Sybarite (0) [30] [2PL]
    HS1: Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (45) [125] [7PL]
    HS2: Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (45) [125] [7PL]
    HS3: Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannons (45) [125] [7PL]

    ++ Battalion Detachment ++ Drukhari, Prophets of Flesh [89PL] [1390pts] 5CP

    HQ: Urien Rakarth (90) - [5PL] [90pts] warlord "diabolical soothsayer"
    HQ: Haemonculus (70) Hexrifle (5) Electro-corrosive whip (6) - [5PL] [81pts]

    TR: Wracks (5x9=45) Acothyst (0) - Venom Blade (2) - [PL5] [47pts]
    TR: Wracks (5x9=45) Acothyst (0) - Venom Blade (2) - [PL5] [47pts]
    TR: Wracks (5x9=45) Acothyst (0) - Venom Blade (2) - [PL5] [47pts]

    ELITE: Grotesques (7x32=224) Flesh Gauntlets (7x3=21) Monstrous Cleavers (7x0=0) - [16PL] [245pts]
    ELITE: Grotesques (7x32=224) Flesh Gauntlets (7x3=21) Monstrous Cleavers (7x0=0) - [16PL] [245pts]

    HS: Talos (2x75=150) Haywire Blasters (4x8=32) Chain Flails (2x3=6) Macro Scalpels (2x4=8) - [12PL] [196pts]
    HS: Talos (2x75=150) Haywire Blasters (4x8=32) Chain Flails (2x3=6) Macro Scalpels (2x4=8) - [12PL] [196pts]
    HS: Talos (2x75=150) Haywire Blasters (4x8=32) Chain Flails (2x3=6) Macro Scalpels (2x4=8) - [12PL] [196pts]

    ARMY TOTAL [1999]

    PLAYER : Élie "Baghla" Soltysiak
    ARMY FACTION: craftworld / harlequins
    ARMY FACTIONS USED: Craftworld<alaitoc> / harlequin<frozen stars> <dreaming shadow>

    ++  Battalion Detachment [774] +5CP Craftworld<Alaitoc> ++

    HQ 1: Autarch skyrunner (95), Twin shuriken catapult (2), Laser lance (8), Relict (Shimmerplume of Achillarial)- 105
    HQ 2: Farseer skyrunner (110),Twin shuriken catapult (2)Doom, Mind War -110  <Alaitoc>

    TROOPS 1: Rangers-60 <Alaitoc>
    TROOPS 2: Rangers-60 <Alaitoc>
    TROOPS 3: Rangers-60  <Alaitoc>

    FAST 1: Swooping Hawk (30), Lasblaster x4 (28), Hawks Talon (10) -68 <Alaitoc>
    FAST 2: Swooping Hawk (30), Lasblaster x4 (28), Hawks Talon (10) -68 <Alaitoc>
    FAST 3: Swooping Hawk (30), Lasblaster x4 (28), Hawks Talon (10) -68 <Alaitoc>

    Fly 1: Hemlock Wraightfighter (200), Spirit Stones (10), Jinx -210 <Alaitoc>
    Fly 2: Hemlock Wraightfighter (200), Spirit Stones (10), Jinx -210 <Alaitoc>

    ++  Air Wing Detachment [740] +1CP Craftworld<Alaitoc> ++

    Fly 3: Hemlock Wraightfighter (200), Spirit Stones (10), Jinx -210 <Alaitoc>
    Fly 4: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), PulseLaser (0), Star Cannon x2 (26) -161  <Alaitoc>
    Fly 5: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), PulseLaser (0), Star Cannon x2 (26) -161 <Alaitoc>
    Fly 6: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), PulseLaser (0), Star Cannon x2 (26) -161 <Alaitoc>

    ++  Vanguard [260] +1CP harlequin<frozen stars> <dreaming shadow> ++

    HQ3: Shadowseer (125), Shard of light, Mirror of minds.-125 <frozen stars>
    Elite 1: Death Jester (45) -45 <dreaming shadow>
    Elite 2: Death Jester (45) -45 <dreaming shadow>
    Elite 3: Death Jester (45) -45  <dreaming shadow>

    Refined strategies:
    41 Advance
    46 Domination
    52 Blood and guts

    + ARMY FACTION: Chaos
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1992pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED: Chaos Daemons, Death Guard

    ++  Battalion Detachment [1165] +5CP Chaos Daemon <Nurgle>++
    HQ1 : Poxbringer (70)  PSY: Miasma of pestilence [70]
    HQ2 : Sloppity Bilepiper (60) [60]
    HQ3 : Spoilpox Scrivener (95) [95]
    Troup1 : 30 Plaguebearers (70 + 20*7), Daemonic icon(15), Instrument of chaos(10), Plagueridden(0) [235]
    Troup2 : 30 Plaguebearers (70 + 20*7), Daemonic icon(15), Instrument of chaos(10), Plagueridden(0) [235]
    Troup3 : 30 Plaguebearers (70 + 20*7), Daemonic icon(15), Instrument of chaos(10), Plagueridden(0) [235]
    Troup3 : 30 Plaguebearers (70 + 20*7), Daemonic icon(15), Instrument of chaos(10), Plagueridden(0) [235]
    Total detachment : 1165

    ++  Spear head Detachment [742] +1CP  Heretic Astartes <Death Guard>++
    HQ1 : Daemon prince of nurgle with wing(170), Malefic talons (10) [180] WARLORD Arch-contaminator, RELIC: Suppurating plate PSY: Plague Wind.
    Elite1 : Foul Blightspawn(77) [77]
    Elite2 : Foul Blightspawn(77) [77]
    HS1 : Plague Burst Crawler(100), Heavy slugger(6), 2 Entropy Canon(30) [136]
    HS2 : Plague Burst Crawler(100), Heavy slugger(6), 2 Entropy Canon(30) [136]
    HS3 : Plague Burst Crawler(100), Heavy slugger(6), 2 Entropy Canon(30) [136]
    Total detachment : 742

    ++  Fortification Network Detachment [85] 0 CP Chaos Daemon <Nurgle>++
    Fortifications1 : Feculent Gnarlmaws(85) [85]
    Total detachment : 85

    ARMY TOTAL [1992]

    TEAM: Cafards
    + Player : Pierre « Belechtor » RIBAC
    + Team : Les Cafards
    + Army Faction : Orks
    + Total Army points : 2 000 pts
    + Reinforcement Points : n/a
    + Total Command Points : 18 + 1 ([Warlord - Follow Me, Ladz!]) = 19
    + Totak KP : 19


    DETACHMENT : Bataillon Evil Sunz
    HQ1 : Warboss(65), Kustom shoota(2), Power Klaw(13), Attack squig, Relic : Da Killa Klaw <Evil Sunz> [80]
    HQ2 : Weirdboy(62) [Warpath] <Evil Sunz> [62]
    Troup1 : 26 Boyz(70 + 16x7), Boss Nob(0), Big choppa (5)  <Evil Sunz> [187]
    Troup2 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20x7), Boss Nob(0),  Two Killsaw(23) <Evil Sunz> [233]
    Troup3 : 10 Boyz(70), Boss Nob(0),  Two Killsaw(23) <Evil Sunz> [93]
    Elite1 : 6 Kommandos(40 + 1x8), Boss Nob(0),  Power Klaw(13) <Evil Sunz> [61]

    Total detachment : 716


    DETACHMENT : Bataillon
    HQ3 : Big Mek in Mega Armour (77), Kustom shoota(2), Killsaw(15), Kustom Force Shield(20) <Evil Sunz> [114]
    HQ4 : Weirdboy(62) [Da Jump] <Freebooterz> [62]
    Troup4 : 10 Gretchins(30) <Goff> [30]
    Troup5 : 10 Gretchins(30) <Goff> [30]
    Troup6 : 10 Gretchins(30) <Evil Sunz> [30]
    Elite2 : Mad Dok Grotsnik(86) < Deathskulls>  [86]

    Total detachment : 352


    DETACHMENT : Bataillon Goff
    HQ5 : Big Mek in Mega Armour (77), Kustom shoota(2), Killsaw(15), Kustom Force Shield(20), Grot oiler(4) <Goff> [118] [Warlord - Follow Me, Ladz!]
    HQ6 : Weirdboy(62) [Da Jump] <Goff> [62]
    Troup7 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20x7), Boss Nob(0),  Killsaw(15) <Goff> [225]
    Troup8 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20x7), Boss Nob(0),  Killsaw(15) <Goff> [225]
    Troup9 : 30 Boyz(70 + 20x7), Boss Nob(0),  Killsaw(15) <Goff> [225]
    Elite3 : Nob with Waaagh! Banner (75), Kustom shoota(2) <Goff> [77]

    Total detachment : 932

    + ARMY FACTION:Adeptus Mechanicus / Astra Militarum / Imperial Knight
    + TOTAL COMMAND POINTS:19-1 (Specialist detachement: Servitor Maniple) -1 (Field Commander) = 17
    + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 2000pts
    + ARMY FACTIONS USED:<Ryza><Graia><Valhalla><Taranis>

    ++ BATTALION DETACHMENT == Adeptus Mechanicus<Ryza><Graia> ++ [649pts] 5 CP
    HQ1: Tech priest dominus (80) Eradication ray (10) Phosphor serpenta (4) Field Commander WARLORD : Master of Biosplicing - 94 <Ryza>
    HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer - 30 <Ryza>
    Troup1 : 9 Kataphron Destroyers, 9 Plasma culverin (243), 6 Phosphor blaster (36), 3 Cognis Flamer (21) - 435 <Ryza>
    Troup2 : 5 Skitarii Rangers - 35 <Graïa>
    Troup3 : 5 Skitarii Rangers- 35 <Graïa>
    Elite1 : 4 Servitors - 20 <Ryza>

    ++ Batallion Detachment ++ Astra Militarum <Valhallan>  [241pts] 5CP

    HQ1 : Company Commander - 30
    HQ2 :  Company Commander(30), Bolt pistol(1), Relic (MX 45 de Pietrov), WARLORD : Grand Strategist - 31
    Troup1 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Heavy weapon team(0),  Mortar(5) - 45
    Troup2 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Heavy weapon team(0),  Mortar(5) - 45
    Troup3 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Heavy weapon team(0),  Mortar(5) - 45 Troup4 : 10 Infantry Squad(40), Heavy weapon team(0),  Mortar(5) - 45
    Total detachment : 241

    ++ Super-Heavy Detachment ++ Imperial Knight <Questor Mechanicus> <Taranis> [1110pts] 6CP

    Lord of War1 : Knight Gallant(285), Thunderstrike Gauntlet(35), Heavy stubber(2), Reaper Chainsword(30) - 352 <Questor Mechanicus> <Taranis>
    Lord of War2 : Knight Gallant(285),  Thunderstrike Gauntlet(35), Heavy stubber(2), Reaper Chainsword(30), [Codex] Senechal - 352  <Questor Mechanicus> <Taranis>
    Lord of War3 : Knight Warden(285), Avenger Gatling Cannon (75), Heavy Flamer(14), Heavy stubber(2), Reaper Chainsword(30) - 406  <Questor Mechanicus> <Taranis>


    Roster Bisounours 2:

    + TEAM : Bisounours 2
    + Player 1 & Captain : Doudou
    + Faction : Astra militarum / Deathwatch /imperial knight
    + Total Army Points : 1999pts
    + Total Command Points : 13

    == Battalion Detachement / +5CP <Cadia> ==
    HQ1 : Company Commander (30) - [30pts]
    HQ2 : Company Commander (30) - [30pts]

    Troop1 : Infantry Squad (10x4), Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop2 : Infantry Squad (10x4), Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
    Troop3 : Infantry Squad (10x4), Chainsword (0) - [40pts]

    HS1 : Heavy Weapon Squad (3x6), 3 Mortar (3x5) - [33pts]
    HS2 : Heavy Weapon Squad (3x6), 3 Mortar (3x5) - [33pts]

    == Battalion Detachement / +5CP <Deathwatch> ==

    HQ3 : Librarian with jump pack (112), force stave (8.) – [120pts] [Relic: The Beacon angelis] [Psy : Psychic Fortress, Null Zone]
    HQ4 : Watch Master (130), Gardian spear (0) – [130pts] [Warlord : The watch eternal]

    Troop4 : 10 Veterans - [228pts]
    - 2 Terminators (2x23), 2 Power Mauls (2x4), 2 Storm Bolters (2x4)
    - 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Chainsword (0)
    - 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
    - 1 Bike (21), Twin Boltgun (4), Chainsword (0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0)
    - 4 Veterans (4x14), 4 Storm Bolters (4x4), 4 Storm Shields (4x2)
    - 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

    Troop5 : 10 Veterans - [228pts]
    - 2 Terminators (2x23), 2 Power Mauls (2x4), 2 Storm Bolters (2x4)
    - 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Chainsword (0)
    - 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
    - 1 Bike (21), Twin Boltgun (4), Chainsword (0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0)
    - 4 Veterans (4x14), 4 Storm Bolters (4x4), 4 Storm Shields (4x2)
    - 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

    Troop6 : 10 Veterans - [228pts]
    - 2 Terminators (2x23), 2 Power Mauls (2x4), 2 Storm Bolters (2x4)
    - 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Chainsword (0)
    - 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
    - 1 Bike (21), Twin Boltgun (4), Chainsword (0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0)
    - 4 Veterans (4x14), 4 Storm Bolters (4x4), 4 Storm Shields (4x2)
    - 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

    Troop7 : 10 Veterans - [215pts]
    - 1 Terminators (23), 1 Power Mauls (4), Storm Bolters (4)
    - 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Chainsword (0), Bolt Pistol (0)
    - 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
    - 1 Bike (21), Twin Boltgun (4), Chainsword (0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0)
    - 5 Veterans (5x14), 5 Storm Bolters (5x4), 5 Storm Shields (5x2)
    - 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

    == Superheavy Auxiliary Detachment / +0CP <Raven> ==
    LoW1 : Knight Castelan (510), Shieldbreker missile x2 (24), 2 Siegebreaker cannon (2x35) - [604pts]

    Refined Strategies card discarded:
    41 - Advance
    46 - Domination
    52 - Blood and Guts
    61 - kingslayer
    62 - witch hunter
    66 - priority order received





    + TEAM : Bisounours 2
    + Player 2 : throst
    + Faction : Drukhari
    + Total Army points : 2000pts
    + Total Command Points : 9

    == Spearhead Detachment / +1CP <Kabal of the Black Heart> ==

    HQ1 : Archon (70), Huskblade (6) - [76pts][Warlord : Labyrinthine Cunning] [Relic : Writ of the living Muse]

    HS1 : Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (3x15), Phantasm Grenade launcher (3) - [128pts]
    HS2 : Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (3x15) - [125pts]
    HS3 : Ravager (80), 3 Disintegrator Cannon (3x15) - [125pts]

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Prophets of Flesh> ==

    HQ2 : Urien Rakarth (90) - [90pts]
    HQ3 : Haemonculus (70), Hexrifle (5) - [75pts]

    Elite1 : 8 Grotesques (8x32), 8 Flesh Gauntlet (8x3) - [280pts]
    Elite2 : 8 Grotesques (8x32), 8 Flesh Gauntlet (8x3) - [280pts]

    Troop1 : 5 Wracks (5x9) - [45pts]
    Troop2 : 5 Wracks (5x9) - [45pts]
    Troop3 : 5 Wracks (5x9) - [45pts]

    HS4 : 3 Talos (3x75), 3 Macro Scalpel (3x4), 3 Chain Flail (3x3), 6 Haywire Blasters (6x8) - [294pts]
    HS5 : 2 Talos (2x75), 2 Macro Scalpel (2x4), 2 Chain Flail (2x3), 4 Haywire Blasters (4x8) - [196pts]
    HS6 : 2 Talos (2x75), 2 Macro Scalpel (2x4), 2 Chain Flail (2x3), 4 Haywire Blasters (4x8) - [196pts]

    Refined Strategy :
    - 46 : Domination
    - 66 : Priority orders received
    - 41 : Advance
    - 62 : Witch Hunter
    - 55 : Psychological warfare
    - 61 : Kingslayer




    + TEAM : Bisounours 2
    + Player 3 : Dylan
    + Faction : Heretic Astartes / Thousand Sons
    + Total Army points : 2000pts
    + Total Command Points : 15

    == Batallion Detachment / +5CP (+2CP) <Black Legion> <Alpha Legion> ==
    HQ1 : Abaddon (240) - [240pts] [Warlord : First among Traitors] <Black Legion>
    HQ2 : Sorcerer (90), Force Stave (8.) - [98pts] [Psy : Infernal Gaze, Delightfull Agonies] <Black Legion><Slannesh>
    Troop1 : 39 Cultists (39x5), 36 Autogun (0), 3 Heavy Stubber (3x2) - [201pts] <Black Legion> <Slannesh>
    Troop2 : 39 Cultists (39x5), 36 Autogun (0), 3 Heavy Stubber (3x2) - [201pts] <Black Legion> <Slannesh>
    Troop3 : 39 Cultists (39x5), 36 Autogun (0), 3 Heavy Stubber (3x2) - [201pts] <Black Legion> <Slannesh>
    Troop4 : 39 Cultists (39x5), 36 Autogun (0), 3 Heavy Stubber (3x2) - [201pts] <Alpha Legion> <Slannesh>

    == Batallion Detachment / +5CP <Thousand Sons> ==
    HQ3: Ahriman (131) - [131pts] [Psy : Prescience, Death Hex, Wheaver of Fate]
    HQ4 Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings (170), 2 pairs of Malefic Talons (10) - [180pts] [Psy : Infernal Gateway, Gaze of Fate]
    HQ5 : Sorcerer (90), Force Stave (8 ) - [98pts] [Psy : Glamour of tzeentch, Warptime]
    Troop5 : 27 Tzaangors (27x7), Brayhorn(10) - [199pts]
    Troop6 : 27 Tzaangors (27x7), Brayhorn(10) - [199pts]
    Troop7 : 10 Cultists (5x10), 10 autogun (0) - [50pts]

    Refined Strategies card discarded:
    41 - Advance
    42 - Behind enemy lines
    46 - Domination
    55 - Psychological warfare
    61 - kingslayer
    62 - witch hunter




    + TEAM : Bisounours 2
    + Player 4 : Gatsu
    + Faction : Death Guard / Renegade Knight
    + Total Army points : 2000pts
    + Total Command Points : 13

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Death Guard > ==
    HQ1 : Sorcerer (90), Force Stave (8.), Combi-bolter (2) - [100pts] [Psy : Blades of Putrefaction, Plague Wind]
    HQ2 : Daemon Prince with wings (170), 2 sets of Malefic Talons (10) - [180pts][Psy : Putrescent Vitality]

    Elite1 : Biologius Putrifiers (60) - [60pts] [Warlord : Arch-Contaminator] [Relic : Fulgaris Helm]

    Troop1 : 5 Plague Marines (5x16) - [80pts]
    Troop2 : 5 Plague Marines (5x16) - [80pts]
    Troop3 : 5 Plague Marines (5x16) - [80pts]

    HS1 : PlagueBurst Crawler (100), 2 Entropy Canon (2x15), Heavy Slugger (6) - [136pts]
    HS2 : PlagueBurst Crawler (100), 2 Entropy Canon (2x15), Heavy Slugger (6) - [136pts]

    DT1 : Chaos Rhino (70), 2 Combi-Bolter (2x2), Havoc Launcher (6) - [80pts]
    DT2 : Chaos Rhino (70), 2 Combi-Bolter (2x2), Havoc Launcher (6) - [80pts]
    DT3 : Chaos Rhino (70), 2 Combi-Bolter (2x2), Havoc Launcher (6) - [80pts]

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Death Guard> ==

    HQ3 : Sorcerer (90), Force Stave (8.), Combi-bolter (2) - [100pts][Psy : Miasma of Pestilence, Gift of Contagion]
    HQ4 : Chaos Lord (74), Power Fist (9), Chainsword (0) - [83pts]

    Troop4 : 5 Plague Marines (5x16) - [80pts]
    Troop5 : 10 Chaos Cultists (10x5), 10 brutal assault weapon and autopistol (10x0) - [50pts]
    Troop6 : 10 Chaos Cultists (10x5), 10 brutal assault weapon and autopistol (10x0) - [50pts]

    DT4 : Chaos Rhino (70), 2 Combi-Bolter (2x2), Havoc Launcher (6) - [80pts]

    == Super-heavy Axiliary Detachment / +0CP <Questor Traitoris> ==

    LOW1 : Renegade Knight (285), 2 Avenger Gatling Cannon (2x75), 2 Heavy Flamer (2x14), Heavy Stubber (2) - [465pts]

    Refined Strategies card discarded:
    41 - Advance
    42 - Behind Ennemies Line
    46 - Domination
    52 - Blood and Guts
    61 - Kingslayer
    62 - Witch Hunter





    + TEAM : Bisounours 2
    + Player 5 : Florian "Yrian" Leduc
    + Faction : T'au Empire
    + Total Army points : 1998pts
    + Total Command Points : 14

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <T’au> ==

    HQ1 : Commander Shadowsun (110) - [110pts]
    HQ2 : Cadre Fireblade (39), Markelight (3) - [42pts] - Puretide Engram Neuroship - Warlord - Through Unity, Devastation

    Troop1 : 5 Strike Team (5x7), Pulse rifle (0), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
    Troop2 : 5 Strike Team (5x7), Pulse rifle (0), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
    Troop3 : 5 Strike Team (5x7), Pulse rifle (0), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]

    FA1 : 5 MV4 Shield Drones (5x10) - [50pts]
    FA2 : 5 MV4 Shield Drones (5x10) - [50pts]
    FA3 : 5 MV4 Shield Drones (5x10) - [50pts]

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Sa’cea> ==

    HQ3 : Ethereal with Hover Drones (50) - [50pts]
    HQ4 : Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3) - [42pts]
    HQ5 : Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (72), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18) - [144pts]

    Elite1 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) - [25pts]
    Elite2 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) - [25pts]
    Elite3 : Firesight Marksman (21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) - [25pts]

    Troop4: 5 Strike Team (5x7), Pulse rifle (0), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
    Troop5: 5 Strike Team (5x7), Pulse rifle (0), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
    Troop6: 5 Strike Team (5x7), Pulse rifle (0), Shas'ui (0), Markerlight (3) - [38pts]

    == Vanguard Detachment / 1CP <T’au> ==

    HQ6 : Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (72), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18), MV4 Shield Drone (10) - [154pts]

    Elite4: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missiles Systems (2x15), Velocity Tracker (10), Advanced Targetting System (18) - [278pts]
    Elite5: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missiles Systems (2x15), Velocity Tracker (10), Advanced Targetting System (18) - [278pts]
    Elite6 : 6 XV8 Crisis (6x27) - [447pts]
    Crisis a: 2 Missile Pods (2x15), Velocity Tracker (2), XV8-02 Crisis Iridium Batllesuit (10), 2 MV4 Shield Drones (2x10)
    Crisis b: 2 Missile Pods (2x15), Velocity Tracker (2), 2 MV4 Shield Drones (2x10)
    Crisis ? 2 Missile Pods (2x15), Velocity Tracker (2), 2 MV4 Shield Drones (2x10)
    Crisis d: 2 Missile Pods (2x15), Velocity Tracker (2)
    Crisis e: 2 Missile Pods (2x15), Velocity Tracker (2), XV8-02 Crisis Iridium Batllesuit (10)
    Crisis f: Shas'Vre (0), 3 Missile Pods (3x15)

    Refined Strategies card discarded:
    41 - Advance
    42 - Behind Ennemies Line
    46 - Domination
    52 - Blood and Guts
    61 - Kingslayer
    62 - Witch Hunter





    + TEAM : Bisounours 2
    + Player 6 : Arrethas
    + Faction : Craftworlds / Ynnari
    + Total Army points : 1999pts
    + Total Command Points : 10

    == Battalion Detachment - +5CP <Alaitoc> ==

    HQ1: Spiritseer - [65] - Protect/Jinx
    HQ2: Spiritseer - [65] - Conceal/Reveal

    Troop1: 5 Rangers (5*12) - [60]
    Troop2: 5 Rangers (5*12) - [60]
    Troop3: 5 Rangers (5*12) - [60]

    == Supreme Command Detachement - +1CP <Ulthwe> <Biel Tan> ==

    HQ3: Eldrad - [135] - [Keyword: Ulthwe] Fortune; Guide; Doom
    HQ4: Warlock conclave (2*45) - [90] - [Keyword: Ulthwe] Protect/Jinx ; Empower/Enervate
    HQ5: Spiritseer - [65] - [Keyword: Biel-Tan] Quicken/Restrain

    == Outrider Detachment - +1CP <Ynnari> <Ulthwe> <Saim Hann> <Biel Tan> ==

    HQ6: Yvraine - [132] - [Keyword: Ynnari] [Warlord]: Inspiring Leader / Word of the Phoenix ; Grace of
    the Ancients

    Heavy1: 9 Dark Reapers (9*12), 8 Reaper Launchers (8*22), Exarch (0) with a Tempest Missile Launcher (27) [311] - [Keyword: Ulthwe/Ynnari]

    FA1: 8 Shining spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8.) Exarch (0) with a Star Lance (10), 8 Twin shuriken Catapults (8*2) [274] - [Keyword: Saim-Hann/Ynnari]
    FA2: 8 Shining spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8.) Exarch (0) with a Star Lance (10), 8 Twin shuriken Catapults (8*2) [274] - [Keyword: Saim-Hann/Ynnari]
    FA3: 8 Shining spears (8*24), 7 Laser Lances (7*8.) Exarch (0) with a Star Lance (10), 8 Twin shuriken Catapults (8*2) [274] - [Keyword: Saim-Hann/Ynnari]

    Transport1: Wave Serpent (120), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Twin Scatter Laser (12) [134] - [Keyword: Ulthwe/Ynnari]

    Refined Strategies card discarded:

    41 - Advance
    46 - Domination
    61 – Kingslayer
    55 – Psychological Warfare
    54 – Area Denial




    + TEAM : Bisounours 2
    + Player 7 : Mikaël "fire.mike" RONZIER
    + Faction : Orks
    + Total Army points : 2000pts
    + Total Command Points : 18

    == Bataillon Detachement / +5CP <Bad moons> <Deathskulls> <Blood axe> ==
    HQ1 : Weirdboy (62) - [62pts] [Psy : Da Jump] <DeathSkull>
    HQ2 : Weirdboy (62) - [62pts] [Psy : Da Jump] [Relic : Morgog Finkin' Kap] <Blood Axe>

    Troop1 : 10 Gretchin - [30] <Bad Moon>
    Troop2 : 10 Gretchin - [30] <Bad Moon>
    Troop3 : 10 Gretchin - [30] <Bad Moon>

    Elite1 : Mad Doc Grotsnik - [86pts] <DeathSkull>

    == Bataillon Detachement / +5CP <Evil Sunz> ==

    HQ3 : Warboss (65), Kustom Shoota (2), Power klaw (13), Attack Squig (0)- [80pts]
    HQ4 : Warboss (65), Kustom Shoota (2), Big Choppa (5), Attack Squig (0) - [72pts]

    Troop4 : 27 Boyz (27x7), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nob (0), Choppa & killsaw (15) - [204pts]
    Troop5 : 27 Boyz (27x7), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nob (0), Choppa & killsaw (15) - [204pts]
    Troop6 : 25 Boyz (25x7), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nob (0), Choppa & Big Choppa (5) - [180pts]

    FA1 : 14 Stormboyz (14x9), Nob (0), Choppa & Big Choppa (5) - [150pts]
    FA2 : 6 Stormboyz (6x9), Nob (0), Choppa & Big Choppa (5) - [59pts]

    Elite2 : Nob with Waaaagh Banner (75), Kustom Shoota (2) - [77pts]

    == Bataillon Detachement / +5CP <Bad Moons> ==

    HQ5 : Weirdboy (62) - [62pts] [Psy : Warpath]
    HQ6 : Big Mek in Mega Armour (77), Kustom Shoota(2), Power Klaw (13), Kustom Force Field (20), Grot Oiler (4) - [116pts] [Warlord: Follow me ladz]

    Troop7 : 10 Gretchin - [30pts]
    Troop8 : 10 Gretchin - [30pts]
    Troop9 : 10 Gretchin - [30pts]

    HS1 : 10 Lootas (10x17) - [170pts]
    HS2 : 15 Lootas (15x17) - [255pts]

    Refined Strategies card discarded:
    41 - Advance
    46 - Domination
    55 - Psychological Warfare
    61 - kingslayer
    62 - witch hunter




    + TEAM : Bisounours 2
    + Player 8 : Michael "Undead tyty" CLOUET
    + Faction : Tyranids
    + Total Army points : 2000pts
    + Total Command Points : 13

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Leviathan> ==

    HQ1 : BroodLord (115) - [115pts] [Psy : Horror] [Warlord : Perfect Adaptation]
    HQ2 : Old One Eye (200) - [200pts]

    Troop1 : 25 Termagants (25x4) - [100pts]
    Troop2 : 25 Termagants (25x4) - [100pts]
    Troop3 : 25 Termagants (25x4) - [100pts]
    Troop4 : 25 Termagants (25x4) - [100pts]
    Troop5 : 25 Termagants (25x4) - [100pts]
    Troop6 : 25 Termagants (25x4) - [100pts]

    HS1 : 1 Biovore (1x50) [50]
    HS2 : 1 Biovore (1x50) [50]

    == Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Leviathan> ==

    HQ3 : Neurothrope (90) - [90ts] [Psy : Catalyst]
    HQ4 : BroodLord (115) - [115pts] [Psy : Onslaught]

    Troop7 : 24 Termagants (24x4) - [96pts]
    Troop8 : 3 voraces (3x11) - [33pts]
    Troop9 : 3 voraces (3x11) - [33pts]

    Elite1 : 3 Venomthropes (3x30) - [90pts]
    Elite2 : 6 Zoanthropes (6x40) [240pts] [Psy: Psychic Scream]
    Elite3 : 6 Hive Guards (6x18), 6 Impaler cannon (6x30) - [288pts]

    Refined Strategies card discarded:
    41 - Advance
    52 - Bloods and Guts
    46 - Domination
    55 - Psychological Warfare
    61 - Kingslayer
    62 - Witch hunter


  9. Dahrkan a absolument fait ça de mémoire car il lui semblait que ça n'avait pas changé. Du coup il a checké, et voilà ce qu'il trouve:


    - d'abord le point général:

    7. Stratagems used at the start or end of the battle round do not count as happening within a phase. Anything happening at the start or end of a turn counts as happening within a phase and is hence affected by not using a stratagem more than once per phase.

    Donc ce que je dis est vrai.


    - et le point particulier qui invalide mon exemple:

    5.Stratagems that are used at the start of the battleround, like Architects of Pain orHyperstimm Backlash, can only be used once eachbattleround.

    Donc mon exemple choisi est totalement mauvais et parfaitement à côté de la plaque.


    Bref, mea culpa pour l'exemple!

  10. Si vous voulez un truc plus précis, la conv ETC dit la chose suivante:

    - un stratagème utilisé "en début de battle Round" ou "en fin de battle round" peut être utilisé plusieurs fois, car le début/fin de Battle Round ne compte pas comme étant une phase

    - un stratagème utilisé "en début de Tour de joueur" ou "en fin de tour de joueur" ne peut pas être utilisé plusieurs fois, car cela compte comme étant une phase

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