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Messages posté(e)s par Dreadaxe

  1. Les Fils du Rat Cornu donne un statut très intéressants au Clan Mors. Ce clan aurait une unité et une loyauté peu commune envers leur chef jusqu'ici inconnu dans la société skaven et qui intéresserait fortement le conseil des 13.

    À lire pour se faire une idée.

  2. Est-ce que ça, ça va ?

    * Il serait peut-être intéressant de mettre des restrictions car pour l'instant il y a peu d'inconvénient.

    * Il n'y a pas la Jaegerkorps bien que les règles du Général Impérial et du Capitaine y fassent référence.

    * J'étendrais bien la règle ennemi mortel (peur des hommes bêtes...) à une règle d'armée, qui ferait que dans le Hochland tout porteur d'arquebuse l'ont.

    * Je comprend pas bien ce que tu as voulu faire de la Jaegerkorp en la transformant en Jaegers du Hochland. Pour moi la Jaegerkorp est une unité d'élite avec des longs fusils comme présenté dans le scénario TdC. Maintenant un avancement Jaegers du Hochland qui permettrait de mettre des arquebusiers avec la règle chasseur et avec quelques limitations peut-être bien.

    * Les chiens de chasse existant dans TdC pour le Middenland je pense qu'un renvoi vers les règles de ce bouquin (et lien PDF) est plus adapté.

    * "De plus, contrairement à une armée typique de l'Empire, les archers de la province du Hochland ne peuvent devenir chasseurs." Pas réaliste... les chasseurs sont pas tous des bourgeois avec arquebuse.

    * AMHA +2 points pour devenir éclaireur et tirailleurs c'est pas cher payé quand on a une arquebuse dans les mains, +3pts serait plus adapté.

  3. A la place d'apeller les magiciens mages , on peut les apeller vizir ^^

    J'imagine que la remarque vient après avoir lu ça :

    - 2 personnages "mages" à pied

    - 1 personnage "mage" monté

    Comme tu n'as pas du vraiment comprendre toutes les finalités du sujet je te renvoie à ça et ça

  4. Créer une armée arabienne d'un bon niveau de peinture "tabletop", d'une taille approximative de 2500 pts, capable de s'en sortir honorablement face à divers adversaires et tout ça pour, au plus tard, janvier 2008 (tournoi de Wavrin).

    On veut la suite :wink: Car pour l'instant on est loin des 2500 pts.

  5. Citadel Journal

    # 40) Codex Genestealer Cults Part 1

    # 41) Codex Genestealer Cults Part 2

    Salut, il me semble que dans une revue (le citadel journal je croit), des règles de secte stealers sont j'y remets la main dessus, je t'envoi ca....

    En même temps c'est déjà dit plus haut... :innocent:

  6. un peu de background et autre tiré de RoS pour WJDR1

    Chamans Snotlings

    Les Snotlings sont une curiosité dans le monde des peaux-vertes : trop stupides pour être mauvais, juste assez intelligents pour être considérés un cran au-dessus de l'animal. Cela ne les empêche pas, en certaines occasions, de faire de la magie.

    Certains érudits du Vieux Monde épris de savoirs obscurs pensent que les Snotlings représentent peut-être la forme primordiale de toutes les races peaux-vertes, ce qui expliquerait ainsi leurs capacités magiques décalées.


    Les Snotlings contribuent à la Waaagh ! ambiant qui énergise les chamans peaux-vertes. Six Snotlings valent un orque en situation normale, mais il arrive qu'un chaman, surtout quand il s'agit d'un orque, décide de presser le citron un peu plus fort. L'option "Casse-Croûte" lui permet alors d'extraire plus rapidement leur magie intrinsèque en dévorant un ou deux sur le pouce. Chaque Snotling équivaut dans ce cas à un gobelin, soit deux Snotlings pour un point-orque (un PM) d'énergie magique.


    Livrés à eux-mêmes, les Snotlings démontrent parfois des capacités magiques assez différentes de celles de leurs cousins orques ou gobelins. Les chamans Snotlings utilisent le profil standard des Snotlings (WJRF, p. 225) mais bénéficient d'un capital de 2D3 PM. Ils doivent donc toujours réussir un test de contre-magie pour pratiquer leur "art". Ils ont accès à tous les sorts de magie mineure ainsi qu'aux sorts druidiques de niveau 1 et 2 (WJRF, p. 180-18). N'oubliez pas d'adapter ces sorts pour qu'ils correspondent à la mentalité morveuse : par exemple, Apparition de Petits Animaux devient Apparition de Gros Cafards et Averse de Grêle, Orage de Coprolitbes.

    Les groupes importants de Snotlings produisent des effets similaires à la Waaagh! Pour chaque douzaine de Snotlings de sa bande, le chaman gagne 1 PM avec une limite maximale de 11 points. S'il rate son test de contre-magie, ce n'est pas seulement sa tête qui explose, mais aussi celle de tous les Snotlings à moins de 24 mètres. Il est arrivé que des orques ou des gobelins poussent volontairement des Snotlings au-delà de leurs limites pour bénéficier d'un réjouissant feu d'artifice. Les autres peaux-vertes s'amusent beaucoup de ces rafales d'explosions de Snotlings et ces derniers n'ont pas assez de mémoire pour reconnaître le piège.

  7. Extrait de RoS pour WJDR1... De quoi mettre à jour la description des chamans.


    Les gobelins des forêts ne consomment pas de bière hallucinogène pour contacter les dieux et lancer des sorts; ils utilisent à la place le venin d'une araignée. En fait, leurs chamans élèvent ce type d'araignées sur leur personne, les laissant nicher sur leur corps et leurs vêtements, dans tous les recoins confortables comme les oreilles, le nez ou entre les orteils (confortables pour les araignées s'entend). Les nombreuses morsures venimeuses subies à longueur de journée les immunisent contre cette toxine particulière et les insensibilisent à la douleur. La toxine les maintient dans un monde onirique peuplé de créatures arachnoïdes géantes et de démons. Les chamans des gobelins des forêts se repèrent facilement à leur regard vide et à leur langue pendante tachée de pourpre.

    La vue d'un de ces chamans dans la bataille, la bave aux lèvres et la langue pourpre et gonflée battant sauvagement hors de la bouche, n'a rien de rassurant. La première fois que les personnages en rencontrent un, ils doivent réussir un test de peur ou s'enfuir, emportés par une terreur abjecte.

    Les chamans des gobelins des forêts jouent un rôle important dans le culte de l'araignée des gobelins. On peut toujours identifier le territoire de leurs tribus par les fétiches et les piquets totémiques qui marquent leurs frontières et qui arborent des représentations de Gork, Mork et de l'Araignée.

    Le venin qui coule dans leurs veines protège en partie les chamans des gobelins des forêts des "Boums de Têt". L'endurance mentale qu'ils retirent de cet empoisonnement permanent se traduit par un modificateur de -10 aux jets sur la Table des Boums de Têt' (page précédente). Si le résultat final est inférieur à 01, ils ne subissent aucun effet néfaste.

  8. Je suis tombé, en me baladant sur le web, sur une armée Snotling en V6

    Bon y'a plus qu'a traduire :innocent:

    Mise à jour la plus récente

    You heard me. Full credit for this list and concept goes to Goblit Skullhelm, of the Warhammer Palace?. The original thread for this can be seen here, and this is posted with permission. I'll update it as Goblit does. Magic items and mushaman magic has yet to be added.

    Just kickin' it around for comments- I find it amusing.



    Even the mightiest of Snotlings can be beaten to a pulp by the basic troops of most races in close combat, however they add other qualities to the Snotling horde. The warbosses lead by example (occasionally even killing an enemy), while the mushamans (say mush-shaman) eat mushrooms to cast "powerful" spells.

    Snotling Warboss

    M4 WS2 BS3 S3 T2 W3 I4 A3 Ld10

    Pts: 20

    Weapons: Hand Weapon


    • May choose either an additional hand weapon (+4pts), or a snotling halberd (great weapon which only grants +1S, all other rules apply, +4pts).
    • May wear light armour (+3pts), and may also carry a dustbin-lid (counts as shield, +2pts)
    • May choose magic items from the Snotling magic items list up to a total value of 50pts.
    • May ride a Riding Shroomer (+10pts), a Common Troll (+50pts), or a Giant (+205pts, takes up a rare choice).

    Special Rules: Unbreakable

    Snotling Great Mushaman

    M4 WS2 BS3 S3 T2 W3 I4 A1 Ld10

    Pts: 140

    Weapons: Hand Weapon

    Magic: A Great Mushaman counts as a Level 3 Wizard for the purposes of generating power and dispel dice.


    • May choose magic items from the Snotling magic items list up to a total value of 50pts.
    • May ride a Riding Shroomer (+10pts), or a Common Troll (+50pts).

    Special Rules: Unbreakable, Mushamans.



    Snotling characters are really not worthy of the title "heroes". Very few of them indeed have ever succeeded in any heroic action, at least not on purpose. The tale of the infamous Grubsnik is legendary, a snotling who slayed his orc boss by grabbing the bigger greenskin's windpipe as he was swallowed alive. A true martyr indeed.

    Snotling Small Boss

    M4 WS2 BS3 S3 T2 W2 I4 A2 Ld10

    Pts: 15

    Weapons: Hand Weapon


    • May choose either an additional hand weapon (+2pts), or a snotling halberd (great weapon which only grants +1S, all other rules apply, +2pts).
    • May wear light armour (+3pts), and may also carry a dustbin-lid (counts as shield, +2pts)
    • May choose magic items from the Snotling magic items list up to a total value of 25pts.
    • May ride a Riding Shroomer (+10pts), or a Common Troll (+50pts)

    Special Rules: Unbreakable

    Snotling Mushaman

    M4 WS2 BS3 S3 T2 W3 I4 A1 Ld10

    Pts: 50

    Weapons: Hand Weapon

    Magic: A Mushaman counts as a Level 1 Wizard for the purposes of generating power and dispel dice.


    • May choose magic items from the Snotling magic items list up to a total value of 25pts.
    • May ride a Riding Shroomer (+10pts).

    Special Rules: Unbreakable, Mushamans.



    Wherever the savage Orcs and Goblins dwell, tiny Snotlings live in their shadow. Normally these Snotlings are content to hide behind their larger cousins. Some, however, are drawn to war. As most Orcs show nothing but contempt for the tiny greenskins, the Snotlings sometimes band together into warbands of their own. The most common of these are represented by the core units.

    2+ Snotling Swarms

    M4 WS2 BS0 S2 T2 W3 I3 A3 Ld10

    Unit size: 2-10 bases.

    Pts: 25

    Weapons and Armour: A variety of twigs, fingernails and pebbles which have no effect on the game.

    Special Rules: Unbreakable.

    0-1 Gobbo Carriages

    M6 WS2 BS0 S3 T3 W2 I3 A2 Ld10

    Unit size: 5+

    Pts: 15

    Weapons and Armour: Hand Weapon


    • The unit may be equipped with spears (+1pt/model) and/or dustbin lids (count as shields, +1pt/model)
    • The unit may wear light armour (+1pt/model)

    Special Rules: Unbreakable, Ride da Gobbo!

    Ride da Gobbo! A gobbo carriage consists of two snotlings sitting on a goblin's back (the goblin is down on his arms and legs!). The goblin is encouraged to run using a variety of whips, prodders and fishing rods, resulting in a couple of crazy snotlings flying across the battlefield at break-neck speed - at least, it's fast for a snotling! The snotlings and their goblin mount are represented with one profile. They do, however, gain +1 armour save for being mounted.

    Gobbo carriages may always march. In addition, when they charge, gobbo carriages inflict one S3 impact hit per model in the front rank of the unit. However, this is not as reliable as the greenskins would like, so on a D6 roll of 1-3 the gobbo carriage is hit, and on a 4-6 the enemy is hit.

    Shroomer Riderz

    M4 WS2 BS0 S2 T2 W1 I3 A1 Ld10 SNOTLING

    M8 WS2 BS0 S2 T2 W1 I2 A1 Ld 5 RIDING SHROOMER

    Unit size: 5+

    Pts: 8

    Weapons and Armour: Hand Weapon


    • The unit may be equipped with spears (+1pt/model) and/or dustbin lids (count as shields, +1pt/model)

    Special Rules: Unbreakable, Shroomers have Poisoned Attacks.

    0-1 Shroomer Herd

    M8 WS2 BS0 S2 T2 W1 I2 A1 Ld 5 SHROOMER

    Unit size: 5+

    Pts: 5

    Special Rules: Poisoned Attacks Note that Shroomer Herds are not unbreakable.



    Considering their tiny brains and mushroom addictions, Snotlings are geniuses. They created the now infamous Pump Wagons, have developed potions to prevent pigeons fleeing from battle and even know how to hide under the smallest rock without being seen. Some say that the latter is more to do with their size than their intellect, but they are soon dealt with by hidden snotlings.

    Snotling Pump Wagon

    See Warhammer Armies: Orcs and Goblins, pg 25 & 48.

    Snot Scouts

    M4 WS2 BS2 S2 T2 W1 I3 A1 Ld10

    Unit size: 5-15.

    Pts: 4

    Weapons and Armour: Hand Weapon, Sling.

    Special Rules: Unbreakable, Skirmishers, Masters of Disguise!

    Masters of Disguise! Snot Scouts are excellent at hiding behind rocks, etc. They are not deployed as normal at the start of the game, instead write down where they are not a piece of paper. The snotlings are revealed when the enemy come within 5" or the snots decide to shoot.

    Pigeon Knights

    M4 WS2 BS0 S2 T2 W1 I3 A1 Ld10 SNOTLING

    M2 WS2 BS0 S2 T2 W1 I6 A1 Ld 5 PIGEON

    Unit size: 5+

    Pts: 10

    Weapons and Armour: Hand Weapon


    • The unit may be equipped with spears (+1pt/model) and/or dustbin lids (count as shields, +1pt/model)

    Special Rules: Unbreakable, Flyers.



    Most Snotlings like to herd bigger, less intelligent creatures into battle ahead of them in the vain hope that they won't have to fight. Some, however, are absolutely loony and want to get involved in the action as early as possible. They use leftover scraps of metal, wood, ogre, etc to build their crazy contraptions. Most of these don't work at all, although occasionally an absolute masterpiece, such as the troll truck, is created.


    See Warhammer Armies: Orcs and Goblins, pg 22 & 48 .


    See Warhammer Armies: Orcs and Goblins, pg 21 & 48.

    Troll Truck

    A troll truck consists of a single common troll pulling a cart.

    M6 WS3 BS1 S5 T4 W3 I1 A3 Ld4 TROLL

    S4 T4 W4 CART

    Unit size: Each Troll Truck is a single unit.

    Pts: 90

    Weapons and Armour: It's a Troll, what weapons would it need?

    Special Rules: Unbreakable, Chariot, Weeeeeeeeeee! The Troll causes Fear; suffers from Stupidity; can Troll Vomit; Regenerate.

    Weeeeeeeeeee! When the Troll Truck charges, it causes D6 Impact Hits as normal. In addition, each time it charges D2 Snotling Swarms are created in base contact with the enemy unit (they leap/dive/fall) out of the Truck. These Snotlings count as charging, and gain +1S in the first round of the combat as they are launched at the enemy with such ferocity.

  9. A mon sens le nom de compétences est un peu trop dur assimiler... ça fait pas assez nom de compétence en faite... et ça fait plus description.

    Quelques exemples de noms

    Revered Heroes

    The four goblinoid races all use titles to distinguish their mightiest warriors. These, unlike other races, tend to vary from tribe to tribe. Here are selection of suitable titles.

    Spiker. Slasher, Spitter, Biter, Nobbler, Splitter, Crumpa, Gnasher, Hacker, Boss, Gaffer, Gutter, Stompa, Murderer, Ripper, Smasha, Killer, Cruncher.

    On peut aussi utiliser l'ancienne traduction de Big'Un c'est à dire Gross'Brute

  10. Une longue liste de The H&A

    This is no means ready. I want feedpack about Character and Rune section, and balance them out before moving to the Units. Also some balancing and pricing issues.

    The Cults of Khaine - A Druchii Variant Army List

    Khaela Mensha Khaine, the Bloody-Handed God of a Thousand Different Aspects is the Elven deity of War and Murder. Worshipped by both Asur and the Druchii, though very differently, he is a god feared and respected. While the Druchii worship him as their saviour and destroyer of their enemies, the only god who offered them shelter after the Sundering, and kill in their name, the High Elves only pray to Khaine to deliver them from their enemies and return the peace to their lands through force of arms whenever threatened.

    The Temple of Khaine has for countless years done the biddings of their gruesome Blood-God, and the Witch Elves and Assassins of the Temple are greatly feared by the friends and foes alike. But the Temple of Khaine is not the only one of the cults, though it is by far the largest and has most support from the populace. There are many other, smaller cults, which have plenty of power in Naggaroth. These cults worship all one of Khaine’s different aspects. It is a rare occasion that they march to war openly, but when they do, they have the might of their chosen Aspect with them. All of the cults vary in their methods and teachings. Whilst the Cult of the High-Handed are ferocious, fearless warriors and their Assassins, or rather, High Executioners, wield two-handed swords instead of daggers, whilst adherents of the Iron Panther are specialized in using magical means to reach to their goals.

    The Laws of Khaine:

    Devotees of Khaine: No models without a Rune may join the unit.

    All units (except Nobles and Highborns) in the army must have the Rune of a Cult, and there may be only one kind of Runes in the army. Thus, it is not possible to have units with different Runes in the same army. Assassins may never take a Rune, as they have their own special section for this. Runes DO NOT count towards the maximum of Magical Items allowed. The Runes are:

    Rune of the Devourer:

    Those who worship the Aspect of the Devourer, Yngril, are fanatical Druchii who loathe the world and even themselves, and are eager to cleanse lands of the living and the dead, bringing forth a silent, harmonious land.. Where no single creature breathes, where there is now war, hate, hardships, only serenity of death.

    Unit of Yngril.. 25 pts

    The unit gains Hatred.

    Hero of Yngril.. 35 pts

    The Character can re-roll all failed rolls to Wound.

    Lord of Yngril.. 50 pts

    The Lord can re-roll all failed rolls to Wound, and also has +1 WS and Iniative.

    Rune of the Iron Panther:

    The Iron Panther is the Stalker of the Void, preying upon those foolish wizards and dabblers of Arcane arts who dare to enter the Aethyr. The followers of the Stalker are cunning and far-sighted individuals, who drive their own ends. They pack together into larger cults for some common goal, using all means necessary to achieve it. Those of the Panther Aspect are unusually patient, and their schemes are likes spiders’ web, difficult to notice or solve.

    Wizards in an Iron Panther army know one more Spell than they are normally allowed. They may not field Executioners or Temple Guard.

    Unit of the Panther.. 15 pts

    If the unit does not move in it’s player’s turn, the player gains +1 Power Dice

    Hero of Panther.. 35 pts

    May take an extra 10 points worth of Magic Items.

    Lord of Panther.. 60 pts

    May take an extra 25 points worth of Magic Items.

    Rune of the High-Handed Executioner:

    The adherents of the High-Handed hate the Asur and all enemies of their people. They see Khaine as the destroyer of their enemies and protector of their people through the strength of arms. Thus, they are possibly the best warriors in all Naggaroth. However, they are few and whenever they march to war, they usually do so alongside a Highborn who will support them with men and materials necessary. The Executioner is the patron of Har Ganeth and it‘s most elite Executioner regiments.

    One unit of Executioner may be taken as a Core Choice. An Executioner army may not field Shades or Dark Riders.

    Unit of the High-Handed.. 35 pts

    The unit gains +1 Weapon Skill OR Ballistic Skill and +1 Leadership. However, unlike other Cults, only three units in the army may have this Rune: one of Core, one of Special and one of Rare. No Monsters or Beasts may never have this Rune. Alongside these three units, no other Runes are present in the army except Heroes and Lords.

    Hero of the High-Handed.. 25 pts

    Gains Killing Blow. Must wield a Great Weapon.

    Lord of the High-Handed.. 45 pts

    Gains Killing Blow and must wield a Great Weapon. Also, has +1 Attacks.

    Rune of the Avenger:

    There are few Druchii that hate the Asur with as much passion as those who follow the Avenger Aspect. Every day they try to find new ways to destroy the High Elf nation of Ulthuan once and for all. Their loathing for their cousins has gone far beyond the borders of an obsession, to the edge of insanity. The Avenger is the reason that the Druchii follow Khaine.

    Against High Elves, the Avenger army gains Eternal Hatred.

    Unit of Avenger.. 25 pts

    The unit is Frenzied.

    Hero of Avenger.. 35 pts

    The Hero has Eternal Hatred and +1 Strength while Charging.

    Lord of Avenger.. 50 pts

    The Lord has Eternal Hatred and permanent +1 Strength.

    Rune of the Deathbringer:

    Amongst the Elves of Naggaroth, there are few that are as feared, hated and respected as the followers of the Deathbringer. All members of this cult wear gruesome masks and black cloaks to strike fear into the hearts of their enemy. They prefer killing up close and honouring Khaine in melee combat, and see no honour in using missile weapons. They are merciless killers, slaying cattle, women, children and even trees and plants in their wake, burning everything into ash and relieve in slaughter.

    An Army of the Deathbringer may never use missile weapons of any kind (including War Machines, but not Magic or Bound Spells)

    Unit of Deathbringer.. 25 pts

    The unit causes Fear.

    Hero of Deathbringer.. 35 pts

    The Hero causes Fear and has +1 WS.

    Lord of Deathbringer..60 pts

    The Lord causes Terror and has +1 WS.

    Cult Magic:

    The Cult Wizards can choose from the following lores:

    Yngril - Beasts, Shadows, Death

    Iron Panther - Shadows, Dark, Death, Fire

    High-Handed Executioner - Death, Fire

    Avenger - Death, Fire

    Death bringer - Death, Dark


    Avatar.. 550 pts

    The ultimate bringer of destruction and spreader of death, the Avatar is a mortal champion of Khaine who has become the death incarnate and infused with the spirit of the Lord of Murder. Avatars stand as tall as an elf, and all have glowing, red eyes full of malice. The Avatar is no longer subject to petty emotions or feelings like pain, mercy or hate, he is simply an instrument of the Bloody-Handed God’s will. When he sighted in the battlefield, enemy armies pray for their lives, but deep inside their hearts, they know that this will be their last day alive..

    M WS BS S T W I  A Ld
    5 10  0 6 5 5 10 6 10

    Weapons and Armour: Hand Weapon

    Options: Must take a Rune and may take 100 pts worth of Magic Items.

    May ride a Black Dragon for +320 pts

    May ride a Manticore for +290 pts

    May wear Heavy Armour for +6 pts

    May have a Sea-Dragon Cloak for +9 pts

    May have a Shield for +4 pts

    May have an Additional Hand Weapon for +4 pts

    May have a Great Weapon for +6 pts

    May have a Halberd for +4 pts

    May have a Lance for +6 pts or a Spear if mounted for +3 pts.

    Special Rules:

    Liquid Fire: The blood of the Avatar is burning with hatred, wrath and malice. When Wounded in close combat, all enemy models in Base contact take a S5 Flaming Hit. The Avatar's attacks count as Flaming.

    Murderous Rage: The Avatar is a murderous, wrahtful and maniacal killing machine bent on destruction. He can make an extra attack for every Wounding hit he makes when he Charges. These extra attacks cannot cause any more extra attacks.

    Death Incarnate: As Khaine’s messenger and doombringer, the Avatar spreads death in his wake like a plague. He causes Terror.

    Living Saint: Unlike their foes, the Druchii cultists see the Avatar as some kind of a saint, a living embodiement of Khaine, and greatly triumph to be in his presence. The Avatar adds +1 to Combat Resolution to his side for all combats within 6". If he is the General, this is extended to 8".

    Overseer.. 300 pts (+1)

    The leaders and main figures of the Cult, these priests and priestesses posses many mystical abilities and gifts bestowed upon them by Khaine. Usually it is them who lead the cultist to battle.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    5 6  4  4 3 3 7 3 9

    Weapons and Armour: Hand Weapon

    Magic: Overseer is a level 3 Wizard.


    Must take a Rune.

    May take 100 pts worth of Magic items or upgrades from the Temple of Khaine.

    May have a Great Weapon for +6 pts.

    May ride a Dark Steed for +16 pts.

    May ride a Black Dragon for +360 pts.

    May be upgraded into a level 4 Wizard for +45 pts.

    Special Rules:

    Cult Master: If all of the Overseers are slain, the Cultists will slowly become disoriented with no-one to lead them. After there are no Overseers left on the player’s side, every unit (not heroes or Monsters) must take a Panic test at the beginning of every turn thereafter.

    Reveal What Is To Come: The knowledge of coming events allows the Cult master to choose one of the following improvements before the battle:

    5+ Ward Save

    D3 Re-rolls for himself only

    One re-roll to any Leadership test in the battle.

    Farsight (see Prophet)

    Highborn as is.

    - May take (doesn’t have to) a Rune.


    Witch Queen.. 90 pts

    The most renowned of the Witch Elves inside their own sect, the Witch Queens are bloodthirsty killers who desire nothing but slaughter in the name of Khaine. They are adept at close combat, and graciously beautiful, as they move in a dance-like manner in the battlefield, bringing an elegant death to the foes of the cult.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    5 8  4  4 3 2 6 3 9

    Weapons and Armour: Two Hand Weapons


    May wear Light Armour for +2 pts

    May take Magic Items or upgrades from the Temple of Khaine worth up to 50 pts in value.

    Must take a Rune.

    Special Rules:

    Favour of Khaine:

    Khaine is a jealous god, and he protects those who are wed to him. The Witch Queen has a +5 Ward Save.


    Noble as is.

    - May take (doesn’t have to) a Rune.


    A (un)holy man or woman of Khaine, the Prophets are messengers of their patron and are known as zealots throughout Naggaroth. They teach their followers the ways of Khaine and strike down those who resist them. They are bestowed with many strange powers, as seeing into the future and to the past.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    5 4  4  4 3 3 5 1 8

    Weapons and Armour: Hand Weapon

    Magic: Level 1 Wizard.


    May be upgraded into a level 2 Wizard for +45 pts.

    May have 50 pts worth of Magic Items.

    May have a Great Weapon for +4 pts.

    Must have a Rune.

    Special Rules:

    Farsight: Once per turn, the Prophet may take a Leadership test: if he succeeds, he may cast any of his known spells without range or line of sight requirements. If he fails, he suffers a Miscast. May only be used once.


    Warriors as is

    - Must have a Rune.

    Witch Elves as is. +1 choice

    - Must have a Rune and a Hag.

    Dark Riders as is


    Brides of Khaine.. 16 pts

    The most elite of Maibd, the Brides of Khaine are the most devoted followers of their god. Both beautiful and deadly, the agile maidens are protected by the favour of Khaine as they wreak havoc across the battlefield.

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    5 6  4  3 3 1 6 1 9

    Weapons and Armour: Two Hand Weapons

    Unit Size: 5+


    Must have a Rune.

    May Upgrade one Bride to a Musician for +6 pts

    May Upgrade on Bride to a Standard Bearer for +12 pts. She may have a Magic Banner worth up to 50 pts of value.

    Must Upgrade one Bride to a Touched of Khaine for +12 pts. She has +1 Attacks and may take 25 pts worth of upgrades from the Temple of Khaine.

    Special Rules: Hate High Elves, Poisoned Attacks, Devotees of Khaine, Frenzy, Skimish

    Favour of Khaine: The Khaine watches over his selected. The Brides have a 5+ Ward Save.

    Cold One Knights as is

    - Must have a Rune.

    Harpies as is. 0-1 limitation lifted.

    Kill-Team.. 250 pts (0-1)

    A trio of deadly Assassins-in-training, the Kill-teams are the bane of enemy scouts and out runners, taking out whole groups of warriors with planned ambushes and traps. They have yet not chosen their path as an Assassin, and thus, they will fight for any aspect equally, and the cults greet them in order to manipulate new blood to their ranks.

    M WS BS S T W A I Ld
    5 6  6  3 3 2 3 9 9

    Unit Size: 3

    Weapons and Armour: Two Hand Weapons, Repeater Crossbow Pistol


    All members of the Kill-Team may have 25 pts worth of upgrades from the Temple of Khaine.

    May swap their Repeater Crossbow Pistols to normal Repeater Crossbows.

    May swap their Hand Weapons to a Great Weapon.

    Special Rules: Skirmish

    Kill-Team: The trainee Assassins can be deployed in two different ways: as Scouts, or as Ambushers. If they Ambush, use the following rules:

    Ambushers are not deployed at the beginning of the battle. Instead, roll a D6 at the beginning of each turn after the first. On the second turn, they arrive on a roll of 5+, on the third on a roll of 4+ and so on. On the turn they arrive, they may be deployed within 6” of any table edge and may move and act normally, but may Charge only their normal Movement distance (5”), not the doubled.

    Traps: Before the battle, the Kill-Team has observed enemy movements and set up various traps. At the beginning of the battle, roll a D6 for each enemy unit that is not a monster, war-machine or a character. On a roll of 6, the unit takes D3 Wounds with no Armour Saves allowed.


    Temple Guard AKA Black Guard as is.

    - Must take a Rune.

    Reaper Bolt Thrower as is.

    Cauldron of Blood as is.


    ( I was thinking of making a rule that the general of the army must always have at least one item of his chosen Aspect, so, a General of the Iron Panther the Seal of Ghrond and Deathbringer the Deathmask and so on. Too harsh?)


    The Executioner’s Embrace.. 65 pts

    (The Cult of the High-Handed Only)

    This long, graceful draich has a black edge and multiple ribbons of darkest silk hanging from the reverse side of the blade and it’s handle. The Executioner’s Embrace is used to slay the toughest of foes with a single blow. It is said to be a gift from the High-Handed to his champion before the battle so that he could reap those who oppose the Druchii.

    The Executioner’s Embrace is a two-handed Weapon. It’s bearer Always Strikes First and has the Killing Blow-special rule as well as +1 Strength.

    Destroyer of Worlds.. 100 pts

    (Cult of Yngril Only)

    The feared sword, the Destroyer of Worlds, is a weapon that even the Lord of Chaos treat with respect and caution. Forged of meteoric steel and imbued with the darkest of magic, the blade drains life from around it. The hilt resembles the head of a dragon, while the handle is carved into a liking of the wolf. The one who bears this weapon is the essence of destruction come alive, draining souls and annihilating the bodies of those he kills.

    The Destroyer of Worlds is a two-handed weapon that grants it’s bearer the following Stats: Attacks 10, Strength 7, Weapon Skill 10. Every wound he makes gives him one extra wounds. These extra wounds may never exceed his starting value. If the model with the Destroyer of Worlds is removed from the table for any reason, all units of the Dark Elf player must take an immediate Panic test and may not use any Leadership-benefiting modifiers, such as a character’s Leadership. The model with the Destroyer of Worlds must be the General.

    Deathsinger.. 50 pts

    (Assassins only)

    A beautiful, slender repeater crossbow, this weapon has been used by generation after generation of Assassins who specialized in marksmanship and killing from afar. It truly is a weapon of a sharpshooter: the arrows are imbued with the fury of Khaine which is more than enough to kill any mortal.

    Counts as a normal Repeater Crossbow, except that it has Strength 4 and may pick single characters from units with an additional -1 penalty to Hit.

    Axe of the Avenger.. 65 pts

    (Cult of the Avenger only)

    This one-handed axe shines as pure white as it did on the day of it’s forging, at the day of the Sundering. Hateful and malicious entity lives on within the edge of the weapon, guiding the hand that holds it.

    The enemy must re-roll all successful Armour saves and cannot benefit from Regeneration or any Magic Items, Rules or Spells that allow them to regenerate Wounds.


    Armour of Empyrean.. 65 pts

    (Cult of the Iron Panther Only)

    Forged by the Wizard Zalcadir inside the Empyrean, the Realm of Chaos, this armour channels magical energies through the user with greatest ease.

    The Armour of Empyrean is Heavy Armour and allows the Wizard to cast while wearing Armour. Can be combined with other Armour. Also, the caster can re-roll the Casting Dice on the first he makes while casting a spell. All dice must be rolled or none.

    Shroud of Khaine.. 65 pts

    A Sea-Dragon Cloak of finest scales, this dark red cloak radiates an aura of bloodlust.

    Counts as a normal Sea-Dragon Cloak. The bearer and the unit he joins gain +1 Attack on the turn they Charge.


    Mask of a Thousand Faces..

    (One Use Only)

    This mask changes it’s appearance constantly, each image being a resembling of one of Khaine’s aspects. First the Winged Predator, then the Black Cloud or the Devourer; every one of the thousand Aspects is a Face of Khaine.

    At the beginning of any Phase, before anything else, the player may swap the positions of any two Statistics except Wounds with each other. The effect lasts until the end of the opposing player’s turn. Ability modifiers are not taken into account. (For example, a Character with a Great Weapon can swap his Movement and Strength, allowing him to have S5, but reducing his Ld to 5)

    Crown of Slayers.. 45 pts

    (Cult of Deathbringer Only)

    This ornate crown was forged to a honour of the Druchii Highborn Lashith Bloodgrowl, a devotee of the Deathbringer. He was famed for his lust for slaughter, and it seems like this lust was passed into the crown after his death after a brawl with a Manticore. The Manticore was found dead amongst with Lashith’s remains.

    The Bearer of the Crown of Slayers also counts as having the same Strength as the model he is attacking at, unless this would normally be higher.

    Magic Standards:

    The Banner of the Devourer.. 100 pts

    (Cult of the Devourer Only)

    A black banner with a silvery image of a star about to be devourer by a wolf-like giant creature, this banner is woven with enchantments that strike fear into the enemies of Yngril. When broken from combat, despair takes them over and they submit themselves to the Druchii.

    After the unit carrying this banner Breaks an enemy in Close Combat, they will capture it automatically. No rolls to Flee or Pursue are made.

    The Banner of the Deathbringer.. 75 pts

    (Cult of the Deathbringer Only)

    All who fight under this standard that depicts a white mask on a black background are filled with insatiable hunger for slaughter and battle.

    The unit carrying the Banner of the Deathbringer is immune to Psychology and counts as Stubborn.

    The Banner of the Avenger.. 100 pts

    (Cult of the Avenger Only)

    Filled with hatred towards all enemies, with consuming fury and rage, those who carry the colours of this crimson banner will stop at nothing to destroy their foes once and for all.

    The unit carrying this banner re-rolls failed Rolls to Hit and to Wound on the turn it Charges.

    The Banner of the High-Handed Executioner.. 100 pts

    (Cult of the Executioner Only)

    In this banner is drawn a shape of a cloaked figure holding an axe and his other hand grasping a severed head. Those who carry it to the slaughter are granted the High-Handed Executioner’s unrivalled precision.

    The Unit gain Killing Blow on the turn it Charges.

    The Banner of the Iron Panther..

    (Cult of the Iron Panther Only)

    The dark blue banner with the eyes of a Panther, this banner increases the magical potency of the Overseers and Prophets of the Iron Panther who draw power from it while at the same time hampering enemy Wizards.

    At the start of the Magic Phase, roll a D2. This is the number of Power Dice stolen from the enemy and added to your own Power Pool.

    The Temple of Khaine

    Dark Elf Assassin.. 125 pts/model

    M WS BS S T A W I  Ld
    6 9  9  4 3 3 2 10 10

    Weapons and Armour: Hand Weapon


    Must take an Aspect for price indicated. The Aspect must be of the same aspect as the General’s Rune.

    May have an additional hand weapon for +4 pts.

    Can have Throwing Knives for +4 pts, or a Repeater Crossbow Pistol for +15 pts.

    May have Magic Items and/or Temple of Khaine upgrades with the exception of Magic Armour up to 50 pts of value.

    Special Rules:

    Hidden: Unchanged.

    Leadership: Unchanged

    Kill-Team: When the need is greatest, a cult may hire help from other cults and their Assassin and make them work together. This is rare, however, as other cults work very little together, but usually common goal or enemy is enough to make them work together.

    Three Assassins may be taken as two Hero choices. All must be paid individually. Assassins may all have a different Aspect, but at least one of them must have the same aspect as the Army General. They follow exactly the same rules as the Kill-Team Special Choice in terms of deployement and movement: they form a Skirmishing unit of their own and may Scout or Ambush.

    New Temple of Khaine Artifacts, Skills and Poisons:

    Repeater Crossbow Pistol: 3x Multiple Shots, Range 8", S3.


    Deathfern Leach.. 25 pts

    A substance gathered from the poisonous Deathfern of the Doom Glades, Deathfern is a poison that cripples and causes extreme pain.

    A model Wounded by an Assassin with Deathfern Leach lowers it’s Iniative and Movement by 1 to the minimum of 1. Attacks of the Assassin count as Poisoned.

    Blood Scarab Extract.. 50 pts

    This highly venomous liquid can be collected from a rare Blood Scarab that lives in the dark caverns of Naggaroth. It can kill even the greatest of foes with ease.

    Every Wound is multiplied into D3 Wounds.

    Void Rose Poison.. 20 pts

    This vicious poison is gathered from Void Rose, sometimes found at Chaos-infested places. Originally a normal plant, but mutated by Chaos, the Void Rose is purple in colour and absorbs magical energies, a power that it's extract retains after collected.

    The Assassin has Poisoned Attacks that count as Magical. Whenever he succesfully Wounds and enemy Spellcaster, the Spellcaster immedietly suffers a Miscast.. Daemons are immune to the Voidblade Poison's Miscast effect.

    Black Fire.. 30 pts (One Use Only)

    The "Black Fire" is a powder that can be made from teeth, scales and poison of a Black Dragon. It is sometimes carried by Assassins in small pouches, and can be thrown at an enemy, causing their armour to melt and their skin to burn, causing extreme pain.

    Can be used when the Assassin is in Combat. When used, the Assassin subtracts one of his normal attacks, but all enemies in Base Contact with him take S3 Flaming Hit. At the start of the Assassin player's next round, the affected models must take another S3 Flaming Hit, with -1 Armour Saving Modifier. On the next round, they must take a S3 Flaming -2 Armour Piercing Hit and so on, until slain or the game ends.

    Skills and Artifacts:

    Blade of the Predator.. 10 pts

    (Assassin Only)

    It is common for an Assassin to devote another of their weapons to the Aspect of the Winged Predator in order to make it strike faster and more accurately.

    The Assassin Always Strikes First.

    Runes of Blood.. 25 pts (Cult Assassins Only)

    The Assassin has cut gruesome runes of dedication on his own wrists, pleasing his chosen Aspect. The radiate with magic, and constantly drip with blood. Every time he is wounded, he is filled with the fury of Khaine.

    Every time the Assassin takes a Wound, he adds +D3 Attacks on his profile next time he attacks. This lasts until the end of the opposing player’s next turn.

    Dark Blessings.. 35 pts

    Surrounded by an aura of shadows, the Assassin is watched over by the Bloody-Handed. The sluggish blows of his enemies are easily parried and evaded.

    Enemies in Base Contact with the Assassin must re-roll all sucessful rolls to Hit.

    Potion of Blood.. 15 pts (One Use Only)

    This potion is made from blood of a troll, an Asur Elf and mixed with some of the bearer's own. It can heal his Wounds, but only desperate or foolish drink the foul concoction, for it will slowly destroy the drinker's own body..

    The Bearer may drink this Potion after he suffers a Wound, even if it's his last. He immedietly regains all lost Wounds, but if the bearer is still alive at the end of the battle, he must take a Toughness test or be slain. Potion of Blood may not be used if the bearer was slain by a Killing Blow attack, or removed by some other means than killing him, for example, the Tzeentch Lore's Violet Fire spell.

    A Dark Elf Assassin may be upgraded into a Cult Assassin for points cost indicated at the cult's description. There may not be different kinds of Cult Assassins in the same army. This does not count towards allowed Magic Items.

    Cult of Yngril.. +45 pts

    The Cult Assassin of the Devourer are silent slayers, who have made the vow of silence. They wear black cloaks, and never say a words. Their only respond to orders given is a brief nod, and even their superiors speak of them with hushed whispers. Whenever they are sent after an enemy, they dedicate themselves completely. They kill the target, his family and those close to him, and no traces of them is ever seen again. They wipe the memory of them forever. To them, the enemy must not cease to exist. He must have never existed at all. Such is the way of the Dragon of the Void, the Bringer of Night and the Devourer of Worlds, Yngril.

    The Cult of Yngril Assassin can re-roll all failed rolls to Wound and enemies must re-roll Succesful Armour Saves.

    Cult of the Iron Panther.. +20 pts

    The Assassins of the Iron Panther are experts at destroying enemy spellcasters and hampering magical effects. Assassins of the Iron Panther can Stalk the Void, meaning that they use their special training to create a rift in reality, jump out of this world and travel to another location quickly by using the Empyrean, a gift from Khaine that is not to be underestimated.

    The Assassin can Fly.

    Cult of the Deathbringer.. +35 pts

    The Deathbringer Assassins, are masters of close combat, and they enjoy spilling blood of their enemies in the name of Khaine. They wear grim masks, enchanted by vile sorceries to make their enemies die out of pure fear.

    The Deathbringer Assassin can Re-Roll all failed To Hit rolls in Close Combat. In Challenges, he has +1 Attacks. He causes Fear.

    Cult of the High-Handed Executioner.. +50 pts

    Assassins of the Executioner are grim warriors, dressed in black cloaks and fighting with beautiful, deadly, draich, the Druchii great weapon. Their martial prowess is very concentrated, and there are none, living nor dead, who can match them in single combat.

    In challenges, the High-Handed Executioner Assassin has, instead of his normal attacks, 2D6 S6, Killing Blow and he is armed with a Great Weapon. If he fails to kill his opponent after he has made his attacks in a Challenge, the fury of Khaine will descend upon him, causing him to suffer one Wound with no saves of any kind allowed.

    The Cult of the Avenger.. +25

    The greatest of Khaine's cults, the Cult of the Avenger Assassins are silent killers, hounds of Khaine beyond compassion and mercy. They fight and kill with passion, and most passionately they fight against the Asur. They are masters of disguise, striking with great fury when they finally expose themselves.

    The Cult of the Avenger Assassins are Frenzied, have Eternal Hatred and are armed with two Hand Weapons.

    The Chroesh Assassin.. 30 pts

    The Assassins of Chroesh are rare. The cult fell apart after the Cult of Pleasure blackened it’s name and the members were killed or went into hiding. Those who follow the Serpent Lord are usually devoted to him completely and loathe Slaanesh and all it’s forms. They have scarred their faces so that they cannot be recognized and have suffered extreme pain in their passing rituals. Also, the masters of poison, the Assassins of the Serpent Lord are feared by Druchii nobles. A drop of poison in their wine and they might suffer for months before dying horribly.

    Assassins of Chroesh may only be taken in an Assassin Kill-Team. They are Immune to Poisons of all type, and they may take a single Poison for free.

  11. Une autre vision par masterengineer de The Hammer and Anvil Forum

    Hochland is the smallest province in the Empire, nestling between river Talabec and Middle Mountains, it is almost completely under Drakwald forest, except few settlements of Hochland.

    So, it isn’t a surprise, that people in Hochland are hardened hunters, who fight daily skirmishes with Forces of Beastmen and Goblins.

    One thing Hochland is famous about, are their special Hochland Longriffles, which they use as Hunting Riffles, because of their unbelievable precision and amazing stopping power, rivalring all the weapons that can be used by single person in effectiveness.

    Jaegerkorps have made their name because of Longrifle. They are experienced Hunters, who field Hochland Longriffles on battlefield. Elector Count of Hochland, Aldebrand Ludenhof, maintains unit of Jaegerkorps in his Capital Hergig all the time, for Foul Beastmen fear this unit over anything that Empire can bring to battlefield.

    Now, after Storm of Chaos has passed to the past, it’s time to rebuild Hochland, for the whole province had to taste the power of Dark Gods. Even the Capital, Hergig, got sacked during the campaing.

    Hochland is still under Martial law, and recovery will take quite a time. Taxes have gone high to ensure, that Hochland can even maintain it’s normal State Army while rebuilding Forts and Towns, and there are only limited number of Artillery available to the armies of Hochland, and things such as Steam Tank, or Helstorm Rocket Battery are too expensive to field at all.


    General of the Empire With ability to buy Hochland Longriffle for +25pts

    Templar Grand Master of the order of the Blazing Sun

    0-1 Wizard Lord


    Captain of The Empire with ability to buy Hochland Longriffle for +25pts

    Warrior Priest

    Battle Wizard

    Master Engineer, with ability to only buy Hochland Longriffle and/or Repeater Pistol

    Core Units:

    1+ Halberdiers, minimal size of this unit is 20.



    0-2 Units of Knightly Order of Blazing Sun.




    Huntsmen(Minimal size 5+, have Longbows)

    Free Company



    0-1 Pistoliers

    0-2 Great Cannon

    0-2 Mortars

    0-2 Units of Inner Circle Knights of Blazing Sun

    Flagellant Warbands

    Rare units:


    Flagellant Warbands

    0-1 Hellblaster Volley Gun


    Jaegerkorps: 38p/model

    Unit Size: 5+

    M: 4 WS: 3 BS: 4 S: 3 T:3 W: 1 I: 3 A: 1 Ld: 7

    Equipment: Hochland Longriffles

    Special Rules: Skirmish, terrifying presence

    Terrifying Presence: So many times, Jaegerkorps have killed raiding Foe-Renders and Wargors with their Scientific Precision, that Beastmen are filled with fear when facing Jaegerkorps.

    Jaegerkorps cause fear in all Beastmen models.

    If Jaegerkorps kill even a single model with their shooting, the unit must take panic check

    I'm not too good at writing fluff, but I wanted to try and build armylist around my favourite province, Hochland.

    Flagelants are Special and Rare Choices to represent that after SoC, they are common sight in armies of Hochland.

    Feel free to comment the list and the fluff.

    EDIT: Tuned some things down, including price :whistling:

  12. Je pose ici une question sûrement pas au bonne endroit et à laquelle la réponse doit déjà exister, mais bon;

    Qu'en est il du fameux Char à Soupe halfling paru dans un WD?

    Bin il est pourri :whistling: Ok il faut rajouter uen entrée dans la liste et les références au WD plus un petit texte introducteur.

    Et des coqs de combat?

    Peut-être faudrait-il les mettre en spécial à la manière des listes de Tueurs avec les Pirates et Culte de Slaanesh avec Mengils...

  13. Je t'invite à lire le background de ce document qui est un condensé de plusieurs sources ici pour le PDFet ici pour le texte.

    - Règles du chariot adaptées de l'article Citadel Journal WFB4 "A Drinking We Will Go!" par James Funnell.

    - Règles des bières adaptées de Warhammer Quest - The Brewmaster, par Nick Kyme.

    - Descriptions de Josef Bugman dans le WFB4/5 Warhammer Armées Nains par Nigel Stillman et Rick Priestley.

    - Descriptions de Josef Bugman dans le WJRF1 Pierre et Acier par Alfred Nunez.

    - Descriptions et règles des Rangers de Bugman pour WFB1 (dans Forces of Fantasy) et WFB2 (dans le Citadel Journal Spring 85).

    - Règles WFB6 pour la révision des personnages spéciaux nains de Josef Bugman par Gavin Thorpe.

    - Campagne "La Complainte de Bugman" (WD Fr 129, 130, 131, 132).

  14. Avian propose sa version v7 de plusieurs choses dont les personnages Morglum Brise-nuque. J'adore la règle de sa tribu qui permet d'introduire des Orques Noirs sur sanglier. J'imagine que ça fera plaisir à Olivier.

    Morglum Necksnapper

    by Avian

    Poor Morglum has been much neglected lately. He wasn't even mentioned in the 6th edition book, received a miserable set of rules in a semi-official update and is given lip service in the 7th edition army book. Below are my suggestions for a more fitting update for this mighty Warboss.

    Morglum Necksnapper - Lord

    Morglum Necksnapper was the leader of the mighty Necksnapper tribe of the Dark Lands. In 2488 he led his forces across the World's Edge Mountains and defeated a large Bretonnian errantry army which had been methodically cleansing the northern Badlands of greenskins for several years. As the Bretonnian duke and his surviving knights galloped frantically out of Death Pass towards the setting sun, pursued by hordes of Goblin Wolf Riders, Morglum Necksnapper made his famous pronouncement "Let 'em tell da King. Da east belongs to da Orcs. Da east belongs to Morglum. Da east is green.". Aided by his second-in-command, Oglok da 'Orrible, Morglum later united with the Orc Warboss, Gorfang Rotgut, to attack Karak Azul. The greenskins briefly took possession of the Hold and captured many of King Kazador's kin.

    Morglum Necksnapper is a Black Orc Warboss. The army may only include a single Morglum Necksnapper.

    Morglum Necksnapper......................................................Points: 305

    					  M WS  BS  S T  W I  A  Ld 
    Morglum Necksnapper   4  7  3  5  5  3  4  4  9 
    Boar				  7  3  -  3  4  1  3  1  3  

    Wargear: The Humie Hewers & Bulak's Bloody Armour

    Mount: Boar


    • Morglum may replace his Boar with an Orc Boar Chariot for +55 pts, displacing one of the chariot's normal crew.

    Special rules:

    Morglum: Quell Animosity; Immune to Psychology; Cause Fear; The Necksnapper Tribe

    Boar: Thick-skinned; Tusker Charge

    Magic Items

    The Humie Hewers

    With his twin axes, Morglum leaves a bloody trail of severed heads as he

    plows through the enemy ranks in the time-honoured tradition of the Necksnappers. While riding, Morglum is able to swing both axes with no trouble, having beaten his boar into submission in a day-long head-butting contest.

    Count as two choppas, which Morglum may use even if mounted. In addition to their normal rules, whenever Morglum's To Hit roll is higher than his target's Weapon Skill, the attack will not only hit regardless of the score normally needed to hit, but will inflict two hits on the target unit instead of one. If Morglum chose to allocate one or more attacks against specific enemy models, such as Champions or Characters, extra hits gained in this way only affect the designated target.

    Bulak's Bloody Armour

    This old and well-crafted suit of armour once belonged to the previous Warboss of the Necksnapper tribe. It is encrusted with the blood of Bulak, which explains why Morglum is now the one wearing it. Rumour has it that the pit fight fought for leadership of the Necksnapper tribe was not fair at all, and Bulak's spirit seems to inhabit the armour still, spitefully inflicting revenge on its new owner.

    Count as heavy armour. The Bloody Armour also grants the wearer a 4+ Ward save.

    However, after the first time the Ward save is failed, it will be reduced to a 5+ Ward afterwards. If it is failed a second time it will be reduced to a 6+ Ward afterwards and if it is failed three times it will not grant the wearer any Ward save at all for the rest of the battle.

    Explanation of special rules

    Morglum Necksnapper is a greenskin and a Black Orc for all intents and purposes. If mounted on a boar he is a cavalry model, should be on a 25 x 50 mm base and has a Unit Strength of 2. If mounted in a Boar Chariot the chariot is a chariot mount and should be on a 50 x 100 mm base. Morglum and the chariot has a total Unit Strength of 5. Note that Morglum is not Armed to da Teef, due to having a pair of magical weapons.

    Quell Animosity: See page 20 of the Orcs & Goblins army book.

    Immune to Psychology: See page 53 of the Warhammer Rulebook.

    Cause Fear: See page 50 of the Warhammer Rulebook.

    The Necksnapper Tribe: If Morglum is the army General, then Orc Boar Boyz count as a Core unit choice, rather than as a Special unit choice, and there is no limit to the number of Orc Boar Boyz units that can be upgraded to Big 'Uns, for the usual cost.

    In addition, one unit of Orc Boar Boy Big 'Uns may be upgraded to Black Orc Boar Boyz for free. Black Orc Boar Boyz trade in their spears for great weapons and their light armour for heavy armour. They have a Leadership of 8 and are Black Orcs.

    À titre de comparaison les règles v6

  15. Population :

    Les Gobelins de Nez-Brisé sont facilement la plus infâme de toutes les nombreuses tribus Gobelinoïdes qui hantent la région. Leur puissance et leur réputation au sein de leur propre race a beaucoup progressé depuis qu'ils ont mis la main sur le Trébuchet magique des Nains, Fracasse-Crânes et sur le canon multiple, Le Vomissoire de Plomb.

    La traduction existe dans un Herault Citadel :

    Boggrub Legbiter, war chief of the Broken Nose goblins, looked around with satisfaction upon the runes entrance of Karak-Azul. His troops moved quietly among the Dwarven dead, pausing occasionally to spit out hair or gristle. "Oi, boss, look at this!" came a shout. Boggrub turned to see his lieutenant, Gutbug, standing on a large wheeled structure which had been dragged almost to the entrance, Boggrub cast his eye over the machine, taking in every detail of its workings. He nodded appreciatively.

    "Wot iz it?" he demanded. "Dunno," replied Gutbug, "They woz just bringin’ it out when we killed ‘em". The two goblins stood for a few moments, looking at the great machine. "It’s a see-saw," ventured Gutbug. "Them ropes," said Boggrub to Gutbug’s suddenly recumbent form, "Pull ‘em," Gutbug obeyed, rubbing the back of his head where Boggrub’s mailed fist had made contact. Slowly, the huge weight at one end of the machine’s wooden arm lifted into the air. Suddenly, there was a click, "Select target," intoned a metallic voice. Boggrub jumped. "‘Oo sed that?" he demanded. Gutbug backed away, shaking his head. "I did, you repellent little pustule," said the voice. Boggrub’s eyes widened as they focussed on a grotesque face set into the machine’s metal fittings.

    "Er .... Wot?" said Boggrub. There was a metallic sigh. "WHAT .... DO .... YOU .... WANT .... ME ... TO .... HIT?" asked the machine, very slowly. "Oh," replied Boggrub, "Er .... that tree over there." A second face came to life. "Range - two-twenty, elevation - fifteen," it said crisply, "Target fixed, ready to fire." "Er .... fire!" commanded Boggrub, in what he hoped was a commanding voice. There was a slight pause. "Rock?" asked the metal face, a little tired. "Wot?" replied Boggrub. "What am I supposed to fire, you malodorous moron?" asked the face.

    A rock was hurriedly placed on the open metal hand at the far end of the machine’s arm. "Can I fire now?" asked the face wearily. "Go on, then." The wooden arm snapped upright, and the rock was hurled into the air. As it flew, it began to glow, and then burst into flames an instant before hitting its target. The tree was riven to charred matchwood. "Cor," gasped Gutbug, "Good job they never got it out, we’d have been .... The rest of the sentence was lost as his face hit the ground. "It’s a rock thrower," said Boggrub quietly. "Trebuchet," corrected the machine. "Wot?" "Trebuchet!" "Wozzat mean?" demanded Boggrub. There was a slight pause. "Rock thrower," conceded the machine, wearily. "A rock throwin’ skull crusher," said Boggrub, "That’s what we’ll call it - Skull Crusher." There was no response save a deep metallic sigh.

    Skull Crusher had won another great victory for the Broken Nose Goblins of Boggrub Legbiter. Karak-Azgal lay in smoking ruins, and the Goblins set to plundering the Dwarfhold.

    The victory had not been an easy one. The field lay littered with Goblin dead; even their ally and secret weapon, the Troll Gundran Banebelch, had fallen. The Dwarves had employed a great and terrible weapon, which spewed fire and shot across the oncoming Goblin ranks.

    A small crowd of Goblins gathered round the machine.

    "Nasty, that." commented Boggrub. Gutbug nodded sagely.

    "‘Ow’s it work, then?" Boggrub continued.

    "Dunno," said Gotbug, "Ask a dwarf?"

    "Oh, yeah," Gutbug continued, climbing to his feet, "All dead. Forgot." He rubbed the back of his head ruefully. Suddenly, a shout came from the entrance to the Dwarfhold.

    "Oi, boss, got a live one!" Boggrub looked up eagerly.

    "Bring it ‘ere!" he commanded. "An’ don’t eat it on the way!" Soon a young Dwarf was thrown down at his feet.

    "Right, stunty," growled Boggrub, noting with satisfaction that this juvenile was shorter than he was, "Wot zis an’ how’s it work?"

    "Just you wait ‘till my Daddy gets home," whimpered the young Dwarf, "An’ my uncle, an’ my three cousins, an..." The recitation of his family tree was cut short by a wellplaced boot.

    "‘Ow’s it work?" repeated Boggrub.

    "It’s a cannon, isn’t it?" gasped the young Dwarf, clutching his groin.

    "I know that, stunty," retorted Boggrub, making a metal note of the name, "but ‘ows it work?"

    With a little persuasion, the Goblins learned from their captive how the weapin was used. The four guns were loaded with powder and shot, and trained upon the entrance to the Dwarfhold, where a number of Dwarven corpses were propped up as targets.

    "Fire!" yelled Boggrub.

    When the smoke cleared, the scene of devastation amazed even the Broken Nose Goblins. The shot from the three lower guns had almost totally destroyed the corpses, while the heavy ball from the upper howitzer had reduced the entrance to smoking rubble.

    "Cor," breathed Boggrub, "It’s even better than Skull Crusher!" He had a sudden thought.

    "‘Ere," he exclaimed, "Carve the Troll’s face off and nail it across the front - we’ll call it Lead Belcher, after ‘im." The assembled Goblins murmured their assent at this touching gesture.

    "Shall I scrap Skull Crusher then, boss?" asked Gutbug.

    "Nah," answered Boggrub as his lieutenant climbed to his feet, " We’ll be twice as good if we keep both of ‘em."

    "I was afraid you’d say that." put in a tired-sounding metallic voice from somewhere.


    Lead Belcher is a multiple weapon, comprising three small bombards and one howitzer. It has the following profile:

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Int CI WP 0 3 6 6 8 0 0 0 0 0 0

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Int Cl WP

    Leadbelcher * 0 3 6 6 8 0 0 0 0 0 0

    The lower three guns operate as bombards, according to the rules in Warhammer, Vol. 1. They fire together, and only have a single 2" fire corridor, but any target within the fire corridor takes D3 strength 6 hits. They may not fire independently or at separate targets.

    The upper gun is treated as a stone-thrower, lobbing a ball in a high arc with a maximum range of 48" and a minimum range of 1 B". It may not be aimed independently of the lower guns, but can fire separately. Otherwise, it operates exactly as if it were a stone-thrower.

    The whole machine has a crew of six Goblins, with the following standard profile:

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Int Cl WP

    Goblin Crew 4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 5 5 5 5

    Boggrub Legbiter generally stays with Skull Crusher, but Lead Belcher is often commanded by Gutbug. Gutbug is a Goblin Champion, with the following profile:

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld Int Cl WP

    Boggrub 4 3 3 4 3 1 3 1 5 5 5 5

    2470 Le chef de guerre gobelin Boggrub Kassetibia mène la tribu des Nez Kassés contre les nains de Karak Azul, où il capture deux machines de guerre qu'il rebaptisera Kasse-Krâne et Krache-plomb. Grâce à ces prises, il se taille un chemin sanglant dans les Montagnes du Bord du Monde et jusque dans l'Averland.

    * Cette carte de Lure of the Liche Lord pour WFRP2 nous donne la localisation de la tribu Edit du lien archivé


    Karak Azgal:

    "hoard peak", it was also called Karag-Drakk (Dragon's Crag) during the time of the Dragon, and originally its name was Karak-Izril (city of jewels). Here there is an incredible abundance of gemstones and precious metals. It is a city of the Dwarven Realm which fell to the might of the Broken Nose Goblins after a bitter siege lasting years. The goblins never found the treasure horde and left the place in ruins. It became a home for dragons and other fell beasts. Graug the Terrible had his lair here until Skalf Dragonslayer killed him. Since then the hold has been reclaimed. (WD152)

    Karak Azul:

    "Iron Peak", it has never fallen to the goblin hordes and is ruled by Lord Kazador. Gorfang Rotgut and the Broken Nose goblins did once successfully attack this hold, breaking into the throne room and capturing several members of the Dwarf Lord's household, including Kazrik, Kazador's son before esscaping back to where they came from. There is an abundance of iron in this area and the hold is famed for its swordsmiths. (WD152, 159)


    this Dwarven hold came under siege from the Broken Nose Goblins. (WS)

    L'idée de ce post est de faire les règles pour les 2 machines de guerre pourquoi pas pour l'armée des nez kassés et encore pour Boggrub Kassetibia.

    Pas trop de temps actuellement j'ouvre le post à titre de pense-bête et pour que les gens puissent donner leur avis.

  16. Bonjour Dreadaxe !

    dommage que tout ce travail dorme ... surtout que beaucoup des liens proposé dans ce thread ne sont plus viable (j'aurais bien lu le truc sur le dread nain ^^

    y a t il un endroit ou tous votre travail a été archivé?

    peut on le consulté?

    peut etre que cela nous donnera la motivation necessaire pour vous aidez et vous pour continuer ! :wink:

    a bientot et merci d'avance !

    À l'occasion je remettrais les liens à jour... du moins quand c'est possible.

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