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[PC] [DoW II] On recrute pour DOW 2 !


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bjour tout le monde !

Tout est dans le titre : avec un autre membre du warfo ( Lamenoire ) nous jouons a DOW 2 ( enfin la bêta en attendant la date fatidique :D ). Le problème c'est que nous ne sommes que 2 et, pour les parties avec classement c'est mieux de se connaitre et d'essayer de jouer avec les mêmes personnes ; Nous cherchons donc un troisième membre voir plus car il n'est pas exclu de creer une team!

attention : Nous ne sommes pas des pros, nous jouons avant tout pour nous amuser bien que notre interêt est quand même de gagner :'( !

voili voilou en esperant motiver du monde ^^ !

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Yop! Présent mon capitaine !

Enfin c'est vite dis : je ne peux jouer que le weekend. Mais dans un sens ce n'est pas mal ça m'évitera de passer mon temps dessus. :D

Sinon mon pseudo : Spoke49

Il ne me reste plus qu'à m'entrainer encore un peu pour avoir un niveau décent. :'(

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Content que mon idée plaise et qu'il y ait autant de fadas de DOW 2 :'( !

Ce week-end étant une bonne occase' pour commencer des parties entre warfoistes, je vous donne mon pseudo: quentss

je suis dispo pour jouer tous les soirs et le week-end (mais à des heures raisonnables :D )

Je ne connais pas le nombre definitif de personnes interessée mais j'aimerais avoir votre avis sur la création d'une team de membres du warfo

Encore merci

Modifié par kent'
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Je suis Psychic Daemon pour vous servir.

Par contre je sais pas pour vous, mais j'ai un bug avec les stats. ca nenregistre que très rarement mes victoires et je n'ai gagné qu'une suele fois de spoints de classements alors que je joue sur le ladder et pas dans parties personnalisées.

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Je suis Psychic Daemon pour vous servir.

Par contre je sais pas pour vous, mais j'ai un bug avec les stats. ca nenregistre que très rarement mes victoires et je n'ai gagné qu'une suele fois de spoints de classements alors que je joue sur le ladder et pas dans parties personnalisées.

Moi aussi. Même si j'ai fait assez peu de parties à classement, j'ai remarqué des bugs au niveau de la comptabilisation des victoires. (j'ai par exemple gagné une partie en team, j'ai eu les points, mais elle n'a été marquée nul part dans les stats de victoires..., enfin c'est pas trop grave, c'est juste une beta pour le moment :'( )

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Bon, je me permets de faire un petit up du sujet, tout ça pour dire qu'en team ça marche beaucoup mieux. On a toujours fini par arracher la victoire même dans les situations désespérées.

S'il y a d'autres intéressées, qu'ils nous fassent signe, ils sont les bienvenus.

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Salut tout le monde !

Je ne sais pas pour vous, mais personnellement, je trouve la qualité du son par micro carrément nulle avec Windows Live, et de plus on ne dispose pas de touche pour "activer" le micro, ce qui fait que si on écoute de la musique, où si quelqu'un parle près de nous, et bien le micro est tout le temps en marche...

J'ai donc créé un groupe Steam spécial Warfo, pour qu'on puisse parler ensemble quand on joue en team, et de plus permet de savoir qui joue à quoi (ça ne marche que pour les jeux rentrés dans Steam bien sur) !

Le groupe s'apelle "Warhammer Forum" (super original ^^), normalement il vous suffit d'aller dans "Communauté", et à droite dans la barre de recherche, taper "Warhammer Forum", vous pouvez ensuite normalement le rejoindre !

Voilà voilà, bon jeu à tous !

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Les eldars nerfé, enfin...

Le nouveau patch est la il suffit de lancer steam pour le dl, ci dessus le patch note définitif.

JE viens de faire un tour sur les fofos US... On va dire pour résumer que ce patch fait l'unanimité contre lui ..

- Le point le plus grave : Les véhicules deviennent OP du fait du nerf des unité CAC contre eux. Apperement meme le FC avec gant ne peux plus rien faire. ils parlent de 3 squad tactique + lance missile pour abattre 1 dread oO

- Gros nerf Eldar

- Augmentation de la REq qui tue un peu le rythme d ejeu que l'on connaissait

- Up des tactiques


BOn je testerais en rentrant du taff, mais je suis un peu craintif finalement.

General Changes

* Increased the chances for melee sync-kills to occur.

* Fixed an issue with all units gaining experience from kills. Only units that fight will gain experience. Heroes will still gain experience just by being near the fighting.

* All infantry weapon damage reduced by 15% with the exception of anti-vehicle, sniper and artillery weapons.

* All heroes health reduced by 10% to reflect global damage change.

* Some melee units reduced in health by 10%.

* Suppression units' damage at long range reduced, suppression against cover reduced a little.

* melee_heavy damage to vehicle reduced to 0.5, from 1. Damage against building reduced to 0.5, from 1.

* power_weapons_pvp damage to vehicle reduced to 0.15, from 0.25.

* Plasma damage vs vehicles increased to .2 from .15

* Flamer damage vs garrison increased to 3.5 from 2.5, vs heavy cover to 2.5 from 2.

* Increased grenade damage modifier to garrison cover to 1.25 from 1.

* Reduced grenade pvp damage modifier against generators to 1 from 1.5.

* All vehicle deaths now generate heavy cover.

* Melee special attacks no longer knockdown retreating units.

* Increased uncapture time for requisition and power points to 15 seconds, from 10.

* HQ health decreased to 10,000, from 15,000.

* Requisition points are now updated to use a new system. Points are worth +10 upon capture, but this value now increases by +5 every 15 seconds up to a maximum of +35. When uncaptured, this value resets to +10.

* Requisition points will no longer be reduced in resource rate in larger games.

Space Marine Changes

* Avatar and Carnifex are no longer instantly killed by drop pods.

* Fixed an issue with space marine base turrets being able to rotate 360 degrees.

* Tactical Squad:

* Missile Launcher reload time reduced to 6 seconds, from 8. Accuracy against large targets increased to 1, from 0.75. Damage reduced to 160, from 175.

* Sergeant cost increased to 75/25 from 50/25.

* Fixed an issue the with tactical marine sergeant having a shorter range than the rest of the squad which would cause him to run up to the enemy.

* Plasma gun damage increased from 65 to 90.

* Flamer damage increased from 12 to 14.

* Tactical Marine HP increased from 300 to 350.

* And They Shall Know No Fear damage reduction modifier reduced to 0.6, from 0.5. Knockback chance decreased to 50%, from 100%. Damage price increased to 1800, from 1200.

* Dreadnought:

* Dreadnought assault cannon upgrade requisition cost increased to 100, from 45

* Terminators:

* Terminator zeal cost reduced to 700, from 900.

Assault terminator zeal cost reduced to 700, from 900.

* Scout Squad:

* Sniper rifle cost changed to 150/35 from 100/60, damage increased to 170 from 150.

* Shotgun knockdown chance reduced to 15%, from 25%.

* Infiltrate energy drain increased to 1.5/sec, from 1/sec.

* Scout Sergeant detection radius set to 30.

* Fixed a bug that was causing Frag Grenades to deal far less damage than intended.

* Leader cost increased to 60/25 from 50/25

* Fixed an issue with Scouts dealing more melee damage than they should have been.

* Techmarine:

* Techmarine Heavy Bolter turret damage reduced to match the other turrets.

* Techmarine mine cost increased to 65 energy from 50.

* Blessing of the Omnissiah recharge time increased to 150, from 50.

* Assault Marines:

* Melta bomb fixed to affect Carnifex mobility.

* Fixed an issue that caused Meltabombs to have a chance to miss their target.

* Assault Marine Sergeant cost increased to 100/25 from 50/25

* Assault Marine Sergeant health increased to 440, from 320.

* Jump energy cost increased to 70, from 55.

* Force Commander:

* Force commander teleporter pack armor req cost increased to 100.

* Force commander 2 handed hammer special attack damage reduced to 30, from 50.

* Force commander Flesh Over Steel stun duration reduced to 8 seconds, from 10.

* Apothecary:

* Fixed an issue with the Heal ability not being able to target Terminators.

* Apothecary Armor of Purity health increase reduced to 100.

* Apothecary Armor of Purity heal cooldown reduction bonus reduced to 0.65, from 0.5.

* Apothecary heal tuned to heal heroes more, heal over time effect reduced

* Apothecary chainsword damage reduced to 33 from 38.

* Apothecary Sanguine Chainsword damage reduced to 50, from 65.

* Apothecary power axe damage reduced to 85, from 100.

* Angels of death cost increased to 500 from 400, cooldown increased to 3 minutes from 1 minute.

* Predator:

* Predator Autocannon now has a 100% chance to generate cover when it hits the ground, up from 50%.

Eldar Changes

* Falcon and Fire Prism can now reverse.

* Webway gate psychic might cost increased to 125 from 90.

* Fixed an issue with the Fleet of Foot tool tip not saying that it causes a damage reduction.

* Eldritch storm crater now generates light cover.

* Guardians:

* Shuriken Catapult damage decreased to 12, from 14.

* Warlock Leader cost increased to 65/15, from 50/15.

* Howling Banshees:

* Banshee War Shout radius reduced to 8, from 15 and will no longer affect retreating units.

* Banshee charge speed bonus reduced to 2 meters/s from 3 meters/s

* Banshee Exarch leap damage reduced to 20 from 40.

* Knockdown from Banshee leap removed.

* Banshee Exarch gains knockdown on leap with Executioner upgrade.

* Executioner special attack no longer affects allies.

* Aspect of Banshee changed to provide Warshout and Exarch Executioner.

* Exarch upgrade changed to provide squad speed increase.

* Exarch upgrade cost increased to 85/15 from 50/15.

* Rangers:

* Detection radius set to 30.

* Long Rifle damage increased to 180, from 160.

* Ranger cost decreased to 360/25.

* Farseer:

* Farseer Armor of Asuryan requisition cost increased to 200 from 150.

* Farseer Rune Armor health regeneration reduced.

* Seer Council:

* Seer council zeal cost reduced to 600.

* Seer council req cost reduced to 700.

* Seer Council Singing spear damage reduced to 80 from 100.

* Warlock:

* Warlock providence now affects Ethereal Slash cooldown.

* Warlock energy drain on Merciless Witchblade reduced to 30 per hit, from 60.

* Warlock Witchblade of Kurnous cost increased to 125/30.

* Warlock Warp Throw power cost increased to 45.

* Warlock Warp Throw recharge time increased to 45 seconds.

* Warp Spiders:

* Fixed an issue that caused Haywire Grenades to have a chance to miss their target.

* Warp Spider Deathspinner damage reduced to 21, from 25.

* Warp Spider Exarch damage reduced to 34, from 37.

* Warp spider Exarch damage modifier removed.

* Exarch upgrade cost increased to 85/15.

* Aspect of Warp Spider cost increased to 50/20.

* Jump cost increased to 30 energy.

* Warp Spider Exarch:

* Warpspider Exarch Phase Shift duration reduced to 10 seconds.

* Warpspider Exarch Entangle duration reduced to 5 seconds.

* Warpspider Heavy Gauge Filament energy drain increased to 4.5 per second from 3.5.

* Spider's Brood cost increased to 350 requisition, from 125.

* Jump cost increased to 30 energy.

* Group Teleport cooldown increased to 90 seconds.

* D-Cannon:

* Singularity ability on D-cannon fixed to deal damage at correct time.

* D-cannon damage increased to 220 from 120, damage table changed.

* Wraithlord

* Wraithlord Shuriken Cannon damage reduced from 300 to 200.

* Wraithlord Brightlance damage reduced to 100, from 170.

* Wraithlord Brightlance upgrade requisition cost increased to 100, from 60. Power cost reduced to 40, from 60.

* Wraithlord Shuriken Cannon upgrade requisition cost increased to 100, from 40.

* Fire Prism:

* Dispersed beam area reduced to 10 meters, Focused beam damage increased to 200, reload decreased to 7 seconds from 8

* Fire Prism shot now generates light cover instead of heavy cover.

* Avatar:

* Avatar cost increased to 1000/250, hp increased to 7000 from 6000, leveling curve on hp decreased to 10% per level from 15%, build time increased to 90 seconds

Ork Changes

* Slugga Boyz:

* Slugga Nob cost increased to 75/25, from 50/25.

* Mekboy:

* Mekboy Dakka Deffgun power cost increased to 30, from 20.

* Mekboy Dakka Deffgun damage reduced to 350, from 450. Damage tuned such that the Mekboy's Deffgun does not ramp up as highly in damage at close range.

* Banner Aura speed bonus reduced to .25, from .45

* Banner Aura received damage modifier reduced to .94 from .91

* Banner Aura received courage damage modifier reduced to .94 from .91

* Banner Aura damage modifier reduced to 1.06 from 1.09

* Supa Tuff Beam energy drain reduced to 3.5/sec from 7/sec.

* Electric Shock energy drain reduced to 4/sec from 5/sec.

* Warboss:

* Warboss Kustom Shoota changed to light weapon knockback.

* Warboss Kustom Shoota knockback chance reduced to 10%.

* Warboss Huge Choppa special attack changed to affect only enemy troops.

* Warboss Boss Pole received courage damage modifier reduced to 0.5, from 0.25.

* Stikkbommas:

* Stikkbomb damage reduced to 175, from 260.

* Fixed a bug that was causing Stikkbombs to do far less damage than intended.

* Stikkbomb explosions now generate light cover.

* Stormboys:

* Stormboy Suicide attack now generates light cover.

* Stormboy Nob cost increased to 75/25, from 50/25.

* Kommando Nob:

* Kommando Camo Armor requisition cost increased to 100.

* Kommando Kaboom recharge time increased to 20 seconds from 10.

* Kommando Extra Equipment energy bonus reduced to 75, from 235.

* Kommando Remote Detonation now generates light cover.

* Boomtime explosion now generates light cover.

* Kommandos:

* Kommando ambush ability range reduced to 35 meters from 50

* Kommando shoota range reduced to 25, from 29, damage increased to 30, from 25.

* Burna Bomb damage increased from 10 to 20, damage over time increased to 20 from 15.

* Kommando Nob Leader detection radius set to 30.

* Kommando Nob cost increased to 75/25, from 50/25.

* Ork Waaagh shout ability:

* Waaagh shout speed bonus reduced to .07 from .1

* Waaagh shout damage bonus reduced to 1.015 from 1.02.

* Waaagh shout received damage reduction decreased to 0.985, from 0.98.

* Waaagh shout received courage damage decreased to 0.996 from 0.985

* Waaagh shout cooldown increased to 90 seconds from 60.

* Wartrukk:

* Detection radius set to 30.

* Looted Tank:

* Ork tank shot now has a 100% chance to generate cover, up from 50%.

* Ork tank Boomgun now always generates cover.

Tyranid Changes

* Fixed a bug where the death of synapse creatures hurt the Tyranids around them twice instead of once.

* Tyrannoformation tendrils now all generate light cover.

* Fixed an issue with all Warrior and Zoanthrope synapse auras not increasing in effect with level. Additionally, the bonuses gained from leveling will stack with other synapse creatures.

* Hive Tyrant:

* Brood Nest biomass cost increased to 225 from 175.

* Hive Tyrant charge range increased from 10 to 15 meters, cooldown of charge decreased to 4 seconds from 6, speed increased to 4.5 from 4.

* Health increased by 200.

* Spore Mines:

* Spore mine explosion radius reduced to 8, from 15.

* Lictor:

* Detection radius set to 30.

* Flesh hook damage reduced to 180 from 230, can no longer target platforms.

* HP increased to 600 from 500.

* Damage decreased to 34, from 51.

* Ravener:

* Ravener Devourer damage increased to 85 from 68, cooldown reduced to 1.4 from 1.8.

* Fleet of Claw removed from Ravener squad.

* Ravener Burrow now generates light cover.

* Ravener Alpha:

* Ravener Toxic Miasma damage reduced to 15 per tick, from 20.

* Catalyst damage taken reduced to 50% over 10 seconds, damage multiplier increased to 2.25, from 2.

* Warriors:

* Increased damage of warrior melee with adrenal glands to 60, from 42.

* Increased cost of warrior adrenal glands to 100/30, from 50/15.

* Termagant:

* Termagant knockdown chance while under ranged synapse reduced to 25%, from 35%.

* Zoanthrope:

* Zoanthrope reload reduced to 8 seconds, from 10.3

* Fixed an issue with the Zoanthrope losing energy when leveling.

* Carnifex:

* Increased cost of Venom Cannon to 100/30, from 30/10.

* Increased cost of Barbed Strangler to 100/30, from 30/10.

Modifié par Psychocouac
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Invité Gardien_des_Secrets


Je serais sans doute des votres, si DoW II tourne sur ma machine de guerre des année 1990... le truc qui me sert de PC.Et je fournira mon Pseudo en temps voulu ici même.

A bientôt sur les no man's land en ligne, j'espère !

Le Gardien

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Les eldars nerfé, enfin...

Trop presque, c'est pas tant leur nerf que la montée des ressources qui leur font mal....Surtout avec le prochain patch et les grenades qui font aussi mal aux lanceurs, fini les grnades a nos pieds pour se débarasser des intrus :devil:...en espérant que la refonte de la "suppression" permette de contrebalancer tout ça, sinon c'est fini pour moi les eldars.

Les points positif du prochain patch : devoreurs à 240 de ressource (enfin) et le canon à venin du boss tyty nerfé ( nan parce que les one shot à la vitesse d'un canon d'assaut ça suffit).

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Les points positif du prochain patch : devoreurs à 240 de ressource (enfin) et le canon à venin du boss tyty nerfé ( nan parce que les one shot à la vitesse d'un canon d'assaut ça suffit).

Par dévoreurs, tu veux dire voraces?

C'est clair qu'en 1c1, deux de ces saloperies dès le départ font énormément d'ennuis à l'adversaire (je les joue beaucoup :devil: ).

Enfin, jusqu'ici, la plus grande supériorité semble quand même aller aux orks, en 1c1, qui sont extrêmement violents dès les premières minutes et empêchent de prendre des points de ressources (boss avec teleport de série notamment).

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Voraces oui ^^.

Euh en 1v1 c'est les tyty qui sont au dessus du lot et de très loin, suivi des SM orienté squad tactique+flammer (seul réel contre aux tyty d'ailleurs).

Le gros avantage des orks: un putain de bon T2....le meilleur je pense.

Modifié par crazycow
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