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[Star Wars - Legion]Jeu de batailles dans l'univers de Star Wars

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Tapis de jeu  : https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2018/11/30/conquer-the-galaxy/


“The Rebels are there and Skywalker is with them!”
   –Darth Vader, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Order your own copies of these Game Mats at your local retailer or online through our website today!

As the Galactic Civil War spreads to engulf the entire Star Wars galaxy, battles can break out on any planet. Whether Imperial troops are striking at a hidden Rebel outpost in an epic engagement, or Rebel forces are hitting a sensitive Imperial target in a minor skirmish, each new operation can play out on widely different terrain.

Now, your Star Wars: Legion battles can transport you and your troops to some of the saga’s most iconic planets. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce three new playmats for Star Wars: Legion! Upgrade your play area with the Sullust Game Mat, the Hoth Game Mat, and the Jakku Game Mat!

New Battlefields

Each of these playmats offers a 3’ x 3’ slip resistant play area for you to play out your Star Wars: Legion battles right on your tabletop. What’s more, these mats are designed to be easily combined with each other to create a 3’ x 6’ area perfect for standard-sized games.

The Sullust Game Mat sets your infantry battles amidst the barren wastelands and lava flows that scar the planet’s surface. Navigate your troops around the dangerous lava as you seek to gain an edge and outflank your opponent.


With the Hoth Game Mat, on the other hand, you can return to the frozen snowfields where the Rebel Alliance once sought shelter from the Empire. No matter if you’re recreating the Battle of Hoth or running a new operation on the planet, Hoth is sure to feature some of your most memorable battles.

Finally, the Jakku Game Mat transports your troops to the remote desert planet to battle among the windswept dunes. The planet’s wide spaces make for a sweeping and iconic vista, whether your troops are using its scorched badlands to flank your opponent or set up an ambush. 

The Galaxy Is Yours

The Empire and Rebellion move their troops across the galaxy, waging war on countless planets. Dive deeper into the Star Wars galaxy with the Sullust Game Mat, Hoth Game Mat, and the Jakku Game Mat


Rogue One (bis) : https://https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2018/11/30/conquer-the-galaxy/www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2018/12/3/emerging-darkness/



“We stand here amid my achievement, not yours!”
—Director Orson Krennic, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Deep in a shadowy corner of the stars, Imperial engineers are quietly developing the ultimate weapon, one that could bring the Star Wars™ galaxy to its knees. Guiding this project with a shadowy hand is one of the most cunning and ruthless minds in the entire Imperial military and soon this brilliant tactician and his entourage can be at your disposal. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce two new Imperial units for Star Wars: Legion:

Order your own copy of these expansions at your local retailer or online through our website today!

These expansions represent the pinnacle of Imperial might, allowing you to apply the results of the Empire’s research into advanced weapons technologies on the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War. With an elite group of ruthlessly efficient soldiers and a new commander who knows exactly how to use them, the Rebels won’t know what hit them. 


Director Orson Krennic Commander Expansion

Every great achievement requires just as much ambition, and there are few as ambitious as Director Orson Krennic. As the head of the Empire’s Advanced Weapons Research division, he oversaw the creation of the dreaded Death Star, using it wipe out any trace of the Empire’s activities on Jedha.

Director Krennic brings the same cunning that helped him build one of the most powerful superweapons the galaxy has ever known to the battlefields of Star Wars: Legion. In these fights, he’ll do whatever it takes to push his own agenda and ensure that his command cards win priority. Even better, Krennic’s position and skills entitle him to his own entourage of Imperial Death Troopers, giving you plenty of room for other special forces units in your army.


The Director Orson Krennic Commander Expansion includes one finely detailed, easily assembled Director Orson Krennic miniature ready to march his troops into battle along with three new command cards that allow him to issue specific orders in the thick of battle. Finally, three upgrade cards give you even more power to customize your commanders and their equipment.

We’ll take a full look at everything inside the Director Orson Krennic Commander Expansion, including all three of his signature command cards, in a future preview!


Imperial Death Troopers Unit Expansion

Tactically advancing across the battlefields like inhuman revenants, Imperial death troopers are a terrifying sight. Adorned in jet black armor and carrying an arsenal of weapons and equipment, these troopers are the elite soldiers of the Tarkin Initiative. Trained to be efficient and merciless, they are also rumored to undergo classified medical augmentations.

Death trooper candidates are hand-selected from the Stormtrooper Corps by Imperial Intelligence itself and, as such, these elite troops display skills beyond those seen in other Imperial troops. Unfazed by enemy fire, death troopers wade into battle, firing with unmatched precision. They display so much discipline, in fact, that they can remove a suppression token when they are issued an order, keeping them pressing the attack no matter how much adversity they face.


Within the Imperial Death Troopers Unit Expansion, you’ll find everything you need to add a squad of ruthless death troopers to your Imperial army. Six finely sculpted death trooper miniatures are accompanied by a unit card, an assortment of tokens, and an array of upgrade cards that give your death troopers access to even more advanced weaponry.

We’ll take a look at everything included in the Imperial Death Troopers Unit Expansion in a future preview!

On the Verge of Greatness

With the creation of the Death Star, the Empire has a weapon that can ensure its dominance for generations to come. Add some advanced weapons of your own to the fight against the Rebellion with these expansions for Star Wars: Legion!


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Ça fessait longtemps que je n'étais pas venu sur ce sujet et je peux dire qu'ils se sont VRAIMENT améliorés sur la qualité : en voyant ces nouvelles photos je ne retrouve plus l'aspect un peu "grossier" des anciennes figurines.


Et puis ce directeur Orson... Une merveille ! 


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D'accord avec Ugravis, le look de Krenic et des Deathtrooper est top.

J'ai toujours pas craqué pour Star Wars Legion, maintenant que le jeu est sorti depuis un an, vous me le conseilleriez ?

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Il y a 21 heures, Ugravis a dit :

Ça fessait longtemps que je n'étais pas venu sur ce sujet et je peux dire qu'ils se sont VRAIMENT améliorés sur la qualité : en voyant ces nouvelles photos je ne retrouve plus l'aspect un peu "grossier" des anciennes figurines.

Oui ces Death Troopers sont vraiment plus fins et vivants que les Stormtroopers de base, pourvu qu'ils continuent ainsi.


Il y a 15 heures, tom517 a dit :

J'ai toujours pas craqué pour Star Wars Legion, maintenant que le jeu est sorti depuis un an, vous me le conseilleriez ?

Je suis un peu dans le même cas que toi, c'est peut-être la figurine de l'Empereur qui va me décider ^^

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J'ai craqué pour noël, pas pour l'univers car je ne manque pas de figurines SW Minis donc je peux jouer dans mon univers préféré à ma convenance mais plutôt parce que j'ai lu en plein d'endroits que le jeu était vraiment bon. Il faut dre que si il est de la trempe d'un x-wing ou d'un armada je signe sans souci. Mais là les gens avaient l'air encore plus enthousiastes que cela.

Après je ne vais pas investir en masse mais Jyn Erso, les deathtroopers et les officiers impériaux font partie de mes prochaines listes d'achat parce qu'ils me plaisent et pour varier un peu les plaisirs.

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Il y a 1 heure, pointure a dit :
Il y a 17 heures, tom517 a dit :

J'ai toujours pas craqué pour Star Wars Legion, maintenant que le jeu est sorti depuis un an, vous me le conseilleriez ?

Je suis un peu dans le même cas que toi, c'est peut-être la figurine de l'Empereur qui va me décider ^^


Pareil que vous. Je suis les sorties mais je ne me suis pas encore lancé dedans. Mais qu'est ce que c'est tentant ! 

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Le 05/12/2018 à 17:14, Ugravis a dit :


Pareil que vous. Je suis les sorties mais je ne me suis pas encore lancé dedans. Mais qu'est ce que c'est tentant ! 

J'avoue que je sais que je n'y jouerai pas ou très peu (je n'ai pas vraiment de joueurs dans mon entourage). En revanche, c'est peindre les figurines qui m'intéresse même si j'ai encore une partie des figs du coreset d'Assaut sur l'Empire à terminer.

Il y a 10 heures, latribuneludique a dit :

Attention, c'est de la preview 3D pour les dernières annonces...

Tu as raison de le rappeler, ça fait forcément plus propre sur la 3D, il faut quand même attendre de voir ce que ça fait en dur quand même.

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  • 1 month later...



Pas de news depuis début décembre?

Je suivais un peu de topic de loin, jusqu'à maintenant j'ai pas craqué malgré tout le bien que j'entends de ce petit jeu (et le fait que je sois hyper fan de SW)...

Quelqu'un pourrait faire un petit bilan du jeu après environ 1 an d'existence, ça donne quoi?
(équilibre, temps de jeu, prix, news, avenir etc...)

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il y a une heure, BlooDrunk a dit :



Pas de news depuis début décembre?

Je suivais un peu de topic de loin, jusqu'à maintenant j'ai pas craqué malgré tout le bien que j'entends de ce petit jeu (et le fait que je sois hyper fan de SW)...

Quelqu'un pourrait faire un petit bilan du jeu après environ 1 an d'existence, ça donne quoi?
(équilibre, temps de jeu, prix, news, avenir etc...)


J'ai fait plusieurs parties avec les nouveautés, c'est pas mal et équilibré. Par contre deux factions avec peu de choix, tu fais le tour rapidement.

Les figs sont bien mais sans plus.

Franchement heureusement que la licence est là.

L'autre point noir pour moi c'est les scénarios. Y'en a trop peu.

Par contre en tant que fan de SW ça fait toujours plaisir. Faut laisser le temps en espérant plus de figs.

Y'a de futur sortie autour de Rogue one.

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Merci pour vos retours, pour la sculpture des figs ces remarques reviennent souvent j'ai l'impression, mais aussi beaucoup de gens qui disent qu'en fait s'est pas si mal que ça, surtout sur les dernières sorties ou ça s'améliore grandement...

Il y a 18 heures, citar a dit :

L'autre point noir pour moi c'est les scénarios. Y'en a trop peu.

J'ai cru comprendre ça aussi.. dommage!
Après j'ai vu que sur le site en anglais il y en à pas mal:



Mais à ma connaissance ça n'a pas été traduit officiellement..? Peut être certains fan ont fait une VF?

Pareil pour la MàJ des règles, sur le site fr il n'y à que la version 1.1.0 , et toujours pas la 1.2.0 ... patience je suppose que ça va venir tôt ou tard!


Il y a 18 heures, citar a dit :

Y'a de futur sortie autour de Rogue one. 

C'est justement ces beautés qui m'ont fait me ré-intéresser récemment à ce jeu...
Je les trouve super belles, avec une préférence pour les nouveaux rebelles !

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Les premières figurines sont relativement basiques, avec des lignes de moulage pas top il faut l'avouer.

Par contre les sorties suivantes sont très belles, jolie profondeur de gravure, plastique droit sur les petites pièces comme les canons, ligne de moulage très modérées. 

J'ai testé Leïa, les Fleet Troopers et les commandos : c'était du très bon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

De vieilles infos n'ont pas été relayées ici alors je m'y colle.


D'abord le char impérial sorti de Rogue One :



“Hit the terrace!”
First Sergeant Arbmab, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

For the Galactic Empire, conquering a planet is only the beginning of the battle. Massive vehicles like AT-STs and elite shock troops like Imperial Death Troopers may be effective at sweeping across battlefields and capturing new territory, but they rarely stick around to hold this ground. Soon, however, you’ll gain a powerful tool that can help quell any opposition that might rise against Imperial occupation.

Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!

Order your own copy of the TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank Unit Expansion at your local retailer or online through our website today!


Few symbols of Imperial occupation are more readily apparent than a TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank. Heavily armed and capable of carrying either cargo or personnel, one of these tanks can be a versatile asset to stormtrooper detachments on occupation duty. With the TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank Unit Expansion, you’ll find a single finely sculpted, menacing TX-225 miniature that can work in tandem with your ground troops to impose the Empire’s will wherever it’s been assigned. This beautiful miniature is accompanied by the full assortment of unit cards, upgrade cards, and tokens that you’ll need to add one to your armies.


Combined Arms

No matter how invincible your Imperial army may seem, you're sure to encounter resistance from those who refuse to enter the peace and stability of the Empire. As its name suggests, the TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank is an essential part of these counterinsurgency operations, able to both lay down heavy fire and provide mobile cover for your troops. The second heavy unit for the Galactic Empire, the Occupier is a cheaper option than an AT-ST, with just as much destructive potential.

Although it doesn’t pack quite the punch of its counterpart, every TX-225 features two built-in weapons that are useful no matter what units it’s facing. Its Forward Twin MK 2e/w Cannons are perfect for pinning enemy units in place with suppressive fire. The Lateral Quad MK 2e/w Cannons, meanwhile, can deal some heavy damage—even against armored units. Better yet, both these weapons can be combined into the same attack pool with the Arsenal 2 keyword for a single deadly strike.


While these two weapons provide a powerful baseline, they only scratch the surface of the TX-225 GAVw Occupier’s potential as an attack platform. The Combat Assault Tank can be equipped with both a pilot and either a DLT-19 Rifle or a RT-97C Rifle at its hardpoint, giving you even more power over your loadout. No matter what weapon you decide on, your TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank miniature can reflect your choice, allowing you to customize your mini with both weapons. The customization doesn't stop there, either. You can personalize your own TX-225 with a variety of options for how your gunner and pilots appear on the tank, as well as potentially loading up the cargo bed with three crates of kyber crystals.

Despite its ability to launch a concentrated assault on enemy units, the true strength of the TX-225 GAVw Occupier may be in its ability to work with ground troops. As a transport, the tank doesn't have to be hauling kyber crystals—it can also ferry troops into the heart of battle, all while providing a screen for any units that might be following close behind. At the same time that it’s providing cover for your corps units, those same units can screen the Combat Assault Tank from any enemies attempting to outflank its heavy frontal armor.


Even without a complement of troops moving with it, opposing forces will still find it difficult to destroy your TX-225. The tank may appear cumbersome, but it is can still turn quickly to protect the exposed treads on its sides after performing a standard move. When it does, you'll also have the chance to block any incoming attacks with the superior red defense dice, ensuring that the tank remains a force to be reckoned with. 

Tighten Your Grip

As the Empire spreads its reach across the galaxy, it must be sure not to lose any star system already under its control. With a TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank on your side, you can be sure that any planet will remain loyal.

Look for the TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank Unit Expansion (SWL35) at your local retailer in the second quarter of 2019.


Un speeder rebelle ressemblant furieusement au speeder de Luck dans l'épisode IV :



“You’re all Rebels, aren’t you?”
Jyn Erso, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Unable to match the Empire’s production of military equipment, the Rebel Alliance makes do with whatever they have on hand—which often means converting civilian vehicles into weapons of war. In addition to being outfitted with stolen weaponry to support Rebel soldiers in combat, the nondescript appearance of these vehicles is often useful in avoiding capture. Soon, you’ll be able to adapt one of the Star Wars saga's most iconic speeders to fit your needs on the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War.

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the X-34 Landspeeder Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!

Order your own copy of X-34 Landspeeder Unit Expansion at your local retailer or online through our website today!


Already a speedy craft thanks to its powerful repulsor engine, an X-34 Landspeeder becomes a threat to even the toughest Imperial opponents when driven by an experienced pilot and equipped with an assortment of weapons. The X-34 Landspeeder Unit Expansion adds one X-34 landspeeder miniature—complete with two unique weapon options—to your Rebel armies. Along with the beautifully sculpted, finely detailed miniature, you’ll find a unit card and all the tokens you need to get your X-34 up and running, as well as a range of upgrade cards to customize it to your specific battle plans.


Speeding into Action

The X-34 Landspeeder’s origins as a civilian transport make it perfectly suited for crossing the rough terrain that's commonly seen on the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War. When combined with some passengers carrying blaster rifles—or heavier weapons plugged directly into the speeder’s overcharged power converters—it suddenly becomes a capable military vehicle that can employ hit-and-run tactics to quickly accomplish your objectives. Entering Star Wars: Legion as the Rebellion’s second heavy unit, the X-34 Landspeeder gives you another option for giving your army some much needed power.

As opposed to Imperial vehicles like the AT-ST and TX-225 GAVw Occupier Combat Assault Tank, however, the X-34 Landspeeder’s power comes from something other than raw strength. Like the T-47 Airspeeders also employed by the Rebellion, the X-34 Landspeeder also moves incredibly fast, moving at speed 2 and performing a compulsory move when it activates.


But the X-34 features one crucial feature that the T-47 does not: as a vehicle with Light Transport 1, it can transport one friendly trooper unit consisting of exactly one small base mini, perfect for delivering a commander like Luke Skywalker into the heart of battle, where he can do the most damage. Even if your X-34 does come under enemy fire on the way to an objective token, it remains surprisingly durable. With Armor 2, it can cancel up to two hits while defending, giving it a chance to weather enemy fire long enough to deliver its passengers.

All this speed and durability does come at a cost, however. The X-34’s civilian design does not incorporate any weapons of its own, leaving you to find other ways to supplement the driver’s DH-17 Blaster Pistol. Luckily, the X-34 leaves you plenty of room to get it battle ready. On top of the friendly trooper unit it can carry, the landspeeder also has room for two other passengers that can be equipped with a wide variety of weaponry, from basic A-300 Blaster Rifles to a RPS-6 Rocket Launcher for extra stopping power.


Adding extra riders is far from your only option for modifying your X-34 landspeeder. It also features a single hardpoint upgrade slot for either a Mark II Medium Blaster or an M-45 Ion Blaster, giving you even more freedom to choose your loadout. Not only do these weapons offer different tactical options, they also invite you to customize your X-34 miniature based on which weapon you’ve equipped. No matter what weapons you choose, the team you’ve assembled can operate as a single unit thanks to the landspeeder’s Arsenal 3 keyword, creating a diverse attack pool that can rival even the most powerful Imperial units.

The Need for Speed

A good landspeeder can be a boon to anyone. In the hands of ingenious Rebels, it can become one of the most effective military vehicles in the galaxy.

Look for the X-34 Landspeeder Unit Expansion (SWL36) in the second quarter of 2019!


Enfin Bosk et Sabine, apparaissant tout deux dans Rebels. Oui je sais que Bosk apparaît dans l'épisode V avec le plan sur son petit peton écailleux ^^ :



"Trust me, we have never faced anything like this. It's a real work of art."
   –Sabine Wren, Star Wars: Rebels

As the Galactic Empire spreads itself across the galaxy, even the most independent beings are drawn into the growing power struggle. Soon, the ranks of both the Empire and the Rebellion will be bolstered by two warriors who aren’t afraid to think for themselves. Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce two new units for Star Wars™: Legion!

Order your own copy of these Operative Expansions at your local retailer or online through our website today!


Whether fighting for family honor or in pursuit of their next big score, both Sabine and Bossk bring all their skills as bounty hunters to your armies, bringing with them creative solutions to common problems found on the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War. Featuring new command cards for each of these operatives as well as a variety of new upgrade cards to customize your armies, these Operative Expansions unlock deadly new options for both Rebel and Imperial players.


Sabine Wren Operative Expansion

Born into the proud warrior culture of Mandalore, Sabine Wren carries the history of her people within the very armor she wears into battle. This history fuels her desire to see Mandalore freed from Imperial rule and returned to its former glory. As she joins the cause of the Rebellion, she can make use of her skills as a warrior and an artist to fight back against the Empire and inspire hope in all those suffering under Imperial oppression.

Similar to the Mandalorian armor worn by Boba Fett, Sabine Wren’s armor offers her several advantages in the battles of Star Wars: Legion. In addition to providing her with a measure of protection rarely seen in Rebel units, the armor’s equipped jet pack also makes Sabine highly mobile, allowing her to quickly cross the battlefield no matter what obstacles stand in her way. Once there, she can assail her foes with dual Westar-35 Blaster Pistols or turn to more devious methods to clear a path for Rebel troops.


Within the Sabine Wren Operative Expansion, you’ll find one finely detailed, easily assembled Sabine Wren miniature wading into battle—with additional customization options to match her mechanical abilities. You may outfit Sabine to dual wield her Westar-35 Blaster Pistols, or you may swap one pistol out for the legendary Darksaber. You can even choose to build Sabine wearing her helmet or with her face uncovered. No matter how you build this miniature, it offers a blank canvas for you to recreate Sabine's own artwork covering her armor or create your own.

This Operative Expansion also comes with three command cards that help you unlock her full potential, alongside a unit card fully outlining her abilities, four upgrade cards to further customize Sabine Wren to fit your battle plans, and all the tokens you need to fully integrate her into your Rebel army.

We’ll take a full look at everything inside the Sabine Wren Operative Expansion, including all of her upgrade cards, in a future preview!


Bossk Operative Expansion

Towering above most other beings, it’s not difficult to see how Bossk has gained a reputation as one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. Even more important to his work than his great height and reptilian features, however, are the natural Trandoshan hunting instincts he uses to track his prey across the galaxy.

When in the employ of the Empire, Bossk will throw himself at any enemy that will earn him the most money, often turning his claws into deadly weapons after softening his target up with his Relby-v10 Mortar Rifle. With the ability to easily scale obstacles and shrug off damage, Bossk is sure to be a true terror on the battlefield.


In the Bossk Operative Expansion, you’ll find an unpainted, easily assembled Bossk miniature armed to the teeth. Wearing his signature outfit and featuring two distinct poses (holding his Mortar Rifle raised, or preparing to throw a dioxis charge), this Bossk is sure to intimidate any opponent. Along with the unit card and upgrade cards that you need to fully outfit him for battle, you’ll find Bossk’s three signature command cards, giving you access to even more weapons and tactics exactly when you need them.

We’ll take a look at everything included in the Bossk Operative Expansion, including all of his command cards, in a future preview!

Born to Battle

While they may find themselves on opposite sides of the Galactic Civil War, Sabine Wren and Bossk aren't all that different. Raised to be fighters and carrying with them a legacy of war, both are ready to play their part in this galaxy-defining conflict. 

Look for the Sabine Wren Operative Expansion (SWL37) and the Bossk Operative Expansion (SWL38) at your local retailer in the second quarter of 2019.



Je suis très impatient de voir tout ça sortir et content que l'on voit apparaître des refs à Rebels et aux spin off.

Edited by DrussDharan
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Enfin un vrai véhicule lourd ?.


Ça fait plaisir de voir qu'ils sortent autre chose que des pitous. Par contre je suis sceptique en le regardant avec son socle : ce dernier n'étant pas très grand j'ai l'impression qu'il fait "partit" du blindé.


Pour le speeder par contre on aime ou on aime pas. 

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Il y a 15 heures, Ugravis a dit :

Pour le speeder par contre on aime ou on aime pas. 


Ben qu'est-ce qu'il a le speeder ? La figurine est très bien pourtant...


Sabine et Bossk sont plutôt sympa et il est bon de voir un peu de modularité dans les poses.

Par contre c'est toujours n'imp' en ce qui concerne la logique fluffique des sorties et l'on peut craindre que le chasseur de primes ne soit qu'un ajout temporaire pour l'Empire, dès que les vilains sortiront dans le jeu en tant que faction à part entière, Fett et lui risquent de définitivement y basculer.

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Tiens, c'est sympa qu'ils ajoutent des unités de SW : Rebels, je l'attendais avec impatience. J'espère qu'ils continueront dans cette voie là et qu'on peut imaginer une sortie Grand Inquiteur.

Une autre attente de ma part concerne les mud-troopers qui ont quand même du cachet je trouve. Le tank impérial a vraiment de la gueule  et il envoie du rêve pour moi.

Apparemment la greluchette a deux options d'équipement, paire de pistolets ou sabre avec pistolet, sans parler du casque ou non. Ça c'est cool. J'espère qu'ils n'auront pas poussé la cohérence fluffique du profil en lui faisant tirer des roquettes à peinture violette...

Le speeder est bien aussi je trouve et la politique d'incorporer des non-humains est bonne à mon avis en matière d'esthétique et de distinction vis à vis des unités impériales, plus standards et toutes humaines.

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Le 29/01/2019 à 16:09, morkipu a dit :

Les premières figurines sont relativement basiques, avec des lignes de moulage pas top il faut l'avouer.

Par contre les sorties suivantes sont très belles, jolie profondeur de gravure, plastique droit sur les petites pièces comme les canons, ligne de moulage très modérées. 

J'ai testé Leïa, les Fleet Troopers et les commandos : c'était du très bon!


Oui je suis en train de monter et peindre les Rebel commandos. Niveau ligne de moulage il y en a vraiment très peu et à peine visibles et pour combler quelques petits trous entre parties assemblées, sur certaines figurines (jusque là 3 sur 7) c'est vraiment très facile à la GS liquide.


En terme de peinture c'est un plaisir à peindre, facile pour un peintre néophyte comme moi et je trouve que ça rend très bien ensuite. Concernant les poses et la sculpture ça fait très star wars au final et les figurines semblent tout droit sorties des films.


Je suis très content et je me régale à peindre.

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Décor : https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2019/2/11/at-st-down/




“Whoa! That got him!”
   –Wedge Antilles, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back


The Imperial All Terrain Scout Transport is a formidable war machine, cutting through Rebel lines as it stomps across the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War. Despite their appearance, however, these intimidating assault vehicles aren’t invincible. Soon you’ll find out what happens when one of these towering terrors comes crashing down. Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the Downed AT-ST Battlefield Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!

Rather than marching forward and raining mortar shells on the hapless Rebels in its path, the wrecked AT-ST you’ll find in this expansion joins the fabric of the battlefield itself, providing valuable cover for your troops no matter what planet they’re fighting on. In addition to deepening your immersion in the Star Wars galaxy, the six new battle cards in this expansion also invite you to make your crashed AT-ST a focal point of the struggle between the Empire and the Rebellion, adding even more variety to your games of Star Wars: Legion.


Forward Flashpoint

From the tight back alleys of Mos Eisley spaceport to the lush forests of Endor, terrain forms the canvas for your Star Wars: Legion battles, affecting everything—from where you deploy your forces to the very strategies you employ once your troops are on the battlefield. With a finely detailed miniature representing an AT-ST that has crashed and crumpled into a rocky battlefield, the Downed AT-ST Battlefield Expansion can become an exciting and thematic centerpiece to any confrontation.


A downed AT-ST is certain to draw the attention of both Rebel and Imperial troops, of course, and while this miniature can enhance any battlefield you find yourself on, it can also play a larger role as a crucial objective in a totally new type of conflict. The Downed AT-ST Battlefield Expansion contains six new battle cards that dramatize a two-act struggle over a wrecked AT-ST, outlining the objectives, deployments, and conditions of a brand-new, two-part scenario.

As the scenario opens, a lone AT-ST on a recon mission has gathered important intel on the location of an underground Rebel bunker before being shot down by Alliance starfighters. Desperate to Secure the Intel , the first act sees both players racing toward the downed AT-ST to extract this crucial information before it can fall into enemy hands. But as Forces Converge on the crash site, this confrontation is sure to escalate quickly. As it does, the weight of your choices can be felt throughout your army, as each unique unit that is defeated in Act 1 and each unique upgrade equipped to a defeated unit in Act 1 becomes unavailable to you during Act 2.


Between the beautiful downed AT-ST miniature itself and six new battle cards, the Downed AT-ST Battlefield Expansion alters the landscape of your games of Star Wars: Legion while opening up an epic new way to play.

Into the Breach

Even without the use of its powerful MS-4 Twin Blaster Cannons and other heavy weapons, an AT-ST can still play a pivotal role in the confrontations between the Empire and the Rebellion—especially if it’s a part of the battlefield itself.

Look for the Downed AT-ST Battlefield Expansion (SWL30) to be released in the second quarter of 2019!


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Ca reste hyper cher pour ce que c'est...

Mais faut bien reconnaître que la gamme se développe.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Retour sur Hoth


Charging into Battle

Announcing the Tauntaun Riders Unit Expansion for Star Wars: Legion



“Hey, steady, girl. What’s the matter?”
   –Luke Skywalker, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back


Forced to the fringes of the galaxy by the relentless pursuit of the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance must establish bases on remote planets far from the gaze of Darth Vader and his feared Death Squadron. Though this might take them to barren worlds like the frigid wastes of Hoth, the Rebels often use their ingenuity to turn these less-than-ideal conditions into an advantage. Using the local fauna to bolster their forces, they can easily traverse a planet’s surface and—in some instances—even use these beasts to fight the Empire. Soon, you can bring one of the most iconic creatures from the Star Wars saga to your epic struggles of the Galactic Civil War.

Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce the Tauntaun Riders Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!

Trained to expertly handle their surefooted mounts across the windswept plains of Hoth, Tauntaun Riders help the Rebellion navigate nearly any environment, scouting Imperial positions and often slowing the enemy’s advance until the rest of the Rebel army can arrive. Within this expansion, you’ll find two unique unpainted Tauntaun Rider miniatures, enough for one support unit, along with a new unit card for you to field in battle. Your tauntaun’s natural speed and defense make them useful in a number of situations, of course, and this pack also contains three upgrade cards that give you the freedom to find a role for them that fits your particular battle plan.


Snowy Swiftness

Wherever they go, members of the Rebel Alliance must remain vigilant if they wish to avoid the Empire. On a frozen planet like Hoth, a tauntaun’s ability to quickly navigate the rough, snow-choked terrain can be an invaluable asset in the Rebels’ tireless search for any signs of Imperial detection. But their effectiveness stretches far beyond their homeworld. Whether they’re charging through the snow on Hoth or navigating the rocky badlands of Tatooine, these resilient snow lizards—and those who ride them—have something to contribute to any battle. 

Though they lack the top speed of the T-47 Airspeeders that joined them on Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back, a unit of Tauntaun Riders still moves swiftly using the speed-three movement tool. Even better, because tauntauns aren’t propelled by repulsor engines, their riders have a greater amount of control in the thick of battle. These agile beasts can make pinpoint turns even while crossing more difficult terrain, making it exceptionally hard for enemies to pin them down with blaster fire.


Such great speed makes tauntauns ideal for cutting through parts of the battlefield that would bog down other units to gain a superior position. Once there, the troopers riding on the tauntauns can start raining fire on opposing units with their powerful DL-44 Blaster Pistols. These blasters pack a heavy punch, but a tauntaun’s horns and hind claws can be just as effective weapons. In fact, a full-speed charge from a tauntaun can be enough to send even the most hardened Snowtroopers flying. 

Seeing as they’ll likely be one of your first units to engage with enemy forces, your Tauntaun Riders can be useful far beyond simply attacking. Already trained to be in tune with their rider, with a little extra training your tauntauns can serve a variety of functions within your Rebel army. Whether they’re jamming enemy communications or relaying your orders to units in the middle of a firefight, a tauntaun’s great speed can make it a useful lynchpin in any army’s communication strategy.  

We’ll explore everything included in the Tauntaun Riders Unit Expansion—including a full look at their upgrade cards—in a future preview! 


On Patrol

Tauntauns may be native to the ice planet of Hoth, but they can serve the forces of the Rebellion on any planet where they're needed. 



In the Trenches

Announcing the Rebel Veterans Unit Expansion for Star Wars: Legion



“The first transport is away!”
   –Lieutenant Romas Navander, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back


Many of those who fight for the Rebel Alliance have little actual military experience, joining up based on their hatred of the Empire alone. Others, however, have honed their instincts in the trenches, enduring countless hopeless battles on desolate worlds in the name of the Alliance. Soon, you’ll be able to reinforce your Rebel armies with the most experienced soldiers the Rebellion can offer. 

Fantasy Flight Games is happy to announce the Rebel Veterans Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion!

Armed with little more than their blaster rifles and grim determination, Rebel Veterans are often assigned the hardest and most vital jobs in the war against the Empire. Within this expansion, you’ll find seven unique, unpainted Rebel Veteran miniatures to add to your collection, including a Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper miniature that can be deployed as a detachment, offering valuable fire support to all of your units. Accompanying these miniatures are two unit cards, a selection of upgrade cards to outfit your veterans with new weapons and gear, and all the tokens you need to add them to your Rebel armies!


Battle Tested

The battles of the Galactic Civil War are won and lost in the trenches, by the units that form the bulk of the Rebel and Imperial armies. Always reliable, the Rebel Veterans give you another option for the corps units that form the backbone of your army. They can be counted on to get the job done, to hold the line, or to fight to the bitter end.

Despite facing a massive onslaught of Imperial walkers at the Battle of Hoth, these fighters held firm, buying time for their transports to escape and making the Empire pay a bitter price for every foot of ground it gained. Appropriately, then, Rebel Veterans are resilient units prepared to fend off any Imperial offensive. They become even more prepared to hold their ground once you issue them orders, as they dig themselves in to form a study defensive front.


Like the Rebel Troopers they fight alongside, squads of Rebel Veterans carry the standard issue A-280 blaster rifles commonly seen among Rebel units. Unlike their fellow Rebels, however, the veterans have different tastes when it comes to diversifying their arsenal. Where a group of Rebel Troopers might look to slow down an enemy vehicle or lay down a high volume of fire with a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, a veteran CM-O/93 Trooper aims to stop an advancing enemy in its tracks by dealing as much damage as possible.

No matter what heavy weapons they choose to equip, the Rebels have little hope of success if they don’t work together to push back the Imperial onslaught. Perhaps the Rebel Veteran’s biggest contribution to your efforts, then, is their willingness to work with other units. For example, they can easily coordinate with a nearby emplacement trooper unit like a 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team to ensure that everyone is ready to return fire.


But if stationary laser cannons aren’t part of your battle plan, you can also assign a Rebel Veteran to man a Mark II Medium Blaster and maintain a bit of mobility with your heavy firepower. Rather than act as a heavy weapon upgrade, this miniature becomes its own unit that can only be deployed as a detachment from the Rebel Veterans. Once on the field, however, the Mark II Medium Blaster Trooper is free to aid the ranged attacks of any friendly unit.

We’ll have much more information about the Rebel Veterans and the heavy weapons they employ in battle in a future preview!

Veteran Instincts

Experienced members of the Rebel Alliance know the long odds they face more than most. Nonetheless, these troops refuse to give the Empire an inch, no matter the cost. 


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extensions très attendues, je ne les achèterai cependant probablement, vu leur contexte fluff très circonstanciel. Toutefois ceux qui veulent revivre la bataille d'Hoth seront ravis!

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Il y a 1 heure, Newlight a dit :

je ne les achèterai cependant probablement, vu leur contexte fluff très circonstanciel

La galaxie est bien plus grande que les films. ☺️


Mais j'ai l'impression que les fans se restreignent beaucoup aux trilogies ... genre dans la galaxie, il neige que sur Hoth. C'est un truc qui ne cesse de me surprendre, cela dit sans animosité et ce côté un peu étriqué de l'imaginaire, on le retrouve beaucoup moins ailleurs. Genre 40k ou Infinity, c'est plus ... grand alors que y  a pas de raison. Rapport à l'attachement viscéral aux films, je me doute bien. ?


Bref le bestiau, moi je le peins en noir, je luis gratte les cornes et je lui rajoute une trompe, pas trop dur et hop c'est un bestiau de Tatooine ou d'Endor que la rébellion a intégré à ses régiments (pardon pour les orthographes, au passage, je les connais pas). Ou alors même le bestiau, je l'adopte, brut de décoffrage, sans conversion, après tout, ça peut monter dans les soutes et ça supporte les sauts supraluminiques, ces machins.? Et ce que je dis pour la monture, ça vaut encore plus pour les vestes polaires et les camouflages blancs. Mais non, ça coince apparemment pour beaucoup de fans.

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A tiens des créatures ! Ça change un peu des humains et ça apporte un peu de cavalerie, c'est intéressant. 


Par contre toujours ces horribles socles...


Il y a 1 heure, Newlight a dit :

je ne les achèterai cependant probablement, vu leur contexte fluff très circonstanciel.


C'est vrai mais en même temps il n'y a pas beaucoup de choses différentes lors des batailles dans les films. Donc s'ils seraient vraiment fidèles au film, le jeu de figurine deviendrait vite lassant. 

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Je suis assez fan des cavaliers sur Tauntaun, ça fait plaisir de voir un peu des créatures dans ce jeu.

Concernant les Hoth Troopers, rien à dire de spécial si ce n'est que j'aimerais bien voir un peu plus d'extra-terrestres dans ces sets. Il n'y en a qu'un seul dans celui-ci par exemple. Dans les précédents sets de troopers, il y a entre 1 et 2 extra-terrestres. J'aimerais bien en voir un peu plus.


Il y a 1 heure, Newlight a dit :

je ne les achèterai cependant probablement, vu leur contexte fluff très circonstanciel.


Je te rejoins là-dessus mais à mon avis avec un schéma de peinture un peu plus aventureux on peut facilement les intégrer à une armée qui combat sur une zone de type désertique sans que ça soit trop choquant.


il y a 24 minutes, Absalom a dit :

ce côté un peu étriqué de l'imaginaire, on le retrouve beaucoup moins ailleurs


Tout à fait d'accord avec ça. Je pense qu'il y a moyen de se libérer un peu du "carcan" qu'imposent les films si on en a envie. Que ça soit au niveau des conversions comme tu en parlais mais aussi des schémas de peinture. Certes, les Stormtroopers roses sont rares dans les photos de la communauté sur Reddit par exemple mais pourquoi pas ? J'ai bien vu des AT ST noirs et rouges ou des Storm complètement dorés. Le problème des licences c'est qu'elles proposent déjà un prisme qui peut vite devenir assez plan-plan si on le suit tout le temps à la lettre. Il faut pas oublier de s'amuser aussi côté Hobby.


il y a 22 minutes, Ugravis a dit :

Par contre toujours ces horribles socles...


Complètement d'accord ! C'est toujours possible à socler mais il faut toujours réfléchir à bien sauvegarder les lignes de vue, c'est pas super malin je trouve.


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