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On dirait un reblochon et une bouteille de génépi :D 


La caisse vient clairement de l'astra militarum, on a la même avec les armes d'artillerie récentes. 


La bouteille me fait penser à des vostroyens ou des valhallas. Ca pourrait même être des cocktails Molotov vu que le bout est coupé sur la photo. Peut-être le retour en KT d'un de ces régiments? Je pensais qu'on aurait les catachans en premier, mais le coté urbain et le manque de plantes carnivores comme sur les derniers héros catachans me fait fortement douter. 


Le socle doit être sacrément grand pour avoir tout ce bitz dessus. Soit un héros (mais pourquoi des sacs de sable et une cantine) soit une arme lourde, mais si c'est le cas ce n'est pas pour du KT et ça sera du cadien... 


il y a 9 minutes, Woodyzukaï a dit :

pour une pièce d artillerie non ? 

Encore une? Un kit canon séisme/canon de siège médusa comme celui de FW? 


Raaah tellement mystérieux et en même temps tellement d'informations sur ces 2 images. Quelqu'un arrive à lire le marquage sur la caisse? 

Modifié par Hellfox
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il y a 22 minutes, Ryuken42 a dit :

Un perso ratling?

Y'a qu'eux pour mettre de la bouffe dans caisse de munitions.

Ou ogryn? Ca expliquerait autant de bitz sur le socle? Mais bon ce sont toutes des figurines récentes. Si c'est une bouteille pleine ça fait plus ratling effectivement. 


Après je rejoins quand même bien ton analyse. Tourte + Vin + gros socle. Ca voudrait dire un personnage ratling? Ca serait pas bête pour donner un leader aux ratlings. 


Ca colle bien avec un de ces deux régiments ratlings: 


Craddock's Rangers - In addition to their skill with ranged weaponry Ratlings are also natural infiltrators. Few soldiers can tread as softly as a Ratling or get into the tiny spaces of the little, hairy-toed Imperial soldiers. Some of the best infiltrators in the Imperial forces of the Spinward Front can be found in the Craddock's Rangers. A collection of the sneakiest Ratlings to ever aid the Imperial Guard, they were originally gathered together to aid in the infiltration of the Severan fortress on Lukius. After exceeding expectations, the squad was kept active and has become highly sought-after for any missions requiring infiltration behind enemy lines. Unfortunately for the Imperial Guard, the Craddock's Rangers also have a reputation for stealing anything that isn't nailed down, including Imperial Guard supplies. Time and again, the unit has been brought up on charges, but each time the contraband or stolen goods have mysteriously disappeared. Even so, when the Rangers join an Imperial Guard regiment, word soon gets around that if you want something, and don't mind not asking too many questions about where it has come from, then they can probably get it for you. Some of the more outrageous stories about the Rangers has them looting enemy vehicles and weapons from the battlefield, sometimes for profit, but often just for idle amusement. One such tale concerns the Baneblade Badge of Freedom, which was used by the secessionists on Lukius. Stolen from a Severan armoury, the tank was later found on its side, driven into the foundation of the grand-wash bridge, though nobody seemed quite sure how it got there.


412th Munitorum Supply Division - Not all Ratlings are utilised in the front lines; some are employed by the Munitorum or Administratum for support roles, most commonly as cooks. The cost of a few supplies going missing from time to time is a small one when compared to what a Ratling can do with corpse starch rations, not to mention local wildlife. Most regimental commanders are happy to have the little abhumans attached to their formations for the morale alone, and more than one colonel has pulled rank to get a Ratling chef transferred to his platoon permanently. One such Ratling supply division is the 412th Munitorum stationed on Kalf. On such a dry and arid world, it is little wonder than there is nothing particularly exciting to eat and in the staging areas where forces are mustered before going on to Kulth. The 412th has developed a marvellous recipe for Kalfian Sand Devil using some of its rare and tender organs for a particularly tasty broth. The only problem is that the Ratlings cannot catch the Sand Devils themselves, and so rely on brave guardsmen willing to sneak off into the desert and bring one or more back. It is a dangerous task that risks not only life and limb but also possible court martial or summary execution for desertion. The fact that guardsmen still brave these perils is a testament to the culinary skills of the 412th.


J'achète direct si on un personnage ratling s'appelant Craddock xD 

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Astra militarum sans hésiter pour ce dernier Rumor Engine. Pourquoi pas une des deux figurines pour la troisième année d'abonnement à Warhammer+ ? Un mini diorama où une escouade de ratling déguste leur deuxième petit déjeuner 😂

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