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[Star Wars - Legion]Jeu de batailles dans l'univers de Star Wars

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De nouvelles directives (pour les joueurs "compétitifs" et assimilés) :


New Directives

New Tournament Regulations for Star Wars: Legion are Now Available



An update to the Star Wars™: Legion tournament regulations is now available through our website! These changes come on the heels of a new Rules Reference that went into effect on February 28, and today Legion designer Alex Davy is here to discuss the impact these changes will have on competitive play.   

Greetings Legion players!

I’m happy to announce a new Star Wars: Legion tournament update featuring two key tweaks to competitive play.

The first and most critical change is the introduction of a trooper silhouette template designed to give all trooper minis in the game a single, standardized shape. It is frustrating to have your commander defeated because the tip of their weapon is poking out from behind a wall, or to have your creativity constrained by the need to model your miniatures with competitive line of sight rules in mind. With the advent of dynamic flight stands for the upcoming ARC Troopers and Clan Wren, it’s more important than ever to free players from these concerns.

swl_los-from-mini.png With that in mind, the physical trooper miniatures themselves will no longer factor into competitive line of sight rules. Instead, we have created a silhouette representing a universal standard trooper size, designed to be placed against and behind a trooper’s base to determine line of sight to and from that miniature.

Additionally, the silhouette includes a hash mark at the top that can be used when measuring line of sight from a miniature. Crouching or kneeling miniatures will no longer have to worry about whether or not they can see over a barricade or other short obstacle!

In many cases, it will not be necessary to use this silhouette; most trooper minis readily fit within its bounds. Indeed, strictly casual players may never have need of this template at all. During a competitive match, however, the silhouette template allows players to precisely determine what parts of the miniature are not valid targets for line of sight. If Luke’s lightsaber or a Scout Trooper’s sniper rifle protrudes past a miniature’s base, the silhouette can be used to show that it is not a valid target for line of sight. So go ahead—give Grievous an extra arm (or two!), and let your Mandalorians fly high and proud!

Secondly, this document introduces a new tiebreaker system that puts the focus squarely on earning victory points rather than relying on “strength of schedule” (a.k.a. the success rate of each of your opponents).

This is explained in detail in the document itself, but in short, players will be rewarded more favorably for scoring a greater percentage of victory points in a match. Therefore, a player who wins a game that was tied on victory points will receive a less favorable margin of victory than a player who manages to earn more victory points than their opponent.

I hope that both of these changes will have a positive impact on the tournament scene, and I look forward to hearing your feedback!

Download the new Star Wars: Legion Tournament Regulations now to read the entire update! As always, game rules, tournament regulations, and other support materials can be found on our Star Wars: Legion page.


La solution pourrait être faciliment adaptée à la partie compétitve (et assimilée) d'autres jeux.

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  • 3 mois après...

Héros et légéndes :

1 August 2020 | Star Wars: Legion

Heroes and Legends

Announcing Four Clone Wars-era Expansions for Star Wars: Legion



"This is where the fun begins."
   –Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

As the Clone Wars rage on, new heroes emerge with every battle. Whether they’re a famed Jedi Knight leading their troops into battle or a simple droid relaying key intel to the rest of its army, the actions of these few could determine the outcome of the entire conflict.


Soon, these heroes will rise from the ranks of your Star Wars™: Legion armies. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce four Clone Wars-era expansions:

Featuring iconic characters as well as unsung heroes from both the Galactic Republic and Separatist Alliance, these expansions unlock a host of bold new ways for you to lead your armies. With them, you’ll be able to call upon even more powerful Force users to stem the tide of battle or enhance your corps units with all-new abilities.  

Read on for more information on what to expect in these expansions!


Anakin Skywalker Commander Expansion

Hero of the Republic. The Chosen One. Anakin Skywalker’s exploits during the Clone Wars have made him a legend throughout the galaxy. Known as a fearless battlefield commander, his skill has earned him the respect of those under his command and the ire of his enemies. Now he’s prepared to take any means necessary to complete his goals.

As one of the most powerful Jedi in history, Skywalker has much to contribute to your armies. His mastery of the Djem So form of lightsaber combat allows him to make powerful counterattacks against opponents carrying blasters and blades alike, especially if he has taken an Offensive Stance.  But Skywalker is also tempted by the dark side and should be careful to not allow his foes to exploit this weakness.


This dual nature is reflected in the beautifully detailed, unpainted hard plastic Anakin Skywalker miniature in this expansion, which can be assembled either with a firm two-handed grip on his lightsaber or with an open stance. Beyond his natural abilities, his three command cards give you the chance to perfect his skills as a leader and combatant, while six upgrade cards invite you to customize him to fit your strategy.

We’ll take a closer look at everything in this expansion in a future preview!


Republic Specialists Personnel Expansion

While Jedi Generals like Anakin Skywalker lead the Grand Army of the Republic, clone troopers keep it running at peak efficiency. Some clones even combine the skill at arms and genetic template all clones share with further specialized training in areas like communications and engineering to support Republic operations on the ground.

Among the most important of these clones are the commanders who lead entire regiments, often personally taking to the field of battle and fighting alongside the Jedi generals to whom they directly report. These clones are masters of strategy, combat, and tactical acumen who can be trusted with the most vital missions and battlefronts. When supported by specialists carrying equipment like a  Portable Scanner,  clone units become even more flexibile, able to have friendly units generate dodge tokens.


The Republic Specialists Personnel Expansion puts four clone troopers with special training at your disposal, allowing you to field a generic commander unit and add personnel upgrades to other units in your army, including a clone commander unit leader, clone medic, clone engineer, and a clone comms technician. No matter which of these troops you choose, you can always make use of the Republic’s signature strategies with the three new command cards exclusive to the Galactic Republic faction found here.

We’ll take a closer look at everything included in this expansion in a future preview!


Darth Maul and Sith Probe Droids Operative Expansion

Nefarious forces are at work in the shadows of the Clone Wars. As battles rage on planets across the galaxy, the Sith, once thought eradicated, plot to take their revenge on the Jedi Order and none is better at carrying out Darth Sidious’ will than Darth Maul. With his Sith Probe Droids guiding him to his targets, nothing will stop this menace from accomplishing his dark purposes.

Fueled by his hatred, Darth Maul wields his iconic double-bladed lightsaber with uncommon ferocity, using the unpredictable Juyo form of lightsaber combat to channel his own inner rage and torment into raw combat ability. His DRK-1 Sith Probe Droids make him even more dangerous by covertly observing his foes while Maul uses all of his skill as a duelist to remain elusive and deny his enemies any advantage they may have.


Maul’s unpredictable fighting style translates into his finely detailed, unpainted miniature, which can be assembled in three different poses. He can appear menacing his foes with his double-bladed lightsaber in front of him, preparing to strike with the lightsaber behind him, or with a two-handed grip on his lightsaber. He is only made stronger by his three DRK-1 Sith probe droid miniatures, his three signature command cards, and eight upgrade cards that give you the freedom to explore Maul’s hatred of the Jedi.

We’ll take a closer look at everything included in this expansion in a future preview!


Separatist Specialists Personnel Expansion

The Separatist Alliance relies on its seemingly endless ranks of battle droids to secure victory in the battles of the Clone Wars. It should be no surprise, then, that still more droids are used to maintain these vast droid armies. While members of the Separatist high command like Count Dooku are plotting a galaxy-wide strategy, T-series Tactical Droids are leading the way on the ground and other droids, like the PK-series worker droid, are keeping the army up and running.

The Separatist Specialists Personnel Expansion invites you to upgrade your forces with four new droids that can fill your units’ personnel slot. In addition to a T-series Tactical Droid and PK-series worker droid, you’ll also find droids that can assist in all phases of combat, including an EV-series medical droid to treat the wounds of your organic units and a Viper recon droid to collect valuable intel.


Boasting advanced processors and sophisticated programming, the T-series Tactical Droid  in this expansion is particularly versatile, able to boost the reliability of individual units or even take command of CIS military forces. These droids are well-versed in common Separatist strategies, represented by the three new command cards found in this expansion and that can be deployed by any Separatist commander.

We’ll take a closer look at everything included in this expansion in a future preview!

Prove Yourself

From legendary heroes to cold and calculating droids, these expansions bring new ways to build your Star Wars: Legion armies and prove your worth commanding them. Sieze the opportunity and become a legend of the Clone Wars! 

Look for the Anakin Skywalker Commander Expansion (SWL74) and the Darth Maul and Sith Probe Droids Operative Expansion (SWL76) at your local retailer in the fourth quarter of 2020. The Republic Specialists Personnel Expansion (SWL75) and the Separatist Specialists Personnel Expansion (SWL77) will arrive in the first quarter of 2021.


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  • 3 mois après...

Changement de Studio :


An Important Star Wars Announcement

News About the Future of Our Star Wars Miniatures Games


For the full press release, click here .

Atomic Mass Games Takes Its First Steps Into The Star Wars™ Miniatures Games Galaxy

Development of Star Wars: X-Wing, Star Wars: Armada, and Star Wars: Legion Moving from Fantasy Flight Games to Asmodee’s Miniatures Games-Focused Studio

SEATTLE, WA, November 16, 2020 – In a strategic reorganization of its Star Wars miniatures titles, Asmodee is announcing today that oversight of its three Star Wars miniatures titles will be moving to their dedicated miniatures games studio, Atomic Mass Games.

Development of all future miniatures games will be handled by Atomic Mass as well. The move to a specialty studio positions Asmodee’s miniatures titles for even greater success in the future.

“Atomic Mass is committed to bringing people together through fun games, and Star Wars has been bringing people together through the power of myth and story for over 40 years,” Steve Horvath, Head of US Publishing, said. “Combining their talent with the strength of our current Star Wars miniatures games and the limitless possibilities of a galaxy far, far away is going to lead to incredible new experiences for tabletop gamers and Star Wars fans to enjoy.”

Simone Elliott, who has shepherded Fantasy Flight’s relationship with Lucasfilm Licensing since 2015, will lead Atomic Mass Games during this time of expansion as Head of Studio. Will Shick assumes primary creative oversight as Head of Product Development. Joining them will be key members of the teams involved in the creation and evolution of Fantasy Flight’s current Star Wars miniatures games, Star Wars™: X-Wing, Star Wars™: Legion, and Star Wars™: Armada.

About Atomic Mass Games

Composed of veterans from the tabletop miniatures games industry, Atomic Mass Games is committed to delivering immersive lifestyle hobby games that combine industry leading tabletop miniatures and fast, fun, kinetic game rules to create lifelong collectors and players.

About Asmodee USA

Asmodee USA is a sales, marketing, and distribution arm of the global Asmodee Group, a leading international company dedicated to bringing great games and amazing stories to all corners of the world. Asmodee USA represents the strongest portfolio of board games in the industry, including such favorite titles as CATAN®, Ticket to Ride, Spot It!, Pandemic, Just One, Dixit, Dead of Winter, and many more.

About Asmodee Group

Asmodee Group is a leading international games publisher and distributor committed to telling amazing stories through great games with over 34 million games sold in more than 50 countries. Through our portfolio of iconic game titles, including CATAN®, Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Dobble/Spot it!Arkham Horror, Splendor, KeyForge, and Star Wars: X-Wing, we create a dynamic transmedia experience for players across a variety of digital and physical platforms. Asmodee also creates inspiring and innovative products in partnership with leading entertainment and technology companies. Asmodee operates in Europe, North America, South America and Asia and is headquartered in Guyancourt, France. Learn more at



Une Annonce Importante sur nos jeux Star Wars

Atomic Mass Games fait ses premiers pas dans la galaxie des jeux de figurines Star Wars™

Atomic Mass Games fait ses premiers pas dans la galaxie des jeux de figurines Star Wars™

Le développement des jeux Star Wars : X-Wing, Star Wars : Armada et Star Wars : Legion est confié au studio Asmodee dédié aux jeux de figurines, Atomic Mass Games.

Seatle, 16 novembre 2020. Dans le cadre d’une réorganisation stratégique de ses jeux de figurines Star Wars, Asmodee annonce que la supervision de ses trois jeux de figurines phares dans l’univers de Star Wars est transférée à son studio dédié aux jeux de figurines, Atomic Mass.

Le développement de tous les futurs jeux de figurines sera également géré par Atomic Mass. Le transfert de ce type de jeux à un studio entièrement dédié à ceux-ci leur amènera, nous en sommes certains, encore plus de succès à l’avenir.

« Atomic Mass s’est engagé à rassembler le plus grand nombre de joueurs à travers des jeux funs et fédérateurs, et Star Wars est l’univers idéal pour rassembler les gens grâce à la popularité de son mythe et de ses histoires depuis plus de 40 ans », a déclaré Steve Horvath, directeur des studios américains. « Combiner leur talent avec la force de nos jeux de figurines Star Wars actuels et les possibilités illimitées d’une galaxie lointaine, très lointaine va forcément engendrer de nouvelles expériences incroyables pour les joueurs et les fans de Star Wars. »

Simone Elliott, qui veille à la relation de Fantasy Flight Games avec Lucasfilm Licensing depuis 2015, dirigera Atomic Mass Games pendant cette période d’expansion, en tant que responsable studio. Will Shick assurera la supervision créative en tant que chef du développement des jeux. Les membres clés des équipes impliquées dans la création et l’évolution des jeux de figurines Star Wars actuels de Fantasy Flight, Star Wars™ : X-Wing, Star Wars™ : Legion et Star Wars™ : Armada, se joindront à eux.

À propos d’Atomic Mass Games

Composé de vétérans de l’industrie des jeux de figurines, Atomic Mass Games veut proposer des jeux immersifs, combinant des figurines d’excellente qualité avec des règles rapides, efficaces, amusantes et évolutives, pour créer des gammes de jeu qui accompagneront les joueurs et les collectionneurs sur le long terme.

À propos d’Asmodee USA

Asmodee USA est une branche de vente, de marketing et de distribution du groupe mondial Asmodee, une société internationale de premier plan qui crée de fantastiques jeux et conte d’incroyables histoires aux quatre coins du monde. Asmodee USA possède le catalogue de jeux de société le plus impressionnant de l’industrie ludique mondiale, y compris des licences phare telles que CATAN®, Les aventuriers du rail, Dobble !, Pandemic, Just One, Dixit, Dead of Winter et bien d’autres.

À propos d’Asmodee

Asmodee Group est l’un des principaux éditeurs et distributeurs de jeux internationaux, racontant des histoires merveilleuses à travers 34 millions de jeux vendus dans plus de 50 pays. Son catalogue contient nombre de titres majeurs comme CATAN®, Les aventuriers du rail, Pandemic, Dobble, Horreur à Arkham, Splendor, KeyForge, ou Star Wars : X-Wing. Asmodee créée des expériences transmédia dynamiques sur une grande variété de plates-formes, numériques comme physiques. Le groupe conçoit également des produits inspirants et innovants en partenariat avec des sociétés de divertissement et de technologie de premier plan. Asmodee opère en Europe, en Amérique du Nord, en Amérique du Sud et en Asie et a son siège à Guyancourt, en France.

Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur le site :



Paramètres de mission mis à jour :


Updated Mission Parameters

A New Rules Reference Guide for Star Wars™: Legion is Now Available

#StarWars #Legion

Hello Legion players! Legionnaires? Good people of Star Wars™: Legion!

It is our pleasure to announce Rules Reference Guide 2.0, which features the 2020 competitive points rebalancing. This update represents a major overhaul to the game, so we’d like to take a moment to highlight some of the key changes.

Following our philosophy of trying to lift units up rather than lop off the tall poppies, we're happy to report that the majority of changes involve points reductions to lesser-used units. In particular, we applied a host of points reductions aimed at bringing all the vehicles of the game up to the level of the TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank and the AAT. Furthermore, to help trooper units combat this new menace, we’ve applied steep discounts to numerous anti-armor heavy weapons across all factions. Additionally, we’ve made an effort to increase the viability of Rebel and Imperial Corps units with targeted reductions to certain units alongside these heavy weapon discounts.


In addition to points changes, we’ve also applied a small number of impactful errata to units and cards that we felt needed more attention than just a points reduction.  Notably, the T-47 Airspeeder gains “attack surge: critical” on its surge chart, and both the Wookiee Warriors and Chewbacca gain increased mobility with the Scale keyword and extra lethality with the Duelist and Lethal 1 keywords, respectively. We try to tread very carefully indeed when it comes to changing what actually appears on a card, but from time to time we feel that an errata is necessary to address fundamental deficiencies or imbalances that points changes cannot fully solve.


This Rules Reference Guide also contains several important changes to some foundational keywords, in an attempt to make the units that possess those keywords more effective—and more fun. These are the most significant changes:

  • Units embarked on a vehicle with the Open Transport keyword are now able to perform attacks and to be attacked, and benefit from heavy cover while embarked. This should lead to some interesting new strategies involving the X-34 Landspeeder and the TX-225 GAVw Occupier combat assault tank.
  • Units that are obligated to perform a compulsory move during their activation can now perform that move at either the start or the end of their activation. With the additional tactical flexibility this change provides, I expect to see units with the Speeder keyword become more popular than ever.
  • The Agile X and Tactical X keyword now require a standard move in order to generate tokens. Units with the Scout X keyword and either Agile X or Tactical X can no longer produce tokens during the Deployment step of Setup.
  • Finally, we come to the most decisive change: Eliminating the ability of clone troopers to use the standby tokens of other friendly clone units at range 1. Clone troopers are now restricted to sharing aim, dodge, and surge tokens.

This is a change we thought long and hard about, because it will have serious ramifications for the Grand Republic faction. Numerous alternatives were tested and ultimately discarded, because we kept coming back to the same core issues. Widespread standby token sharing is problematic for several reasons; it is too powerful, too frustrating for the opponents of the Republic, and it leads to highly non-interactive game states.

In many cases, the right move when playing against a Republic army with access to numerous standby tokens is to simply not engage. When a mechanic is able to punish players severely for doing what they need to do to win the game—namely, attack the enemy and advance toward objectives—it can feel like there’s no right answer. We want to encourage interactive games and keep Star Wars: Legion approachable, and in order to do that, the rule had to change. The simplest and best solution was simply to remove the option to share standby tokens from the core rules of clone troopers.

Republic units with the Exemplar keyword like Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker will still be able to utilize this powerful ability, but by limiting it to key characters it is now more targeted in scope and limited in scale.   

It’s our sincere hope that the sum of these changes will lead to a more balanced, interesting, and dynamic game for fans of all four factions. We can’t wait to see what new lists and strategies the players cook up!


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  • 4 semaines après...

Jouer sa chance :


Playing the Odds

Announcing the Lando Calrissian Commander Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion



“Everything you’ve heard about me is true.”
   –Lando Calrissian, Solo: A Star WarsStory


Some leaders leave all their cards on the table, making it clear to all they would sacrifice anything for the cause. Others, however, keep their intentions closer to the chest, only revealing their true rebel spirit under extreme circumstances.

Such is the case with Lando Calrissian. A consummate gambler and scoundrel, he keeps his cool as he plays all sides to his advantage. But when the galaxy is at stake, he sides with the freedom fighters of the Rebel Alliance. Soon you’ll be able to use Calrissian’s unique brand of leadership to guide your Rebel armies on the battlefields of Star Wars™: Legion. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the Lando Calrissian Commander Expansion!

This expansion contains everything you need to add Lando Calrissian as a commander of your Rebel armies, beginning with a beautifully sculpted, unpainted hard plastic miniature that reflects Calrissian’s unique sense of style. Not only will you find three different options for his signature cape, you’ll also be able to choose between two facial expressions and whether or not Calrissian appears reaching for his X-8 Night Sniper Pistol in its holster or has it at the ready.


While the miniature gives Calrissian a unique presence on the battlefield, other components, like his unit card and three signature command cards, represent his history as a gambler and his tendency to take high stakes risks. Finally, Lando Calrissian isn’t one to enter a fight unprepared, and this expansion also includes six upgrade cards that give him access to the gear and training he needs to take on any challenge.

Read on for more information on the Lando Calrissian Commander Expansion!


Smooth Talking Smuggler

Lando Calrissian has taken on many leadership roles throughout his career, but none is more important than becoming a general in the Rebel Alliance. As he leads Rebel forces into battle, then, Calrissian’s long history as a smuggler and gambler clearly influences his leadership style.

No stranger to sneaking past Imperial patrols to deliver his cargo, it’s no surprise that Calrissian is well versed in Covert Ops and can choose to become an Operative to gain the Infiltrate keyword. Once he’s behind enemy lines, he can also rely on the Uncanny Luck of a gambler and his own  Situational Awareness  to overcome the limitation of rolling white defense dice. At the same time, he can also use his sharpshooting abilities to deliver deadly accurate return fire with his X-8 Night Sniper Pistol.


While these abilities enhance Lando Calrissian’s individual combat prowess, others set the tone for the whole Rebel army. Like every good gambler, Calrissian always has a backup plan and, when it comes to forming battle plans, he sets aside up to three additional command cards as contingencies. After revealing a command card, but before any other effects are resolved, Calrissian can then discard that card to reveal a contingency card with the same number of pips as the discarded card instead. This makes Lando Calrissian an exceptionally adaptable commander who can readily counter his opponents with careful planning and quick thinking.

The ability to change your strategy on the fly is always useful, and becomes even more powerful when Lando Calrissian is fighting alongside another Rebel commander or operative whose command cards he can swap in as contingencies. If he joins his friends and fellow smugglers Han Solo and Chewbacca on a mission, for example, Calrissian can have access to all of their command cards while retaining his command cards as contingency plans.


Any Rebel army led by Lando Calrissian is bound to be unpredictable, especially with his ability to activate early and often. Like other Commanders and Operatives, Calrissian can always  Seize the Initiative  during the Issue Orders step to ensure he's ready to go at a moment's notice. But he also has an Ace up His Sleeve that allows him to bend the rules even further. He could use this command card to grant himself and another unit a dodge or standby token when he issues orders to them. Choosing the standby token gives them a chance for an extra attack or move action before their full activation that could prove pivotal. Alternatively, this card can also be played before drawing from your order pool to issue Lando Calrissian or another friendly unit at range 1–2 an order and immediately activate them, ensuring the right unit activates just when you want it to.

Lando Calrissian may tip the odds in the Rebels' favor, but bringing down the Empire is still a tall task that requires courage and dedication. Thanks in part to his little maneuver at the Battle of Taanab, General Calrissian is an  Inspiring Presence  for those around him, extending the range that friendly units can use his courage value when checking whether they are panicked. No matter how you decide to use him Lando Calrissian will make the ultimate gamble to save the galaxy from the tyranny of the Empire.

Bet it All

The Rebellion has no shortage of brilliant military leaders willing to take on the might of the Empire. But few of them approach the fight with the flair of Lando Calrissian. Get a feel for his leadership style in future previews!

Look for the Lando Calrissian Commander Expansion (SWL78) at your local retailer in February 2021.

Chasseur de Spectres :


Hunter of Spectres

Announcing the Agent Kallus Commander Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion



"Next time they make a move, we'll be waiting for them, to snuff out that spark before it catches fire."
   –Agent Kallus, Star WarsRebels


To the Galactic Empire, loyalty is everything, even if it has to be enforced. Whenever rebellion rears its head, then, the Imperial Security Bureau is there to correct it. Ever vigilant and endowed with seemingly limitless authority, its agents use both brute force and their own cunning to bring dissidents in line and snuff out any signs of insurgency. 

Feared both within and without the Imperial ranks, none are safe from the long reach of the ISB. Soon, you'll be able to add one of its very best agents to the ranks of your Imperial armies. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the Agent Kallus Commander Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!

This expansion invites you to put this ruthless agent in command of your army, beginning with a highly customizable, unpainted hard plastic Agent Kallus miniature that reflects his status as a ruthless Imperial agent. In addition to choosing between two facial expressions for your miniature, you'll also be able to assemble your Agent Kallus with the trademark Imperial Security Bureau helmet or with no helmet at all. Finally, Agent Kallus is deadly up close and with a blaster and you can choose whether he appears with his signature J-19 Bo-Rifle in its blaster or staff forms.


While these features project Kallus' status as a ruthless ISB agent, his unit card clearly outlines all of his abilities and his three signature command cards reflect his capacity to shape your strategy through careful tactical planning and his own martial prowess. Despite all of his skills, Kallus is still susceptible to sympathizing with his enemies, a weakness that is reflected in Flaw card included with this expansion. Finally, Agent Kallus carefully calculates what he'll need for each battle and seven upgrade cards invite you to choose the gear and training that best fits your battle plan.

Read onto learn more about the Agent Kallus Commander Expansion!


Suppressing Dissent

In their mission to ensure ultimate loyalty to the Empire, Imperial Security Bureau agents are expected to be just as adept in a fight as those they lead into battle. Agent Kallus more than lives up to this ideal and, in doing so, is the rare commander who can take on either of these roles in your army.

It takes more than skill with a blaster to root out rebellion and Agent Kallus is among the very best at anticipating and foiling his opponents' plans. He knows the importance of remaining flexible, which is why he's always making contingency plans. While building a command hand, Kallus can set aside two extra command cards. Later on, when he needs to change his tactics on the fly, he can also replace his revealed command card with one of his contingency cards with the same number of pips. This alone means Kallus works exceptionally well alongside other Imperial commanders and operatives, but his cunning pushes this one step further, allowing him to both ensure the right command card is played at the right time while also winning priority for the round.


No matter whose plans are being enacted, Kallus is unafraid to join his troops in the midst of battle. His sharpshooting combined with the piercing blasts of his RK-3 blaster pistol make him particularly dangerous at range 1–2, especially given his ability to convert surge results to critical hits. Meanwhile, as an ISB agent, Kallus has also undergone advanced combat training to hone his skills in hand-to-hand combat. He needs the right equipment to put these skills to the best use, of course, and some  Ascension Cables  could help him get the drop on his enemies.

But this is only the beginning. Kallus is also highly skilled with a J-19 Bo-Rifle, making him even more versatile in battle. When it is in its blaster  form, Kallus can make a more powerful attack from a longer range. This attack may not have the innate pierce of his RK-3, but it is lethal nonetheless and he can spend the aim token he gains from his Tactical 1 keyword to give it Pierce 1. Alternatively, the weapon's  staff form retains every bit of its lethality in melee combat while also giving Agent Kallus the chance to charge into melee combat.


Equipping Agent Kallus with his J-19 Bo-rifle clearly makes him a more aggressive and capable combatant. With these tools at his disposable, he can more easily challenge an opponent to face him  and gain even more benefits. This command card makes Agent Kallus even more ferocious in melee combat, giving him the chance to gain a dodge token as he charges at his opponent and convert surges to blocks during the encounter. Better still, enemy units engaged with him have no choice but to take him on and cannot withdraw, giving Kallus a great opportunity to inflict some damage. Finally, the defensive boons he receives from this card become even more pronounced during these encounters if he's been trained to have the  Situational Awareness  to dodge critical strikes.

Snuff the Spark

Agent Kallus is prepared to snuff out the smallest specter of dissent. See all the different ways he can lead your Imperial armies in future previews!

Look for the Agent Kallus Commander Expansion (SWL80) at your local retailer in February 2021.


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  • 1 mois après...

3 février 22h (France)

Interested in our Star Wars games? Join us at 1 p.m. PT Wednesday, February 3, on for our first ever Atomic Mass Transmissions Live: Star Wars Edition!


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  • 2 semaines après...

Pour star wars legion , 2 véhicules annonces en sortie

le AA5 speeder pour les rebelles et le LAAT pour les clones républicains et l’empire

LAAT gunship

AA5 transport truck





Modifié par lothar
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  • 1 mois après...

Présentés à la mini-stravaganza d'Atomic Mass Games :


The A-A5 Speeder Truck and LAAT/le show off their capability to serve as mobile command centers with the inclusion of new Field Commander options. How do you plan to incorporate this new option in your battle plans?
Le camion A-A5 Speeder Truck et LAAT / le montrent leur capacité à servir de centres de commandement mobile avec l'inclusion de nouvelles options de commandant de terrain. Comment comptez-vous intégrer cette nouvelle option dans vos plans de bataille ?


There were quite a few great reveals in the Star Wars: Legion - New Fronts stream. In case you missed it, here are the Kashyyyk highlights! We know it is hard to pick a favorite, but if you had to, what would it be?
Il y a eu pas mal de grandes révélations dans le flux Star Wars : Legion - New Fronts. Au cas où vous l'auriez manqué, voici les temps forts de Kashyyyk ! Nous savons qu'il est difficile de choisir un favori, mais si vous le deviez, qu'est-ce que ce serait ?

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Patrouiller les cieux :


Patrolling the Skies

Announcing the LAAT/le Patrol Transport Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion




Searchlights patrol the night sky, seeking signs of the enemy amongst the shifting landscape of war. For such a task, the LAAT/le Patrol Transport is the oft-utilized asset of the Galactic Republic, and later the forces of the Empire, when tracking down and apprehending priority targets. On the battlefield, these nimble transports are used to rapidly deploy troops where they are needed the most, regardless of impeding terrain or hostile environments. Able to soar over obstacles, the LAAT/le can quickly get your troops where they are needed most, and once there, protect their position with aerial support.


Armored transports offer new options for Republic and Imperial strategies and soon you can increase the mobility of your forces by adding the LAAT/le Patrol Transport Unit Expansion to your tactical repertoire! This dual-faction expansion features a vehicle miniature with a fully-detailed interior and two different sets of pilot options, one in Phase II Clone armor and the other set in the uniforms of Imperial TIE pilots. The rear doors of the LAAT/le can be assembled closed or open to reveal the detail inside and a clear cockpit panel shows the interior of the craft and two pilots inside. This expansion opens up new tactical options never before available to these factions, and is sure to find a place among many player's favorite strategies. Read on to learn more about how the LAAT/le Patrol Transport Unit Expansion might fit into your plans for an aerial assault!


An Eye In The Sky

The elevated vantage point of an aerial vehicle provides greater visibility of the battlefield to a commander. With new Field Commander options, the LAAT/le can serve as a highly mobile command center, enabling orders to be issued safely from above the conflict. This can free up valuable points when building your force as your LAAT/le can now serve as your required commander, offering a durable leadership option that can readily stay in range of your troops to issue orders. For the Galactic Republic, this option manifests in the form of Clone Commander Fox , the efficient and disciplined leader of the elite Clone Shock Troopers stationed on Coruscant. Commander Fox can help support his forces with a surge token and suppression control, a useful benefit for the Republic, who want their troopers staying in the fight with a full complement of actions every turn.


For the Galactic Empire, Governor Pryce is the new Field Commander option. A merciless Governor of the Lothal sector, Pryce is known for her uncompromising and relentless pursuit of the crew of the Ghost as seen in Star Wars™: Rebels. Her ruthless leadership can inspire her troops’ accuracy at the cost of a suppression token. Though the added suppression may seem like a drawback, and it often is, it can prove useful by providing increased cover to exposed units and is obviously less of an issue for units with a higher Courage value – which the Empire has a good selection of.


If you are looking for greater control of your transported units, the LAAT/le can further coordinate your forces by use of an Onboard Comms Channel . This handy upgrade can ensure that the transport and the unit inside can work in unison, guaranteeing the disembarkation of your troops goes as planned.

Equipped for Combat

The LAAT/le utilizes its primary weaponry of twin laser cannons to attack both airborne and ground targets as it soars across the battlefield. Should you want to pivot the LAAT/le into a more active combat role, the offensive capabilities of the craft can be further bolstered by ordnance upgrades that can be combined with the main weaponry via the Arsenal 2 keyword. Previously made available to the Republic and Separatists, these ordnance options are custom-tailored to help with specific situations. For example, “Bunker Buster” Shells are great for getting enemies out of cover, High-Energy Shells are ideal for long range fire that the enemy cannot dodge, and Armor-Piercing Shells are as you would expect, great against armored targets. When combined with the twin laser cannons, these upgrades can create sizeable and specialized dice pools that are able to address any threat.

In addition to these upgrade options, the LAAT/le comes with four additional pilot options that further help define its battlefield role. There are two additional pilots for the Galactic Republic and two for the Galactic Empire we will cover in the future. We will be sharing these via our social media channels as we get closer to release, so stay tuned for additional information!


Secure the Skies

The LAAT/le Patrol Transport introduces new strategies for the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire. The flexibility of the upgrade cards, the inclusion of a Field Commander option, and the Transport: Closed keyword on this unit can present bold new tactics that offer up a number of synergistic interactions previously unavailable to the factions. Be sure to keep an eye on Atomic Mass Games’ social media as we show off more of the exciting new options available in this expansion!


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Une avance blindée :


An Armored Advance

Announcing the A-A5 Speeder Truck Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion




Getting troops safely to the front lines is vital in times of war and armored transports are the ubiquitous vehicle assigned to the task. For the Rebel Alliance, the acquisition of these assets often turns to the repurposing of civilian vehicles, and such is the case of the A-A5 Speeder Truck. Designed as a cargo transport for harsh environments, these already robust vehicles are further reinforced with armor plating and equipped with powerful turret mounted weaponry when deployed to the battlefield.


Armored transports serve a crucial role in many Rebel strategies and soon you can protect your troops and their advance by adding the A-A5 Speeder Truck Unit Expansion to your arsenal! This expansion features a vehicle miniature with a fully-detailed interior and two turret-mounted weapon options. The doors of the A-A5 can be modelled closed or open to reveal the detail inside and a clear windshield shows the interior of the cockpit and a pilot. This expansion opens up new tactical options never before available to the Rebel Alliance, and is sure to find a place among many player's favorite strategies. Read on to learn more about how the A-A5 Speeder Truck Unit Expansion might fit into your battle plans!


Mobile Command

The A-A5 can serve a greater purpose than safely getting your units where they are needed most. Enter Shriv Surgaav , celebrated hero from Star Wars™: Battlefront II. With Shriv behind the wheel, the A-A5 becomes a mobile command center, enabling him to issue orders safely behind armored walls. Not only does this free up valuable points, as your A-A5 Speeder Truck can now serve as your commander, Shriv's ability to hand out dodge tokens to nearby units also offers welcome support for nearby Rebel units. This ability can even hand out an optional suppression token, which could be quite useful for units that have Danger Sense, like the or Jyn Erso . It should also be noted that Shriv’s expertise is not limited to piloting the A-A5 Speeder Truck and he could alternatively take the controls of a X-34 Landspeeder or even zip about the battlefield in a T-47 Airspeeder !

If the inclusion of this Field Commander was not enough, an A-A5 can further coordinate your forces by use of an Onboard Comms Channel . This handy upgrade can ensure that your transport and the unit inside can work in unison, ensuring the disembarkation of your troops goes as planned.


Outfitted for Battle

Through the A-A5 does not come equipped with standard weaponry, it does have two options for outfitting it with turret-mounted laser cannons. Rebel forces looking for longer range fire support may be interested in the Heavy Laser Retrofit . The weapon’s range of 4 and Critical 1 keyword make it an inexpensive option to pick off long range targets, even in cover. If you are in the market for more firepower, the AG-2G Quad Laser brings double the dice and Impact 2, turning this humble transport into a weapons platform capable of breaching enemy armor.


In addition to these weapon options, the A-A5 comes packed with crew and pilot options that help define its battlefield role, and the inclusion of two crew slots and a pilot slot for the vehicle can present some custom-tailored combinations. For example, players after a way to better neutralize enemies in cover may want to enlist the help of a Hotshot Pilot for the Sharpshooter 1 bonus to the attack pool.

If you are looking to get your A-A5 right into the thick of things with an aggressive advance, a Reckless Driver can help displace enemy troopers and hopefully take a few out in the process! Such recklessness could provide a perfect tool to help clear objectives of enemy troopers for your transported unit to secure. This is just a sample of the available pilot options. There are four more crew options that we will reveal via social media as we get closer to release, and we look forward to revealing some of our favorite options for building out this versatile vehicle!


A New Resource

The A-A5 Speeder Truck offers a whole new set of tactical options for the Rebel Alliance. The flexibility of the upgrade cards, the inclusion of a Field Commander option, and the Transport: Closed keyword on this unit can present bold new strategies and offer up a number of synergistic interactions previously unavailable to the faction. Be sure to keep an eye on Atomic Mass Games’ social media as we show off more of the exciting new options available in this expansion!


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Je ne sais pas vous mais je suis complètement fan de l'A-A5 speeder truck juste au dessus. Cet air lourd et compact lui va vraiment très bien.

Décidément Star Wars légion me fait de plus en plus d'œil, mais j'ai tellement de choses à peindre...

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  • 8 mois après...

Suite au Championnat de France de SWL qui s'est déroulé très récemment, j'ai pu découvrir ce jeu et sa marée de Tokens.


Existe-t-il une communauté Française où l'on peut trouver des infos en VF sur ce jeu sans forcément passer par une vidéo ?

Je n'ai pas trouvé de listing ou de trade sur le warfo en ce qui concerne les fondamentaux sur les différentes factions, les règles et autres ressources dispo.

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il y a 10 minutes, Graouk a dit :

Suite au Championnat de France de SWL qui s'est déroulé très récemment, j'ai pu découvrir ce jeu et sa marée de Tokens.


Existe-t-il une communauté Française où l'on peut trouver des infos en VF sur ce jeu sans forcément passer par une vidéo ?

Je n'ai pas trouvé de listing ou de trade sur le warfo en ce qui concerne les fondamentaux sur les différentes factions, les règles et autres ressources dispo.


Il y a un forum qui tourne bien :

Et sur Facebook il y a des groupes de SWL

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Chaque leader vient avec ses propres caracs et des mots clefs qui peuvent orienter sa façon de jouer, mais surtout avec son set de cartes de commandement  sortes de « stratagèmes » qui permettent différentes manœuvres sur le terrain.

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Pour les styles des factions je suis pas un grand spécialiste mais en gros

- la CSI permet de contrôler très finement l’ordre de jeu de ses unités (sinon tu tires au hasard quelle unité est jouée), ne sont jamais supressés (quand on tire trop sur une unité elle accumule des points de suppression et peut perdre des actions), par contre ils sont très sensibles aux armes à ion

- les clones: grosse puissance de feu et très bonne défense, permet de partager entre unités les token de bonus, bcp de jedi, mais coûtent très cher en point

- les rebelles: defense assez faible mais bonne puissance de feu et mobiles, bcp de heros

- l’empire: connais pas trop mais ils ont l’air fort partout :)

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  • 3 mois après...

Salut tout le monde,


Plusieurs annonces ont eu lieu depuis la dernière maj de ce post.

Je vais essayer de les remonter petit à petit et, pour commencer, les photos du Collectif des Ombres tombées hier :






















Et un kit comprenant l'essentiel pour jouer (gabarits, réglettes, dés, cartes de batailles, tokens) :








Modifié par Ymreh
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Bonjour .

Etant ancien joueur de X Wing , je souhaiterai savoir si Legion souffre du même problème , à savoir des cartes d'amélioration réparties dans plusieurs paquets qui forcent au final à acheter des boites de persos que l'on ne veut pas pour avoir seulement les cartes ?

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@lockheed les cartes sont reparties dans les différentes boites, mais je trouve de manière plus intelligente (c'est assez facile de regrouper les bonnes cartes dans l'ensemble).

Et au pire, tu as les paquets de cartes vendus à part et/ou les différents groupes (fb, discord...) pour de l'échange. 

Et au pire du pire, tu as le wiki et les builder qui reprennent toutes les cartes.

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