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Messages posté(e)s par BlooDrunk

  1. trench33.jpg

    “The rifle and the trench club are prepared against the day of battle: but vengeance is of the LORD.”
    - Battle Psalms 17:7, New Orthodox Syncretic Bible

    Un bon gros morceau de fluff sur l'équipement des soldats et les armes en général :

    After raging for eight centuries, the Great War has produced a bewildering variety of weaponry, equipment and armour, and due to the power of both Heaven and Hell taking active role on the battlefields, a warband participating in the Trench Crusade often has a fascinating and exotic panoply of both ancient and modern weapons.
    It was the work of the followers of St. Eligius, the patron saint of metalworkers, that allowed the weaponsmiths and armourers of the Holy See to produce steel alloys imbued with divine light, metals more malleable and harder than any normal steel. Though the cost is enormous, suits of armour can be wrought that are able to withstand a hail of bullets. This excellence of the infantry field armour remains to this day, keeping abreast with the advances of firearms and explosives.
    Meanwhile the Heretic Legions have gained access to hellish metals from the twisted crucibles of Tartarus, exceeding the strength of mundane steel though often at a terrible cost, for carrying such weapons or donning an infernal suit of armour burns both the body and the soul, leaving behind festering wounds that never heal.
    Thanks to these advances in metallurgy, titanic artillery pieces exceeding 300 feet are constructed in the foundries of New Antioch, while the forges of Hell turn out truly colossal machines of death of their own – the largest known piece, the dreaded Mouth of Hell measuring a staggering 666 feet in length and boasting 1666 millimetres in calibre! The massive artillery barrages pockmark no man’s land, creating a hellscape on Earth between the Heretic and Faithful forces. It is over these pieces of land that the warbands of both sides travel, scouring every inch for usable weapons, holy objects of power, ammo, food, armour and more.
    Due to the protection offered by modern armour, close quarter combat is frequent and brutal: trench clubs and polearms, lead-tipped great maces and hell-forged swords are all used to deadly effect when storming enemy trenches. Enemies such as Heretic Anointed are often so heavily armoured that only concentrated effort can bring one of these survivors of the Lake of Fire down, and even then they often have to be finished off in brutal melee combat with Misericordia daggers, looking for a chink in their unholy armour.
    Those brave (or suicidal) enough wield anti-tank hammers: polearms with explosives powerful enough to tear apart even the strongest of armour. Still, the humble bolt action rifle is the workhorse of the battlefield, and most yeoman soldiery as well as Heretic legionnaires carry it. Many other weapons, though rarer, are in common use: machine guns, sniper rifles, grenades of both shrapnel and gas variety, as well as experimental anti-materiel rifles, while the Heretic forces are equipped with blades of eternally burning fire, living bullets that infect their targets and turn them into undead metastatic vessels, forever bound in servitude to the Devils, and heavy flamethrowers forged in the Iron Pits of Dis, belching the flames of the Lake of Fire where damned souls wither for all eternity.
    With both Infernal and Divine Powers actively at work on Earth, holy icons, symbols, cursed trinkets and unholy artefacts are carried by soldiery of all ranks. Their power is undeniable and has turned the tide of many a battle. Martyrdom Pills are taken regularly by Trench Crusaders looking to take the enemies of God down with them. They inure the faithful against pain and exhaustion but extract a brutal toll after their effect wanes. Many Trench Pilgrims wear iron capirotes that both shield their minds from the horror of the creatures of Hell, but also incorporate a gas mask in their design – a useful feature on battlefields where the use of chlorine and mustard gas, as well as more dire fumes created by the twisted chemists in the Bolgias of Inferno, is commonplace.
    Elite forces have even more advanced and esoteric equipment and arms. For example, the Observers of the Synod of Strategic Prophecy wear a specially constructed helmet which allows them to hear the Voice of God, and thus allows them to perceive immediate past, present and future simultaneously to a degree. This allows them to perform martial feats unrivalled, but it comes at a cost: a living human is not meant to hear the Holy Words, and as the Voice of God never decays, they must concentrate with superhuman focus to hear what they need to pick the right course of action. Sleep is impossible with the Divine Echo ringing in their ears. Heavy sedation and use of mind-altering drugs is necessary for them to withstand the heavy burden of their battlefield role for any length of time.
    The accompanying picture shows the Trench Pilgrims of the Procession of the Sacred Affliction. They are known for their zeal for close quarters combat, their icon armour and shields, which despite appearances can withstand machine gun bullets, and the millstones they carry in order to tie them around the necks of sinners before they suffocate them in the mud and blood of the No Man’s Land.
    Art by Mike Franchina

    Pour ma part tout ça m'enjaille toujours autant 🥰

  2. trench32.jpg

    ++The Anointed Ones++

    After making great contributions to the Arch-Devils, the Anointed Ones are ordained by their masters in Hell to make pilgrimage to the Lake of Fire. There on its stinking, oil choked shores they meditate and chant, committing sickening rites at the burned temples that litter its shores. The fires of the lake horribly burn these pilgrims, but they take no notice as they revel in the visions of grandeur bestowed by the twisting black fires.

    Their heavy armor and weaponry, forged in the Iron Pits, are gifted to them by their wicked masters, and they are granted unholy strength in order to wield them. Flamethrowers filled with pitch from the Lake of Fire are particularly valued, and the Anointed Ones take great delight in burning their foes with its supernatural fires.

    (No AI was used for this image or will ever be used for any Trench Crusade artwork or writing.)

  3. Variantes de figs des Communicants (une traduction du terme serait les "Communiants" j'imagine, vu leur fluff...) :


    Anointed pilgrims! The communicant anti-tank hunters have been deployed to the front...
    Communicants are partakers of the experimental communion - the blood and flesh harvested from a Meta-Christ by the Mendelist monks. The most holy and pious of the church are chosen to partake of the experimental communion, and go through many biological changes to become more effective on the battlefield.
    These two are alternative poses of the original communicant miniature for the Kickstarter (link for late backers/pre-orders in the comments). Brother James sculpted the original in putty & clay, then Brother Edward at Zealot Miniatures scanned the physical sculpt and returned the digital files for clean up and conversion. This is a Blender render by Brother Michael, along with their attendant Mendelist ammo monks.
    “A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and no sign shall be given unto it, but the sign of the Meta-Christ.”
    - Divinations 12:9
    *Pour rappel le 1er Communicant  était dans cette pose :



  4. Le 05/07/2023 à 17:45, gilian a dit :

    @BlooDrunk tout est expliqué dans le roman du Lion qui pour le coup est assez bien fait.

    Cool merci !

    @tealc : aucune idée je n'ai pas comparé avec le site, mais à priori ça n'est qu'un résumé, là le bouquin de fluff il y à quand même pas mal de pages et franchement j'ai trouvé ça bien plaisant à lire, bien accroché par l'histoire (et c'était pas trop "bolt-porn").

    Bon hâte de lire le roman du coup ! (et merci @Albrecht de Nuln

  5. Enfin pu lire le T5 des Arches Fatidiques (Le Lion).
    Et si le bouquin est pas mal du tout et conclue assez bien cet arc fluff pré-V10 (pas encore lu le fluff de Leviathan mais ça ne saurais tarder), mais il n'y à RIEN qui explique comment le Lion est revenu exactement, et comment il à rejoint la flotte de Dante et ses B.A.  ...

    J'imagine qu'on en saura plus dans le roman Le Lion : fils de la forêt ??? J'espère bien...
    (il es déjà sorti en anglais mais la VF tarde à venir) Merci à ceux l'ayant lu en anglais de me dire si c'est expliqué ou pas, SANS SPOIL svp,ou avec des balises pour les intéressés qui ne voudraient pas lire le roman.

  6. Explications sur le fonctionnement de la "magie" dans Trench Crusade (+un peu de fullf du coup), intéressant !
    Voir dans le spoiler sous l'image :




    Hail from the scriptoriums of New Antioch. It is I, Lexiographer Tuomas, who brings you a quick overview on how supernatural powers work in the Trench Crusade.

    Humans themselves cannot directly wield supernatural powers, but instead certain individuals of great devotion such as Prophets, or those who have pledged their souls to Hell in exchange for power, may call upon their patrons to work miracles and magic.

    When including such an individual in your force, you must first choose a Patron. This could be an arch-angel or a venerated saint such has St. George, the Patron Saint of soldiers and warriors, or a mighty Duke of Hell such as Astaroth. The most devout might even choose the Almighty as their Patron! Depending on your choice, you can then ask for Healing, Blessing or Smiting the Heretic if you follow the path of Heaven, or Torment, Deception, Conjuration and Annihilation if you are a servant of the Evil Ones.

    The choice of the Patron also determines how many Power Dice you get to roll when calling upon your Patron. Each power has a difficulty rating you must equal or exceed in order to successfully use the power. However, if you roll 2 or more 1s when attempting to use a power, you will suffer the Wrath of God/Hell! This can lead to your warrior bleeding from many wounds, being knocked over by the powers of the angered Patron, or your opponent gaining bonus dice, your equipment being destroyed or even worse!

    Patrons differ from one another in their anger, so calling upon Lucifer has a much greater risk of being betrayed by the Prince of Lies, while a humble Patron Saint might offer far more modest powers of Healing and Blessing, but with much lesser risk to the supplicant.

    Pictured below is a Heretic Priest of the 5th Legion "The Serpent Rampant", whose Patron is Balam, one of the Princes of Hell, the devil of avarice, idol worship and immorality.

    Art by Mike Franchina.


  7. trench27.jpg

    Consumed by harrowing visions of the end times, the War-Prophet is a harbinger of ruin. Their fanatical sermons and ominous prophecies, blasted from shoulder-mounted speakers, inspire their followers through fear and promises of salvation. The War-Prophet leads the faithful Trench Pilgrims on a death-march through blood-soaked landscapes, a path of destruction whose ultimate goal is martyrdom through glorious death.
    “Fear the prophet! For she is prepared to die for the truth, as are her zealous followers. And those who stand against her are doomed to die.”
    - Herald of Prophetess Adea of the Blessed Lion Warband

    + Bonus, un collaborateur de l'équipe à créer ce plateau de jeu modulable, qui représente bien le genre d'environnement pour ces escarmouches :



    Hi, this is Brother Mike speaking. We wanted to show you some concept art of what a Trench Crusade board could look like. I quickly modeled this in Blender to show you all the vibes I'm trying to achieve.
    I wanted to make the board modular, so there are big square pieces of terrain that when placed near each other look like trenches. I know they aren't the proper zigzag kind of trench, but for simplicity's sake I made them all standard squares.
    Trench Crusade boards aren't limited to just two trenches facing each other across no man’s land. Here you can see there are elaborate fortifications embellished with statues and crosses, and the dead are buried right in the trenches as well. This conflict has gone on for so long, there's a certain madness that's been brought to everything related to it.
    The Trench Crusade takes the WW1 battlefields we are all familiar with and injects them with religious hysteria and iconography, as well as all sorts of anachronistic stuff. Medieval and modern themes abound, and there's no reason your board couldn't have a large castle, a ruined city, the Temple of an Arch-Devil, an Abandoned Mendelist Laboratory, or whatever madness you can dream up!
    We would like to take this opportunity to welcome Mark A. S. Paolini to the ranks of the faithful. Mark is currently occupied building the first custom-made Trench Crusade terrain board for the photos that will be in the rulebook!

    Alors ça reste un modèle assez idéal, mais rien d'obligatoire, c'est surtout bien pour l'inspiration et chacun pourra trouver de quoi faire à la maison, surtout si on à déjà pas mal de décors en stock d'autres jeux (ou des bunker histo etc), et bricoler quelques tranchées c'est pas si compliqué !

  8. trench26.jpg

    ++ Trench Pilgrim Communicant ++

    Upon eating the flesh and blood of a meta-christ, Communicants undergo rapid and alarming changes in their bodies. Strengthened by the divine essence they grow to an immense size, and wounds they suffer close themselves miraculously. Fanatically devout, communicants demonstrate their piety by nailing blessed crosses directly into their eye sockets. They act as linebreakers and bodyguards, heedlessly walking through enemy fire and mauling their enemies to a pulp with enormous weapons that a normal man can barely lift.

    The meta-christ did cut its flesh, and gave it to the disciples. It’s ruined mouth could not form the words, but it grunted noises that the mendelist monk translated as “Take, eat; this is my body.” And the meta-christ did leak blood from its eyes and mouth, which the mendelist monk caught in a chalice, once again translating the meta-christ’s painful noises, “Drink ye all of it…”

  9. trench25.jpg

    ++ Heresiarch ++

    Once this being was a human, but over time it has grown vast with its accumulated blasphemies. It is surrounded by the edifices of its beliefs, which drone their sermons unceasing.

    "Look upon the birds of the air, and how the heavenly father doth feed them.
    Now look upon yourselves. Imprisoned, oppressed, squabbling for meager scraps to quiet the rumbling of your bellies. Your heavenly father cares naught for you, except that you be punished for disobeying him. That is no loving god, that is a tyrant, and we demand equality with god. "
    - The First Heresy

    (art by Mike Franchina)

  10. On connaissait les Saintes Grenades, voici les Saints Obus ! 🥰


    Quelques détails sur le futur jeu par l'auteur :


    ++Trench Crusade Overview by Tuomas Pirinen++

    Many eager new brothers and sisters have inquired what content the Trench Crusade rulebook will have. The Princes of the Church of New Antioch have released the following edict to illuminate the faithful in this time of darkness so they may avoid the snares of the Evil One. Know then that the Trench Crusade rulebook will contain the following:

    Core Rules:
    Master the warfare of the Great Crusade! The ruleset has been written with one principle: Easy to learn, difficult to master. Covers the rules of shooting, melee combat, movement, terrain, injury charts, gameplay effects of keywords and much more. Trench Crusade uses an Alternating Activation system which ensures dynamic action where both players get to react immediately to their opponent’s moves.

    The game uses a core mechanic of 2D6 Skill tests to achieve tasks. The harder the difficulty, the higher the number required to succeed. Various modifiers may grant you bonus and penalties or additional dice to add to the pool to see if you are successful. You may use any and all abilities, skills and attacks your activated model has. However, be careful! Some high-risk Actions could lead to an abrupt end of your activation, allowing your opponent to gain the initiative!

    The Lore of the War-torn World:
    Study the maps, timelines and annals of the world at war. Discover the tale of the First Heresy and learn about the Principality of New Antioch, the dark secrets of the Black Grail and the creation of the Meta-Christs. If you dare, study the forbidden secrets of the Lords of Hell and their war against Mankind.

    Weapons of the Great War:
    Wield more than 50 weapons of all types and dozens of pieces of special equipment and armour. Wield trench clubs, fix your bayonets to your bolt-action rifles, unleash overwhelming firepower upon your enemies with the Maxim machine guns, and devastate their ranks with grenades and deadly mustard gas.

    6 Factions:
    Lead a fanatical band of Trench Pilgrims, control the demonic Heretic Legion troops or take command of the disciplined forces of New Antioch, the shield of Christendom! In addition, sub-rules for troops coming from across the world are provided so you can make a custom force hailing from Eire, Gallia, Britannia, Hellas, Nubia, Teutonic Fiefdoms, Hispania and more!

    12 Scenarios:
    Battle your foes in scenarios such as Trench Warfare, Contested River Crossing, Fallen Idols and more! The more dangerous the scenario, the greater the rewards you may receive!

    Campaign Rules:
    Play through a campaign and see your warband grow in power and prestige, unlocking ever-more challenging scenarios as you battle your way to the very heart of No Man’s Land!

    Gold and Glory:
    To the victor, the spoils! Amass gold ducats, gems, buried relics, weapon caches and more by looting the battlefield, before bartering and trading on the black market for better armaments and luxuries. Alternatively, you can focus on winning glory and receiving unique experimental wargear, decorations and honours to bolster the capabilities of your soldiery.

    Powers of Heaven and Hell:
    Call upon your patrons, whether Divine or Damned. Wield Goetic Magic, pray for Miracles from the seraphim or risk it all to summon aid from the Dukes of Hell. But beware! The powers beyond human understanding were not made to be wielded by mortals and their use extracts a terrible price…

    Experience and Skills:
    Master 48 unique skills, grow your rookies into grizzled veterans and improve their abilities. But the higher you climb, the steeper the price for enhancing your Heroes.

    In the burning inferno of war, your warriors will suffer scars, both mental and physical. These rules govern how the horrors of war leave permanent mark on your fighters.

    Hire mercenaries to bolster your ranks and fill in specialist roles.

    Roster Sheet:
    Organise your troops with a handy roster sheet: track the names, skills, experience, equipment, weapons and armour as well any accumulated injuries and psychological scars.


    Image: Trench Shrine by Mike Franchina


  11. Bon du coup je me prends le temps de regarder tes photos depuis le début (2017) et je suis aussi très fan de tes plus anciennes productions :
    - l'armée WHB du Chaos de Khorne, le contraste entre peau bleu et armure rouge est très efficace !
    - tes Tyty en version Aliens sont superbes aussi ! (& mention spécial à tes tyty pour EPIC, bravo!)

    - tes SoH old-school, topissimes (j'ai moi aussi fait un peu de pré-hérésie avant la mode 30k, juste avec les infos des Index Astrates avant les gros books FW)
    - tes Flottes pour BFG ... 🤤
    - tes Hommes Bêtes 🤩
    - et évidemment sous le charme de ta vieille armée de World Eaters & SMC Khorneux (& GI Renégate) en page 2... punaise t'as même carrément créer tes propres Tour des Crânes, Grands Scorpions, Seigneur des Batailles etc 🥰

    * me suis arrêté à la page 5, je regarderais le reste plus tard^^

  12. à l’instant, Miles a dit :

    Plein de matos WW2 sur cette image. Fusil antichar notament... Et des soldats très allemand WW1/2 Ca veut dire qu'on pourrais retaper dans les games histo? Pour la conversion du moins?

    J'imagine que rien n'empêchera de se bricoler des proxy oui !

    Outre les nombreuses gammes histo, du tac au tac je pense à ces ref "sci-fi retro" de chez Wargames Atlantic (qui font aussi de l'histo, notamment des français, allemands etc) qui sont bien exploitables :
    - Raumjäger
    Grognards & Grognards Support +Cdt
    - Bulldogs

    (en passant ils ont produit récemment les superbes SpaceNam de Reptilian Overlord, et ont ré-édité les Eisenkern de feu Dreamforge)

    Il y à aussi cette gamme au thème très proche que j'ai découverte par hasard hier (impression 3d) :
    - Gloom Trench


    Et je pense également à ces magnifiques figs de l'excellent Reptilian Overlord, même si le thème fait plus moyen-age y'a moyen de moyenner :
    - Mercenaries and Militia
    - Coven Squad

    Bref il est possible de piocher un peu partout pour se faire de beaux soldats-pèlerins/pénitents etc à base de kitbash !

  13. Un peu d'ambiance et de fluff :

    “Go forth and make war upon the Heretics that plague the Creation of the Lord.”
    - Battle Psalms 35:6 New Orthodox Syncretic Bible
    As the war rages against the legions of Hell, strange visions torment the faithful across the globe. Men and women touched by Heaven are granted Revelations, delivered to them by messengers of God. Sisters of the Holy Orders, bearing the marks of stigmata, embrace their sacred calling, and take up the sword and the cross as instructed by angels. Those burdened by the weight of their transgressions seek to atone for their sins by taking as many followers of the Devil as they can with them to the afterlife.


  14. Hello;
    Sur ce sujet je mettrais mes figs diverses hors armés (et aussi quelques bandes Warcry, Necro, etc).

    Je commence donc avec une fig que j'ai depuis longtemps en stock, Alarielle La Reine Éternelle, commencée il y à 1 mois et enfin terminée aujourd'hui, c'est un cadeau de communion pour ma filleule ! (elle m'a d'ailleurs aidé pour l'assemblage et à même participé aux couches de base pour le scarabée!)

    A mon humble niveau de "casual-painter", j'ai fait de mon mieux, certains peintres font 10x plus beau, d'autres bien pire, en tout cas je la trouve chouette et elle lui plaira sûrement beaucoup  ! 🧡 J'ai tester les photos en light-box avec fond noir & fond blanc, mais aussi en pleine nature dans le jardin 😊 :










    A l'aéro les dégradés des ailes auraient été bien plus jolis mais bon, j'ai fait sans. Pour le scarabée aussi car je trouve que là il manque un peu de nuances, je voulais également lui appliquer une bonne couche de vernis brillant pour le rendre bien luisant mais je n'en avait pas... ça ira comme ça ! Je n'avais jamais fait une fig aussi compliqué et massive (à part des tanks, mais c'est plus simple); notamment au montage mais pas que, ça fourmille de détails difficilement accessibles... malgré la peinture en éléments sous-assemblés que j'ai collés à la fin.

    PS: je partagerais plus tard des vidéos en 360° avec les 3 fonds sur ma page Facebook : BlooDrunk Painting & Shot-Call
  15. Il y a 7 heures, Miles a dit :

    Ha ben c'est joyeux ^^ Je me demande ce que représente en terme militaire ces pélerins: Vagues connards ponctuels ou appoint indispensable au front? On as une idée de à quoi ressemble le Shrine sentinel?

    Des genre de "flagellants-WW1" .. (?) Je me demande si le Shrine Sentinel ne serait pas celui tout à droite, vu qu'il porte un reliquaire, mais ça colle pas avec la description qui fait presque penser à une Machine de Pénitence (SdB 40k)...

    ^^ Wait & See ^^

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